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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/02/21)2012/02/22 
Robin_Watts sebras?00:14.04 
  fz_bitmap_s is purely for the output of halftoning.00:14.29 
  Currently that's just 1bpp.00:14.44 
  In theory at some point I could do 1bpc, for cmyk or something.00:15.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think he's referring to the comment, "Bitmaps have 1 component per bit"00:49.47 
  which is a bit ambiguous00:49.59 
  and backwards to how things are normally stated :)00:50.10 
Robin_Watts Indeed.00:50.15 
  This lock reworking is nightmarish.00:52.08 
tor8 hashtable trouble?00:52.33 
Robin_Watts A combination of things.00:58.26 
  Trying to extract fz_obj knowledge from the hashtable.00:58.42 
  Trying to make the hashtable threadsafe.00:59.03 
  I'm currently worried that the fz_obj reference counting isn't protected by a lock.00:59.31 
  which means that if someone goes to update a reference count in the interpreter thread while something else is mallocing in another thread, that might cause an eviction and make a race on the update of the reference.01:00.56 
tor8 oh. nightmarish.01:01.33 
Robin_Watts I could wrap the fz_obj refcounting in the alloc lock.01:02.21 
  but then I need to be able to adjust the counts while the lock is held.01:02.44 
  So I might need locked and unlocked variants.01:03.03 
  (of the keep/drop)01:03.17 
  Actually, I think, I can get away with only needing the one variant, so wrapping the ref counts in locking should be OK.01:07.41 
  But I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow I will be doing trip prep, so it might end up being a problem for the plane.01:08.20 
tor8 good night01:09.01 
Robin_Watts night01:09.40 
halabund I have a vector figure made of a large number of shaded polygons (~10,000 polygons, and each vertex might be of a different colour). It takes very long to render in most PDF viewers. Is this normal, or would it be possible to have the same information with a different structure so it's fast to render?09:03.43 
  Does PDF make it possible to render these fast at least in principle? Is it possible that the program I exported the figure from just generates a PDF structure that is inefficient?09:04.33 
chrisl halabund: It sounds to me like the representation is pretty inefficient. You *might* be able to improve things by using Type 2 shading patterns......09:11.08 
halabund chrisl: Are there any programs which can optimize this type of PDF for me? If not, is it easy enough to try to create my own PDF from scratch using the figure data? A long time ago I have experimented a little bit with postscript, so I know that PostScript can be written "by hand" easily enough. But I have no idea how PDF works.09:14.17 
kens Type 2 shading patterns are a PostScript feature as well as PDF.09:14.42 
  I doubt there are any applications which can analyse an existing mulit-polygon description and produce a sahding pattern from it though09:15.17 
  You owuld have to hand-code it in either PostScript or PDF09:15.32 
halabund This is a sample figure I have: 
  (It compressed 10-fold with gzip, so I suppose there must be something redundant in the representation)09:16.55 
kens Can't open it, Firefox tries to open it as a PDF....09:17.33 
halabund Oh ... wait09:17.53 
  kens: I re-named it to .gzip but it's the same file: 
chrisl halabund: Oh, that's not going to be so easy to make more efficient.....09:19.00 
  halabund: just how scalable do you need this to be?09:19.16 
kens Not going to be easy to do that as a sahding.09:20.15 
  Would need *many* shadings.09:20.23 
halabund chrisl: If you think anything else is too much trouble, I am willing to rasterize it. But high resolution rasterized versions take up a lot of space. The main reason I didn't rasterize it so far was that I needed the axes and labels (which are not shown here) to be sharp.09:20.24 
kens You could render the polygons to image, and incorporate that, while retaining the axes and text as vectors09:20.55 
halabund Alright, the next plan is: figure out how to rasterize the smooth shaded part and keep the axes vector09:21.02 
  Thanks for the advice!09:21.15 
kens Well, you couyld use GS to make an image, then curt out the smooth area09:21.26 
chrisl halabund: I reckon that's your best bet for a speedy rendering09:21.27 
halabund Interestingly Sumatra does render it very fast, but occasionally some "cracks" appear between polygons at some zoom levels. But that's the only viewer that rendered it fast. (Now I'm trying to coerce Mathematica to separate axes and polygong, rasterize one, then correctly overlay the results)09:36.30 
kens Sumatra uses MuPDF, you could try that too :-)09:37.10 
  But presumably you want to share the PDF, so it doesn't really help09:37.26 
halabund Exactly09:37.50 
kens Can't you just render the image, then place it in Mathematica as a figure ?09:37.52 
  THat is, take your existing PDF, render it to TIFF using Ghostscript, then use imagemagick or something to crop out the axes, and resave. Load the TIFF into Mathematica ?09:38.50 
  Well, the customer isn't going to be happy abou thteir PDF file, there's nothing I can do to affect the way Acrobat is printing it.10:07.42 
  At least, not easily, and not without slowing down everything else10:08.22 
chrisl kens: do you know what's causing the problem? Another Acrobat bug?10:11.01 
kens Nope, its just the way the file is made10:13.22 
  The file is drawn by setting a big black rectangle.10:13.35 
  Then a clipping path.10:13.41 
  That path is then filled with a Pattern colour space10:13.51 
halabund Alright, managed to hack together a version with the axes in vector and the smooth density plot as raster :-)10:13.58 
kens The pattern does only one thing, it draws an image10:14.01 
  The image is pure white.10:14.13 
  At some resolutions/scaling, the image disappears.10:14.27 
  THe pattern comes from PCL as does the rest of the drawing.10:14.47 
  Looking for a pattern which only uses a single image (and nothing else) and tehn checking to see if the image is a pure black or white is possible, btu expensive to do10:15.24 
  Maybe henrys could spot the pattern higher up and replace with a flat fill, I don't know.10:15.57 
chrisl Presumably, the result is just fine at 300 and/or 600dpi?10:16.08 
kens And 159010:16.14 
halabund Do you know of any free programs that are able to optimize the PDF size and work well, other than Multivalent?10:16.15 
kens 15010:16.17 
  halabund you could try running it through GS using the pdfwrite device, but it depends what's using up the space.10:16.47 
  chrisl, but at 144 dpi it doesn't work (pure black)10:17.00 
chrisl So in other words, at resolutions valid for PCL it works - it's just like the old SciText Postscript - "garbage" in, "garbage" out.......10:18.11 
kens Yes, pretty much.10:18.52 
chrisl kens: (and Robin_Watts) BTW, checkin is open, but you might want to leave it a little while - the site seems to be having a bad hair day......10:19.07 
kens I'm about to go out, I'll do it later, but thanks10:19.23 
chrisl That's one reason I mentioned it - If you wanted to get it done before you went out, you might be frustrated!10:20.22 
kens No time after debugging that problem, but there's no great rush10:20.40 
  I guess that's probably it work-wise for the week, I'll need to finish loading up the laptop and pack after lunch10:21.09 
  Early start tomorrow :-(10:21.17 
chrisl I'm checked in, but I can get a boarding pass - "Sorry, we've encountered a problem, please try later....." :-(10:21.37 
kens Oh great....10:21.44 
chrisl What time do you have to leave, then?10:22.21 
kens I'll have to leave the house around 5:50 am10:22.34 
  Coach from Gatwick at 6;2010:22.48 
  Get to Heathrow around 7:5010:22.56 
  (assuming the M25 is OK)10:23.03 
  Ho ho10:23.09 
  Anyway, time to go, be back later10:23.55 
chrisl have fun!10:24.01 
Robin_Watts Well, I have a boarding pass.10:26.57 
chrisl I'm now waiting on it being e-mailed - fifth attempt's a charm, apparently10:27.33 
sebras Robin_Watts: have a nice trip and say hello to tor8 when you meet him.10:40.25 
  Robin_Watts: if he's tired it's because I kept him awake reviewing documentation until 3am last night. ;)10:40.59 
Robin_Watts sebras: hehe.10:41.13 
  Morning paulgardiner 10:41.44 
paulgardiner morning10:41.58 
  Received a second email from Curry's. so looks like the order is going through ok.10:43.57 
chris2 just found this possibly corrupt pdf file which crashes gv, mupdf, zathura/poppler-glib yet xpdf and mupdf can open it and render it correctly: 
  not mupdf, evince can open it, sorry11:09.28 
chrisl chris2: no crash here, just a load of warnings about the pdf being broken11:11.54 
  evince and xpdf also dump a load of warnings about it being broken.11:13.06 
chris2 /usr/bin/mupdf is owned by mupdf 0.9-111:13.11 
chrisl You said "crashes gv", I tested on ghostscript11:14.01 
chris2 ah11:14.09 
  /usr/bin/gv is owned by gv 3.7.3-111:14.44 
Robin_Watts chris2: We are familiar with mupdf here :)11:15.16 
chris2 the mupdf page told that mupdf people are here too11:15.31 
  chrisl: ok, funny11:15.34 
  chrisl: pdftops works, and evince can render the resulting ps11:15.44 
  but gv crashes11:15.47 
chrisl gv version doesn't help much, it's just a "skin" over ghostscript. gv works for me, too11:16.01 
  gv 3.7.211:16.20 
chris2 mupdf-git works11:16.28 
  /usr/bin/gs is owned by ghostscript 9.05-111:16.46 
  yes, plain gs works too11:17.39 
chrisl Well, gv isn't ours, so we'll need a Ghostscript command line in order to drive gs in the same way that gv does in order to reproduce the problem11:18.11 
  chris2: what distribution are you running?11:18.38 
chris2 haha11:18.38 
  gv crashes just on starting11:18.46 
  i'm sorry11:18.49 
chrisl Ugh, can't help - report it to the gv maintainer. They should be able to determine if it's a gv or gs problem, and report it to the relevant upstream project11:19.44 
chris2 i'll try recompiling and then report it11:19.58 
  but its nice to see what crap libreoffice can generate11:20.10 ah11:20.30 
chrisl ;-) Personally, I'd also report the broken PDF to LibreOffice......11:21.15 
chris2 yes11:21.44 
chrisl chris2: BTW, (just a pet hate of mine) what you've got there is not a "crash" in MuPDF, it's a graceful exit on encountering broken input......11:22.34 
chris2 true11:22.59 
chrisl It's just a crash is *very* important to resolve ASAP, whilst a graceful exit is rather less so (assuming the problem can be worked around at all)11:24.12 
chris2 yeah11:25.13 
chrisl bbiaw.....11:25.14 
paulgardiner tor8: I saw your post about moving the background. That's good. I have no idea why I had it on the docview (although maybe I added the background before there was an outer layout to include the buttons). Background clearly makes more sense on the outermost view.11:27.47 
tor8 paulgardiner: if I'm not imagining things, I think that sped up the scrolling speed too11:28.14 
paulgardiner tor8: Did changing from fade to slide-on help at all with the animation problems?11:28.16 
tor8 the fade vs slide didn't affect the flickering (moving the background did that) but it sure looks nicer and animates much more smoothly11:28.48 
paulgardiner Oh good. It was the smoothness I was most wondering about.11:29.18 
  Are there still some signs that the scrolling may benefit from a different drawing algorithm?11:31.13 
tor8 not sure without an fps meter :)11:32.04 
  it looks like some of the browsers have the same choppiness11:32.23 
  of course, if we could get it to 60fps using opengl es that'd be even sweeter :)11:32.35 
  sebras noticed a few bits in the search ui that could use some more polish11:33.08 
  like clearing the page search hit highlights when you start editing the search field11:33.29 
paulgardiner Oh ok. That should be easy enough.11:33.58 
tor8 and indicating that it's searching somewhere. I cheated there in the ios version by just disabling the search field while it's searching.11:34.00 
  something else that's bothered me is the links on the page, you can't really see where they are11:34.18 
  perhaps we could highlight those regions in a different color if the buttons layer is visible, do you think that would be a good design?11:34.49 
  so that if you want to follow the links, you tap to show the buttons and see the hyper links in red highlights or something like that11:35.10 
  or would it be better to have them show permanently?11:35.28 
paulgardiner Not sure. If always highlighted, it becomes impossible to see the doc in it's intended form.11:36.31 
tor8 yeah. too bad we can't detect finger hovering :)11:36.56 
paulgardiner :-)11:37.03 
  Maybe links should be visible only when buttons layer is up, and also active only when the buttons layer is up.11:38.02 
tor8 paulgardiner: I tweaked (i.e. massacred) the icons a bit in the branch on casper. the icons you'd picked looked dreadful on android 3.2 with its default dark gray button backgrounds11:38.51 
  yeah, I think that's probably the best solution for links11:39.12 
Robin_Watts Maybe have another button in the buttons layer that toggles links on/off in the normal view.11:39.53 
paulgardiner I didn't like the buttons either, and hoped someone would pick some better ones.11:40.05 
tor8 yeah, we've got space for another button (or two) in the normal view11:40.27 
Robin_Watts We could have a button with 3 states. 1) Links aren't shown or followed, 2) Links are followed, but not shown, 3) Links are shown and followed.11:41.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I don't see the point of (2) to be honest11:41.43 
  that's just tapping blindly :)11:41.50 
Robin_Watts Well, lots of documents have hyperlinks shown in a different color anyway.11:42.09 
  (i.e. html pages that have been turned to PDFs).11:42.23 
  Having an extra layer of highlighting from the client would be bad in those cases.11:42.35 
paulgardiner Yes. Hadn't considered that.11:42.57 
Robin_Watts 1) could be a greyed out 'chain' icon, 2) would be a not-greyed out chain, and 3) would be a not-greyed out chain with a highlight on it.11:43.15 
tor8 or crossed over chain icon, normal chain icon, and highlighted chain icon11:43.54 
  though three state buttons are problematic by themselves, not sure how cumbersome android will make it11:44.25 
Robin_Watts yes, that may be better as greyed out might look like 'button is disabled'.11:44.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: this is the icon set (CC-BY-SA) that I used11:44.59 
paulgardiner Nice. Is the use of those committed to the branch?11:46.04 
tor8 paulgardiner: yup.11:46.13 
  and a new app icon too :)11:46.19 
  they look a bit bad on my phone, since the white silhouette doesn't show half as well on android 3.2's white-colored buttons. *sigh*11:47.12 
paulgardiner I shall update and have a look.11:47.16 
tor8 they really do make it difficult to build good looking apps11:47.25 
  I did play around with making a custom button graphic layout using some xml shape definitions11:48.15 
  Robin_Watts: did you get your new device yet?11:49.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: It's being delivered to Paul tomorrow afternoon.11:50.02 
tor8 fab11:50.09 
Robin_Watts I'll be on the plane of course.11:50.19 
paulgardiner Henry has given me the go ahead to do more work on the app, but I want to be sure that the draw algorithm is still an issue before looking into changing that. Could be a lot of work just to end up with no improvemnt.11:52.17 
tor8 paulgardiner: how about just doing a benchmark sample app that scrolls one bitmap over a tiled background and see if you can replicate the slowness and if opengl speeds it up?11:53.14 
  it may be that android 4 has solved the problem altogether11:53.40 
  and the current state of the app is okay, even though it's not quite as smooth as iOS11:54.09 
paulgardiner One easy thing I can check is if removing the background still speeds it up. Also I can remove the low quality ImageView see how fast it goes with just the HQ patch11:55.44 
  The problem with the opengl approach is that it might require the a complere rewrite and with none of the existing architecture helping.11:56.37 
tor8 yeah, you'll have to reimplement the whole scroller won't you?11:57.14 
paulgardiner Yes, plus I don't there isn't a framework to plug into (no existing classes to subclass).11:58.05 
  Haven't thought it through enough yet. May be not as much work as I think. Or perhaps there's a trick.11:58.51 
  It may be possible to just bring in OpenGL in the draw methods, and still use the existing control architecture11:59.23 
  Actually, that might work.11:59.33 
tor8 worth looking into, I think11:59.46 
  but Robin and henrys will have to have their say as well :)11:59.53 
paulgardiner Of course :-)12:00.04 
  And as you suggested yesterday, use the z buffer to avoid overrendering.12:02.31 
tor8 overdraw shouldn't matter on powervr based chips, but I think the androids mostly use the nvidia tegra12:04.04 
  but once the framework is in place and the pages loaded into textures, experimenting with optimal opengl drawing order is trivial :)12:05.35 
  gotta head out for a bit, back in an hour or so12:08.43 
paulgardiner cyl12:09.06 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, tor8: The Transformer prime is indeed Nvidia Tegra based.13:14.54 
ahfeel_ hi :)13:22.59 
  I'm having issues with imagemagick and ghostscript on ubuntu 11.04 (natty)13:23.28 
  identify somefile.pdf crashes (segmentation fault)13:23.52 
  gs version is 9.0113:24.01 
kens Try upgrading, current version is 9.0513:24.16 
ahfeel_ any idea of a similar reported issue ? any trick ?13:24.18 
  kens: mh okay, 9.05 package isn't available on repositories, i'll try to find an unofficial package13:24.50 
kens There are crashes reported, I have no idea if they are the same as yours without seeing the file. THe 'trick' is to upgrade and if taht doesn't work, report a bug13:24.51 
ahfeel_ allright13:25.00 
  i'll keep you informed13:25.09 
kens I'm sure there is a Ubuntu package for 9.04 at least13:25.09 
  Till issued a patch release.13:25.19 
  9.05 is due to be packaged in teh next release of Ubuntu (I forget the name , Oneiric ?)13:25.49 
ahfeel_ oneiric is the current last, but it's not the LTS one13:26.08 
  it's 11.10, LTS is the 11.0413:26.13 
  next one has a strange name, can't remember, like sharp penguin13:26.28 
kens No idea, I assume you are right. I don't try to keep up with distro versions13:26.36 
chrisl Perfect Pangolin13:26.43 
ahfeel_ chrisl: thanks :)13:26.47 
kens I htought Pangolin was hte next LTS ?13:27.04 
chrisl 12.04 is an LTS version13:27.42 
kens gives up on versionis13:27.57 
chrisl Sorry, it's "Precise Pangolin" - I was close!13:28.11 
ahfeel_ hehe13:28.25 
  yeah, and it's going a super long term supported one, 5 years13:28.33 
chrisl It looks like official Ubuntu 11.04 tops out at GS 9.01....13:29.33 
ahfeel_ yeah13:29.38 
  seems like upgrading to 11.10 solves the problem13:29.45 
  pff :<13:29.51 
kens Well, you could build from source (and get the proper 3rd party libraries that way too)13:29.58 
ahfeel_ How the hell can they deliver a broken version and not backport on the lts13:30.40 
  anyway, I think I have no other choice than upgrading13:31.05 
chrisl Could be that no one has reported the problem13:31.09 
kens chrisl, looks like someone is bitching about FreeType's rendering, the latest 'PLP' one.13:40.10 
  He's complaining that 'the bottom row of pixels' is missing13:40.26 
chrisl kens: yes, looking at it - *really* stupidly big and complex file, and Acrobat won't reset the bbox!13:40.56 
kens Right, I was looking at the output, a single pixel line font.....13:41.11 
  Oh yes, massive drawing like all their files.13:41.52 
chrisl Yeh, with weird construction, layers and all kinds of crap in there :-(13:42.20 
kens 48x30 inches and he's complaining about one row of pixels....13:42.27 
  Yes, all their files are weird13:42.38 
  Easy to delete the main content though13:43.19 
chrisl I should get a debuggable file today, but I doubt I'll do any "real" work on it until next week13:43.31 
kens Acrobat crops it OK for me13:44.10 
  Though I can't actually find the offending data13:44.36 
chrisl Hmm, Acrobat told me "cannot reduce page size".....13:44.36 
  It's very small, at the far right of the document13:44.56 
kens Document->Crop Pages, then play with Margin controls ?13:45.00 
chrisl I tried that, and strange things happened, then I just tried to reduce it to A4, and I got the error message13:45.48 
kens Oh, is it in the seal ?13:45.52 
  I see it is13:46.03 
  Want a reduced file ?13:48.25 
Robin_Watts chrisl, kens, tor8: Weather in SF is forecast to be 14 degrees or so during the day, but only 5ish at night; I bet Alcatraz may feel colder. You might want to pack something warmer for that.13:48.42 
chrisl kens: I've got it down to just the seal13:49.05 
kens Thanks Robin I had intended to check, I'll wear a jacket13:49.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so basically the same clothing as here :)13:49.16 
kens chrisl, me too13:49.21 
  I can delete bits of it too13:49.36 
chrisl Yeh, I'm being circumspect in case there is a clip in there13:50.05 
kens I have just the text now.13:50.27 
  There's something funny about hte Acrobat disply13:50.43 
  Bottom of the text is 'faint'13:50.51 
  Well, its OK at 1200% zoom13:51.14 
  ahfeel I can't see the message you are sending me13:52.06 
ahfeel_ ah13:52.16 
  I was saying13:52.22 
  So the problem seems that my gs version segfaults on a given pdf file, I tried another one and it works great13:52.26 
  can I give you the file so you can try and validate that it's fixed ?13:52.30 
kens Umm....13:52.37 
  I don't see how I can do that.13:52.50 
ahfeel_ the only thing I run is identify file.pdf (identify calls gs underneath)13:53.04 
kens Without fully debugging the file with an old version of software, which I'm not keen on13:53.06 
  I'd need a full GS command line13:53.18 
  I can't use Imagemagick13:53.25 
ahfeel_ arf13:53.35 
  you'd just have to run "identify file.pdf"13:53.45 
kens On Windows ?13:53.56 
ahfeel_ linux 13:53.59 
kens :-)13:53.59 
ahfeel_ :/13:54.01 
  anyone with gs >= 9.04 running linux ? :)13:54.19 
kens Almopst everyone :-)13:54.28 
  But not me13:54.33 
chrisl Yes, if you send the file to me, I'll run it for you13:54.40 
ahfeel_ chrisl: ahh great thanks13:54.49 
  it segv here, $ identify ~archivezen/28eac32d-4bab-4eb1-8475-ab782ecfbd91.pdf 13:55.16 
  Segmentation fault13:55.19 
  identify: Échec délégation Postscript `/home/archivezen/28eac32d-4bab-4eb1-8475-ab782ecfbd91.pdf': @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/645.13:55.21 
  It works great with gs 8.7113:55.41 
chrisl Same here - seg fault13:55.49 
ahfeel_ oh13:55.54 
  chrisl: gs 9.05 ?13:55.59 
chrisl hang on a sec13:56.17 
  *our* 9.05 seems to work fine13:56.59 
kens Aha.13:57.12 
ahfeel_ so which version segfaulted ?13:57.15 
chrisl 9.0413:57.21 
ahfeel_ lolz.13:57.26 
kens Could build from source13:57.43 
ahfeel_ means that even by upgrading my whole system to 11.10 and having 9.04 it will still segv13:57.49 
chrisl *but* I'm using 9.05 with the third party libraries that *we* test and ship with, whilst 9.04 is using whatever random library versions got installed with it on Ubuntu13:58.21 
ahfeel_ chrisl: do you have any hint on what's invalid in this pdf file ? if there's something invalid, maybe it's just these version of gs that have a bug13:58.23 
chrisl hah! *Looks* like a broken or problematic ICC profile13:59.14 
ahfeel_ maybe it's because it's a PDF/A ?14:00.04 
chrisl I know we fixed quite a few problems (including crashes) in LittleCMS (even with valid profiles) which weren't taken upstream, and weren't used by Ubuntu14:01.54 
ahfeel_ chrisl: it segfaulted with a vanilla 9.04 on ubuntu 11.10 ?14:11.11 
kens Ubuntu versions of GS are not quite the same as 'vanilla'14:11.37 
  We keep our own versions of 3rd party librareis, which we know work14:11.51 
ahfeel_ lol, what I mean is with the version delivered by ubuntu :)14:11.56 
chrisl ahfeel_: no, Ubuntu's installed version crashed14:12.14 
kens Ubuntu insists on using shared libraries, which may not work. Hence Chris's comments about LCMS version 114:12.16 
ahfeel_ chrisl: allright14:12.33 
  well, thanks for testing !14:12.41 
chrisl Basically, with our patched lcms, 9.04 renders the file successfully, with the Ubuntu "system" lcms (without our patches) it seg faults - the problem is in lcms14:13.00 
kens OK, checked in. Now I need to go and print all these pieces of documentation.14:26.49 
  Mail sent to customer and henrys about the PCL problem.14:53.04 
henrys kens:I'll look at the pattern thing thanks.15:30.08 
kens Thanks henrys15:30.17 
henrys alexcher:do you have enough to work on for 692851?15:56.36 
  is it clear what needs to be done given the 2 messages from Luratech?15:57.35 
patrisk I'm just going to go on a limb here. Can I use ghostscript to convert a bunch of .mht-files to pdf?16:01.12 
  If so, can anyone point me in a direction where I can read more about it?16:01.21 
alexcher henrys: yes, I've just fixed another bug and switching to 692851.16:01.57 
Robin_Watts patrisk: No, ghostscript does not read .mht files.16:02.02 
patrisk Ah, well thanks for the quick answer.16:02.14 
Robin_Watts Your best bet is probably to load them into a browser (or something that does support them) and then print to pdf.16:02.34 
henrys alexcher:great16:02.39 
patrisk Yeah I was worried I have to do that. I have 100+ so it will take time, but I'll probably end up doing that. Thanks anyway. 16:03.06 
mvrhel bbiab16:09.58 
henrys going through the bugs before the meeting - I've sent now 4 sales leads to scott, we are missing them I'll put that on the agenda.16:11.56 
kens Hmm, I hadn't realised we were missing so many16:13.13 
henrys they aren't great leads but they are possible support contract opportunities.16:14.59 
kens Fair enough, worth trying anyway16:15.10 
henrys Robin_Watts:something to ponder on the plane how difficult would it be to change the path code to not remove unneeded moveto's and rmoveto's. 692809 is the bug.16:24.43 
Robin_Watts oh, right, so HPGL is like Draw.16:25.45 
  It's probably dead easy.16:25.55 
henrys What's Draw?16:26.10 
Robin_Watts The question is, how to expose the different drawing mode.16:26.13 
  Draw is Acorns vector format.16:26.18 
henrys that's easy just gs_set* and gs_current* operators.16:27.21 
  that sets a boolean in the gstate16:27.59 
Robin_Watts I think I'd rather see it per path.16:28.08 
  Maybe not.16:28.18 
  I think it's doable.16:28.26 
henrys okay I'll put it on the agenda if you want or we can just leave it for now, let me know.16:30.15 
Robin_Watts Stick it on the agenda, just so it's not forgotten.16:31.06 
  tor8: ping16:31.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes?16:37.47 
Robin_Watts I've just pushed an updated images branch to my repo.16:38.11 
  I've done all sorts of nasties with the store/hash table etc.16:38.22 
  If you have time to cast your eye over it, that'd be great.16:38.41 
  On the positive side, I believe I've broken the stores dependence on fz_obj in as nice a way as possible.16:39.12 
  sebras: So, I've pulled the doc branch onto my laptop.17:06.43 
sebras Robin_watts: ok. I still have a series of spelling fixes and other grammar that tor8 mentioned last night.17:08.17 
  I'll try to fix most tonight, but I haven't got that far yet.17:08.33 
Robin_Watts If tor8 is OK with the changes in the images branch, I can merge that to master, then merge doc to that too, and then update it with the changes I've made.17:09.02 
  OK, so I'll repull the doc branch before I fly tomorrow.17:09.14 
sebras yup, that's probably easiest.17:09.39 
ahfeel_ chrisl, kens: Just to keep you informed, I installed 9.05 using the tarball, everything went very smooth and it now works :)17:25.42 
chrisl ahfeel_: great! Also, so you're up to date: 9.05 on the coming Ubuntu release uses lcms2, so the problem should be resolved there.17:28.09 
kens Glad to hear it is working17:28.29 
  Off to finish packing, see you all Thursday or Friday.17:29.30 
ahfeel_ chrisl: lcms2 is bundled with the tarball distribution ?17:31.35 
  chrisl: I guess is it, because I havn't installed anything :)17:31.58 
marcosw alexcher: are you around?17:32.31 
chrisl ahfeel_: our tarball comes with everything you need to build GS - there's just a few optional features which depend on external libs.17:32.58 
ahfeel_ chrisl: okay great :) thanks anyway guys !17:33.41 
chrisl ahfeel_: np, thanks for letting us know you've got it working17:34.23 
Robin_Watts Gawd. The openjpeg documentation fairly sucks.17:37.45 
  It looks to me like I have to feed it a whole buffer full of data - I can't feed it small blocks at a time.17:38.56 
  Anyone here had any experience of it?17:40.48 
  OpenJPEG 1.5 is out.17:43.21 
chrisl Ooh, alexcher should probably check that - I have a nasty feeling it still won't contain everything GS needs, though.....17:44.22 
Robin_Watts 'many bugfixes' apparently.17:44.35 
chrisl Yeh, I think it's missing features we need - probably not due until 2.x17:45.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: when do you depart?17:52.25 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Leave the house tomorrow at 6am.17:52.45 
mvrhel_laptop you chrisl and kens all on the same flight17:54.30 
Robin_Watts yeah.17:54.35 
mvrhel_laptop good deal. I get in around 10pm or so Thursday17:55.04 
Robin_Watts I suspect we'll all be tucked up in bed by then :)17:55.34 
mvrhel_laptop yes17:55.40 
W8uiE5 gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=tiffpack -dBATCH -sOutputFile=a.tiff -r300 creates a tiff with a kintelmark. how can i create one with a kmotorolamark?18:00.45 
chrisl W8uiE5: add -dBigEndian=true might work18:06.04 
W8uiE5 chrisl: works. (-: how did you investigated this?18:09.12 
chrisl W8uiE5: I looked at the source - it happens I've been working in the tiff devices recently, and I remembered seeing something about setting endianness18:11.01 
W8uiE5 chrisl: ok. thanks18:11.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping18:12.09 
chrisl W8uiE5: some, but not (apparently!) all of the tiff options are documented in Devices.htm which ships with GS18:12.54 
alexcher Robin_Watts: currently, the whole compressed image is buffered in memory. JP2 file consists of tables that require direct access.18:13.39 
henrys mvrhel_laptop:we really should separate them on these flights, if one went down the company would be okay ;-)18:13.40 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:13.47 
W8uiE5 chrisl: locate Devices.htm shows no match18:13.58 
Robin_Watts alexcher: Ah, ok, thanks.18:14.23 
chrisl W8uiE5: it's available here (latest version): 
mvrhel_laptop hmm the linux open printing summit is at apple in Cupertino this year18:17.31 
W8uiE5 thanks18:18.29 
mvrhel_laptop something is screwy with xps and linearity in our opacity masks18:19.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Tempt the geeks in with shiny things, and don't let them leave...18:19.27 
  mvrhel_laptop: Are you looking at the bug I raised?18:19.37 
  bug 692818 ?18:20.17 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: no, I fixed the crash and I now seem an issue here. I do recall you pointing out this issue early. My fix may have made it more prevalent. Trying to track down the issue now18:20.23 
  likely something to do with linear vs. nonlinear gray representation18:20.42 
Robin_Watts 692818 gives some cases where it's really obvious. Don't know if that will help.18:20.49 
mvrhel_laptop ok cool18:20.55 
  I will add those into my testing18:21.01 
  oh this is a premultiplied and not premultiplied issu.18:21.35 
  yet another potential problem18:21.46 
  the case I am looking at, we are creating an opacity mask from a gradient18:21.59 
  the icc profiles get set to ensure things stay linear but somewhere things go afoul18:22.25 
  anyway. I need to head out for a bit. bbiab18:22.44 
Robin_Watts tor8 has a note in muxps that says something like "alpha = x is supposed to mean non-premultiplied, but all files seen in the wild lie"18:22.45 
mvrhel_laptop interesting18:23.04 
  I will look into that at the same time18:23.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. I remember writing the comment, but I don't remember all the details that led me to the conclusion18:24.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ah.18:24.44 
  tor8: Did you see my burblings about the images branch ?18:24.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, but I haven't had the time to look through your latest changes yet18:25.15 
  was hoping to do that on the airport tomorrow18:25.21 
Robin_Watts Because air sickness isn't nauseating enough? :)18:25.40 
diverdude Hello. is there some tool which allows me to edit eps figures?18:29.53 
Robin_Watts emacs?18:30.51 
  or a vector editor, like Xara, maybe.18:31.36 
diverdude i mean some graphical editor18:31.46 
Robin_Watts Xara, or inkscape or something ?18:32.02 
  inkscape will apparently import eps if ghostscript is installed.18:34.38 
  but it may want to save svgs out :(18:34.47 
diverdude xara-gtk?18:36.01 
sebras diverdude: mmm, that's the name of the package in Ubuntu/Debian.18:37.36 
Robin_Watts henrys: Is the agenda finalised enough to send yet? I'd like to print it out before I shut down for the trip.20:54.17 
henrys yeah I'll have it out in about 10 minutes20:54.42 
Robin_Watts ah cool.20:54.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: hm... is it ok if you pull sebras/doc when you land?20:56.29 
  Robin_Watts: or did you intend to read through it on the plane?20:56.51 
henrys Robin_Watts:sent I'm pretty sure that wasn't one of my best researched agendas, much shorter than usual.21:11.16 
Robin_Watts sebras: I was planning to pull it at 5am :)21:16.50 
  or maybe even at the airport.21:17.06 
sebras Robin_watts: good. then I have ample time... :)21:18.15 
Robin_Watts henrys: If we do a bug sweep at the meeting, we are bound to spot anything important you've missed. (Though I can't think of anything)21:20.54 
henrys I've often considered just dumping most of the agenda items in bugzilla and having the meeting "bugzilla centered".21:22.24 
  specifically all agenda projects could be entered as P3 then each meeting we would review all bugs and enhancements >= P3, we'd probably want to lower the priority of many of the enhancements before trying that.21:28.44 
mvrhel ok now back to screening....21:43.57 
henrys out for a run or maybe more, 60 to 70 mph gusts predicted for today.21:52.17 
mvrhel wow21:52.26 
henrys seems to have calmed down a bit so I'm going to head out now. Lots of flights cancelled today.21:53.18 
mvrhel are you coming in thursday evening?21:53.38 
henrys yes, well maybe21:54.19 
mvrhel ok. have a good run21:54.31 
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