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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/06/25)2012/06/26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: const pointers to matrixes in that case!08:01.34 
sebras Robin_Watts: I'm mostly complaining because it's not consistent.08:25.51 
  Robin_Watts: I can't find any text about rollover in pdfref though. it may be in the jsapi08:30.41 
  Robin_Watts: yes, field/mouse enter and field/mouse exit.08:32.22 
  Robin_Watts: hm... then further states are needed, because currently there is only down/up there is no enter/exit. and the x11 api would need to be taught to distinguish down/up from enter/exit and only take action for textinput widgets for the former type of events.08:33.44 
kens chrisl I just realised somethign about this stupid PostScript file I shuld have spotted before08:41.24 
chrisl kens: oh?08:43.14 
kens The parentheses have a different matrix to the otehr glyphs08:43.28 
  THe parentheses are rotated, the other glyphs aren't08:43.45 
chrisl Yes, that's where I spotted the matrix disparity between rendering and pdfwrite08:44.27 
kens indeed.08:44.37 
  So pdfwrite is actually emitting 2 fonts, one for each orientation08:44.56 
chrisl Well, that makes some sense08:45.26 
kens THey are using the same descendant font though08:45.54 
chrisl Hmm, that's weird, so where is the rotation coming from?08:46.32 
kens It gets baked into the text matrix08:46.42 
chrisl I don't follow - the parentheses are in a string with other glyphs.....08:48.01 
kens They are int eh PostScript, but not in the resulting PDF08:48.13 
chrisl Yes, I meant where does the rotation appear from in the PS input?08:48.41 
kens Ah, now thre's the question :-)08:48.51 
chrisl That does explain the crazy CID for them, though - they are probably the vertical "versions" of the glyphs, manipulated to work in a horizontal layout......08:50.05 
kens Yep, I'm assuming that's what this is all about08:50.18 
chrisl The rotation must be coming from somewhere in the font, given that, in my cut down file, the three glyphs are all in one string, handled with a straight "show"08:52.01 
kens Absolutely, but I have no idea where its coming from08:52.17 
  I had been assuming that the CIDFont has 2 descendants.08:52.32 
chrisl The CIDFont has *four* descendants, apparently.....08:55.15 
kens <sigh> well that's 2 more than I was exepcting...08:55.30 
chrisl Yeh, but don't forget how much stuff I cut out - we're only *using* two08:55.57 
kens OK well I guess that makes some limited sense.08:56.10 
  FWIW Acrobat makes it all into one font and just meddles with the Text Matrix too.08:56.38 
  It 'sort of' looks like hte parentheses are wrong because they haven't had the vertical 'flip' applied08:57.20 
  Actually, that can't be true08:58.22 
  Anyway, back to head-scratching.08:59.10 
chrisl Obviously, you can't keep the same font layout since PDF only allows one descendant - I'm surprised distiller munges into one font, though.......09:01.59 
kens It makes it a horizontal font too, WMode = 009:02.19 
  The difference is pretty minor, we just end up writing one dicitonary more than Distiller, so I'm not bothered09:02.44 
chrisl I guess distiller must have a heuristic to spot things like this, and unpick it - seems like a pretty dodgy thing to do09:06.05 
kens Nothing new there then....09:06.27 
  I *think* hte actual problem is the calculation of the DW2 values, which isn't too surprising I suppose.09:09.28 
chrisl Well, I thought the problem was *all* the "PDF metrics" for the problem glyphs - *but* only the vertical ones would actually be applied when reading the PDF.09:11.21 
kens Its a vertical font (CMap has WMode = 1), so all the metrics get applied. The verticla metrics include a09:12.15 
  origin shift (both x and y) and the problem seems to be that this is getting applied to the text matrix and (possibly) as the vertical metric09:12.51 
  THis is why it works OK if I set the CMap WMode to 0, the shifts are already applied in the text matrix.09:13.32 
chrisl I thought we would output W and DW, too?09:13.48 
kens We do09:13.54 
  But those only shift the current poitn after the glyph has been drawn09:14.06 
chrisl I would have expected those to be wrong, too, but I guess not....09:14.23 
kens And since we emit a Tm to reposition the text after each glyph, they have no effect09:14.25 
  However the vertcial metrics shiot the origin *before* drawing the glyph09:14.47 
  Even that isn't completely true :-(09:15.45 
  Setting teh WMode to 0 gets the parentheses rightm but the other text is wrong :-(09:16.16 
  Anyway, its all intermingled09:16.21 
chrisl The main thing (from my point of view) is that we agree that there's more to this than CDevProc results being just ignored in certain places.....09:17.11 
kens Oh yes, that's not the problem at all. The CDevProc resutls are getting used (and should be) and the descendant font matrix is also being applied09:17.47 
  The problem seems to be in the application of the actual CDevProc values.09:18.10 
chrisl As I said before, I don't think the implications of adding the CDevProc callout support in there were fully thought through :-(09:20.13 
kens I'm sure you are correct....09:20.24 
chrisl In fact, it looks to me like it was added to support PDF input where the CDevProc applies the width metrics - in PDF, this kind of CIDFont arrangement simply can't arise.....09:22.08 
kens Hmm, just done some quick comparisons. It looks like the ontly text which is actually *correctly* placed are in fact the parentheses (comapring with Acrobat) ;-)09:22.31 
  chrisl yes, you are quite correct I'm sure.09:22.45 
chrisl That's strange.... I take it our rendering is correct?09:23.23 
kens I haven't checked but I would lay odds it is09:23.40 
  chrisl our rendering seems to match Acrobat as closely as can be expected09:25.43 
  certainly the gross positioning is the same, even if the finer aspects differe slightly09:26.18 
chrisl Well, that's something.09:26.41 
kens Ah, if I meedle with the vertical metrics for the non-rotated text, it looks better. I think this may be the real issue here. All 0 is not good.....09:27.55 
  and indeed, not correct09:28.02 
  BTW I'm using your much cut-down file (3 glyphs) here, because anything larger is too hard to work with....09:28.53 
  Yep, I can get perfect rendering just by altering the W2 entries for the non-rotated text. Now to find out why those are all 0.....09:30.38 
  But first, caffeine infusion...09:31.01 
chrisl I *really* hope if we can get those three glyphs right, everything else in the full file will also work......09:31.03 
kens chrisl I'm moderately confident this is the case.09:31.23 
chrisl When I originally cut down the file, the glyphs I left were all from the same subfont, so I missed these problems :-(09:31.53 
kens given teh way /W2 entries are sued (partially reliant on the /W entry) an entry of [0 0 0] doesn't look at all correct09:31.54 
  Its a pretty horrible use of the TT font....09:32.29 
scott-san robin are you on?13:02.52 
kens Hi scott-san13:03.12 
scott-san HI Ken, How goes it?13:03.37 
kens tearing hair out :-(13:03.47 
  Robin_Watts : may be at lunch, cna anyone else help ?13:04.00 
scott-san Oh oh!13:04.00 
  No, I need to see if he's available for a technical conference call on Thursday or Friday. 13:04.41 
kens scott-san : just had an ameil to support asking for a quote, I'll forward it to you13:04.50 
  Oh wow, they want HP/UX :-(13:05.12 
scott-san OK thanks. I'll send Mr. Watts an email re: the meeting. See you Ken :-)13:05.56 
kens BB13:06.01 
  Hmm I see the mail is from a Mr Palatino, what really ?13:08.27 
Robin_Watts Hi scott.14:13.49 
  Just replying to that email now.14:13.53 
  Any time thursday or friday is fine for me.14:14.00 
scott-san Hi Robin. Okay, that's all I was checking on. Thank you.14:14.12 
  Great. We'll see what Brian comes back with and put it together. Off to get a flight physical. Thanks again.14:14.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: hey.14:23.51 
  just answering a customer mail for scott. When did we put DroidSansFallback into MuPDF ?14:24.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts Feb 27, 200914:24.57 
Robin_Watts ok, pre 0.9 then :)14:25.07 
henrys Robin_Watts:i assumed you'd want to do that meeting and volunteered you.14:25.38 
Robin_Watts henrys: Sure, no problem.14:25.47 
vtorri_ tor8: is the build system of mupdf 1.0 different from 0.9 ?14:42.44 
  or relatively similar ?14:43.00 
Robin_Watts vtorri_: Not substantially.14:43.01 
  The makefiles have probably been tweaked a bit, but nothing major.14:43.15 
tor8 vtorri_: the build system has not changed in any significant way the past handful of releases14:43.49 
vtorri_ good14:44.05 
  maybe some files suppresion/addition ?14:44.13 
Robin_Watts no idea of the top of my head.14:44.26 
vtorri_ ok14:44.29 
  i'll see14:44.32 
tor8 vtorri_: files have moved around, been added and removed. but the make targets etc are the same14:44.56 
vtorri_ i really want to use it, especially for the thread feature of 1.014:45.02 
  we want a responsive GUI and that feature can help us a lot14:45.28 
tor8 vtorri_: the current build system dates back 2 years14:45.43 
vtorri_ from 0.8, i guess14:46.02 
  it was quite different in 0.714:46.10 
tor8 vtorri_: you can have a responsive GUI by running mupdf in a background worker thread, like our iOS app14:46.35 
  without any need for the multithreaded locks etc14:46.54 
vtorri_ anyway, iitc, there are some examples in doc/, right ?14:47.18 
sebras vtorri_: yes there are, and I hope you find them useful.14:49.16 
  vtorri_: if there are any problems with them let me know.14:49.27 
vtorri_ ok14:49.49 
henrys meeting day need some coffee.14:52.32 
Robin_Watts ooh, yes.14:53.55 
henrys paulgardiner:thanks for doing the item breakdown.15:00.16 
paulgardiner henrys: np. Does make much more sense that way15:00.49 
henrys about item (1) what do the other products do? Chrome, Adobe?15:01.49 
paulgardiner On the centring issue?15:03.01 
henrys oh yes...15:03.12 
  I didn't know that was a legal UK spelling.15:04.23 
paulgardiner I'll take a look. I am sort of centring, but just not as accurately as it could be done.15:04.37 
kens Hmm, cluster seems to be broked15:04.46 
Robin_Watts kens: It wasn't me. I didn't do it. You can't prove anything.15:05.09 
kens It ran OK then a bmpcmp got stuck on uploading files so I ran an abort, and now its totlaly stuck15:05.33 
  I will wait a while to see if it gets better15:05.42 
  ah its idle again15:06.01 
paulgardiner henrys: it may not be. Spelling isn't exactly my strong point. :-)15:06.03 
kens will rerun bmpcmp15:06.10 
  NB apparently henrysx6 is down15:06.26 
paulgardiner Chrome doesn't get it perfectly certral either15:07.08 
henrys well then let's not worry about it and press on.15:07.23 
paulgardiner Yeah. Best left to the polishing phase15:08.02 
henrys I'm not seeing much we need to discuss, Robin_Watts, tor8?15:08.25 
Robin_Watts Item 8, paulgardiner had something...15:08.43 
henrys looks like good progress as usual.15:08.44 
tor8 paulgardiner: I can't imagine anyone who uses comb fields caring about the spacing :)15:08.48 
paulgardiner tor8: No. Quite. :-)15:09.44 
  Robin_Watts: Yes. Thanks for reminding me.15:09.52 
  I'm looking at spread-sheet-like files15:10.07 
  There are a load of functions not documented in the main reference. I've found possibly all the definitions in a file called Aform.js15:10.51 
Robin_Watts I think aform.js is part of Acrobat Reader (at least it was part of version 5.0)15:10.56 
  Hence it's copyright Adobe.15:11.09 
tor8 depending on what app methods are called in our tests, we may want to add some way to perform the ones that make sense in our viewer(s).15:11.15 
paulgardiner That's what's worrying me.15:11.18 
  The copyright that is15:12.09 
henrys are you sure it is not a liberal license, adobe does that from time to time.15:12.24 
  Thats the file. It looks like a expanded CD image to me.15:13.07 
  I can't find the same file anywhere with a license file attached.15:13.21 
paulgardiner So far I've been including js source in MuPDF as C strings. I'd like to do that same with this (perhaps zipped), but the copyright may be a problem.15:13.50 
tor8 paulgardiner: feel free to make it a step for the build system to generate the C file from a plain text javascript file, much like we do for cmaps and fonts.15:14.46 
paulgardiner Could have mupdf read it in as an external file, but that complicates install.15:14.48 
  tor8: that's a thought.15:15.04 
Robin_Watts That doesn't help the basic license problem.15:15.30 
  There is, I think a javascript SDK from Adobe.15:15.43 
  It's possible the same file is in that...15:15.55 
henrys hmm why wouldn't this file be in the regular acrobat release? I don't see it.15:18.24 
paulgardiner tor8: with the cmaps and fonts are we currently bothering to compress them to save on the executable's footprint? Or is that not really an issue?15:18.24 
henrys maybe compiled in now?15:18.38 
paulgardiner henrys: I couldn't find it either15:18.40 
Robin_Watts The stadnard Acrobat JavaScript implementation comes with 3 Javascript files; Afrom.js which contains built-in ca-re-canned functions, Annots.js which is used by teh Annotations plug-n and ADBC.js used by the ADBC plugin.15:19.30 
  These are located in the application Javascripts folder.15:19.38 
paulgardiner I have a glob.js, but that's it - plus that's empty15:21.29 
henrys I'm not finding any of those.15:21.55 
Robin_Watts I wonder if they have vanished in later Acrobats ?15:23.04 
  paulgardiner: Can you name a file that uses some of the pre-canned stuff offhand ?15:23.30 
paulgardiner calc.pdf15:23.49 
henrys I was thinking they might have built them in. We can run a test to see if things like the ssn regexp is defined right?15:24.03 
paulgardiner CATX5977.pdf15:24.13 
  Acrobat certainly still supports it all. Chrome too.15:25.23 
Robin_Watts Does Chromium support it ?15:26.33 
  If so, then we can look in the Chromium source code.15:26.49 
paulgardiner Yes. Both files work in Chrome15:27.05 
Robin_Watts No, chromium, not chrome.15:27.17 
  chromium is the proper free open source version of chrome.15:27.32 
paulgardiner Oh. I don't know15:27.44 
tor8 paulgardiner: no, we have them in ready-to-use format instead15:27.49 
  the cmap data is in a fairly compact format though15:28.00 
paulgardiner tor8: Good. Means I don't need to worry about it either.15:28.20 
henrys paulgardiner:I am not following why these things can't be implemented wihout looking at the adobe file. Everything looks fairly trivial.15:30.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: The 9 lines of java code that google just got sued by Oracle over looked fairly trivial too :)15:30.54 
paulgardiner henrys: true, although the only description of them I have at the moment is the source.15:30.56 
Robin_Watts I can't find these functions in the chromium source.15:31.22 
henrys maybe I don't understand something we have a test file that say uses the ssn regexp and right now that is undefined. So to fix it you have to add a regexp for an ssn, right?15:33.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: 
  paulgardiner, not henrys, sorry.15:35.24 
henrys I just thought we'd do some expected implementation as we trip over things that break in test files.15:35.43 
ezequiel_ Hello i'm having a problem using /D parameter in windows installer of ghostscipt15:36.37 
Robin_Watts oh. chromium doesn't have PDF viewing.15:36.44 
ezequiel_ anyone know how to use it15:36.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: Right. But how do we know what the expected implementation is?15:37.58 
chrisl ezequiel_: it's more than likely we don't implement /D (yet) on the installer15:39.51 
henrys I'm probably confused, I see a need for an SSN regexp? We know how to do that.15:40.22 
Robin_Watts Do we? (I haven't a clue what an SSN regexp is, personally)15:40.56 
  If there was a functional spec we could refer to, we could do our own implementation.15:41.25 
paulgardiner Presumably these functions are described somewhere other than by the source.15:42.48 
Robin_Watts If so, then, yes,we could do our own implementations of everything.15:43.06 
  There is an acrobat javascript guide thing.15:43.17 
henrys we know an ssn is xxx-xx-xxxx then a little experimenting with chrome to see about the dashes, why a spec?15:44.16 
Robin_Watts ok, so for that example you might be OK.15:44.30 
  but when we hit other stuff the time to reverse engineer may not be so trivial.15:45.01 
  And there is always the risk we'll get something wrong.15:45.09 
paulgardiner AFNumber_Format is the one I've been seeing a lot15:45.22 
  ... although I've just found a description of that.15:45.41 
henrys let's just deal with them as they come up...15:46.14 
  anything else for this meeting?15:48.07 
Robin_Watts No.15:48.35 
paulgardiner Not from me, although I'm still concerned about AForm.js. I'd imagined it had issues, but hadn't expected we would have no way to use it.15:49.20 
Robin_Watts Item 9 will be done as soon as marcosw figured out what I've broken in the cluster stuff.15:49.57 
  I believe the technical way stuff like aform.js is supposed to be done is a clean room implementation.15:50.36 
paulgardiner We can deal with the js functions as they come up, but I fear they will mostly come up in other people's tests when we release it.15:50.42 
Robin_Watts Someone takes the job of looking at aform.js and writes a spec for the functions.15:51.03 
  someone else then has to implement the functions from that spec.15:51.14 
paulgardiner What about importing it during install from a known public repository, if we can find one?15:52.41 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Our customers are likely to be embedded customers.15:52.58 
  hence no 'install' phase.15:53.04 
paulgardiner Oh yeah. Of course15:53.09 
  Lukily, people that know how bad my memory is will be able to confirm that my implementing it is more or less clean room15:55.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: fwiw: 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah, paulgardiner gave that latter link above.15:59.14 
sebras Robin_Watts: right, I missed that one.15:59.33 
kens Tuesday meeting time ?15:59.39 
henrys yes let me text ray though15:59.52 
Robin_Watts Your former link is interesting, but ignoring the fact that javascript != java (so there may be subtlties) it doesn't include all the functions/regexps in AForm.js16:00.15 
henrys was mvrhel out today?16:01.23 
kens Not that I recall16:01.34 
sebras Robin_Watts: no, I know.16:01.43 
kens But I could be mistaken easily16:01.43 
henrys so 2 cluster machines have been down forever it seems, marcosw?16:03.37 
  I'll look at henrysx6 after the meeting.16:04.48 
marcosw_ henrys: yes, both are in Miles' office; I'm planning on going by this week and figuring out why. I think they may be overheating and just need a good cleaning. They are some of the original cluster nodes and have been running without service for several years.16:05.03 
alexcher marcosw_: Please find the revision that introduced the bug 69315. It happened around v. 8.57.16:06.31 
henrys anybody have anything interesting this week.16:06.56 
kens Not me.16:07.08 
henrys our bug numbers creeped up a bit.16:07.10 
marcosw_ alexcher: what was the bug number?16:07.16 
alexcher marcosw_: 69315516:07.48 
mvrhel sorry I am late16:08.20 
ray_work Sorry I'm late -- had a meeting at the school16:08.44 
henrys mvrhel:np16:08.45 
mvrhel but not as late as ray..16:08.48 
  I just signed on too ray_work 16:08.56 
marcosw_ alexcher: will do. 16:08.56 
mvrhel had to run my son to lacrosse camp16:09.11 
Robin_Watts I was going to ask alexcher if he'd made any progress on 69311516:09.18 
ray_work henrys: BTW, I did get your text. works great!16:09.44 
Robin_Watts (in a nosey, kid in the back of the car being a pain kind of way)16:09.49 
henrys ray_work:you mean sms works?16:10.29 
alexcher Robin_Watts: gs miscalculates the length of the prefix. The PS routine that does it is big and hairy.16:10.34 
ray_work henrys: yep16:10.37 
henrys I find I text more than phone call these days.16:10.53 
Robin_Watts alexcher: prefix ?16:11.00 
chrisl henrys: I'm hopeful of having the contrib license stuff sorted out later this week - one way or another......16:11.26 
ray_work alexcher: is that comment about 693115 ?16:11.26 
Robin_Watts no, bug 693115, not bug 693155 :)16:11.31 
ray_work chrisl: thanks for doing that.16:11.42 
chrisl ray_work: all part of the fun.....16:12.07 
henrys chrisl:good I hope we get rid of some drivers. Getting rid of the open vector mess would be great, it has dependency hell but last I asked tkamppeter it was being used.16:12.36 
ray_work speaking (tongue in cheek, also) of fun -- I have _still_ having laptop problems :-(16:12.55 
alexcher Robin_Watts: nothing that is worth reporting.16:13.02 
chrisl henrys: I believe it is still used, yes - in fact, I believe there is a OpenPrinting project related to it......16:13.27 
sebras Robin_Watts: incidentally how does foxit handle the undocumented javascript things?16:13.50 
Robin_Watts alexcher: OK. Do you have a rough feeling for how long it will take given your other task load?16:13.53 
ray_work I thought the Open Printing folks were all distracted by color management16:13.59 
Robin_Watts sebras: I'm assuming foxit behaves a lot like chrome :)16:14.18 
  ray_work: Have you not replaced your laptop yet?16:14.34 
chrisl ray_work: I think this is a Google Summer of Code project proposed by the OpenPrinting people16:14.47 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I bought a new laptop. My first attempt was to take the HD out of the old one and put it in the new one and update drivers16:15.10 
henrys has everybody gone through the open customer bugs would it be useful to go through them here?16:15.12 
ray_work Robin_Watts: it seemed fine for a while, then started with the sporadic crashes.16:15.46 
alexcher Robin_Watts: I'll try to give this bug more time.16:16.19 
henrys mvrhel:you're up to 4 last bug aging report.16:16.24 
Robin_Watts ray_work: so it's either a software thing or that HD is doing something nasty like sending power spikes etc.16:16.50 
ray_work Robin_Watts: so then I tried using 'PCmover Image Assistant' to transfer stuff over to the HD from the new laptop, and many apps work, but...16:16.52 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think mvrhel has given me one of them.16:17.39 
mvrhel henrys: I started going through these yesterday. I passed one off to Robin_Watts. I am hoping to have the copy_alpha stuff done soon but I have 3 files that still segv and they are ugly16:17.43 
henrys mvrhel:sigh16:17.58 
Robin_Watts alexcher: Thanks. I think fixing that will close 2 customer bugs.16:18.12 
ray_work Robin_Watts: VS Studio, while it was transferred, reports "invalid license". I uninstalled 2008 and reinstalled it, and despite no errors during the re-install, it still reports 'invalid license'16:18.14 
mvrhel the 90,000th call into clist_copy_alpha_hl_color has a valgrind warning16:18.22 
henrys what kind of warning?16:18.51 
  some are more interesting than others.16:19.07 
ray_work Robin_Watts: and it won't even let me uninstall VS 2005 :-( So now I have to "undo" the PCmover action (it has that) and try it again without letting it move VS16:19.11 
mvrhel syscall param write(buf) points to unititialised bytes(s)16:19.34 
henrys mvrhel:I see that from time to time.16:19.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: That need not be fatal.16:19.56 
mvrhel it occurs during the cmd_put_bits16:19.56 
ray_work mvrhel: hmm... I wonder if it is complaining about 'pad' in a bitmap16:20.11 
Robin_Watts If you are writing some stuff to the clist, and you have padding in there, that padding can be uninitialised.16:20.19 
mvrhel ok that could be16:20.28 
ray_work Robin_Watts: right16:20.30 
henrys mvrhel:a public branch and other can give it a go?16:20.39 
mvrhel maybe16:20.45 
henrys s/other/others16:20.47 
mvrhel I cant even get it to segv for me16:20.52 
  it segvs on the cluster though16:20.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: It may be a 64bit linux only thing.16:21.08 
mvrhel right16:21.13 
kens are you on WIndows or Linux mvrhel2 ?16:21.16 
mvrhel both16:21.19 
marcosw_ mvrhel: does it seg fault reliably or only on some nodes?16:21.24 
Robin_Watts And maybe I can spend some time and try and reproduce it for you.16:21.24 
ray_work mvrhel: have you tried a private build on peeves ? (you should have ssh access)16:21.25 
henrys oh you are still 32 bits?16:21.31 
ray_work mvrhel gets flooded with things to try16:21.58 
Robin_Watts Our windows builds tend to be 32bit ones, even on 64bit machines.16:22.11 
mvrhel the linux build is 32 bit. I do both on windows. I had not tried the 64 bit build though16:22.13 
  Robin_Watts: right16:22.24 
ray_work mvrhel: the cluster build defaults to 64-bits16:22.31 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: How many colorants do we need to support?16:22.34 
mvrhel let me make a 64 bit build in windows16:22.36 
  Robin_Watts: as many as the customer needs16:22.47 
Robin_Watts is 32 enough? Or 64 ?16:22.53 
  or more ?16:22.55 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: for some reason Thomas wants to have 6416:23.32 
henrys mvrhel:send your patch to tech, I doubt we'll see anything but we could get lucky and you just overlooked something.16:23.37 
mvrhel not sure what he is doing16:23.38 
ray_work Robin_Watts: the number of colorants needs to be a customer changeable option. Some customers need (and our competitors can do) 250+16:23.55 
mvrhel right16:24.03 
Robin_Watts 64 may be doable with some minor tweaking.16:24.11 
  More than that, and we hit problems.16:24.18 
ray_work Robin_Watts: The default build was 14 colorants (MAX_CLIENT_COLORS)16:24.33 
Robin_Watts pdf14 uses a bitfield for which componets are used.16:24.35 
mvrhel that is used in overprint too16:24.48 
Robin_Watts so anything > 32 goes foom.16:24.48 
  And there is clist stuff in there that breaks with > 3216:25.07 
mvrhel actually overprint uses a 64 bit word16:25.07 
ray_work Robin_Watts: is it more than 32 in the current colorspace, or 32 in the entire page ?16:25.26 
kens maximum DeviceN components in PDF is 3216:25.32 
mvrhel the page16:25.35 
alexcher The number of components was reduced to improve the performance.16:25.50 
mvrhel kens that is in one color space though16:25.58 
kens Yes true16:26.05 
ray_work kens: yes, that was what I was asking -- each DeviceN space has a max of 32, but since you can have many different DeviceN spaces, the total in the page can be more16:26.30 
kens valid range of MaxSeparations is 0 to 25016:26.43 
mvrhel 0?16:26.55 
kens Can't do separations :-)16:27.03 
  But actually uits a typo should be 116:27.21 
ray_work alexcher: the performance hit was (mostly) the 'image_init_clues' that had a large structure allocated and filled for all of the MAX_CLIENT_COLORS.16:27.38 
  mvrhel: didn't you get rid of the 'clues' ?16:27.53 
mvrhel it only exists in the mono image case now16:28.03 
ray_work kens: CPSI supports 252 colors16:28.21 
kens ray_work : then it doesn't conform to the spec :-)16:28.42 
mvrhel I suppose that is ps not pdf16:28.54 
ray_work mvrhel: (alexcher), right so the performance hit for a larger MAX_CLIENT_COLORS should be (famous last words) resolved16:29.04 
kens Yes, that is PostScript16:29.05 
  I would be astonished if anyone used more though16:29.17 
ray_work kens: the CET tries to :-)16:29.37 
mvrhel the only case we have seen with the large number is with someone printing a swatch book16:29.45 
kens Presumably in order to provoke an error, the CET tries to do lots of illegal stuff16:29.58 
ray_work mvrhel: yes, that's the usual case for lots of colorants. And those don't use transparency16:30.20 
Robin_Watts At the moment, the code assumes that you can pack colors into a color index. It assumes a minimum of 1 bit per component, thus is limited to as many components per page as there are bits in a byte.16:30.29 
  I can tweak the code to avoid that limit, but then stuff starts falling over all around it.16:30.51 
alexcher kens: I've seen a spot color sampler printed on a thermal transfer printer.16:30.52 
mvrhel we did have the one file running around here that did have a black overprint and a bunch of swatches let find that final16:31.02 
ray_work kens: the CET does 'range' checking, so depending on what the device reports for MaxSeparations, it tries a DeviceN space with those16:31.09 
mvrhel acrobat had trouble with it16:31.10 
kens merely reports what the PS specification says16:31.36 
henrys marcosw_:are we sill doing the performance monitoring? I've never seen a commit cause a problem but we have had performance regressions.16:31.48 
marcosw_ henrys: we are logging performance on a nightly basis but I'm not automatically sending out emails. I should have enabled that a while ago but need did. As soon as miles is back up I'll turn it on.16:33.10 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Did you have a chance to look at my mujstest stuff ?16:34.42 
  mvrhel: I have a test .ps file that I can use to get me as many colorants as I want.16:35.00 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I was just looking for this particular file that came from a customer16:35.25 
  cant seem to find it now16:35.32 
  I was curious what it had16:35.37 
  Robin_Watts: so why when I select x64 in visual studio it does not build 16:36.27 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: sorry no, I was out much of yesterday and every time I had an opportunity the cluster was in use. We need a second cluster to test cluster code...16:36.28 
mvrhel is the project not set up for this?16:36.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Do you have the 64bit compilers installed?16:36.43 
mvrhel good question16:36.55 
  I would assume they got installed16:37.05 
Robin_Watts They don't install as standard.16:37.13 
mvrhel great16:37.19 
Robin_Watts You need to install a platform sdk or something, maybe.16:37.26 
ray_work mvrhel: 64 bit compilers aren't part of all VS versions, and they don't get installed by default16:37.32 
  mvrhel: you need the "Professional" edition to build 64-bit16:38.28 
mvrhel I have our Team edition16:38.48 
chrisl Robin_Watts, mvrhel: also I don't think the project file sets the BUILD_SYSTEM parameter for nmake - since it doesn't have any good way to know it16:39.08 
ray_work mvrhel: I don't think the 2008 Team edition has 64-bit (my installation doesn't)16:39.32 
Robin_Watts I have 64 bit install on VS2005 here, but it was an extra download job.16:39.52 
ray_work mvrhel: I can only build 64-bit with VS 2005 Professional16:39.58 
Robin_Watts You can download the windows platform SDK to get 64bit compilers added into VS2008 team edition.16:40.27 
mvrhel that is what I want to do16:40.36 
  just trying to google that16:40.44 
henrys marcosw:actually for performance it seems the cluster report is pretty stable. It would be nice if you calculated the serial time and we just checked that number each commit for something weird.16:40.55 
ray_work Robin_Watts: thanks. once I get my new laptop back to working, I'll do that16:41.01 
  mvrhel: (or Robin_Watts) if you know the download URL, can you paste it here ?16:41.36 
Robin_Watts I believe: 
ray_work Robin_Watts: thanks16:42.21 
mvrhel thats where I am 16:42.26 
  I thought I did this before though16:42.35 
chrisl marcosw: This isn't urgent, but would it be possible to have the cluster record parallel build fails, and the error message (even if it just e-mailed them to me for a while)?16:42.59 
marcosw_ henrys: by serial time do you mean the total time to run all the jobs?16:43.08 
  minus the compile times.16:43.23 
ray_work hmm... that's interesting. That download URL says "This SDK is compatible with Visual Studio® 2008, including Visual Studio Express Editions, which are available free of charge. "16:43.39 
henrys marcosw_:yes.16:43.58 
Robin_Watts ray_work: Indeed.16:44.18 
henrys I don't care about the compile times. It is the relative number we're interested in.16:44.41 
Robin_Watts It's always been completely free to build 32 and 64bit native apps on windows. Until windows 8 when they were going to nobble you to only be able to build metro apps.16:44.59 
  but they backtracked on that after outcry.16:45.10 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I don't see that it mentions 64-bit anywhere16:45.15 
marcosw_ chrisl: it should be easy to do that, I think a grep statement through the node output files should be enough. I can add it to the cluster email.16:45.24 
ray_work Robin_Watts: other than the warning to upgrade to SP1 "if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows and Visual Studio 2008,"16:45.59 
Robin_Watts right. but references through which I found that page suggest it includes 64bit compilers.16:46.20 
chrisl marcosw_: that would be good - I *think* the last couple of fixes should have resolved the parallel build problems, but it *very* hard to tell.....16:46.22 
Robin_Watts I'm confused. arch.h says: #define ARCH_SIZEOF_GX_COLOR_INDEX 816:46.59 
marcosw_ chrisl: I now, the parallel build jobs tend to be indeterministic based on what else the computer is doing at the time.16:47.01 
Robin_Watts and yet: gx_color_index_data is a ulong16:47.26 
ray_work Robin_Watts: right. color_index is 64-bit (even on 32-bit platforms)16:47.30 
chrisl mvrhel: you could just invoke the nmake build from the VS command prompt and that will show up pretty sharp whether you have 64 bit tools installed.....16:47.39 
Robin_Watts ray_work: How so?16:48.16 
ray_work mvrhel: or see if you have the 'amd64' folders16:48.19 
chrisl marcosw_: I ran 12 process parallel builds on my own i7 machine for about 1.5 hours, and never got a failure (before the fixes, the longest I had to wait was about 15 minutes), so.......16:49.09 
marcosw_ chrisl: that's encouraging16:49.36 
henrys marcosw_:I was thinking of something as trivial as just multiplying nodes by seconds - just so we have a fixed number that we get accustomed to seeing.16:49.42 
ray_work Robin_Watts: gx_color_index_data is a *gx_color_index so in a 32-bit build pointers are 32-bits16:49.54 
Robin_Watts typedef ulong gx_color_index_data;16:50.13 
  I see no pointer.16:50.33 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I was looking in gxcindex.h: typedef gx_color_index_data * gx_color_index;16:51.12 
Robin_Watts ray_work: Only if TEXT_CINDEX_POINTER is defined.16:51.58 
  ray_work: Only if TEST_CINDEX_POINTER is defined.16:52.02 
ray_work Robin_Watts: sorry.16:52.07 
  lost in #ifdef forest16:52.21 
henrys we are way past meeting end, but I wanted to ask tor8 if he has thought more about the mupdf/pdfwrite viewer idea?16:53.18 
marcosw_ henrys: I think that would be too rough a number, adding up all the user times for the jobs should be more reliable and almost as easy. I'll report it for clusterpush jobs as well, but it won't be useful for jobs that specify lowres or a submit of languages.16:54.08 
henrys okay16:54.48 
kens How owuld MuPDF/pdfwrite work ? Is this after we've moved MuPDF to be the GS PDF interpreter ?16:55.07 
  Oh, I have to go, goodnight all16:56.23 
marcosw_ brb16:56.25 
henrys tor8:is enhancing the mupdf viewer and we would bolt on pdfwrite and presumably view postscript/pcl and friends much in the style of acrobat or preview.16:56.25 
kens henrys by using pdfwtite to turn everything into a PDF as a separate prcoess ?16:57.02 
henrys yes16:57.12 
kens Slow, but no reason why it wouldn't work16:57.21 
henrys or thread.16:57.22 
kens Could use the new %d syntax to make multiple PDFs one per page for faster uinitial presentation16:57.41 
henrys good point16:57.55 
kens I really do have to run now, by all16:58.08 
henrys bye kens16:58.18 
ray_work My laptop says it "only" has 2.5 hours remaining on the "undo" of the PCmover cock up16:59.15 
henrys I've gone to mac store and looked at the retinal displays ... tempting, but I just got a new laptop.17:00.21 
ray_work then I can re-try installing VS versions, then start the 6 hour process of moving everything else again (except Adobe CS apps that don't move)17:00.27 
  henrys: can you really tell the difference ? (without a magnifying glass)17:00.52 
Robin_Watts ray_work: Why not just reinstall? Why risk registry corruption by some dodgy tool?17:00.57 
henrys ray_work:yes very sharp and crisp compared with macbook pro - but you said you had a high res screen I don't know if I could tell compared with that.17:02.48 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I've got lots of apps that I'd have to hunt up the discs or re-download, _and_ find the email with the license info. That could be many times more painful17:02.54 
henrys s/macbook pro/my current macbook pro/17:03.12 
ray_work henrys: well if marcosw gets one, we can compare to mine at the staff meeting.17:03.27 
Robin_Watts ray_work: much more painful than it would be if the "pc mover" stuff actually worked, maybe :)17:03.54 
ray_work and once I get the new laptop up and stable, I can send the old Dell out for repair (heating issue) and bring that to the staff meeting for whoever might want it17:04.38 
  Robin_Watts: it warns that some apps may have license keys it can't handle, so if I don't let it try VS I _should_ be OK. Everything else worked fine.17:05.49 
  Robin_Watts: but if this next try has problems, I'll resort to the reinstall the world approach (and just xfer the data over)17:07.13 
Robin_Watts ray_work: I find I just install stuff as I need it. It means I keep the amount of crap down on each new machine...17:08.06 
ray_work at least the new system hasn't crashed or hung since the PC mover (but it's only been since Sat pm)17:08.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: If you want me to try and reproduce the crash on 64 bit linux, please say.17:08.45 
ray_work Robin_Watts: I did leave some apps that I had installed on the old machine behind -- I was selective, just not selective enough :-/17:09.00 
mvrhel ok. I am trying to figure out this 64 bit stuff in windoze17:09.05 
Robin_Watts There is no guarantee that it will crash under windows though.17:09.21 
  long is 64bits on linux, and only 32 on windows (even in 64 bit mode)17:09.39 
ray_work mvrhel: doing the build ? should just be able to nmake WIN64=117:09.43 
mvrhel I want to build if from the solution17:10.11 
Robin_Watts The solution does nmake WIN64=117:10.27 
ray_work mvrhel: and you have to hope that it fails with a debug build instead of the release build the clusters run17:10.36 
mvrhel well it does not work here17:10.39 
  that is what I am trying to do17:10.42 
ray_work mvrhel: what error message do you get ?17:11.07 
Robin_Watts right. there is voodoo in the makefiles to find the correct installation of x64 tools.17:11.15 
mvrhel my sdk is in program files and the visual studio is in program files x8617:11.40 
  i am wondering if that is a problem17:11.48 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Do not try moving it by hand!17:12.02 
mvrhel ha17:12.05 
  I am not going to do that17:12.10 
Robin_Watts because windows will probably zap it off into a virtual path somewhere.17:12.22 
mvrhel I am thinking that when I installed the sdk way back when I installed the 64 bit version17:12.32 
ray_work Robin_Watts: since I often do command line nmake, I usually specify MSVC_VERSION=__17:12.32 
mvrhel but I had the 32 bit version of our team edition installed17:12.43 
  this disconnect between the two may be my problem17:13.57 
ray_work I have to go now...17:13.59 
alexcher ray_work: is your platforn ppc32 or ppc64 ?17:15.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I don't think that should be the issue.17:15.37 
mvrhel what is interesting is that if I try to do nmake -f psi/msvc32.mak MSVC_VERSION=9 from the command line It tries to run from "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studioa 9.0\ but it is actually in the x86 folder17:15.47 
  so something is amiss17:15.58 
Robin_Watts Have you closed and reopened visual studio since you installed the x64 stuff ?17:16.05 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I have not installed the x64 stuff as it was already installed17:16.20 
  or rather reinstalled17:16.25 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: junction ?17:16.31 
mvrhel I had done this some time ago17:16.34 
chrisl mvrhel: nmake -f psi/msvc.mak MSVC_VERSION=9 WIN64=1 BUILD_SYSTEM=6417:16.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Download junction from there.17:17.29 
  junction gives you symbolic links on NTFS.17:17.43 
mvrhel chrisl: even the 32 bit one wont build for me from the command line. I doubt the 64 bit will..17:17.50 
Robin_Watts So you can link C:\program files\microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\microsoft Visual Studio 9.017:18.29 
  (or whatever you need to do)17:18.34 
mvrhel oh interesting17:18.42 
chrisl Which is version 9 in MS terms?17:18.49 
Robin_Watts 9 is 200817:18.56 
mvrhel 2008 it is our team edition17:18.59 
chrisl OKay, I've built with that recently, although I don't think it was the team edition.....17:19.22 
mvrhel let me give that a go Robin_Watts 17:19.29 
marcosw I'm going to take the cluster down for a bit for mujstest testing.17:19.31 
mvrhel question for you though17:19.43 
chrisl mvrhel: are you using a "vanilla" command prompt window, or the VS specific one?17:20.17 
mvrhel VS specified one17:20.32 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Could I beg a favour of you please?17:21.12 
  marcosw: I want to get a Canon 650D and lens, but it will cost almost as much in pounds as in dollars.17:21.36 
  So i'm considering ordering it from the states, and getting it delivered to some kind soul for them to bring to the september meeting.17:22.00 
  and you are the only one that wouldn't have to struggle to bring it hand luggage...17:22.36 
marcosw Robin_Watts: no problem. Do you need me to order it for you or will they take a UK credit card?17:22.40 
chrisl mvrhel: this works for me (for 32 bit): nmake -f psi/msvc.mak BUILD_SYSTEM=6417:22.46 
Robin_Watts I have a US $ card which I have successfully used in the past.17:23.04 
mvrhel ok chrisl, it looks like inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC I don't have the 64 bit stuff17:23.05 
  I need to get that in place17:23.13 
Robin_Watts So I'll try to order it, and if it's a problem, I'll come back to you.17:23.33 
mvrhel so, let me install the sdk, but the 32 bit version17:24.02 
marcosw Robin_Watts: okay. you have my address?17:25.53 
Robin_Watts yeah, I've ordered to you before - thanks.17:26.16 
mvrhel ugh. this is 32 bit vs 64 bit application stuff is a mess17:26.26 
  it wants to install the x64 version of the sdk17:26.55 
  which it recognizes is already installed17:27.09 
  but how do I get the 64 bit sdk to get my 32 bit visual studio to have the 64bit stuff 17:27.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: It's probably a question of tweaking paths.17:28.21 
  I'd try the junction trick.17:28.47 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so for example, I dont have the AMD folder in my visual studio folders which are in x8617:29.02 
  how do those get added with this sdk?17:29.12 
Robin_Watts VS has a series of vcvars32.bat things that set the paths.17:29.47 
  And when you open the VS command line window, one of those has been run.17:30.02 
  All they do is add some stuff into the path.17:30.12 
chrisl_away mvrhel: IIRC those go in a different directory - the SDK installs it's own command prompt with different paths from the VS one, maybe that might work?17:30.15 
Robin_Watts Now, the makefile does some rudimentary searching for what versions of VS are installed, and chooses paths appropriately.17:30.43 
  so either you need to look at the makefile and try and understand the rats nest of searching stuff in there...17:31.26 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I'm testing the mujstest code and your current clusterpush mupdf source doesn't compile. This is is the error:17:31.26 
  CC build/debug/doc_interactive.o17:31.27 
  fitz/doc_interactive.c:9: error: expected ')' before '*' token17:31.27 
  fitz/doc_interactive.c:14: error: expected ')' before '*' token17:31.27 
  fitz/doc_interactive.c:19: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '*' token17:31.27 
  make: *** [build/debug/doc_interactive.o] Error 117:31.27 
mvrhel chrisl_away: for example, right now when I run the command you gave me, it tries to use C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Stud17:31.44 
  io 9.0\VC\lib\amd64 as a lib path17:31.46 
  and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.17:32.28 
Robin_Watts does that path exist in C:\Program Files\ ?17:32.35 
mvrhel no17:33.15 
Robin_Watts Just looking in gs/psi/msvc.mak17:34.58 
  So, it's decided that BUILD_SYSTEM=6417:35.28 
  You do have visual studio in that path, just not the amd64 stuff ?17:35.45 
mvrhel visual studio is in the x86 path17:36.05 
  but no amd stuff is in there17:36.14 
  which is the 64 bit compiler stuff we talked about17:36.24 
  when I try to install the sdk from the website it wants to put in the x64 version17:36.49 
Robin_Watts OK... so what nmake command are you currently using?17:37.53 
mvrhel the one that chrisl gave me above17:38.07 
  nmake -f psi/msvc.mak MSVC_VERSION=9 WIN64=1 BUILD_SYSTEM=6417:38.20 
Robin_Watts I think the makefile is broken in this case.17:39.17 
mvrhel chrisl_away: said it built fine for him17:40.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: What path does the platform SDK live in?17:41.19 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.117:41.48 
Robin_Watts try DEVSTUDIO="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1"17:41.55 
  as well as all chrisl's stuff.17:42.08 
  According to the notes in the makefile v6.0A is Visual Studio 2008.17:42.45 <- That may have been a better bet to install.17:43.55 
  marcosw: sorry, let me look.17:45.20 
mvrhel actually it looks like something is screwy with my install of the sdk. It did not configure itself properly it appears and install the amd stuff 17:45.34 
  let me resinstall17:45.40 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Can I suggest that you uninstall that stuff, and install from the link I gave just now?17:46.34 
  It looks like ray made the makefiles work with the v6.0a sdk, so you may find it easier using the same version he used.17:46.59 
mvrhel oh17:47.09 
  I cringe when I see the word vista though....17:47.42 
Robin_Watts marcosw: The version I pushed works fine locally.17:47.53 
  or at least, what I have seems to work.17:48.20 
  should I repush?17:48.27 
marcosw let's try that.17:49.52 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Just trying to build on peeves.17:50.00 
  Builds fine on peeves.17:50.08 
  pushing now.17:50.19 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: when I do make on linux is it doing a 64 bit or 32 bit build?17:51.37 
Robin_Watts Depends on what linux box.17:51.57 
  On peeves, (or any other cluster node) 64bit.17:52.09 
mvrhel I am running 64 bit Ubuntu through vmware17:52.14 
Robin_Watts Then 64bit17:52.21 
  My local VMware image is 32bit, deliberately.17:52.49 
mvrhel ok. I guess I need to get the whole command line for this thing then to see if I can get it to crash17:53.12 
marcosw Robin_Watts: the code now compiles, running a cluster job now.17:55.32 
Robin_Watts marcosw: This is where casper slows to a crawl as all the cluster nodes grab a 50Meg file at once.17:56.24 
  and maybe checkout 2Gig more test fils.17:56.39 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: can I send you a patch and a file to see if you get a segv?17:56.52 
Robin_Watts Sure.17:57.10 
marcosw Robin_Watts: The mujstest compile failed on macpro:17:59.39 
  ld: warning: directory 'thirdparty/v8-3.9//out/x64.debug/' following -L not found17:59.45 
  Undefined symbols:17:59.45 
  "_pdf_jsimp_new_type_cpp", referenced from:17:59.45 
  _pdf_jsimp_new_type in libfitzv8.a(pdf_jsimp_cpp.o)17:59.45 
  "_pdf_jsimp_toString_cpp", referenced from:17:59.45 
mvrhel brb17:59.52 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Ass, yes, it would.18:00.00 
marcosw I'll down macpro and try again18:00.10 
Robin_Watts It needs to look in out-mac/18:00.14 
marcosw so the mujstest code uses precompiled code?18:01.42 
Robin_Watts Yes. The v8 lib is downloaded precompiled.18:02.22 
  ok, my craptastic test shows I have 64 colorants working here (CMYK + 60 others)18:06.19 
mvrhel ok and with that 64 bit windoze is building18:06.30 
Robin_Watts OK. I should add a note to the Win32/ReadMe.txt to suggest that VS2008 users use that version of the platform SDK.18:07.05 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so I reinstalled the sdk and ran the little config tool and now visual studio runs ok18:07.18 
  Robin_Watts: no I did not do the thing that you told me to do18:07.27 
  I got the latest version18:07.32 
Robin_Watts oh, fair enough.18:07.39 
  So, this colorant thing...18:07.52 
mvrhel I don't know what the issue was18:07.54 
Robin_Watts I have some tweaks here that make it work with 64 colorants.18:08.14 
mvrhel great18:08.22 
Robin_Watts If I try and use 65 colorants, we have problems.18:08.25 
mvrhel I say for now we limit it to 64. when someone comes forth with needing more we tackle that issue then18:08.54 
Robin_Watts because comp_bit_map_t becomes an array of things rather than a single thing.18:08.56 
mvrhel which may be to rehook in compressed color encoding18:09.06 
Robin_Watts compressed color won't get down to less than 1bit per component will it ?18:09.31 
mvrhel less than 1 bit?18:09.49 
  well if I have a swatch book with 2000 colors all with solid fills18:10.12 
  I should be fine18:10.16 
Robin_Watts OK.18:10.20 
mvrhel right?18:10.27 
  if I have only solid fills I can compress all day long18:10.46 
  that is the general case, where we have had to do this before18:11.14 
Robin_Watts that seems reasonable, yes.18:12.10 
  mvrhel: I've seen no patch so far...18:21.02 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: yes. hold on sec18:21.15 
Robin_Watts sorry, no hurry.18:21.25 
  just didn't want to have missed it :)18:21.31 
mvrhel ok email sent18:23.26 
  I am seeing what I get in windows 64 bit18:23.40 
Robin_Watts building now.18:30.22 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I fixed the code in that detects the operating system, so now macpro rsync the correct v8 file, but the link still attempts to use x64.debug.18:30.28 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Let me look at the makefile here...18:30.48 
marcosw if I down macpro the mujstest runs to completion but produces no output, is that expected?18:30.55 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Urm... no.18:34.58 
  What should happen is that each job causes a mujstest-v8 job to run.18:35.46 
  That job reads from a .mjs file and outputs bitmaps to the -o path given.18:36.07 
  I was expecting the cluster to md5 those etc and compare them to the last one.18:36.29 
  I have a new version here that should link properly on the mac. Should I clusterpush it?18:36.48 
mvrhel interesting. in windows 64, we dont segv but the psdcmyk file is not correct18:46.36 
  photoshop cant open it18:46.47 
  that is something I can debug18:47.01 
  off to get my son18:47.09 
henrys I went to fix henrysx6 and see it is working now, don't know what went wrong18:51.44 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: It SEGVs for me on peeves.18:52.22 
  Trying a debug build now.18:52.36 
  I get a wierd message after linking; apparently gdevtsep.c contains 2 calls to memset with constant 0 length.18:53.04 
henrys marcosw:still here?18:57.34 
Robin_Watts no segv in release mode :(18:57.56 
  in debug mode I mean.18:58.02 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: that stinks. maybe this issue that I am seeing in 64 bit windows is releated19:16.28 
  lunch time now19:16.33 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Let me know if you're still stuck when you quit today, and I'll look some more.19:16.57 
  I'm about to give up for the night.19:17.02 
  Do you have any other bugs you'd like me to look into?19:17.29 
  (I'm relatively free at the moment)19:17.58 
myself_ Just trying to figure out why a certain pdf is printing wonky19:18.36 
  so I'm using gswin64c to print some pdfs, most of them are fine, but any pdfs generated by QuickBooks print very oddly19:21.51 
  I have tried adding papersize, paperorientation, and pdffitpage switches, doens't affect how they print19:22.27 
Robin_Watts myself_: In the absence of any better solutions being offered here, go to, make a new bug, and attach an example file.19:22.28 
  Unless anyone here recognises a particular issue with quickbooks (unlikely) we can't really comment unless you give us a file to look at.19:23.10 
myself_ alrighty19:23.13 
  I'll post one of the .pdfs19:23.36 
  Posted, my assumption is i'm doing something wrong.19:31.49 
ray_work myself_: what is the bug number ?19:46.13 
myself_ Bug no 69315719:49.36 
marcosw_ I've reenabled the cluster.19:50.38 
tkamppeter henrys, which drivers are about to be dropped?19:52.02 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Is there anything stopping me doing mujstest runs now ?19:52.25 
Robin_Watts is being called for food.19:52.44 
mvrhel thanks Robin_Watts 19:57.45 
henrys tkamppeter:chrisl will have the complete list... but any device that does not have a proper GPL license has to go. chrisl has sent emails out and is waiting to hear back from a few.20:01.23 
Ch3rryC0ke Hey there-- I'm trying to make a win8 metro app version of mupdf, and have a quick Q-- in metro apps, you can't use the standard _wopen calls to open files20:43.12 
  So I need to open the file using managed code, then pass the buffer to mupdf-- can I just create a fz_stream object and have the fz_stream->state point to the binary data of the file that is passed in from managed code20:44.42 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so I should be able to figure this issue out in windows. the 64 bit debug version is only creating a portion of the psdcmyk file. it doesn't segv or error out but clearly something is not right21:49.07 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: I was out, but you can do mujstest runs if you'd like.21:51.19 
ray_work marcosw: about 'miles' and 'kilometers' you wrote: I think they may be overheating and just need a good cleaning. They are some of the original cluster nodes 23:07.31 
  marcosw: peeves has been around longer than those and hasn't been cleaned yet.23:07.54 
  marcosw: if Miles' office is so dirty, maybe we need to send them to someone else.23:08.22 
  marcosw: or sell them to someone local and have one of us buy new ones (to save shipping)23:09.20 
  well, at least my new laptop is back to limping along. Next, I'll try and install stuff23:10.15 
  AFTER doing a backup !23:10.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: Makefile tweaks in a commit on my casper branch.23:56.16 
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