IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/12/22)2011/12/23 
sebras tor8 Robin_Watts_: I'm seeing a whole slew of new warnings along the lines of may be used uninitialized in this function10:04.30 
  tor8 Robin_Watts_: on gcc 4.4.5, but not on gcc 4.2.4...10:05.07 
  all of them seem to be used in fz_catch() but do not have any initializer.10:05.47 
  so I guess gcc is worried about the error case where setjmp() fails and sets errno..10:06.13 
Robin_Watts errno?10:19.11 
  Can you pastebin the errors please?10:21.06 
sebras Robin_Watts_: doesn't setjmp() set errno on error?11:06.45 
  and this would be on origin/master11:07.33 
  tor8: morning tor8.11:07.42 
Robin_Watts sebras: Thanks.11:07.58 
  They may actually be true of course.11:08.05 
sebras yes, but I haven't realized under what circumstances...11:08.49 
Robin_Watts If you set a variable after a setjmp, is can become unset when you longjmp.but before a longjmp, it can become unset.11:09.04 
  If you set a variable after a setjmp, is can become unset when you longjmp.11:09.14 
  That's what fz_var is supposed to fix.11:09.30 
  Yeah, first one is valid. I'll run through them, thanks.11:11.12 
  tor8: How do you feel about an fz_to_string() function? effectively strdups (and null terminates) a PDF string.11:19.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fz_to_utf811:21.08 
Robin_Watts You'd prefer that as a name?11:22.55 
  That means I need to encode/decode the string.11:23.23 
  and it still won't cope with NULLs in the string.11:23.31 
  sebras: Try that version ?11:36.14 
  (new commit pushed, I mean)11:36.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no, I mean there already is a function pdf_to_utf813:02.10 
  (sorry, had to run to catch the train up north)13:02.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: Really? My search didn't find it.13:03.28 
tor8 pdf_parse.c13:03.50 
  it's what I use to get the outline titles13:04.08 
Robin_Watts pdf_to_utf8, right.13:04.21 
  I needed this for the link destinations, which are specifically stated to be 7 bit ascii.13:04.50 
tor8 yeah, it's pdf specific, since it looks at the BOM for ucs-2 and uses pdf doc encoding13:05.10 
  Robin_Watts: pdf_to_utf8 should be fast enough for 7-bit ascii, enough that I don't think it warrants another function13:05.40 
Robin_Watts I could use pdf_to_utf8 cos it happens in the parsing side which is pdf specific.13:06.02 
  And the actual utf8 produced isn't pdf dependent, right?13:06.17 
tor8 correct. it's real utf-8 :)13:06.28 
  just a plain c string in utf-8 encoding13:06.38 
Robin_Watts Will change to use that then, fab.13:06.39 
  tor8: I've just pushed a patch to my repo on casper for your consideration. See what you think.13:21.06 
sebras Robin_Watts_: yup, works for me.13:23.31 
Robin_Watts sebras: Thanks. Please let me know if any more such things appear.13:23.56 
sebras Robin_Watts_: sure.13:24.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pdf_link_dest is essentially a tagged union, but with the tag outside?13:25.51 
sebras Robin_Watts_: if (fontdec) fz_drop_font(); // IIRC tor8 told me that fz_drop_*() now handles NULL..?13:25.52 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes.13:26.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we may want to use the pdf_link_dest struct in the outline too, instead of just the page number13:26.14 
Robin_Watts all destructors should now cope with null.13:26.20 
  tor8: yeah.13:26.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: otherwise, looks good to me. bumpy train ride so can't really concentrate :/13:26.53 
sebras Robin_Watts: so why did you add an if statement to pdf_load_type3_font()?13:26.54 
Robin_Watts sebras: I added: if (fontdesc) fz_free_something(fontdesc->something) this morning.13:26.59 
sebras I know, but why? :)13:27.23 
Robin_Watts Look at what is being dropped.13:27.36 
sebras eee, nvm! ?-)13:27.37 
Robin_Watts :)13:27.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: in pdf_load_link, you do a if fz_is_name test before the if-else chain. there's no real need to do that, since fz_to_name on a non-name returns "".13:29.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: true. But the old code did it.13:29.49 
  on every if.13:29.55 
tor8 ah :) must be old remnants. you're digging in ooooold code ;)13:30.12 
sebras tor8: do you know of a way to tell clang that a function returns? preferably without annotating the code...13:39.21 
tor8 eh?13:39.47 
sebras tor8: I did an analysis with clang on the old master branch and on the new (post context).13:40.18 
  tor8: 115 bugs detected on old master 176 detected on new...13:40.28 
  tor8: one reason is that clang never realizes that fz_throw() will actually return from a function...13:40.48 
kens chrisl can you remember if GS has a 'breakpoint' operator in PostScript ?13:42.40 
tor8 ah. maybe some annotation voodoo on the fz_throw function is needed?13:42.53 
  to tell it that it setjmps13:43.00 
sebras tor8: found it after som digging in the clang docs: void foo() __attribute__((analyzer_noreturn));13:43.31 
chrisl kens: no, I don't remember, sorry....13:44.24 
kens OK no problem.13:44.32 
Robin_Watts sebras: Right. The problem is that needs to be added to the longjmp prototype in the system headers.13:44.35 
chrisl kens: if not, maybe we should add one.....#13:44.47 
kens I think there is something, I just can't remember....13:45.02 
Robin_Watts Oh, wait, no, fz_throw really is a function, so it could be added there.13:45.08 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, but we only care about fz_throw(), so I could tramporarily add it there..13:45.10 
  tor8: alright, given that modification the #bugs went from 115 to 72...13:48.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: Was going to have a quick look at bug 69275813:48.44 
  sebras: Nice.13:48.57 
sebras tor8: with all of them being in thirdparty.13:49.03 
Robin_Watts Woo, and in fact, hoo!13:49.12 
sebras Robin_Watts: tor8 must be in a tunnel on the railway somewhere or else he'd be cheering too... :)13:49.57 
Robin_Watts sebras: I suspect you're right :)13:52.30 
sebras there he goes...13:58.49 
kens tor8 is off to see Santa ?13:59.08 
sebras kens: yup.13:59.18 
kens :-)13:59.26 
sebras kens: by train though, he couldn't find enough raindeer with red noses in Lund...13:59.50 
kens You only need one, though I suspect reindeer are in short supply in Lund14:00.14 
Robin_Watts runs errands.15:04.22 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so I am working on change with the proof and device link profile and my changes have introduced a memory issue that causes crashes in the release and debug builds but not with the memento build. Memento doesn't seem to give me any information either. I wonder if I am doing something wrong16:10.22 
  having a lot of trouble tracking down the issue so I was hoping Memento might tell me something16:10.52 
  The memento build runs just fine :(16:11.08 
Robin_Watts returns.17:15.09 
  Bug 692758 is down to mupdf not supporting non-isolated blend modes by default.17:36.37 
  Let's see if I can debug the problems we were having with the code I wrote for that.17:44.25 
kens Night all18:07.44 
mvrhel_laptop hi Robin_Watts: you still here18:46.44 
Robin_Watts I am18:47.15 
mvrhel_laptop so yes, I was running the Memento build in windows18:47.28 
  do I need to do any special defines?18:47.51 
Robin_Watts You're using the standard VS project ?18:48.01 
  That takes care of all the defines for you.18:48.23 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:48.28 
Robin_Watts So what sort of memory error are we talking about here?18:48.44 
  Memento will catch buffer over/underruns, double frees etc.18:49.00 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:have you tried -Z?18:49.20 
Robin_Watts It won't catch illegal reads (or writes if they go to a non memento managed block)18:49.20 
mvrhel_laptop there is a weird access violation and it is happening during a graphic state copy18:49.22 
  henrys: yes18:49.26 
  and the stack is all screwed up18:49.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Want to make me a patch, and I'll valgrind it ?18:50.00 
mvrhel_laptop ok that might work18:50.09 
  let me do a fetch to rebase18:50.32 
henrys so -Z? should hit a debug message where you can put a breakpoint than you can look at what is fouled up.18:50.51 
mvrhel_laptop ?@$ gave no issues18:51.10 
henrys oh18:51.37 
mvrhel_laptop I have not quite seen a goof up like this18:53.03 
  Robin_Watts: ok. sent it.18:55.10 
  so during a rc macro it complains about an invalid access that is the best that I can figure out. 18:55.44 
  but it is in a object that I have not touched so I think I screwed up something subtle18:56.13 
  Robin_Watts: I think every file crashes18:56.35 
  so you can run a simple case non clist18:56.43 
Robin_Watts ok.18:56.58 
mvrhel_laptop thanks for taking a look. I have been trying to figure this one out for a few hours18:57.44 
Robin_Watts so gs -o out.ppm -sDEVICE=ppmraw tiger.eps18:59.41 
mvrhel_laptop that should explode. let me try that one18:59.58 
Robin_Watts building on peeves now.19:00.09 
mvrhel_laptop I am running with -Z$@?19:00.23 
  and end up with an access violation19:00.33 
  but in dgbheap.c on windows19:00.48 
  ok. tiger.eps does the same thing19:01.52 
  this is going to be something really dumb19:02.20 
  i.e. you will probably find in in 2 minutes19:02.38 
  I was thinking I perhaps screwed up something with the user/device parameter stuff19:03.11 
  I pulled the proof profile and the device link profile out of the user parameters and they are now device parameters and member variables of the device (in the device profile structure) and no longer in the icc manager19:03.54 
Robin_Watts ok, I'm getting a valgrind error in memento...19:04.00 
mvrhel_laptop so to do this, you did a memento build in linux and then ran valgrind?19:05.02 
Robin_Watts yes.19:05.47 
mvrhel_laptop how do you specify the memento build in linux?19:06.07 
Robin_Watts make memento19:08.10 
mvrhel_laptop ah easy enough19:08.21 
Robin_Watts Though I'm using make memento -DENABLE_VALGRIND19:08.21 
  Though I'm using make memento XCFLAGS="-DENABLE_VALGRIND"19:08.29 
  Something appears to be telling valgrind that the memento globals structure is unreadable.19:09.14 
mvrhel_laptop probably my leaky invalid access voilation19:19.30 
ray_laptop There's a funky HACK in the rc logic related to shared paths (I trip over this sometimes when trying to use -Z^ )19:21.04 
  Is 'zeniko' a customer ? I thought he? was a free user.19:22.58 
Robin_Watts He is a free user.19:23.07 
  He's the guy that does sumatra.19:23.24 
  I'm cooling down before replying.19:23.33 
ray_laptop that's what I thought.19:23.37 
  Robin_Watts: I don't blame you a bit.19:23.44 
Robin_Watts Right, the valgrind error was a fault in Mementos interaction with Valgrind. Fixed locally.19:26.26 
konfiot Hello19:38.00 
ghostbot moin moin19:38.00 
konfiot I've just a question, Is there a portable version of ghostscript ???19:38.44 
Robin_Watts portable as in "runs from a USB key with no installation" ?19:39.30 
konfiot yes19:39.40 
Robin_Watts We don't supply one.19:39.54 
  but gs will run without needing to be installed, I believe.19:40.23 
  It's probably just a question of not using the windows installer, taking the binaries/associated files direct and managing paths correctly when invoking it.19:41.36 
  Damn. Michael falls off just as I find a likely looking problem.19:42.03 
konfiot I dont know, i'll try19:43.15 
Robin_Watts Valgrind shows a use of an uninitialised value in ref_param_write_string_value19:44.40 
  when writing pkey-"ProofProfile"19:44.57 
konfiot has find a portable version of ghostscript19:46.10 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I found a problem.19:49.32 
mvrhel_laptop oh great19:49.49 
Robin_Watts Just let me get back to it.19:50.27 
  Valgrind shows a use of an uninitialised value in ref_param_write_string_value when writing pkey="ProofProfile"19:50.52 
mvrhel_laptop ah. ok that would be the new stuff19:51.18 
  let me see if I can catch that19:51.50 
konfiot I found it on portableapps.com19:51.53 
mvrhel_laptop thanks Robin_Watts!19:52.05 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I just pushed new commit that will remove the spurious read errors.19:52.06 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok. 19:52.19 
Robin_Watts OK. I have it trapped here.19:52.29 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: hold on I need to undo my commit19:54.07 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Why?19:54.16 
mvrhel_laptop I did not mean to push it19:54.25 
Robin_Watts Oh, that was me :(19:54.50 
  Let me fix it.19:54.52 
mvrhel_laptop oh19:54.53 
Robin_Watts Sorry.19:54.55 
mvrhel_laptop I was wondering about that19:54.58 
  Robin_Watts: i need to become a valgrind user19:56.36 
Robin_Watts Right.19:56.39 
  No one saw that. It didn't happen. These are not the droids you're looking for.19:57.02 
mvrhel_laptop hehe19:57.14 
  how did you remove it like that19:57.28 
Robin_Watts git rebase -i HEAD~3 (to let me move your commit to be after mine in my local copy)19:58.04 
  Then git push -f origin hash:master to force push the commit 'hash' to the origin as master.19:58.38 
mvrhel_laptop oh so it is a forced push19:58.52 
Robin_Watts yeah.19:59.00 
mvrhel_laptop good to know. I would not have thought of doing that on the origin19:59.26 
  or maybe I would not have the guts to do that....19:59.42 
Robin_Watts In general we shouldn't do it.19:59.47 
  Because we (you!) spotted it so quickly, I figure it'll not upset too many people.20:00.09 
mvrhel_laptop yes20:00.14 
  I don't think there is much activity going on either20:00.26 
Robin_Watts Otherwise "git revert hash" would have added a new commit that backed it out.20:00.40 
mvrhel_laptop right. that I have had to do20:00.59 
Robin_Watts OK, so I have a backtrace if you want it.20:01.15 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I see that20:01.23 
  that will help me a bunch20:01.27 
  as I suspected goofups in the user/device params stuff that I did20:01.57 
  ok. I am getting called out to play some american football with the family20:02.23 
  Have a good xmas.20:03.02 
mvrhel_laptop thanks Robin_Watts20:03.03 
  you too!20:03.06 
  I am going to fool with this more later tonight after being social for a bit20:03.23 
Robin_Watts I'm guessing that dev_profile->proof_profile might not be set to be NULL ?20:04.29 
  or maybe dev_profile->proof_profile is set correctly, but dev_profile->proof_profile->name should be set to NULL.20:05.07 
henrys Robin_Watts:Sabrina really like your christmas card website idea she'd use it. 20:10.53 
  I'm going out for a run don't know how long you guys will stick around today but if I don't see you before the week ends, Happy Holiday.20:12.00 
Robin_Watts You too.20:12.08 
  Ah. Found it.20:16.47 
  Easy fix.20:16.51 
  Will mail details to mvrhel.20:17.00 
kens That's odd. I seem to have a regression test result for a commit I've not received notification of....20:23.07 
Robin_Watts kens: Probably down to the force push I did on the cluster about an hour ago.20:24.15 
kens THe commit was from michael, and caused every file to seg fault20:24.31 
Robin_Watts Yes.20:24.36 
kens Oh OK.20:24.40 
Robin_Watts He gave me a patch to test, I applied it, then pushed it with something else.20:24.51 
kens AH! I see...20:25.01 
Robin_Watts so I had to wave the magic git wand to back it out.20:25.04 
kens Yes I saw tha tin th log20:25.13 
  IRC log20:25.17 
Robin_Watts kens: Have a good Xmas - you disappeared too quick for me to say earlier.20:25.40 
kens :-) You too.20:25.48 
  I was being shouted at to come and help with dinner20:26.38 
  I expect Michael will be grateful for you fixing his bug20:27.04 
Robin_Watts With valgrind, it was a simple fix.20:27.47 
kens I have to look into that one from the manf rom Siemens with the ridiculous pdfmarks20:28.52 
  THat's memory corruption by the look of it20:29.02 
Robin_Watts yeah.20:29.07 
  It sounds like a valid bug, just badly reported.20:29.15 
kens Oh its vlaid, I can make it go wrong20:29.27 
  Take away the (hundreds of) pdfmarks and it doesn't20:29.48 
  Hello tor8, arrived safely ?20:55.17 
tor8 kens: evening. yes, and stuffed full of food too!20:56.39 
kens Even better :-)20:57.01 
  Oops, time to go, goodnight all20:57.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pdf_shade.c line 104322:25.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: looking22:32.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: functions in shadings are optional. I think that test snuck in by accident.22:33.01 
  I have a local patch, just wanted to check with you22:33.10 
Robin_Watts the else throw ?22:33.19 
  Yeah, I may have screwed that up when converting to throw/catch22:33.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think there may be a double free in the caching22:37.49 
  Robin_Watts: no, sorry, the fz_free_link22:39.01 
  free_link_dest double frees on line 1122:39.19 
  hm, no, not double free. I can't read.22:42.44 
  Robin_Watts: something is wrong with the link dest memory management. *goes looking for valgrind on mac*22:54.45 
  Robin_Watts: didn't you forget something at fitz/base_link.c line 39-ish23:16.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: link->dest = dest ? :)23:33.59 
tor8 I pushed a patch for you23:36.01 
  two, actually23:36.07 
  now we come out squeaky clean on the sumatrapdf regression between pre and post merge23:36.23 
  and a few progressions, with the out-of-mem cases23:37.25 
malc_ tor8: hi, around?23:37.36 
tor8 malc_: not really :)23:37.50 
malc_ tor8: what a shame! since outline loading is completely broken now and "You're my only hope"23:38.25 
tor8 robin watts has spent the day adding detailed link destination targets.23:38.29 
  broken? oh my. sounds ominous.23:38.40 
malc_ fz_is_name is always false in pdf_parse_link_dest23:39.02 
tor8 oh, all the pages return -123:39.11 
malc_ pdf_reference_1-7.pdf for instance23:39.17 
tor8 looks like robin has more work cut out for him :)23:39.37 
malc_ and fwiw, while detailed link description is very cool indeed it's NOT used for outlines :)23:39.47 
  only page number gets inserted into fz_outline23:39.57 
tor8 one step at a time :)23:40.11 
  but it is holiday season so they may be slow steps...23:40.33 
malc_ oh.. dang.. living in a country where official church still uses Julian calendar makes one forget that most other people are having holidays just now, so congratulations and sorry for disturbing the celebration/rest23:41.26 
tor8 I don't celebrate, but I am taking tomorrow off :)23:45.18 
malc_ hah23:46.28 
tor8 well, it's a saturday but hey who counts?23:47.12 
malc_ observant jews i guess.. rather picky about saturdays they are i've been told23:49.30 
tor8 :)23:50.02 
Robin_Watts malc_: Open a bug?23:53.41 
  I'm pretty much off until at least tuesday, probably later.23:54.03 
malc_ Robin_Watts: well i could, but i have to fix it now, have to read a document and the only pdf reader i got is my own :)23:54.48 
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