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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/12/04)2011/12/05 
sebras Robin_Watts: at home already?12:45.32 
Robin_Watts sebras: yup.14:48.12 
kens I htought you would fix that one quickly mvrhel14:52.33 
mvrhel yes. thanks kens. it was easy once you pointed out the issue14:52.56 
kens It was reasonably obvious. I suspected it was a simple initialisation ,but had no idea where to look.14:53.34 
kens fetches more coffee14:53.45 
mvrhel bbiab14:54.07 
kens Good luck with conference call Robin_Watts17:33.51 
Robin_Watts Thanks.17:33.59 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: yes. what time is the call?17:58.04 
Robin_Watts 8:30pm17:58.15 
mvrhel kens: I think I found my issue with the jpeg/icc stuff.17:58.15 
Robin_Watts 3:30 EST17:58.20 
mvrhel it was a silly mistake on my part17:58.37 
  I will also get an email out to you kens about the color conversion stuff17:58.47 
kens thanks mvrhel17:59.21 
  Let me knwo if you wnat me to look at the JPEG issue17:59.44 
Love4Boobies What happened to the maintainer of GSView?18:00.40 
kens Russell is still around but he has other commitments these days18:00.56 
Love4Boobies Fair enough. I'm just asking because his GSView beta expires at the end of the year.18:01.31 
kens wasn't aware there was a beta18:01.50 
Love4Boobies 4.91: 
kens Well, just shows what I know :-)18:02.58 
Robin_Watts I'm fiddling with the cluster again.18:31.46 
  Shouldn't affect anything (and in particular shouldn't affect mvrhel's current run)18:32.04 
  but if anything untoward happens, please say.18:32.54 
  It looks like msys *might* be enough.18:42.17 
  But it will cause me personally some pain w.r.t. tests_private18:42.34 
  I have a link to tests_private, and I can't "svn up ." there from msys, because it doesn't see that the parent of private is the root.18:43.23 
  And I REALLY don't want to have to check out tests_private again (especially with my ADSL being as broken as it is currently)18:44.05 
mvrhel no that would take a long time18:44.16 
Robin_Watts Is there a way to export a subsection of an svn checkout to another one?18:47.36 
  I've fixed it, I think. Added an environment variable to specify the test checkout path to the cluster scripts. If it's not there it defaults to what it has been using before.19:16.11 
  Damn. Msys git doesn't ship with a compiler.19:20.19 
kens Heading off now, goodnight all.19:20.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the "full" install or whatever the version is called that downloads and recompiles git has gcc & tools19:20.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah. Don't really want to force people to have to install that.19:21.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. how was your trip back?19:21.49 
  my miami flight was 45 minutes late on arrival, traffic jam in the air so circled london a couple of times... enough to miss the connecting flight. then the later flight was grounded for an hour on the runway waiting for a departure slot to open up...19:22.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ours was uneventful.19:23.08 
  Ken, Helen and I all managed to upgrade to extra legroom seats (and in our case that got us 2 seats by ourselves, and ken got an aisle seat)19:23.42 
  Chris already had an aisle seat and didn't want the extra legroom.19:24.03 
  I even managed to doze for a bit, so (other than the unusually disappointing food) it was OK.19:24.32 
tor8 cool! so you're in relatively good shape for that conference call?19:25.18 
Robin_Watts feeling fine at the moment, yes.19:26.04 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: is something amiss with the clusters now?20:34.24 
Robin_Watts Oh... urm, dunno.20:34.46 
mvrhel oh you are probably in the call right now20:34.50 
Robin_Watts I've just disconnected watts from the cluster. Give it 3 mins and it should spring back to life.20:35.13 
  I am on hold waiting for it to start.20:35.21 
mvrhel ok20:35.25 
  off to eat lunch hopefully it will be back to normal by then...20:37.22 
  hmm. I wonder if I should go ahead and rerun this20:40.48 
  there finally20:41.06 
  off to run a few errands. bbiaw21:10.45 
Robin_Watts right. all done. call went well.21:30.14 
  time to go watch TV.21:30.22 
mvrhel great21:33.45 
 Forward 1 day (to 2011/12/06)>>>