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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/10/09)2011/10/10 
BamJangles ok.. our company is thinking abotu buying ghostscript to parse pclxl pcl5 and ps files for page information like color and black and white and page sizes. ive done some testing and this seems achievable by renerding the files into an image and looking at the colors on each page. my question is, how difficult would it be to convert ghostpdl into a usable dll supporting pclx and ps. IE that 01:51.05 
  way we could just probe the image output in memory. And would it be possible to have it fairly compatible with future versions01:51.05 
  rendering even01:51.30 
LaoLang_cool hello10:32.45 
  In mupdf, how to set pdf zoom radio to 100%10:33.00 
kens ping chrisl12:14.02 
chrisl kens: poing12:15.23 
kens poing ? You ball has a crack in it...12:15.54 
  can you take a quick look at #692576 please ?12:16.10 
chrisl Looking now.....12:16.18 
kens It is now fixed, but I think its something you did recently12:16.22 
  If I use -dDisableFPAI then teh output is wrong as per the customer report12:16.34 
  otherwise its OK.12:16.42 
  I don't have an untarnished 9.04 to test against12:16.54 
chrisl I'll check it a sec12:17.26 
kens Thanks.12:17.33 
  I expect Marcos will be happy not to do a bisect if you know the answer quickly12:17.52 
chrisl It's probably the fix for not generating fake vertical metrics for "real" CIDFontType 2 fonts12:19.50 
kens Could be, its recent enough that I kind of remember you fixing the problem....12:20.10 
chrisl Yep, I see the problem in 9.04......12:21.26 
kens So it has been fixed, that's good anyway.12:21.43 
chrisl Yep, it is that fix12:24.17 
kens Excellent, so you can put that in the bug thread and close it :-)12:24.33 
chrisl Done12:27.06 
kens Bugger, VS just crashed.....12:27.16 
LaoLang_cool hi, any mupdf guys alive?12:38.30 
kens tor does not appear to be here.12:38.42 
LaoLang_cool kens: yes12:38.56 
kens Speak of the devil. Tha'ts spooky12:39.47 
  tor8 did you see LaoLang_cool's question earlier ?12:48.07 
tor8 kens: yeah, I saw it pop up on the irclog and realized my irc window wasn't running :)12:48.39 
  LaoLang_cool: when you start mupdf it's at 100% zoom12:48.50 
  I have a patch sitting in a bug report that will let you type in the zoom level similar to the way you can type in a page number to go to12:49.20 
LaoLang_cool tor8: tor8 nice12:50.04 
  will wait it go into the trunk12:50.12 
kens OK, yet another refinement to text reneering modes, anyone want to run a sweepstake on how many regression files fail with this change ?12:59.03 
kens goes to fortify with caffeine.13:01.17 
BusError I'm running ghostscript oh a small arm board, with 64MB of ram; it seems I run out of memory for any cups jobs that uses gstoraster; are there any configuration I can tweak to make gs less memory hungry ?14:08.23 
kens lower resolution is a good start :-)14:08.45 
  monochrome instead of colour.14:08.57 
  you can decrease the size of caches14:09.09 
BusError well, the resolution is printer dependant (600dpi)... and it's a monochrome printer14:09.17 
kens If you have a disk you can run in banded mode instead of page mode14:09.22 
BusError I itred the "-c 30000000 setvmthreshold" 14:09.41 
kens 64Mb should be plenty for 600 dpi monochrome14:09.43 
BusError thats what I had assumed14:09.53 
Robin_Watts BusError: When cups calls gs, it sets a variable to set the rip max cache size.14:09.57 
  called something like RIPMAXCACHESIZE14:10.09 
kens This is CUPS ?14:10.10 
BusError I use to ran gs in 8MB of ram on mu Sun 3/60 :-)14:10.16 
kens Oh yes, cups....14:10.18 
  First, don't use CUPS....14:10.34 
BusError I tweaked gstoraster.c already14:10.44 
  kens, any other printer subsystem that will 1) announce printers on the lan 2) simulate a ps printer 3) proxy to a non-ps one ?14:11.25 
kens There are many, but they are all commercial as far as I know14:11.43 
  You could always write your own :-)14:12.00 
BusError I'm making a small printer proxy for the family's ipads. runs on a mini2440. i sorta had assumed it'd be just fine, really14:12.36 
kens ping marcosw_ (not expecting an answer but...)14:14.07 
BusError my system works, if I add swap.. but swap on a SD card is like no-no. it's also horendously slow, since it's using like 180MB ram on a 64MB system... on flash14:14.50 
kens BusError : your first job will be to find out why its using so much memory14:14.51 
  So you should probably start by tkaing one of he PS files and running it on a desktop GS to see if it does the same.14:15.15 
Robin_Watts BusError: A good start would be to find exactly the command line that's being used.14:15.36 
kens You can also try running GS on the board with a real simple 'hello world' file to make sure that works OK.14:15.41 
  Robin_Watts : is also correct, you need to know how CUPS is exercising GS14:16.30 
BusError well, I use gltoraster, part of gs distro; so the 'source' I assume is the file received from the network...14:17.12 
kens That will be a PostScript file though (I assume, I'm not familiar with eitehr CUPS or gstoraster)14:17.53 
kens It may contain stuff that alters the GS setuo14:18.08 
BusError I also get that "undefined" error, thats seem related to ICC profiles not present (?).. I wonder if there could be a link...14:18.42 
kens Yeah, loads of weird CUPS stuff.14:18.45 
  Are you using the released GS or the current master to build ?14:19.14 
BusError personally friggin hate printers anyway :-)14:19.26 
  9.0.4 GPL14:19.31 
kens undefined in setpagedevice is fatal14:19.37 
  I'd use the current master14:19.58 
  There have been CUPS and ICC fixes.14:20.11 
BusError BTW took me a good day to have gs cross compiling cleanly, and Ipm not exactly a newbie :/14:20.36 
kens Its non-trivial, certainly14:20.46 
  THe pastebin looks like a more fundamental problem though. THat looks more like a driver problem than a VM error14:21.23 
  But I'd need the source file to go with it in order to investigate14:21.44 
  There is a way to capture that, but I'm not sure how.14:22.06 
Robin_Watts pops to post office, then gets lunch.14:22.29 
BusError nor me. I'll hunt14:22.30 
kens chrisl any way to capture CUPS input ?14:22.47 
  tee or something ?14:22.55 
BusError here's my giant sed hack to 'fix' ghostscript: 
kens Means nothing to me ;-)14:24.09 
BusError well lets say it involves yanking all the libs that are embedded, and old... and then hacking the Makefile /post/ configure14:28.55 
  which is funny, since ghostscript was one of the very early program to use a configure script, way back then ;-)14:29.27 
kens The library source we supply with GS is known to work, if you insist on not using that source, tehn bad things may happen.14:29.29 
  I'd stick with the library sources supplied with GS14:29.54 
BusError well I run on a small platform, if everyone starts duplicating the libs they like, you don't go very far14:30.04 
kens Your choice, but if you are not using our library source then we cannot duplictae your setup.14:30.25 
  which means we may not be able to duplicate your bugs.14:30.37 
  we are having that very discussion with a Linux distor maintainer at the moment14:30.51 
  Not ahat I'm saying that is your current probolem, but if I were you I'd start with source that is known to work.14:31.28 
BusError heh, what about shipping your own libc then ? if you extend that argument, you should ship the libs. Oh and a compiler too14:31.48 
kens You cna extend arguments too far....14:32.21 
  Its like the difference between a Mac and a PC, with a Mac you know (fairly well and used ot know a lot better) whats in it. With a PC you're always guessing.14:33.09 
  We do allow you to use other sources if you really want to, we just say that we can't support you like that.14:33.27 
  So, since you have a problem, I'd suggest that you start by using source that works, rather than a hodg-podge of unknown vintage and provenance14:34.03 
chrisl kens: sorry, was out for a bit.......14:40.08 
kens S'ok14:40.14 
  was wondering if you know a way to capture a cups stream ? Can we write a 'GS' script using Tee or something ?14:40.36 
chrisl We could, but I'm sure there's a better way - didn't add it to the FAQ?14:44.52 
kens No idea ;-)14:45.03 
chrisl BusError: there were several problems with how the CUPS device implemented the RIP_MAX_CACHE "feature" (hack, IMHO). It was changing the size of the page buffer, and then not actually telling Ghostscript what it had done, for one thing - and that caused a crash.14:47.57 
BusError I'm using the latest stable of both cups & gs -- is it something that is fixed in unstable versions?14:50.05 
chrisl Yes, fixed in GS in our git repos14:50.27 
kens chrisl thanks, its for BusError, I'm suggesting he needs to capture teh CUPS input, and then use teh GS command line + CUPS to reproduce hte problem.14:50.48 
  I did also suggest using the current master since there are both ICC and CUPS fixes in it....14:51.02 
  Before entering the hared libraries vs known working religious debate14:51.56 
chrisl Yes, *and* ICC *with* CUPS fixes - there was at least one for how devcups uses ICC profiles......14:52.00 
BusError is there a huge delta from 9.04 <->master ?14:52.02 
kens Define 'huge'.14:53.05 
  Git will show you which changes have been comiited since then.14:53.17 
  IMO the differences are not huge and are wortth having, you may not agree14:53.42 
BusError just wondering if it's worth cherry picking, I like starting from a "stable" archive, otherwise you end up having no idea what was/not built etc14:54.49 
  I'll check the log14:55.04 
kens Cherry-picking gets you into the problem where a fix relies on a previous fix, and it may not be obvious (weven to the original authour)14:55.18 
chrisl BusError: I argue the opposite - if you cherry pick, you're dealing with totally untested code combinations - at least grabbing from our master, you have a git SHA1 key which has been tested.14:57.11 
marcosw_ kens: ping to you16:06.03 
kens aha marcos!16:09.03 
  I'm having trouble reproducing a problem.16:09.13 
  can you look at my last regression report ?16:09.23 
  on the dashboard16:09.31 
marcosw_ kens: I have a meeting starting in a few minutes, but Ii'll take a look afterwards.16:16.59 
kens thanks marcosw_ Its the seg faults I can't reproduce.16:17.19 
  If you can tell me how, that would be great.16:17.28 
  I think its the created PDF files causing the problem, so I need to know how to create those mainly16:17.51 
marcosw_ probably need a 64 bit linux system :-)16:17.58 
Robin_Watts kens: Have you looked in the logs to see the exact command line used?16:18.07 
kens In that case, its probably not my fault.16:18.15 
  Robin_Watts : No, I started looking at something else16:18.37 
  In the hope it would fix both ;-)16:18.45 
Robin_Watts kens: You can get to the logs from the dashboard.16:18.52 
kens yes, but the missing text was a more obvious problem16:19.40 
BusError has anyone managed to get mupdf to be used as a cups RIP ?16:29.35 
kens It doesn't ouput CUPS foramt rasters.16:30.01 
BusError well it outputs various other formats... and cups has an imagetoraster it seems...16:30.28 
Robin_Watts BusError: tkamppeter is the cups expert.16:30.29 
chrisl_x100 mupdf maxes out at 300 dpi, doesn't it - or has tor8 changed that restriction?16:39.27 
Robin_Watts chrisl_x100: That's not an architectural limitation.16:39.46 
BusError I see it defined at 30016:41.05 
  might have a try at using it... it's rendering is certianly "good enough" for normal use, and the footprint is nice16:42.45 
Robin_Watts BusError: Presumably you'd be looking at pdfdraw ?16:43.14 
  There is a flag to that to tell it to halftone to black and white.16:43.25 
BusError yeah...16:43.36 
ray_laptop BusError: it probably would not be hard to add cups raster to mupdf, but the problem is that cups emits LOTS of settings as device parameters to Ghostscript for the 'cups' device. mupdf does not have a 'device parameter' concept in its architecture (much to Tor's relief I'm sure)16:57.15 
BusError well, I could copy /some/ of the ones that make sense from gstoraster, and ignore the rest :-)16:58.45 
  just to see if it works...16:58.56 
ray_laptop chrisl: I don't think mupdf has a 300 dpi limit16:58.57 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It's possible that the viewer is set not to zoom further than that.16:59.24 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was thinking of the command line option for pdfdraw16:59.45 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The problem may be that pdfdraw doesn't use banding.17:00.27 
BusError yeah I was targetting pdfdraw...17:00.32 
Robin_Watts and it renders in contone throughout and converts down at the end.17:00.39 
BusError it does... or so the comment claims17:00.41 
ray_laptop I thought pdfdraw _did_ support banded rendering17:00.58 
BusError whoops... actualy the other comments says the contrary :>17:01.28 
Robin_Watts Certainly the technologu supports it. I didn't think we'd hooked it up though.17:01.34 
chrisl_x100 ray_laptop: in mupdf-0.8/apps/pdfapp.h "#define MAXRES 300" - I don't know about more recent releases17:02.02 
ray_laptop consults the source17:02.07 
Robin_Watts chrisl_x100: That's for the viewer.17:02.55 
chrisl_x100 I couldn't get pdfraw to go higher either, but that was a while ago.....17:03.24 
ray_laptop where's tor ? 17:03.28 
Robin_Watts And I see no banded support in pdfdraw, yet.17:03.30 
  (Though it would be pretty trivial to add).17:03.46 
  ray_laptop: While on the subject of banded rendering...17:03.54 
  I have a gs command line, using pamcmyk4 that gives different results on 32bit and 64bit linux.17:04.20 
  It includes -dMaxBitmap=10000 and -K100000017:04.48 
ray_laptop I'm _sure_ that pdfdraw used to support rendering via bands -- tor probably ripped it out (the easiest way to address a bug report about banded rendering) 17:04.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It supports rendering via a display list...17:05.16 
  (Returning to the gs thread) It looks to me like the difference between 32 and 64bit linux results are down to banding being different.17:06.34 
  which means we get slightly different rounding in the tile_by_steps calls.17:06.51 
  and stuff shifts by a pixel.17:06.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: check the git log for mupdf... Fri Jun 25 01:57:29 2010 +0200 Clear the pixmap buffer between bands.... Wed Jun 23 16:34:10 2010: Automatically switch to using bands if the resulting image size is too large in pdfdraw17:07.03 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Fair enough.17:08.15 
tor8 chrisl_x100: the 300 dpi limit is only for the viewer, so we don't gobble up all available ram and then some when you zoom in since we're being dumb and rendering the whole page17:08.18 
ray_laptop but maybe this is just for images encountered during the rendering to the page17:08.25 
  tor8: I see references to banding in 'pdfrip' -- did that go away ???17:09.16 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I was wondering if you had any insight into why there might be a difference between 32 and 64bit banding setups for the same params ?17:09.44 
tor8 ray_laptop: I think we lost the banding for pdfdraw somewhere along the switch to the new display list, and I haven't put it back in. I should put that on my TODO list.17:10.03 
BusError seesm that the rendering was moved out of there... ray_laptop the "drawpnm" refered in that commit is no longer there, so he must have made a more generic version...17:10.22 
tor8 or robin_watts can cook it up on a slow day?17:10.24 
chrisl_x100 tor8: I was sure I had to hack the code to test with 720 dpi a while back - I was some performance comparisons at the time17:10.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Sorry, I'll drop mupdf (it is really frustrating that it is so poorly documented) and get back to your question17:10.31 
  Robin_Watts: so 'tile_by_steps' is the pattern painting, and that's where you are seeing a 32/64 bit diff ??17:12.05 
Robin_Watts will take mupdfs clear code/lack of documentation over ghostscripts wildly inaccurate/arcane/out of date docs any day :)17:12.08 
  tile_by_steps is being called to copy a pattern tile into the output, yes.17:12.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I agree about not liking inaccurate docs17:12.48 
  Robin_Watts: and is this tiling from a clist or from a pattern bitmap ?17:13.15 
Robin_Watts From a pattern bitmap.17:13.23 
  I can see the calls that are made to the tiling stuff; the tile is 64 pixels high or something.17:14.04 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: and are the bitmap tiles the same ? (i.e. the tile positioning differs) 17:14.07 
Robin_Watts and in one version it gets called with y=64, phase=0, and in the other it gets y=128, phase=64 or something like that.17:14.28 
  So yes, it's the tile positioning that differs.17:14.41 
  As far as I can tell, it's a perfectly reasonable rounding difference - it's the kind of thing we're never going to avoid if we're using floats.17:15.13 
  What interests me more is *why* it gets called differently in the 2 versions.17:15.34 
  All I can imagine is that the banding is set up differently for some reason.17:15.48 
  (is there a debug flag that shows how many lines per band etc?)17:16.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: in a debug build -Z: shows this17:16.32 
  Robin_Watts: but the default BufferSpace (which determines the default BandHeight) is the same between 32 and 6417:18.02 
  Robin_Watts: you can force a particular band size using -dBandHeight=____17:18.26 
Robin_Watts Ok. On 64bit linux:17:18.44 
  [:]width=2479, band_width=2479, band_height=2564, nbands=217:18.55 
  On 32bit windows:17:19.01 
  [:]width=2479, band_width=2479, band_height=2572, nbands=217:19.13 
  (32bit windows and linux agree on the result, btw - I don't have a 32bit linux instance open to test there at the moment)17:19.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ahh... The 'line_pointers' _are_ differenent between 32 and 64, and they are taken out of the BufferSpace and then the remainder is used for the band bitmap17:20.26 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right.17:20.35 
ray_laptop so there are 2500+ pointers that are 8 instead of 4 bytes17:21.02 
Robin_Watts Any chance we could always calculate line pointers as if they were 64bit ?17:21.08 
  It would mean that 32bit and 64bit banded mode would stand a chance of agreeing.17:21.37 
kens heading off now, night all17:23.08 
Robin_Watts also plank vs pamcmyk4 fails in some cases for a similar reason, I think.17:23.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: in base/gdevmem.c see 'gdev_mem_line_ptrs_size' (line 341)17:24.50 
Robin_Watts Hmm. Forcing the bandheights to be the same with -dBandHeight=2500 doesn't solve it :(17:25.17 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK, well, that makes it at least easier to compare the tiling coordinates, right ?17:26.21 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'll put my debug code back in both versions in a mo.17:26.40 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: if we wanted to use 64-bit for the line pointer space and default band height calculation, we'd also have to fix 'gdev_mem_max_height' -- to places use sizeof(byte *)17:29.06 
  s/to places/two places/17:29.17 
  Robin_Watts: it looks like the 'raster' alignment is also different. The 32-bit Windows ARCH_ALIGN_LONG_MOD is 4 and on 64-bit linux it is 8.17:33.12 
  Robin_Watts: see the chain of macros that make up 'bitmap_raster' in gxbitmap.h17:34.36 
Robin_Watts OK, so it's clear to me that we should expect different band setups for the same memory on 32/64 bit setups.17:35.21 
  And it's clear to me that that will cause differences - just as well we only have 64bit cluster nodes, eh?17:35.44 
  What isn't clear to me, is why forcing the bandHeights to be the same should still give different results. Will look into that a bit more.17:36.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, by default. We _could_ force the 64-bit alignment and the 8 bytes for the line_pointer space calculation, but ...17:36.21 
  Robin_Watts: did you make sure (with -Z:) that you were getting the same band height. The parameter is -dBandHeight= NOT -dbandHeights=17:37.18 
Robin_Watts Yes, I mystyped there.17:37.34 
  I did make sure.17:37.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. Just checking17:37.49 
  so at least we know what it is NOT17:38.10 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: No worries. I'd rather people pointed out possible obvious mistakes rather than me losing hours...17:38.23 
  I'm still seeing a difference in the tiling position.17:41.02 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: or rather, it is not simply the BandHeight.17:41.03 
Robin_Watts [T]i=-1 j=3 x,y=(151,155)=>(151,170) w,h=(-26,1) x/yoff=(0,15)17:41.17 
  on linux, but on windows:17:41.22 
  [T]i=-1 j=3 x,y=(151,154)=>(151,170) w,h=(-26,1) x/yoff=(0,16)17:41.34 
  I'll look more later.17:43.23 
  I have to pop out for a bit. If mvrhel2 appears, tell him I have a fix for 692569 I'd like to check with him. Thanks.17:44.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. I'll leave it up to you. ping me if you want to chat (and if I'm not online, ask someone to call me)17:44.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Thanks.17:44.50 
greycat ghostscript 9.04, HP-UX 11.11. gs -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=xxx -g612x792 -r72.0x72.0 -sDEVICE=pswrite greg-input -c quit gives me 'gsicc_set_profile(): allocation of profile default_gray.icc handle failed' and ''gsicc_init_iccmanager(): cannot find default icc profile' and dumps core.18:35.28 
  Is there a second step needed to install these profiles/resources that isn't covered by "make install"?18:36.07 
Robin_Watts greycat: No.18:40.59 
  By default, i think we set COMPILE_INITS=1, which means the profiles should get built into the binary.18:41.31 
  If you're building with COMPILE_INITS=0 then they are looked for on disc.18:41.51 
greycat gs --help says "Initialization files are compiled into the executable." among other things, but I don't know if that covers the icc profiles18:42.09 
Robin_Watts I would think it should.18:42.24 
ray_laptop greycat: Robin_Watts: yes, the 'iccprofiles' directory is copied into the %rom%iccprofiles/ internal18:46.28 
greycat any ideas why it's failing to find them, and then dumping core?18:46.56 
  --help says the search path includes %rom%Resource/Init/ and %rom%lib/ but I don't see %rom%icprofiles/ on there18:48.14 
  err, iccprofiles18:48.23 
ray_laptop greycat: the first message comes when an allocation fails18:48.35 
  greycat: it's not supposed to dump core, but just to exit18:49.11 
  i.e., return error code -1 which is unrecoverable18:49.39 
  greycat: but as to why the call to 'gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer' is returning NULL, I couldn't say.18:50.54 
  greycat: do you get a prompt when you just do: gs -sOutputFile=xxx -g612x792 -r72.0x72.0 -sDEVICE=pswrite18:53.32 
greycat No. Same two lines of errors and core dump.18:53.58 
ray_laptop greycat: please open a bug and tag it for component 'Color' (it'll be assigned to mvrhel)18:55.12 
Robin_Watts Is Michael travelling back today?18:55.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: don't know, offhand18:55.54 
  Robin_Watts: ha. beat you to the cluster :-)18:56.52 
  finally getting around to fixing the pnglapha bug18:57.22 
ray_laptop can't type today :-(18:57.34 
BusError ok mupdf generates pretty clean 1 bits halftone, you just have to ask for a pbm output19:02.36 
  mupdf/pdfdraw that is19:02.58 
Robin_Watts BusError: I know. I wrote the code :)19:10.36 
BusError I'm just diving a bit into it here :-)19:11.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: does that use threshold array or FS screening ?19:11.37 
Robin_Watts threshold array.19:11.46 
ray_laptop crud. looks like peeves temp is full. I'll fix it now...19:13.04 
greycat ah, it's compiling with -O instead of -g ... that's why gdb can't find anything.19:15.13 
Robin_Watts reboot. bbs.19:17.23 
alanh hi all22:27.57 
  trying to statically link ghostscript22:28.11 
  but base/sha2.c symbols conflict with ones from /usr/lib/libcrypto.a22:28.26 
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