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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/12/15)2011/12/16 
kens chrisl can you get to ?08:22.24 
chrisl kens: yes08:23.47 
kens Hmm, odd I can't. Must be a DNS problem, I'll keep trying.08:24.05 
  Oh, now I can....08:24.20 
chrisl Routing problem, then?08:24.41 
kens I guess.08:24.47 
hje841 Why does my Ghostscript die with signal 11? what does 11 mean?14:05.47 
kens crash14:05.57 
hje841 from what?14:06.20 
kens From a bug14:06.24 
  Can't say more without seeing the source feil, the command line and knowing the version of GS you are using14:07.10 
  heres my verbose output14:08.03 
kens Doesn't help14:08.12 
  But that's an out of date versoin of GS, try using 9.0414:08.29 
hje841 okay, never mind then14:08.29 
  is that packed for Ubuntu?14:10.52 
kens I have no idea.14:11.00 
  But I imagine so14:11.08 
chrisl GS 9.04 is used in Oneiric, I don't know if it's available for earlier Ubuntu releases14:11.46 
kens In fact thre is (or shortly should be) a patched version of 9.04 for Oneiric14:11.49 
  Morning mvrhel14:57.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping15:27.03 
  In order to help track down these memsqueezing problems, I've added a new thing to memento: Memento_label(ptr, "blah"); which associates the string 'blah' with the block 'ptr'. So when we leak it's easier to see what things are.15:28.26 
  This means that I'm adding a lot of Memento_label calls to the code.15:28.43 
  but, a lot of the time I'm seeing code like:15:28.54 
  foo = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(fz_something));15:29.22 
  Memento_label(foo, "fz_something");15:29.24 
  How would you feel about an fz_malloc_struct macro? so I could do: foo = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_something);15:30.15 
tor8 Robin_Watts: something in vein with the fz_malloc_array stuff, but with an implicit sizeof instead?15:51.01 
  well, now that we've already broken "basic c compatibility" with the introduction of exceptions, why not?15:51.40 
Robin_Watts #define fz_malloc_struct(CTX, STRUCT) Memento_label(fz_malloc(CTX, sizeof(STRUCT)), #STRUCT)15:51.41 
tor8 i.e. go right ahead!15:52.00 
Robin_Watts Fab, thanks.15:52.05 
tor8 oh, and change the _array and _resize functions to be the same15:52.25 
Robin_Watts fz_malloc_struct_array ?15:52.44 
tor8 nah, just _array no need for the old one I think15:52.59 
  I wonder if we have any 'pure' mallocs left in the codee15:53.19 
Robin_Watts I'm confused about what you mean, sorry.15:53.35 
tor8 maybe we can get away with just turning fz_malloc into what you propose for malloc_struct15:53.37 
Robin_Watts No, I think we still need real malloc for buffers etc.15:53.52 
  Not all malloc calls are a sizeof15:54.00 
tor8 yeah, there are 73 non-sizeof mallocs in the code15:54.41 
  and 122 sizeof mallocs15:54.54 
  and 10 non-sizeof malloc_array which could be trivially rewritten to be sizeof(char)15:55.57 
  or just plain mallocs in the case of pixmaps15:56.12 
  #define fz_malloc(C,T) (T*) fz_malloc_imp(C,sizeof(T)) -- with the typecast to catch typing typos15:56.58 
  pardon the pun :)15:57.04 
  fz_malloc_struct is fine15:58.33 
Robin_Watts (sorry, got called to help with dog)15:59.02 
chrisl kens: I'd a bit tied up - if I get finished at reasonable time, I'll give you a call15:59.05 
Robin_Watts OK.15:59.06 
kens OK chrisl15:59.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and I would like to see fz_malloc|resize_array to follow the same scheme with taking a type as argument. symmetry in the code and all that.16:00.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Now I'm confused again16:00.51 
  Currently, I'm leaving fz_malloc alone.16:01.05 
tor8 fz_malloc_array(ctx, count, T)16:01.08 
  leave fz_malloc as is16:01.13 
Robin_Watts and adding fz_malloc_struct()16:01.14 
  so the '_struct' suffix tells us to expect a type rather than a size.16:01.29 
  fz_malloc_struct_array (to my mind) would take types, but fz_malloc_array would take sizes16:02.15 
tor8 okay.16:02.42 
Robin_Watts But so far I'm not feeling the urgency to add that.16:02.44 
tor8 agreed.16:02.50 
  no urgency there, just a thought I had.16:02.58 
henrys kens:sorry for the confusion I thought you and Hintak had provided a mapping from URW name to original font names for all 80 PCL fonts - thus the ones other than the 14 would be handled by the platform.16:07.16 
  but now I see there is just the mapping for the 1416:07.30 
kens :-)16:07.35 
  We could opt not to embed substitute fonts, I looked at it briefly for the DroidSansFallback16:08.25 
henrys I am wondering if this was done right - do we need the mapping? It looks like there is a "name" member in the font data structure. Isn't that where a correct name could be provided.16:11.28 
kens Yes, but we would need to know that we don't want to embed the font16:12.12 
henrys I thought the option dictated that.16:12.56 
kens Oh yes, if you choose not toe Embed fonts.16:13.08 
  But that's not the default16:13.16 
henrys right16:13.43 
kens Was thining maybe we should opt not to embed substitutes16:13.58 
henrys right that would fix it in the default build but it would create a surprise for the user. Most folks expect pdf to embed unless told otherwise right?16:15.54 
kens Disstilere doesn't I don;t think, for substitutes16:16.45 
  Well, it doesn't have substitutes in the same way16:17.52 
henrys I'm fine with doing that if you want. How would we tell pdfwrite the font is a substitute?16:20.13 
kens I'm not sure :-)16:20.20 
henrys for PCL that is.16:20.22 
kens I only scanned the problem for the CIDFont DroidSansFallback, that was quite easy to detect.16:20.43 
henrys let's see what the customer comes back with after marcos asks for the correct files.16:21.40 
kens Seems reasonable16:21.49 
henrys kens:I copied you in on a customer discussion.16:22.04 
kens I was just reading it16:22.12 
  Loks interesting16:23.30 
  I think we'll need some examples16:24.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: patches pushed.16:30.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: loads of memsqueezing fixes :)16:50.51 
Robin_Watts yeah. I'm up to 279 mallocs before it finds a problem :/16:51.22 
kens henrys shall we do a build for John ?16:52.20 
tor8 fitz/base_object.c: In function ‘fz_new_null’:16:53.32 
  fitz/base_object.c:60: warning: statement with no effect16:53.32 
  Robin_Watts: ^16:53.32 
  warnings in no-memento builds there16:53.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: damn. will fix.16:53.54 
henrys kens:yes I'm afraid that would be the right thing to do, sorry.16:54.16 
kens OK, do you know if they are using Windows ?16:54.26 
tor8 probably the blank ; left after the no-op macro16:54.29 
henrys kens:yes he is.16:54.36 
kens OK I'll make a build and send it.16:54.44 
henrys It would be nice to have a sevlet on with txtwrite now that I think about it.16:55.14 
  I mean servlet16:55.34 
kens knows nothing about web programming....16:55.42 
Robin_Watts Memento_label(A,B) turns into just 'A' in a no-memento build.16:55.52 
  So a standalone call to that results in 'expression;'16:56.33 
  so the warning is correct.16:56.45 
henrys ignore me just stammering aloud...16:56.45 
Robin_Watts henrys: So you can upload a ps file and get the text out ?16:57.10 
  s/ps/ps or pdf/16:57.17 
henrys Robin_Watts:yes16:57.25 
  rendering would be painful slugging around hi res stuff but text would be light.16:57.46 
Robin_Watts If we were doing that, why wouldn't we use mupdf?16:57.52 
kens ps or PDF or PCL16:58.02 
henrys yeah you guys need to add a postscript and pcl interpreter to that project of yours.16:58.30 
Robin_Watts Well, it'd be easy to do a simple webpage to do that.17:01.47 
kens Not simple for me ;-) I know nothing....17:02.00 
Robin_Watts It all depends how hardened you want it.17:02.06 
henrys we'd want an input size limitation and the interpreter of course would run with the safety options17:04.08 
Robin_Watts henrys: Give me the exact command line to use and what input size limit, and I'll see what I can do.17:05.00 
henrys what else were you worried about - if there are buffer overflows in gs they can be exploited - I don't see what we could do about that.17:05.05 
  10 Meg17:05.30 
Robin_Watts henrys: flooding with requests.17:05.36 
  I could craft a small postscript file that produces lots of text, then upload that lots of time - and would sink under the weight.17:06.23 
  Presumably you'd want a runtime limit too.17:06.37 
  and an output size limit.17:06.47 
  And if this starts to get used a lot, you might want a queuing system...17:07.08 
  there is a world of difference between a quick demo, and something that's suitably 'enterprise'.17:07.27 
henrys gs -sDEVICE=txtwrite -o "output?" -dSAFER input17:09.31 
Robin_Watts OK.17:10.28 
henrys if you only allow 1 upload at a time it is hard to imagine we'd get into trouble unless there was a coordinated attack.17:10.48 
  I guess if users could highlight a bunch of files and send that would be a problem.17:11.13 
Robin_Watts No, the worry is that someone targets you with a botnet.17:11.29 
henrys that's a coordinated attach I believe.17:12.21 
Robin_Watts yes, sorry.17:12.32 
  If you only want one user at a time to be able to use the service, that's doable, probably.17:12.50 
  Getting it to instantly refuse "Sorry, someone else is using the server, please try later" should be easy.17:13.30 
kens That sounds good to me17:13.47 
Robin_Watts Getting it to wait in a queue is harder.17:13.48 
henrys if it gets abused we'll pull it down quickly. It'll be interesting to see what sort of folks use it.17:13.56 
  there's the man with a lot of customers.17:16.39 
  off to the coffee shop bbiaw17:25.10 
kens marcosw_ Shall I send you the binary to send to the customer, or send uit myself ?17:25.55 
chrisl kens: just finished - way longer than I expected. So talk to you next week?17:26.23 
kens Yes, no problem.17:26.31 
  I'm building a release Windows binary from current code now :-(17:26.43 
mvrhel marcosw_ : hate to keep asking you. did you run the plank device with the planar halftoning on?17:29.44 
marcosw_ yes, I'll send you the results.17:34.50 
  kens: could you send it directly to the customer?17:35.14 
kens I'm doign that now :-)17:35.21 
mvrhel ok thanks17:35.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: warnings fixed (and more memsqueezing stuff too)17:37.19 
kens marcosw_ henrys, mail has gont to customer, and now I'm off. Please keep an eye out for any replies. I will be back in the morning if there are any issues you need me to look at.17:41.56 
  Goodnight all17:42.12 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so I am puzzled by some of the numbers that marcos had on the report18:17.21 
  I don't know why some of the pdf files would be slower18:17.35 
  the fact that he is not going to /dev/null would that make us incur a larger cost on the planar results?18:18.09 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:18.28 
mvrhel ok. I guess then, we are interested in the case out to /dev/null18:18.49 
Robin_Watts because we have to planar->chunky the results to write them out.18:18.51 
mvrhel yes18:18.54 
  that was what I was thinking18:18.58 
  not very fair18:19.02 
Robin_Watts Let me just check to see if the code is smart enough to avoid that in the /dev/null case.18:19.11 
mvrhel ok thanks18:19.38 
Robin_Watts yes, /dev/null or nul: are special cased.18:20.33 
mvrhel ok. I will send an email to marcos to see if he can rerun. thanks18:20.54 
Robin_Watts np.18:20.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you missed a warning on line 392 in base_object.c18:40.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: Thanks. MSVC is not giving me the warnings.19:04.37 
  BT got back in touch with my ISP saying "We can't find anything wrong with the line", and yet, miraculously it seems fixed.19:06.12 
  Call me a cynic, but I wonder if that's a trick to avoid paying compensation for the fact it's been broken for 3 weeks.19:06.39 
  tor8: the first sane file (2.7.1....) memtests clean. At last!19:55.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: congratulations!19:55.51 
Robin_Watts Is there a reason there is no pdfinfo build for windows ?19:57.30 
tor8 I forgot?20:05.44 
Robin_Watts OK. My kind of reason :)20:08.18 
  tor8: How large is an fz_shade (without looking!)20:09.52 
tor8 color lookup table + mesh size20:10.11 
Robin_Watts I was shocked by the size of the structure.20:10.31 
  ignoring the mesh20:10.39 
tor8 yeah, it's pretty big. the color table is inline isn't it?20:10.48 
Robin_Watts Its 33K or so.20:11.00 
tor8 it's the damn MAXCOLORS thing being ridiculously big :(20:11.16 
  maybe we can get away with setting it to a more reasonable 8 (or even 4... punting on funky deviceN colorspaces)20:12.12 
  32K from the function lookup table20:12.50 
Robin_Watts It's not an issue for me really.20:12.55 
tor8 now that I did take a look20:12.59 
Robin_Watts Its just that my new memento thing to calculate nestings only used to look for pointers in the first 1K of a block.20:13.26 
  I've upped that to 64K and it's all good :)20:13.33 
tor8 well, you did spot a potential huge friggin' waste of memory :)20:13.48 
Robin_Watts actually... those are held around in the display list?20:14.07 
tor8 yup they are20:14.14 
Robin_Watts crumbs, yes, that will add up.20:14.18 
tor8 we could squeeze that by 1) reducing the number of max colors20:14.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: Can we make that section malloced?20:14.46 
  i.e. can we malloc that once we know what the real number of colors we need is?20:15.01 
tor8 argh! sometime I hate linux.20:15.40 
  I did an apt-get upgrade and now errno.h is broken20:15.49 
Robin_Watts Hmm.20:20.22 
  fz_new_stream; if a call to that fails (because it can't allocate stm), I'd like to be able to destroy state automatically.20:20.58 
  otherwise I need to wrap every call to it.20:21.11 
  I could call the close function on stm, but that would have the side effect of closing the underlying stream too in some cases.20:21.46 
  I'll just wrap it :(20:23.39 
tor8 you mean insert an exception to test for null return instead? that way lies madness.20:24.14 
  and by this case I don't mean the throwable kind of exception20:24.32 
Robin_Watts No.20:24.50 
  Actually, I think I might be safe to let it close chain in the event of an error.20:25.15 
  I'll try it and see :)20:25.36 
  Oh, hmm.20:28.27 
  The close functions are called with stm rather than just being called with ctx and a state.20:28.45 
  I'm going to change them so they get called with a ctx and a state. They shouldn't need to know the internals of fz_stream20:31.26 
 Forward 1 day (to 2011/12/17)>>>