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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/06/10)2012/06/11 
chrisl nlogax: the glyphshow operator might allow you to do what you need, but maybe not in the manner you're thinking........07:23.03 
kens You can't add it to a string though....07:40.02 
  Better to re-encode the font07:40.11 
chrisl That's why I mentioned "not in the manner.."07:42.02 
nlogax chrisl: Thanks! I found that eventually, and added an operator for getting the width of a glyph, and some extensions to gonzo. Now I can use unusual characters without that much pain. Only remaining problem is that words might break wherever I use it. :) 08:45.18 
  (Break as in rest of the word moving to the next line)08:45.51 
  Is there a noob-friendly guide to re-encoding fonts?08:46.36 
kens I'm fairly sure there's an example i teh PLRM08:46.51 
kens goes to look08:47.12 
  Hmm, seems not08:47.58 
  Maybe hte blue book then08:48.06 
nlogax Ah, yes, there is an example there. Thanks :)08:49.01 
kens NP08:49.06 
nlogax Have been searching around, but often using the wrong terminology08:49.31 
chrisl Robin_Watts: ping09:53.45 
Robin_Watts pong10:04.52 
chrisl The cluster's bmpcmp build doesn't like the new libpng (nor the pending zlib update). The libpng problem is because it now has a dynamically created config header file10:05.52 
Robin_Watts ah.10:07.05 
chrisl So, I was thinking, at least temporarily, I'd update the cluster code to copy the predefined header, build bmpcmp, and delete the header again10:07.42 
Robin_Watts sounds good to me.10:08.09 
chrisl What I don't know is where to change it (I assume I have to change it in cluster.git), and how to test the change?10:08.51 
Robin_Watts just a tick.10:09.04 
chrisl I mean I know the file and the lines to edit, but I don't know if the cluster gets from the cluster's git repos, or the ghostpdl one10:10.06 
Robin_Watts Right. The line that builds bmpcmp.c is in It's run on the remote machines.10:10.27 
  and $baseDirectory is the ghostpdl checkout I believe.10:10.54 
chrisl Yeh, I know what changes to make - but where to commit and how to test are different matters......10:12.06 
Robin_Watts Easiest thing to do would be to check a version of libpng.h into the main gs repo (libpng.h.gen or something)10:13.52 
chrisl I really want to try to minimise how much we faff about with third party library code when we import them10:14.49 
  Robin_Watts: sorry I misread your comment: There already is a predefined version of the header file, which we use for the GS build - but we copy it during the build to the build directory.10:20.35 
  So all we need the cluster to do for bmpcmp is the same as the ghostpdl builds do already.10:21.38 
Robin_Watts Right... so can you just add lines to to copy the file from $baseDirectory/ghostpdl/gs/libpng/libpng.h.gen to . ?10:23.10 
  and then add -I. to the bmpcmp build command ?10:23.38 
  (actually, better make that ./libpng.h)10:24.00 
chrisl Yes, but which do I edit? And is there a way to test it without committing the change to the repos?10:24.15 
  Oh, that's weird - and a few other cluster files exist in one of my ghostpdl checkouts, and not in the other - I wonder how that happened....... so that takes care of *which* to edit!10:28.13 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You edit the main one in ~regression/cluster on casper.10:31.27 
  It's sent around as part of the job setup.10:31.34 
  The git repo is just for us to keep track of our changes to the cluster code.10:31.57 
chrisl Uh, okay, thanks..... I'll do it now10:32.15 
Robin_Watts Random question: Anyone on here ever used a 3d printing service?10:32.50 
kens Nope10:33.05 
chrisl Me neither - I know there isn't one near here, yet......10:33.30 
Robin_Watts There is one in Oxford, but I was considering upload to web/get in post options.10:34.02 
chrisl I didn't look into those. I wanted one I could go to and have a nose around10:35.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping12:10.45 
d3c Robin_Watts: someone posted a fix for but I don't know if that fixes it.12:20.33 
Robin_Watts d3c: I have a fix here.12:42.02 
  But it's part of a more general thing that I want to run past tor.12:42.20 
  Let me send him a text.12:42.28 
  he's on a train. will be here in a bit.12:46.48 
d3c Robin_Watts: sounding good. I'll run over all the PDFs again ASAP when you push a fix :)12:49.55 
mvrhel_laptop hi kens13:02.58 
  did you see the email that I sent (and cc'd you on) to Avadhut?13:03.14 
kens Yes mvrhel_laptop13:03.25 
  But its not really my bug I think.13:03.34 
  Let me dig it out and reread13:03.40 
mvrhel_laptop Oh. I thought you could answer his questions about the pdfwrite server mode13:04.00 
  and about font13:04.03 
kens There aren't any real questions that I can answer there13:04.11 
mvrhel_laptop oh13:04.24 
kens He's already been told that PS->PDF will work13:04.34 
mvrhel_laptop yes that one I could handle :)13:04.51 
kens Babbling about pipes simply betrays his lack of information13:04.56 
mvrhel_laptop hehe13:05.17 
kens I have no idea about SUBSTFONT but it sounds like its specifically PostScript to me13:05.25 
  If he thinks it doesn't work on teh command line then he hsould raise a bug13:05.51 
mvrhel_laptop yes. OK. Let me follow up with him to open bugs on this stuff if he has a problem13:06.09 
kens I don't understand at all when he talks about 'loading fonts dynamically'13:06.24 
  We always load fonts dynamically13:06.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I had no idea13:06.39 
Robin_Watts I skimmed one of his mails, and I thought that was to do with the target printer.13:07.03 
d3c Robin_Watts: at your latest commit in MuPDF, MuPDF seems to skip some pages when generating PDF -> PNG. did you see this before or should I dig deeper into it?13:07.18 
kens He's talking about 'Unicode documents' which doesn't m,ake any sense13:07.23 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I don't want to waste anyones time on this13:07.54 
  I will tell him to open bugs for any issues he has (including enhancement requests)13:08.13 
Robin_Watts I suspect he's just failed to understand that the fonts will be pickled into the PDF, so he doesn't need to send fonts to the printer 'in advance'.13:08.16 
  d3c: No, I don't know about that.13:08.29 
d3c Robin_Watts: ok, will see if I can reproduce13:08.38 
kens He's talking about PostScript a lot13:08.39 
Robin_Watts If you can isolate some examples, I'd love to see bugs please.13:08.43 
kens So I assumed he thought the PostScript was in Unicode, whcih is possible but gighly unlikely13:09.00 
mvrhel_laptop I am going to start checking my spam mail less frequentyl....13:09.10 
kens And teh only real way to terll would be to run the file through a PostScript itnerpreter....13:09.17 
mvrhel_laptop which is where I found this13:09.19 
kens mvrhel_laptop : I would have left it there13:09.29 
mvrhel_laptop hehe13:09.33 
kens I am supposed to be doing support with Henry so I suppose I can answer if you like13:09.52 
d3c Robin_Watts: that was for me? 13:11.13 
mvrhel_laptop kens: no I took care of it13:11.19 
  sorry that I dragged you in to this 13:11.27 
kens OK, thanks Michael13:11.31 
Robin_Watts d3c: about examples/bugs? Yes, sorry.13:11.32 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I just saw fonts in his email and assumed it made some sense to someone.13:11.57 
kens Not to me :-)13:12.07 
  And I suspect, not to him....13:12.13 
mvrhel_laptop but after dealing with him and color I should have known better13:12.14 
d3c Robin_Watts: ok but sure, I think I've got one where MuPDF won't output the right number of pages (it will skip some) and another where it will segfault (even though I'm using your latest commit). I have some results in a few13:12.31 
Robin_Watts Separate bugs for both of those would be much appreciated. thanks.13:13.41 
mvrhel_laptop ok. plane loading. I will hopefully get some stuff done on this copy alpha fix13:15.38 
kens OK have a good show mvrhel_laptop13:15.54 
mvrhel_laptop thanks13:15.57 
d3c Robin_Watts: is something like this expected? `warning: font size too large (1032.11), not rendering glyph`13:20.24 
Robin_Watts Yes.13:20.43 
  Look in fitz/draw_glyph.c at the top.13:21.17 
d3c ok13:21.17 
Robin_Watts #define MAX_FONT_SIZE 100013:21.30 
  change the 1000 to a larger number if you want to avoid that.13:21.41 
d3c Robin_Watts: right. why a max size of 1000, though?13:21.52 
Robin_Watts tor picked that number years ago.13:22.07 
  Presumably as a reasonable limit to stop the heap exploding with malicious pdf files.13:22.21 
  If you've got a reasonable amount of memory, you can probably increase it.13:22.41 
d3c Robin_Watts: maybe the limit should be larger by default? this PDF is from an ad agency. maybe their software will use sizes > 1000 when drawing text.13:26.16 
Robin_Watts d3c: Possibly it should be increased. But it depends on the resolution you use etc.13:26.45 
d3c Robin_Watts: couldn't you look at the memory available and set the limit based on that? or is that hacky? (I don't know anything about C, sorry)13:27.49 
Robin_Watts There is no way to portably know what the memory available is.13:28.10 
chrisl Shouldn't there be a fallback when a glyph is so big?13:29.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Maybe13:30.16 
  Well, we only render via freetype.13:30.34 
chrisl You could get the outline from freetype and render it as a mupdf path13:30.46 
Robin_Watts right, but that's a whole new codepath we don't have.13:31.05 
chrisl I suppose we could just document it as a limitation......13:32.07 
Robin_Watts hey tor.14:11.42 
tor8 hi robin14:11.58 
Robin_Watts I've been looking into bug 693099.14:12.17 
  At the moment, if we throw an error from the interpretation or rendering phase, we bale out.14:12.50 
  (or bail out, depending)14:13.06 
  I've added 2 new entries to the cookie, errors, and error_max.14:13.29 
tor8 is it an inline image?14:13.40 
Robin_Watts No, it's an xobject one.14:13.50 
  (yes, the pdf interpret code has a special case for coping with broken xobject images, but the error isn't thrown until decode in this case, which is in the displaylist playback)14:14.32 
  I now have some fz_try/fz_catch wrappers in both the displaylist and the interpretation code.14:15.24 
  If they catch an error, they incremement the cookie->errors count.14:15.43 
  if cookie->errors < cookie->error_max (or cookie->error_max < 0) then it swallows the error, otherwise it rethrows it.14:16.15 
  So the caller can now tell it to 'ignore all errors' (or 'ignore the first n errors') and at the end of rendering it can know how many errors got ignored.14:17.08 
  Does that sound reasonable to you?14:17.17 
tor8 probably overkill; but getting an error count could be useful to bludgeon complaining customers with :)14:17.52 
Robin_Watts Probably that means I should turn the fz_warns in pdf_run_keyword to be fz_throw's.14:27.02 
tkamppeter Is (TurboPrint) licensing Ghostscript? They ship version 8.64 in their package and use it as PostScript and PDF interpreter with all the ooooold bugs.14:32.53 
kens tkamppeter they are not a commercial cusotmer as far as I can tell14:36.32 
  Its possible they use GS in a GPL-complian fashion14:37.24 
  Given they are on Linux14:37.37 
henrys kens:I think at this point you should report your valiant efforts to the customer and tell them they need to upgrade. Even if we could put together something I don't think anyone would be too confident a problem wasn't introduced.14:37.48 
Robin_Watts The only mention they make to ghostscript in their manual says: If fonts are not printed14:37.54 
  correctly, there is a problem with the application and/or the Linux postscript14:37.56 
  interpreter “Ghostscript”. 14:37.58 
kens henrys I've been looking further and I think the new problem is transparency related, not shadings14:38.15 
  SO I would not feel comfortable ending them a patch even if I could identify one.14:38.28 
  I will write them a polite email14:38.58 
Robin_Watts kens: I suspect they are running close to the wind.14:40.03 
  We'd need a linux user to install it and see. Certainly they don't look to acknowlege the fact that they install a GPL piece of software on the machine as part of their installation.14:41.09 
  They do offer a 30 day trial though, so we could try it.14:41.31 
kens Sorry Robin_Watts was thinking of the customer bug ;-)14:41.34 
  Well I could install on my VM or anyone else coul dtoo14:41.51 
tkamppeter Are you now talking about TurboPrint or something else?14:42.02 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: turboprint, yes.14:42.13 
kens sorry tkamppeter back to TurboPrint14:42.16 
Robin_Watts I'll give it a go if people want.14:42.19 
kens Sounds good to me :)14:42.28 
  I tought chrisl might be able to poke it harder was all14:42.47 
chrisl Robin_Watts, kens: I'd just refer it to Scott - whether they are strictly legal, or not, it's worth approaching them, I'd say14:42.54 
kens Certianly harder than me14:42.56 
tkamppeter TurboPrint has a trial, as far as I know it prints a log on the printouts and if you buy a license key you get printouts with logos.14:42.58 
Robin_Watts Yes, I was hoping chrisl would jump in and volunteer :)14:43.08 
tkamppeter The trial is good enough to explore the workflow.14:43.30 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes, it's worth reporting to scott, but any additional information we can give scott would be good; he's not going to be capable of doing the tests himself obviously.14:43.58 
chrisl Okay, I'll download the trial version, and have a poke at it - probably tomorrow, though - I want to use a VM for the test, and not faff up my "real" machine14:45.02 
tkamppeter The point to complain about which I have found is that they ship GS 8.64 (as /usr/bin/gszedo) with a "zedo" output device which produces PPM image files. This old version they use also as a PDF interpreter for the PDF-based Debian and Ubuntu distros and you know how many PDF problems I have reported to you and you have fixed them on the way to 9.05.14:46.13 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Do they offer source for the zedo device?14:46.43 
  If not, that's a clear GPL violation.14:46.55 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, I did not find the source yet.14:47.11 
  Robin_Watts, source code to fulfill licenses is at but I did not find the GS source code there yet.15:00.30 
chrisl I don't see any source there at all......15:03.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Code review time; I've pushed the fix for 693099 onto my repo on casper for your delight and delectation.15:04.42 
  d3c: While I wait for tor8 to look over that fix, do you have a file that causes a segv to hand?15:06.36 
d3c Robin_Watts: yes, I was actually about to submit it but got on to some other tasks.15:06.56 
  Robin_Watts: do you want it as a bug report or should I just tell you here?15:07.04 
Robin_Watts If you can tell me here, I can open the bug report.15:07.23 
d3c Robin_Watts: I'll just do that for you. sec15:08.14 
  Robin_Watts: got another one I'll submit in a second15:09.55 
Robin_Watts Thanks.15:09.57 
d3c Robin_Watts: 
Robin_Watts I can't reproduce the SEGV locally.15:17.23 
henrys alexcher:693101 should go to scott for a possible support contract.15:17.31 
Robin_Watts d3c: I see:15:18.18 
  $ win32/Release/mudraw.exe -o out-%d.png -r2166x831 ../MyTests/3680.pdf 715:18.30 
  error: malloc of array (16715 x 156908 bytes) failed15:18.32 
  error: cannot draw '../MyTests/3680.pdf'15:18.34 
  What OS are you on? 32 or 64bit linux ?15:19.01 
d3c Robin_Watts: 64bit Linux15:19.08 
  Robin_Watts: I've got two more of those segfaults but I'm guessing it's the same bug (or whatever it is)15:19.26 
kens OMG someone complaining that GS won't process files with > 64k ages....15:20.47 
Robin_Watts kens: It's an extreme case, but not entirely unreasonable15:21.14 
kens thinks this is undoubrtedly an atuomated process such as billing and could therfore be done as multiple smaller PDFs15:21.58 
  Anyway, since the PDF interpreter handles this in PostScript, and we have a limit of 64k entries on arrays, its going to be a problem to fix.15:22.38 
  Robin_Watts : have you seen the latest one from Gemma Woods ?15:24.15 
Robin_Watts kens: Will the next release have the fix in?15:24.30 
kens Do we have a proposed solution other than 'that's the way its going to be'15:24.30 
  That's the question15:24.43 
  Is there a 'fix' ?15:24.57 
d3c Robin_Watts: I actually got 6 more PDFs that will seg fault at certain pages. do you wanna see those or do you think it's the same bug (if it's a bug at all)?15:24.57 
Robin_Watts The answer is "Michael is working on it now. We hope to have a fix within a couple of weeks, but this is dependent on many different factors, so don't hold us to that time estimate. We will keep you appraised.15:25.34 
kens OK, thanks Robin_Watts15:25.45 
Robin_Watts d3c: Yes, we'd like to see them.15:26.26 
alexcher henrys: we can support more than 64K pages. The sample file just lists all pages in a single array instead of the usual page tree. 15:26.33 
Robin_Watts if you wouldn't mind.15:26.35 
  d3c: OK, on 64bit linux I can reproduce the segv.15:27.51 
chrisl alexcher: I thought we were going to remove the 64k limit on strings and arrays?15:28.13 
alexcher chrisl: Yes, we should but Ghostscript requires the reference size to be a power of to. 15:31.12 
  chrisl: Yes, we should but Ghostscript requires the reference size to be a power of 2.15:31.23 
d3c Robin_Watts: do you want separate bug reports or just attach them to one of the reports?15:32.05 
Robin_Watts d3c: ideally, separate bug reports please.15:32.23 
d3c Robin_Watts: ok, 5 mins15:32.50 
Robin_Watts Although, if they are all crash in exactly the same way (with the same command line) then feel free to stick them all on one, and I'll separate them out.15:33.00 
alexcher chrisl: Doubling the reference size wastes memory. Other reference sizes don't work yet.15:33.17 
chrisl alexcher: I just wonder if doubling the reference size wastes that much memory when you consider all the code we've got to workaround the limitation........15:34.57 
alexcher chrisl: Not so long ago we were counting megabytes mo meet the embedded device constrains.15:38.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I would change so that the default (if no cookie) is to ignore all errors. I don't really see the need for error_max.15:39.52 
chrisl alexcher: I was serious when said "I wonder" - I don't have a good feel for how much code, and working memory gets used in the workarounds for the limit. Also, there's performance, which is also important to embedded customers.15:40.15 
Robin_Watts So... how do you say: "Ignore all errors, but tell me how many you ignored"?15:40.22 
tor8 by giving a cookie and reading out the error count. if no cookie, no error count.15:40.51 
Robin_Watts So you don't ever see it being worthwhile being able to say "give up after 100 errors" ?15:41.28 
tor8 I see someone may want to 'give up if you hit any error' but not an arbitrary number15:42.01 
Robin_Watts I guess it depends how long we take to respond to each error.15:42.02 
  Ok, so how do we say "give up after you hit any error" in your scheme ?15:42.21 
tor8 I wouldn't :)15:42.56 
  but I can (remotely) see someone may want that, but I don't think anyone in practice will15:43.17 
Robin_Watts I think we need to be able to offer the "give up after the first error" and "ignore all errors" options.15:43.31 
  And we ought to offer the "how many errors were there".15:43.42 
tkamppeter chrisl, Robin_Watts, if you look into /usr/share/turboprint/doc/license-addons.txt of an installed TurboPrint you see links to source code tarballs, but Ghostscript is not mentioned.15:43.56 
Robin_Watts Given those requirements, I can't see a less invasive way of doing it than by what I've done.15:44.02 
tor8 I think we should be careful about tacking on a lot of features we have to keep maintaining15:44.16 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: OK, that sounds like a clear violation to me.15:44.26 
kens tkamppter; curous, how do you know thaat TurboPrint uses Ghostscript ?15:44.27 
tor8 also, I dislike how you now have to init the cookie with error_max explicitly15:44.29 
Robin_Watts kens: The manual says it does :)15:44.40 
kens Oh well that's reaonable :)15:44.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: Would you rather have 0 means "any number of errors" ?15:45.03 
  rather than -1.15:45.30 
chrisl kens: the include it as zedogs, they change the product name, and add a custom device15:45.33 
tor8 errors_max = 1 -- abort after 1 error?15:45.34 
Robin_Watts yeah.15:45.40 
tor8 I think that'll be easier, then people who don't care won't have to worry about setting it15:45.58 
kens chrisl well if they don't supply souirce then it sounds very much like GPL violations15:46.11 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't see this as being a particular drain on resources to maintain.15:46.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: not individually, but two more dozen and it will soon be15:46.31 
chrisl kens: well, I can't find any source, and I've been all through their ftp site......15:46.47 
kens Report to Scott and Miles hten I think, and a thanks to tkamppeter15:47.14 
chrisl I'm writing it up now15:47.32 
kens :-)15:47.39 
tor8 it's adding complexity and features that are not useful now, but will have to be maintained if they're part of the public api. adding a lot of them means it's a lot more work to refactor code.15:47.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think the ability to know if we had errors during rendering is absolutely vital - it's something we've been missing.15:48.30 
tkamppeter kens, I got the bug report at Ubuntu, a user using TurboPrint complains that images in a file do not print and I remembering that such things happened years ago, why again?15:48.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. I agree about having an error count, that is a useful diagnostic.15:48.51 
  adding behaviour around the count, I'm not sold on15:48.59 
Robin_Watts I guess I could live with removing error_max.15:49.12 
tkamppeter kens, so I asked the user for some logs and sample files, all OK for me so it must be TurboPrint itself.15:49.19 
kens Well 8.64 is pretty old. You have a remarkable memory Till15:49.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: if someone wants a 'strict' mode or 'bail after X errors' it will be easy to add. but even if it's easy to add now, I don't want it unless we actually use/need it.15:49.50 
tkamppeter kens, so I installed TurboPrint and found this strange /usr/bin/gszedo and tried to execute it and found that it is Ghostscript, ancient 8.64.15:50.12 
Robin_Watts The worry I have is that if we say "continue after every error", we might get into a seemingly infinite loop of reporting an error on every char lexed from a stream.15:50.14 
  (say when an inline image is knackered)15:50.45 
  and so we might want to limit the number of ignored errors within mudraw. But I guess we can wait until that actually becomes a problem.15:51.09 
tor8 on the other side, a class of errors that use to work, but on a page slightly more complicated stops working because we exceed the (arbitrarily set) maximum is not good behaviour15:51.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: yes.15:51.44 
tor8 I'd rather catch that case where we run into pure garbage some other way, if we can figure one out. perhaps check for non-ascii chars on lexer errors?15:52.34 
Robin_Watts I'll remove the error_max and we can worry about it when we have an example.15:53.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks.15:53.34 
Robin_Watts I'm happy enough in that we can add it back in painlessly if we ever do need it.15:54.02 
tor8 I wonder if adding the try/catch around all the runkeyword will impact parsing performance though15:54.52 
  speaking of, I think we should be using sigsetjmp and siglongjmp on all platforms15:55.49 
Robin_Watts only on platforms that have them :)15:56.17 
tor8 we don't use signals, so saving/restoring the signal mask is rather pointless and it does have an impact on macosx (where you changed it to _setjmp already)15:56.59 
Robin_Watts I can probably move the fz_try to be outside the do while.15:57.08 
  tor8: We could amend the code with a #ifdef sigsetjmp ?15:57.29 
tor8 I think all non-win32 platforms have sigsetjmp15:57.46 
Robin_Watts RISC OS doesn't.15:57.55 
d3c Robin_Watts: will take a while to post the rest of the PDFs but I'm on it. did you get a chance to look at the other two?15:58.05 
tor8 but sigsetjmp takes an extra argument :/15:58.06 
  can we run mupdf on risc os?15:58.12 
Robin_Watts d3c: Still bashing on it.15:58.17 
d3c Robin_Watts: alright15:58.22 
tor8 ifdef __unix then15:58.25 
henrys alexcher:I wasn't paying any attention to the bug itself. The domain name in the email suggests that scott should try and get a support contract.15:58.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm sure I could port it in am hour or so.15:58.42 
  tor8: RISCIX doesn't have sigsetjmp :)15:58.57 
  HAVE_SIGSETJMP ?15:59.24 
tor8 well, you can add one when porting ;)15:59.27 
Robin_Watts and add -DHAVE_SIGSETJMP to the makefile.15:59.44 
  That way we get it by default, and people can remove it if it's a problem.15:59.57 
tor8 of the platforms we support out of the box from the makefile, I think only win32 doesn't have sigsetjmp16:00.31 
  and the others all define __unix16:00.48 
Robin_Watts and only win32 doesn't use the makefile.16:00.48 
tor8 I would prefer to keep the ifdef and configurations in one place (and out of the makefiles if possible)16:01.29 
Robin_Watts ok, so that place is where? the top of fitz.h ?16:01.49 
tor8 but if we can't use sigsetjmp by default, add an ifdef ...linux... clause to the setjmp macros16:02.03 
Robin_Watts I would rather have an: #ifdef __unix #define HAVE_SIGSETJMP #endif16:02.31 
  and then change the macros to use sigsetjmp if HAVE_SIGSETJMP.16:02.56 
  That way the rats nest of feature detection we end up with can all be localised.16:03.12 
tor8 all of it's at the top of fitz.h already16:03.30 
Robin_Watts i.e. we have 1 block of stuff that detects features, and the rest of the code works on those features.16:03.48 
  Right, but as a policy for the future, we should work to keep it there.16:04.02 
tor8 yeah. that's quite probably better in the long run.16:04.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm looking at a SEGV reported by d3c.16:04.46 
tor8 the whole inline and restrict keyword dance is messy too16:04.47 
d3c Robin_Watts: here's one more: 
Robin_Watts It's caused by the "will a*b fit in an int" test overflowing on 64bit linux16:05.21 
tor8 the one that came in just before the weekend?16:05.21 
d3c Robin_Watts: that doesn't seg fault, though. just 'malloc of array (16715 x 156908 bytes) failed' and won't produce any output16:05.56 
  Robin_Watts: but returns 016:06.10 
Robin_Watts d3c: Right. Thats what it's supposed to do.16:06.28 
d3c Robin_Watts: shouldn't it return a non-zero code?16:07.19 
Robin_Watts d3c arguably, yes16:08.59 
d3c Robin_Watts: here's one more: 
  Robin_Watts: it says "integer overflow" for that one16:09.56 
  Robin_Watts: same with this one: 
Robin_Watts tor8: In fz_malloc_array we test for UINT_MAX/size < count.16:13.32 
  but then size*count can give a negative number, and malloc of a negative number returns NULL.16:13.53 
tor8 negative how? unsigned * unsigned == unsigned16:14.50 
  or have I misunderstood the integer promotion rules?16:15.08 
Robin_Watts 0x264ec * 0x414b = 0x9c537d2416:15.25 
d3c Robin_Watts: do you need more PDFs? I have a few more16:15.44 
tor8 malloc takes a size_t16:15.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, yes, sorry. Let me keep looking.16:16.54 
d3c Robin_Watts: one more: 
  Robin_Watts: and another one, this time int overflow: 
  Robin_Watts: and here's the last one I've got: 
  Robin_Watts: btw, I think the non-zero status code is a pretty important thing to fix since many scripts check for this to see if everything is OK (including mine).16:27.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: Can we make 'w' 'h' and 'n' unsigned ints? (in fz_pixmap_s)16:28.54 
tor8 that may cause trouble (and a bazillion compiler warnings) due to signed/unsigned integer comparisons16:29.49 
Robin_Watts The alternative is to have to nobble every call to memset.16:30.03 
tor8 have I mentioned that I really really hate the unsigned/signed crap in C?16:30.28 
Robin_Watts Didn't give me any new warnings on linux.16:31.05 
tor8 which memset is that?16:31.21 
  msvc is notorious about annoying warnings, but I think we disabled that specific one16:31.35 
Robin_Watts clear_pixmap_with_value for one.16:31.38 
  I patched that and it died in a paint_span thing.16:31.54 
tor8 do we run into a >2 gigapixel image?16:32.25 
Robin_Watts yeah, lots of warnings from MSVC16:32.36 
tor8 ouch.16:32.43 
Robin_Watts more than a 2gigabyte image.16:32.45 
  but d3c is running at 2000 dpi :)16:33.01 
tor8 well, we could add in 'unsigned int's where they make sense, but then we should have a go at adding in const and being anal about using the right int everywhere ... a *lot* of trouble really16:33.44 
  I grumbled a lot when we made the malloc functions take unsigned ints too!16:34.06 
  we touch pixmap->w/h/n in a lot of places though don't we?16:34.26 
  all those loop counters should be turned into unsigned ints too, for correctness sake, if we make pixmap.w/h/n unsigned16:34.56 
  and that's ... ugly16:35.06 
  Robin_Watts: fz_throw(ctx, "overly wide image"); ... extend that check perhaps, to check all dimensions?16:37.46 
  fixing the memset won't catch our other accesses16:38.38 
  and unsigned int w, h, n won't catch the signed loop counters16:38.55 
Robin_Watts I'm trying to solve this without changing w/h/n to unsigned.16:39.18 
tor8 so to be sure, we should either not allow >2gb pixmaps or make everything unsigned (and then still hit a hard limit at 4gb)16:39.32 
  so I think limiting them is the sanest choice16:39.43 
  d3c should be running in bands, at 2000 dpi :) (or is this hitting some other internal pixmaps?)16:40.31 
Robin_Watts Ah. I see the problem.16:43.29 
  dp = dst->samples + ( (y - dst->y) * dst->w + (x - dst->x) ) * dst->n;16:43.49 
  the offset is calculated as a signed int, overflows and becomes negative.16:44.06 
  before it gets promoted to a 64bit pointer value.16:44.37 
  hehe. I bet ray will be on here in a mo, asking why peeves is thrashing...16:46.22 
henrys alexcher:now just email scott and give him the guys email address and copy in support so we know it has been processed, that's the procedure we agreed to use. It falls on you because the bug is assigned to you.17:04.05 
alexcher henrys: OK17:11.37 
henrys Robin_Watts:how was your 1/2 Marathon?17:13.45 
  chrisl:so are we good on changing the headers?17:14.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: Was just me running around the village. Was slow.17:14.06 
henrys I got the new garmin it has an acceloremeter in it - counts laps and strokes in the pool.17:16.38 
Robin_Watts henrys: ooh. which one?17:17.01 
Robin_Watts has to go pick helen up. bbs.17:17.36 
henrys 910XT17:17.46 
Robin_Watts Ah, excellent. They've gone back to sensible things rather than touchscreens which don't work when wet/sweaty.17:18.41 
chrisl henrys: I'm good to do the headers soon-ish - I didn't get a script put together because I got distracted doing these library updates, but I really wanted to get that done17:19.10 
henrys I don't know a happy touchscreen customer what a flop...17:19.17 
  chrisl:another tedium task after that one. We want to somehow get gsprint into the release completely with GPL and all.17:20.15 
chrisl Hmm, I don't know anything about gsprint......17:21.17 
henrys that makes 2 of us.17:23.22 
  I wonder if a windows user should investigate this one.17:24.50 
chrisl Do we just want it included in the release, or do we want it integrated into the builds, for example?17:25.43 
henrys just included17:27.00 
chrisl OKay, let me have a look at it, and if I get confused, I'll foist it onto a regular Windows user17:27.35 
henrys and change the license I believe it is AFPL17:27.56 
chrisl Noted.....17:28.21 
henrys and we'll need some way to get rid of the wisc pages.17:32.23 
chrisl You mean references to them, or the actual pages? I still have access to what remains of the wisc site17:33.09 
henrys once we've assimilated gsprint it seems should become a gs "doc" page and the original removed, right?17:46.47 
chrisl Yes, that should happen. wisc seems to be gradually disappearing, anyway.....17:47.59 
henrys unfortunately we can't do all of gsview for financial reasons.17:48.10 
  gsprint and redmon we can do.17:48.56 
chrisl I'm heading off - g'nite all17:55.32 
kens Night chrsil17:55.38 
  Think I'll head off too17:55.45 
mace_ anyone heard from miles recently, or is he off galavanting? :)18:49.30 
henrys I just got mail from him.18:50.08 
Robin_Watts He's at a trade show this week.18:50.09 
  (or will be)18:50.15 
henrys I thought it was just scott and michael18:50.47 
  I might be mistaken though18:50.59 
Robin_Watts oh, maybe.18:51.01 
d3c Robin_Watts: did you guys figure out anything regarding the bugs I reported? :)18:51.13 
Robin_Watts d3c: Just committing a fix now.18:51.25 
d3c Robin_Watts: oh, sounds nice. was it the same bug for all reports?18:51.56 
Robin_Watts d3c: No idea. Just made the first one work. I'll look at the others now/later/tomorrow.18:52.56 
d3c Robin_Watts: ah, ok. I'll see if it fixes the others and get back to you18:53.16 
Robin_Watts oh, balls. I left the reference to error_max in the commit message.18:55.07 
  tor8: ping18:55.12 
Robin_Watts performs git surgery. No one saw that.18:57.31 
henrys I just created a bug with a private attachment and can't access it unless I'm logged in. How did I manage that.19:10.19 
  can't access the entire bug that is, I shouldn't be able to access the attachment.19:13.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: What number?19:15.10 
  693110 is showing with a padlock by it in the list.19:16.06 
henrys 69311019:16.07 
d3c Robin_Watts: did the git surgery work out?19:16.42 
Robin_Watts d3c: Yes thanks.19:16.49 
d3c Robin_Watts: alright, thanks. I'll check it out soon19:17.09 
henrys when I created the bug I chose "can access private attachments" that was wrong. not sure if I can undo it without creating a new bug.19:19.32 
Gigs- can someone msg me mvhrel's email19:21.07 
Robin_Watts np.19:21.50 
  tor8: "1086 - rlebomb.pdf" is exactly the kind of thing I was worried about.19:26.55 
henrys alexcher can you move your comment to 693111 I screwed up the creation of that initial bug.19:33.39 
  marcos is probably laughing at me, can't even fill out the new bug report form right...19:39.59 
d3c Robin_Watts: output changed a bit for the malloc issue with your latest commit. see 
  Robin_Watts: I'm testing right now to see if it solves the seg fault issue as expected20:10.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'll look tomorrow. I've got a head ache, so should go lie down and not sit at a glowing screen anymore. sorry.20:34.05 
henrys watching live footage of a huge fire near me. It's hard to imagine these helicopters have much effect, they seems so insignificant.20:37.57 
d3c Robin_Watts: gotta go. good job with the bugs today - thanks.20:55.53 
ianneub Howdy all, I made a quick change to mupdf that let's you output a png file to stdout, thought I would share it incase anyone else wanted to see it: 
Robin_Watts Gah.23:53.36 
  Tor's test scripts produce an output html page where it shows differences in the stdout differences side by side (old then new)23:54.10 
  Then they show the differences in images (new, diff, old)23:54.26 
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