IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/10/24)2011/10/25 
kens tor8 do you have any notes on the 'XML' format that you output for text extraction ?09:50.40 
tor8 kens: no. is it that time now?09:51.00 
kens Well I juts updated mine to do UTF-8 as well as UCS2 and I thought while I was meddling with it....09:51.22 
tor8 right09:51.32 
  at the moment I output a line for each glyph in the low-level format09:51.53 
kens Note the UTF8 and UCS2 ar ethe 'simple' versions that just output text, in an apprimation of the layout09:52.08 
tor8 with the unicode character and bounding box09:52.13 
kens Hmm, so you do each glyph individually. OK I do groups but I can break that up.09:52.28 
tor8 and some wrapping tags to specify font style spans, lines, and blocks09:52.50 
kens Hmm, I don't identify spans and blocks at that level.09:53.05 
  I basically do what I see from teh PDF file.09:53.17 
tor8 kens: I have them individually because we want to be able to select text and place the marker at arbitrary positions09:53.31 
kens Unicode text, font name, size, colour, renderuing mode, position.09:53.34 
tor8 I don't think I do color and rendering mode :)09:53.45 
kens Not a problem, I cna modify my code easily in there09:53.52 
tor8 mine is also easy to modify09:54.03 
kens :-)09:54.08 
  I was thinking that Tr 3 (invisible text) might be somethign people want to skip, or perhaps specially find.09:54.27 
  Similarly for text in a given colour for example09:54.37 
tor8 kens: yeah. I should add the rendering mode, and text wouldn't be hard either.09:55.12 
kens I guess I'm going to have to check out your branch to be able to experiment with your output ?09:55.16 
  To make mine look the same at least :-)09:55.45 
tor8 kens: yeah. you can check out 'text' in mupdf.git09:55.52 
  not saying it can't use improvement, but you'll get the general idea of what I was looking for09:56.10 
kens I have some time (more or less) so I'll make mine more like yours to start with.09:56.31 
tor8 the code is all in fitz/dev_text.c09:56.31 
kens I do have a MuPDF check out, but not the branch I think.09:56.46 
tor8 kens: all checkouts should contain the branches09:56.58 
kens OK, so I'll do a git status then.09:57.12 
tor8 "git branch -a" and you should also see remote branches that it has stowed away09:57.13 
  just try git checkout origin/text09:57.25 
kens I have master and text09:57.34 
  Looks OK, just doing an update09:58.05 
  Hmm, "You are in a 'detached HEAD' state..."09:59.54 
  What does that mean ?10:00.01 
  And if I do a git pull it says I'm not on a branch....10:00.38 
tor8 kens: that you shouldn't try committing, because it won't know on which branch to attach any commits to10:00.39 
  git checkout -b text will move the detached head into a new local branch10:01.03 
kens Well I wasn't planning to do commits10:01.07 
tor8 you're in "peeking around" mode with a detached head10:01.13 
kens Right, that's what I need, will try that10:01.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: The context branch...10:02.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes?10:02.25 
Robin_Watts Are there questions etc you still want answered before we think about folding that back to HEAD?10:02.31 
kens Hmm, still not getting very far.... Oh well as long as its up to date I cna build it and play.10:02.32 
Robin_Watts i.e. we did it to try out whether it was the right approach10:02.48 
  I'm satisfied that it is - are you ?10:03.00 
tor8 kens: I haven't changed it for 12 days. you can always "git checkout master" to get yourself back to where you were.10:03.14 
  Robin_Watts: I haven't had the time to decide that yet. too busy with the iphone stuff.10:03.47 
Robin_Watts ok.10:03.56 
kens tor8 I did that, I'm just wondering how to get an update to the current code in 'text'.10:04.11 
tor8 it doesn't look "oh my god my eyes they buuuuurnss" at least :)10:04.16 
  kens: git fetch10:04.27 
  kens: that'll update the 'remote' branches10:04.38 
kens Ah, thanks10:04.52 
tor8 that is, it'll update the locally stowed away copies of the remote branches10:04.56 
kens Done, seems OK, thanks10:05.09 
  Now to build it :-)10:05.27 
tor8 good luck ;)10:05.35 
kens A new and exciting challenge for me....10:05.46 
tor8 don't forget the thirdparty package, that's where moste people get stuck10:05.50 
kens Yes, I'd already noticed it isn't there10:06.01 
tor8 other than that it should be clear sailing10:06.02 
kens Where can I grab third part from ?10:06.17 
kens Great, thnks10:06.36 
  tor8 building I get 7 succeeded one failed.10:17.03 
tor8 which one failed?10:17.15 
kens xpsdraw.c(130)10:17.16 
  syntax error : '{'10:17.29 
  Doesn't seem to like the structure initialiser10:17.41 
  project is xpsdraw obviously10:18.16 
  If I take the cast to (fz_rect) away its happy10:19.32 
tor8 that's odd10:20.34 
kens This is VS 2008 after converting the solution10:20.44 
tor8 kens: I use VS 2008 Express10:21.35 
kens Hmm this is the Team Edition. I take it it works for you ?10:21.53 
tor8 and yeah, I get the same error as you10:22.02 
kens The line is:10:22.06 
  fz_rect mediabox = (fz_rect){0, 0, page->width * 72 / 96, page->height * 72 / 96};10:22.06 
tor8 I think that syntax may be C99 actually10:22.20 
kens Could be. Certainly if I take the (fz_rect) away its perfectly happy10:22.36 
  It doesn't affect me of course, but I thought you should know ;-)10:22.53 
tor8 you're right, it should be fixed10:23.30 
kens tor8 can I interrupt you a moment ?13:40.49 
tor8 kens: go ahead13:41.09 
kens looking at your text output,13:41.23 
  I assume a 'line' is any text on (more or less) the same Y co-ordintate ?13:41.40 
  THis is -ttt by the way13:42.37 
tor8 yes.13:43.08 
kens OK so what constitutes a 'span' and a 'block' ?13:43.24 
tor8 I do an expensive text grouping pass to assemble characters into contiguous blocks13:43.34 
kens Hmm I do that, but for the 'simple' output, not the 'develoeprs' output13:43.52 
tor8 think: flood fill algorithm to colorize connected bits of text13:43.54 
  the results of this are my 'blocks'13:44.07 
  these are then sorted into lines based on text being on roughly the same baseline13:44.28 
  I only have one output :)13:44.39 
kens Well, I have 2 :-)13:44.46 
  My 'XML' output is intended for developers who will do the work of re-assembly13:45.02 
tor8 and the lines are split into spans based on the font, size (and I should add render mode and color)13:45.09 
kens My 'simple' output is for people who want me to do it.13:45.13 
  So if size or font changes, then the span ends ?13:45.33 
tor8 correct13:45.42 
kens Otherwise all text on the smae line is a span ?13:45.44 
tor8 the spans are basically an optimisation so I don't have to put all the attributes on every character13:46.00 
kens OK that makes sense.13:46.12 
tor8 if I were to do a 'simple' output, I'd just skip sorting the blocks and lines, and dump every text draw call as a span13:46.33 
kens THat's more or less what I was thinking.13:46.44 
  I don't really want to do lots of expensive stuff in this format, but I would lik my output to match yours13:47.06 
tor8 so we could keep roughly the same syntax for both outputs, and then have a fancier let's process this some more into HTML or plain text13:47.12 
kens SOunds fine.13:47.36 
tor8 kens: if you just skip the block (and/or line) tags for your simple output we could match formats13:47.51 
  but don't take my current format as gospel :)13:47.59 
kens You beat me to it.13:48.09 
  Was about to suggest that.13:48.16 
  I don't mind altering the format later, but it would be good to be compatible.13:48.42 
tor8 if you add color and render mode to the spans, I'll make sure my output matches yours13:48.47 
kens I'm not certain about colour.13:48.58 
tor8 yeah.13:48.58 
kens Because of weid spaces13:49.09 
  Also, what colour is a 'clip' mode :-)13:49.27 
  I'm going to go ahead with my XML output and make it match yours, then I'll see if I can do a more complex version that does blocks and spans like yours does.13:50.08 
  'MuPDF' format :-)13:50.19 
tor8 fair enough (regarding colours)13:50.30 
kens I think I'll leave colour and if someone wants it they can add it.13:50.52 
  I'm sure I can do the 'line' and 'span' stuff, not so sure about blocks :-)13:51.35 
  Thanks for the input.13:51.46 
tor8 one block for the whole page will be fine I think :)13:51.52 
kens Oh, well that makes sense I guess.13:52.08 
tor8 the blocks usually end up being columns13:52.17 
  unless there are blank lines between paragraphs13:52.25 
kens I would expect so13:52.28 
  TBH I kind of do that, just in a different way, for my 'simple' output13:52.58 
  I notice teh characters in the 'char' tag are all ASCII in my sample here, you don't emit Unicode, or are these UTF-8 ?13:53.47 
  Whoops, just seen one that is different13:54.05 
tor8 I don't remember if I emit raw UTF-8 or xml &escaped; text13:54.20 
kens XML escaped ;-)13:54.30 
  EG &#xc913:54.40 
  make that "&#xc9;"13:54.57 
tor8 right :)13:55.20 
  I print UTF-8 in plain text output mode13:55.36 
kens Yeah, me too, or UCS213:55.49 
tor8 the runetochar() function converts to utf-813:55.50 
kens Hmm, going to have to look at your code for escaping XML13:56.07 
tor8 I don't do UCS2 -- byte order marks and byte orders in general, me no likey13:56.18 
kens BOM is easy, I always emit the same.13:56.34 
tor8 and I've never seen the point of UCS2 text files. then again, I'm not a windows hacker at heart :)13:56.59 
kens I can load them straight into Wordpad and friends13:57.18 
tor8 you can't do that on linux and unix systems. or at least you didn't use to be able.13:57.42 
kens Well the default mode is 'simple' UTF-8. You have to ask for anythign else ;-)13:58.02 
tor8 the worst offenders are those who put a BOM in UTF-8 files...13:58.24 
  that just doesn't make any sense13:58.30 
kens Well no, the BOM is illegal in UTF-8. Or at least the UCS2 one is13:58.49 
tor8 so much software barfs on it, but a lot of Mac OS X software insists on writing UTF-8 text files with BOM at the beginning.13:59.12 
kens And obviously there is no byte order in a byte-oriented stream13:59.15 
  Bizarre Mac voodoo13:59.30 
tor8 it's a three byte BOM, silly as anything13:59.31 
kens boggles13:59.38 
tor8 it's 0xFF 0xFE (or the other way round) encoded in UTF-813:59.55 
kens Oh, the UCS2 BOM encoded into UTF-8 that's mental14:00.18 
  Hi henrys14:05.51 
henrys hi kens, I guess I should make the debug message glyph index ... out of range conditional seems to bother everyone.14:07.54 
kens henrys I thinkn I have a request to do exactly that.14:11.57 
  I haven't found the code yet though....14:12.05 
  Got diverted by a customer bug14:12.20 
henrys I'll do it.14:12.31 
kens Thanks, I'll see if I can find the bug number ;-)14:12.46 
  Hmm, maybe there isn't one, I can't see it here. Perhaps I imagined it.14:13.18 
henrys you closed it invalid14:15.02 
kens D'oh....14:15.10 
  692601 and 69262914:15.51 
henrys colorado, balmy today 15 inches of snow tomorrow14:29.49 
kens wow!14:30.51 
Robin_Watts nice14:38.38 
  xps, pcl, ls, svg all go through pl_main_process_options, right ?15:13.11 
henrys yes15:15.24 
  although as discussed last meeting I'd like to see all that go away and we use the same api as we do in gs15:16.55 
Robin_Watts I've added: --debug (which lists all the debugging flags)15:17.19 
  and --debug=flag,flag,flag to enable them.15:17.30 
  and that works in gs and pcl.15:17.45 
  So presumably in xps etc too.15:17.56 
henrys don't like -Z15:18.09 
Robin_Watts And that means we can add new flags with long names only.15:18.12 
henrys oh I see15:18.26 
Robin_Watts all the code still does: if_debug6('c',...) etc.15:19.12 
  but for new flags we can do: if_debug6(gs_debug_flag_tiling, ...)15:19.28 
  so no wholesale changes to the source.15:19.41 
henrys great thanks for taking the initiative on that one!15:21.37 
Robin_Watts Couldn't face the clist rop stuff without talking to ray first.15:22.00 
henrys thinks the newsletter typesetting is an abomination we need an agenda item next meeting about doing it differently.15:30.14 
ray_laptop morning, all15:30.48 
ray_laptop goes to check the logs ...15:31.00 
Robin_Watts Morning ray_laptop 15:33.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I just noticed that my email to you didn't go out.15:44.14 
Robin_Watts Ah :)15:44.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: basically my comments were that gxclrect.c looked OK. Bunches of stuff in gxclrast.c that I don't follow without explanation. 15:45.48 
  Robin_Watts: and it looks like your gxclrast.c didn't have some recent patches.15:46.35 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I've just pulled to bring myself up to date.15:46.49 
  yes, I was probably a few days behind.15:46.58 
  Are you sure it was that way around?15:47.40 
  gxclrast.c hasn't changed much at all.15:47.49 
  Would it be easier to work from a diff?15:50.31 
  I'd like to ask some specific questions if possible.15:50.39 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: a 'format-patch' that I can apply or look at for diffs would be the easiest to work from15:52.34 
Robin_Watts OK. I can do a format-patch, certainly.15:52.47 
Robin_Watts makes tea for meeting.15:54.43 
henrys a patch without whitespace changes would be better.15:56.41 
  looks like mvrhel2 is a bit late but lets start16:00.16 
  chrisl: so we are going to go ahead with investigating ft type 1 parsing?16:00.42 
chrisl henrys: yes, I've made a small start today, but more needed16:01.14 
henrys which should leave alexcher without a project - 16:01.20 
  alexcher can we try to get openjpeg in the next release?16:01.35 
alexcher henrys: that's fine. I have plenty of bugs.16:01.50 
  henrys: yes.16:02.01 
henrys alexcher:your customer list should be much improved. I didn't look carefully.16:02.36 
  tor8:how's ios?16:02.53 
kens Morning mvrhel216:03.06 
mvrhel2 good morning. sorry I am a bit late16:03.16 
henrys mvrhel2:we started without you but you didn't miss much16:03.20 
kens One of Alex's bugs is fixed by using Luratech, I'm inclined to remove the customer number from the field ?16:04.25 
henrys as long as the customer is notified to use the commercial download.16:04.57 
kens I think I did that, but I'll check16:05.08 
  Yes, it was Raed.16:05.43 
henrys does anybody have anything for this meeting I didn't have much else16:06.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: on the --debug flags I like this a lot, thanks, but.16:07.31 
chrisl I was going to ask about switching to lcms2, but probably best wait until marcosw is back.........16:07.39 
kens Nothing for the meeting here. Gone back to working on text briefly. ray_laptop the txtwrite device now outputs UTF-8 by default.16:08.04 
Robin_Watts I have questions for ray_laptop, but that's best done after the meeting.16:08.06 
mvrhel2 henrys: the current xps bug that I am working on has slowed me down a bit. I am still hopeful though to have most of these wrapped up by next week though16:08.15 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the UNUSED on many of the uppercase flags I think is wrong in light of the code in the gs_debug_c function.16:08.48 
henrys mvrhel2:great news!16:09.04 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: UNUSED is important because it means 'don't create an entry' in the table.16:09.16 
ray_laptop so a point for all to consider: Do we want to get rid of the 'upper case implies lower case' aspect of the flags16:09.26 
Robin_Watts (or create an empty entry).16:09.36 
  I considered adding an 'implies' table.16:09.51 
  so A implies a.16:10.01 
ray_laptop The user change would mean that if I want what I get from '-ZL' I have to do '-ZlL' instead.16:10.21 
henrys I'm fine without an implies table as as long as there is a way to get the output.16:10.48 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: If you remove the implication, then yes, you'd have a change.16:11.01 
  Adding an implies table is dead easy though.16:11.11 
  and would enable us to get exactly the results we do now, but would free up the extra table entries.16:11.40 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm fine with that. 16:12.04 
Robin_Watts I'll look into that then.16:12.12 
henrys meeting adjourned?16:12.14 
chrisl Record time ;-)16:12.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: and thanks again for taking the lead on this !16:12.32 
Robin_Watts The docs suggest that 3 implies 2, etc, but that's currently not implemented.16:12.58 
  ray_laptop: No worries. It kept me away from clist rops for a day.16:13.24 
ray_laptop kens: I have a patch for bug 692618 that gets rid of the crash, but I'm getting some unexpected differences -- pretty close16:13.25 
kens Thanks ray, I saw the progress you were making.16:13.41 
Robin_Watts My next 'spare day' project is making it so that we get warnings about unused parameters.16:13.49 
kens Sorry about the new file. I attached the wron gone initially16:13.53 
ray_laptop kens: np. 16:14.01 
  kens: turns out it was a little different -- not a dangling pointer in the pdf14 usage, but it was not using 'stable_memory' in one place that it was needed16:14.52 
kens Ah, well it certainly looked related....16:15.06 
ray_laptop kens: well, it was compressed_color related16:15.32 
kens :-)16:15.39 
  We'll have to build them a new executable when you're done, these are a support contract only outfit.16:16.23 
ray_laptop kens: and I tripped over an error that was causing us to use page mode when we shouldn't that led to unexpected VMerror16:16.35 
kens Ah, interesting. Maybe that explains the VMerrors...16:16.54 
henrys oh something else - ray_laptop looked into using the heap allocator more frequently in gslib and found it too slow. But didn't that predate an important peformance fix to the heap allocator by Robin_Watts, is it worth it to look again?16:17.02 
ray_laptop kens: support contract doesn't entitle them to binary updates 16:17.07 
  we should get them on board with building their own.16:17.24 
kens Hmm, OK, I expect Marcos will be back by then and he can handl eit ;-)16:17.25 
ray_laptop henrys: it will be too slow unless we use a chunk manager16:18.21 
Robin_Watts henrys: possibly, yes.16:18.25 
  ray_laptop: based on... ?16:18.31 
ray_laptop the heap allocator goes directly to malloc -- lots of systems have fairly slow mallocs16:19.32 
  we should try again after Robin_Watts' improvement to gsmalloc -- trying PCL without the chunk allocator isn't too hard I think.16:20.52 
mvrhel2 bbiab16:21.35 
ray_laptop also the heap allocator is thread safe, and does a mutex lock (monitor) on EVERY allocation and this is a KILLER on Wiindows16:21.40 
  that's what prompted me to do the chunk allocator (for cust 531) for the multi-threaded rendering16:22.41 
Robin_Watts malloc is thread safe anyway right? And multithreaded mallocs don't kill most programs.16:24.00 
henrys has always wondered about the wisdom of that. We have one lock for the memory bookkeeping and another lock from the os16:24.17 
  for the memory itself16:24.46 
ray_laptop well we can't do bookkeeping without a lock16:25.03 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes. And I want to add exactly that second lock into mupdf at some point :)16:25.37 
  (to protect cache freeing etc). But that's a discussion for another day.16:26.02 
henrys anyway sorry to drag on the meeting with that just a thought.16:27.04 
kens OK heading off, goodnight all.16:29.09 
Robin_Watts Night kens16:29.15 
  re the patch and whitespace - sorry, I don't think the whitespace changes are too bad in that. Certainly not in the files that ray needs to look at.16:29.46 
  I don't know how to generate a format-patch without the whitespace changes :(16:30.05 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, but I didn't know I was getting so many other changes :-(16:30.11 
  Robin_Watts: don't make so many whitespace changes in the first place ? ;-)16:30.34 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: This is all tied up with other stuff :(16:30.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I realized that when I looked at the patch. no problem, however16:31.06 
Robin_Watts We used to have a 'copy_plane' method, that was basically copy mono, but with a number sent for what plane to copy.16:31.53 
  Michael had cunningly put that through the clist by doing the same thing for both, but sending a plane number of 255 to mean copy_mono.16:32.26 
  Now we've changed to having a 'copy_planes' method, which is like copy_mono, but sends the planar_height.16:32.56 
  So I can still share with copy_mono - I just send 0 as the planar_height. That explains the 255 -> 0 changes you'll see in there.16:33.41 
henrys mvrhel2 - do you have some tool to take basic xps graphic's operators and operands and build the zip file system bs. I'm writing the xps writer and don't want to get into the zip nonsense right away. 16:34.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: If you output into a directory structure, both gxps and muxps can read from that, I think.16:35.04 
  (i.e. you can ignore the zipfile and just produce the files on disc)16:35.21 
  ray_laptop: Most of the changes in clist_strip_copy_rop are because it used to go wrong if it had to split a transfer of a planar tile up into separate bits. That all works I think.16:36.43 
henrys yeah maybe I'll do that. right now I have just have a stream of operators. IMHO a shit design for a pdl.16:37.00 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: So the key bit that I have questions about is in gxclrect.c in the chunk from line 742 onwards.16:38.22 
  If I'm sending multiple planes I send each subsequent plane using cmd_put_bits after the first one. And only the first one gets the command header.16:39.26 
  Is that doomed to failure?16:39.30 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I don't think so, but you may want to 'break' in the loop for planes after the 0th when the code would require the splitting16:42.07 
  and you need to handle the planes when you split it up16:42.32 
Robin_Watts if ((plane_height > 0) && (code >= 0))16:42.40 
  I believe the splitting does the right thing with planar data there.16:43.26 
  OK, so that's the writing side.16:44.02 
  On the reading side, I need to make sure I can read it back.16:44.16 
  How does the reading side know to reassemble the bitmaps it reads into the same bitmap ?16:44.46 
Robin_Watts has scared ray_laptop off :(17:02.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry. phone call.17:03.12 
Robin_Watts Ah, no worries.17:03.20 
  I have the implication thing working, I think.17:03.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I don't think it does re-assemble. It just splits into multiplie copy_mono_plane actions17:03.43 
Robin_Watts Right.17:04.07 
ray_laptop with the smaller rectangles17:04.10 
Robin_Watts Yes of course.17:04.18 
  Why did I think otherwise?17:04.23 
  I have the problem that I need to read multiple planes into the same bitmap.17:05.04 
  oh, my existing code had the code >=0 in the for loop, so it should be fine.17:10.34 
  oh, my existing code had the code >= 0 in the for loop, so it should be fine. (Stupid emoticons)17:10.54 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: how do you tell chatzilla to not do an emoticon ?17:11.32 
Robin_Watts I added a space :)17:11.48 
ray_laptop I see17:11.59 
Robin_Watts But in Preferences => Global settings => you can turn 'Faces' off.17:12.39 
  but that only affects you locally.17:13.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so since the planes are all written following the 0th that has the cmd, it should be, because it is in the outer do { } while ((re.y += re.height) < re.yend); loop17:14.17 
  it just may have been split into smaller 'copy_mono' ops, right ?17:14.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I've lost the thread here...17:14.56 
  it should be what ?17:15.05 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was just re-stating what I think we already said.17:15.17 
Robin_Watts it should be OK, gottit.17:15.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: when you read the cmd the height will be correct for that (sub-rectangle) and the planes will follow the initial one17:16.36 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. I'm looking at the reading code now.17:17.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. so any more questions ?17:17.14 
Robin_Watts So, I'm looking at case cmd_op_copy_mono_planes>>4 at line 968 of gxclrast.c17:18.19 
  We read the plane_height there, and I know if that's zero, that it's a copy_mono. If not, the depth can come from the color_info.depth.17:18.54 
  Then we jump forward to copy.17:19.07 
  If op & 8 then we read into the current tile; presumably that will be setup already for us to have multiple planes (I hope so!)17:19.58 
  otherwise we go into the second half of the if, and we calculate the size required - I need to update that to calculate the planar version.17:20.44 
  Then I need to put the next bit (all the decompression stuff) into a loop, one per plane.17:21.16 
  OK. I'll give that a whirl.17:22.03 
ray_laptop don't you just _love_ all the jumping around. I used to not mind goto ___ so much.17:22.43 
Robin_Watts There are circumstances where goto is required for performance etc. Then there are other cases...17:23.38 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: if you have anything for me, just make sure and mention my name.17:23.43 
Robin_Watts will do, thanks.17:23.55 
ray_laptop otherwise I'll be working on bug 69261817:24.08 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Do you have chatzilla set to automatically reconnect, btw ?17:24.13 
  (Preferences => {Global Settings or freenode} => general => Reconnect when disconnected unexpectedly )17:25.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, I have chatzilla set to reconnect17:35.47 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I ask because you often drop off with a timeout and don't reconnect for a long time.17:36.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: probably because I am working and don't care if I'm connected. Some places I may go to work on things (I get bored in the office) don't have wi-fi. I can work better with some distractions around (been that way since college or before)17:44.16 
Robin_Watts fair enough.17:44.36 
ray_laptop I could never stand studying or working on papers in the library or dorm room -- I'd go to the student commons or just sit outside where there were a lot of students walking around.17:45.24 
  probably a psych condition that was never diagnosed ;-)17:46.15 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Well, let me aid your concentration by further distracting you then :)17:49.01 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. (thanks)17:49.18 
Robin_Watts At around 1065 in gxclrast.c the code does: cmd_read(, bytes, cbp);17:49.37 
  then source = cbuf.data17:49.44 
  If I'm following properly that's the 'use the data direct from in the clist buffer' case.17:50.15 
  That's going to be problematic for planar data, I fear.17:50.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: how so ?17:52.30 
  all of the planes are contiguous, right ?17:52.53 
  or doesn't 'bytes' include all the planes ?17:53.18 
Robin_Watts Are we guaranteed that the clist will pack subsequent planes at a multiple of raster?17:53.30 
  I was intending bytes to be just bit enough for a single plane.17:53.56 
  But I can probably just disable this case, right? (i.e. force it through the previous branch of the if if planar_height > 0) ?17:55.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sounds OK. As far as the packing, it should be OK since the op_size is 0. The problem you have, however is that you don't have an op to tell you if it is compressed or not, and the compression is tried on each plane individually18:02.18 
Robin_Watts Ah, so I need to go back and send a byte before each new plane with the compression type ?18:03.16 
ray_laptop you either need an op for each plane to tell you the compression state, or you need to force the 1-n planes to be the same as plane 018:03.47 
Robin_Watts Doesn't need to be an 'op' per se, right?18:04.10 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, as long as your reader knows what it is18:05.10 
Robin_Watts Ok, thanks. I'll try that.18:05.22 
ray_laptop you could even have one byte with bits for each of up to 8 planes following if you wanted to get complicated18:05.57 
Robin_Watts Is it just 'compressed or not' ?18:07.21 
  Ah, I see. I'm not going to get complicated :)18:08.15 
ray_laptop but having the 'op' before the plane means that the planes won't be at 'raster * height' positions :-(18:11.44 
Robin_Watts That's fine. I'm forcing the data to be read out into a buffer (i.e. avoiding the last case)18:12.26 
ray_laptop hmm... I 'touch' gstrans.h and it rebuilds a lot of stuff, but it doesn't rebuild some things like 'gdevmem.obj' and 'gdevprn.obj'18:14.59 
  oops. the definition of gstrans_h= macro was too far down in lib.mak18:18.25 
Robin_Watts nice catch.18:19.28 
ray_laptop I kept rebuilding in VS and my 'fix' wasn't taking effect ;-(18:20.27 
  the 'ESTIMATED_PDF14_ROW_SPACE' was _really_ not conservative enough ! I found to allocating 2.5x the BufferSpace without even having a very deep transparency stack18:22.33 
  of course, that's partly because transparency needs color_info->num_components+1 buffers, which can be a really big number if separations are being computed18:24.51 
  hmm... yet another memory usage issue. We downgrade the band_height when the page has transparency, but then the extra buffer space is then unused during rendering18:58.21 
  something we should look into improving.18:58.39 
  I suppose it's not usually that big of a deal, but I'm using -dBufferSpace=500000000 and it's leaving ~450M unused19:02.41 
  then proceeding to allocate the transparency stack buffers elsewhere.19:05.40 
  so the 'peak' allocation is _still_ higher than one would think when limiting BufferSpace (850M). So we _would_ have had enough to keep the transparency stack buffers in the otherwise unused space19:08.16 
  I'd be a bit worried (on an embedded system without memory mgmt.) about freeing the space during rendering and re-allocating it afterwards because we might leave a sandbar somewhere, but...19:10.25 
  Robin_Watts: how common, in your experience, are embedded systems that don't have MMU's and OS's that we wouldn't have to be concerned.19:11.38 
  because the other approach is to have to pdf14 logic use that area when doing clist playback (uglier, IMHO)19:12.54 
  I'll open an enhancement bug for myself on this issue.19:13.22 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Non-existent.19:13.28 
  These days *any* embedded system will be ARM or Atom.19:13.44 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Oh, really ! that's good news !19:13.45 
Robin_Watts Almost certainly ARM.19:13.49 
  and all ARMs worth worrying about these days have an MMU.19:14.11 
ray_laptop cust 532 uses a PPC, but it also has MMU19:14.22 
Robin_Watts and atoms certainly do.19:14.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks for your insight. I think I'll just do the free & alloc then19:15.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: np.19:16.02 
sebras Robin_Watts: the last ARM I saw without an MMU was in nintendos GBA, possibly their NDS suffer the same fate. but for sure any embedded ebook reader would have one (probably because they want linux inside).19:17.21 
  Robin_Watts: any recently modern phone would too.19:17.47 
Robin_Watts The NDS has 2 ARMs in.19:17.59 
  ARM7 and ARM9 if memory serves.19:18.16 
  The ARM7 has no MMU in that case.19:18.28 
  but the ARM7 was only used for sound, if memory serves.19:18.53 
Robin_Watts played with TunaVIDS, a video player for the NDS.19:19.14 
ray_laptop off to run an errand. My youngest turns 6 tomorrow -- need to go shopping for his present(s)19:39.30 
  Robin_Watts: if you need me, call me on the phone (or have henry or someone over here call) so I can get back online.19:40.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: mm, the ARM7 was also used when running backwards compatible GBA games. I know because I played with my GBA. :)20:10.33 
Robin_Watts Well, I'm getting SEGVs with some test files, but I've had enough for the night... will look tomorrow.20:15.49 
mvrhel2 henrys: sorry I missed your earlier question. I think Robin answered it though about the xps output. You can render the fpage directly as long as you have all the resources there in the directory21:32.52 
ray_laptop where the heck is the documentation on the cluster ? I need to run 'bmpcmp' with a 'window' tolerance to allow for things shifting (primarily in Y)22:10.48 
  BTW, where is the source for the regression dashboard ?22:12.07 
ray_laptop thinks that might be a good place to have a link for the docs22:12.26 
Robin_Watts bmpcmp -w 1 ?23:16.23 
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