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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/10/28)2011/10/29 
domus But that still means I can not redistribute it along with a package I ask money for, right?00:00.30 
Robin_Watts domus: It's not that simple.00:00.49 
domus PDFDraw would be left intact. Just called once in a while.00:00.53 
  I was afraid of that. :)00:01.01 
Robin_Watts Firstly, I am not a lawyer, and so you should seek proper advice on this.00:01.14 
domus I'm not a lawyer either and had hoped there was some simple solution.00:01.15 
  Since I adore lawyers, I better seek out someone who's knowledgeable.00:02.24 
Robin_Watts BUT... my understanding/belief is that you CAN supply GPL code along with non GPL code, as long as the end user keeps the freedoms that he would have had with the original GPL release.00:02.27 
  in other words, if you link it into your executable, you need to give people the freedom to relink with changed code.00:02.54 
domus That is what I had hoped to get as a response from Artifex.00:02.54 
Robin_Watts But it sounds like you're not linking it in.00:03.15 
  You're keeping it as a separate executable.00:03.25 
domus It won't be linked into the executable (is that even possible in Delphi project in this case?). Just called via command line.00:03.34 
Robin_Watts So, to my reading of the GPL you are fine, as long as you abide by the terms of the GPL.00:03.50 
  (Identify the code, provide at least a pointer to the source you used, etc)00:04.09 
domus So, I just supply the GPL licence along with it, correct?00:04.10 
  Okido, I'm glad my understanding of the licence is correct.00:04.48 
  Just got thrown off by the Artifex reply.00:04.58 
Robin_Watts Other companies have done similar things with GPL products - some go further by forcing people to download and install the GPL product separately.00:05.11 
  I believe I've heard other engineers on here express a different slant on their understanding of the GPL though, so you need to perform your own investigation.00:06.13 
domus Okay. Just wanted to include the file with the installation in order to keep things simple for the user.00:06.34 
  Yes, I'll most certainly perform further investigation00:06.55 
  I just love to spend time in legal stuff. ;)00:07.12 
Robin_Watts The Artifex corporate reply you've got from Scott basically concerns the ability to get an Artifex license rather than a GPL one.00:07.16 
  Most companies prefer to avoid the GPL entirely for a simple life.00:07.50 
  Artifex *has* successfully sued people for shipping it without an Artifex license, and failing to abide by the GPL license.00:08.17 
domus Avoiding the GPL means going through Artifex?00:08.20 
Robin_Watts Yes.00:08.32 
domus But they want huge volume promises first, right?00:08.48 
Robin_Watts Hence Scotts focus is on dealing with Artifex license; he has no interest in doing anything with GPL, cos it won't profit the company at all.00:09.14 
domus Aha00:09.25 
Robin_Watts They want a quarterly minimum, I believe, yes.00:09.25 
domus And part of their revenue goes to the developers, right?00:09.50 
Robin_Watts Yes.00:09.58 
  Artifex pay our wages.00:10.06 
domus Okay00:10.10 
  I'd get nervous otherwise. :)00:10.28 
Robin_Watts Pretty much all the development work on gs and mupdf is done by staff/contractors employed for by Artifex.00:11.02 
  They (or, I should say, we) are not 'leeching' in any way. It's a shining example of how open source can work commercially.00:11.38 
domus I had no idea. So first there was Artifex, then there was gs and mupdf?00:11.44 
  Indeed. It's just not always very intuitive for "users" of the tools.00:12.16 
  And a bit scary, to be honest.00:12.22 
  Developers tend to pee in their pants around licensing issues.00:12.34 
Robin_Watts gs started as a project by L.Peter Deutsch. He released it both commercially and as open source.00:12.50 
  He eventually passed the torch to Artifex as he stepped away from the project.00:13.26 
domus I see. Thanks for that background.00:13.38 
Robin_Watts mupdf was tor8's baby originally, but it's been funded by Artifex since it was still in nappies.00:13.50 
domus Would there be an OEM who has dealt with all the licensing issues and sells the toolkit to developers?00:14.16 
  What is Artifex's interest in keeping the GPL licence?00:14.48 
Robin_Watts domus: Good question.00:15.02 
  It costs us time and effort to support it.00:15.21 
domus So the open source part might go south over time?00:15.34 
Robin_Watts but we get visibility for it.00:15.36 
  I don't think the open source thing will change.00:16.16 
  Speaking for myself, I've worked on closed source projects, and I prefer open source.00:16.39 
  It's in the companies DNA.00:16.43 
  We do occasionally get fixes etc from outside (and we even pay for them - see the Bug Bounty programme)00:17.13 
domus Good to hear. :) Just wish there were a simple way to use it in a commercial product.00:17.30 
  Especially a low volume one.00:17.51 
Robin_Watts There is an overhead in admin in dealing with every new customer.00:18.36 
  Plus a support cost.00:18.51 
  Anything we do commercially has to justify those costs.00:19.06 
domus I wouldn't demand support (or administration for that matter, lol).00:19.24 
Robin_Watts It does mean that there is a problem with low volume, low cost licensing.00:19.44 
  but try and get a comparable deal from Adobe :)00:19.54 
domus Oh heavens00:20.01 
Robin_Watts At least you have the GPL version to fall back on.00:20.12 
domus But one can use their ActiveX for free, or am I wrong?00:20.17 
  Yes, a fuzzy licence with a permanent lawyer threat. :)00:20.39 
Robin_Watts If it's installed on the machine already, then yes, you can use it.00:21.01 
  But I don't know what's involved in shipping it.00:21.24 
  The GPL is *not* a fuzzy license.00:21.30 
domus So, if I get this right...I could have the installer ask if the customer wants PDF support and if yes, show him the MuPDF info and then download it?00:22.04 
Robin_Watts It's very clear (it has evolved over time and been clarified at every stage).00:22.12 
  domus: That would be one approach, yes.00:22.24 
domus Well, my worry is that you told me you have seen Artifex go after vendors with lawyers.00:22.47 
Robin_Watts domus: We've gone after people that were in clear violation.00:23.01 
domus Just so I am certain not to make any mistakes: what did they do that was a violation?00:23.37 
  Not mention the licence?00:23.42 
Robin_Watts I think at this point I have to shut up - it's probably in the settlement agreements that we don't talk about it.00:24.20 
domus lol00:24.43 
Robin_Watts But it was more than simply not mentioning the license.00:24.56 
domus I'm just trying to get advice in order to things right. I'm not going to hold your responsible for anything. :)00:25.03 
  They integrated the source in their software?00:25.33 
  It was not an "arm's length" use?00:25.39 
Robin_Watts If you provide a separate executable, that's unchanged from the public sources, include the license, include a pointer to the public sources, and allow people to replace that executable with a modified one, then you're home free, as far as my understanding goes.00:26.10 
domus Aha!00:26.37 
Robin_Watts Having it installed as a separate installation step is just gravy (and serves to highlight the fact that it's a separate program).00:27.13 
domus You know what, when the project is finished (probably in 2024, the way I'm progressing) I'll just hand it to you and you can tell me where it pisses you off, GPL licence-wise. If you'll allow, of course. :)00:27.40 
Robin_Watts We're always interested in how our stuff is used :)00:28.19 
tor8 domus: an easier way to deal with the GPL is to GPL your own software too ;)00:28.23 
domus lol00:28.31 
  Hi, Tor8. Thanks for the tip. :)00:28.38 
  But I won't get much money if I hand it over to Artifex, who'll require a million sells. I'll be glad if I get 100.00:29.11 
tor8 domus, Robin_Watts: for ancient history, MuPDF started as a lazy summer afternoon project when I was still at university00:29.20 
domus YOU're the developer?00:29.40 
tor8 Artifex got wind of it and offered me a job00:29.57 
domus You weakling :)00:30.05 
tor8 yeah, MuPDF is my baby. with plenty of help from others too though!00:30.27 
domus You wouldn't know of an OEM company who sells it as an SDK?00:31.10 
Robin_Watts I'm sure there isn't one.00:31.30 
tor8 nope. we're that OEM company, but I believe Robin has already explained the situation00:31.41 
domus Yes, he did very extensively.00:31.57 
tor8 we're too small of a company to cope with end user product type sales00:32.17 
domus I fully understand00:32.24 
  Just wondered if there were another company who'd take care of those lone developers, but just doesn't exist.00:33.23 
  Okay, I thank you both very much for the info.00:34.01 
  Many thanks to Robin and hats off to Tor8 for the wonderful stuff he wrote.00:34.33 
mvrhel2 alexcher are you there?03:34.27 
  henrys: do you know what happened to the spectre machine that alexcher had?04:09.02 
  he had an ISO of the Visual studio team edition there04:09.21 
  but it appears that the machine is no longer available04:09.42 
arthurf tor8: I was able to build and install the iOS version of MuPDF on my iPad using Xcode 3. 04:20.59 
  I successfully synced two PDF files (the ISO PDF ref manual, and the PLRM - seemed fitting)04:21.36 
  Was able to browse the PDF manual and to jump to different sections04:22.24 
  It failed on the PLRM PDF file, but I'll chase that probably tomorrow. 04:23.04 
  I had to change the architectural setting to a single one - e.g. just armv7, not armv6 armv7 - else the third party libraries wouldn't build.04:25.36 
  just an ARCHS string parsing thing in the build script04:26.21 
  clarifying... changed the Architectures setting in the Build settings from Standard (armv6 armv7) to Optimized (armv7) - bedtime..04:37.02 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I have the ISO here. It won't be fast, but I can upload it somewhere if you want.09:07.20 
kens I thought it was on Peeves or something.09:14.57 
Robin_Watts I thought it got moved off peeves cos a) disc space, and b) speed of access.11:06.40 
vtorri with mupdf, what is the best way to get the size () width and height) of the document without any transformations ?16:49.16 
tsbtmn A bit offtopic.. Does anyone know if there are plans to expand the supported document types in mupdf? I really like the mupdf interface and would love to have the same simple interface when viewing djvu files.19:37.18 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: so you have a copy of the ISO available?20:55.17 
  alexcher: are you around?20:55.25 
alexcher mvrhel2: yes21:23.14 
  mvrhel2: my IP address is 
mvrhel2 alexcher: ah. ok21:48.38 
  let me try that21:48.40 
  alexcher ok that worked21:50.16 
  ah and there is the ISO21:50.40 
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