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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/09/07)2011/09/08 
ray_laptop gonna be a quiet nite with our European folks traveling to the US for our staff meeting03:04.16 
  alexcher has the shortest travel this time03:04.51 
  he can probably come in Fri AM03:05.22 
SantoSoetarmin Hi Robin03:47.16 
  i have test using 3 magazine in Android03:47.28 
  no crash happen to device03:47.37 
  but the speed is slower than the engine in DroidPDFReader (using mupdf engine too)03:48.21 
  1 one page can be render in min 3 seconds to max 10 seconds03:48.44 
Robin_Watts SantoSoetarmin: Well, my implementation is very simple.05:29.41 
SantoSoetarmin yes05:30.09 
Robin_Watts There is lots of scope for improvement; I don't really cache much.05:30.11 
  It's intended more as a proof that it works than anything else.05:30.49 
  If you feel like contributing improvements, that'd be great.05:31.01 
SantoSoetarmin i still run test now05:31.20 
  will soon update you when the problem was solve05:31.50 
  thanks Robin05:32.00 
robin_watts_mac Morning tor8.08:17.34 
  On a train?08:17.37 
tor8 no, I've got a late afternoon flight08:17.48 
  just woke up :)08:17.53 
robin_watts_mac So you're getting in at 16:35 or something?08:18.41 
tor8 17.3508:19.08 
robin_watts_mac Ah.08:19.13 
tor8 so I probably won't make it to the hotel until 8 or 9pm08:19.27 
  yup, for once :)08:19.31 
  have you made any dinner plans?08:19.54 
robin_watts_mac can't promise to wait for you for food - we may be falling asleep by then.08:20.07 
  no plans yet. Will wait to see how we feel.08:20.20 
tor8 yeah, and if I'm late I'll probably just want to crash as well. toss me an email or something whatever you decide.08:21.51 
robin_watts_mac will text you.08:22.19 
  or email, but text will probably be easier for both of us.08:22.31 
tor8 yeah. texts got through last time :) I'm still not used to that working abroad!08:22.58 
robin_watts_mac Right. I'd better head off to the gate in a mo.08:33.35 
  see you in Chicago.08:33.37 
MadBender hi, can someone help me12:35.51 
alexcher MadBender: There's a small chance. What's up?13:23.27 
MadBender ill try to convert tiff files to pdf on windows (about 1800)13:23.55 
  have problems with resizing the output to A3, the tiff files are very large more than 15000pixel ...13:24.42 
  ill use tiff2ps, with no options, pipe the output to gswin64c and using some paramaters to set pagesize and orientation, only first page is A3 with full picture, rest is A3 with cropped detail picture13:26.59 
  "tiff2ps -3 *.tif | gswin64c -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dAutoRotatePages=/All -dEPSFitPage -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=842 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1191 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -d BATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf -c "<</Orientation 3>> setpagedevice" 90 rotate 0 -842 translate -_"13:28.18 
alexcher MadBender: Probably, the page size is not set correctly.13:28.20 
  MadBender: I need to check how this command line works.13:30.09 
MadBender ok13:30.16 
  do you need test TIFF Files? 13:30.37 
alexcher MadBender: no13:31.21 
  MadBender: First, adjustments to the ctm have effect only on the first page.13:41.50 
MadBender jepp13:42.21 
alexcher MadBender: Second, you heed to use "tiff2ps -3 -a" to convert all pages.13:42.30 
  MadBender: this command should generate setpagedevice call that will set the correct page size.13:43.12 
MadBender now every page in the pdf is not in landscape and also not in A3, seems to be original Image size13:52.06 
  what are ctm ?13:52.22 
alexcher ctm = current transformation matrix 13:55.58 
  MadBender: I need a sample tiff file now.13:57.03 
MadBender ok, it seems to work now if i use the -h and -w parameters with the tiff2ps command, if i also use the -a command. 14:04.12 
  yeah my problem was the missing -a option of tiff2ps14:05.28 
alexcher MadBender: Good, can I canclude that the problem is solved?14:05.42 
MadBender yes, thank you alexcher14:06.09 
  have a good day cu14:16.36 
ray_laptop my flight boards in about 30 min. I guess even Tor is in the air by now.16:06.57 
  alexcher: are you coming in early Fri AM ?16:07.08 
  mvrhel2: when do you get in ?16:07.35 
mvrhel2 hi ray_laptop16:26.29 
  my flight leaves around 2:0016:26.46 
ray_laptop hi, mvrhel2 16:26.46 
  you probably get in pretty late, then.16:27.01 
mvrhel2 gets in around 8 or so I think16:27.06 
ray_laptop my flight leaves in about 40 min16:27.13 
mvrhel2 oh what hotel are we at16:27.23 
marcosw_ My flight leaves in 27 minutes. Race you :-)16:28.13 
ray_laptop I'm supposed to get in at 4:1016:28.17 
mvrhel2 oh the hyatt16:28.39 
marcosw_ Hah! 4:0716:28.43 
ray_laptop marcosw_: close enough for a race -- see which airline is better16:29.14 
marcosw_ I'm on United, so you'll likely win :-)16:29.28 
ray_laptop I'm on JetBlue16:29.29 
  mvrhel2: they are supposed to have a shuttle every 15 min 24/716:29.54 
mvrhel2 ok I was just looking for that16:30.03 
ray_laptop (the international travelers have to call for a pick up, however)16:30.38 
  but they were talking about it yesterday, so they are aware of it.16:31.11 
  I better pack up now.16:31.26 
  see you in Chi-town16:31.38 
mvrhel2 have a good flight16:31.49 
alexcher ray_laptop: I'm coming later tonight.18:32.23 
kens was here first ;-)20:21.49 
robin_watts_mac Well, that didn't exactly go to plan.21:47.33 
kens Not a good run ?21:47.45 
robin_watts_mac 4 and a half miles in, I found myself 100 yards from the hotel.21:48.12 
  with a chainlink fence, a freeway and a river in the way.21:48.26 
  So I had to turn around.21:48.36 
kens Oops....21:48.36 
robin_watts_mac On the plus side, I foudn the dennys :)21:49.05 
kens Oh < thought you said tehre wasn't one...21:49.26 
robin_watts_mac there are 2, but not that close.21:49.42 
  not as far as I thought though.21:49.51 
kens 4.5 miles is too far ;-)21:49.56 
robin_watts_mac nah, dennys is 1 block down.21:58.56 
kens So, Sunday breakfast then...22:00.01 
robin_watts_mac,Rosemont,+IL&cid=0,0,3544474959961181820&ei=1SNpToPHMqqmsALVlKH-DQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CA8Q_BI ?22:01.42 
kens Yes, I saw those. I think the pizaa place may be part of a nhotel, as may one or more of tehsteak houses22:02.22 
  But I'll try any of tehm.22:02.43 
robin_watts_mac I think the pizza place is in the convention centre, which is connected to here with a walkway.22:04.21 
kens OK, that sounds quick to get to22:04.39 
  fire oven web site says its directly opposite teh convention centre22:22.28 
marcosw_ everyone22:42.56 
kens I am :-)22:43.09 
marcosw_ you and me. that's everyone. Have you eaten yet?22:43.34 
kens Not yet, we're heading out at 622:43.53 
marcosw_ who's we and can I come?22:44.18 
  also where are you going?22:44.23 
kens Me, chris, Robin, feel free to come too. Probably to teh pizza place.22:44.38 
chrisl_x100 Physically, I'm in Chicago - mentally, I think I'm still in a car park near Heathrow.......22:45.02 
marcosw_ I'll take a quick shower and see you in 15 minutes in the lobby.22:47.04 
kens OK meet you there22:47.12 
kens is heading for the lobby22:53.54 
 Forward 1 day (to 2011/09/09)>>>