IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/11/11)2011/11/12 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: for the logs, I tracked down that there is an error in the tiling of the threshold screen during landscape mode and in the attempts to get things lined up for 16 bit data moves. I will go ahead and send you the updated patch without this since it is a separate issue 03:46.23 
brutal_chaos Hello, I am using -sDEVICE=pdfwrite and I am attempting to shrink images to be as small as possible. I am getting 50+MB tiff images down to ~130KB PDF files. The one issue is, the readability is low. Is there a way to 'sharpen' an image with ghostscript? Or some options to prevent 'fuzziness'? I do use -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen, I have tried -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook, but that gives me a pdf ~700K. Is it possible to keep the ~130KB size, but have04:14.40 
  gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompLevel=1.6 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=04:15.23 
  that's the full line.04:15.27 
  I am starting with tiff images (though I have to use convert (imagemagick) to make them pdfs first since gs doesn't like the tiffs we have)04:18.32 
  I guess what I am wondering is how can I use LZW (or another form of) compression within a pdf that gs writes04:51.49 
mvrhel -sDOINTERPOLATE may help05:49.46 
brutal_chaos mvrhel: thanks, google isn't finding anything, what can I do with that?06:15.58 
mvrhel oh I thought you wanted an option on ghostscript sorry06:16.22 
brutal_chaos mvrhel: I do, I do not know how to use it though. (parameters to use, etc)06:17.22 
mvrhel oops -dDOINTERPOLATE06:18.27 
  but I am not sure it does anything in the pdfwrite device case06:18.47 
  oh you want to make the files smaller06:19.11 
  I thought you wanted to have smoother images06:19.19 
  lots of stuff about pdfwrite device here 
brutal_chaos mvrhel: I do want smaller yes, smoother as well. DCTEncode makes the images rather...ugly.06:21.01 
mvrhel there is a LZWEncodePages I believe06:22.39 
  but you will want to talk to kens when he returns Monday06:23.21 
  to get details about pdfwrite options06:23.29 
brutal_chaos mvrhel: cool, thanks.06:24.01 
  I am trying to get ghostscript to work in a specific way to save my IT department a few thousand $$.06:24.30 
  Currenlty for a couple thousand the quality is better at the smaller size, but I can get (with -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen) smaller files.06:25.14 
  I just need them to look better. ;)06:25.33 
Robin_Watts ok, time to fit new gfx card. bbs.11:36.53 
kens tkamppeter if you are there or reading the logs. I believe I have a fix for #692626 and 692624 (they are the same problem). I am testing it now, assuming it is OK I will integrate it today or Monday.12:17.16 
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