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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/08)2013/05/09 
mvrhel_laptop and links are working again. tonight I will get the text search working again then I just need to clean up the zooming00:00.03 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Nice.00:00.20 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: it is good that I reworked all this00:00.31 
Robin_Watts Have you rebased recently?00:00.36 
mvrhel_laptop oh not in a wihle00:00.46 
  I need to do that00:00.50 
  I also have the web html stuff working00:01.07 
  but I dont have your latest stuff obviously00:01.18 
Robin_Watts We changed the types for text extraction a bit, so there will be some changes there.00:01.30 
  so don't rebase until you're prepared for it to break :)00:01.43 
mvrhel_laptop oh. OK. maybe I should pull that in first then00:01.44 
Robin_Watts It's not a huge change.00:02.07 
mvrhel_laptop thats good to hear. I am very pleased with the way this has worked out now. once I understood how the collections of objects can be bound to a data template in the ui xaml code things really ended up being much simplier code wise00:03.16 
  the trick is figuring out the secret way to set it all up 00:03.34 
  they dont make it easy to understand 00:03.48 
Robin_Watts job security :)00:04.06 
mvrhel_laptop I guess it is written for people who already drank the kool-aid00:04.14 
Robin_Watts bedtime for me. ttyl.00:04.53 
henrys marcosw:uncle!03:16.43 
mvrhel_laptop and text search is working again now05:05.11 
  time for sleep for me05:05.29 
henrys wow marcosw sure knows how to throw a party ;-)14:14.27 
kens I gave up trying to follow them, they were in and resolved too much14:15.11 
Robin_Watts invite you, then uninvite you, then invite you, then uninvite you...14:15.20 
kens 300 emails to wade through this morning....14:15.40 
chrisl "Select all", "Mark as read".....14:16.27 
kens Yes, that's what I mean, I gave up14:16.55 
chrisl I'll wait until they're assigned14:17.16 
cousteau_ Word document with PNG images with transparencies. Converting to PDF with PDFCreator makes the images look ugly. Can this be because GhostScript cannot handle non-binary transparencies?14:26.54 
kens a*PostScript* cannot handle transparency14:27.21 
  Ghostscript does not handle Word documents14:27.33 
cousteau_ I see14:27.58 
kens I suggest you take it p with the PDFCreator supplier, who at least will be able to tell us how Ghostscript is being used14:28.09 
  Oh, and you can't have PNG in PostScript either14:28.42 
cousteau_ Word can, however, save files to PDF directly, and then transparency works fine. But the resolution is ugly.14:29.15 
kens I cna't comment. There must be a conversion fro WOrd to a language we can interpret.14:30.02 
cousteau_ afaik, PDFCreator does .doc -> .ps -> .pdf and uses GhostScript for the latter (if StackExchange isn't wrong)14:30.09 
kens Most likely this is to PostScript using the OS printer driver14:30.13 
  So there's your first likely problem, converting a PNG into a PostScript image operator14:30.46 
  Then there is the settings being used by 'PDFCreator' to drive Ghostscript.14:31.20 
  Before we cna help you, you would need to supply us with a PostScript file, and a Ghostscript command line14:31.41 
  I suspect you can't do that, as I doubt you can find out how PDFCreator is using Ghostscript14:32.08 
cousteau_ if PS doesn't handle transparency, something in the middle must be converting the images to a non-transparent format14:32.16 
kens Yes, exactly14:32.26 
cousteau_ I'll see if PDFCreator can output PS files14:32.29 
kens Outputting a PS file won't help, unless its the one that it gets from the printer driver14:32.57 
  Which is why I suggest you could back to the suppliers of the application14:33.35 
cousteau_ they don't have an IRC channel...14:34.45 
  ...damn, Windows doesn't know what a .ps is14:35.03 
kens Naturally14:35.11 
  It would only know if you had registered an application for that extension14:35.46 
  Wordpad works fine for reading PS files (do not attempt to edit them with this)14:36.15 
  NB when I say 'reading' I really mean reading the language, not rendering it14:36.45 
  You need GS for that14:36.54 
cousteau_ ok, I think I'll just (a) remove the transparency of the images and replace it with white before pasting them to Word, or (b) try to figure out how to increase the resolution for Word's native PDF converter14:43.53 
  ...seems that I can do (a) directly from Word...14:48.11 
  er, nope14:48.24 
cousteau_ regrets not being using LibreOffice14:48.47 
kens Hmm wikipedia says nasty things about PDFCreator14:48.55 
cousteau_ I think I'll forget about this for now14:49.04 
  nasty things such as? (/me checks)14:49.14 
kens spywarre toolbars14:49.22 
chrisl cousteau_: could you be a bit more specific about what "images look ugly" means?14:49.46 
cousteau_ yeah, just found that on wikipedia14:50.03 
kens The prot monitor appears to be open source, so you could technically modify it to capture the PostScript stream14:50.15 
  and also figure out hte GS configuration14:50.37 
cousteau_ chrisl: images are black anti-aliased text over a transparent background. Anti-aliasing seems to be handled incorrectly.14:50.45 
kens THere may even be an easy debugging mode for this14:50.49 
cousteau_ chrisl: anyway I have decided to stop trying to figure this out for now14:51.15 
kens The text is part of the image ? If so that's not us14:51.18 
chrisl cousteau_: the images may be being converted to JPEG and/or downsampled either could foul up that kind of image14:52.02 
cousteau_ - this is what I'm talking about14:52.36 
kens My guess is that whatever flattened the image is doing that14:53.04 
cousteau_ chrisl: in PDFCreator I selected compression = ZIP instead of JPEG14:53.06 
  kens: yep14:53.15 
kens THat affexts the PDF output,bu won't affect the PostScript creation, and tehrefore the flattening of the image14:53.33 
cousteau_ anyway, I'll just ignore this for now.14:53.33 
chrisl That looks like very low resolution. I'd have a dig around in the PDFCreator printer driver for resolution options - overall, and image specific.14:53.41 
kens suspects it may be the same reason the Word direct output is poor.14:54.12 
  perhaps its a Word setting14:54.30 
  Good luck with finding *that* :-(14:54.44 
Robin_Watts Got a wierdness here, I don't understand.14:54.44 
  gs and acrobat render it fine.14:55.09 
cousteau_ MS Office is a wonderful, fully featured tool that needs no help from external applications to work. The "save as PDF" feature is more than fit for what I want. The default output resolution is more than I could ever need anyway. (This is sarcasm, but is what I'm going to do)14:55.10 
Robin_Watts mupdf does not14:55.27 
kens Its a pattern fill on a wavy line in pdf.js14:55.45 
Robin_Watts and looking at the input file, I am confused.14:55.46 
  kens: Indeed.14:55.50 
  The pattern does not specify a linewidth.14:56.00 
kens goes to download the file14:56.06 
Robin_Watts So... what linewidth should be used?14:56.17 
kens The default14:56.41 
Robin_Watts which is...14:57.10 
kens There's a '20 w' in the page stream14:57.11 
Robin_Watts right. That's for the wavy line, not for the pattern.14:57.40 
  mupdf ends up using that for the pattern too :(14:57.47 
kens There is a defined default somewhere in the spec for linewidth14:57.54 
kens opens PDFRM14:58.15 
Robin_Watts Ah! Got it. 1.14:58.51 
  so in mupdf we should set the defaults at the start of each pattern execution.14:59.17 
cousteau_ kens: what do you mean "good luck"? Office options are incredibly easy to tweak! (sarcasm)14:59.24 
kens Roq there you are, knew it was there somewhere14:59.41 
  Robin_Watts : ^^14:59.56 
Robin_Watts q != tab :)15:00.09 
kens I know, I know, I never said I could type :-(15:00.22 
chrisl Doesn't a type 1 pattern inherit the "parent" gstate attributes when it's defined?15:03.07 
kens Patterns have some funny rules15:03.20 
  I remember going through this with Angus some years ago15:03.32 
  I don't tihnk patterns inherit the parent gstate though15:04.11 
chrisl Yeh, had a feeling I'd seen some issues with picking up graphics state settings from the first *use* of the pattern, rather than the *definition* - but it was some time ago15:04.56 
Robin_Watts Putting 20 w before the pattern definition doesn't change it in gs.15:04.56 
kens How do youe mean 'before ' ?15:05.19 
Robin_Watts 20 w /PT1 SCN15:05.35 
  before selection of the pattern I mean.15:05.44 
kens OK p294 "Installs the graphics state that was in effect at the beginning of the pattern’s parent content stream"15:06.02 
  Note *beginning*15:06.08 
Robin_Watts p294 of what? :)15:06.36 
cousteau_ amyway, I'm outta here. Thanks for the help! Bye!15:06.37 
kens Robin_Watts : 1.7 PDFRM15:06.47 
  The reason this gets complicated is if you define a FOrm, put the form inside a page, and use a pttern on the form.15:07.13 
  The 'parent' is then the form, not the page, and that can be quite different from the page gstate15:07.51 
Robin_Watts kens: right, that affects the matrix.15:08.04 
kens Not jsut the matrix, all the gstate parameters15:08.16 
Robin_Watts I'm not sure it can reasonably affect the linewidth etc.15:08.16 
kens It means *all* the gstate parameters15:08.40 
  THe same paragraph goe son to discuss the CTM explicitly15:08.54 
Robin_Watts Exactly how can you change the linewidth used for a form?15:08.57 
kens As I recall its the gstate at the time the form is executed.15:09.30 
  So if you then use a pattern on the form, its gstate is the gstate in force at the time the form was executed, not ther time the page stream started15:10.04 
  But if you used the *same* pattern on the page, you would get a different result.15:10.18 
  I did mention thjat patterns have some funny rules, yes ?15:10.33 
Robin_Watts crumbs.15:11.55 
kens I seem to recall having to carry round a gstate with each content stream, which was nothign more than a record of the gstate at the start of that stream, just to enable patterns to get the right state15:11.56 
  I have to admit I'mhazy on this, it was swome years ago, alexcher may have a better handle on it15:12.52 
Robin_Watts what you say makes sense, for some definition of sense.15:13.13 
kens I seem to recall thinking it was one of the more bizarre parts of the spec15:13.39 
  By reading old specs, and some experimentation, we concluded it was a bug that Adobe decided to writ into the spec rather than fix (probably because lots of their own software relied o it by then)15:14.35 
  Robin_Watts : do you want a pattern torture test file ?15:25.56 
Robin_Watts kens: want being a relative term :)15:26.27 
  yes please.15:26.29 
kens I'll mail it to you15:26.41 
Robin_Watts Thanks.15:26.45 
kens has patterns in forms and things, also transparency15:26.53 
Robin_Watts Is there a reason it's not in our test repo ?15:26.58 
kens I'd rather it wasn't, it came form a former employer15:27.10 
Robin_Watts ok.15:27.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the "at the start of the parent's content stream" is handled with "topctm" in the mupdf interpreter. I guess we need to extend that to more than just the CTM...15:27.28 
kens Yes, it needs to be a full gstate copy15:27.46 
  Its a horror, but there's no other way to handle it I think15:28.00 
tor8 A horror indeed.15:28.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: I am coding something now.15:28.24 
henrys kens:I imagine you intelligent thing has something to do with the font matrix fiddling pl/plchar.c around line 790 or so, but I can't remember why I did that.15:41.25 
kens henrys I suspect its related, the fact that the font is 'upside down' is odd.15:41.48 
henrys damn colloquy spell corrector15:42.01 
kens :-)15:42.04 
Robin_Watts kens: My God. You weren't kidding about it being tortuous.16:01.32 
henrys Robin_Watts:google glasses gives me the idea that somebody needs to put all the garmin running sensors, hrm, gps etc. in the heart rate monitor than bluetooth all that data up to sunglasses - get rid of the watch entirely.16:01.37 
kens :-)16:01.39 
Robin_Watts henrys: Personally, I don't want a phone in my glasses, irradiating my head.16:02.17 
  I'd like the glasses to be as low power as possible - probably bluetoothing to the phone.16:02.33 
kens I don't want a pair of glasses16:02.35 
Robin_Watts Therefore I'd like the gps etc to be done in the phone (or in the watch), not in the glasses.16:03.15 
kens personal area network16:03.34 
henrys your just sending the display to the glasses the gps would be in the heart rate monitor16:03.51 
  the point is not to have to look down while you are running.16:04.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: See the size of the watch? That's cos of the battery and the gps.16:04.34 
  That's too large for a heart rate monitor.16:05.00 
henrys probably so - give it a few years. I'd still like the watch to transmit to the glasses. Have a constant display of speed and hrm 16:06.24 
Robin_Watts When I run, I have an ipod, a watch, sunglasses and a heart rate monitor. With google glass you'd need to have a phone (or at least, with a form of google glass that I'd be prepared to use), so you'd lose the ipod and sunglasses and gain a phone and google glass.16:07.12 
  Which would mean you could lose the watch.16:07.21 
  but the smarts would be in the phone, not the HRM.16:07.32 
  Also, for triathletes, is glass waterproof?16:07.58 
henrys I don't necessarily want google glasses - I just got thinking about it because of the product. sunglasses with the display 16:10.32 
  is enough16:10.38 
Robin_Watts Someone is doing a golf visor thing in the same style, IIRC.16:11.09 
  The device also pairs with ANT + sensors, such as foot pods, heart rate monitors and multi-sport monitors, to display such measurements as speed, distance, heart rate and calories burned.16:12.51 
  Your garmin HRM is ANT+, so it should be compatible.16:14.18 
  of course, it doesn't say if it can cope with being washed every day :)16:14.45 
henrys won't work on the bike though but yes that is what I was looking for.16:14.57 
Robin_Watts henrys: Why not?16:15.10 
  You can get ANT+ power meters, right?16:16.15 
henrys if you are racing the visor would obscure your vision riding aero, at least for me it would16:16.55 
Robin_Watts Ah.16:18.22 
kens Intrigujingly, the pattern thing is 'trying' to draw a pattern, but messing it up badly16:19.33 
Robin_Watts kens: which pattern thing?16:19.52 
kens the PCL one henrsy reduced for me16:20.01 
Robin_Watts oh, right, different thing entirely, sorry.16:20.10 
kens Sorry, worng kind of pattern16:20.19 
  yes, I should have said16:20.27 
Leolo_3 what happened to pcl6 -C ?16:30.04 
kens OK heading off, night all16:30.04 
henrys Leolo_3:was that count pages?16:33.08 
Leolo_3 yes16:35.42 # bugger nuts, it got removed16:46.32 
  so I have to count HiResBoundingBox in stdout ...16:46.42 
henrys Leolo_3:yes that's my commit, you'd think I could remember these things16:47.15 
  Leolo_3:probably non zero bounding boxes would be better. I think there are cases where we do a 0 area bbox on the last page and it would not be printed on a printing device. 16:50.22 
  that may not handle unconditional form feed though - hmm16:51.47 
Leolo_3 so, you remove a simple switch, and there is no reliable substitute?16:55.12 
henrys you'll have to experiment and if you find a bug please report it on and I'll fix it. The page count should include 0 area bbox's but I suspect there are bugs.16:55.16 
Leolo_3 ...16:57.19 
henrys -C was unreliable as well. so now I have one unreliable solution instead of two ;-)16:57.21 
Leolo_3 I have yet to see -C fail me16:58.08 
henrys Robin_Watts:here is another idea: 
  no numbers though voice and training zone warning lights.16:58.55 
Artur__ HI everyone16:59.24 
henrys Leolo_3:what's the application?16:59.58 
Leolo_3 I've built a document warehouse. one of the doc formats I support is pcl17:00.31 
  i need to know the number of pages in the doc, so that I can display them one by one17:01.06 
  in a browser, converted to GIF17:01.18 
  anyway, if you say "counting non-zero bounding boxes is more reliable" imma implement that, and curse the fickle devs who remove useful options17:02.00 
henrys why don't you just use %d in the output file specification?17:03.57 
Leolo_3 what?17:04.48 
  because that would be helluva more complicated17:04.59 
  create a bunch of files, just to count them and then delete them?17:05.09 
  is the BoundingBox output X1 Y1 X2 Y2 or X Y W H ?17:05.41 
henrys Leolo_3:you said you were going to display the pages so at some point they must be rendered. You can read the gs/doc about the bbox or ask at stack overflow. Sorry for the inconvenience of pulling out the option.17:09.58 
Leolo_3 "at some point" can be days/weeks into the future. the rendering part is all solved, with inteligent caching etc etc.17:10.54 
  gs/doc/Devices.htm doesn't say what the values represent17:13.15 
Artur__ I need a help to make mupdf reader for android guys. Could you please help me?17:15.24 
Robin_Watts Artur__: Based on MuPDF? We can help, sure.17:16.10 
Artur__ yes, thanks17:16.23 
  I`ve compiled libs from sources17:16.36 
  and was able to run the test app on device17:16.53 
  I need some goide and / or API docs of the lib, how can I use it to make a simple pdf veauer in my android application 17:18.31 
Robin_Watts Artur__: The public API of mupdf is at the C library level.17:18.50 
Artur__ thank you for your time again17:18.53 
Robin_Watts As such, the documentation is written at that level.17:19.26 
  As part of the example android viewer, we've exposed some of that functionality (just enough that we needed) to the Java via the android/jni/mupdf.c code.17:20.15 
Artur__ is there any articles / toturials to use that lib? I`ve googled for it, but could not find any usefull thing17:20.22 
Robin_Watts which is called via the code.17:20.45 
  There is no documentation for the android classes.17:20.53 
henrys Leola_3:the postscript definition %%BoundingBox is assumed llx,lly,urx,ury17:21.52 
Robin_Watts (on phone)17:21.57 
henrys bbiab17:22.44 
Robin_Watts there is (a small amount of) documentation for the mupdf library API in the doc directory of the source.17:23.12 
  and apps/mudraw.c for instance shows how to use it in a fairly simple way.17:23.33 
Artur__ ok, thanks17:24.17 
Robin_Watts If you have specific questions about the use of that interface we can help you here.17:24.36 
Artur__ is there anything else I can look at to make my life easyer? ))17:24.38 
Robin_Watts If you have questions about how the java classes work, we can also help, but to a lesser degree.17:25.06 
  Artur__: Nothing else, really. The overview in doc shows how to use MuPDF to open and render a PDF document in less than 100 lines.17:26.08 
Artur__ I appreciate this. Let me look what can I figure out with what you`ve wrote, and I`ll come back with sore specific questions17:26.32 
Robin_Watts ok.17:26.38 
sebras Artur__: maybe the source for other open source android apps based on mupdf might help you if you are interested in GUI-side of the app rather than the rendering-part...17:26.41 
Artur__ yes sure, can you list few of them?17:27.34 
  One more question, With mupdf I will try to open pdf and list thrue pages, does standard .mk provide functions for that opertunity?17:28.59 
sebras Artur__: just search for "mupdf" on and you'll find several more.17:29.01 
Artur__ programaticaly17:29.18 
  thank you once again17:29.45 
sebras Artur__: the official mupdf android app is this one: 
Robin_Watts Artur__: Our example android viewer application manages to open a pdf, and render the pages one at a time, yes.17:31.09 
  but that functionality is exposed to the java in a way that might well be tied to the way our java classes need it to work.17:32.09 
  The C API is NOT simply mirrored into the java. It's 'repackaged'.17:32.30 
  Doing a simple mirroring is something we would be interested in doing, as it would expose more of the features of the library, but we have not had the time (or the impetus) to do that yet.17:33.06 
Artur__ I see17:33.34 
sebras Artur__: how come you are developing an (open source?) android app based on mupdf?17:40.00 
Artur__ what do you mean?17:41.27 
Robin_Watts Artur__: I guess sebras is asking for more details about your application. I mean, presumably there is something that the mupdf app itself doesn't do to cause you to write your own?17:42.36 
sebras yes, exactly.17:43.43 
  I'm try to see if there a features that many mupdf-based android apps need that should be in the mupdf library instead.17:44.14 
Robin_Watts Another marvellous Windows-ism. If your app crashes repeatedly several times, windows silently flags it as problematic, and causes subsequent runs to silently be run with a fault tolerant shim on the heap. So suddenly you stop being able to debug it. Awesome!17:44.42 
Artur__ ok, I am learning actually , I have looked NDK for android, want to monually build light pdf veauer, I know that android have not built in, and I want to handle specific actions that could be done programaticaly.17:46.39 
Robin_Watts what sort of actions ?17:47.05 
Artur__ i wan to display each page for some perioud of time for example and then the other. 17:48.49 
Robin_Watts Artur__: ok. Transitions.17:49.08 
Artur__ or to open cpecific page17:49.08 
  it is interesting, cause I am using native libs17:49.33 
  I`ve discoovered JNI , and want to get used to lower level programing17:50.41 
tor8 Artur__: sounds to me like you want to write your own JNI interface to mupdf C library, and your own java classes, rather than build on our android viewer.17:54.29 
sebras tor8: yes, but also like the existing java classes and mupdf-jni is a good starting point.17:55.01 
  is? IS?! I mean _are_ of course.17:55.23 
Robin_Watts Artur__: If your intention is to learn jni, then writing your own interface would be a good way to go.17:55.53 
tor8 sebras: actually, I don't think so. the existing java classes and JNI layer are rather inflexible and bound to each other in a way that doesn't really mirror the C library very well.17:56.11 
Robin_Watts If you get a mirror of the C library API working in java, let us know!17:56.29 
  tor8: Right, that's what I always try to warn people. The existing java->C stuff is *just* enough for us, and tightly bound to our needs.17:57.09 
tor8 I think we should maybe put some more effort into making public language wrapper APIs, starting with Java17:57.41 
sebras tor8: I don't disagree about that, but if I were just about to learn jni then I'd definitely take a look for inspiration.17:58.11 
tor8 I have some ideas for a slightly higher level C api, being basically wrapper functions for common use cases that hide the device interface and setup17:58.25 
  sebras: nitpicking, you disagree "with" not "about" ;)17:58.58 
malc__ tor8: please - no17:59.02 
Artur__ sure, but I have a way to go till that) At first I want to finish what I`ve started guys ( Figure out mupdf usage in java level at first )17:59.15 
tor8 malc__: why not? the current lego brick design won't go away, if that's what you're worried about.17:59.44 
Robin_Watts "disagree about" is acceptable english I think.17:59.58 
malc__ tor8: in this case - knock yourself out :)18:00.16 
tor8 but the fairly talkative and repetitive set up required to get a bitmap out, or get a text search up and running, is, well, repetitive and could be trivially wrapped in a library function18:00.47 
malc__ tor8: problems will begin when you will decide to hide some bricks into -internal and then (possibly) make -internal inaccessible to mere mortals is what frightens me18:01.17 
Robin_Watts Artur__: Attempting to understand the existing java level usage may be worthwhile. Attempting to extend the java stuff without changing the jni is likely to lead to problems.18:01.50 
tor8 malc__: the current split of what is in -internal and public is not perfect.18:01.52 
  malc__: I think Robin's classification of -internal being "unstable API" and public being "somewhat more stable API" is a better way to think about it18:02.30 
sebras tor8: do you envision making -internal inaccessible at some point? this appears to malc__'s real problem...18:02.45 
malc__ tor8: fair enough then, works for me18:02.56 
tor8 sebras: I'm hoping that soon-ish we can reorganize all the headers... robin's opinion that we should split them into much smaller pieces is starting to appeal to me more and more.18:03.34 
  malc__: if there are things in internal that you think should be public, do speak up about them.18:04.23 
  also if there are awkward APIs18:04.36 
sebras tor8: oh, ok... why?18:04.40 
Robin_Watts I get some definite progressions with this 'parent gstate' thing. Also lots of regressions. But I'll keep bashing.18:04.50 
tor8 I know the text extraction data structures are a pain to work with18:05.02 
Robin_Watts sebras: Change one function type. recompile EVERYTHING.18:05.15 
malc__ tor8: pdf.trailer18:05.22 
  pixmap fields18:05.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you're basing it on the topctm stuff?18:05.38 
malc__ pdf_page.ctm18:05.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: not exactly.18:05.49 
malc__ fz_device.user18:05.55 
tor8 malc__: pdf_page internals should be opaque; is there any particular reason you need those internals?18:06.52 
malc__ tor8: sure, getting links rectangles for instance18:07.17 
tor8 agh. that reminds me... the link rectangles are not transformed as they should. we're missing a step there to get them into the "neutral" document space.18:08.08 
malc__ fz_text_style fields18:08.28 
  pdf_lookup_substitute_font [that's more of a hack though]18:08.55 
tor8 malc__: the pixmap fields should have accessor functions18:09.00 
malc__ i fail to see the reason for this, but okay18:09.36 
tor8 malc__: system font callbacks for font lookups are a todo list item, which just needs some prodding because it's simple but not a priority18:09.41 
malc__ tor8: i didn't mean that :) i'm just using droidsansfallback to render the ui elements18:10.29 
tor8 malc__: ah! well, that's a hack so justifies calling an "internal" function :)18:11.44 
malc__ indeed :)18:12.09 
k2 hello 18:28.54 
Robin_Watts greetings18:29.18 
k2 someone told me about your RGB to CMYK color algorithm, do you know if it is published anywhere so I can check it? I'd thank it so much18:30.25 
Robin_Watts k2: Which RGB to CMYK color algorithm?18:31.42 
  Is this a gs question? or a mupdf one?18:31.55 
  this one18:32.17 
  gs one18:32.30 
Robin_Watts The guy to talk to about color question is mvrhel, and he's out for the next couple of hours at least.18:33.08 
k2 i'm just missing the ucr value that you used there 18:33.21 
  ahh ok thank you so much for the info :D18:33.29 
Robin_Watts but broadly, we tend to use a proper color management system now.18:33.32 
  ucr = Under Color Removal, AIUI.18:33.41 
k2 ahh ok18:34.26 
  we want to make something web based design system that would allow the user to see colors in CMYK in a live way 18:35.00 
  so we're basically converting it to CMYK and then back to RGB so the result is the intended as browsers won't let you use CMYK values yet18:35.29 
  that why we're looking for an accurate way to make the conversion18:35.57 
  something that we couldn't do the right way with common algorithms 18:36.17 
Robin_Watts k2: It sounds to me like you really want to be using a color management system.18:36.47 
  Such as lcms.18:36.50 
  That way you can use that to do the mapping for you, and by giving it different profiles you can cope with different monitors etc.18:37.17 
k2 def, will have to take a look into it 18:39.31 
  ok, thank you so much for the info, need to run :D see you, farewell 18:41.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: excellent. 147 differences, all progressions.18:52.38 
  Let's see if I can split this off from the svgwrite commit.18:52.59 
  tor8: OK, various reviews on robin master19:25.14 
  The svgwrite one could go in now too I guess. It's not complete, but it doesn't crash, and it makes a good effort at most stuff.19:25.58 
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