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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/06/12)2012/06/13 
sebras and now rebased on top of a fetched master. *sigh* I should have a githook that tells me if my master is behind origin/master...00:35.25 
Derelict Hi all. Trying to use gs to convert a tiff to PCL for a macro. When I run this00:45.26 
  gs -sDevice=pcl3 -sColorModel=Gray -s/tmp/OutputFile=9101-header-grayscale.pcl -dNODISPLAY 9101-header-grayscale.ps00:45.26 
  I never get an output file. Any thoughts?00:45.26 
  That's not what I'm running. I'm running -sOutputFile=/tmp/filename00:45.59 
  gs -sDevice=pcl3 -sColorModel=Gray -sOutputFile=/tmp/9101-header-grayscale.pcl -dNODISPLAY 9101-header-grayscale.ps00:47.00 
  All I get is the GS> prompt. If I don't include -dNODISPLAY I also get an X11 window with the ps file displayed.00:48.31 
  Mac OS X, ghostscript from macports.00:49.59 
alexcher Derelict: You need -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH to suppress all prompts. 01:03.42 
  Derelict: You also need to have showpage operator somewhere.01:04.36 
  Derelict: -dNODILPLAY options selects an output device that produces no output. You need a different device.01:06.34 
  Derelict: gs options are case-sensitive. You need -sDEVICE=01:07.29 
Derelict let me try that.01:07.48 
alexcher Derelict: s/-dNODILPLAY/-dNODISPLAY/01:08.40 
Derelict There it is. With -sDEVICE=pcl3 and removing -dNODISPLAY I get the file on showpage. thanks a bunch. The onld web pages I was looking at had -sDevice and I didn't notice the all caps in the man pags.01:10.28 
chrisl kens: I've found the problem with that vertical writing issue in pdfwrite......07:34.42 
  zchar42_set_cache() does the same fake vertical metrics "trick" that FAPI_do_char() used to :-(07:35.36 
kens That was quick chrisl07:35.51 
  I had only got as far as downloading the file.07:36.02 
chrisl I knew what I was looking for, just not where to look - made a big difference!07:36.24 
kens I guess that FAPI copied that fake code out of the zchar42_set_cache code....07:36.25 
chrisl Yeh, it looks that way07:36.41 
kens chrisl does that mean you are going to take over the bug ?07:36.48 
chrisl I guess I might as well. The only thing I need to work out is how to find if the Truetype font is embedded or read off disk, then I can fix it07:37.45 
kens Seems like you are well ahead of me...07:38.00 
chrisl Well, from the working on the FAPI code, it seems that we generate the "fake" vertical metrics to handle the case where a TTF is used to substitute a vertical writing CIDFont, which makes sense07:39.00 
kens Yes, that seems reasonable, but we shouldn't have to do that if hte font is embedded.07:39.37 
chrisl *But* a real CIDFont with wmode 1 but without vertical metrics should be treated as a wmode 0 font07:39.52 
kens Ah...07:40.03 
  That sounds like some kind of Adobe kludge07:40.27 
  Presumably to allow you to use a horizontal font in vertical writing07:40.48 
chrisl Yeh, it's pretty naff, IIRC, it is actually documented that way07:40.59 
  Okay, that works for the test job, now I'll need to check the right thing happens when the font isn't embedded - I think get more coffee first, though.....07:50.01 
ray_laptop g'nite (not the best way to show up) :-)08:30.27 
kens night ray_laptop08:30.35 
  Kind of late....08:30.40 
ray_laptop kens: yep -- just whar08:31.03 
  kens: just what I was realizing08:31.28 
kens :)08:31.35 
ray_laptop bbiaw08:32.17 
Derelict I'm using this to convert a grayscale tiff to PCL for use in a macro. I get ugly monochrome with dithering out. Any suggestions on flags to use?08:35.22 
  tiff2ps -h 11 -w 8.5 9101-Invoice-Macro-Image.tif > 9101-Invoice-Macro-Image.ps08:35.23 
  gs -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=9101-Invoice-Macro-Image.pcl -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q 9101-Invoice-Macro-Image.ps08:35.23 
  printing the ps file looks fine.08:35.23 
kens tiff2ps converts to PostScript, not PCL....08:36.31 
Derelict yeah. then I'm using gs to convert the ps to PCL08:36.48 
kens The ljet4 device is (probably) a monochrome device08:36.50 
  So the result of sending greyscale to it will be halftoned08:37.05 
Derelict It does grayscale.08:37.08 
kens The printer might bem is the GS device ?08:37.29 
  I would suggest trying a colour device.08:37.42 
Derelict I'm being dumb. there's an lj5gray device. let me try that.08:38.59 
  Hmm. my printer barfs on that.08:40.36 
  ljet4pjl works. thanks.08:45.12 
kens Can't say we did much :)08:45.35 
d3c will MuPDF use multiple cores when processing PDFs?11:01.42 
tor8 d3c: not out of the box, no.11:03.20 
d3c tor8: ok, this is for Amazon EC2, so if I pick an instance with more cores, it wouldn't speed up processing time?11:03.54 
tor8 mudraw doesn't use multiple threads, but the mupdf library has support for some concurrency11:04.36 
  parsing always happens single-threaded, but rendering can be split up and done in multiple threads11:05.08 
d3c tor8: ok. seems like I have to do some things myself to make it work?11:06.21 
  tor8: (for rendering)11:06.26 
tor8 you need to supply threading primitive callbacks to the mupdf library (we're threading library agnostic) then you can spawn new contexts for the worker threads11:07.07 
  each thread needs its own context11:07.18 
  then you parse to a display list, and pass the display list to your worker threads to render the page in tiles that you assemble at output11:07.51 
  d3c: you can look in doc/multi-threaded.c for an example11:09.31 
d3c tor8: ok… I'm using the mudraw command line tool, though. I'm not sure how to do what you say.11:09.38 
  tor8: but not your problem. I'll see what I can do :)11:09.55 
tor8 d3c: you'll need to modify the mudraw command line source...11:10.00 
  or bash the multi-threaded example into something similar to mudraw. the example is basically the same as mudraw minus all the options.11:10.31 
  the example is also for stress testing since it spawns one thread per page, so you'll need to change that11:11.28 
d3c tor8: ok. I just ran mudraw on a really big EC2 instance. it is actually able to utilize 100 % of the CPU11:12.51 
  tor8: out of the box11:12.55 
chrisl d3c: have you got files with lots of pages, or lots of smaller files to process?11:13.15 
d3c chrisl: ~4000 PDFs with ~50-100 pages each11:13.36 
  chrisl: 10-150M each11:13.54 
chrisl So, you might be better to consider running multple instances of the mudraw executable, instead of a since, multithreaded executable11:14.06 
d3c chrisl: yeah, that may be right. will give it a try11:14.37 
paulgardiner tor8: You ansked what was the purpos of pdf_get_stream. It turns out the answer is "to add unnecessarily to the code base and provide a way that I can achieve something in 3 calls rather than in just one. :-)11:16.42 
tor8 paulgardiner: morning. I thought pdf_load_stream would be what you wanted?11:18.21 
paulgardiner Possibly, although my only use currently is to obtain an fz_stream, so perhaps I should call pdf_open_stream?11:19.08 
tor8 if you just want the stream (and not load it into a buffer) open_stream is the way to go, yes11:19.38 
paulgardiner Will that access stmbuf in the case that the stream has been preloaded into memory? ... if that makes sense/11:19.41 
tor8 yeah, that's part of the changes I resurrected11:19.54 
  so if you've updated the stream with pdf_update_stream it'll read the data back with pdf_open_stream11:20.13 
paulgardiner Great. Glad you spotted that.11:20.29 
  I'll update it and let you know when I've pushed again to casper.11:20.56 
tor8 also, I'd like if you renamed pdf_xobject_set_contents to pdf_update_xobject_contents (or set, if you insist)11:21.15 
paulgardiner Sure11:21.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts cherry-picked and put your patches onto master11:21.48 
paulgardiner Ah. I'll stick my fix on the end of master.11:22.16 
tor8 I thought I'd get search working today in the gtk+ viewer, then figure out how to do linking. once that's done I'll bug you about placing form widgets onto the page :)11:23.08 
paulgardiner Right.11:24.22 
tor8 can you compile/run gtk stuff on your platform? if not I'll take a stab at porting it to win32 as well.11:24.58 
  I've never tried compiling gtk on windows, I'm guessing it's a nightmare11:25.27 
paulgardiner I have opensuse on a headless server and vnc access11:25.49 
  placing form widgets on the page? Are we looking to place native widgets over the document area of the widget? On windows so far, I've just been invoking a central dialog box.11:27.26 
chrisl building gtk on Windows was a nightmare the last time I tried it (it may be better now), but at that time there were developer packages available to download - I'm not sure how often they update them, though.11:27.53 
paulgardiner My biggest worry concering moving permenantly away from windows for development would be the loss of VS debugging.11:29.06 
chrisl paulgardiner: if the plan is to use gtk, it would be wise to do that development on Windows, anyway, because not all gtk capabilities are available on Windows. It would be a pain to trip over any of those porting it over to Windows.11:34.19 
paulgardiner Yeah, that a good point.11:35.06 
  tor8: once you have it working on linux, I'd be happy to see if I can get it to build for Windows.11:36.31 
tor8 paulgardiner: great. I'll let you do that :) hopefully it'll be as easy as dropping in a .lib somewhere11:38.12 
chrisl slinks off to lunch after mammoth commit........11:38.29 
tor8 if not, cooking up a native win32 version shouldn't be too much work11:38.41 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I wrote mujstest last night (or the guts of it)11:43.23 
  It's basically a hacked win_main.c that wraps pdfapp.c (with all the windows specific stuff removed)11:43.54 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: streuth. Not hanging about then?!11:44.10 
Robin_Watts Am I right in thinking that currently, if you click in a text field, you get a dialog box pop up. Everything freezes while you enter some text inthat box, and when you hit return it goes back to the app?11:44.52 
  paulgardiner: It all fell out far faster than I expected.11:45.04 
  I haven't tested it at all of course :)11:45.11 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: yes that's right about the dialog box. although I wasn't necessarily thinking that we'd use the same way to test. Could call the library entry points without the dialog11:46.18 
  Robin_Watts: but if that works nicely...11:47.18 
Robin_Watts no, it doesn't produce a dialogue.11:47.29 
  but when you click somewhere, it calls wingettext (or whatever). mujstest implements that to just return a string.11:48.01 
  So the scripts will do: TEXT "blah"\nCLICK 100 20011:48.21 
  and then on that click, it'll get "blah" entered into the field at 100 200.11:48.35 
paulgardiner Ah yes. That makes sense11:48.37 
Robin_Watts It's slightly ass backwards, but it should work.11:48.50 
  paulgardiner: So today I will need to write some test scripts.11:50.49 
paulgardiner I think we'll also need another type of text where we enumerate all the buttons and emulate a click on each, but there is no enumeration method at the moment.11:51.14 
Robin_Watts I was hoping to hack something together where we would throw out coords of all the fields when we first render them.11:52.00 
paulgardiner That test could be applied to all 2500 test files without having to set up specifically for each.11:52.01 
Robin_Watts Then we could run each file once, capture the output, and munge that into a mujstest script for each file.11:52.34 
paulgardiner Oh yeah. Automatically create a set of tests11:53.22 
Robin_Watts So, what are the best files for me to test?11:53.40 
  You say you have 2500... how can I get that set from you?11:53.54 
  Can you copy them onto your server, and I'll wget them ?11:54.36 
paulgardiner Sure11:55.16 
kens tor8 ping12:24.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping #212:24.29 
tor8 double pong!12:25.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yesterday you mentioned a problem with transparency in ghostxps, and I said maybe it was the same problem as I was seeing with SMasks in PDF. Maybe it is the same problem, but it won't be cured by the same fix; the fix for mine will be in the PDF interpreter, which clearly won't affect the xps problem.12:25.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay. then I'll need to dig more.12:26.11 
Robin_Watts That occurred to me while running earlier, so thought I should tell you. I'll shut up and leave you with kens now :)12:26.11 
kens tor8 a long time ago when working with XPS I seem to remember there was a way to tell gxps to use a non-zipped directory or something, rathter than having to keep unzippign and rezipping a directory tree. But I can't make it work, can you remind me please ?12:26.50 
tor8 kens: point it to the _rels/.rels file12:27.34 
kens Ah, thanks tor812:27.41 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: zipping the test files didn't shrink them much (unsurprisingly I guess) and there's 2GB of them. I've instead put them here in their orignal directory structure. Does that work for you?12:28.40 
kens THat was it tor8 thanks :-)12:28.50 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Perfect.12:28.50 
paulgardiner If you wget the lot then if possible cap transfer rate at 500Kbits12:29.50 
Robin_Watts wget is refusing to recurse for me...12:42.53 
  No, I'm having no luck with wget at all :(12:51.13 
paulgardiner tor8: Merging seems to have broken a few things, so it might take a bit longer than I expected to a get to the changes we discussed.12:52.31 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Can you make the file available under ftp ?12:52.59 
  s/file/files/ ? Sorry.12:53.05 
  or zip 'em, and I can wgetc a single tgz ?12:53.24 
paulgardiner 2GB though12:53.38 
Robin_Watts That's fine.12:54.08 
paulgardiner ok12:54.12 
Robin_Watts (well, it'll have to be fine :) )12:54.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: wget might work with the "-m" option12:56.01 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I tried that.12:56.08 
chrisl Oh, well, that's supposed to work.... :-(12:56.22 
Robin_Watts yeah :(12:56.26 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Ok. Try now12:59.11 
Robin_Watts Fetching now. thanks.13:00.10 
d3c what's the maximum size PNGs MuPDF can generate from a PDF? any hard limit somewhere? I'm getting segmentation faults when trying to generate a 20000x20000 PNG (where I afterwards need to crop an area from the PNG in a big resolution.)13:28.10 
Robin_Watts d3c: We have a hard limit of 4gig for the unpacked size.13:44.45 
d3c Robin_Watts: ah, right. that's what the bug was about. can I calculate at what dimensions I'll hit that limit?13:45.38 
Robin_Watts 4*w*h must be less than (1<<32)13:45.59 
d3c Robin_Watts: thanks a lot.13:47.06 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Should we be offering lzma compression for tiffs?14:11.05 
chrisl Robin_Watts: why?14:11.42 
kens non-standard, not in TIF 6 spec14:11.54 
Robin_Watts Well, we offer all the other compression schemes ?14:11.57 
chrisl No we don't14:12.04 
Robin_Watts s/all the/many of the/14:12.21 
  lzma = better than lzw, and we offer lzw.14:12.38 
chrisl We offer all the baseline compressions, none of the optional/supplemental ones14:12.53 
Robin_Watts I believe lzw is the best lossless compression we offer for non 1bpp tiffs.14:12.57 
tor8 Robin_Watts: lzma certainly isn't 'baseline'14:13.11 
Robin_Watts Fair enough. I won't fight it. Just wondered if it was worth adding rather than disabling it in libtiff.14:13.50 
tor8 well, by default we shouldn't be producing them anyway14:14.10 
alex11 hi all, can I have a question regarding mudraw vs gs?14:15.51 
chrisl FWIW, I don't see the advantage, given how cheap bandwidth and disk space are these days, of offering a non-standard, quite slow compression, to get a slightly smaller file.14:15.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Fair enough. I was pondering the 2 (or 4) gig filesize thing.14:16.42 
  alex11: Sure. shoot.14:16.49 
chrisl Ugh, there are also some license "funnies" that would make including liblzma a bit of a maintenance nightmare......14:17.34 
alex11 I have a quite detailed image embedded in a pdf file - it's kind of technical drawing on a millimeter paper. I compared using gs and mudraw to save a page of this pdf to a png14:17.45 
chrisl Robin_Watts: If we're going to allow tiff extensions, then a better solution would be to allow BigTIFF files, which allow 64 bit offsets14:18.13 
Robin_Watts Sure. Like I say, it was just an idle thought.14:18.36 
alex11 ...and the thing is: gs is more precise (I guess mudraw's antialiasing blurs things a bit) but it has a nasty blue-ish color to it as compared to mudraw's 14:18.59 
Robin_Watts alex11: You can disable antialiasing in mudraw.14:19.20 
alex11 what I'd like to have is gs precision with mudraw's colors - can I have it?14:19.24 
Robin_Watts gs uses color management, so it's colors should be 'better' than mudraw.14:20.06 
  but that does assume you have color management set up correctly.14:20.19 
  Use mudraw -b 014:20.44 
alex11 in gs I use "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4" - is it comparable?14:21.30 
kens What version of GS ?14:21.54 
Robin_Watts Then you should get comparable output from gs and mupdf.14:21.56 
alex11 9.0514:22.06 
kens What ICC profile are you using for the output management ?14:22.07 
tor8 alex11: if you render with gs at a much higher resolution, then downscale the image using imagemagick or pnmscale you will get the best of both worlds, with the worst speed of any solution14:22.15 
alex11 kens: I'm running on defaults14:22.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mupdf without antialiasing suffers from not having any dropout prevention thuogh14:22.46 
kens alex11 well the GS colour ought to be correct, but colour management is tricky, and it depends a lot on the source colour space and destination space14:22.49 
  You can modify the conversion by using a different ICC profile14:23.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: true.14:23.05 
paulgardiner tor8: Removed pdf_get_stream, did the requested renamings and it's all back working again. There's a commit on my master branch.14:24.31 
tor8 paulgardiner: fab.14:24.41 
alex11 kens: this is all on-screen thing; I have an app that produces a png that is later embedded in the pdf; the pdf and the mudraw-generated png have the same colors as the original png, but the one generated with gs is blueshifted. are there any available ICC profiles I could experiment with? any suggestions on some starting points?14:25.42 
kens alex11 colour management isn't really my area, and our colour expert is at a trade show this week14:26.41 
  I think there are some words about colour management in the docuemntation14:26.57 
  OK in teh GS/doc directory is a PDF named 'GS9_color_management.pdf'14:27.54 
  THere are somwe words on usage in rthere14:28.11 
  Its also possible this is a bug14:28.51 
  There is an open bug report that sounds 'similar' to yours relating to whitePoint calibration14:29.14 
alex11 thanks, I have this and crunching through already, just thought that it could be some kind of simple switch that is by default set in mudraw that you guys know about, so that the colors in mudraw are more round-trippish than ing gs14:29.42 
chrisl When did -dUseFastColor come in? That should be in 9.05, I think14:30.04 
kens Yes t is14:30.10 
  Err, maybe not actually14:30.19 
chrisl Also, I think 9.05 will embed an ICC profile in the png output, which could be having an effect14:30.43 
kens alex11 try rendering the file in that bug report above and see if it looks like your problem14:30.45 
alex11 kens yes, it looks very similar14:33.32 
kens Then it is probably taht bug :)14:33.56 
alex11 that's very comforting :-)14:34.06 
  how's that it is not present in mudraw? isn't mudraw using gs?14:34.22 
kens Michael will get to it eventually14:34.23 
  Noo muidraw is totally doivorced from GS14:34.33 
alex11 OK, that makes sense14:35.09 
  thank you all for your help, bye14:35.37 
kens bye14:35.41 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: When I run: win32/Debug/mudraw.exe -o out.png ../MyTests/calc.pdf15:15.26 
  on the forms branch I get lots of: warning: assert: index 0 > length 0 etc15:15.43 
  is that expected? or cured by your latest fix?15:16.05 
chrisl Why am I suddenly getting a load of pcl/pxl errors in my clusterpush............ when all I've changed is a parameter to libtiff's configure :-(15:16.31 
kens chrisl I got a similar problem15:16.59 
chrisl Hmm, I've gone back several commits, and still get the error, too15:17.43 
kens Well, at least that explains why I'm getting seg faults and erros that *can't* be related to my changes.15:18.42 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: not expected. I haven't seen asserts when running the app.15:18.52 
kens I just did a cluster push of HEAD in confusion15:19.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl, kens: That is to be expected.15:19.15 
kens ??15:19.20 
chrisl Huh????15:19.37 
Robin_Watts marcosw is 600 miles away from the nearest land of any description, for at least a week, so of course the cluster is going to go wrong :)15:19.46 
kens rofl15:19.54 
chrisl :-)15:20.14 
  I get errors running the files locally, too, so I guess the cluster is just confused thinking these are "new" errors?15:21.26 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: You wouldn't see them while running mupdf, only mudraw.15:21.49 
  And they aren't 'asserts', just warning prints.15:22.02 
  And it's pdf_new_rect at fault.15:23.02 
  You should be calling pdf_array_push, I think. 15:24.04 
kens chrisl I'm seeing seg faults, and they are definietely new15:24.51 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I guess we don't have the windows app sending output to the console15:25.13 
Robin_Watts kens: Did clusterpushing head work?15:25.21 
  paulgardiner: Indeed not.15:25.25 
kens Robin_Watts : will let you knwo when its finished15:25.34 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I am preparing fixes for it here - don't worry about it.15:26.41 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Ah yes. pdf_array_push probably. Thanks.15:26.53 
kens 1Huh15:31.34 
  The cluster aborted my run15:31.39 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Fix is on my "forms" branch.15:41.31 
  What is stopping us publishing the forms branch to the main repo on casper again?15:41.55 
  If more than one of us is working on the same branch, I think it makes sense to do that now...15:42.12 
paulgardiner Probably should be commited to master on the main repo, since pdf_new_rect is there15:42.13 
kens Hmm cluster sems totally borked15:42.19 
Robin_Watts kens: Let's leave it for 20 minutes and see if it self heals.15:42.46 
kens It tried15:42.54 
  Now its aborting again15:42.58 
  But I was going to leave it again15:43.08 
chrisl kens: can you try some of the erroring/seg faulting files locally?15:43.14 
kens chrisl I suppose I can yes, but I am not on Linux15:43.32 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Will take care of putting it on master.15:43.35 
paulgardiner ta15:43.49 
kens OK it just flushed my cluster test15:44.03 
chrisl kens: given the extent of the apparent problems, it will be interesting to find what happens on Windows...15:44.07 
kens Its gone to MuPDF now15:44.11 
  chrisl give me a couple of miutes15:44.20 
  Need to rebuild various binaries15:44.28 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: but my question to you and tor8 about publishing forms remains.15:44.40 
kens chrisl my test was slightly off from trunk, I was missing your idict.h fix15:45.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm okay with putting a forms branch on the master repo15:46.02 
  or gold repo, or origin repo, whichever term is appropriate15:46.27 
paulgardiner Oh. Don't know. Now it's fairly long, I'm no longer rebase it, so it would be no hardship to be unable to.15:46.29 
chrisl kens: that shouldn't matter, there should be no functional difference15:46.36 
kens Yes, I know, just thought I would mention it15:46.48 
  The report I got back said there were no problems :)15:47.01 
  THough reading carefullly, it did say it ran 0 tests15:47.19 
  Well MuPDF seems to be behaving15:48.56 
Robin_Watts I need to update the cluster w.r.t muPDF. Since I made mudraw return a non-zero error code on incomplete renders, the cluster registers lots of mupdf things as failures that aren't really. But that should be independent fof the gs problems.15:50.00 
kens MuPDF is working, GS apparently isn't so it seems like the cluster is OK but the source is not....15:50.38 
  I wonder if the 'user' sources are insane in some way15:51.10 
  chrisl wa yours a user run, as opposed to commit ?15:51.23 
chrisl Yes15:51.34 
kens Mine too, but your commit runs seem to be OK15:51.46 
  So I wonder if its something to do with that.15:51.53 
Robin_Watts Well, the diff at the end of the clusterpush report looks reasonable.15:52.12 
kens Your one Robin_Watts ?15:52.30 
Robin_Watts no, yours.15:53.01 
kens Good grief, takes a *long* time to render at 300 spi15:53.11 
  Robin_Watts : yes, the diff is tiny15:53.26 
  But as you can see, it ran 0 tests :)15:53.34 
  Because it aborted twice15:53.40 
  chrisl the first 'seg fault' file I tried works fine ehre15:54.05 
chrisl Hmm, I wonder if I can force a complete upload of the tree, and try that......15:55.06 
kens Ah, but the second one I try does in deed seg fualt15:55.09 
chrisl Which file?15:55.37 
kens Bug692217.pdf 300 dpi, psdcmyk15:55.59 
  And that was with a debug build too15:56.21 
  I haven't finished building the release binaries yet15:56.45 
henrys chrisl:have you checked on a local originating machine the "Error_reading_input_file" errors15:57.53 
chrisl henrys: some of them, yes15:58.09 
henrys and they reproduce?15:58.37 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner: forms branch is now on golden repo.15:58.56 
chrisl henrys: Yes15:59.10 
  kens: that file is seg faulting for me on source from the 8th of June.....16:01.00 
kens chrisl for me Bug692217.pdf seg faults i ngx_patter_size_estmate because pinst is NULL16:01.29 
chrisl Same here16:01.36 
kens chrisl so why has hte seg fault not shown up before ? Puzzled....16:01.44 
  Looks like a clist problem that one16:01.58 
chrisl I'm going to try some git hammering, just to be sure about this.....16:02.22 
henrys chrisl:have you changed your build since the error report on the dashboard? pushed again?16:02.39 
kens Well you r commit to 'aquash a warning' does not show a seg fault with that file....16:02.46 
chrisl henrys: no, other people have been using the cluster, so I've been poking at things locally16:03.29 
  kens: that surprises me16:03.43 
kens chrisl me too, but I checked the summary16:03.58 
  I suppose I should check the detailed log16:04.05 
  Umm the detailed log seems to be empty16:04.45 
chrisl I need to push another fix for that - I forgot that dict_find_string() takes a ref *.......16:05.15 
henrys yes something is terribly broken in pcl land.16:06.30 
  chrisl:in the current code not including your local patch.16:09.11 
kens chrisl I'velooked at a coulpe of the 'passed' logs and they both have huge numbers of test files being removed16:09.23 
  And tehy run *very* few tests16:09.44 
chrisl henrys: my local patch doesn't affect pcl16:09.48 
  kens: huh? Files removed?16:10.11 
kens Look at the 'passed' link for commit 39433fc16:10.31 
chrisl Yeh, I see it now - wtf does that mean?16:10.51 
kens The following 64626 regression file(s) have been removed:16:10.53 
  THe next commit has something simila16:11.05 
  ANd if you look at the number of test actually run, there were very few16:11.20 
  ran 486 tests in 3273 seconds on 10 nodes16:11.34 
  No differences in 361 non-pdfwrite/ps2write tests16:11.34 
  No differences in 65 pdfwrite tests16:11.34 
  No differences in 60 ps2write tests16:11.34 
  It 'looks' like your huge header commit broke something, but I have no idea what it would be16:12.05 
  Or why16:12.13 
Robin_Watts Let me check the logic in the cluster for such "removed" files.16:12.31 
ray_laptop 3273 seconds on 10 nodes for only 486 files ? Seems slow16:13.55 
kens I think most of that time is the build16:14.09 
  But even so16:14.23 
chrisl Well, it would not surprise me to learn that I'd messed something up in changing the headers, but why would a clusterpush not show the problem?16:14.25 
Robin_Watts Hmm. It looks like there is a skip.lst file that lists files not to test.16:14.32 
ray_laptop kens: really ? gs builds in < 60 seconds on peeves. I know we build more than just gs, but ...16:15.23 
kens ray_laptop : seems to take longer than that o the cluster16:15.42 
  But it still seems a long time16:15.48 
Robin_Watts Is that 327.3 seconds on each of 10 nodes ?16:16.06 
kens Beats me16:16.12 
Robin_Watts I can't see any code in the cluster to ever delete skip.lst16:16.31 
chrisl The long time would probably be because it tries to run all the files, before adding them to the skip.lst16:18.08 
Robin_Watts I think the skip.lst may be a red herring.16:19.24 
chrisl Well, wherever it actually holds the information of tests to "remove"16:20.08 
Robin_Watts but something is causing files to be moved into the filesRemoved perl array.16:20.14 
ray_laptop hmm... I just did a make clean ; make on peeves with a clean and it gets errors during libtiff16:21.32 
chrisl ray_laptop: missing lzma?16:21.57 
Robin_Watts Ah.16:24.13 
  It tested all those files, but didn't find a record of them in the 'previous' tab.16:24.33 
  It tested all those files, but didn't find a record of them in the 'previous' results table, so it can't compare them to see if they passed or failed.16:24.56 
  hence they are "removed" from the results.16:25.08 
chrisl That's clearly wrong.....16:25.44 
Hohlraum hey guys i'm breaking apart a pdf into individual pages and the resulting pages added up are 2x the total file size of the original. Ideas? Here is the command for the first page: "gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile=page1.pdf allpages.pdf 16:25.52 
Robin_Watts Hohlraum: Why is that unexpected?16:26.10 
ray_laptop chrisl: -c ../gs/tiff//libtiff/tif_aux.c16:26.18 
  In file included from ../gs/tiff//libtiff/tiffio.h:33,16:26.20 
  from ../gs/tiff//libtiff/tiffiop.h:75,16:26.21 
  from ../gs/tiff//libtiff/tif_aux.c:32:16:26.23 
  ../gs/tiff//libtiff/tiff.h:68: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or __attribute__ before int816:26.24 
Robin_Watts If a font (say) is used on multiple pages then it will only be included once in the complete file, but in each file when split up.16:26.57 
Hohlraum because the contents of this pdf is basically nothing but scanned images. guessing that maybe they aren't being re-compressed in any way.16:27.06 
chrisl ray_laptop: new on me - peeves ran the cluster test on the tiff update just fine16:27.34 
ray_laptop chrisl: I'm trying again after running autogen.sh16:28.48 
chrisl Ah, that would be an issue, yes16:29.10 
  ray_laptop: if it doesn't work this time, let me know and I'll log into peeves and try it myself16:29.40 
Hohlraum Robin_Watts: or I guess I should just ask, why would the combined size of the individual pages of a PDF broken out into individual pages be larger than the same pages combined into a single pdf?16:30.14 
kens Several reasons16:30.48 
  1) There is 'boiler plate' in each PDF file16:30.58 
  The xref table, object definitions etc.16:31.07 
  2) Reuse of objetcs on multiple pages16:31.17 
ray_laptop Hohlraum: if there are images that are the same on multiple pages, I think we just re-use them. Same thing with fonts (as Robin_Watts mentions)16:31.21 
kens 3) Differences in decompressing/recompressing16:31.28 
henrys well about half the xl cet files just crash with the current code.16:32.01 
kens Wihtout seeing the original PDF file I can't really comment16:32.10 
ray_laptop Hohlraum: if the original pages were JPX or JPEG and we end up choosing Flate16:32.18 
chrisl henrys: error out, you mean?16:32.25 
henrys time to bisect16:32.26 
  chrisl:no I see a crash in the sse2 code.16:32.39 
Hohlraum Robin_Watts & kens: They are different images on each page. Basically someone is scanning documents as images and saving them as a pdf.16:32.40 
  Robin_Watts: Is there a way to force compression?16:32.59 
kens Hohlraum it may depend on teh compression, and the size of each page16:33.04 
  Hohlraum see docs/ps2pdf.htm16:33.17 
Robin_Watts Hohlraum: So, it's possible that they are in the original version as (say) JPEGs, and they might be going out as (say) LZW.16:33.35 
  As kens says, see docs/ps2pdf.htm16:33.42 
kens Or they may be JBIG216:33.46 
henrys chrisl:with pbmraw or any halftoning device.16:33.54 
kens Since they are scanned pages16:33.56 
  And it depends on the size of each page, as I've said16:34.18 
  Creating a PDF file has an unavoidable size, even with no actual content16:34.36 
henrys maybe it's my mac16:34.41 
chrisl henrys: I just tried code from last week, and got similar errors from the pcl/pxl tests16:34.54 
kens If eech page is small (in kbytes) then the overhead becomes significant16:35.03 
Hohlraum The original PDF is 9 pages of scanned images and is 905k. Broken out the individual pages total 1.7MB.16:35.16 
henrys chrisl:are you seeing segmentation faults with pbmraw?16:35.29 
kens I'd have to see the file16:35.29 
Hohlraum reading the docs now.16:35.30 
ray_laptop Hohlraum: if you run gs with the -dPDFDEBUG option it will spew out what it is interpreting so you can see what's going on with the original and the result16:35.37 
Hohlraum I'll give that a try16:35.51 
chrisl henrys: I wasn't looking for seg faults, I was looking for erroring out.16:35.59 
ray_laptop chrisl: took care of it. Sorry for the confusion16:36.50 
chrisl ray_laptop: no worries - I should have sent a mail round reminding everyone, I just forgot16:37.13 
ray_laptop chrisl: I usually am able to get by without it, so I forgot16:37.58 
kens chrisl your commit fae7be4 doesn't show these errors, doesn't have lots of files being removed, and runs what seems to be a decent number of etsts without error16:38.15 
henrys chrisl:customer says 692365 is still wrong - I'll forward to support.16:38.19 
chrisl henrys: can you give me a specific file that seg faults?16:38.20 
kens will be back later16:39.22 
henrys ./pcl6 -sDEVICE=pbmraw -o /dev/null ~/tests_private/tests_private/xl/pcl6cet/c102.bin 16:39.43 
  Segmentation fault: 1116:39.43 
  chrisl:I can't imagine your change did that.16:41.25 
chrisl henrys: unless the script did something nasty, and I didn't notice when I eyeballed the changes.....16:42.20 
  henrys: I don't get a seg fault, I get "Warning interpreter exited with error code -953"16:43.14 
ray_laptop ahh, the old -953 error ;-)16:43.39 
Hohlraum Here is a debug output of the job that loops over the pdf pages and dumps each one. 
chrisl Yeh, can't we get meaningful error messages from pcl?16:44.03 
Hohlraum I'm guessing /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter /JPXDecode /Height 1639 /Length 5 0 R is the meaningful line?16:44.43 
henrys the old -953 trick, I'll have to call support on my shoe phone ;-)16:44.45 
  many of the files are supposed to error. but that doesn't explain your list of "new errors" in the local push log16:45.57 
chrisl Do you know if c102.bin is supposed to error?16:46.35 
henrys checking now.16:47.22 
chrisl Hmm, well it errors with 9.05, so I assume it is supposed to16:49.46 
Robin_Watts henrys: Oh, how did Sabrinas art market thing go?16:49.55 
  (that was last week, right?)16:50.01 
henrys the HP doesn't error out no. I'll bisect it, it's not likely you broke this I just wish the cluster wouldn't "trick us"16:50.14 
  Robin_Watts:hot - upper 90's day 1 better day 2 though. She sold quite a bit, not enough to support me yet.16:50.52 
kens Hohlraum : That means its using JPEG2000 compression16:51.04 
  We can't use that, encoders need a licence, and its not free16:51.18 
Robin_Watts henrys: well, tell her to keep working at it :)16:51.48 
kens Also, applying JPEG2000 to a JPEG200 image has the same unpleasant results as applying JPEG to JPEG, so you wouldn't want to do that nayway16:51.59 
  This almsot certainly explains your size differences16:52.13 
Hohlraum kens: OK, any recommendations on things to try to reduce the size?16:52.32 
henrys the problem with painting is that to make good money you have to be dead.16:52.33 
kens If all you want to do is make several PDF fiels I woudl not reccomend using pdfwrite for this task16:52.35 
  Hohlraum : use a differetn tool, I would suggest pdftk16:52.50 
Robin_Watts henrys: As the spouse of the artist, you're in a position to capitalise :)16:53.07 
Hohlraum kens: Alright. Much appreciated.16:53.37 
kens chrisl you should probably reassign #692365 back to me16:54.04 
  But I can't believe it is urgent if htey have not noticed for a year16:54.16 
chrisl kens: okay, I was going to check the rendering, too, though16:55.04 
kens Hmm, OK makes sense16:55.12 
henrys kens, chrisl:we have now reported that to him fixed 2x can we have a closer look before the next iteration? ;-)16:55.40 
Hohlraum kens: while I have your attention. Any idea why ubuntu/debian's ghostscript packages seem to shit themselvs when it comes to processing these PDFs? I'm guessing it has to do with the custom build I'm using now is using some included library and ubuntu/debian are using their own library. Just not sure which one. jasper maybe?16:56.12 
kens Hohlraum : No idea, and you would need to be more specific about the problem ;-)16:56.45 
Hohlraum kens: Doing any kind of processing on these specific PDFs takes several minutes. very very slow.16:57.17 
kens GS needs to use a JPEG2000 decoder, we used to use JasPer, I beleive we use openJPEG now (anyone remember for sure ?)16:57.27 
Hohlraum kens: with my own compile is very very fast.16:57.33 
kens Hohlraum : JPEG200 *is* slow16:57.37 
  Hohlraum : The distros insist on using the sysme shared libraries16:58.02 
  You are probably using our own version of the libraries16:58.17 
Robin_Watts kens: Sounds right to me. (jasper -> openJPEG)16:58.18 
kens really isn't here now16:58.34 
Hohlraum kens: yes I am.16:58.39 
chrisl As we can't currently share OpenJPEG, they'll be using Jasper, which almost certainly explains it16:59.07 
  kens: the rendering looks correct to me, so I'll reassign it to you16:59.23 
Hohlraum kens: pdftk resulted in 9 pages that are nearly the same size total as the original. thanks17:00.14 
henrys chrisl:you are going to reopen and assign to kens or should I?17:00.22 
chrisl henrys: I'm doing it now17:00.39 
Robin_Watts Hohlraum: If you just want to split the files out, you can use mupdfclean.17:02.31 
henrys chrisl:like you I don't see the seg fault on linux just mac.17:05.00 
chrisl henrys: could you quickly try source from before the headers update, just to put my mind at rest? I need to go out shortly......17:06.17 
Gigs- openjpeg has improved a lot17:07.04 
  second life had a lot to do with that17:07.09 
  they used kakadu decoding jpeg2000 for texture transport, when they open sourced the second life client people needed to make openjpeg suck less17:07.42 
henrys chrisl:I did.17:07.49 
chrisl henrys: and it still seg faults?17:08.00 
Gigs- kakadu is still the king but it's proprietary17:08.01 
henrys yes trying 9.05 now.17:08.12 
Gigs- iirc jasper is pretty much a reference implementation, not really designed for real use17:09.00 
chrisl Gigs-: even as a reference implementation, it's poor - I'm pretty sure there are parts of the spec it doesn't work correctly on17:11.09 
Gigs- hmm, well by virtue of it being incorporated into the spec, one could argue that it is the gospel regardless17:12.58 
  though I guess that's just a semantic argument17:13.12 
chrisl Dratted X crashed on me :-(17:32.53 
henrys chrisl:works okay on the mac pro - just my laptop has something strange going on.17:37.53 
  which is why the clusters didn't flag it.17:38.07 
chrisl henrys: Hmm, strange. I'm also seeing weird errors with the XPS interpreter......17:38.49 
  I have to head out - I'll check later in case anything comes up17:42.14 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, tor8: 2 commits on my forms branch.18:09.29 
  The first one adds mujstest - hopefully free from any contentious stuff.18:10.02 
  The second one adds a new flag to mudraw that enables mudraw to output simple mujstest scripts for given files.18:10.31 
  tor8: I can imagine you may dislike the bloating of mudraw, and the addition of the new function to get the page rectangles for all the annotations on a page.18:11.05 
  I am open to better ideas for how to do it.18:11.21 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I thought you needed the generation of page rectangles only temporarily to create the initial set of test files for mujstest.18:24.48 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes.18:25.02 
  But I've done that initial generation by adding a new flag to mudraw.18:25.26 
  and to implement it, I need some way to walk the annotations to get the page rectangles out.18:25.49 
paulgardiner So once there, why not keep it? Right18:25.52 
Robin_Watts yeah.18:25.59 
  17 minutes to go on the download, btw.18:26.15 
paulgardiner I have a few things like that kept on seperate branches, but whether they'd still work if rebased is of course the issue with that way...18:27.16 
Robin_Watts It doesn't seem like a huge bloat to me, and it's always possible that someone will give us more files to test in future.18:28.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we should add more bloat to mudraw anyway -- banded rendering so that problems like d3c is having don't crop up as often18:49.31 
d3c tor8: I've modified my script that fires mudraw so it will never use a width and height that makes 4wh>(1<<32) like Robin_Watts mentioned. I don't have anymore memory problems now18:51.13 
  tor8: just FYI18:51.33 
  Robin_Watts: :)19:03.55 
Robin_Watts ooh.19:07.12 
  Oh, ffs.19:23.25 
  I just deleted the file I spent 6 hours downloading from paul.19:23.55 
  all cos of svn.19:24.01 
  off we go again then...19:24.44 
kens Ooops :(19:39.01 
henrys oops that should have been CLUSTER UNTESTED20:26.50 
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