IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/10/13)2011/10/14 
mvrhel2 talk to you tomorrow Robin_Watts00:07.35 
kens Slightly unfair, but....09:20.15 
chrisl_r61 kens: that's not really surprising, given the relative public exposure of each. It would be nice to think the press would try to redress that balance but, back in reality......09:37.57 
chrisl_r61 reboots......09:53.26 
Robin_Watts buys another 4 gig of memory; potentially faster, but needs BIOS tweaks. If it works, I'll buy another 4Gig to go with it, and bin my existing 4Gig. If not, I'll run it at stock speed with the 4gig I've already got.10:25.19 
  To install windows 7, I was thinking about buying a new HD.10:28.59 
  Am now thinking I might buy an SSD for windows 7, and keep the same drive for bulk storage.10:29.25 
  kens: If you allocate something using gs_alloc_bytes, can the garbage collector throw it away?11:03.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I have two SSD drives in my computer. best upgrade I ever did.11:07.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: What size/speed ?11:08.04 
tor8 120gb and 160gb11:08.32 
Robin_Watts I was thinking that a relatively small one (64Gig) would be more than enough to hold my OS + visual studio.11:08.52 
  Which make/model, do you remember?11:09.19 
tor8 my C partition that holds windows and programs is 120gb, and it's about half full11:09.30 
  so I think 64gb will be a bit tight. 80gb is doable.11:09.42 
Robin_Watts I was expecting to put most programs on the harddrive.11:09.58 
kens Sorry, Miranda crashed11:10.27 
tor8 I don't have a hard drive, I put my data on the second SSD11:10.29 
  you definitely want programs on the SSD11:10.37 
kens Robin_Watts : if you alloc_bytes I think they are immune to garbage collection. But don't quote me ;-)11:10.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one an intel, the other an ocz vertex11:11.08 
Robin_Watts gs_alloc_bytes seems to be getting from the chunk memory manager.11:11.20 
tor8 performance has been roughly the same on the benchmark program I used11:11.22 
  about 150-200mb/s read and write speeds11:11.36 
Robin_Watts And that gets 'compacted' trashing the byres.11:11.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you probably want your source files on the SSD, really speeds up compilation11:12.18 
kens Robin_Watts : I think you stuill need to use immoveable memory11:12.52 
  Otherwise the pointer moves11:13.04 
  But Ray is probably a better person to ask11:13.17 
Robin_Watts I marked the 16 bytes before the block (the header byres) with data breakpoints, and it next gets hit during a reclaim.11:13.20 
  kens: This isn't my code. This is preexisting planar code.11:13.35 
kens Well I could be mistaken11:13.40 
Robin_Watts No, I think you're right.11:13.51 
  Either this data should be in immovable memory (and the code is wrong), or it should be movable, and the GC is failing to detect that the chunk is in use.11:15.00 
kens Umm, dunno ?11:15.14 
  Going to fetch me some lunch, back in a bit11:15.25 
Robin_Watts Actually, this code is in ALL memory devices, so I don't believe it can be wrong - surely we'd have seen it before?11:21.54 
  Smeg. Crimson Kipper :(12:15.48 
kens Smoke me one, I'll be back for breakfast12:16.19 
Robin_Watts So, we open a pattern_accumulator device. That creates 'bits' and 'mask' memory buffer devices, which we then redirect all the drawing operations into.12:46.37 
kens To create a tile ?12:47.09 
Robin_Watts So when we've played back the pattern paint procedure, we have bits and mask being the images used for the tile.12:47.21 
  Then we close the pattern_accumulator device.12:47.40 
  How does 'bits' make it out from the pattern_accumulator into the tile ?12:48.04 
kens pattern_finish moves it into the tile ?12:48.18 
Robin_Watts s/tile/pattern cache/12:48.24 
kens I don't recall exactly12:48.27 
Robin_Watts pattern_finish looks like a PDFwrite only thing.12:49.24 
kens No thre's one for the regular patterns12:49.37 
  pdfwrite handles it as high level12:50.01 
  maybe its called something else...12:50.23 
  pattern_paint_finish ?12:52.26 
  calls pattern_cache_add_entry12:52.46 
  In zpcolor.c12:52.59 
Robin_Watts brilliant! Thanks12:55.01 
kens No problem12:55.06 
Robin_Watts Right. The data in that buffer has been corrupted by the time we get there.13:03.47 
  It's corrupted by a gc, because that object in the chunk is not recognised as being in use.13:04.51 
  So something is failing to mark it.13:05.12 
  Then pray for ray to arrive :)13:05.36 
  Morning mvrhel213:57.08 
kens mvrhel2 is early today13:57.24 
mvrhel2 good morning.13:57.40 
Robin_Watts What's the -Z flag that lists operators ?13:58.11 
mvrhel2 yes. early computer turn on, but off to eat and to help get kids out the door13:58.12 
Robin_Watts Ah. This problem is triggered by a periodic gs, not an explicit one.14:13.05 
  Hence that may be why the problem moves around.14:13.24 
  If the periodic reclaim goes off *immediately* after a pattern_paint_prepare, we have problems.14:17.01 
kens Ah, after the allocation but before it get sadded to the cache ?14:17.43 
Robin_Watts Yes.14:18.06 
  It's pointed to by the device though.14:18.20 
kens So sort of a race condition14:18.22 
mvrhel2 oh wow14:18.32 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: To put it mildly :(14:18.51 
mvrhel2 if its pointed to by the device, is that member variable enumerated for gc?14:19.42 
Robin_Watts I'd guess not, because it's not marked :)14:20.01 
mvrhel2 ok. well that would solve the problem14:20.14 
Robin_Watts But I haven't managed to understand that bit of the code yet.14:20.18 
  I can't even tell if the device gets enumerated.14:20.28 
  (i.e. I can't tell if the problem is that the device isn't enumerated, or whether it is enumerated, but misses that member)14:21.17 
mvrhel2 oh. I remember something about this14:21.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: You can't do that! That's like the Mathematician that always sent a telegram to one of his friends saying "I have found a really neat proof of fermats last theorem. Will discuss it when I return" before he flew anywhere.14:22.24 
  He figured that if the plane crashed, he'd get a footnote in history.14:22.40 
chrisl Robin_Watts: could you try an experiment of adding the problem memory to gc explicitly?14:25.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I'm hesitant to do anything that changes the binary.14:25.29 
chrisl It's going to be hard to fix, then ;-)14:25.51 
Robin_Watts I'm going to try to breakpoint the pattern accumulator enumeration code.14:26.08 
kens But if the binary changesm the memory layout will and then the problem will go away...14:26.13 
Robin_Watts to see if it's ever run.14:26.20 
funone hi all14:29.23 
  is anyone here familiar with mupdf?14:29.33 
Robin_Watts Too many macros in this enum stuff.14:29.34 
Robin_Watts orders more pins from amazon14:29.41 
  funone: Yes... tor8, sebras and me.14:29.52 
funone sorry to trouble you guys14:30.01 
Robin_Watts np.14:30.07 
funone but if i have a pdf with say, a url or email address14:30.12 
  I'm using android with mupdf14:30.18 
Robin_Watts OK, the android port of mupdf is a very simple beast.14:30.33 
funone I haven't been able to find out how to do say, when the user taps on a url14:30.35 
Robin_Watts it doesn't currently support tapping on a URL.14:30.42 
funone to launch the email program14:30.43 
Robin_Watts but it shouldn't be hard to do.14:30.48 
funone i can write all the detection code on android14:30.56 
  no issues for the touchscreen14:31.01 
  i just don't know what to call on mupdf14:31.08 
  to check whether the spot contains a url14:31.25 
Robin_Watts Let me have a quick look.14:31.27 
kens Hmm ray just updated a bug, but he's not on IRC....14:32.41 
tor8 funone: you can loop through the page->links list that's loaded with the page14:32.52 
  funone: see apps/pdfapp.c pdfapp_onmouse()14:33.15 
funone hmm lemme check14:34.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: beat me to it :)14:34.57 
funone ah ic14:38.46 
  ok 2 more noobs questions14:38.52 
  i see the default res is 640 x 48014:39.00 
  this resolution is fixed?14:39.17 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: et al. I saw questions about the planar 'bits' not getting traced by the GC.14:40.09 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: yes.14:40.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: IIRC, when it goes into planar mode, it creates N mem devices, one for each plane, right ?14:40.54 
Robin_Watts funone: The android app reads the res from the device.14:41.12 
  ray_laptop: No.14:41.23 
ray_laptop Oh, OK.14:41.35 
Robin_Watts It creates 1, and then does magic with it.14:41.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I see.14:41.54 
funone robin: the android app side does, but in pdfapp.c14:43.32 
  oid pdfapp_init(pdfapp_t *app){memset(app, 0, sizeof(pdfapp_t));app->scrw = 640;app->scrh = 480;app->resolution = 72;}14:43.48 
  i don't see the mupdf resolution being changed anywhere14:44.05 
  The reason I'm asking is so i know whether I have to make adjustments for the x,y i send down from the app to onMouse14:44.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I have to take my youngest to school, and you are off in mupdf-land, so we can discuss later (after I finish reviewing the logs)14:44.54 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Thanks14:45.04 
  funone: I see.14:45.16 
  pdfapp.c changes srcw and srch internally.14:45.30 
  scrw and scrh, sorry.14:45.36 
funone okie14:45.40 
  so i can assume it will always match the current screen resolution?14:45.55 
Robin_Watts actually... ignore that. it doesn't.14:46.10 
  pdfapp_onmouse takes the x/y and transforms them as appropriate.14:46.54 
  see the first 6 lines or so.14:47.12 
  that converts from screen x/y to document space.14:47.21 
  and the link rectangles are stored in docspace.14:47.32 
funone ah ic14:48.43 
  i also just noticed it calls winopenuri14:48.57 
Robin_Watts to be clear; pdfapp.c isn't used in the android port.14:49.50 
funone okie dokie14:52.02 
  thanks for the tips14:52.11 
  helps alot14:52.12 
Robin_Watts OK, the pattern accumulator is never enumerated.15:01.31 
  That is to say, basic_enum_ptrs is never entered with pstype == st_device_pattern_accum15:08.44 
  ooh, I lie. I had my breakpoint foo wrong.15:11.55 
  ray_laptop: Still inching forwards...15:32.49 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so, memory devices have an ENUM for their 'base' area (ordinarily the bits and line pointers that follow). See gdevmem.c line 33+15:38.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right, planar devices use exactly the same thing.15:38.42 
  except they have n times as many line pointers.15:38.50 
ray_laptop now this _usually_ lets the GC know about the raster area, BUT...15:38.50 
  the GC doesn't care about size15:39.10 
Robin_Watts indeed.15:39.20 
ray_laptop but line_ptrs are also enumerated15:39.33 
  unless 'foreign_line_pointers' is set15:39.52 
  the BUT... is that the mem device must still be pointed to by something that will be enumerated15:40.24 
Robin_Watts right. which in this case should be the pattern accumulator device.15:41.35 
  But something strange is going on here... trying to suss it with the debugger, but it's hellish.15:42.03 
ray_laptop I suspect that the mem device is no longer in the current gstate when the GC runs (after the pattern has been painted)15:42.23 
  Robin_Watts: the definition of the gx_device_pattern_accum _does_ enumerate the mask and bits devices (and other stuff) gxpcolor.h:28515:46.28 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes, like I say something strange is going on.15:46.56 
  Don't let me disturb you any more for now.15:47.06 
  but please stay on irc! :)15:47.10 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm not sure where the pattern_cache gets enumerated ...15:48.24 
  Robin_Watts: it _does_ look like the pattern_cache_add_entry is done _before_ the padev is closed, and before the gs_state_free_chain, so it still should be traced15:50.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah. Please don't spend any more time on this.15:50.41 
  I'm trying to trace it in another window.15:50.54 
  When I have more concrete stuff (or more questions) I'll ask.15:51.11 
  If this is a red herring, better that it wastes my time rather than both of us.15:51.39 
  Oh god. I bet I know what it is.15:53.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ahh. the 'tiles' linked list is traced by the pattern_cache and the tile GC struct def traces,, cdev, and ttrans15:53.38 
Robin_Watts When the VM compacts it moves the bitmap + line pointers, right?15:54.18 
  But I bet it doesn't know about planar line pointers.15:54.28 
  hence only the first mdev->height get rewritten.15:54.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm just doing some looking to help set up (in our minds) what is _supposed_ to be happening15:54.39 
Robin_Watts so the remaining 3*mdev->height pointers stay pointing at the old address.15:55.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it knows about 'base' and 'line_pointers'15:55.09 
Robin_Watts That's *exactly* what I'm seeing.15:55.13 
  Yes, but it thinks that there are only mdev->height line_ptrs to rewrite, right?15:55.30 
  Yeah, line 51 of gdevmem.c15:56.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Oh, when it moves the 'base' it adjust the line_pointers, but just not enough of them. I haven't seen where the line_pointers are all RELOC'ed15:56.38 
  Robin_Watts: right -- that just uses 'height'15:57.07 
  Robin_Watts: looks like that's it.15:59.10 
  Robin_Watts: if the gdev_mem_open_scan_lines used gs_alloc_bytes_immovable that would also resolve it, right ?16:01.35 
Robin_Watts Possibly.16:01.51 
  but that would mean bitmaps became uncompactable (and potentially ungcable)16:02.13 
ray_laptop If the pattern is pretty large, then it will go in its own chunk and never get moved, but for small patterns16:02.18 
  Robin_Watts: immovable is still GC-able and traced16:02.33 
ray_laptop thinks16:03.04 
  Robin_Watts: see: doc/Develop.htm#Movability16:04.12 
Robin_Watts S'OK. It's a trivial fix now I've found it.16:04.26 
  Testing now.16:04.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you fixed the calculation for how many line pointers to reloc to include the num_planes ?16:05.12 
Robin_Watts yes.16:05.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sounds fine.16:05.31 
Robin_Watts Bingo. seems to have worked.16:05.35 
  Only took 2 days :(16:05.40 
  At least the bug wasn't in my code.16:06.06 
  (was in Peters original stuff)16:06.19 
  ray_laptop: Thanks for your help.16:09.13 
henrys marcosw_ around? if so we could have the bug meeting.16:10.21 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Can you tell me what the RELOC_PTR(gz_device_memory, line_ptrs); line does?16:12.09 
  line 60ish.16:12.17 
  Oh, ignore me, I see.16:12.49 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: np. Sometimes it just helps to 'talk things out'16:22.16 
mvrhel2 cool. so you have it figured out then16:35.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Yeah, fixed and committed.16:39.41 
  5 second fix. 2 days to figure out what was going wrong :(16:39.55 
marcosw_ henrys and ray_laptop: we can do the support meeting now, if both of you are available.16:43.35 
ray_laptop mvrhel2: I closed that WTS bug as WONTFIX16:43.46 
henrys marcosw_:okay16:44.11 
marcosw_ anyone have a preferred starting point?16:44.26 
henrys 69257316:45.32 
marcosw_ seems correctly assigned16:46.16 
mvrhel2 ray_laptop: thanks!16:46.21 
kens Haven't looked at it yet. Its next on my list when I'm sure teh text rendering stuff is done.16:46.28 
henrys 692574 can go to alex if you are driving.16:46.52 
marcosw_ okay, will reassign to alex16:47.05 
  275 is mupdf and assigned to tor. 16:48.08 
henrys 577 to chrisl16:48.46 
marcosw_ i think 277 should go to chrisl16:48.47 
henrys 577 you mean?16:49.06 
marcosw_ yeah.16:49.47 
  579 was assigned to chrisl by chrisl, so that seems okay.16:50.04 
Robin_Watts 580 should be me, probably, cos it's a VS solution thing.16:50.20 
henrys robin_watts might be cc'd on 69258016:50.27 
marcosw_ I agree with Robin_Watts, let's assign it to him (we can cc chrisl)16:50.55 
henrys yeah he needs an easy one!16:51.21 
marcosw_ 581 can stay with chrisl16:51.42 
  582 is a mudpf patch16:52.02 
  586 is mupdf assigned to tor16:53.19 
henrys I'm up to 589 which is good with kens16:53.40 
ray_laptop 589 has what looks like a support tag on it (#1522) I wonder if this is from company using our stuff16:54.27 
  and looking for free support16:54.36 
marcosw_ don't we provide free support to companies using the gpl version of Ghostscript?16:56.46 
ray_laptop I think we may have to close 590 as WORKSFORME Alex and Chris have spent enough time already (IMHO). BTW, I thought bugs were to stay with Marcos until they were replicated16:56.47 
henrys we should write "please post the original bug (#1522) report in entirety"16:56.53 
ray_laptop marcosw_: yes, but we would like them to sign up for a support contract. If they are big enough to have a support staff, they can send some $$$ our way16:57.45 
chrisl ray_laptop: I did manage to reproduce 590, I haven't had time to write it up yet - the description is poor......16:58.00 
ray_laptop henrys: I like that idea16:58.01 
henrys ray_laptop:yes I'm going to write something like that.16:58.21 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. But still we've had you AND Alex trying to reproduce this, rather than just Marcos (when he gets around to it).16:58.59 
chrisl ray_laptop: I thought that only applied to commercial customer reports16:59.27 
marcosw_ why pay for the cow when the milk is free? I know, we can have the GPL release of Ghostcript trail the commercial release by a year, that would encourage companies to pay for it!16:59.28 
henrys it was a component assignment right? So it's up to engineers to reassign to marcos16:59.46 
  ray_laptop:I'll bring it up at the tuesday meeting but we've discussed it before.17:00.29 
ray_laptop marcosw_: we offer priority on bug fixes for customers. That's the advantage to them. At the very least we should make sure free user support doesn't distract us17:01.19 
marcosw_ if it's any consolation I can't get 590 to fail.17:01.27 
henrys so 590 goes to marcosw_?17:01.29 
chrisl marcosw_: for 590, you have to convert to PDF using pdfwrite, then run the resulting PDF - that failed for me with 9.0417:02.10 
ray_laptop chrisl: when will you be able to post the info on replicating 590 ? Does this look like it stays with Alex ?17:02.17 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: 692589 is P4, which means that it is lower priority than bugs reported by customers.17:02.39 
ray_laptop marcosw_: right. So if it is a company, they should know they have an option for P2 level support.17:03.17 
henrys marcosw_:can you bisect 591 alexcher has a full plate.17:03.39 
ray_laptop chrisl: that's what the guy said in the original description wasn't it?17:04.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes, sort of, but the title is less than helpful, I feel17:04.26 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: maybe we should mention that on our website? Individually contacting everyone who reports a bug to let them know that we would fix their issue more quickly if they paid us money seems like a lot of work.17:04.39 
ray_laptop marcosw_: good idea !17:04.54 
marcosw_ I'll bisect 591, I reassigned it to me.17:05.24 
ray_laptop marcosw_: put it on the bugs web site17:05.31 
henrys and tim waugh should be told we'll take a list of coverity problems - a bug per coverity issue is going to be a problem.17:06.07 
marcosw_ 562 is okay as is.17:06.41 
ray_laptop 592 is really an enhancement request, isn't it?17:07.05 
henrys 94-9917:07.07 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: I was thinking the same thing, but tor can decide how to classify it.17:07.33 
henrys 601 should be marcosw_ for reproduction.17:08.53 
marcosw_ henrys: 601?17:09.12 
ray_laptop I don't see 60117:09.24 
henrys woops 60017:09.27 
  I'll contact tim waugh if you want.17:09.52 
marcosw_ henrys: yes, thanks. What shall we do about the already opened bugs?17:10.20 
henrys I was going to ask him to close them.17:10.39 
  598 looks egregious though17:11.13 
ray_laptop I requested that Leonid attach his device driver code for get and put params. He probably is doing something wrong.17:11.22 
Robin_Watts If he's providing patches, then surely one patch per bug is better ?17:11.52 
henrys Robin_Watts:agreed I'll leave him alone.17:13.24 
  marcosw_:do you want to take on integrating the patches that look obviously right?17:14.21 
  and reassign other to owners?17:14.35 
Robin_Watts I suspect that one is from refactored code.17:14.42 
henrys ray_laptop, marcosw_:are we done?17:15.16 
marcosw_ henrys: sure.17:15.59 
henrys there is still a bit of a list assigned to support but many are tim's.17:16.45 
marcosw_ henrys: I was looking at those.17:16.58 
henrys yeah 692470 swamp17:18.21 
chrisl I have to go - have a weekend everyone......17:18.23 
  good that is17:18.31 
ray_laptop btw, are we confirmed for the dates for the next staff meeting 12/3-12/4 ? 17:22.44 
henrys ray_laptop:no I've asked miles just a couple days ago to get the email going - I know he's busy with other stuff.17:23.49 
  marcosw_:let's fool with the remaining support bugs next time.17:24.11 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Those were the dates that were most recently suggested though.17:24.18 
  (at least within my hearing range)17:24.37 
ray_laptop I just called Miles. He said the dates are solid -- just not the location17:24.55 
henrys is leaving the coffee shop and will be offline for a bit.17:26.42 
marcosw_ henrys: sounds reasonable. 17:27.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: You here?17:35.11 
mvrhel2 I am. chugging away at screen creation.17:36.28 
Robin_Watts Can I interrupt briefly?17:36.38 
mvrhel2 sure17:36.42 
Robin_Watts In gxht.c line65817:36.54 
mvrhel2 hold on let me get there17:37.09 
  don't even have the project open17:37.20 
Robin_Watts gxcht.c, sorry.17:37.37 
mvrhel2 ok. I am there. but fearing a major context switch17:38.42 
Robin_Watts If I'm reading this correctly, that whole 'if' is an optimisation, right ?17:39.02 
  i.e. I should be able to disable it, and see no ill effects (other than the code running a bit slower)17:39.23 
mvrhel2 that seems correct17:40.24 
  it is certainly a special case that the general fill should handle17:40.53 
Robin_Watts If I disable it, I get differences in the pamcmyk4 output.17:41.17 
  In exactly the same place that I get differences between it and plank.17:41.32 
  I suspect that phase goes wrong in there somewhere.17:41.48 
mvrhel2 it sounds like it17:41.55 
Robin_Watts ok, I'll keeo digging. Just wanted a sanity check before I lose another 2 days to a snark hunt.17:42.23 
mvrhel2 It may help to make a special example with a known fill location (and phase) 17:43.36 
  I had to do that when I was working to get the fast thresholding in phase with the old tile fill approach17:43.59 
Robin_Watts Yes. Using the gs postscript extensions.17:44.05 
mvrhel2 ok. back to adding dot shape. almost there17:44.41 
Robin_Watts Even disabling that optimisation is not enough to get pamcmyk4 to agree between banded and non-banded modes.17:50.46 
mvrhel2 darn18:02.14 
Robin_Watts But disabling the strip_copy_rop is. So there is something that's going wrong in that call.18:02.43 
kens Goodnight all18:16.34 
ray_laptop henrys: Good job identifying that jritmeijer is probabaly the one at muhimbi. Wow! $999 price tag !18:27.57 
henrys I'm glad you noticed the tracking number I missed it entirely.18:29.35 
mvrhel2 lunch time. bbiab18:30.58 
  Yeah, "Download the GPL release of ghostscript"...18:36.35 
mvrhel2 are these guys a customer?18:44.31 
  I see that the R of K & R just recently died18:48.45 
arthurf henrys: I was impressed with the detective work around 589 - in fact I laughed out loud here in my cube. That was pretty cool. Liked comment 7.18:50.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks for the link -- one of should send that to Miles. It looks like they don't fit our interpretation of GPL use of Ghostscript in that their non-GPL product seamlessly uses Ghostscript to do the work18:51.38 
  altough they try because the have the end user download GS directly, so they don't distribute it. (according to that blog). Still an opportunity for a support contract.18:53.54 
  or a chance for them to improve their product so that the user doesn't have to do a separate install.18:55.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); :(18:58.42 
henrys we have this fox in the neighborhood that acts like a dog - he's napping in my neighbors yard right now.21:37.21 
mvrhel2 wow21:49.18 
  in the daylight?21:49.22 
henrys yes he let's sabrina and I get real close to him too. haven't petted him yet ;-)21:50.21 
mvrhel2 probably best :)21:50.56 
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