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Robin_Watts tor8: I fear I've got a long way to go in Fallout 3 yet.00:13.05 
arthurf playing around a little with browsing XPS files through the iOS viewer04:12.00 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping12:10.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pong!12:10.14 
Robin_Watts Today I plan to look at the iOS stuff.12:10.27 
  Has apple changed the hoops you need to jump through?12:10.47 
tor8 I'm buying airplane tickets. Guess what, the default option was to fly in via london city airport and leave through heathrow again!12:10.54 
Robin_Watts Can I develop for the simulator without having to pay again?12:11.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no, the hoops remain largely the same.12:11.08 
Robin_Watts So I still need a valid developer account? 12:11.31 
tor8 yeah, you can develop for the simulator without getting into the mine field!12:11.33 
Robin_Watts Oh, ok, simulator it is then.12:11.44 
tor8 but if you want to run on a device, it's nasty time.12:11.49 
Robin_Watts oh, but the simulator is x86 based?12:12.08 
  rather than emulated ARM ?12:12.16 
  I had a thought while running.12:12.50 
  In fz_gridfit_matrix there are lots of references to FLT_EPSILON12:13.05 
  Try changing those to 0.00112:13.19 
  That might fix the idempotency issues.12:13.40 
  FLT_EPSILON is quite small, as I remember.12:13.58 
  but with numbers in the 1000s, the actual epsilon is much larger.12:14.16 
tor8 yeah, the simulator is x86-based12:14.28 
Robin_Watts Sorry marcos :(12:41.48 
  kens: Dunno if you got a second monitor, just got mailed this one: 
  That one has DVI and VGA.12:55.12 
kens And its reasonably cheap ;-)12:55.47 
Robin_Watts I think that's the cheapest I've seen a DVI one.12:56.04 
  In the same mail they have a 120Gig SSD for 99quid, which is 30 quid cheaper than I got mine for last month.12:59.57 
kens remarkable price.13:00.20 
Robin_Watts yeah. I wouldn't have just an SSD in the machine (I like an HD for bulk/frequently changed storage), but it does make stuff much faster.13:01.08 
  And that's my last customer bug closed. woo hoo!13:02.37 
kens You can have some of mine if you like >:-)13:02.57 
Robin_Watts Suggest a few, and I'll have a look in a bit to see if there's anything that tickles me ...13:04.31 
kens Just joking, the only ones I have really are pdfwrite/ps2write enhancements13:04.59 
Robin_Watts 1.8Gig to update to the latest xcode. sheesh.13:26.06 
kens Ai Caramba!13:26.31 
norbertj hello tor813:51.17 
tor8 hi norbertj13:51.26 
norbertj I have a question on building xps with msvc 2010.13:51.31 
tor8 okay?13:52.26 
norbertj I use latest. git pull --rebase (on master). And when building from git-bash shell I get warnings on jxr_get_TILING_FLAG etc.13:52.48 
  Luckily it still produced a gxps.exe (I thought it failed).13:53.33 
tor8 the microsoft reference code for jpeg-xr (the jxr) is chock full of warnings13:53.49 
  so I wouldn't worry too much about warnings when compiling that particular library.13:55.15 
norbertj On our printer (B&W) we have a complaint about bad looking xps-output (i.e. a jpeg-picture is badly converted to b&w, it looks very flattened (very few grayscales).13:55.56 
tor8 that sounds more ominous. I know mvrhel has worked on some issues with images in xps recently, but I don't think that was anything to do with jpeg.13:57.11 
norbertj If printing to -sDEVICE=display, it looks ok. (i.e. the gxps.exe displaydevice is color.13:57.15 
  It's probably not jpeg, but conversion from color to b&w.13:57.41 
tor8 does it affect other images and gradients too?13:58.01 
norbertj I don't know. The guy from the xps-driver came with page 111 (from a 214 page job) showing the output, and I didn't have the time yet to investigate further.13:59.46 
  I will make it into a 1 page xps job and create a bug for it.14:00.07 
tor8 norbert: thanks.14:19.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: ok, xcode updated to 4.2, mupdf built and running in simulator.14:44.38 
  now to try and get a file in there for it to view.14:44.50 
norbertj tor8: I re-checked and our printer has currently 9.02 (with a problem). When I compare git (9.05) with 9.02. I see 9.02 has (bmpmono) bad (flattened) output, and the git shows far better output. So we have to integrate 9.04 ;)14:46.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: in ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/...hex-code.../Documents14:47.53 
Robin_Watts Ah!14:48.03 
  How do I zoom in the simulator ?14:52.54 
tor8 alt-click14:52.59 
  that starts a faked pinch gesture14:53.06 
Robin_Watts Gottit, ta.14:53.18 
norbertj tor8: FYI, the 9.04 also has the problem , but the git-master has it fixed.14:53.29 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Yes, various xps bugs were fixed within the last week or so my mvrhel2 and myself.14:54.02 
  ok, tor8?15:21.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah?15:22.06 
Robin_Watts I've put a printf of the ctm values at the start of fz_gridfit_matrix, and another at the end.15:22.17 
  I've then put a printf of "------" after the actual paint is done.15:22.33 
  When I first run the app, and it renders page 217 of DragonAge.pdf, I see lots of 'paired' calls, as you'd expect.15:23.10 
  The first one genuinely gridfits.15:23.24 
  the second ones are often called with different values than the first, but they are always grid aligned, and are never changed.15:24.09 
  (Presumably that's clipping or something)15:24.19 
  So the problem is not gridfitting being done twice.15:24.42 
  We will get different results from gridfitting an image, scaling it, then clipping it, then plotting it, than we will with scaling, clipping, then gridfitting.15:25.55 
  actually, it can't be clipping...15:36.54 
  tor8: There is a </File> missing from libmupdf.vcproj after the entry for doc_outline.c in the ios branch.15:41.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: d'oh15:42.18 
Robin_Watts I've found a bug in the gridfitting code to do with rotated images.16:02.02 
  but it doesn't fix the main problem.16:02.07 
  tor8: If you switch to running it on the iphone sim, rather than the ipad sim.16:09.08 
  ignore that.16:11.02 
  tor8: OK. If I disable smooth scaling entirely, and disable all interpolation, then I get perfect results, as long as I remove the u += 0.5, v += 0.5 thing.16:38.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, the += 0.5 thing didn't seem to do what we wanted in my testing either16:39.01 
Robin_Watts If I force the use of linear interpolation, then I get a y shift of 1 texel.16:40.28 
  I have something that seems to work perfectly.16:50.14 
  but I don't understand it :(16:50.27 
kens Perfect!16:50.43 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Sorry. I fear I've just changed every image in the cluster by tiny shifts in color.16:55.50 
marcosw_ henrys and rayjj: as usual I'm prepping for my 10:00 meeting and so would like to postpone or cancel today's support meeting.16:55.55 
  Robin_Watts: again? I've just recovered from the last change you made!16:56.12 
Robin_Watts Sorry.16:56.28 
marcosw_ seriously, how much shift in colour? The compare uses fuzzy with a reasonable threshold for intensity differences16:57.11 
kens regression showed about 20-25% files differed16:57.36 
Robin_Watts Well, each encode color change from 16 to 8 bits can now be changed by 1.16:57.38 
  but I did a bmpcmp run with a threshold of 4 and it still found differences (in shadings mostly, I think)16:58.05 
  and of course halftones may cause pixels to snap from 0 to 255.16:58.36 
henrys marcosw_:okay17:00.09 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: the halftone issue isn't a problem, I scale the images down to 72 dpi and then compare the bitmaps.17:01.55 
Robin_Watts 72dpi halftoned ones will be :)17:02.17 
kens Time to go, night all17:04.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping17:20.26 
  tor8: is now updated with a patch from the head of the ios branch as published in your repo to something that works for me.17:29.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that patch also has the android and arm fixes, if that's intentional?17:30.47 
Robin_Watts yes.17:30.53 
tor8 just checking.17:31.04 
Robin_Watts because that introduces fz_scale_simple etc17:31.15 
tor8 I tried the arm version on my iPad, but got a crash with some obscure error message17:31.27 
Robin_Watts A crash, or a fail to build ?17:31.37 
tor8 you may have missed it in the logs17:31.40 
Robin_Watts I saw something about a literal pool being too far away.17:31.55 
  We can work to fix that.17:32.03 
tor8 yeah, that was with no-thumb on armv617:32.15 
  with thumb it compiles but crashes17:32.21 
Robin_Watts Are you building with thumb enabled ?17:32.58 
tor8 yes. I'm building with armv7 and thumb enabled17:33.18 
  as per apple's recommendations, that's the way Xcode builds by default17:33.41 
Robin_Watts ok. Then I'd expect you to have to build with ARCH_THUMB and ARCH_ARM both defined - dunno why it crashes. Would need to look at the object file to see what apples god awful assembler is doing with it.17:34.30 
tor8 yes, I built with both -DARCH_THUMB and -DARCH_ARM17:34.58 
  any other way and I get compiler errors :)17:35.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: When you get a mo, can you mail me the draw_simple_scale.o when built with the ARM code please?17:57.28 
ray_laptop mvrhel: Holy Cow !! the halftone generator sure outputs a lot of junk files (___.raw) Do you mind if I make those conditional on #ifdef DETAIL_DEBUG ???17:59.25 
mvrhel hmm17:59.44 
  it should not be doing that by default17:59.53 
  but maybe I forgot to disable some stuff. Feel free to add in the ifdef18:00.23 
  I wouldnt call them junk files....18:00.34 
ray_laptop mvrhel: Oh, I see. RAW_SCREEN_DUMP is 1 by default. I'll change that (along with my other changes)18:01.53 
mvrhel ok thanks18:02.03 
ray_laptop mvrhel: they're 'junk' to me because I don't know what they all are.18:02.53 
  mvrhel: I'm sure they are quite valuable to you :-)18:03.07 
  mvrhel: what does the "Levels" mean in the stdout ?18:06.54 
mvrhel hmm. hold on. let me look18:07.16 
ray_laptop I assume the last line printed is the "choice" params:18:08.09 
  x y u v Angle LPI Levels18:08.11 
  3 3 3 -3 45.0 70.7 1818:08.13 
mvrhel oh that is the number of quantization or gray levels achieved by that particular sub cell18:08.39 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I had requested -q 1024 (to test out the 16-bit PS code)18:09.03 
mvrhel well yes18:09.14 
  that is differnt18:09.16 
  this is the number of levels in the small cell not the whole screen18:09.32 
  I have not tested the 16 bit stuff yet 18:09.45 
  just so you know18:09.49 
  so if you do 1024 for -q you *should* see that many levels in the large screen18:10.18 
ray_laptop my params were -r300 -a 45 -l 60 -q 1024 -f ps18:10.30 
mvrhel but again I have not tested this particular case out18:10.31 
ray_laptop so did I get more than 256 levels ?18:10.40 
mvrhel you should bet 1024 levels in the large screen18:11.05 
  the subcell size sets the lpi18:11.10 
  and it has its own quantization amount18:11.18 
  and sets the stage for how much dithering of the subcells needs to occur in the large screen18:11.32 
ray_laptop mvrhel: oops -- I also had -s 6418:12.00 
mvrhel I am not sure who is going to win in that case18:12.16 
  a size of 64 is going to constrain you on the levels18:12.47 
  this is a case that I need to take a look at18:12.56 
ray_laptop the threshold array ended up 66x66 which (in theory) can have up to 4,356 levels18:13.02 
mvrhel well likely not with an ordered subcell18:13.33 
  that you wanted to get the lpi18:13.38 
  there are several competing parameters in this case18:13.50 
ray_laptop mvrhel: If I don't specify the -s 64 I get a 6x6 array18:15.14 
mvrhel once I get finished up with getting copy_planes working with Robin_Watts' patch I will go and take a closer look at the 16 bit case as well as what happens when small screen requests with high lpi and quantization18:15.22 
  ray_laptop: that doesnt seem rigvht18:15.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: If it gets to the point where you have something you want to kick back to me for me to keep on at, please say.18:15.55 
ray_laptop mvrhel: 60 lpi at 300 dpi isn't particularly high (IMHO)18:16.12 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: no I almost have my initial cut written. and then I was going to test18:16.29 
  ray_laptop: no its not I agree18:16.38 
  I don;t know what is going on 18:16.44 
ray_laptop mvrhel: let me commit the changed version ... (at least it doesn't crash)18:16.52 
mvrhel I will have to take a look at it in a bit18:16.53 
  did it crash before?18:18.04 
ray_laptop mvrhel: no, the original didn't crash. I just meant that my changed version doesn't crash18:24.29 
mvrhel ok18:24.44 
ray_laptop mvrhel: but I _could_ make the original crash if I forgot to put a value for an option (get_arg returned NULL)18:25.17 
mvrhel oops18:25.32 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I fixed that18:25.42 
  mvrhel: I'm going to push the changes for you to look at. When you get a chance, please review and let me know if the README looks OK now, and if you think I messed up anything (I didn't touch the actual screen gen code -- just the options)18:38.40 
mvrhel ok thanks. I will dig into the issues that you found18:39.02 
ray_laptop mvrhel: OK. pushed.18:39.51 
mvrhel ok thanks18:40.12 
ray_laptop oops. Typo in the 16-bit halftone. I'll do a quick fix, but that won't hold you up.18:40.58 
ray_laptop forgot to actually test that the 16-bit PS loaded :-(18:41.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: In gsicc_get_link_profile, line 519 in the debug statement there... should that be found_link? link is uninitialised at that point, I believe.18:53.34 
  mvrhel: In gsicc_get_link_profile, line 519 in the debug statement there... should that be found_link? link is uninitialised at that point, I believe. (in case you didn't see it before)18:59.34 
mvrhel hold on18:59.48 
  yes. strange since I ran this before19:01.42 
  I am surprised it did not complain at that time19:02.05 
Robin_Watts Also, in xpspath.c, line 50, do you mean &xy ?19:03.09 
  I'd imagine you mean xy or &xy[0]19:03.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: '&array' and 'array' both end up being the same address, but presumable it should just say 'xy'19:04.33 
mvrhel good grief yes19:04.35 
  I would just put xy19:04.50 
Robin_Watts ok.19:05.11 
  just squashing some warnings.19:05.18 
mvrhel sure19:05.21 
  I actually would have thought &xy would have been a problem19:07.17 
Robin_Watts Yeah, I would have expected that to be undefined. but then C does wacky things with pointers.19:08.05 
mvrhel ok. back to threshold fun19:08.05 
ray_laptop mvrhel: OK. I pushed the fixed 16-bit PS output (I actually tested it).19:09.59 
mvrhel ok. great. thanks ray_laptop. when I get to stopping point in this other HT stuff i will go back and take a look at the case you brought up19:10.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: Did that fix the scaling/offset etc to your satisfaction ?19:11.15 
mvrhel finally ready to run and test. I am sure things are going to explode19:11.45 
ray_laptop mvrhel: no rush. BTW, the 16-bit 66x66 threshold array looks OK.19:11.47 
mvrhel oh thats good19:11.56 
ray_laptop of course GS just ignores the low bits :-/19:12.03 
mvrhel well at least it did not crash19:17.42 
  output is wacky though19:18.32 
  hmm only the first channel is correct19:18.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: gp_wgetv.c, line 231... presumably that should be just buf, not &buf19:20.46 
  mvrhel:;a=blame;f=gs/base/gxicolor.c;h=6d5f45e50b8b339cf3d07b9ce1297b6608e266ed;hb=HEAD Line 45019:26.58 
  penum->rect.w is an int. So is src_size. Why "- 1.0" ?19:27.17 
  (sorry, I'm hoping that the link interrupts you less than making you hunt for a file)19:27.40 
mvrhel I think 1 is fine19:27.56 
Robin_Watts thanks.19:28.47 
mvrhel oh I think I see the issue19:53.20 
  a misunderstanding on my part of what plane_height was19:53.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking to ray.19:54.23 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so when is plane_height different from h?19:54.39 
Robin_Watts plane_height = number of 'rasters' to move to get from one plane to another.19:54.55 
  Suppose you have a pattern tile of 100x100.19:55.04 
  but you only want to plot a rectangle that's 50 high.19:55.30 
mvrhel oh I was never thinking about that case19:55.37 
Robin_Watts height will be 50, but plane_height will be 100.19:55.40 
mvrhel patterns that is19:55.42 
Robin_Watts Sadly, I had to think about that case :(19:55.53 
mvrhel for my case, h is always the plane_height19:55.56 
  ok thanks19:56.06 
Robin_Watts np.19:56.09 
mvrhel ok. cool. got a reasonable looking output in the portrait case19:59.16 
Robin_Watts excellent.19:59.56 
mvrhel now I need to check the landscape case20:01.00 
  hmm seems to be in an infinite loop in my set up...20:04.01 
  not sure how I managed to do that20:06.36 
  oh I think I see20:07.59 
  the landscape buffers require a bit more work20:09.05 
ray_laptop mvrhel: what non-GS tool do you use to look at the separations ?20:14.35 
mvrhel from tiff sep?20:14.56 
ray_laptop mvrhel: no, I mean what other than GS can generate the seps ?20:15.23 
mvrhel which seps? I am confused20:15.43 
Robin_Watts photoshop can load .raw files and display specified layers, apparently, if that's what you mean.20:16.11 
ray_laptop mvrhel: sorry. I am still trying to figure out what's going on with file 1 of Bug 69261820:16.14 
mvrhel you mean for the above discussion with robin?20:16.16 
  ok hold on let me look at that 20:16.48 
ray_laptop it's a PDF flle with LOTS of spot colors (9)20:16.59 
mvrhel weird can't get to the bug data base20:17.05 
Robin_Watts Me either20:17.23 
mvrhel ray_laptop: yes if it is the *.raw files, I open those in photoshop20:17.25 
Robin_Watts and yet, my ssh session to casper works fine.20:17.38 
  mvrhel: Oh, for some reason, the link above was trying via https://20:18.22 
ray_laptop hmm... I can get there20:18.25 
Robin_Watts http:// to the bugs database works fine.20:18.32 
mvrhel ah ok20:18.55 
ray_laptop I am trying to see if the banded mode (even with 1 band) is really wrong or not, and if so, where.20:20.03 
mvrhel so yes ray_laptop, I use photoshop. the file name will give the information20:20.28 
  ray_laptop: you can see the issue in the combined file20:20.37 
ray_laptop because I don't trip over the NON_ENCODABLE_COLOR breakpoints as I do with page mode20:20.44 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: If you find something other than photoshop, please let me know.20:20.47 
mvrhel notice all the white drop outs20:20.49 
Robin_Watts I end up using a hex editor and setting the width :(20:20.57 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I am guessing you have an issue with PS...20:21.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I have an issue about paying a 4 figure sum for a copy, yes :)20:21.39 
mvrhel yes20:21.51 
Robin_Watts Photoshop elements doesn't support layers.20:22.04 
  (well, it only does RGB, I believe)20:22.25 
ray_laptop mvrhel: OK. I see the funky 'white' pattern around the "BANG" on the left image.20:23.55 
mvrhel need to take a break for lunch. the landscape case is a bit more complex due to the way that the buffer position information was reset with each plane prevsiosly. 20:24.02 
  ray_laptop: yes20:24.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I've just pushed a patch to change template to templat.20:24.22 
ray_laptop mvrhel: thanks. Enjoy your lunch20:24.23 
mvrhel where the gradient (or transparency is/was)20:24.24 
Robin_Watts Were there any more such words?20:24.31 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: great!20:24.36 
Robin_Watts alexcher mentioned 'this' but I can't see it.20:24.41 
mvrhel I only ran across template20:24.50 
Robin_Watts (only in zlib, and that's not ours)20:24.54 
  Oh, wait, found lots of this in ttf stuff.20:25.18 
  I'll change from "this" to "self" later.20:25.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I see 'this->' in: base/gscicach.c base/gsgcache.c base/gxclist.c base/gxhintn.c base/gxhintn1.c base/gxpflat.c base/gxttfb.c base/ttfmain.c20:28.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Me too.20:28.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but thanks for the improvements (even templat helped)20:30.36 
Robin_Watts Hmm. template -> templat caused differences.20:43.55 
  I'll look into that tomorrow.20:44.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: should I build draw_scale.c or draw_simple_scale.c or both?21:07.17 
Robin_Watts draw_simple_scale.c21:29.11 
mvrhel off to take the car for emissions check21:45.31 
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