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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/06/24)2012/06/25 
kens chrisl ping07:09.31 
chrisl kens: poing07:11.33 
kens chrisl I found out we *do* apply the subfont matrix in pdfwrite07:11.52 
  gdevpdte.c, line 112507:12.10 
  if (composite) {07:12.20 
  gs_font *subfont = pte->fstack.items[pte->fstack.depth].font;07:12.20 
  gs_distance_transform(glyph_origin_shift.x, glyph_origin_shift.y,07:12.20 
  &subfont->FontMatrix, &glyph_origin_shift);07:12.20 
  I believe that the reason meddling with the widths changes the text ,atrix is because when we have a CDevProc I think we always position each glyph individually.07:13.09 
  Presumably because if we execute a CDevProc, we can't really rely on the widths, tehy could be different every time.07:13.35 
chrisl Right, but that's for the origin - where does the subfont matrix get applied for the current point movement?07:14.35 
kens Well teh glyph origin is the current point movement in this case, at least I believe it is07:15.08 
  Still working my way through this07:15.21 
  If you look a little urther down you'll see a pdf_set_text_state_values07:15.56 
  That sets the text matrix, which sets the current point07:16.06 
  (effective current point)07:16.13 
  Now its entirely possible tha calculation above it is incorrect07:16.41 
  But the calculation of tx and ty is what sets the currentpoint that gets emitted in the PDF file07:17.16 
chrisl But once the glyph is drawn, the current point moves - I'm wonder where the W1x,W1y values are used......07:17.59 
kens I htink shortly below that again07:18.25 
  After the pdf_char_wisdths_to _uts07:18.54 
  Its all a bit complex, but I think this is the actual offending area.07:19.46 
chrisl Based on what I saw in the rendering case, I don't think the calculation at line 1124 is quote correct, *unless* other stuff is going on elsewhere......07:20.10 
kens The distance transform ? there is other stuff goin gon, its handled in the pdf_glyph_widths stuff07:20.57 
  But like I say its a bit intertwined, not at all neat07:21.10 
chrisl In the rendering case, the matrix applied is parentfont->FontMatrix * subfont->FontMatrix07:21.14 
kens All the same I think its process_text_modfy_widths that is the real source of the problem07:21.30 
chrisl Yes, it looks like you are correct.07:21.44 
kens Its taken quite a while to work through to here :-(07:22.03 
  THe clue was changing the widths altered teh text matrix....07:22.23 
chrisl I'm not surprised - it's truly appalling that this is *so* different from the "normal" code when it really shouldn't have to be......07:22.48 
kens Yea, its pretty ugly07:22.57 
  BTW after we applyt the subfont matrix we apply the regular font matrix07:23.18 
  SO I htink this is effectively the same.07:23.42 
  Note that we also apply the CTM....07:23.58 
chrisl And then we apply the ctm - hmmmm07:24.02 
kens I think I'm going to have to sit down with pencil and paper and work out what the values *ought* to be, then see where they are wrong.07:24.51 
chrisl So, does pdfwrite not setup the ctm for glyph "rendering"?07:25.00 
kens pdfwrite doesn't set it up , I don't think, no07:25.24 
chrisl Again, why so bloody different from the normal case.....07:25.42 
kens I have no idea....07:25.54 
  ANyway, this was just for your information and 'amusement' really.07:26.11 
chrisl where 'amusement' == 'abject horror' ?07:26.38 
kens The CTM I see here is definitely not 'normal' [1 0 0 -1 0 6600] so someone has set it up somewhere07:26.55 
chrisl I there's a bug in our mailing list server - I just got another "too many bounces" messages, but I received a gs-devel mail this morning......07:29.44 
  s/I/I think07:29.52 
kens I keep on getting the 'too many bounces' messages07:30.04 
chrisl And I was prepared to give the benefit of the doubt on them - but this time, I kind of have evidence to the contrary!07:30.48 
kens :-)07:30.56 
  Oh, and I just got a 'too many bounces' message form gs-devel too07:48.05 
chrisl Definitely a bug in there.....07:48.19 
kens Something's wrong for sure07:48.34 
  Oh God, avadhut is back asking stupid questions.... :-(09:19.19 
  Why do the loons crawl out of teh woodwork on Mondays ?09:19.57 
sebras kens: hey! I've been here all weekend!09:22.18 
chrisl kens: well, at least it's a fairly easy question... "Explain how pdfwrite works"!09:23.44 
kens Yeah, dumb question from dumb user who won't understand the simple answer....09:24.10 
chrisl It seems strange to expect the input file size to be the decisive factor in the output file size - especially when input is PS.....09:25.42 
kens They are idiots, enough said :-(09:25.53 
  Right, stupid question answered. Now, what was I doing ? ....09:35.39 
Robin_Watts I think the cluster is testing debug builds of mupdf rather than release ones.10:36.13 
  I'm tweaking the cluster at the moment10:40.15 
  (Adding stuff for mujstest)10:40.21 
  It *shouldn't* affect anything else, but if you see any problems, please tell me!10:40.36 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: just pushed a fix for the latest radio-button bugs to paul/forms, if you have a moment.11:00.59 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Ta. will look in a mo.11:01.14 
  Trying to grok cluster perl at the moment...11:01.25 
paulgardiner Sure. No hurry11:01.37 
nlogax Is the the proper way to check the type of something? 42 type /integertype cvx eq 11:07.51 
chrisl nlogax: you don't need the cvx11:08.25 
nlogax chrisl: Oh, thanks :)11:08.54 
chrisl nlogax: other than that, yes it's right ;-)11:09.36 
nlogax I thought I made it work before by adding it, must've been more broken than I thought :)11:09.53 
chrisl It shouldn't make any difference - an executable integer is still an integer.11:12.05 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Surely an executable string ?11:12.26 
  name, sorry.11:12.35 
chrisl Nope, still an integer - if you want it to be a name you'd have to cvn it11:12.57 
Robin_Watts 42 type /integertype will leave 2 names on the stack, right ? Whatever the type was, then /integertype ?11:13.30 
chrisl Oh, I see what you mean - I was thinking the other way round..... yes11:14.11 
Robin_Watts (I ask to try and improve my understanding of PS)11:14.15 
chrisl I was thinking he wanted to check for an integer with the execute attribute set11:14.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: have you looked through sebras' patches?11:38.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: Not yet.11:38.25 
sebras Robin_Watts tor8: none of them are terribly important, but may be worth a look.11:38.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sebras: just read through them now. they look fine to me.11:42.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: so, you'll push them then?11:42.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, soon as I finish test compiling and sane11:42.55 
Robin_Watts I pushed some stuff in your absence on friday.11:43.01 
sebras tor8: you might want to squash them.11:43.23 
  IIRC they were quite numerous.11:43.37 
tor8 sebras: okay.11:44.41 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I don't like the comment on your last commit11:46.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hm, I wonder if we can simplify the lifetime management of the lexbuf now that it's dynamically grown.11:47.30 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I'm not particularly attached to it. How would you improve it?11:49.20 
Robin_Watts For radio buttons, first turn off all the buttons in the group. This case covers both widgets explicitly typed as radio buttons, but also groups of checkboxes that are implicitly radio buttons because they share the same parent (and hence share the same name).11:52.08 
  I found I needed both the commit message and the comment to understand it.11:52.42 
  but even so, I can't *quite* see how that comment matches up with the code.11:53.16 
paulgardiner Sounds like I'd better update the code comment too.11:57.33 
  Robin_Watts: Seems to be impossible to determine whether a widget is also a field, but for both cases where it seemed I needed to do so, I just need to locate a point in the hierarchy below which all fields share a common name.12:21.54 
vtorri_ tor8: hey$12:27.06 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right.12:32.01 
  Reading the spec it says that fields and widgets can be rolled together, AIUI.12:32.18 
  paulgardiner, tor8, sebras: Something that occurred to me over lunch...12:32.42 
paulgardiner Yeah, that's the whole problem. I know the object is a widget, but I don't know if it is also a field.12:33.06 
tor8 hi vtorri12:33.08 
Robin_Watts I was talking to Paul on the phone and he pointed out that we can have a single field that appears on multiple pages; change one copy and they should all change.12:33.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ohhh....12:34.15 
Robin_Watts That's going to present problems for us with our use of display lists etc.12:34.22 
  it occurred to me that we could use 'generation numbers' to solve that.12:34.54 
  We tag every page with a generation number (just an integer), and every displaylist inherits that generation number when it's made.12:35.36 
  Then when we change something in the file that affects a page, we update that number to the next generation number.12:36.10 
  That way when we come to use a display list we can check instantly to see if it's out of date or not.12:36.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I don't see the problem, not when we split out the rendering of annotations into separate pixmap destinations that get composited with the page at the end12:37.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: If we do that, sure.12:37.20 
  well actually...12:37.32 
tor8 we'd still need to flag the annotations as dirty12:37.44 
Robin_Watts suppose I write a new viewer that supports n up12:37.45 
  and I keep a display list around for each page that's up.12:38.00 
  yeah, I need a cheap way to ask if my displaylist (whether it's the full one, or the annotations one) is dirty or not.12:38.26 
tor8 I'd imagine you keep separate display lists for the page and the annotations on it12:38.29 
  but as you said, you still need a dirty check12:38.44 
  that could go in the fz_annot/widget struct though?12:39.03 
  which ought to be decoupled from the page if as you say they can be reused on multiple pages12:39.32 
  of course, if we update the underlying pdf objects and use the generation number as the dirty flag we'll have two different fz_annot structs acting as views for the same pdf object. which may be a perfectly good solution too.12:41.06 
Robin_Watts tor8: I was thinking more in terms of having something like int page_generation(fz_page *)12:45.03 
  tor8: I was thinking more in terms of having something like int fz_page_generation(fz_page *)12:45.19 
  and int fz_annots_generation(fz_annot *)12:45.39 
tor8 ah! you confused me, I thought you wanted to use the pdf_obj generation numbers :)12:46.05 
Robin_Watts no, sorry.12:46.11 
  oh, boy, how do I figure out what OS I'm running on within the cluster code...?12:46.58 
chrisl Robin_Watts: variable $^O12:48.21 
vtorri_ tor8: now that 1.0 is released, is the API frozen ?12:49.08 
Robin_Watts vtorri: Much more so.12:49.25 
  chrisl: Thanks.12:50.42 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: hte answer should yes or no :)12:51.27 
Robin_Watts vtorri: Then no.12:52.10 
vtorri_ i don't know which versioning you're using, but in our case:12:52.29 
  major++ == API or ABI break12:52.45 
  minor++ == API addition12:53.02 
Robin_Watts *IF* we do a shared lib build, then we'll have to introduce a shared lib init entry point to allow people to specify an API version.12:53.04 
vtorri_ micro++ == bug fixes12:53.09 
  Robin_Watts: not necessary12:53.45 
Robin_Watts That's a reasonable scheme for API numbering, not for version numbering.12:53.56 
vtorri_ pkgconfig files, if well written could take care of that12:54.07 
  version numbering is ?12:54.33 
Robin_Watts But we don't provide packages.12:54.38 
vtorri_ like libtool versioning ?12:54.41 
  Robin_Watts: the problem is not that *you* don't provide packages12:55.03 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that's a pretty conventional versioning scheme for open source SDKs12:55.03 
vtorri_ the problem is that there is no packagers interested in making packages12:55.20 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right, but it doesn't necessarily fit with the way we release things.12:55.26 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no, just saying......12:55.53 
Robin_Watts If we did an 'API version', field then we might well follow such a scheme.12:56.27 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: you can change that, and begin with that 1.0 (i would say 1.0.0, actually ;) ) version12:56.32 
  not 'might', but 'must'12:56.45 
chrisl Also, *usually* unix shared libs are much simpler than DLLs - the entry points are *usually* just the same as the static library would be12:56.54 
vtorri_ and honestly, mupdf would be more used12:56.55 
Robin_Watts but tying the API version to the software version is a restriction we don't need to make, IMHO.12:57.15 
vtorri_ chrisl: i'm the windows maintainer of the windows port of several libs12:57.22 
  no problem with that12:57.26 
  Robin_Watts: software version is like libtool version ?12:57.47 
Robin_Watts vtorri: No, we'll be the judge of what we "must" do, thanks.12:57.55 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: sure12:58.03 
Robin_Watts I don't know about libtool.12:58.12 
vtorri_ do what you want12:58.17 
  Robin_Watts: so what is "software version" ?12:58.44 
chrisl I always find it odd when people say "We really like mupdf because it's small, fast and lightweight" and then "you have to make it bigger, slower and more bloated and loads more people will use it"......12:59.15 
vtorri_ chrisl: about entry points, in static libs on windows, yes it's tricker, but DLL are good, actually12:59.33 
Robin_Watts I'm just saying that there should be a separation between the concepts of "MuPDF API" and "MuPDF version"12:59.47 
vtorri_ chrisl: currently, i have to provide mupdf sources with our library12:59.59 
  chrisl: tarball size : 60MB13:00.09 
Robin_Watts Suppose we suddenly decide to make the next version "MuPDF 2012" - the API version might only be 1.113:00.15 
vtorri_ just because of mupdf not being a shared lib13:00.22 
Robin_Watts where the version would be "2012".13:00.32 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: ok13:00.41 
  i agree13:00.50 
chrisl vtorri_: all you need to do is have a static ilb package, then you wouldn't have to include mupdf source with your lib13:00.55 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: it's a bit like libtool versioning13:00.58 
chrisl s/ilb/lib13:01.03 
vtorri_ chrisl: almost no distro provide a mupdf package, that's the problem13:01.19 
  that's why i have to provide mupdf source code and statically link against it13:01.40 
  which also means a lot of work each time i update mupdf13:01.56 
  because you always change the way mupdf is compiled13:02.12 
chrisl vtorri_: and all because they're being stupidly dogmatic about *everything* having to be in a shared library - regardless of whether it makes sense or not......13:02.23 
vtorri_ i just mention a fact13:02.46 
  mupdf is not packaed13:02.58 
  usually, packagers are not the smartest guys on earth13:03.13 
  havin a good package manager is rare13:03.23 
chrisl For this particular nonsense, I tend to blame the distribution policy setters...... which often involves the maintainers, but involves others, too13:04.21 
vtorri_ chrisl: also, iirc, tor8 mentioned that static lib is sufficient for mupdf because there is (was ?) only 1 application that uses it : ghostscript13:04.34 
chrisl Ghostscrip doesn't use mupdf.....13:04.50 
vtorri_ or ghostview or whatever the app mupdfuses13:05.10 
chrisl mupdf uses mupdf.......13:05.27 
  ghostview uses ghostscript.....13:05.39 
vtorri_ mupdf is not used in ghostsomething ?13:05.48 
Robin_Watts vtorri: Not currently.13:05.57 
chrisl Not currently, no13:05.59 
vtorri_ ok13:06.02 
  i remembered something else, then13:06.12 
Robin_Watts (Although at various points in its history MuPDF has been known as "GhostLite")13:06.16 
vtorri_ wrongly, it seems13:06.18 
chrisl Possibly you were thinking of jbig2dec.....13:07.01 
vtorri_ maybe13:07.21 
  i asked it to make dll build of jbig2dec, btw13:07.39 
  not to mention that static lib is always possible with jbig2dec13:07.59 
chrisl jbig2dec can be built as a Unix shared lib, but currently it doesn't build a DLL, IIRC13:08.28 
  Windows dll, that is13:08.35 
vtorri_ iirc, i provided a patch that builds also dll on windows13:08.57 
  i should check the code again13:09.12 
chrisl it may be waiting to be reviewed (by me - I inherited a lot of that stuff when I joined!)13:09.35 
Robin_Watts vtorri_: Was that for cygwin or MSVC ?13:09.36 
vtorri_ mingw, but should work for others too13:10.04 
Robin_Watts OK, so not "for windows" then :)13:10.21 
chrisl vtorri_: I think the point is, tor8 is only likely to reconsider the shared lib policy when there is a good *technical* reason for doing so - and not just because of distro dogma......13:10.55 
Robin_Watts Our commercial target for muPDF is for embedded systems.13:11.46 
  As such, "no bloat" is king.13:11.54 
  We don't want to have to carry any extra baggage around; if that means rejigging the API every time we release, so be it.13:12.19 
vtorri_ chrisl: not only, but for mupdf being more widely adopted13:12.36 
Robin_Watts Now, we'd clearly rather not (and indeed the API changes in 1.0 were designed to be as future proof and as consistent as possible)13:12.54 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: i understand, our libs are also targetting embedded devicces, and they are the best for them13:13.07 
chrisl vtorri_: not a good *technical* reason......13:13.08 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: they are currently chosen for Tizen13:13.18 
  chrisl: ok :)13:13.25 
Robin_Watts but the extra work involved in doing a shared lib build for no good commercial reason is hard to justify.13:13.29 
vtorri_ Robin_Watts: because they are faster and have smaller memory footprint than other13:13.44 
chrisl vtorri_: I found the jbig2dec patch (Bug 691784) - it's in my queue, as I have some other jbig2dec build things to do, I want to tackle them all at once13:13.50 
  vtorri_: shared libraries are bigger and slower than static linked code......13:14.33 
vtorri_ slower ? because or dynamic linking ?13:15.12 
  bigger, maybe a bit13:15.26 
chrisl PIC code is inherently slower.....13:16.03 
  TBH, it makes very little odds on modern hardware, though13:16.23 
vtorri_ yes13:16.56 
chrisl The thing is, it makes sense with glibc, and various other libraries that are linked into executables that are often loaded into memory all at once, but something like mupdf is rarely going to have many instances in memory at once13:17.53 
vtorri_ i agree13:18.42 
chrisl vtorri_: I guess I should also disclaim that although I understand tor8's point, I don't necessarily agree with the policy ;-)13:19.12 
vtorri_ what anoys me is that i have to provide the source code13:20.11 
  because otherwise i would have always complains about "mupdf is not packaged in my distro)13:20.37 
  so i provide mupdf's source code13:20.52 
  but each time I update, it's a pain to integrate to my build13:21.07 
  on the other hand, if it changes, it means mupdf is not dead...13:21.52 
  which is nice as on embeded, mupdf is much more efficient than poppler13:22.23 
  *much* more13:22.30 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I think I killed the cluster :(13:29.34 
  I thought the clustermaster job was supposed to be run every minute or so by cron, but I can't see any record of that.13:30.09 
  am I looking in the wrong place?13:30.18 
chrisl Hmm, let me have a look....13:30.44 
Robin_Watts oh, wait... it might have just come back to life.13:31.21 
chrisl Robin_Watts: it seems to be run every 15 minutes - does that makes sense?13:33.11 
Robin_Watts Quite possibly.13:33.22 
  Where did you see that?13:33.26 
chrisl /var/spool/cron/crontabs/regression13:33.46 
Robin_Watts I suspect it runs every 15 minutes in case some fool (i.e. me) has done something to kill it in the meantime.13:33.51 
chrisl Robin_Watts: so what did you change that makes you think you broke it?13:37.00 
Robin_Watts I introduced a typo,and for a while it was saying "regression terminated due to missing"13:41.01 
  having said that, now nothing seems to be happening :(13:41.27 
chrisl I guess you could try running manually - see if that jogs it on13:42.09 
Robin_Watts no, I'd broken too.13:42.44 
  Fixed that now... I think the cluster should time out and carry on in a few minutes.13:43.06 
  I hope at least.13:43.09 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: there's an updated version of the check-box commit on paul/forms13:53.10 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Your commit message is missing a word or two? Or maybe it has a word or two too many?14:10.21 
paulgardiner Bah. Hang on14:10.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: chrisl: about the shared library/distro thing... if we add a sanity version check in fz_new_context to compare headers versus library version and abort if they mismatch, then I think we could provide a linked library for gcc/elf-based unixes and maybe even a dll for windows. hopefully the distros would stop whining then. but please no autoconf!14:10.57 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Updated14:11.56 
tor8 I still don't think we should distribute binaries as a shared library though.14:12.32 
chrisl tor8: I think that would be good - my feeling with this is the same as the shared lib linking under GS: we know the distros *will* do it, so at least let's have *some* control over it......14:14.03 
tor8 yeah. and now that we did the main cleanup pass on the api for the 1.0 release, my worries are slightly less14:14.40 
vtorri_ tor8: it's not mupdf devs' work to distribute binaries, it's the package managers of distro. Just distribute source files14:14.49 
tor8 chrisl: also, jbig2dec gits and releases, when's a good time to do that for you?14:15.04 
  vtorri_: we provide binaries for customers14:15.27 
vtorri_ ho14:15.34 
chrisl tor8: I've been hoping to put it off until just before the next GS release - unless you have a more urgent need?14:15.53 
tor8 vtorri_: though I think most build from source (or at least I hope they do)14:16.02 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: OK, can't see any obvious problems with that - and the functions make stuff clearer. Thanks.14:16.16 
tor8 chrisl: well, I have been considering tackling git submodules for thirdparty libraries in mupdf soon-ish14:16.27 
Robin_Watts I can't help thinking that doing things just before a release is a great way to get into trouble...14:16.59 
tor8 chrisl: but there's still no real urgency, I'll just test and see if this git subtree thing will work across the ghostpdl.git and jbig2dec.git first14:17.15 
chrisl tor8: I can't remember what we decided to do about jbig2decm can you?14:17.26 
tor8 chrisl: we should bring the two source trees in sync with regard to which build and configuration files are checked in14:17.46 
  chrisl: I think that was the main deal, the rest should be solved by crontab pulling commits out of gs and sticking them in the jbig2dec.git14:18.13 
  I think we decided to do something about the web pages and project pages too, add redirects from to wherever we can keep them under control14:18.57 
chrisl tor8: the ghostpdl/gs/jbig2dec *should* have everything needed in it now - there are, I think, a couple extra files are in there to work with the non-autoconf build(s) in Ghostscript14:19.21 
tor8 chrisl: from recollection, ghostpdl/gs/jbig2dec has a checked in configure script where the jbigdec git doesn't14:20.19 
  and the jbig2dec git has SCons and Jam files14:20.32 
chrisl tor8: I was going to drop SCons and Jam.....14:21.34 
tor8 chrisl: no objections from me!14:21.47 
chrisl tor8: I wanted to keep the configure to save further complications with the GS/GhostPDL builds.....14:22.20 
tor8 I believe we ought to have a plain, very simple, makefile to just build a static library but I won't argue it if you think otherwise14:22.29 
chrisl No, I agree with that - it's on my todo list, but with no real ugrency........14:23.05 
tor8 chrisl: okay. doesn't gs and ghostpdl require autoconf installed though, to build from source?14:23.08 
  chrisl: I think the jbig2dec git has a plain unix makefile with just $(CC) etc in it, nothing fancy14:23.30 
chrisl tor8: To build from a git checkout, we need autoconf - but I wouldn't want to force people to run extra scripts to the configures all in place.......14:24.26 
  tor8: actually with the "plain" makefile for jbig2dec, I wanted to ditch all the libtool sh*t - I hate that even more than autoconf :-(14:25.05 
  tor8: actually, now I look at it, it's probably no big deal to remove the various autoconf generated files from jbig2dec14:32.41 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, tor8: 1 new (tiny) commit on my forms branch.14:45.23 
paulgardiner Ok. Will look. Can you push my last one?14:45.42 
Robin_Watts I have.14:45.59 
paulgardiner ... probably you were thinking to do them together like last time.14:46.00 
  Oh right. Ta.14:46.05 
Robin_Watts but only just :)14:46.13 
paulgardiner That commit looks fine, provided MIN is present on all platforms.14:49.03 
Robin_Watts well, the rest of pdf_forms uses MIN( :)14:49.32 
  and it's defined in fitz.h (just checked)14:49.46 
paulgardiner Ooops" I thought I specifically looked.14:49.57 
  Is that me doing while (c = *s++) ??? but, but, I never do that!14:50.28 
Robin_Watts No, that was me.14:50.48 
paulgardiner Ah! I tend to do for (c = *s++; c; c = *s++)14:51.41 
Robin_Watts I dislike the while (c = *s++). But I really dislike the for where you repeat the code twice.14:52.24 
  I should have done: while ((c == *s++) != 0) from day 1.14:52.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I know gcc drops the warning if you just add two levels of parens: while ((c = *s++)). not sure if msvc recognizes the same.14:54.15 
Robin_Watts I am aware of that (horrible) gccism.14:54.34 
  Adding parens should not change the semantics of anything.14:54.53 
  Adding the explicit != 0 seems much nicer to me.14:55.06 
  MSVC doesn't whinge at all.14:55.28 
tor8 avoiding assigning and testing the value in one statement is much nicer too.14:55.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes, but the alternative is to repeat code.14:56.00 
tor8 while (*s) { ...stuff...; s++; }14:56.20 
Robin_Watts while (*s) { c = *s++ ; ... stuff }14:56.45 
  so you dereference s twice.14:56.55 
  marcosw: Ping.15:33.42 
kens Off for the night, goodnight all16:23.52 
Robin_Watts Night kens.16:23.57 
mvrhel good morning16:24.23 
Robin_Watts Morning.16:24.32 
  mvrhel: it seems I may have broken the cluster.16:24.42 
  I'm hoping marcosw will appear soon to berate me.16:24.56 
mvrhel oh ok,. thanks for the heads up16:25.03 
Robin_Watts If you need to use the cluster before he arrives, I can git reset and hopefully fix it.16:25.31 
mvrhel I am hopefully working on my last issue in this copy alpha stuff16:25.34 
  I will not need the cluster for awhile16:25.41 
henrys Robin_Watts:might be worth it to sms him.16:27.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: I have.16:27.53 
henrys oh okay16:27.59 
  wow the entire state is burning ... I've never seen things this bad.16:28.22 
Robin_Watts and I'm writing him an email explaining what I've done too, as I have to pop out soon to get Helen.16:28.41 
  henrys: It's all those Utah sharpshooters.16:28.58 
henrys well eventually it will use up all the oxygen ... oh wait.16:29.17 
  chrisl:good to see the device stuff getting straightened out ...16:52.35 
chrisl henrys: yeh, getting there - the Epson thing is a pain, though :-(16:52.59 
henrys I'd just remove it.16:53.13 
chrisl Yep, I probably will - I'd be shocked if it gets used these days.....16:53.44 
mvrhel yes. found my dumb copy_alpha bug16:55.38 
  now I need to do the cluster push.....16:56.00 
Robin_Watts Does this mean you want the cluster?16:56.02 
mvrhel no word from marcosw yet?16:56.10 
Robin_Watts no.16:56.14 
mvrhel strange16:56.18 
Robin_Watts Let me try stashing my changes.16:56.23 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I have plenty of other stuff to do16:56.28 
  I can work on another bug16:56.35 
  don't make extra work for yourself16:56.45 
  or make matters worse :)16:57.01 
  I am happy to have found this issue16:57.13 
  I have no shortage of bugs on my plate16:58.35 
Robin_Watts Well, I've backed out my stuff.16:58.45 
  and it's still saying down :(16:59.52 
mvrhel ok. dont worry about it17:00.04 
nlogax What could I do that would be equivalent to /foo /ProcSet findresource, except I would provide the path myself, and would not need the Resource/ProcSet/extensionsfreefile structure?17:03.13 
  Just (...) run it perhaps? :)17:03.59 
chrisl nlogax: that might be enough - although it might just load it into VM, then you'd still need to do a findresource17:04.44 
nlogax chrisl: Yeah would have to do that, but the path/structure requirements would be gone at least17:05.38 
chrisl nlogax: IIRC, defineresource leaves the resource dictionary on the top of the operand stack - "built in" resources pop it off immediately, but you possibly don't need to, as it would avoid the findresource.17:09.14 
henrys tor8:I'm wondering if your viewer can be the official viewer with ghostscript and all the languages - assuming we can hook it up with pdfwrite in some sane manner.17:10.26 
tor8 henrys: that would be a fair bit more work, but I will think about how it can be done17:11.09 
nlogax chrisl: Ah yeah, I pop them away... But would feel dirty to just leave them there :)17:11.10 
chrisl nlogax: it depends on how you're using it, but yeh, I know what you mean.....17:11.53 
Robin_Watts henrys: That way, we'd end up with a viewer that has all the flaws of all our products :)17:20.39 
  gotta go pick up helen. bbs.17:22.03 
mvrhel oops17:22.47 
  I had one quick question for you Robin_Watts17:22.56 
marcosw hello Robin_Watts, I just saw your text17:36.57 
mvrhel oh hey marcosw17:54.09 
  Is the cluster back up and running?17:54.32 
marcosw mvrhel: appears to be, the nodes timed out after 120 minutes and I'm running a test job to make sure.17:57.50 
  mvrhel: btw, how's the wife?17:58.22 
mvrhel she is starting to get around a bit more now17:58.34 
  thanks for asking17:58.36 
  marcosw: so I will wait until you give the ok before doing a clusterpush17:58.56 
  marcosw: where are the irc logs stored? I wanted to grep on something18:00.43 
Robin_Watts back.18:01.04 
marcosw Robin_Watts: hey18:01.12 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Hi18:01.14 
mvrhel oh maybe Robin_Watts can refresh my memory18:01.15 
marcosw mvrhel: /home/ghostbot/infobot-1.5.3/log18:01.38 
  on casper18:01.43 
Robin_Watts sounds right.18:01.49 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I recall we had some limit on the number of planes we could have due to some hard coded number of line pointers or something of that nature18:01.55 
Robin_Watts To search the irclogs, click on the link above (in the topic line), then click current.htm.18:02.52 
  Then in the top right corner there is a 'search' box, and by the power of google you can find stuff.18:03.08 
mvrhel oh18:03.14 
Robin_Watts Yes, there is such a limit.18:03.30 
  just a tick.18:03.31 
mvrhel how did I not notice this search before...18:04.12 
marcosw mvrhel: the cluster appears to be running okay, as long as you don't try clusterpushing a mujstest job :-)18:04.29 
mvrhel cool thanks18:04.37 
Robin_Watts In gs_get_bits_params_s we are limited to GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS18:04.38 
  marcosw: I've backed out all my changes.18:04.44 
  Can you look them over with a view to putting them back in please?18:05.00 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: yes. but I thought there was a limit that this could be18:05.08 
marcosw Robin_Watts: thought maybe you had, since was reporting an error when called with mujstest18:05.17 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Yeah, still looking.18:05.19 
mvrhel oh ok18:05.25 
  32 pointers18:05.50 
  line 4218:05.59 
  the power of the search 18:06.03 
  on irc logs18:06.05 
  you told me this on march 12th18:06.24 
Robin_Watts I was looking exactly there, but I can't see why now.18:06.40 
marcosw brb18:06.49 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: That's in the middle of a comment for me.18:07.37 
mvrhel looks like line 46 now18:07.50 
  it was line 4218:07.53 
Robin_Watts Right.18:07.59 
mvrhel hmm did I change it to GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS18:08.11 
Robin_Watts byte *data[GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS];18:08.12 
  yeah, hence no limit there any more?18:08.22 
  a limit of 32 sounds like maybe we used a bitmask somewhere to say what components are/aren't included ?18:09.17 
mvrhel yes. ok. so this was changed with the tiffsep devn stuff. and it looks like things dont work properly when we set it to something like 6418:10.09 
  likely you are right18:10.33 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I'm back and able to look at the mujstest cluster code now, where can I find it?18:11.24 
Robin_Watts marcosw: On the mujstest branch.18:11.34 
  (of the cluster repo)18:11.38 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: this may be a good bug for you to figure out....18:12.03 
Robin_Watts Sure. Want to leave it with me?18:12.25 
mvrhel ok. that would be a help for me 18:12.36 
Robin_Watts no worries.18:12.43 
  My last task at the moment is "get mujstest working", so I now have something else to look at.18:13.06 
marcosw Robin_Watts: why are there branches called alexher, chrisl, henrys, ... ?18:15.08 
Robin_Watts are there?18:17.20 
  Oh, that might be the gitbridge stuff.18:17.45 
marcosw pwd18:18.01 
  wrong window :-)18:18.05 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Where are you seeing that?18:19.40 
marcosw if I execute 'git branch' in ~regression/cluster18:20.04 
  just to get all my stupid git questions out of the way why does git status report:18:20.52 
  # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.18:20.54 
Robin_Watts because we've committed 2 things to git and not pushed them to the remote.18:21.17 
  i.e. they live in the git repo in ~regression/cluster, but not the one on yet.18:21.45 
marcosw right, so I won't worry about that. 18:21.59 
Robin_Watts OK, those user named branches are all bogus.18:22.45 
  And now they are all gone.18:23.58 
mvrhel bbiaw18:24.16 
marcosw I have to run out for a while, will look at the mujstest stuff when I'm back (assuming the cluster is idle).18:28.57 
Robin_Watts Thanks.18:37.21 
  mvrhel: So the problem (or at least the problem I hit) is down to gs_device_memory_s having a limited number of planes in it.19:22.54 
  That define made sense when we were packing colors into an index (as we need at least 1 bit per plane), but makes less sense now.19:24.13 
sebras Robin_Watts: the form filling code, does that reuest the test to be entered twice!?19:31.29 
Robin_Watts sebras: Not as far as I know, why?19:31.43 
sebras Robin_Watts: I'm seeing strange phenomena in X11.19:32.07 
  I know tor8 added fgets-support to make it useful at all.19:32.27 
Robin_Watts Nope, just once under windows.19:33.01 
sebras whenever I click on a field a prompt appears in the terminal where I started mupdf "> [] ". then I enter "hello" and press enter. then a second prompt appears "> [hello\n] ". the \n in there is meant to be interpreted (hard to show this via irc! :) ). then I have to enter "hello" and press again before the text is actually shown.19:34.21 
  the text inbetween [] I apparently the inittext from the callback.19:34.45 
Robin_Watts I suspect something is wrong with the logic, so it's responding both to mouse down and mouse up and calling the callback on both.19:35.44 
sebras Robin_Watts: seem plausible.19:36.12 
Robin_Watts Maybe on windows, because the window pops up, we get different results ?19:36.15 
  You could look in _onmouse and check that it only calls wintext (or whatever it is) when status = 119:36.43 
  being called for food.19:36.53 
sebras np. I'm already looking. I didn't think of both up/down events, but now when you mention it I guess it is fairly obvious.19:38.38 
  Robin_Watts: yup, you're right. the argument to pdfapp_onmouse(), state, == 1 at first and == -1 the second time.19:44.54 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok that makes sense20:27.25 
  darn still 4 files with segvs20:30.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: are you there?20:42.15 
  Robin_Watts: I'm not sure I get this. why are form widgets sensitive to mouse presses? isn't th consensus that widgets should only be responding when a button is released over them?21:55.06 
  Robin_Watts: and "changed" in pdf_pass_event() is set for both types of events. this is what triggers two calls to wintextinput().21:56.11 
  Robin_Watts: also fz_matrix* is passed everywhere in pdf_form.c. in the rest of mupdf fz_matrix is passed directly (no pointer). do you and paul forsee that the form code will be called so often that it's worth the effort? mind you, get_matrix() can likely be made simpler if it by default returns an identity matrix or the found matrix (both with ->e and ->f adjusted of course).21:59.33 
  doing so would likely help in the next function create_text_appearance() which doesn't have to test for the oldtm argument anymore.22:00.09 
  or am I missing something subtle here?22:00.16 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw22:03.46 
Robin_Watts sebras: I'm here.22:34.38 
  I think widgets can respond to rollover etc too ?22:34.53 
  Personally, I feel we *always* ought to be passing pointers rather than values for matrices.22:35.38 
  marcosw: ping23:43.54 
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