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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/12/30)2011/12/31 
phira howdy, we're doing server-side conversion of pdfs into images (jpeg), we're using gs right now. Are there other options that are likely to be significantly faster? mupdf?01:04.13 
ray_laptop phira: The startup overhead time of Ghostscript can be avoided by using GS in a 'server' mode where you set the output file name and then tell GS to interpret an input PDF01:41.55 
phira nods01:42.38 
  thanks for that :)01:42.51 
ray_laptop phira: for multiple page files this doesn't help much, but for usage where the PDF's only have one or two pages, it can be signiificant01:43.22 
phira we have mostly multiple pages sadly01:43.44 
  but still, good to know.01:43.52 
ray_laptop phira: OK01:44.04 
  probably not much you can do. GS and MuPDF are similar, but can differ in performance for some types of files. If your files are all similar, then benchmark them. 01:45.51 
  phira: BTW, if you discover any files that are particularly slow (or memory intensive) with one or the other, we'd like to know (and get the file to test with)01:47.11 
phira ok, we will do01:47.38 
  do you know of any online saas style services that do pdf to image conversion with an api?01:48.07 
ray_laptop phira: thanks01:48.13 
  phira: Nope -- I don't track SAAS services01:48.48 
phira sure just thought one might have stumbled in here, all good we'll keep trucking along and see what comes up :)01:49.09 
ray_laptop (but I suspect that if there are "free" ones, they use GS)01:49.14 
phira not too worried about free01:49.27 
  the main problem we have is speed - we have someone upload a pdf and we need to convert it pretty quickly and deal with spikes in demand01:49.53 
  which could mean us having to deploy a cluster of systems to do it, which I'd rather avoid for obvious reasons01:50.11 
  so if we paid someone else to deal with the headache that'd be fine.01:50.24 
ray_laptop and if they charge for them and it isn't obvious what converter is used, we'd like to know -- there are occasional violators of GPL.01:50.51 
phira nods01:51.23 
ray_laptop phira: we use a cluster to convert files for our 'regression' tests. The perl scripts that do this adaptive scatter-gather of testing can probably be adapted to your needs. Please see gs/toolbin/localcluster01:53.57 
phira oh neat, thanks01:54.17 
ray_laptop the "servers" poll the "master" to see if there are any jobs to run. The action performed sometimes just collects a MD5 sum to detect differences, but the 'bmpcmp' mode of test collects raster image files01:55.50 
  since the master dispatches, the servers sort of 'self balance' in that a "killer" job only ties up that server01:57.14 
  since it doesn't request other jobs while it is busy01:57.49 
phira yepyep01:57.59 
ray_laptop to watch it work see 01:59.17 
  every time someone commits a change to our 'git' repo, it runs >50K jobs to see what changed. As mentioned above, we usually only capture the MD5, but can capture the raster image02:01.06 
  phira: I hope this helps. BTW, the regression system invokes GS each time -- not in "server" mode where multiple input files produce output files.02:02.51 
  let us (me) know if you need hints on processing multiple input files into separate output files.02:04.34 
  wife calls... back in a bit.02:04.50 
noobirc happy new year!11:41.05 
Robin_Watts happy new year everyone.19:09.56 
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