IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/06/13)2012/06/14 
kens chrisl I see that everything on the cluster seems to be fine since you fixed the ref ** last night08:47.06 
chrisl kens: yeh, I think the pcl/pxl errors were "allowed" errors, but the cluster had lost its record of them - that made things seem worse than they were08:48.50 
kens Well, beats me...08:51.08 
  At least my runs are making sense agin :-)08:51.19 
chrisl Well, there's no way a change to the PS interpreter could cause failures in the pcl/pxl interpreters, so......08:52.15 
kens Hmm, I see customer #670 is 'low support'...08:52.16 
  chrisl I was seeing that with a change in ps2write !08:52.30 
chrisl kens: yes, but I saw only a few seg faults apparently caused by my mistake, whilst more than half of all the PCL/PXL tests were reported as throwing new errors08:55.35 
kens Yes, that's what was puzzling me08:55.50 
  The seg faults were few enough to be worth investigating, the hundreds of PCL errors were a worry08:56.07 
  And tis simply not possible that a minimal change in ps2write could break teh interpreter that badly08:56.28 
chrisl But it does seem that those are expected errors from PCL, so......08:57.03 
kens Yes, not going to worry about it if Henry doesn't :-)08:57.33 
chrisl Exactly.08:58.29 
  kens: Strange problem from Phil, that font thingy - do they produce the PS?08:59.43 
kens Yes they do :-)08:59.52 
  I believe its their driver at fault, its certainly not us09:00.04 
  As shown by the very simple modification to the file09:00.23 
chrisl I just wondered - the PS still seems needlessly convoluted, but much, much less so than the usual Adobe driver PS09:01.32 
kens Yep, its similar to the Adobe PostScript, but not the same.09:01.50 
  My guess is that they are constructing the font from some larger (probably TrueType) font09:02.03 
  Given that the copyright notice is Microsoft, bu thte font name is garbage09:02.26 
chrisl Yep, I don't much like the randomly dotted around eexec encoded data......09:02.52 
kens They add glyphs to /CharStrings on the fly09:03.07 
  The font is defined initially with one glyph /G0 then as glyphs are required they get added G0, G1, G2 etc09:03.35 
  When a font is full, they switch to a new one09:03.48 
  But it seems like they expect 'definefont' to make the font current, which it doesn't09:04.09 
chrisl Sure, but usually when I've noticed that happening, the "clear" PS takes specific steps to make sure that the correct font dict is on the stack, where that one didn't seem to - from what I saw09:04.46 
kens Of course the fonts are technically invalid since they don't include a /.notdef09:04.53 
  chrisl when it defines the first font it does, but when it defines the second, it doesn't.09:05.18 
  I'm as sure as I can be that its a driver problem09:05.44 
  Especially since Distiller produces exactly the same.09:05.54 
  As does Jaws09:06.05 
chrisl And Jaws and HQN, so if it's not a driver problem, it's a Postscript problem :-)09:06.25 
kens :)09:06.35 
  Its certainly not our problem...09:06.42 
kens polishes off second customer bug report09:15.23 
  back to XPS :-(09:15.32 
chrisl I wonder about our customers sometimes..... :-(09:21.18 
kens What, that last one ?09:21.37 
chrisl Yes: "9.05 works, 9.04 doesn't.... what should I do??"09:22.08 
kens :-)09:22.13 
Robin_Watts "Downgrade to 8.71"09:26.00 
kens Well in fact 9.04 will work too, if he actually gets the font name right in cidfmap09:26.42 
  On the plsu side chrisl, it shows how valuable that change will be, when we can finally get customers to use a recent version....09:27.12 
chrisl I guess so - although we will then have a tougher time explaining the few cases where it doesn't "work" - despite the clear disclaimer in the documentation09:28.23 
kens "Always look on the bright side of life"09:28.52 
chrisl I'm decidedly "glass half empty" today......09:29.36 
  kens: I just couldn't leave that issue with the vertical writing font alone - I'm pretty sure I know where pdfwrite's problem is, but I can't see a pdfwrite based solution.....14:17.07 
tkamppeter kens, chrisl, Robin_Watts, I mailed to TurboPrint and they answered me. They want to cooperate with OpenPrinting and they have put up the source of there GS patch. The supply of the old GS was a temporary workaround for a LibreOffice bug and will be removed soon. Intention is to turn TurboPrint in a pure CUPS Raster driver.14:43.41 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Regardless, to comply with the GPL, they must release the source code for their device.14:44.35 
  This can be as simple as putting an archive of their source on their website.14:45.10 
kens chrisl, sorry been looking at CIDFont substitution, I missed you rcomment14:45.11 
chrisl kens: CIDFont substitution? I thought you'd done with Dan's problem?14:45.45 
kens Just checking it with 9.04, where it works just fone of course.14:45.59 
chrisl They may have random patches applied to theirs......14:46.33 
kens Indeed, but that's not *my* problem :)14:46.44 
  THey are a 'low support' customer so I'm not going any further for them14:46.55 
chrisl I did wonder if that was why he'd suddenly gone straight to bugzilla rather than mailing support14:47.26 
kens Yeah, I wondered that too :)14:47.38 
Robin_Watts Wow. This test file jumps between pages as I move the mouse pointer around on it in mupdf.14:48.37 
kens Intriguing bug14:48.53 
  Oh god, now Phil is back again. I can't see me getting anything constructive done today14:49.27 
henrys kens:sorry I guess I missed that omtool bugzilla thing, can you remind him to send stuff to support?14:51.04 
kens I can add it to the bug thread if you like, or would you rather I mail him direct ?14:51.40 
  OMG If I decompress Phils' 11MB file it comes out at 420MB14:52.14 
  It must be all images14:52.25 
henrys I'd just add something on the bug14:54.01 
kens OK will do14:54.08 
Robin_Watts My God, it's full of images.14:55.05 
kens :)14:55.11 
  Its also full of AcroForms14:55.21 
  Great, the original file is a PDF 1.6 so all the useful stuff is buried in streams, and the 420 Mb file is too big for anything to open it.14:57.51 
Robin_Watts kens: mupdfclean -d -i -f in.pdf out.pdf14:58.22 
  That leaves images and fonts compressed.14:58.30 
kens Aha, I'll d that thanks14:58.37 
Robin_Watts If you can isolate a particular page as being the problem, then you can extract that page and use -ggg to garbage collect unused objects out.14:59.28 
kens Looks like I need to get MuPDF 1.0 :)14:59.33 
Robin_Watts :)15:00.16 
kens I've been using a variety of older versions for quite a while, but those options aren't in 0.915:00.43 
  Hmm, illegal option -- d15:02.32 
  And it doesn't give a version number any more :(15:03.01 
  Seems it shuold be -x I thought that was for old versions of pdfclean15:03.27 
  Ah, name change mupdfclean, oops15:04.23 
Robin_Watts ah, sorry, yes.15:04.32 
kens THat seems to ork better :)15:04.49 
  A mere 31MB file now15:04.59 
  Ah, I see the file has a UserUnit of 5.5, that'll be why then.15:06.26 
  henrys do we have a support policy on ?15:08.35 
  Come to that, where is ?....15:09.58 
chrisl toolbin?15:10.24 
kens Of course, where else, given that its not a binary file :-)15:10.39 
henrys kens:not really but the customer you are talking to matters.15:14.40 
kens henrys I know....15:15.01 
  I can extract the UserUnit easily, shoudl I display it separately, or multiply it into all of the boxes ?15:15.26 
  separate display is easy, multiplication is not.15:15.37 
chrisl What units do we report the boxes in?15:16.10 
kens Whatever is in the PDF file15:16.16 
  We just pull the array otu directly15:16.23 
  That's the problem15:16.31 
chrisl So, it's in points IIRC?15:16.42 
kens The file has a UserUnit of 5.5 so the boxes we display ar 5 times too small15:16.44 
  chrisl its in 'user units'15:16.58 
  deaftul is 72/inch15:17.03 
  But if UserUnit is 5.5 then teh unit is 72/5.5 per ich15:17.24 
chrisl Yeh, my feeling is we should print UserUnit, and report the boxes as they are15:17.35 
kens THqat was my feeling too, its more faithful to what's in the PDF file.15:17.54 
chrisl But I suspect I may be in the minority......15:17.55 
kens I expect the customer will want it multiplied in.15:18.15 
  I woudl argue this is an *informational* dump15:18.27 
  SO the UserUnit should be broken out separately.15:18.40 
Robin_Watts kens: Output the user unit separately, and whoever is using the output can deal with it.15:19.31 
  (i.e I'm with you and chris)15:19.53 
kens Consenses achieved :-)15:20.08 
  I will mail them the file and update it in Git15:20.23 
chrisl I'd go so far as to say that if we multiplied out the boxes, we'd be wrong....15:22.06 
ray_laptop kens: I saw your patch for -- is there a reason for not simply using the UserUnit value when reporting the page size ?15:40.22 
  (rather than make the user calculate it)15:40.43 
kens ray_laptop : see above15:40.54 
ray_laptop kens: sorry -- I haven't read the logs -- just the email (so far)15:42.13 
kens :-)15:42.19 
ray_laptop consults the logs15:42.20 
kens It wasn't a unilateral decision, I consulted first. But I think its better for an 'info' program to split out the information separately15:42.58 
ray_laptop kens: I don't quite understand "separate display is easy, multiplication is not." -- seems easy enough15:46.38 
  kens: I read the logs -- consensus of three of you. But the problem is that people using tend not to be PDF experts and probably don't know what to do with "UserUnit: 5.5"15:50.14 
kens I'd have to multiply each element of the array and then disply the modified array.15:50.15 
  ray_laptop : Its an *informational* display. How many of them knwo the difference between MediaBox, CropBox and ArtBox ?15:50.48 
ray_laptop kens: right. mark exch { UserUnit mul } forall ]15:51.19 
kens If you want to produce another PostScript program to display simple information, then I'm OK with that, or even modify to do so.15:51.23 
  ray_laptop : UserUnit isn't defined at that point15:51.38 
ray_laptop (above untested)15:51.39 
kens Right now we make custoemrs intersect CropBox with MediaBox, we don't do that for them15:52.17 
chrisl ray_laptop: also, they already have to know something about this area to know that user units default to 1/72 inch15:52.38 
ray_laptop kens: you could have a "/pagesizescale 1 def" at the start and then change it when you see the UserUnit (where you print it now), then use 'pagesizescalie' as the multiplier15:53.11 
kens ray_laptop : yes, I *could* do that, but see all previsou commetns15:53.27 
  I don't think tis the right thing to do with this program15:53.36 
ray_laptop kens: I tend to agree with what you said "I expect the customer will want it multiplied in."15:54.20 
kens I could even have some simple math to turn the various Box values into inches and/or centimetres, but we don't do that right now either15:54.28 
chrisl ray_laptop: as the various media boxes are specified in "user units" it would not be an accurate relaying of the content of the file if we multiply it out.......15:54.48 
ray_laptop kens: that wouldn't be a bad idea -- as long as we display both (otherwise half the world wants the opposite of what we choose, or we need YAO)15:55.46 
kens ray_laptop : the proliferation of options is one problem I wanted to stay awy from15:56.12 
chrisl kens: actually, in my workflow, I prefer to measure fathoms, could you add fathoms, too?15:56.22 
kens chrisl how about london buses too ?15:56.42 
chrisl ;-)15:56.58 
kens I'm not sure what The Register unit of length is....15:57.02 
  I know area is Wales'15:57.13 
  and volume of liquids is Olympic swimiming pools15:57.27 
Robin_Watts Well, on the second file I tried (the first with any real form in it), mujstest has found a bug :)15:57.27 
  Hold on, I'll ask...15:57.51 
kens It appears to be the linguine15:59.03 
Robin_Watts Alas, drobe isn't logged in at the moment.15:59.04 
chrisl kens: Looks like we have another "don't know what 'crash' means".......15:59.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I suspect that mupdfinfo.c has the same issue -- ignoring the UserUnit setting (but it's hard to trace through the code to see if it's being applied automagically somewhere)16:00.03 
kens Oh so that's what he meant when he said 9.04 crashed....16:00.09 
  ray_laptop : just use the file that Phil sent :-)16:00.25 
ray_laptop kens: is that the 420Mb one ?16:00.46 
kens ray_laptop : its only 11mB if you don't decompress it16:01.04 
  mupdfinfo gives the MediaBox values only16:01.18 
  Which is correct, because that's what's in the file16:01.27 
chrisl kens: I suspect Dan's gs isn't finding the cidfmap......16:01.36 
kens It doesn't report the UserUnit anywhere though.16:01.40 
  So it has the same problem as the released pdf_info.ps16:01.56 
  chrisl I was pretty specific in the bug about how to get that to work....16:02.07 
ray_laptop kens: I guess you need to open a bug ;-)16:02.14 
kens ray_laptop : I suppose I probably should....16:02.35 
  chrisl actually taht might be a crash (of course he hasn't go the dr watson so we can't tell).16:03.18 
  Oh actually, no he has -dNOPAUSE and -dBATCH so it woudl just exit16:03.40 
chrisl kens: Dan's command line doesn't have a -I option, so unless they use a non-default build (which they might well be).......16:04.02 
kens Yes, but there's not message about looking for the missing CIDFont either16:04.24 
  I have to say that looks very like our installed version of GS though16:04.52 
  Notice the directory structure.16:05.02 
ray_laptop bbiab -- coffee16:05.06 
  kens: it may not be finding the cidfmap because of search path issues (-h will tell him)16:05.50 
kens chrisl the date in the image is the same as hte date of the released 9.0416:06.16 
ray_laptop unlike fonts, I think we don't "merge" cidfmap files from all of the search paths (as we do with FontMap) so we just get the first one16:06.47 
kens I believe we only get one16:07.00 
chrisl kens: Well, reiterate the -I point, then, and just me know if you need me to test anything..... yes, we only use the first cidfmap found16:07.42 
ray_laptop kens: so if he has a path before the one where his cidfmap really lives, it will be masked16:07.44 
kens chrisl it works just fine for me, *when rendering*16:08.00 
chrisl But not with pdfwrite?16:08.37 
kens ray_laptop : I believe he is using an 'out of the box' 9.04 installation and hasn't given a '-I'. Despite the fact that I was very clear in the bug thread about the setup.16:08.44 
  chrisl I am about to try pdfwrite16:08.53 
  But I'm too busy keeping up in IRC16:09.04 
  Yes pdfwrite throws an error (not a crash)16:09.55 
  Its not hte same as what he shows in his reprot16:10.18 
chrisl What's the error?16:10.35 
kens Its form the PDF interpreter 'Error reading a content stream...'16:10.54 
  sigh, can't get it to work for rendering now either...16:11.33 
chrisl Well, I can't see how pdfwrite could influence *loading* of fonts, but then..... it's fingers appear everywhere :-(16:11.42 
kens It coudl throw an error after the font is laoded if it doesn't like it.16:12.00 
  Indeed it does actually *crash* if you use pdfwrite nad that setup16:13.28 
  I have n idea whay16:13.33 
chrisl 9.04 or current code?16:13.56 
kens 9.04 just switching to current code16:14.14 
  current code works16:14.36 
chrisl That's interesting......16:15.28 
kens I'm not sure I care. Its fixed in the current code.16:15.53 
  They are a 'low support' customer, do I really need to bisect and find the change ?16:16.08 
  ray_laptop : noice that Phil had already modified the file :-)16:17.03 
  ray_laptop : I need to go, can you answer Phil's latest question please ?16:18.02 
  (not fair to ask Henry to look at PostScript ;-)16:18.29 
ray_laptop kens: about the linewidth ? I just did16:19.16 
  and cc'ed support16:19.22 
kens ray_laptop : linewidth ? No I meant his question about using UserUnit to calculate the boxes *in inches*.16:20.03 
chrisl kens: I haven't seen that, so it probably didn't go to support16:20.32 
nem`brs greetings. are there any plans to implement custom keybinds in mupdf?16:20.41 
kens Ohn Bum, I'll forward it to support.16:20.45 
ray_laptop kens: for cust 670, it would probably be nice to ask them if they can upgrade. (wee usually support patches whenever possible at least one release previous)16:20.55 
kens Yeah the mail only went to me.16:21.06 
  ray_laptop : please feel free to do so16:21.24 
  I have to go16:21.30 
ray_laptop kens: he sent the one about linewdith only to me and on the first reply I forgot to cc support16:21.44 
kens Phil's email is going to support now.16:21.48 
  ray_laptop : same as this one then :-)16:21.58 
ray_laptop kens: I'll answer Phil's next question16:22.08 
kens Thanks, goodnight all16:22.16 
ray_laptop g'nite, kens16:22.33 
  time for my coffee now...16:23.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping16:34.17 
  oh, bad shelly.16:58.40 
  I'm going to do some git surgery to resolve the merge that shelly pushed.16:59.20 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'd offer to drive over and smack him, but he does Tai Kwando........17:07.19 
Robin_Watts chrisl: To his credit he realised that there was a problem and mailed me.17:07.44 
  I wrote a long reply and sent it about how to resolve the problem - and then realised he'd pushed already.17:08.06 
  but it was an easy fix.17:08.19 
chrisl Robin_Watts: can you mail him the git incantation that makes pull default to rebase - I can never remember it......17:08.37 
Robin_Watts I will dig it up in just a mo, yeah...17:08.52 
chrisl I have a feeling I may have promised to send it, but got distracted by something else17:09.33 
Robin_Watts The problem is, it only works for newly created branches or something.17:09.54 
chrisl Oh, that's....erm.... sub-optimal17:10.39 
Robin_Watts It's of the form "Make all new branches rebase by default: y/n"17:12.25 
chrisl Robin_Watts: git config branch.master.rebase true17:14.08 
Robin_Watts Right. That one says: make master rebase by default.17:14.30 
  but there is another one that says "for all new branches make them rebase by default".17:14.54 
chrisl So you'd need to do that for all your branches, and also do "git config branch.autosetuprebase always"17:15.25 
Robin_Watts That's the puppy.17:15.37 
  And for any other branches you've already created.17:15.46 
chrisl I suspect Shelly primarily uses master and very transient branches17:16.28 
Robin_Watts chrisl: So you're mailing him those?17:17.06 
chrisl Yes, I'll do that17:17.15 
ray_laptop darn, ken didn't forward the UserUnit test file. I have to go find one17:17.29 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It's in support, no?17:17.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, I think Phil sent it to him directly17:18.03 
Robin_Watts no, it's in the 15:40 mail from Phil, I believe.17:18.37 
  in COMBINED.zip17:18.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I found fts_01_0106.pdf and fts_06_0626.pdf (2 and 11 respectively)17:37.42 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Did you see alexcher's comment on the Smask bug?17:38.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, and I agree that using the current bbox seems like an OK method (without digging into it further).18:05.40 
henrys hmm I wonder what would happen if we changed the all the license headers in contrib/ to be consistent with gs and if they object we just tell them we can't distribute it.18:12.45 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Short of performing radical surgery on the pdf14 device to allow us to make it so that buffers resize upwards as required, I can't see any other solution.18:13.53 
  mujstest just found another bug in the same file.18:18.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: did you want something?18:32.59 
alexcher I'm removing 40K /tmp/gs_* files taking over 500G that were generated by gs regression from i7a and i7b. Check your nodes.18:33.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: Just to say.. were you happy for me to push my mudraw and mujstest stuff ?18:33.50 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah. yes.18:34.16 
Robin_Watts Thanks. Will do so.18:34.29 
henrys alexcher:I had the same problem on my nodes18:56.54 
d3c Robin_Watts: found a few more bugs, it seems. and 
ray_work henrys: alexcher: on peeves I run a cron job that does: rm -f /tmp/gs_*21:39.33 
  this doesn't rm files in use -- just all of the left over21:39.50 
  of course, the cron has to run as root or regression21:40.27 
  oops -- make that: as root or marcos21:41.29 
  (mine is root)21:41.35 
  maybe this should be run at the end of the cluster script (marcos/ henrys)21:43.22 
henrys ray_work:I think we should open a bug for marcos and see what the underlying issue is. I'll do that now.21:54.56 
Robin_Watts If wanted, I can add a line to the tasks run by each cluster job to rm /tmp/gs_*23:10.14 
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