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kens ping chrisl08:44.58 
chrisl kens: pong08:46.47 
kens chrisl I'm looking at a 'accumulation' problem with fonts and pdfwrite.08:47.05 
  THe problem occurs because pdfwrite thinks 2 subset fonts are the same and they are not.08:47.21 
  This wouldn't happen except that the subset fonts have the 'subset prefix' trimmed off them08:47.37 
  SO they appear to be the same08:47.44 
  Do you have any idea where that happens, and is there anywhere else I can get the name with teh subset prefix ?08:48.11 
chrisl Hmm, I do seem to remember that, but I can't remember where... let me have a look at the code....08:48.51 
  Oh, it's done in : /.remove_font_name_prefix08:50.16 
kens Oh great :(08:50.24 
  And it doesn't make a copy of the original font name.08:50.37 
  I bet08:50.41 
  Any idea why it does that ?08:50.56 
chrisl No idea - there's no comment to explain it. And, it doesn't seem to save the original font name anywhere, either.....08:51.32 
kens Well, looks like I'm going to have to do something about it. THere is no way to tell these two fonts apart in the pdfwrite code.08:52.00 
  So pdfwrite assumes thay are the same08:52.08 
  I suspect this si the same problem as that nutter with the diameter symbol too08:52.28 
chrisl Can pdfwrite access the font dictionary?08:52.43 
kens The PostScript font dictionary ?08:52.57 
chrisl Yes08:53.00 
kens I guess os, if its attached to the gs_font structure somewhere08:53.13 
chrisl The dictionary is under the opaque "client_data" (or something) pointer in the gs_font_base structure08:53.50 
kens OK well I have access to that, certainly08:54.05 
chrisl I didn't know if pdfwrite was allowed to see into a Postscript ref object08:54.42 
kens pdfwrite tends to poke its nose everywhere08:54.58 
chrisl .remove_font_name_prefix was added by Igor.....08:55.39 
kens Oh great, I don't suppose his commit explains it either ?08:55.55 
  I'm guessing it was for pdfwrite though08:56.09 
chrisl No I think this is wrong, give me a sec08:56.47 
  kens: see;a=commit;h=c71461c108:57.30 
kens Yes, as expected, it is for pdfwrite, and doesn't say why.....08:58.00 
  THis, of course, isn't a CIDFont08:58.15 
chrisl It doesn't mention pdfwrite......08:58.35 
kens Hmm, good point.08:58.46 
  Absolutely no explanation though08:59.08 
chrisl It says "removes the subset font name prefix when computing a substitute font name" - but a non-embedded font shouldn't have a subset prefix.....08:59.18 
kens Indeed08:59.35 
chrisl There is a bug reference: Bug 68774709:00.06 
kens Presumably he wants to use the 'undecorated' name to try and find a substitute09:00.06 
  Yeah, I'm looking at the bug report09:00.16 
  It doesn't help at all09:00.38 
  And of course there are 4 patches09:01.21 
chrisl Well, two patches, and back ported versions09:01.43 
kens Second patch just seems to be documentation09:01.57 
  I *think* he's only removing the subset prefix for lookup in cidfmap09:02.23 
  And of course the font I have here *is* a CIDFont. The usual propensity for declaring everything as a CID.09:03.14 
  Ah, I think its only a CIDFont because of our TrueType fotn loading09:04.10 
  Yes, seems we are stripping the prefix from non-CIDFonts as well09:05.11 
chrisl Yes we are - the thing is, with an embedded font, I wouldn't expect to get to that code.....09:05.38 
kens Well, *something* is stripping the font name prefix.09:05.53 
  Let me stick a == in there09:05.59 
  Nope, doesn't go through there09:06.52 
chrisl Hmm, okay - are we using the BaseFont or something, instead of the FontName?09:07.34 
kens I'm looking at the FontName member of the gs_fotn structure09:07.52 
chrisl But where is that coming from?09:08.12 
kens That I don't know :(09:08.20 
  The BaseFont name has hte prefix applied in the original document09:08.49 
  As does hte FontName in the FontDescriptor09:09.10 
  THis is a TrueType font by the way09:09.38 
chrisl Hmm, so two subsets in the same "context" wouldn't really work with rendering, either?09:09.59 
kens I'm not certain. The fonts are in different PDF files, so that's probably why we get away with it09:10.26 
  Let me send you the 2 files09:10.43 
chrisl Okay.09:10.52 
kens There's a lot of garbage in them but it doens't do anything09:11.04 
chrisl Maybe I'll get some coffee......09:11.20 
kens Probably a good idea09:11.30 
  Just remembered GMail does stupid things with .zip files, and sent it again as a .zpi file. You may need to rename it.09:16.12 
chrisl Oh, lots of fonts....09:18.05 
kens Only 1 really09:18.13 
  I cut the rest out09:18.21 
chrisl Hmm, am I being silly? I'm not seeing pdffindfont being called at all.......09:21.41 
kens You did set -I/... so that its not using romfs ?09:21.59 
chrisl Yep09:22.11 
kens That's odd.09:22.17 
  Can't see how it would load the font at all without going in there09:22.30 
  Hmm, doesn't get there for me either09:23.45 
  Must be a different path09:23.53 
  Oh, find a font (exept for embedded ones)09:24.15 
  Says the comment09:24.20 
chrisl Well, comments are usually wrong.......09:24.55 
kens It does go through 'readtruetype'09:27.09 
  and tehn loadpdfttfont09:28.36 
chrisl Which, of course, isn't in the PDF code......09:29.10 
kens No, seems to be a C operator09:29.19 
  Trying to grep for it now09:29.35 
chrisl it's in gs_ttf.ps09:29.44 
kens Oh, of course....09:29.52 
chrisl Oh, looks like we get the FontName from the TTF name table09:32.07 
kens Well that would explain it.09:32.22 
  But that's not really good enough for pdfwrite.09:32.34 
  OTOH I'm not sure what to do about it.09:33.03 
chrisl Well, it's not really good for anything - like I said, what if you have two incompatible subsets referenced from the same content stream?09:33.13 
kens I suspect that, while possilbe, nobody really has 2 subsets of the same font in the same content stream :)09:33.45 
  Because its more efficient to have onse subset with teh total glyphs09:34.06 
  But you're right that its technically possible.09:34.15 
  I think this has to change.09:34.21 
  I'll poke at it some more, thanks for the pointers.09:34.40 
chrisl I think .loadpdfttfont has to take a name parameter09:34.41 
kens And loadttcidfotn in that case09:34.57 
  But yes.09:35.05 
chrisl loadttcidfont already takes a name parameter - although it might not be used how we'd want.....09:35.48 
kens It does ? I missed that09:35.57 
chrisl <CIDSystemInfo dict> <file> <Substite name> .loadttcidfont09:36.09 
kens Ah yes, so it does09:36.11 
  I think that's not right either mind you :)09:36.32 
  Looks ot me like that's the name Igor creates by stripping off the prefix09:36.49 
  Coffeee time09:37.14 
chrisl kens: no, if you look in /readtruetype, .loadttcidfont gets called with the BaseFont name, which will be correct.09:38.16 
kens What if hte font is not embedded ?09:39.00 
chrisl If the font is not embedded we don't care about a prefix09:39.22 
kens Oh, it can't get here if its not embedded :)09:39.35 
chrisl So, I reckon .loadpdfttfont needs changed to work similarly to .loadttcidfont09:40.11 
kens All of which rather makes me wonder about this business of stripping the prefix anyway. I'm beginning to think its pointless09:40.16 
  chrisl I htink you may be correct09:40.22 
  And in that case I probably won't have to change pdfwrite at all09:40.48 
chrisl My guess is that the prefix stripping was to handle a broken file, where a non-embedded font had an erroneous prefix in the name *or* the font data was broken, and we try to carry on with a substitute09:41.39 
kens That's what I thought, I should look at the file I suppose. But really, they shouold have been told 'its broken'....09:42.08 
chrisl the files from the original bug don't seem to be available :-(09:42.35 
kens Typical09:42.46 
  There were a bunch of dupliacets though09:42.56 
chrisl kens: what you *might* need to do is update the two ttf loading procedures to change the /FontName in the font dict, too.....09:43.04 
kens That's possible, I'll look at this first09:43.22 
  chrisl #68823209:43.43 
  No prefixes on that file.09:44.52 
chrisl Not entirely convinces that's the same problem, tbh09:45.01 
kens Me neither09:45.18 
  Well I think the prefix stripping is pointless, but it isn't causing a problem so I won't touch it09:46.18 
chrisl Yeh, I agree - we can't be sure, of course, since the file(s) it actually purported to fix are long gone...... :-(09:47.05 
kens Which is of course why we insist on people attaching them to the bug report :)09:47.25 
  I believe the ones Alex has marked as duplicates are not duplicates of this problem, unfortunately09:48.04 
chrisl No, those "duplicates" look like normal missing CIDFont issues, which is not what the original issues appears to have been09:49.03 
kens Indeed.09:49.10 
  I think you are correct, the original file must have had a prefix *and* a missing CIDFont, which is just mad.09:49.34 
  We should never have 'fixed' that. But since we did, I won't break it.09:49.54 
  If we had the file I'd test it with Acrobat, but as you say....09:50.12 
Robin_Watts appears to have forgotten how to type over the weekend.09:51.15 
chrisl I've seen cases where that could happen with a "distiller" and forcing no font embedding.09:52.05 
  Robin_Watts: must of been all that jubilee partying :-)09:53.04 
Robin_Watts Woo yay the Queen.09:53.17 
Robin_Watts had a jubilee party here yesterday. Now weigh much more than I did before.09:53.47 
chrisl did some DIY instead......09:55.11 
kens managed to sneak away from our street party on Saturday after 3 hours09:57.10 
  chrisl for what its woth, we also remove the prefix for an *embedded* font, but only if we fail to load the font for some reason. Of course the chanes of a substitute working as a replacement for a subset embedded fotn are pretty low, but I suspect this may be what was 'fixed'.10:43.35 
chrisl kens: yep, that's what I thought - I'm guess Acrobat does something similar :-(10:48.03 
kens Yes, probably. Looks like I may have a solution, I'm testing it now10:48.21 
Robin_Watts I'm confused.10:54.41 
kens I often am too10:55.03 
Robin_Watts kens: Can you take a quick look at the last test I ran on the cluster please?10:55.19 
kens OK one second10:55.27 
  ooh 486 diffs10:55.44 
Robin_Watts scroll down to the diff at the end.10:55.55 
kens OK which bit?10:56.11 
Robin_Watts and look at the postscript changes in pdf_main.ps10:56.12 
kens Yes ?10:56.45 
Robin_Watts At the start of each page, where it calculates "PDFusingtransparency", I also calculate "DoKnockoutsForTransFills"10:56.58 
  which should be "PDFusingtransparency && device isn't high level10:57.14 
kens So you want to perform the following code if its *not* a high level device ?10:57.57 
Robin_Watts and the changes in are specifically guarded so that we shouldn't see any changes for pdfwrite.10:58.29 
  (i.e. we only use the new code if it's not highlevel and transparency is used)10:58.54 
kens I think pdfwrite and ps2write are currently the only HighLevelDevice devices10:58.56 
Robin_Watts Right.10:59.01 
kens Well that seems to be what the code says10:59.27 
Robin_Watts so why do I get 205 pdfwrite differences.10:59.32 
kens Clearly it isn't working properly :)11:00.02 
  I'd get one fo the files that filas, and stick a 'dup ==' in there to see what the boolena is11:00.18 
Robin_Watts Cunning. Will do.11:00.45 
kens typing is also bad today11:00.46 
Robin_Watts Oh, what a fool.11:03.01 
  pdfwrite is tested twice.11:03.09 
  Once to make a pdf, then once to render that pdf.11:03.19 
kens :)11:03.24 
Robin_Watts so the pdfwrite changes are probably fine.11:03.32 
  OK. Back to my previous base level of confusion then. Thanks!11:04.24 
kens No problem11:04.52 
Robin_Watts kens: Can you sanity check me please? gs/debugbin/gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o map.pdf ../ghostpcl/tests/pdf/11:35.29 
  The resultant map.pdf appears to have lost transparency information.11:35.50 
kens That shouldn't happen, but its possible11:36.01 
  Want me to try it here ?11:36.09 
Robin_Watts (there is supposed to be a border around the edge of the map)11:36.10 
kens Yes transparent bnroder is missing11:38.10 
Robin_Watts Ok, thanks.11:38.17 
kens also the shopping centr11:38.23 
Robin_Watts Should that be added as a new bug ?11:38.39 
kens If you do I will ignore it :)11:38.51 
  I've known for some time that was incorrect11:39.01 
  But its a lto better than it used to be11:39.09 
Robin_Watts better to have a record of the problem and have it ignored than to have no record and have it forgotten completely, IMHO. But if you know about it...11:39.38 
kens Its not something I'm desperately bothered about, I have plenty of others to work on.11:39.57 
  Every time I fix something with patterns or transparency that file gets better.11:40.13 
Robin_Watts will leave it then.11:40.17 
kens Hmm, 2 diffs, better look at those11:40.58 
sebras Robin_Watts: unfortunately I can not reproduce the issue even using my current version of mupdf.11:42.47 
  Robin_Watts: so I guess I might just as well download and install the latest version.11:43.13 
Robin_Watts kens: What is the bloke on bug 693081 actually trying to do?14:10.51 
  Is he just trying to make sure that all the boxes on a page are proper subsets?14:18.57 
kens Robin_Watts : your guess is as good as mine.14:19.15 
Robin_Watts If it renders badly on android, then there is at least the possibility that he's using mupdf.14:19.26 
kens Every time I answer his questions, the goalposts move a little further away14:19.29 
  Oh the rendering problem I know about14:19.39 
  I don't believe its MuPDF14:19.44 
  The reader is incorrectly using the CropBox instead of the MediaBox to display the page14:20.07 
  Since the CropBox is bigger than the MediaBox this is a problem for him14:20.25 
  I think I explained this in one of the earlier comments14:20.40 
Robin_Watts It wouldn't sound like an absurd request for us to ensure that when changing the box sizes, we should ensure that all the boxes are proper subsets.14:20.45 
kens Robin_Watts : there is no reason why the CropBox should be limited to the MediaBox14:21.04 
  And you definitely *don't* want to do that to teh BleedBox14:21.16 
  Using the CropBox is just wrong14:21.32 
  And I don't thin kwe should change it14:21.41 
Robin_Watts Yes, clearly the reader is wrong.14:21.47 
kens I'm not sure we cna reasonably change it anyway14:22.12 
  Maybe the PDF interpreter could, but pdfwrite only sees pdfmarks, so how do we know what's correct ?14:22.36 
  But the bug left that area behind long ago14:22.58 
Robin_Watts fair enough :)14:23.16 
  hey scott-san 14:33.16 
scott-san Hi Robin. I got a query today from someone wanting to know if GS will work in 11X17 format??14:34.04 
kens If you request 11x17 then it will honour it14:34.26 
  Depends what he means by 'work'14:34.33 
Robin_Watts I assume by "11x17" he means "11 inches x 17 inches"14:34.49 
  i.e. a media size.14:34.56 
scott-san OK guys thanks. Thought that it would but thought I'd check.14:35.10 
kens 11x17 is the name of a media size yes14:35.11 
Robin_Watts as kens says, then yes, if you tell gs to use that size, it will oblige.14:35.14 
scott-san Don't do this to me Robin:-)14:35.22 
Robin_Watts ?14:35.37 
scott-san OK Thanks! See you guys later.14:35.50 
Robin_Watts see you!14:35.59 
  Is there a debug option to make the PDF interpreter list the PDF operators it executes? (Rather than the ps ones)15:47.29 
kens -dPDFDEBUG dumps the objects15:50.27 
  more or less15:50.33 
Robin_Watts Spot on, thanks.15:51.40 
kens NP15:51.53 
henrys kens, Robin_Watts:isn't it a holiday for you guys?15:52.11 
kens Technically15:52.18 
Robin_Watts Today and tomorrow, yes.15:52.22 
  but I'm working 'em.15:52.33 
kens Me too15:52.37 
  chrisl also I imagine15:52.48 
Robin_Watts (and chrisl too, I think)15:52.49 
  paulgardiner may not may not be around tomorrow.15:53.05 
  paulgardiner may or may not be around tomorrow.15:53.14 
henrys okay15:53.30 
ray_laptop morning, all15:54.35 
kens Morning ray_laptop, mvrhel15:54.46 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Hey.15:54.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: did you want -dPDFDEBUG ?15:54.52 
mvrhel good morning15:54.56 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I did, and kens beat you too it (though it may not be in the logs yet :) )15:55.11 
ray_laptop (logs may be lagging and someone else may have said something)15:55.16 
Robin_Watts but thanks anyway.15:55.18 
  mvrhel: I'd imagine that you're the prime user of "RAW_DUMP".15:55.36 
  Would you object if I tweaked some of the filenames it produces?15:55.54 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: why. I know at one point you had committed as a default your PAM output but I prefer my raw output15:56.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you can also use -dPDFSTEP to watch stuff as it is drawn (useful to 'display' or 'x11' devices). It isn't useful with transparency, however, so sometimes I run it with -dNOTRANSPARENCY15:56.42 
Robin_Watts (specifically "Trans_Group_Pop" =>"aTrans_Group_Pop", "ImageTOS" => "bImageTOS", "ImageNOS" => "cImageNOS" etc15:56.44 
  so that they appear in alphabetical order in the order they are made.15:57.03 
mvrhel I see. that is fine with me15:57.23 
Robin_Watts Makes it much easier for my tiny brain to cope with walking through them.15:57.28 
mvrhel As long as the global number remains15:57.46 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I recommend two letter prefixes (a'la "split" names)15:57.46 
mvrhel which keeps them in order for me15:57.53 
Robin_Watts Yes. Can i make the global number always 2 digits?15:57.57 
  ray_laptop: I don't follow. Every pdf14 pop or push gets it's own 'generation number', so we get names like:15:58.44 
mvrhel that is fine15:58.47 
ray_laptop I have seen > 100 images from raw dump15:58.50 
mvrhel yes. but generally when it is the large, it is better to limit the band that does the dump15:59.16 
  as you are likely in clist mode15:59.19 
Robin_Watts 0)Device_Push 1)Trans_Group_Push 2)Composed 2)ImageNOS 2)ImageTOS 2)Trans_Group_Pop 3)Trans_Group_Push15:59.24 
mvrhel > 100 within a band is uncommon15:59.38 
  unless you are dumping every rect fill15:59.44 
ray_laptop mvrhel: agreed.15:59.48 
Robin_Watts The main thing is that with 2 digits it's going to be in alphabetical order most of the time.16:00.09 
mvrhel I have not had a problem with it. But if if helps you sounds good16:00.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: for alphabetic sort order, I was recommending aa ab ac .. az ba bb bc ...16:00.48 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The purpose of adding 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' etc in after the ')' is so that the steps within a given push/pop operation are in order.16:01.13 
  And there are at most 5 steps in any given generation.16:01.21 
  so double digits there seems overkill.16:01.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I thought you were putting the prefix _before_ the number (or instead of)16:02.08 
Robin_Watts No.16:02.15 
ray_laptop sorry16:02.20 
Robin_Watts np.16:02.25 
ray_laptop but numeric prefixes without the leading '0' don't sort properly (by default) past '9'16:03.18 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Hence my secondary request for 2 digit prefixes.16:04.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I concur with that16:05.05 
Robin_Watts (or "at least 2 digit" prefixes)16:05.09 
mvrhel if you want 3 make it 316:05.41 
Robin_Watts This means I can convert the pam's to png's then "start 0)DevicePush.png" and just hit right to step through them.16:05.42 
mvrhel just dont make pam the default output16:06.00 
ray_laptop going to 'split' style prefixes would sort correctly up to 675 levels16:06.06 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: But we want the generation number separate to the order within the generation.16:06.26 
  mvrhel: Sure.16:06.35 
  If a problem only occurs with more than 99 generations, then there is no hope of me ever solving it :)16:07.21 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I understand, and numeric 3 digit generation # would be fine, might be more meaningful than aa)a...16:07.25 
  Robin_Watts: good point. I was just surprised one time how many images I ended up with16:08.08 
  Robin_Watts: I noticed (a few days ago) kens giving a rather involved PS sequence to query the device parameter's "HighLevelDevice" status. If it is something that gets checked often (when checking the PDF for transparency), it is perfectly OK to check once and create a "DeviceIsHighLevel" in the pdfdict so it will be a quck check16:16.27 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I only need to check it once per page.16:16.44 
  I moved over to that involved sequence in my local version this morning.16:17.05 
  and stripped out my new operator.16:17.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. I wasn't sure. I knew the pageusestransparency can be rather lengthy16:17.43 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. pageusestransparency is run once per page.16:18.03 
  At the same time I make a new thing "UseKnockoutsWhenFillingTransparency" (or something)16:18.24 
  which is pageusestransparency && !pdfwrite16:18.42 
  and then the new code is conditional on that.16:18.56 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: do you only do the knockout for complex paths ?16:19.01 
Robin_Watts At the moment, I'm doing it for all paths16:19.14 
  but if I remove the comment from the start of the next line, it does it only for complex paths.16:19.31 
ray_laptop I thought you determined that doing it for all (including simple) paths caused a performance hit16:19.42 
Robin_Watts .pathcomplexity 100 gt and16:19.59 
ray_laptop Ahh.. I thought you said you had stripped out your new operator16:20.21 
Robin_Watts No, I had a new ".devicecapabilities" operator to quickly query high level or not.16:20.48 
ray_laptop I see. I had missed mention of that16:21.12 
Robin_Watts That's the one I backed out in favour of kens thing.16:21.14 
kens OK I'm off now.16:21.19 
  Night all16:21.22 
Robin_Watts night kens.16:21.24 
ray_laptop bye, kens 16:21.27 
mvrhel bye kens16:21.33 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: please mention in your commit log (when you get to it), that something similar probably should be added to the XPS interpreter16:22.57 
Robin_Watts I will16:23.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks16:23.33 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Why do you strokepath in the /f and /f* cases ?16:32.31 
mvrhel If I do, that was a mistake16:32.53 
Robin_Watts ok. I don't imagine it's harmful, but...16:33.10 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: off to coffee shop .bbiab16:34.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: why do you think it is doing that? 'fsexec' gets an operator 16:34.24 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: 
ray_laptop and I see it getting /fill or /eofill ( 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: You don't have this patch.16:34.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry - I'm looking at HEAD code.16:35.23 
  stroking for 'f' or 'f*' would be a problem16:35.36 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: He's not stroking per-se.16:36.05 
  He's stroking the path before feeding it to pathbbox.16:36.16 
  So he'll be getting a slightly larger bbox than he would otherwise.16:36.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: strokepath is needed to get the bbox, right ?16:36.31 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Why can't we just call pathbbox by itself ?16:37.30 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right. That should be OK for the fill. I was catching up to where you were.16:39.10 
  I hadn't seen that patch.16:39.39 
Robin_Watts except... removing the strokepath causes loads of errors.16:40.27 
  we go into a seeming infinite loop with it complaining of mismatched q/Q operators.16:40.45 
mvrhel that was all done due to my muddling through the PS code without understanding. the patch was far from complete nor without bugs16:45.11 
Robin_Watts sure.16:45.20 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: sorry that it was not 100 percent for you16:45.31 
Robin_Watts no worries - if it was 100% then I wouldn't have had to work on it :)16:45.48 
mvrhel next time I will be sure to get a warrenty out to you :)16:45.55 
Robin_Watts OK. I just redid the removal of the strokepath, and as expected no difference to what I'm seeing.16:48.22 
  I have a dead simple test file now where it's going wrong.16:48.38 
  and it's pointed something out to me that I should have twigged before.16:48.53 
  We are currently saying "If the page uses transparency then do this operation in a knockout group".16:49.22 
  Shouldn't it be "if transparency is in operation now, then use a knockout group" ?16:49.42 
  otherwise we'll be introducing lots of knockout groups when we don't need to.16:49.57 
  i.e. rather than PDFusestransparency should we use: ".currentopacityalpha 1.0 ne .currentBlendMode /BMNormal ne or"16:51.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that makes sense -- we really only need to do "correct" painting when the alpha or BM requires it. Note there are two alpha values (that I always need to check to see which does what)16:55.44 
Robin_Watts Gah.16:58.25 
  I do 1 .setopacityalpha inside the transparencygroup.16:58.44 
  Then something is setting it back to 0.5 again.16:58.56 
  presumably something bound into the setfillstate16:59.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: setfillblend does .settransparencyparams17:01.21 
  (all iin 
Robin_Watts yeah, thanks - just twigging to that now.17:01.42 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I am able to reproduce (exactly) the symptoms reported with . Wite NumRenderingThreads=1 I get a "double free' from gdev_prn_free_memory during clist_teardown_render_threads.17:26.56 
mvrhel ray_laptop ok17:27.21 
  I am working on the aa stuff now17:27.29 
  if I can help you on this let me know17:28.11 
  or do you want me to work on it since I caused the issue17:28.28 
ray_laptop With NumRenderingThreads=2 I get a malloc problem from the cms during gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer while setting up the render_threads17:29.20 
  mvrhel: I'll work on it for now, but I may consult with you17:29.46 
mvrhel did this exist prior to my changes in tiff sep?17:29.50 
ray_laptop mvrhel: i don't know -- I haven't gone back to earlier code17:30.12 
mvrhel ok just curious17:30.20 
ray_laptop mvrhel: this also has Robin_Watts' gx_downscaler_get_bits_rectangle changes in17:30.56 
mvrhel ah that explains it17:31.08 
  just kidding17:31.11 
ray_laptop so you both can point to the other guy ;-)17:31.22 
mvrhel ok course if I look at the git logs 17:31.22 
  that big commit with tiffsep says Robin_Watts17:31.34 
Robin_Watts and this one with transparency is going to say mvrhel :)17:31.56 
mvrhel ha17:32.00 
ray_laptop mvrhel: this is actually happening with the psdcmyk device -- I haven't bothered with tiffsep (yet)17:32.15 
mvrhel ok17:32.23 
  psd device is wacky17:32.28 
  on how it gets its lines for each color band17:32.45 
  I see your comment in the bug17:33.00 
ray_laptop with tiffsep I get different failures. with Threads=1 it gets a malloc problem in TIFFmalloc -- with Threads=2 the failure is similar to the psdcmyk device (cms malloc)17:36.52 
  so maybe I'll just do tiffsep for now, then after finding/fixing that check the psdcmyk device17:37.45 
  unfortunately I don't get any failures on Windows (at least with 32-bit).17:38.13 
  trying 64-bit on Windows next17:38.23 
  darn. 64-bit doesn't fail on Windows either17:50.22 
  at least it isn't too indeterminate on peeves17:51.03 
Robin_Watts release or debug?17:51.08 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: debug build fails (thankfully)17:51.21 
Robin_Watts That makes it much easier.17:51.37 
  helgrind ?17:51.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: maybe -- I need to look at the "simple" case (Threads=1) first since that _should_ be the simplest17:52.35 
  the 'main' thread should just be waiting for the rendering thread to finish17:53.14 
  have to run an errand. bbiab.17:54.03 
Robin_Watts Damn. I really hoped I'd got it that time.19:19.56 
mvrhel got whaty19:25.48 
Robin_Watts I hoped I'd found the problem with the transparency stuff.19:27.11 
mvrhel gotcha19:29.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl_away: For the record, there are known problems with the parallel make.19:45.41 
  The cluster does make -j 8 && make for that reason.19:45.55 
Gigs- Did the SVN address change?20:05.54 
  oh git only I see, nevermind20:06.13 
Robin_Watts OK, it's an SMask that's causing the problem with this file. Seems like a good place to leave it.23:52.48 
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