IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/11/10)2011/11/11 
mvrhel getting close on this landscape case....01:04.35 
Robin_Watts cool.01:08.29 
  The 'this' to 'self' stuff changed files too.01:08.45 
  am doing a bmpcmp of it reverted now to try and see if it really has changed stuff.01:09.11 
  will pick up the results in the morning. Night all.01:11.17 
mvrhel good night01:11.23 
  ok. down to one odd glitch in the landscape case. likely due to the way that the buffer are reset or propagate an extra line01:19.37 
  will try to work on that later tonight01:19.53 
  good night07:22.44 
Robin_Watts Gawd. svn has stopped working for me.11:56.18 
kens Really ? I wonder why....11:57.23 
Robin_Watts I'm using cygwin svn/11:57.37 
  and it's unhappy for some cygwin specific reason.11:57.58 
kens Oh, can't help you there....11:58.26 
Robin_Watts <- let's try that one.11:58.30 
  That works nicely.12:28.27 
  And from msys bash too.12:28.38 
  tor8: Did you get my patch working?13:12.55 
  Did it solve the problem ?13:13.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I ran into arm asm problems, then got distracted by that RPG that was released last night ;)13:14.04 
  draw_scale compiles, I get errors compiling draw_simple_scale13:14.25 
Robin_Watts which one was that? Oh, SkyRim is out?13:14.25 
tor8 been out for13 hours now ;)13:14.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: I meant the C version.13:14.43 
tor8 let me turn off ARCH_ARM and try13:14.57 
Robin_Watts I have a birthday in 9 days. I have explained patiently to my wife that I can wait 9 days for SkyRim, BUT NO MORE! :)13:15.13 
tor8 hehe :)13:15.24 
Robin_Watts But actually, if I get Deus Ex Human Revolution, then SkyRim can wait a while longer.13:17.59 
  I was supposed to get a free version of Batman Arkham City with my new graphics card (sat on the floor next to me), but they are 'out of stock, and not sure if they are getting any more'.13:18.51 
  Batman Arkham Asylum was fab - really didn't expect it to be as good as it was.13:19.28 
tor8 the batman games never appealed to me.13:21.01 
Robin_Watts I got it for 3.75 in a steam sale.13:21.18 
tor8 anyway, the patch minus the arm parts seems to work better than anything else we've tried so far13:21.19 
  that's how I've accumulated a rather large backlog of games to play ... irresistible steam and sales!13:21.44 
Robin_Watts fab. I don't understand what we ended up with really though.13:21.47 
tor8 and those humble bundles13:21.50 
Robin_Watts if (lerp) { u -= 0.5, v -= 0.5 }13:22.05 
  tor8: yeah, me too.13:22.15 
tor8 there are still a few differences compared with how apple preview renders the same page13:22.24 
  the grid fitting seems to work at least. it's visible but not quite as jarring as it was.13:23.27 
Robin_Watts well, that sounds ideal, frankly ;)13:32.05 
  I have a pxl file that every time I run it, gives a different md5sum for one page :)13:48.33 
  And helpfully pxldis only disassembles the first page :(14:43.07 
kens Robin_Watts : does hte file have PJL between pages ? I think I've seen that before15:10.47 
Robin_Watts yeah, I've got it down to a single page I can disassemble and reassemble now.15:11.07 
  cutting it down gradually now.15:11.13 
tkamppeter kens, still there?15:12.20 
kens More or less, still got a bad cold15:14.04 
tkamppeter kens, OK. I only want to know about the state of the bug so that I can decide on whether Ubuntu Oneiric will get an update with a fixed GS or and update with CUPS returning to use Poppler for PDF->PS.15:16.44 
kens I'm working on it, I have no more to report than I put in the bug thread this morning.15:18.17 
  THe CMAP is wrong because the font copying code is giving weird numbers back for the glyph encoding.15:18.44 
  When I understand that, then I will probably be able to fic it.15:19.18 
tkamppeter kens, OK.15:28.49 
kens I think it might be related to composite TrueType characters15:29.45 
  It looks like the accent for the e is being encoded with an 'unused' glyph ID, even though it is being used.15:30.42 
Robin_Watts I think I need a henrys. This bug is descending into pxl specifics.15:58.44 
henrys here I am, well I shouldn't be it is veteran's day but we don't get that holiday officially.16:01.36 
Robin_Watts I put a load of warning squashing fixes in yesterday.16:05.39 
  and I saw changes. So I've been looking into them to see if they were errors on my part, or indeterminisms.16:06.07 
  It looks to me like: bug691464b.xl renders to pbmraw at 75dpi differently every time it's run.16:06.45 
  valgrind doesn't report anything.16:06.52 
  So I've cut the file down, and I've got something quite small.16:07.01 
henrys okay I'll have a look if you send it.16:07.11 
Robin_Watts The most obvious thing about it, is that it uses an undefined attribute.16:07.15 
  Which ends up with the data therein being interpreted as PCL commands to change the font.16:07.40 
henrys -ZIi can tell you a lot.16:07.42 
Robin_Watts Probably easiest if I open a new bug and attach all this to it.16:08.17 
henrys okay16:08.26 
  oh that's one of the test files I just added.16:12.21 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:13.17 
merlin1991 any mupdf devs around?16:15.08 
Robin_Watts yup.16:15.22 
merlin1991 is the icon somewhere avaiable in 64 x 64 ?16:15.53 
Robin_Watts henrys: added as bug692677. Let me know if I've forgotten anything.16:16.10 
henrys Robin_Watts:will do16:16.58 
Robin_Watts merlin1991: which icon specifically?16:16.58 
merlin1991 the one for the application16:17.07 
Robin_Watts Magnifying glass with the top corner of the 'M' showing?16:17.43 
  merlin1991: ?16:19.27 
merlin1991 ich hatte gedacht an 
  sry for german16:19.54 
  I thought of the one I just linked16:20.01 
Robin_Watts merlin1991: I don't have that one around at 64x64, but I can scale that one for you if you want :)16:20.39 
merlin1991 but if the other one is the "official" application one I can take it to16:20.46 
  I'm packaging mupdf for maemo atm and was searching for an icon16:21.05 
Robin_Watts The one I gave is the icon from our in-progress 'ios' app.16:21.16 
merlin1991 found the one I was talking about as .ico in the source tarball16:21.18 
  well wich one should I use? :)16:22.14 
Robin_Watts merlin1991: ?16:23.24 
  For mupdf as a whole, probably that last one.16:23.46 
merlin1991 perfect :)16:23.53 
Robin_Watts np.16:23.59 
henrys Robin_Watts:the attachment?16:30.27 
Robin_Watts henrys: ?16:30.35 
henrys 692677 needs an attachment16:31.14 
Robin_Watts Added, sorry.16:31.30 
henrys oh god the dreaded passthrough mode ... the xl file has embedded pcl.16:33.39 
Robin_Watts hidden in a ubyte_array with an illegal attribute, yes.16:34.21 
ray_laptop morning, all16:35.20 
Robin_Watts morning, ray_laptop 16:35.37 
ray_laptop it's a holiday for us here today (Veteran's day) so my kids or off school16:35.48 
henrys hi ray_laptop16:35.48 
ray_laptop And my wife wants to go shopping later, so I won't be around too much today.16:36.13 
henrys I was thinking of taking the day off - but I notice it isn't on our holiday list.16:36.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: my birthday is on the 25th. henrys -- isn't your birthday around now, too ?16:37.04 
henrys nope I'm in april16:37.19 
ray_laptop hmm... someone else is in Nov, I thought16:37.42 
  Robin_Watts: so your birthday is on the 20th ?16:40.15 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:40.23 
mvrhel mine is the 18th16:45.10 
  ray_laptop: same situation here. off to take the kids out to breakfast....16:45.44 
ray_laptop mvrhel: must have been you I was recalling16:46.39 
Robin_Watts <- Don't know what made me find that whilst Idly googling... :)16:52.26 
ray_laptop well, if genetics are a factor, I should be in good shape. My grandfather died at 94 in 1948 when the tractor he was driving tipped over. My Mom's side wasn't quite so long lived -- her dad died at 80 (but he had hypertension and burst a brain artery), her mom lived to 93. Both my parents are in their mid 80's and going strong17:02.27 
kens Me and my illness are off now, have a good weekend everyone18:06.42 
Robin_Watts night kens.18:06.51 
henrys get well kens18:06.55 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I seemed to have fared ok with that test. but apparently I need to drink more each day18:38.35 
Robin_Watts thinks . o O (Haltoning only makes sense when drunk? )18:39.15 
  then realises what mvrhel is on about :)18:39.27 
mvrhel ha18:40.08 
  I have one last thing I am fighting with on the halftoning stuff. something is getting screwed up with the initial fill and the final fill with the landscape buffer18:40.43 
Robin_Watts chrisl_away: ping me if you come back.18:58.23 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so it turns out that the bug that I am trying to fix exists in the old approach19:11.39 
Robin_Watts oh.19:11.47 
mvrhel i.e. the individual planes19:11.47 
  I was getting very frustrated and thought I better check19:11.58 
Robin_Watts well, that's good, I guess.19:12.02 
mvrhel yes. Now I know my current addition to your patch is ok19:12.19 
  and I know where not to look to fix this issue19:12.32 
  let me see if I can merge my changes into your patch19:12.58 
  Robin_Watts: by the way, I did need to use the plane height in the landscape case19:23.58 
  Robin_Watts: so yes, I can amend your commit/patch that you gave me. 19:25.12 
  Then should I volley it back to you for clean-up while I track down the other issue. If you are fine with it , you could commit even while I track this other issue down19:25.47 
  since the code is essentially disabled by default19:26.13 
  need to head to lunch right now.19:27.42 
  you will have it Monday morning. maybe I can track down the other issue by then19:27.57 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel: yeah, throw it back at me.19:28.33 
mvrhel ok. will do19:28.39 
  it may be after you are done for the evening though....19:28.48 
  have to meet some friends for lunch right now19:28.58 
chrisl_away Robin_Watts: I'm here for a minute (I did reply to your mail)20:15.34 
robin_watts_mac Me pinging you predates the email :)20:15.54 
  if you've read the email, that's it.20:16.03 
  have a good weekend.20:16.13 
chrisl_away Thanks, but I've managed to catch Ken's cold via IRC(!!) so I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself :-(20:16.47 
  FWIW, I'm fine with the changes - you just pre-empted me getting to a similar tidy up at some point20:17.34 
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