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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/05/27)2013/05/28 
alireza_ How can i read pdf file as bytes , while using MuPdf Im using my own encryption/decryption and i need in first step decrypt pdf in ram 04:25.50 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Morning08:33.15 
  henrys spotted something yesterday in the android app.08:33.31 
paulgardiner hi. I saw the thing about select text in reflw08:33.35 
  Was there anything else>08:33.50 
Robin_Watts no, that was it.08:33.58 
paulgardiner I'll see I can sort that out. I had problems downloading the ndk last night, but hopefully I can get it now.08:34.45 
  With r8e I can now build but clean fails09:01.16 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: ndk-build clean fails?09:02.27 
paulgardiner yes09:02.33 
Robin_Watts yeah, they made changes.09:02.39 
  I do ndk-build under a DOS window. Where are you running it ?09:02.50 
paulgardiner It still seems to cause a complete rebuild09:03.00 
Robin_Watts odd. It's r8e that I'm using here, and it only rebuilds what it needs to.09:04.43 
  stupid question: have you still got the old one in your path ?09:05.02 
paulgardiner No sorry. I mean clean still seems to work although it reports failure09:05.28 
  BTW, I found that to build without explicitly mentioning the location of the ndk, I just had to put it on the path.09:07.59 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right. I have always had the NDK on the path.09:08.30 
paulgardiner Ah right, so had I, but had forgot that that's what's needed since last time I changed NDK.09:09.40 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Should we disable printing as well from reflow mode ?09:21.00 
  If so, then we should probably disable the whole menu.09:21.46 
paulgardiner robin_watts: I think it still works, although it wouldn't be the reflowed version that was printed (well - the way cloud pring works, it might be)09:22.00 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: ?09:22.35 
paulgardiner I think print works, but it will still just send the pdf to cloud print.09:23.12 
Robin_Watts right, so it won't be the reflowed version.09:23.23 
  which makes me think we should disable printing in reflow mode.09:23.35 
paulgardiner Well it shouldn't be, but my attempts at using cloud print has yielded reflowed text09:23.57 
  robin_watts: yeah ok. Makes sense09:24.11 
Robin_Watts hmm. I get print failed.09:24.48 
  even without picking a printer.09:24.57 
paulgardiner Only in reflow mode?09:25.23 
Robin_Watts in normal mode too.09:25.48 
  Why does the reflow button have a contentDescription of "search_document" ?09:27.02 
paulgardiner copy-and paste screw up I'd guess09:28.36 
  Print works for me09:28.44 
  ... although I still get a reflowed page - badly at that09:29.36 
Robin_Watts likewise outline view.09:29.43 
  ok, so maybe it's my printer setup or something.09:29.56 
  You get a reflowed page printed?09:30.05 
paulgardiner Yes, but not reflowed by the app of course09:31.09 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: So do you get the same thing printed whether it's from reflowed mode, or not ?09:31.38 
paulgardiner Yes09:31.47 
Robin_Watts ok, so I think we should disable the print button (and the whole menu in fact) when in reflow mode.09:32.12 
  At some point we should possibly consider offering PWG printing as an option.09:32.31 
  rather than saving the PDF page out, we'd print to PWG raster and send that.09:33.18 
paulgardiner Yes. I'm just making the change now to disable the whole menu09:33.19 
  We don't have "reflow mode" in our translated list of strings. Closest is "Entering reflow mode"09:38.11 
  I guess if I add one, it will come out in english for all languages09:39.09 
  robin_watts: ok. Patch is up09:49.44 
Robin_Watts Ta.09:55.57 
  Pushed, thanks.10:02.44 
paulgardiner robin_watts, tor8: I've just pushed another one up to my repo. Changes all access the xref table to be via an interface. Perhaps best not to take on before generating the new android release10:12.14 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: In pdf_repair.c ...10:19.15 
  you get the len (1 function call). If it's not long enough, we call resize (another function call).10:19.36 
  Then we call pdf_get_xref_entry (another function call)10:19.49 
  Can we not call pdf_get_xref_entry and have that resize if required ?10:20.04 
  In pdf_repair_obj_streams we call pdf_xref_len every time around the loop.10:21.24 
paulgardiner I wondered about that. Then I think we have to decide on the strategy used to increase the allocation and have the choice between wasting memory or reallocing every call10:21.41 
Robin_Watts twice.10:21.53 
  pdf_get_xref_entry_resizing ?10:22.08 
paulgardiner yes10:22.17 
Robin_Watts I mean, we could have a separate entry point that got the pdf_xref and resized if required.10:22.54 
paulgardiner I was looking to make the changes as small and obvious as possible for now.10:23.07 
Robin_Watts In lots of places we call pdf_get_xref and then assume that it's non-NULL.10:23.13 
  To date this has meant calling pdf_xref_len and checking that i < len10:23.50 
  and that means the get can't fail.10:24.16 
  but if our intention is to keep the xrefs as a sequence of tables going backwards in time, might there not be gaps between the tables?10:24.48 
  i.e. the first xref might define 0-100, and the second might then define 200-30010:25.08 
  so if someone asks for object 150, 150 < 300, but there is no object to return ?10:25.29 
  Also, I don't think it should be pdf_get_xref_entry - maybe lookup instead? tor dislikes get.10:26.23 
paulgardiner I have these things in mind, but this patch was just supposed to do most of the changes for the sake of adding the interface, while being minimal.10:28.04 
Robin_Watts I get that, but adding having an interface for the sake of having an interface doesn't feel like a step forward.10:28.48 
paulgardiner It was just to get the parts in that will conflict with other peoples changes.10:29.17 
  To make a step forward, I will need the interface in place.10:30.19 
  I was just trying to avoid building up the whole chunk of work while frequently rebasing changes all over the source.10:31.05 
Robin_Watts ok.10:31.44 
paulgardiner I could address some of the efficiency concerns if I can still keep the changes pretty minimal and obvious.10:32.52 
Robin_Watts I worry that to fix the interface you're going to need to change every line that you've just changed here.10:33.13 
paulgardiner I had thought before about making get_entry perform allocation, but then there's the worry of doing multiple reallocs, or using len doubling and wasting space.10:33.45 
Robin_Watts Well, if we use a separate entry point (lookup_with_resize), then it can perform exactly as it currently does, no?10:34.28 
paulgardiner In any case, I think I will eventually need two forms of get_entry, one for access the existing entry and one for creating a new one10:34.30 
Robin_Watts pdf_set_xref_trailer... why not have that take the reference it's passed ?10:37.16 
tor8 paulgardiner: I can't help but think that pdf_resize_xref should be private, and automatic10:37.24 
paulgardiner Oh! Right! In pdf_repair_obj_stm: I'd remembered that as doing the len check before the loop, but it does it repeatedly10:37.25 
tor8 pdf_*_xref_entry will allocate a slot in the xref table and return a pointer to it10:37.57 
Robin_Watts In lots of places you get the length in the for loop.10:38.13 
paulgardiner Oh ok. Somehow I hadn't picked that up.10:38.31 
tor8 however, maybe we don't need to expose the pdf_xref_entry struct at all if we make a call like pdf_update_xref_slot(xref, index, type, ofs, gen, stm_ofs) ?10:38.51 
paulgardiner I though I saw several places where we were checking before the loop.10:38.52 
Robin_Watts pdf_set_xref_trailer: Everywhere it's called you pass in a reference, the routine takes the reference, then the caller drops the reference.10:38.57 
  tor8: I think that would be clumsy.10:39.59 
  paulgardiner: Having just dumped all over it, I actually think it's a reasonable step on the way to where we want to be.10:40.19 
paulgardiner pdf_set_xref_trailer: I thought that was sort of the paradigm we use in mupdf. Lots of functions do that.10:40.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: probably, yes. just a thought.10:40.27 
Robin_Watts and I must go pack, so bbiab, sorry.10:40.37 
paulgardiner Making the allocation private and automatic was originally my intention. Looking now, I'm not sure why I changed my mind.10:42.27 
tor8 paulgardiner: robin probably needs to pipe in, but pdf_xref_obj looks out of place to me (we already have pdf_load_object which does the same, and a little bit more)10:44.55 
  maybe it's not safe to load the object when renumbering the xref10:45.11 
paulgardiner Line 406 of pdf_repair.c allocates to max before a loop... but I could use the "trick" of calling get_entry before the loop for the max entry. Is that nasty?10:45.15 
  tor8: Good point. Yes: see what Robin says.10:45.51 
tor8 paulgardiner: how about pdf_new_xref(maxnum + 1) ?10:46.13 
  I'm thinking we want a whole new api for just creating xrefs in two different ways10:46.36 
  either by repairing, or by reading xref sections10:46.46 
  so maybe separate the initial xref setup from the xref table creation a bit more10:46.58 
  this looks like a good step towards that, but I think we can go further10:47.10 
paulgardiner Three: when making document changes.10:47.14 
tor8 and three: modifying an existing xref10:47.31 
paulgardiner yes10:47.41 
tor8 and four: cleaning it up before saving it10:47.44 
  and five: saving it10:47.46 
  and five b: saving an incremental update to it10:48.04 
  and of course the implicit, "get stuff out of it" :)10:48.26 
paulgardiner Yes, but - as I said before - I'm looking now just to make some initial changes to avoid rebasing while I do the main body of work10:48.32 
tor8 yeah, I'm not averse to incremental updates getting there and breaking stuff along the way10:48.55 
paulgardiner So the interface doesn't need to be exactly correct, just reasonably close.10:49.15 
tor8 we have functions to: create (allocate), delete and update objects in the xref10:51.46 
  now we need functions to do the same on slots in the xref, at a lower level10:52.04 
  something to match pdf_create_object, pdf_delete_object, pdf_update_object but per slot, right?10:52.29 
paulgardiner I'm not sure.10:52.51 
tor8 pdf_(set_)xref_trailer is good to go, including the reference counting robin griped about anyway10:52.55 
paulgardiner Most of the time we will need exactly what we already have.10:53.13 
tor8 not too happy about pdf_xref_len, _obj, and pdf_replace_xref10:53.17 
  maybe we should disconnect the xref table from the pdf_document struct?10:54.01 
  so we can manipulate multiple xrefs without having it tied to an actual document10:54.20 
  that would help renumberobjs and the repair code I think10:54.44 
sebras always gets nervous when renumberobjs is mentioned.10:55.09 
paulgardiner Yeah, in the plan, but I just wanted to get an interface in place for now.10:55.17 
tor8 pdf_get_xref_entry serves dual purpose here, both to read and to get a pointer to update10:55.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: That might be nice, if it means we can clone an xref, then do the pdf clean stuff on that cloned xref, and save it out without being destructive to the original xref.10:55.29 
tor8 paulgardiner: certainly. one step at a time.10:55.37 
paulgardiner I did have a separate opaque pdf_xref type, but I took it out because I am so far not changing behaviour (hopefully)10:55.59 
tor8 but I think separating the pdf_xref_table from the pdf_document would make xref table manipulations and iterations clearer in the interface.10:56.01 
paulgardiner robin_watts: yes I wondered about that.10:56.20 
tor8 and having that one be a linked list internally for the sections would fall out naturally10:56.28 
  and as robin said, we can edit a cloned xref table without clobbering the original10:57.09 
paulgardiner tor8: yes, next step would be to change the existing table to something that can hold the sections10:57.13 
  tor8: yes, we need to be able to add a new section for the sake of edits in any case10:57.55 
tor8 paulgardiner: can you split the xref_trailer changes out into a separate patch then we can commit that at once10:57.57 
  or maybe we should rename it pdf_document_trailer if we're splitting the pdf_xref_table out?10:58.30 
paulgardiner I could, but I'd rather get the rest to a state everyone is happy with.10:58.40 
tor8 to separate the pdf_xref_* functions from pdf_document_* based on their arguments10:58.42 
paulgardiner We need separate trailers per xref section10:59.32 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'm always in favor of splitting commits into small independent parts (sebras always blames me for not doing it enough)10:59.34 
paulgardiner Okaty. I'll do that and be back.10:59.53 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, but most users of a trailer only needs the latest one, so that should be accessed through pdf_document10:59.57 
  so s/pdf_xref_trailer/pdf_document_trailer/ and make that one commit without the other stuff11:00.18 
paulgardiner I can also do the privatisation of xref-resize if that helps11:00.19 
tor8 you know how to use git gui to stage individual hunks right?11:00.27 
paulgardiner tor8: yeah sure11:00.43 
tor8 just the trailer in one commit, please11:00.55 
  (since it touches so many other files)11:01.19 
paulgardiner Is it really pdf_document_trailer? I imagine I am later going to need a version that asks for the trailer of a specific level of xref section.11:01.41 
tor8 paulgardiner: we'll need that later too in some places11:01.56 
  but things like the pdf_outline and nametree only need the final trailer11:02.18 
  question: pdf_trailer or pdf_document_trailer?11:02.44 
paulgardiner What if we want to provide the feature of displaying a previous version of the doucment11:02.57 
tor8 then you'd rewind the xref on the document, I would imagine11:03.14 
  and all pdf_document_trailer and pdf_load_object etc would fall out naturally from that11:03.26 
paulgardiner Ah good. I was thinking, we might want to have a sort of set level method11:03.36 
tor8 yeah!11:03.44 
  I think pdf_trailer is probably a better name11:04.14 
sebras sounds like there will be a sequence of patches that I want to review when I get home tonight.11:04.19 
tor8 the pdf_document_ stuff is more for the "page" level fz_document abstraction11:04.33 
paulgardiner I was thinking of introducing a pdf_xref type, but I don't think we'll ever want to deal with the xref separately from the document.11:04.35 
tor8 level11:04.35 
  paulgardiner: I think we will, for the repair and saving and renumbering/garbage collection/linearisation code11:05.00 
  and the xref loading code, obviously :)11:05.09 
  enough places where I think it would help the abstraction to keep the xref table separate from the document11:05.25 
paulgardiner That would be pdf_xref_section, I think, not pdf_xref11:05.41 
tor8 paulgardiner: I was thinking they could be the same :)11:06.03 
  pdf_xref has a trailer and a linked list "next" pointer11:06.12 
  and a table11:06.17 
  and pdf_document would point at the last such pdf_xref (_section) for its xref11:06.43 
  or were you thinking a pdf_xref_section as such, and a separate wrapper pdf_xref that held those with some extra data and as a high level interface for allocating new sections and setting the level?11:07.16 
paulgardiner In a previous version of this, I introduced pdf_xref, and made all the methods take an object of that type, but then I found I almost always needed the doc also (if for nothing else the fz_context) and it was always the docs xref I was passing11:08.12 
  So in this version I changed to just passing the doc, thinking we could also pass a level number if we wanted to distinguish sections.11:08.53 
tor8 paulgardiner: then you missed the gyrations we go through because the xref table being tied to the document in the object renumbering code :)11:13.18 
paulgardiner yeah, but that could probably be done by access two levels at once, or perhaps even having a renumbering method11:14.21 
  spawn a new level; repeatedly { grab from one level down; put in top level}11:15.23 
tor8 sounds hacky to me. I prefer less coupling of data structures.11:15.55 
paulgardiner I was thinking it wasn't unlike the process of updating a document, where many object are still obtained from lower sections, but new additions go in the top section11:17.08 
  ... but maybe that isn't a good way to think about it. I have to admit I don't completely understand the renumbering code.11:17.35 
tor8 I think when accessing objects at a high level, you're dealing with a document and the current way of having an implicit one-and-only xref makes sense11:18.49 
  but doing these table manipulations, when loading and repairing, and in the garbage collection and renumbering and when saving out the document, having explicit xref table structs would help11:19.45 
  an xref is still tied to a given document, but you can have multiple independent xrefs (that still point to the same file and offsets of objects in the file) in different states of completion11:20.41 
  maybe it's a bad idea, I don't know, but I don't think it can hurt11:20.58 
  the renumbering still needs to take care to renumber all the indirect references11:21.24 
  pdf_load_object would probably be refactored to call pdf_xref_load_object on the "current" xref, if we're thinking of the final plan11:22.12 
  (can't help but think face-to-face time with pen and paper would help in these sorts of discussions)11:22.35 
paulgardiner Hmm, so the xref type sort of encapsulates the document plus the level of xref section you are dealing with.11:22.39 
paulgardiner Even across IRC it's been very useful.11:23.30 
  robin_watts: looks good to me11:29.48 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, I think we might need these structs: pdf_document, pdf_xref, pdf_xref_section and pdf_xref_entry11:30.00 
  where the pdf_xref is the "head" of the linked list and has the xref access functions and does the resizing and allocating new sections etc11:30.27 
paulgardiner I did introduce pdf_xref, but decided to take it out again for now while I was just adding part of the interface.11:31.13 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah. it's not crucial until you start adding separate sections11:31.42 
  or rather, add the api now without the explicit pdf_xref argument, and then add that in a second commit once we're happy with the names?11:32.23 
paulgardiner Oh yes: pdf_replace_xref was only ever intended to be a temporary addition - juist so that I'd covered all direct access to the table by interfaces.11:33.54 
tor8 paulgardiner: something like that's what I mean (just to make sure we're on the same page on what I'm actually saying)11:34.00 
paulgardiner Yes, pretty much what I was thinking, except I was avoiding for now making pdf_xref explicit in the interface until the stage of adding code that needs it.11:41.49 
tor8 right.11:42.50 
paulgardiner And presumably there would be a call to get an entry without specifying a specific xref, like there is for the trailer11:42.58 
tor8 paulgardiner: possibly, if we need it11:43.13 
Robin_Watts Guys, can you test MuPDF-40 and 41.apk please?11:43.25 
tor8 I think a function like that would sit at an uncomfortable level between pdf_*_object and the xref load/edit/save levels11:43.38 
paulgardiner But isn't that the one we mostly need. All the existing code wants the latest trailer11:43.41 
  I mean entry not trailer11:44.27 
tor8 all the pdf_*_object functions want the latest entry, yes11:44.49 
paulgardiner Oh. Hang on. Maybe most of the code that needs explicit access to the entry is code that is saving or renumbering11:45.11 
Robin_Watts I've not read back through the logs yet, but...11:45.13 
tor8 so it may make sense to just make those functions that take the latest entry, and then inject the explicit level functions later11:45.15 
  the editing and loading would be better off using an explicit one11:45.36 
Robin_Watts it seems to me that in order to seamlessly step backwards and forwards through time, we'll want the ability to set the 'current' level on the document.11:45.57 
paulgardiner robin_watts: yes11:46.12 
Robin_Watts and that current level will affect what the pdf_*_object returns.11:46.18 
paulgardiner Although, we also need to be able to ask what has changed between levels11:46.30 
Robin_Watts so they aren't strictly the "latest" at all times.11:46.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, we talked about that. having the xref be an explicit struct and the document have a 'current' xref section would do that.11:46.52 
Robin_Watts I'm uploading the apks to google play now. I won't publish them until this evening, but I could really do with sanity checks asap please.11:47.55 
tor8 difference between -40 and -41?11:48.15 
  Robin_Watts: the apks feel sluggish. debug build or release?11:49.05 
paulgardiner We could handle incremental update without mentioning explicit xrefs. By having a get_entry_for_the_purpose_of_update method. That would spawn a new top section if that hadn't been done since loading the doc or last save, and return an entry from that top section11:49.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: -40 is armeabi11:49.25 
  -41 is armeabi-v7a11:49.32 
  tor8: All release builds.11:49.39 
tor8 and the difference between those is? (I vaguely recall one of them using fp emulation)11:50.13 
Robin_Watts tor8: v7a has faster fp11:50.32 
  40 is softfp, I believe11:50.45 
  really, you think they are slower than previous releases?11:51.32 
tor8 it takes a good second to open up pdfref13.pdf ... which I think used to be almost instantaneous11:51.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: which one?11:52.15 
tor8 could be my phone being slow11:52.18 
  both -40 and -41 are equally sluggish11:52.25 
  lemme reboot it see if that helps11:52.33 
  ouch. 4 second startup time of pdfref13 from a cold boot :(11:54.45 
  2 seconds for pdfref17 while warm11:55.07 
  do you have an ancient apk sitting somewhere? one from before javascript11:55.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: There are various in the same place you got -40 and -41 from.11:56.35 
  At the moment it's version 16/17 on google play.11:57.43 
  17 being armeabi-v7a11:57.55 
  That takes just as long.11:59.21 
  version 12 is just as long.12:02.05 
tor8 right. so probably just my phone being slow then, not a recent regression12:03.08 
Robin_Watts version 9 seems faster :(12:04.07 
sebras Robin_Watts: hello bisect.12:05.13 
Robin_Watts sebras: bugger that.12:05.24 
  D:/android-ndk-r8e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -MMD -MP -MF ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/mupdfcore/__/__/pdf/pdf_unicode.o.d -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector -no-canonical-prefixes -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mthumb -Os -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64 -I12:06.56 
  ../thirdparty/jbig2dec -I../thirdparty/openjpeg/src/lib/openjp2 -I../thirdparty/jpeg -I../thirdparty/zlib -I../thirdparty/freetype/include -I../draw -I../fitz -I../pdf -I../xps -I../cbz -I../image -I../ucdn -I../scripts -I.. -I../thirdparty/v8-3.9/include -ID:/android-ndk-r8e/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/stlport -ID:/android-ndk-r8e/sources/cxx-stl//gabi++/include -Ijni -DANDROID -DARCH_ARM...12:06.58 
  ...-DARCH_THUMB -DARCH_ARM_CAN_LOAD_UNALIGNED -DAA_BITS=8 -Wa,--noexecstack -ID:/android-ndk-r8e/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/include -c jni/../../pdf/pdf_unicode.c -o12:06.59 
  So it builds with -Os and -DNDEBUG, but it does have -g.12:07.32 
  but -g shouldn't affect the speed, right?12:07.53 
sebras Robin_Watts: AFAIK, no.12:08.47 
chrisl Robin_Watts: -g will make the code bigger, that could affect cacheing, etc12:16.01 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Will it?12:16.13 
  I thought -g meant "keep debug symbols"12:16.27 
chrisl The are stored in the exe12:16.43 
Robin_Watts so the .o files are bigger, but the linked final version (assuming -g isn't there on the link) should be the same size.12:16.47 
  I will check to see if -g is on the link.12:16.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: even if the linked final version is bigger then I think it is only debug-symbols in the file.12:18.08 
  Robin_Watts: and I believe these are in segments that are not loaded by the program loader so I doubt that they will affect performance at all.12:18.47 
Robin_Watts sebras: Right, but there is still time taken to load that larger lump off the storage.12:18.48 
  sebras: maybe.12:18.56 
  you have more faith than I do :)12:19.08 
  I had the debuggable flag set in the apk.12:21.42 
  unsetting that saves 100K from the apk.12:22.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, probably. ;)12:23.41 
Robin_Watts New MuPDF-41.apk online. Still doesn't seem any faster :(12:26.54 
  tor8: Still, it's speed when it's up and running seems OK ?12:30.08 
tor8 it's = it is. ;)12:31.28 
  it's no 60fps updates, but seems okay12:31.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, sorry.12:32.19 
  shame, I was hoping the redraw tweaks would have got us to 60fps12:32.33 
tor8 trying on my nexus 10 now12:32.49 
  (that was my htc desire x)12:32.55 
Robin_Watts hmm. I know the desire and the desire hd. don't know the x.12:33.21 
tor8 it's a lower powered, slimmer, better battery life one :)12:33.53 
  and significantly cheaper!12:34.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: feels smoother on the transformer, but maybe that's just me.12:34.40 
tor8 hmm. the nexus 10 has some odd epilepsy inducing flicker when paging!12:35.29 
  I think that's a show stopper we need to fix.12:35.39 
henrys Robin_Watts: by all means skip the meeting today if you need time to get ready.12:35.43 
tor8 oops.12:35.59 
  it killed my tablet :(12:36.05 
  I held the finger down, massive 60fps flickering, then power down.12:36.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: how do you get the flicker when paging?12:36.18 
tor8 maybe because I'm low battery12:36.38 
  but it's plugged in and charging...12:36.43 
Robin_Watts henrys: thanks, I think I should be Ok.12:37.53 
paulgardiner robin_watts, tor8: New version pushed. Two parts split up. Renamed pdf_xref_trailer to pdf_trailer. Made pdf_resize_xref private and automatic12:50.34 
paulgardiner hides under desk12:50.52 
tor8 trailer commit LGTM13:03.08 
  robin needs to weigh in about pdf_xref_obj vs pdf_load_object in the second commit13:03.45 
  I'm starting to dislike our naming convention :(13:04.23 
  pdf_xref_entry as a type collides with pdf_xref_entry as my preferred name for "pdf_get_xref_entry"13:04.41 
sebras tor8: pdf_xref_entry_f() to signify that it is a function? *being ironic*13:05.19 
tor8 (PdfXrefEntry camelcase types, or no typedef explicit s"struct pdf_xref_entry" would have been my preference)13:05.39 
sebras (as usually people solve this by appending _t to identify types...)13:05.41 
tor8 yeah. ick.13:05.53 
  sebras: pdf_xref_entry__pdf_xref_entry__pdf_document__int() to make sure you know what all the arguments are and the return value!13:06.40 
  or we can just write it all in ObjC ;)13:06.58 
sebras detects a serious suggestion.13:07.42 
paulgardiner I quite like the _t thing. Makes the types stand out - but not mixed use within the project obviously. :-)13:21.42 
  Oh - pretty sure I don't like this so I imagine you wont, but: Type pdf_xref_entry, function pdf_xrefs_entry13:23.52 
  I think I would like it if I could put the apostrophy in13:24.19 
tor8 paulgardiner: genitive s? it's a thought. but not now, we'd have to rename too much to match.13:24.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: so, with a recharged nexus 10, does it still flicker/crash?13:26.52 
Robin_Watts was at pains to ask for people to test stuff a few days ago, specifically to avoid this kind of last minute problem :(13:27.24 
tor8 nope, it must've been low power related13:29.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: phew!13:29.15 
  Does it look like 60fps or not?13:29.25 
tor8 gah, I finally figured out why I sometimes "fail" the flipping gesture13:29.39 
  if the finger leaves the screen off the bottom edge, it won't flip13:29.53 
Robin_Watts I was really hopeful that the overdraw fixes might have got us to 60fps.13:29.55 
tor8 it looks pretty smooth, but not sure if it hits 60fps consistently13:30.33 
  it may just be dropping a few frames a second, and that'll make it look jerky13:30.49 
Robin_Watts I think previously we were hitting 30fps all the time.13:30.53 
tor8 it's noticeably laggy though... the page trails after the finger motion by about 1/3 of a second13:31.19 
  or 1/5 or something like that13:31.43 
paulgardiner I'm not seeing any sluggishness here, but maybe it just isn't apparent on the S2... or my eyes aren't sensitive to it13:31.44 
tor8 it has some ease-in-ease-out animatin thing going on that delays the page tracking13:32.11 
  probably makes it look cooler, but probably a main reason why android feels sluggish compared to ios13:32.30 
paulgardiner page almost feels stuck to my finger on S213:33.01 
tor8 on portrait mode I get these jerky stops when panning between pages13:33.12 
  landscape mode, less noticeable13:33.20 
Robin_Watts There is a slight lag on the transformer.13:33.58 
tor8 portrait is not hitting 60fps consistently13:34.04 
  we should all go and buy high speed cameras!13:34.25 
paulgardiner This has to be in the Java, right? And I'd have though that we haven't changed anything in the java that could affect this other than the overdraw patch, and that has to speed it up if anything13:34.40 
Robin_Watts The slowdown in document loading is probably in the native code, and the redraw 'lag' is probably down to the java.13:35.35 
tor8 the stop/jerk might be context switches when queuing up a new page render that causes it to miss a few frames13:35.42 
paulgardiner S2 has to be hitting 60. Looks very smooth and I think I'd notice dropped frames13:35.44 
tor8 it happens when the page is exactly halfway across13:35.53 
Robin_Watts I can't see that we can ever be worse w.r.t. redraw than we were before.13:36.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's not worse that before!13:36.30 
paulgardiner This page flipping, not dragging while zoomed in then?13:36.35 
tor8 but possibly more noticable when frames are dropped :)13:36.39 
  the jerking doesn't happen when zoomed in, only when flipping and only when the page crosses the 50% halfway line13:37.21 
  it's silky smooth, then BAM ten dropped frames, then a big jump to catch up13:37.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, I get the slight 'tug' as we drag from page to page.13:38.06 
paulgardiner I would expect that.13:38.12 
Robin_Watts but I have to say, I quite like it.13:38.12 
  It means I get to 'feel' when I've moved to the next page.13:38.21 
tor8 (robin_watts: sorry, didn't get any time to look at the apks over the weekend)13:38.23 
  Robin_Watts: I hate it.13:38.32 
Robin_Watts gaaah!13:38.59 
tor8 could we try not queuing until the next page has settled / animation stopped?13:38.59 
Robin_Watts google play won't accept me uploading these apks. All it says is "Upload failed"13:39.26 
tor8 I don't want to see it jerk just because of what happens in the background. this is a multi-core device dammit!13:39.27 
Robin_Watts presumably because it has had apk's 40,41,42,43 before, even though I never published them, and deleted them.13:39.55 
tor8 I think delaying the queuing up of new jobs until after animations would make the page tab look smoother as well13:40.07 
paulgardiner robin_watts: could you have run out of space on their server because their not really deleting them?13:43.21 
Robin_Watts I cannot delete any apk that has ever been published.13:45.18 
  therefore I don't believe space can be an issue.13:45.25 
paulgardiner Yeah. Space can't really be an issue with Google13:46.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't think that's something we can try to do today. paulgardiner ?13:46.13 
paulgardiner robin_watts: I think it would be risky to attempt something like that just before a release13:47.43 
tor8 paulgardiner: I want to try it on a branch, and hold off on merging it until after this release.13:48.39 
paulgardiner Yeah sure. No problem with that13:49.06 
tor8 and preferably before we forget :)13:49.15 
  in fact, doing it myself gives me more excuses to procrastinate from the loom specter of Gtk+13:49.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: but you're still going to have that done by the next meeting, right? :)13:50.49 
tor8 breaks down and cries.13:51.03 
paulgardiner I probably can't help much. I'm pretty sure my S2 isn't showing the problem13:51.09 
sebras tor8: there, there. I'm showing up at your place tonight. we can be baffled over GTK+ together! :)13:55.27 
tor8 or tear our few remaining hairs out over android multithreading issues...13:56.17 
sebras tor8: if we have to resort to hair tearing I'm not sure I want to show up.13:58.17 
monxalo Hello there, paulgardiner can you help me with some insights/directions to implement a 2 page view on the android app? :)14:08.59 
  Btw, thanks for the documentation on the classes, that helps a lot. :)14:09.36 
paulgardiner monxalo: Yes, sure. I think I my have a patch on an old branch. I'll just take a look14:10.51 
vtorri tor8, you'll use gtk+ for the GUI ?14:12.05 
monxalo Great, so the approach i'm going, is using a container (ViewGroup) to wrap around 2 MuPDFPageView, in an effort to reuse most of the classes. 14:12.35 
paulgardiner monxalo: There's this patch:;a=commitdiff;h=3eb2c1685f1e9774eb8c2c8f953bae8190c1461814:12.44 
monxalo Thanks, that looks a lot simpler. :)14:13.34 
paulgardiner monxalo: I was imagining that you'd want to alter ReaderView. It's that class that controls the motion of the pages and could bring two onto the screen rather than one14:14.13 
  Ah yes. This patch seems to change only ReaderView14:15.04 
Robin_Watts I'd imagine that if you were going to start having 2 pages on the screen at once, you'd want to make it so that we cache 4 pages rather than 3.14:15.22 
paulgardiner You may want also to add more cached pages in mupdf.c14:15.22 
  Ha. I beat you to it that time... uusual.14:16.08 
monxalo Humm, and this also handles zooming, updateHq on each respective page region?14:16.40 
paulgardiner monxalo: I'd have thought so. It's been a while. At least it would be a good starting point.14:17.34 
monxalo Eheh, 1 year patch :).14:18.29 
Robin_Watts gah. I still can't upload to google :(14:19.40 
  The nook is an android 2.1 platform.14:39.16 
  I think we require 2.2 :(14:39.20 
  We are all published on google play, btw.14:40.10 
  2.2 introduces ScaleGestureDetector14:41.34 
  i.e. multitouch.14:41.44 
  paulgardiner, tor8: The first part of paul's review has "pdf_set_xref_trailer"14:49.25 
  I guess we have sets, not gets ?14:49.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. and pdf_set_xref_trailer should eventually take an explicit pdf_xref14:50.18 
  we have sets, but not gets, in general14:50.29 
Robin_Watts I still think pdf_set_xref_trailer should take on the reference that it is passed.14:50.42 
  i.e. ownership of the reference passes in.14:50.59 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: are you here?14:51.04 
Robin_Watts It makes both the implementation and the use of the function easier.14:51.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no. it's irregular. when using ref counting everything HAS to be regular or you'll mess up two years later.14:51.14 
  or even two months :)14:51.18 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: when do you head to Boston?14:51.29 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes I thought you were out today?14:51.35 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Tomorrow morning.14:51.36 
tor8 if you create it with a function that has "new" or "load" in the name, you must "drop" it14:51.41 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: getting ready to leave now14:51.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: We already have functions that take on ownership.14:51.55 
mvrhel_laptop just wanted to make sure you knew I am going to miss the meetings14:51.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: which ones? I know we added some, but I think we gave them a suffix to indicate said behaviour14:52.27 
Robin_Watts We document them as taking ownership.14:52.32 
mvrhel_laptop I am hoping to wrap up the windows viewer this week. just need to add keyboard zooming and save the state when it goes into suspension14:52.54 
paulgardiner We have _drop versions of some14:52.55 
tor8 ah, yes. that's the suffix.14:53.08 
  so we'd need pdf_set_xref_trailer_and_drop14:53.20 
paulgardiner And they drop even in error cases.14:53.21 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: great good luck at your talk.14:53.35 
Robin_Watts fz_new_list_device takes ownership of the list device.14:53.36 
  mvrhel_laptop: Yeah, have fun.14:53.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: does not parse14:54.08 
mvrhel_laptop ttyl14:54.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: ahem of the list.14:54.54 
paulgardiner The nice thing about the convention of not taking ownership is that you can call functions that either inspect or keep an object without having to work out which it does.14:55.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, so using a suffix (_and_drop) would work too.14:55.25 
  but my point is it simplifies the calling code.14:55.41 
  - xref->trailer = pdf_new_dict(ctx, 5);14:55.54 
  + obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, 5);14:55.56 
  + pdf_set_xref_trailer(xref, obj);14:55.58 
  + pdf_drop_obj(obj);14:56.00 
  + obj = NULL;14:56.02 
paulgardiner lessening the number of lines but possibly making it require more thought.14:56.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: or just (_drop) but I think we should be a bit restrictive with that behaviour and reserve it for the instances where there are dozens of calls to the function14:56.15 
Robin_Watts pdf_xref_set_trailer_drop(xref, pdf_new_dict(ctx, 5));14:56.46 
tor8 pdf_array_push_drop and friends are common enough that I felt it was okay to make an exception for it14:57.30 
  to go out on a wild tangent here... since we have a context everywhere, autodrop in the objc style would be possible to implement, and could simplify a lot of reference counting.14:58.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: Would it?14:59.12 
paulgardiner I guess having both flavours is never a bad thing. Typically the _drop version has to use exception handling so you can end up with two levels of try catch - but not in this case I think14:59.14 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think I've discussed it before, but concluded that it probably wasn't worth it.14:59.28 
henrys 1 minute of the meeting14:59.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: wouldn't we need to have markers to say when we enter and leave a function?15:00.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that one example is contrived, the other instances actually use the new dict a bit before sticking it in the trailer.15:00.20 
  Robin_Watts: an autodrop pool would need to have "clear the pool" at safe intervals (like in an event loop)15:01.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: sounds filthy.15:01.19 
tor8 and that would need nesting scope15:01.24 
henrys did we ever get the third party app list for MuPDF up - chrisl I think took that one?15:01.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it is. but it takes away 90% of reference counting headaches in ObjC15:01.37 
paulgardiner robin_watts: my thoughts exactly until I programmed under iOS and found that is a very powerful idea15:01.48 
chrisl henrys: no, I didn't do it yet - I figured it wasn't required until the next release?15:02.00 
Robin_Watts tor8: Until something stops working.15:02.01 
tor8 in the Cocoa frameworks you can create and use temporary objc objects willy nilly without a care about reference counting, and the autorelease pools will clean up after you're done15:02.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: right, but we can't rely on an event loop happening soon enough.15:03.04 
henrys chrisl:no miles just requested it - didn't say when. I suppose it could wait until then.15:03.07 
tor8 the main issue it solves is "alloc" returning a new temporary object but you don't want explicit ownership of it (or you're passing it to some other function, which does take ownership), so it goes in the autorelease pool to be released "sometime after the function has returned"15:03.20 
chrisl henrys: I'll do it tomorrow - it won't take long15:03.23 
henrys chrisl: okay15:03.33 
paulgardiner robin_watts: That said, I did spend several hours the other day staring at some ObjC wondering why something was never getting freed. :-)15:03.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so if you're making lots of garbage, you're supposed to make a new pool and stick it around loops that do the work15:03.46 
Robin_Watts suppose we start using that on, say, a search operation.15:03.52 
  and then we search a 1300 page file.15:04.00 
tor8 so in the search case, for each page you'd make and clear the pool15:04.10 
henrys paulgardiner:there is the issue of strong vs weak pointer in ObjC is that the issue?15:04.22 
Robin_Watts right, so it still requires work to ensure you clear the pool every now and then.15:04.30 
  and it bloats every object.15:04.51 
paulgardiner henrys: It could be. Is a weak ref one that doesn't up the count?15:04.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. but it spares you the tedium of passing ownership around everywhere.15:05.00 
henrys paulgardiner: yes15:05.17 
tor8 in mupdf we made the "exception" that fz_dict_gets etc don't do "keep" on the returned object and that's worked fine so far15:05.33 
henrys basically it means if nobody else is using this free it I don't care about it.15:05.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: We'd still have to have the ability to be rigorous, so ownership passing would still have to be defined at the API level.15:06.26 
  but it would free people to make slip ups without it mattering so much.15:06.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the idiom in objc for constructors is to "return [self autorelease];"15:06.48 
paulgardiner henrys: right. It was a CCNode heirarchy in cocos2d. I wondered if the parent pointers were holding on to it, but those are weak refs, so I guess not.15:06.50 
tkamppeter New Ghostscript crasher: 
Robin_Watts I kinda feel that it's giving people more rope to hang themselves with.15:07.24 
tor8 which for pdf_dict_gets would be: return fz_auto_drop(ctx, value, pdf_drop_obj)15:07.26 
  because any passing of a reference counted object has to have keep/drop15:07.49 
  sorry, make that: return fz_auto_drop(ctx, pdf_keep_obj(value), pdf_drop_obj))15:08.09 
  which is more annoying than what we have now15:08.27 
henrys thanks tkamppeter I'll bring it up at the gs meeting in an hour or so.15:08.28 
  paulgardiner:so you are beginning the iOS port?15:08.50 
paulgardiner henrys: he he. No. This was a weekend activity - a game that I'm very very very slowly writing - maybe, possibly.15:09.34 
henrys I guess this is mainly for michael but I think any desktop app should support loading files into an already running process - a bug to that effect was raised against the mupdf x11 viewer this week. Is that going to be a big problem?15:10.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: Any *new* app?15:12.10 
tor8 henrys: the app is hard wired to do one document15:12.19 
  and it's one process per window15:12.25 
henrys paulgardiner:ah so your practicing with iOS so you _can_ port the mupdf android changes to ios15:12.26 
paulgardiner henrys: exactly. Tor's comments have made me realise how much fun it must be.15:13.04 
henrys Robin_Watts, tor8: I'm talking about the viewer app michael is working on for windows and tor8 on linux15:14.37 
Robin_Watts right.15:15.20 
  It depends on what model you take for the app.15:15.41 
  Acrobat loads as a 'empty' app into which you can load multiple files.15:16.03 
tor8 henrys: none of our apps are multiple document interfaces (you know the windows-within-a-window, or tabs)15:16.16 
Robin_Watts (Multiple files, single window, there is a UI term for it that escapes me).15:16.18 
paulgardiner Actually, I am tempted to have a look that iOS port. The main thing that scares me off is not comletely understanding the tricks Tor had to come up with to control motion of the page. The equivalent Android mechanism, although complex, is at least straightforward15:16.24 
Robin_Watts MDI = Multiple Document Interface, that's the one, thanks tor.15:16.30 
  MDI is a STUPID paradigm.15:16.46 
tor8 so it makes no sense to do multiple documents, single process, except for macosx15:16.47 
  which is a stupid system to begin with15:16.56 
Robin_Watts sorry, let me correct myself. MDI as implemented on windows is a stupid paradigm.15:18.12 
henrys I think if you click on a pdf file folks will expect not to start a new process if one is open on either windows or mac os x - certainly not the latter, windows I'm not positive about.15:18.55 
Robin_Watts henrys: Who cares what goes on behind the surface? It's the UI that matters.15:19.22 
henrys I think even evince does this now.15:19.23 
Robin_Watts When you open a new browser window on chrome, that starts a new process.15:19.36 
  s/browser window/browser tab/15:19.50 
  The question is whether the UI does what you expect.15:20.06 
  With Acrobat in windows, if you click another PDF file, you get another window.15:20.23 
  Who cares whether that's a single process or multiple ones ?15:20.43 
tor8 I loathe this new paradigm of apps opening documents replacing the old one I was viewing. stupid crap.15:20.45 
  what if you want two open side by side? no can do, sir. now shut up and bow down to almight Jobs.15:21.14 
Robin_Watts What the user who opened the bug was wanting was some way to start a new PDF file up and have it replace the old one (same window, same position, etc).15:21.15 
  That's *not* what most people want.15:21.29 
  and would be a huge UI fail.15:21.38 
henrys tor8: you use open -n for a new process.15:21.44 
paulgardiner Might it be added as a configurable option?15:22.23 
tor8 henrys: the new lion (or mountain lion) preview has some stupid default that replaces whatever pdf you were viewing with the now one you opened. took me ages to find the setting to turn that shit off.15:22.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: windows photo and fax viewer used to do the same. drove me mad.15:23.02 
  but they fixed that for windows 7.15:23.16 
paulgardiner Doesn't the app just have to announce itself as a consumer of certain file types and then react to a certain windows message?15:23.45 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: You're thinking of RISC OS :)15:24.47 
henrys okay I'll let that request rest until the next battle uhum meeting.15:25.11 
paulgardiner Actually, I may be. I knew I'd had to handle something like that before.15:25.18 
Robin_Watts having an option is probably not a bad idea, but it should not be default behaviour.15:25.39 
paulgardiner I'm still not sure what we decided about openssl.15:25.45 
tor8 me neither.15:25.59 
henrys that was next in my notes - signatures15:26.15 
tor8 on tor/openssl is one way to build it using configure && make if openssl is present in thirdparty15:26.29 
  but I want to polish that some more to deal with system installed and complete absence as well15:26.47 
  and figure out a story for win3215:27.04 
paulgardiner Still not got my signature checking code commited, or added to android. Parked it until we decide on openssl15:27.16 
tor8 paulgardiner: is libcrypto available on android?15:27.41 
paulgardiner I don't think so. Google shows lots of discussion about building it15:28.27 
  We could use the same mechanism as for v815:28.38 
  Distribute our own prebuilt libs that is.15:28.57 
tor8 rats. because their build system uses perl scripts so I bet it's a bitch to cross compile.15:29.06 
paulgardiner robin_watts: last week you said something about building it fore andrpod - or am I misremembering15:29.32 
tor8 I have another way to build it using our existing make rules, but that might miss some crucial #define or other that the configure sets up15:29.37 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I've never touched openssl.15:30.16 
paulgardiner oh okay. Not sure where I picked that up from15:30.38 
henrys wow I'd think there would be something native on android.15:31.38 
  paulgardiner: I liked the android class documentation - nice.15:32.37 
  Robin_Watts: good luck at AnDev - we'll try to be available for you SMS if you need to.15:35.22 
Robin_Watts henrys: Thanks.15:35.57 
  I'll be on irc, I imagine.15:36.09 
paulgardiner henrys: oh good. Can probably add more detail for some of the classes, but I thought I'd wait to see what parts people ask about15:36.09 
henrys anything else for the meeting - sounds like openssl is still a problem.15:36.42 
  pulling out parts of a crypto library is like a major sin in the security world up there with rolling your own.15:37.28 
paulgardiner tor8: the openssl build using perl should be fine if we are going for the same approach as v815:37.45 
  I'd somehow gotten the idea that someone else was looking at building openssl for Android. Sounds like I should maybe have a go.15:38.38 
Robin_Watts android has a customised version of bouncy castle in it.15:39.19 
paulgardiner Is that java though?15:39.34 
Robin_Watts yes.15:39.53 
  so it'd require some cunning callbacks from jni -> java to be usable I imagine.15:40.13 
paulgardiner Yes. Sounds hellish15:40.40 
tor8 ick.15:40.42 
Robin_Watts OK, I can get mupdf installed on the nook, by knocking out all the ScaleGestureDetector stuff.15:42.09 
  and building for armeabi.15:42.22 
Robin_Watts iText is java isn't it ?15:44.11 
henrys of course itext is java15:44.15 
Robin_Watts hence it can be using bouncycastle.15:44.50 
  and indeed, it does use that (so Mr Google says)15:45.18 
henrys huh there is this pdfblackbox15:45.50 
  I'm going to prepare for the next meeting.15:47.01 
Robin_Watts "PDFBlackbox includes own PDF processor and does not use third-party libraries for cryptography operations or for loading or saving PDF documents."15:47.36 
paulgardiner So openssl. I'm still uncertain who's doing what.15:51.53 
  tor8: I have win32 versions of the libs here. Was it linux versions you build?15:53.35 
henrys Have we dismissed bouncy castle?15:53.46 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, I have the Makethird build unix versions15:54.24 
  I can also have it pick up system version from pkg-config15:54.37 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: do you have time to look at the file that came in on Sunday to see why the transfer curve isn't being applied?15:54.42 
tor8 and macosx has it already pre-installed15:54.44 
paulgardiner henrys: would be very awkward to use via a java api15:54.45 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, tor8: I think we should proceed with openssl under the same terms as v8.15:55.07 
  We only ever need to successfully compile it once per platform :)15:55.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: use if it's there, else ignore completely?15:55.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.15:55.29 
tor8 we could try to use the system versions (which would work fine on unixes)15:55.39 
Robin_Watts BUT... we should design the API so that there is a veneer layer.15:55.50 
  akin to the pdf_js stuff.15:55.59 
  so that anyone can reimplement the veneer to hook us up to a different openssl lib.15:56.16 
tor8 I would wrap the signature checking stuff into a veneer layer with both a null and an openssl based implementation15:56.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.15:56.27 
tor8 which is predicated on HAVE_OPENSSL15:56.28 
  then the source is independent of makefile hackery to link in the openssl15:56.47 
ray_laptop marcosw: sorry, I was reading the logs. I'll have a look at Parrots15:57.07 
tor8 on windows, I'm happy to go the v8 route and provide an openssl libcrypto.a download15:57.13 
Robin_Watts exactly like pdf_js_{v8,none}.c, right?15:57.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah.15:57.21 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: The first of your API reviews looks fine to me.15:57.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: my worry on windows is it'll lead to an explosion of targets. with/without both v8 and openssl makes 4 possible combinations15:57.58 
paulgardiner tor8: I think last week you suggested I move my crypto routines to fz_crypto.c15:58.06 
tor8 crypto_pkcs7_(openssl|null).c would be my suggestion15:58.31 
paulgardiner I guess it could be that that has a nulled version15:58.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: We can insist on the lib on windows, probably.15:58.34 
  or have different configs in the solution.15:58.47 
tor8 or just crypto_pkcs7.c for now with a #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL15:58.48 
  Robin_Watts: it would be good to be able to check it out and just build15:59.02 
  on unix, it's fine because we can skip the openssl library if it isn't there via the makefiles15:59.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: Right, so we have release-ssl and release configs.15:59.26 
paulgardiner we choose not to use configs for v815:59.50 
  Can't remember why now15:59.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: configs could work for ssl, especially if we go the one file with big ifdef route16:00.13 
paulgardiner configs can also select between files16:00.36 
henrys okay the gs meeitng16:01.12 
  alexcher:did you see tkamppeter's new bug?16:01.34 
alexcher henrys: yes, I did.16:02.01 
chrisl FWIW, I can reproduce the problem here16:02.23 
henrys marcosw, marcosw_: do you need help dispatching your bizillion bugs, it looks like a very large number of problems to sort through.16:02.30 
  chrisl:is it just pdfwrite?16:03.04 
kens chrisl can you tell me what goes wrong / A back trace ? I cannot reproduce it16:03.24 
chrisl henrys: I don't know yet - I *literally* just saw it crash as your question came up16:03.38 
marcosw_ henrys: yes, i was going to ask people to grab bugs that were in their area of responsibility, but if you have time to help assign that would be great.16:03.40 
kens Given that its in sprintf I would guess its writing the link annotation16:04.01 
henrys marcosw_:I'll start from the largest bug id and go backwards.16:04.15 
chrisl kens: looks like it's happening in write_xref_section()16:04.50 
kens Oh, tha'ts 'unexpected'16:05.03 
  Ah, but I did fix something there I think16:05.17 
  Its because we reserve an entry for an item (the N'th page) but don;t ever write that page,so the xref has a hole in it16:05.42 
henrys ray_laptop:do you need more help with stuff from the new customer? alexcher and chrisl could jump in.16:05.56 
kens If you look at Till's pdfmark it has a Link annotation with a Dest of Page 3, but the fikle only has 1 page16:06.04 
henrys ray_laptop:getting them up and going I think is the high priority thing right now.16:06.38 
  marcosw_ and all - all jpeg2000 and jbig2 stuff go to alexcher16:07.30 
alexcher OK16:07.37 
ray_laptop henrys: are you talking about cust. 801 ?16:07.48 
henrys ray_laptop: yea16:08.13 
ray_laptop if so, their requests are a bit strange.16:08.15 
marcosw_ henrys: does that include the mudpf issues (or have they been fixed? Robin_Watts suggested that in a recent email)?16:08.59 
ray_laptop for instance, they asked to speed up the first job, but they've coded up a server mode, so why do they care about the first job?16:09.02 
chrisl kens: it reads a value for "pos" of 571230650368 from the temp file, and that overflows the 21 bytes in "str"16:09.48 
kens chrisl that owuld do it :-)16:09.59 
ray_laptop henrys: I'll check, but I think there is a request pending from cust 801 regarding auto color mode that mvrhel didn't respond to (I thought he was)16:10.00 
kens chrisl sounds like it is the 64-bit file stufcf, as I suspected16:10.13 
  Is it crashing woth the current code ?16:10.22 
chrisl don't know, let me check16:10.34 
henrys marcosw_:I'd like to just assign them alex - hopefully any problem in mupdf is reproducible in gs.16:11.09 
  marcosw_:if not alexcher will sort it and reassign.16:12.15 
ray_laptop henrys: so, if someone wants to take a look at the one titled "#15 : Auto color mode" that would be fine. I am trying to resolve their BGPrint mode issue 16:12.30 
marcosw_ henrys: alexcher doesn't like to give up his bugs :-)16:12.41 
henrys marcosw_:maybe this will give him practice.16:13.17 
  ray_laptop:I do think michael has to deal with that one. I thought there were more.16:13.53 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: I believe I have fixed all the mupdf problems except 1.16:14.13 
chrisl marcosw_: we already have an open bug about long paths on the command line16:14.14 
Robin_Watts (the SEGVs, not the valgrind issues)16:14.27 
  I will try and close the bugs asap, but it might not happen before I fly.16:14.45 
marcosw_ chrisl: i thought we did, but couldn't find it immediately.16:14.48 
chrisl marcosw_: give me a sec16:15.04 
marcosw_ I found one for SCO builds, but I figured that was a different prolbem16:15.34 
henrys marcosw_:where is the code that created these mutated pdf files?16:15.42 
  does google have a home for it?16:16.06 
chrisl kens: I can't reproduce the crash on current master16:16.18 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, tor8: get vs lookup.... my memory was that get would get you a reference, and lookup would not ?16:16.24 
kens chrisl that's probably good news I think. I did do some fixes in that area16:16.41 
  Hopefully either Till or the original poster can try tghe latest code.16:17.27 
marcosw_ I don't know where the code to mutate the pdf files is. I can ask for it. Why do you want it? Don't we have enough bugs :-(16:17.32 
chrisl kens: it does seem to produce a broken PDF though16:18.10 
kens chrisl if you or Till wants to repor that (and I can reproduce it....) I'll have a go at it. The minimal file Till attached works OK for me on WIndows16:18.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: find vs lookup16:19.25 
henrys ray_laptop:actually if you haven't gotten to 694059 694060 it would be good to get either of those to alexcher or chrisl for preliminary analysis.16:20.02 
  marcosw_:I was hoping for a README that explained the methodology16:20.52 
chrisl henrys: 694059 doesn't need much analysis - the code specifically disallows certain compression scheme/bit depth combinations. It doesn't say *why* though16:21.28 
  henrys, ray_laptop: I'll take 694059 694060, since the tiff devices are not unknown to me16:22.34 
henrys chrisl:okay well this is a top ten p1 thing but it has one comment dated 5/9 so I thought somebody ought to do something.16:23.12 
chrisl henrys: I suspect the compression one is because it doesn't make sense to apply byte-wise compression to 1 bit image data16:24.12 
henrys and 060 is just a documentation issue?16:25.20 
  maybe marcosw_ has already followed up on these - I didn't check emails.16:25.45 
chrisl No, I think there's probably an issue - we shouldn't be producing a composite file for 1 bpp output. But it's probably fairly trivial to fix16:26.15 
ray_laptop marcosw: those Parrots files are strange. They seem to use binary object encoding (just a few places) and they use the Adobe ProcSet. I can't easily find where they do settransfer or setcolortransfer, so I'm adding debug16:26.28 
  chrisl: I wondered about 'pack' with 1 bpp. It will give you a little compression for large runs of white or black, and that's about it16:27.26 
henrys usually that customer is pretty noisy I'm surprised we got away with letting those sit so long.16:28.04 
ray_laptop chrisl: I assumed that it is because it is easier to unpack than G4 (they may have SSE or H/W for it) 16:28.05 
chrisl ray_laptop: exactly, pretty daft. But I'm aware of any technical reason for it. I just need to double check that libtiff is okay with it16:28.33 
  I'm NOT aware....16:28.48 
henrys okay 30 minutes - done!16:29.25 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: okay, don't spend too much effort. It's not our problem if the customer is generating bad PostScript (as I said in my email, Photoshop and Acrobat don't perform expected transfer function either).16:29.38 
henrys marcosw_:I wonder if the bug aging list should come out more frequently if there is a top ten customer in it. We shouldn't have let these two slip.16:31.31 
alexcher I have RedMon working on 64-bit Windows. What else is needed for the port monitor project?16:32.09 
henrys alexcher:you were writing a port monitor that would be our code - not Russells16:32.58 
chrisl kens: Using the full file from 694275 I get a valid PDF, and no crash with current master. So I think it's all good.16:33.40 
henrys maybe were is a bad tense to use - "you are" would seem more appropriate.16:33.57 
kens chrisl, that's something of a relief, will you put something in the buig thread ?16:33.58 
chrisl kens: just about to, yes.16:34.11 
kens chrisl thanks :-)16:34.19 
alexcher henrys: Fine, it is mostly a DDK sample anyway. What other functionality is needed.16:36.10 
ray_laptop marcosw: I set a breakpoint in the C code in BOTH zsettransfer and zsetcolortransfer and the only 'hit' was during our initialization of the default transfer function.16:37.31 
henrys I think that is all that is on your desk - the other pieces are sprint and xps improvement and we'll bundle it all together so we have a complete printing solution for windows like gsprint - did you have other ideas about the project?16:38.19 
  s/sprint/our own gsprint/16:38.43 
  alexcher ^^^16:39.49 
alexcher OK16:40.06 
henrys alexcher:you should check each jbig2 and jpeg2000 problem in both ghostscript and mupdf, Shelly I think can work on both but I think Simon is mupdf only.16:41.28 
alexcher Yes16:42.12 
ray_laptop marcosw: If I use the Install procedure to change the default graphics state transfer function, it is effective for either file. For example, to make it lighter:16:42.24 
  gs ... -c "<< /Install { { .4 exp } settransfer } >> setpagedevice" -f Parrots.ps16:42.26 
henrys alexcher:I assume you saw their email to Robin_Watts and support you can follow up with that note and dispatch them how you see fit.16:42.31 
ray_laptop marcosw: can you take it from here ?16:42.50 
alexcher henrys: yes, I did.16:43.05 
henrys ray_laptop:I think marcosw fell off.16:44.27 
ray_laptop henrys: OK. I'll just reply to them.16:45.39 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Second API review; same comments as originally, but I don't see anything hugely offensive in it.16:45.52 
paulgardiner What were the comments again? You mentioned the placed where there were three function calls check len; resize; get entry; but I've dealt with that.16:48.18 
Robin_Watts for's with function calls.16:48.47 
  read len into a variable, and then use that.16:49.01 
paulgardiner Ah yes. Call in the test.16:49.38 
kens OK I'm going to call it a night, bye all16:49.51 
paulgardiner I could change that16:49.53 
henrys chrisl:I'm going to assign the free type fuzzing issues to you without commenting in each that it is a problem in the free type code.16:50.22 
chrisl henrys: I assumed marcosw would do that, anyway16:50.45 
paulgardiner tor8: what was it that you wanted to check with robin about pdf_xref_obj?16:50.47 
henrys which reminds me I did hear from URW - resounding "no" to the buyout and they are going to fix the widths for a fee.16:51.53 
  they consider the GPL fonts unsupported16:52.29 
  chrisl ^^^16:52.43 
chrisl Hmm, oh well.....16:52.48 
  henrys: I could have fixed them myself, but I doubt they'd take patches16:53.16 
  Robin_Watts: does mupdf write jpegs?16:53.57 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Not currently, why?16:54.06 
henrys chrisl: best to keep things in their handwriting16:54.20 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm just starting on thirdparty list16:54.39 
henrys I think there are many more jpeg2000 problems than previously identified - Robin_Watts 16:55.29 
Robin_Watts chrisl: ah, right.16:55.40 
  henrys: Not from the mupdf fuzzing files?16:55.55 
henrys oh right no, ghostscript16:56.18 
Robin_Watts right. The mupdf ones have all been fixed.16:56.41 
henrys marcosw:for the logs we probably should fuzz luratech as well.16:57.00 
  marcosw:the luratech build that is.16:57.17 
ray_laptop henrys: did we also fuzz the UFST build, or do we need to do that as well ?17:00.12 
  henrys: those two are our 'customer only' libraries that GPL users never see17:00.44 
chrisl ray_laptop: OMFG!! *PLEASE* don't go there!17:00.44 
henrys ray_laptop:good point we probably should. chrisl is getting the bulk of the fuzzing action already.17:00.53 
ray_laptop sorry, chrisl 17:01.01 
henrys at least of the problem I'm assigning now.17:01.10 
chrisl I won't be fixing any fuzzing problems in UFST17:01.22 
ray_laptop I guess I will wear my kevlar to the next meeting17:01.27 
  and not turn my back on chrisl ;-)17:01.56 
henrys I should fix some of the default assignments for component owners in bugzilla while I'm doing this.17:02.16 
ray_laptop henrys: you could take ownership of UFST -- I doubt that chrisl would mind ;-)17:02.41 
chrisl ray_laptop: like I say, I'm refusing point-blank to work on fuzzing problems in UFST. I'd consider forwarding them to Monotype, though17:02.56 
henrys that would dull my pointy hair 17:03.06 
ray_laptop henrys: we wouldn't want that. You're already dull enough ;-)17:03.43 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Could not find method android.view.MotionEvent.getActionMasked, referenced from method com.artifex.mupdfdemo.MuPDFReaderView.onTouchEvent17:03.57 
ray_laptop if our meeting is over, I've got to take my car in. Anything else for me right away ?17:04.33 
henrys nope we're done17:04.46 
ray_laptop henrys: (marcosw for the logs). Reply sent to cust 801 about the settransfer (and cc the usual population)17:05.16 
henrys ray_laptop:great. If marcosw pops back I'll point him to this stuff.17:05.41 
ray_laptop bbiaw17:05.56 
chrisl henrys: I'm a bit surprised there are issues coming up in Freetype, given the way we parse the font into a gs_font and then rebuild it to pass into freetype17:06.29 
paulgardiner robin_watts: looks like you can replace that with getAction() & ACTION_MASK17:08.08 
ray_laptop chrisl: thanks for taking the tiffsep bugs.17:09.03 
Robin_Watts event.getAction() & event.ACTION_MASK... compiled...17:11.27 
chrisl ray_laptop: no problem - they don't look very onerous17:11.57 
henrys I've been changing the component from "fuzzing" to the actual component. Hope that is okay - fuzzing is not really a component - maybe that should be stated elsewhere.17:15.53 
Robin_Watts I have mupdf running on the nook.17:28.54 
  No multi-touch it seems, so I can't zoom.17:29.02 
  and I had to disable the setImageFilter calls on the buttons.17:29.24 
  but we can at least see mupdf running on an e-ink device.17:29.36 
marcosw_ henrys: replying to your comment regarding the bug aging list, I think an alternative is to have bugzilla send out reminders. I'll check it's that's an option.17:31.00 
henrys marcosw_:thanks ray_laptop had some stuff for you also (in the logs)17:31.37 
  Robin_Watts: I didn't even know the nook was android.17:32.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: It is. I bought one (30 quid!), and rooted it17:32.34 
  and installed the amazon kindle app :)17:32.42 
henrys wasn't MS going to buy it at one point?17:32.48 
Robin_Watts That was a very recent rumour. It might still be happening.17:33.04 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh cool.17:33.06 
marcosw_ henrys: found the irc messages for me in the archive.17:36.25 
henrys marcosw_:okay17:36.44 
  marcosw_:I wonder why you can't change the component on multiple bugs - that would sure make this go faster.17:38.35 
marcosw_ henrys: particularly odd since they have a pull down for Component. Preusmably a bug in bugzilla.17:41.02 
  is this for the fuzzing issues? I haven't been changing the component when I reassign them.17:41.31 
henrys marcosw_:yeah I said something about that in the logs - but I don't care if you want to leave it.17:42.21 
  marcosw_:I did a handful of them I'll come back later and do some more.17:47.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: whether it's necessary and why not use pdf_load_object instead18:12.29 
Robin_Watts tor8?18:12.53 
  right. sorry.18:13.17 
  I've got to run. Parents here.18:15.28 
  It looks like there might be some overlap, yes.18:15.35 
tor8 alright. ttytm. have fun!18:15.47 
SpNg is there an easy way to extract what color space is being used in an EPS file?20:29.50 
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