IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/11/06)2011/11/07 
Robin_Watts New graphics card and USB tv stick both delivered this morning. toys!13:10.33 
kens And its not een Xmas yet....13:33.22 
Robin_Watts Windows 7 64bit cannot be told to run untrusted drivers.13:37.44 
  (unsigned drivers, that is).13:37.50 
  You can put it into 'test' mode, and 'test sign' a driver, but that's it.13:38.06 
kens Prepare to be assimilated...13:38.06 
Robin_Watts so I can't use my old TV card.13:38.14 
  This xps pattern draws a '+' that's supposed to be 10 pixels across.14:09.36 
Robin_Watts_ Bah.14:13.28 
Robin_Watts This xps pattern draws a '+' that's supposed to be 10 pixels across. But at 72dpi, it ends up 3.75 pixels across. So we make the pattern tile 4x4. If I shift the path by (4-3.75)/2 to keep it central, it manages to exactly miss all the pixel centres, and so renders completely blank.14:14.43 
henrys Robin_Watts:so a bmpcmp after a "lowres" run will just have lowres comparisons?14:25.17 
Robin_Watts yes.14:25.30 
  bmpcmp will only test the files that differed in the last run.14:25.46 
henrys thanks14:25.57 
Robin_Watts hence if you do a bmpcmp after a "pcl lowres", you'll only see the pcl lowres results.14:26.08 
  I want to add a feature to the cluster code where you can set a filter.14:26.23 
  When we produce the 'jobs' list (all the files to test), I want to filter that list according to a given regexp.14:26.42 
  So you should be able to say "only test pbm files" or "only test 72dpi" etc.14:27.14 
henrys yes that would be nice.14:27.27 
Robin_Watts lunch.14:28.01 
kens ping chrisl14:56.11 
Robin_Watts Anyone else having trouble getting to casper?14:57.25 
chrisl kens: pong14:57.32 
kens Haven't tried, just a moment14:57.36 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I got just in okay14:58.03 
kens chrisl, where can I set a breakpoint (during rendering) to see what is being executed for a CFF CIDFont ? I want to look at the font interpreter.14:58.05 
chrisl In our CFF code?14:58.26 
kens Robin_Watts : I can SCP to Casper14:58.31 
  chrisl, I imaine FreeType, I wnt to watch the CharString being decrypted and executed14:58.56 
chrisl OKay, give me sec.....14:59.23 
kens Thanks.14:59.32 
Robin_Watts chrisl: And now I can.14:59.57 
  Transient problem, clearly. Thanks.15:00.06 
kens Hmm, I may see the problem with the type1 piece codes (finally).15:02.31 
chrisl kens: I'd start in cff_slot_load(), and then follow into cff_decoder_parse_charstrings()15:02.58 
kens Thanks, I think I may see the problem though.15:03.40 
  Can you take a look at gxtype1.c, line 41215:03.58 
  chrisl ?15:05.12 
chrisl Just got it up now.....15:05.20 
kens OK, this is decoding a CharString looking for SEAC glyphs.15:05.34 
  Most of the numebr decoding is done just above the #define 'cnext'15:05.52 
  But (another great design decision) there is a 'special case' operator, #2815:06.13 
  THis operator is the first byte of a 3-byte number sequence.15:06.38 
  But it looks to me like if that happens we simply skip the number(!)15:06.49 
  We should put it on the stack.15:06.58 
  Because we don't we end up using the wrong (preceding) value for the subr number15:07.15 
  ANd, basically, all hell break sloose.15:07.28 
  Can you tell me if that looks like a problem to you ?15:07.42 
  Of course we don't normally get subr numbers in the thousands....15:07.55 
chrisl I'm confused - if it's a number we're parsing, we should handle it before the switch, shouldn't we?15:09.53 
kens Normally yes.15:09.59 
  But this is a speical case ;-(15:10.06 
chrisl Oh, right, I see what you mean; yuck!15:10.31 
kens If you look at the type 2 charstring docs, numbers normally begin (encoded) starting at 3215:10.33 
  Operators are numbers below 3215:10.40 
  *BUT* (here's the kludge) there's a special operator called 'shortint', operator number 28, which handles a specific kind of number15:11.20 
  Whoever thought that one up should be shot.15:11.31 
chrisl And all we're doing is skipping two bytes of the stream, yeh, that looks wrong.....15:11.52 
kens Exactly what I thought. Thanks, I was beginning too think I was going mad....15:12.07 
  I think I cna fix this easily now. Thanks to cffdisasm ;-)15:12.23 
chrisl Obviously a widely used operator......15:12.50 
kens :-)15:13.03 
  Its only a problem when its used as the argument to callsubr or callgsubr....15:13.18 
  Otherwise its a number we don't care about.15:13.28 
  OK, that fixes the reported bug, lets see what happens with a regression test.15:17.54 
  Umm, that's odd, that erverted my changes....15:19.36 
Robin_Watts I've just tweaked part of the cluster. If it gives problems for anyone tell me, and I'll revert it.15:38.09 
kens I guess my regression test will be the first run of your tweaked code then.15:38.55 
Robin_Watts kens: looks like it.15:39.41 
kens I'll let you kniow ;-)15:40.05 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Morning.15:50.34 
  I looked into that disappearing pattern thing, and I know what's going on. Not sure I know how to solve it though.15:51.03 
  As usual the test file sets up a 10x10 pattern, to draw a '+' sign. That gets scaled to be 3.75x3.75.15:51.44 
kens Hmm, new filter ghing on cluster I see15:51.49 
Robin_Watts We make a tile at 4x4.15:52.28 
mvrhel good morning15:52.47 
Robin_Watts If I move the path by (4-3.75)/2 so it stays central, it magically missed all the pixel centres, and we don't render anything :(15:52.55 
  kens: I deny everything :)15:53.06 
mvrhel hmmm. Robin_Watts. It sounds like for low res, we really should be doing AA15:53.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Yeah.15:53.43 
  We could solve it by turning on fill adjust, but that's going to have knock on effects everywhere.15:54.10 
  kens: Did your job finish ?15:54.19 
kens Robin_Watts : my cluster test just vanished, as did all yours15:54.19 
Robin_Watts I aborted mine.15:54.26 
kens Mine just vanished15:54.38 
  I'll resubmit15:54.46 
mvrhel yes. I think the solution to this "bug" from the customer is that at the low res one must use AA. At print resolutions this will not be a problem15:54.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: So I should push my fix?15:55.16 
  and note the effects at low resolution.15:55.36 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: yes I am thinking so. The only thing I wish we had was a better fix for when we do XPS to PDF and that the PDF rendering matched the XPS rendering better15:56.07 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: When we do XPS to PDF, the resultant PDF (when rendered) will use the "any part of a pixel" rule.15:56.41 
  Given that xps uses "pixel centres" we are never going to be able to have the two match.15:57.14 
kens Robin_Watts : resubmitted my test, it hasn't appeared....15:57.17 
Robin_Watts but I think we do as best as we can regardless.15:57.23 
mvrhel ok15:57.28 
kens ANd I'm not getting any emails about it either15:57.30 
Robin_Watts kens: OK. gimme a mo.15:57.41 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: ok then I would do your commit15:57.54 
  I am going to be out for a couple hours this morning15:58.13 
Robin_Watts ok.15:58.31 
  kens: OK. I've undone my fiddling.15:58.40 
kens OK will try again15:58.52 
Robin_Watts kens: Are you submitting via git cluster ?15:58.55 
kens gitpush.sh15:59.03 
Robin_Watts right. I've fiddled there too, so if this doesn't work, I'll revert that too.15:59.35 
kens I haven't pulled a new version of gitpush r in the last few hours16:00.02 
  OK problem16:00.11 
Robin_Watts kens: gitpush pushes via a secret location with some scripts there.16:00.28 
kens "Rename from '.git/index/lock' to '.git/index' failed. SHoudl it try again ? (y/n)"16:00.42 
  retry succeeded16:01.00 
  I can see my job in q16:01.12 
Robin_Watts kens: Your job is done.16:32.36 
kens Yes, its OK16:37.18 
Robin_Watts Well, that may be working.16:46.45 
  In theory you should be able to add lines of the form: filter=something,something,something to the end of your clusterpush lines (be they done directly, or done via gitpush).16:47.40 
  git cluster bmpcmp xps filter=xpsfts-a4,ppmraw,72 filter=xpsfts-a4,pgmraw,7216:48.39 
  That would test only the XPS fts files at 72dpi with either ppmraw or pgmraw.16:49.02 
kens Sounds good16:52.47 
Robin_Watts hey marcosw_ 17:11.31 
  I've just had my fingers in the cluster code...17:11.38 
marcosw_ yes?17:11.48 
Robin_Watts You can now clusterpush gs filter=ppmraw,7217:12.01 
  and clusterpush filter=ppmraw filter=pgmraw17:12.12 
  Coo. git logg just listed me an 8 digit hash. Does that mean the 7 digit hash clashed?17:14.33 
kens Time to go night all17:31.05 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: easy enoung to tell I suppose: git logg | grep _____ where _____ is the 6 or 7 digit hash17:47.09 
henrys is anyone looking at the segfault in the regressions? 692217 test file?18:10.34 
  oh nvm it is reading pdf sorry18:12.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: Any news on what you're doing in Miami? Is it just you?20:21.33 
  Miles had a cunning plan; arrive, hire car at airport, drive to hotel. The shuttle from the airport is $34 per person, so taxis presumably even more. Got to be cheaper to get a car and drive, and solves a lot of stuff.20:22.29 
  There is a Hertz place 1 block north of the hotel to drop it back at.20:22.44 
mvrhel Robin: wow I wonder if I should get a car20:28.06 
  my wife just started reading a book call swamplandia which is a fictional book set in the everglades20:29.11 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: 
  That makes it sound like $32 for a taxi (plus charges). But the hotel website said $34 for a shuttle, so...20:30.17 
mvrhel I wonder if kids are $34. That seems really20:31.30 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: If you're getting a car, let me know, cos it'll mean we don't need to get 2 minivans (minivan + 2 cars may be more flexible depending on what people want to do after the everglades)20:31.33 
mvrhel I had not really planned to get one but I will look into it20:31.58 
Robin_Watts That link makes it sound like $19 per person on a shuttle bus.20:31.58 
mvrhel right20:32.15 
Robin_Watts I hadn't planned on getting a car either, but given there are 3 of us arriving on the same flight, it doesn't seem stupid.20:33.08 
mvrhel I wonder if there is a extra drop off fee to return the care to the nearby hertz place20:35.32 
Robin_Watts $10, miles says.20:35.42 
mvrhel oh wow20:35.46 
  that is nothing20:35.48 
  that may make the most sense20:36.03 
  I will look into that20:36.11 
  this shuttle/taxi stuff looks a bit expensive20:36.29 
  are you ken chris and helen arriving at the same time?20:36.44 
Robin_Watts Ken is coming wednesday.20:36.54 
  I believe Chris is on the same flight as us.20:37.00 
mvrhel ah ok20:37.01 
  and you are coming Tuesday?20:37.09 
Robin_Watts yeah,20:37.12 
mvrhel morning?20:37.13 
Robin_Watts evening.20:37.21 
mvrhel ok20:37.23 
Robin_Watts land at 15:55.20:37.51 
mvrhel ok. I need to get cracking on that patch you gave me20:39.06 
  did you have an update that fixed some warnings?20:39.31 
  if not that is ok20:39.36 
  I need to check but I am thinking we can close the xps bugs20:44.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: We are thinking of coming in on wednesday and join your everglades tour, depart on sunday.20:44.44 
  everglades on thursday right?20:44.59 
mvrhel need to grab some lunch20:45.31 
  I think that is the plan20:45.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: That's the plan. So 2 of you?20:58.36 
tor8 yes. the alligators cinched the deal :)20:58.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Sorry, no update ;)20:59.03 
  tor8: Fab.20:59.12 
mvrhel you did a lot of work21:07.04 
  Robin_Watts: so is the only piece that is missing is getting the halftone data into the full buffer before the copy_planes21:08.29 
  in gxht_thresh.c21:09.40 
  and basically replace the commented out copy_plane with the appropriate copy_planes?21:13.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: exactly.21:16.19 
mvrhel ok21:17.00 
  dusting off the neural cobwebs now21:17.08 
  hmm. what I wrote for the color thresholding makes no sense to me. it seems that the same threshold array is going to get applied to all the colorants21:42.13 
  nevermind I see21:42.56 
  whew this is trickier than I thought it would be22:13.15 
tor8 Robin_Watts: bad news. the image zooming is actually in the scaling code :(23:30.30 
  I was getting thrown off by build skew problems in Xcode when tracking it down23:30.44 
  it only linked against the new libraries every other compile :(23:30.59 
  -3s/zooming/zooming bug/23:31.32 
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