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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/10/15)2011/10/16 
a271828 What about -- apvlv -- it also uses vi keys -- but still missing facing view ?02:34.26 
sebras a271828: apvlv is based on poppler, a rendering library also used in evince, which is different from mupdf. so I can not relly comment on apvlv.10:10.43 
  a271828: what I can say is that the viewing mode is handled by the viewer-program, not the rendering library. so if you can not wait until the sample mupdf viewer gets those modes you can try another viewer or modify the source code to implement facing view (in which case we are grateful for a patch of course! :) ).10:12.33 
AlecTaylor Is XPDF independant of GhostScript?15:17.47 
sebras AlecTaylor: yes, they might share some libraries though, e.g. zlib or so.16:11.28 
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