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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/07/14)2013/07/15 
ray_laptop felipe: Hi, Don't think I've seen you here before. Are you here for gs or mupdf ?06:25.53 
vtorri chrisl: hey06:30.37 
chrisl vtorri: good morning06:30.47 
vtorri chrisl: did you try to add the compilation of the shared lib on windows ?06:31.11 
chrisl vtorri: on mingw, yes, we can already build the DLL on Windows06:32.14 
vtorri is it in git ?06:32.34 
chrisl It's in my private repo, but I need to test I haven't broken other platforms before I push to the central repo06:33.12 
vtorri sure06:33.20 
chrisl If you want to have a look:;a=summary06:33.35 
  Like I said, I didn't look at the install stuff, just the building of the lib, and the standard exes06:34.08 
vtorri -fPIC wil be ignored on Windows06:36.11 
  it's a unix stuff06:36.15 
chrisl I know, but it doesn't do any harm, and I ran out of time06:36.40 
vtorri ok06:37.58 
chrisl I've removed it here06:38.42 
vtorri afaics, it should be good06:40.44 
chrisl And I haven't broken it on Linux - only Mac and Sun to try......06:41.21 
vtorri for sun, you use openindiana or solaris ?06:41.45 
chrisl Solaris and both gcc and Sun CC, and both gnu make and sun make06:42.19 
vtorri ok06:42.30 
chrisl This is on SPARC06:42.39 
sebras tor5: hello boron-tor!08:23.39 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Welcome back. Nice hols?09:17.05 
paulgardiner Yeah. Great thanks. Luke had a cold so we didn't do as much walking as we'd have liked, but other main activities (drinking, eating) weren't hindered.09:19.22 
  House had a games room with big telly and 3/4 size snooker table - turned out a good choice.09:25.18 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, tor8: So, paul, while you've been away, I've got progressive loading working fairly nicely.10:05.48 
paulgardiner Oh excellent10:06.07 
Robin_Watts IF the stream identifies itself as progressive, then we check for linearity and load the linearised object from the top of the file, then read the first page from that.10:06.32 
  At that point, if we can do byte range fetches from the http stream, we read the hints stream to tell us where objects are.10:07.15 
  and we can then fetch subsequent pages fast.10:07.26 
  The current problem I'm facing is that while we find the shared objects by using the hint stream, we still find pages by linearly searching through the file.10:08.58 
  which means getting pages in non-linear order isn't possible, which is a bit of a git if you want to read page 1000 of a 1300 page file.10:09.22 
paulgardiner remind me what shared objects means.10:10.23 
Robin_Watts hold on, I've confused myself.10:10.54 
  Ah, ok. Unconfused.10:11.22 
  The linearised object contains a pointer to a "hints stream"10:11.40 
  The hints stream contains (basically) a list of numbers/offsets for each page.10:12.07 
  and a list of numbers/offsets for each 'shared object'.10:12.22 
  shared objects are objects (or groups of objects) used by more than one page. (so a font, for example)10:12.50 
  and then each page has a list of which shared objects it uses.10:13.07 
paulgardiner Can the hierarchy of a page refer to other than shared objects?10:13.41 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: In linearised files, all resources are either specific to a page, or are shared objects.10:14.15 
paulgardiner Ah. I read "numbers/offsets for each page" as one per page10:15.23 
  I'm now guessing it's the complete list of objects for the page, other than the shared obects.10:15.51 
Robin_Watts It is one per page.10:15.52 
paulgardiner Oh damn! Confused myself. Seems to be catching. :-)10:16.15 
Robin_Watts But all the objects/numbers for page n will fall between page[n].{number,offset} and page[n+1].{number,offset}10:16.29 
paulgardiner ... and I don't seem to be unconfusing10:16.30 
  Oh ok10:17.02 
  Hang on. That almost makes sense!!10:17.17 
Robin_Watts so when asked to fetch page[n] we can start reading at the given offset, and read enough objects to reach the next one.10:17.24 
paulgardiner Plus make sure we have all the shared objects refered to by that page10:17.53 
Robin_Watts RIght10:18.00 
paulgardiner ... which I think you said were listed10:18.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: can page 1 use the shared objects as well?10:18.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: No. Page 1 is always sent entirely self contained.10:18.30 
tor8 right.10:18.34 
Robin_Watts (Although for various page accountancy reasons the objects in page 1 are all listed as shared objects)10:18.51 
tor8 so after page 1, load shared objects, then the rest. is there a way to tell from the hint stream where the shared objects are?10:18.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes.10:19.03 
tor8 so we could preload shared objects before loading a specific page if we wanted to avoid some of the "popping"10:19.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: indeed.10:19.54 
  But I want to try to solve the page finding issues first.10:20.14 
  Currently, whenever we do an fz_page_load in progressive mode, I try to 'pdf_progressive_advance'10:20.41 
  That is, I continue to parse objects forwards from the previous "advance" position I was in.10:21.11 
  (where the advance position starts at the top of the file and moves forwards until we hit the end)10:21.26 
  As I go, whenever I find a dictionary with a /Type/Page this gives me the next page.10:21.44 
  When I hit the hint stream object, I load it, and then use the offset information within that to 'seed' the xref table.10:22.27 
  That way, when we run the page pdf_cache_object knows where to look for the shared objects.10:22.52 
paulgardiner Could we have a stream call that means something like "will reads up to offset x succeed without blocking"?10:22.57 
  ... hmmm I'm probably trying to solve a non-problem10:23.31 
Robin_Watts when it tries to read one of the shared objects, it'll probably fail because we won't be there in the stream fetch yet.10:23.33 
  paulgardiner: No, you're right. That's what I have in mind, but we'll get to that.10:23.46 
  so it'll throw a TRYLATER error.10:23.56 
  but the stream remembers where we tried to fetch, and the next http byte range request it sends is for the block that covers that area.10:24.18 
  so when we next try to render the page, it'll get a bit further.10:24.34 
  So the byte range fetches are driven by the page trying to load the shared objects. And the page knows where these shared objects are by the hint tables.10:25.30 
  But there are various problems with this.10:25.45 
  1) I really don't trust the hint tables not to be horribly broken.10:25.57 
paulgardiner I'm confused as to why we have to search. Is there not a way to find the hint streams without searching?10:26.01 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: We don't *need* to search to find the hint table.10:26.30 
  it's just that the way the code fell out was that we naturally 'advance' through the file to read the first pages data.10:27.10 
  Then the hint stream is the next thing in the file.10:27.20 
  Then we can use the hint stream to give us offsets for the rest of the file.10:27.41 
  I have to have normal non-seeking advance implemented as we may be on a connection which doesn't support byte-requests.10:28.10 
paulgardiner I have to go. Back in ten or so10:29.11 
Robin_Watts hence the "search" for the hint stream costs us nothing. It's just that every time we read an object we check to see if we've passed the point in the file where the hint stream is supposed to be - and if we have, the object we just read is the hint stream.10:29.13 
  ok. I'll keep burbling.10:29.26 
  and problem 2) I don't use the hint stream to help find pages.10:29.57 
  Regarding problem 1. Currently I populate the xref_entries with object types/offsets based on the hint streams.10:30.52 
  This is great if we trust the hint streams, but it would be possible to confuse everything if we met a broken hint stream.10:31.15 
  I am tempted to make a separate offset table just to keep the predicted object offsets in.10:31.59 
  Then when we do a pdf_cache_object, if we haven't got the offset of a given object yet, try to load it from the predicted offset. If it's there, great, it goes into the proper xref_entry. If not, we just throw a TRYLATER.10:33.06 
  That way we get the benefits of the hint table without opening ourselves up to being broken by them.10:33.28 
paulgardiner We are susceptible to brokeness in the file in any case. Is there any reason to think that hint streams are likely to be less well created? I'd can sort of imagine that they might be more reliable because only really serious software would attempt to create them.10:42.18 
  Of course we mustn't crash, but...10:42.49 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Even Acrobat produces hint streams that are broken in some regard.10:43.16 
  Essentially very few people use them, and there are no tools out there for verifying them.10:43.49 
paulgardiner Is there anything other than Acrobat that produces them? And does Acrobat break them in a well-defined way?10:44.55 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes other people produce them (they are required by the spec)10:45.45 
paulgardiner If they were mostly reliable, we could fall back to downloading the whole file whenever an error was detected10:45.51 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right. That's what I'm shotting for.10:46.11 
  shooting for.10:46.15 
  If I write the values into the xref_entry's and they then turn out to be wrong, we have no way back from that.10:54.21 
  If I keep them separate and use them as 'hints' to the loading code, we can fall back to normal loading without me having poisoned our existing structures.10:54.54 
paulgardiner So do TRYLATER exceptions and repeated parsing of some objects occur naturally as part of this process, not just in true error conditions?11:02.13 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes/11:09.42 
  TRYLATER means "I don't have enough data to fulfill this request yet, try again later"11:10.01 
paulgardiner I'm wondering if that could be avoided if streams had a method by which one could ask what data is available.11:10.52 
chrisl Grrr, words cannot express my contempt for Microsoft at this moment........ :-(11:12.24 
paulgardiner If you come up with any words that do the job, please let me know. That's a common situation.11:14.21 
sebras Robin_Watts: maywe we'd want to make a terse example implementation of this as well and stick it into docs...?11:14.39 
  Robin_Watts: similar to example.c and multi-threaded.c11:14.49 
  tor8: which I updated yeseterday...11:14.59 
chrisl paulgardiner: I really don't think the appropriate words exist11:14.59 
Robin_Watts sebras: mupdf-curl :)11:15.01 
  sebras: i.e. we have a test implementation.11:15.09 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, but is it short?11:15.22 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: curl-stream.c is pretty small, yes.11:15.39 
  That's got all the client side magic in it.11:15.48 
  All the rest of it is hidden in normal mupdf operation.11:16.04 
sebras Robin_Watts: right. (though my name is not paul...)11:16.34 
Robin_Watts details.11:17.08 
paulgardiner Oops. Fell off irc11:18.52 
  When we read from a stream, presumably either something has already cached the data, or there will be a little delay and then we get the data, or the read fails and we throw TRYLATER11:20.04 
  Maybe the delay case doesn't happen.11:20.52 
  I wonder if we could implement a stream where we can always assure that data is cached before we attempt to read it, avoiding frequent tripping of error conditions and multiple parsing of the same data.11:21.53 
  Also might give us a way without polling to know what pages are available to view.11:23.53 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Either the data is available immediately, in which case we return it, or we don't have it yet, in which case we TRYLATER, and remember the failed read to use to direct our next byte request.11:24.53 
  Something I have in mind is to have a 'preload' scheme whereby for each page we inform the stream of what data we will require, and it will say "OK, I have that all" or "No, I don't have it all yet"11:25.42 
paulgardiner Yeah, that would be nice.11:26.00 
Robin_Watts but that's a lower priority than making what I have robust and find pages faster.11:26.12 
paulgardiner It might require OS-specific implementation11:26.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: do we fetch data while the user is viewing the first page?11:26.49 
Robin_Watts No more so than the httpstreaming already does.11:26.50 
sebras Robin_Watts: or is it only done on-demand?11:26.58 
paulgardiner I wonder if having that available might change how it best seems to implement the page finding.11:26.58 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes, the data fetches in the background on a thread.11:27.03 
  paulgardiner: I don't believe it will.11:27.17 
sebras Robin_Watts: that's not really what I meant. I meant that even if mupdf has not requested anything beyond the first page and its resources, does the background thread continue to request the remainder of the file while the user is reading the first page?11:28.06 
tor8 the preload scheme will only work if the file is linearized (with working hint streams), yes?11:29.23 
kens Hmm, Robin_Watts I just assigned a bug to you but I dont think its yours, sorry.11:29.39 
  ANyoen know who owns JPEG decoder bugs ?11:30.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: yes.11:30.04 
  sebras: Yes. The background thread will always be fetching.11:30.28 
  It will fetch onwards from the last point where data was required.11:30.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: then I'd not give it very high priority :) I think in the presence of Range-capable HTTP even normal pdf files should be good11:30.47 
paulgardiner How does the jump to page 1000 case work?11:31.36 
Robin_Watts tor8: The benefit of the preload scheme is that we save CPU time rerendering the page multiple times.11:31.37 
  paulgardiner: At the moment, it doesn't.11:31.46 
  or rather, we have to wait until it's loaded the non-shared data for pages 1-999 first :)11:32.11 
  Woo Hoo! Police interview for shotgun license at 1pm tomorrow.11:32.36 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: remember. NO JOKES!!11:32.53 
Robin_Watts "I've got to shoot off to a meeting at 4."11:33.18 
chrisl kens: it looks like DCT stuff has defaulted to henrys......11:34.18 
kens chrisl yes I just reassigned the bug to him :-)11:34.28 
chrisl Ah, okay then!11:34.36 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: with the preload scheme, it should be possible to have a sort of "request preload page", "is page ready", "read page" type API, without multiple parsing and TRYLATERs11:34.39 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Yes. although we'd lose out with that.11:35.05 
  At the moment we get pages rendered quickly (albeit maybe without the correct fonts or images)11:35.30 
paulgardiner And no particular preference for page order loading.11:35.31 
Robin_Watts and then as those resources arrive the rendering improves (what tor8 calls "popping")11:35.50 
  solving "no particular preference for page order loading" is a separate issue to the preload one.11:36.34 
paulgardiner I imagined the system responsible for preloading would accept requests for particular pages.11:37.38 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: The problem with getting to a particular page is not that we can't drive the http fetcher to get it, but more that the page lookup doesn't use the hints.11:39.02 
paulgardiner I thought the use of pdf_progressive_advance suggested page-order loading11:39.04 
Robin_Watts Indeed. And by moving to load pages via hints the operation of pdf_progressive_advance would change.11:40.40 
paulgardiner I know what it is: when we look at this problem as "what do I need to do to get hold of a page load of info" and "how do we make the current code get hold of a page load of info" we're getting quite different answers.11:41.43 
  The need to reparse and throw TRYLATER looks to be mostly because of making the current code do it, rather about what the PDF format requires. Is that right?11:42.34 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: That's always true to a degree.11:42.51 
  TRYLATER is down both to the way the current code works, but also because of the need to degrade gracefully.11:43.27 
  We need to cope with various different cases.11:43.35 
  1) Non-progressive loading.11:43.50 
  2) Progressive loading of a non-linearised file.11:43.58 
  3) Progressive loading of a linearised file with broken hints11:44.17 
  4) Progressive loading of a linearised file with working hints over a non byte-range capable stream.11:44.33 
  5) Progressive loading of a linearised file with working hints over a byte range capable stream.11:44.47 
paulgardiner Right. So is 2 in particualar hard to do without repeated parsing and TRYLATER?11:45.40 
Robin_Watts Devising a scheme that works nicely for 5, but confers no advantages over 1 for 2,3,4 is worse than a scheme where each step up in the list gets better performance.11:46.09 
  2 and 3 both require TRYLATER.11:46.49 
paulgardiner Yes. I see the point now11:47.12 
Robin_Watts and actually, I'm not sure that 3 and 4 can be usefully differentiated.11:47.22 
  in terms of things we can do.11:47.29 
paulgardiner Still not understanding how pdf_progressive_advance fits with the possibility of non-page-order access.11:49.35 
Robin_Watts pdf_progressive_advance is the way we discover page objects in the absence of hints.11:50.05 
  (well, not only page objects, but ALL objects in the file)11:50.21 
paulgardiner Oh right. So not called when hints are present and working11:50.35 
Robin_Watts When we have hints and byte range requests we can jump to objects much more efficiently.11:50.58 
  BUT there are still objects within the file that aren't page objects, and aren't shared references (like link annotations etc).11:51.24 
paulgardiner Okay. I think I more or less get it now.11:51.44 
Robin_Watts So we'll still need to have some form of pdf_progressive_advance running to pull in the other bits of the file.11:51.48 
  Essentially, I have cases 1,2,3 working now11:52.12 
  (maybe 1,2,3,4)11:52.16 
  I'm now figuring out how to add case 5 in a way that gracefully falls back to the other cases if the hints turn out to have been lying.11:52.43 
paulgardiner Right. Hence the suggestion of a separate xref11:53.55 
Robin_Watts yeah.11:54.50 
paulgardiner Is it possible to trust the hints until evidence of their brokeness and then turn off their use? I guess you'd need to blank xrefs filled in by them11:55.10 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: My plan is to use the hints to fill in a list of objects (NOT one of the standard xref tables)11:55.43 
  when we try to fetch an object that isn't in the xref, rather than baling immediately, we consult that table.11:56.19 
paulgardiner That sounds good to me.11:56.31 
Robin_Watts and we try to fetch an object from that table (using code extracted from pdf_progressive_advance)11:56.36 
  it that succeeds, we check the number of the object we got back; if it's the right one we populate the xref table and move on.11:57.06 
paulgardiner If the hint misleads you, how do you know where to start searching?11:57.36 
  I suppose between page n offset and page n+1 offset11:58.00 
Robin_Watts If it's an earlier one than we expect, we populate the xref table (with the one we just loaded), update the hint table and try again.11:58.18 
  If it's a later one than we expect, we populate the xref table (with the one we just loaded), blank that entry in the hint table, and try again.11:58.42 
  If we are asked to fetch object n, and we don't have a hint for object n, we do a linear search backwards in the hint table until we find an object that we DO have an offset for.11:59.27 
  and we can then load forwards from there.11:59.39 
paulgardiner But if the object is not where the hint table says, might it not be anywhere in the file?12:01.15 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Objects appear in order in linearised files.12:01.31 
paulgardiner Oh right. Handy12:01.41 
Robin_Watts (Well, in order, with a wrap around thing midway through the file)12:02.06 
paulgardiner Yes. That's all sort of making sense now. Nice. Well when I say "nice", I'm glad I don't have to implement it. :-)12:06.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Well, fortunately I didn't realise the whole horror of it when I started.12:06.47 
  and each sucessive step has been a modification of the previous one.12:07.09 
paulgardiner Thank god for that. Would have sent me running away screaming.12:07.40 
Robin_Watts henrys: back from Nebraska?13:32.09 
henrys yes back from sabrina's art show, she won an award of a painting of a photo she took in the UK, she wants to come back and take more pictures.13:33.06 
Robin_Watts henrys: Cool! We'd love to see you.13:33.26 
kens2 LOL13:33.27 
Robin_Watts I assume that's an award "for" a painting ?13:33.42 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes13:34.10 
Robin_Watts What was the picture of?13:34.59 
paulgardiner Brilliant! Is anything of hers on line somewhere?13:36.32 
Robin_Watts henrys: But it's not raining in that photo. Are you sure that was taken while you were here?13:38.32 
henrys paulgardiner: should get you to everything13:38.40 
  Robin_Watts: actually artists/photographers like overcast settings light-wise so in that sense it was a good trip13:42.58 
Robin_Watts yeah, Helen had a photoshoot last week for some publicity photos for her group.13:43.32 
henrys the only problem is we can't remember where that shot is. Well we don't remember the name of the place.13:43.49 
Robin_Watts I didn't see much of it, but when I popped over there the photographer was carefully arranging everyone in the shade.13:44.01 
  My instinct is to get as much light on the subject as possible, which I guess probably explains why I'm not a professional :)13:44.39 
paulgardiner henrys: Wow! I like the way you can jump back and forward between seeing the brush work and then clearly seeing the subject and not undestanding how the brush work can create that image.13:46.17 
  Amazing colours too.13:46.27 
  ... not that I know anything about art.13:46.46 
henrys it's all pastels - chalk like crayons.13:50.01 
  Robin_Watts: yea the light stuff isn't intuitive.13:50.46 
Robin_Watts I think the trick is to have 'enough' light/contrast. having too light probably results in overexposed highlights and underexposed shadows.13:52.14 
  My photography is of the spray and pray variety.13:52.35 
henrys but the uk more suit her than scenes here - she like the dark gloomy stuff and we don't have a lot of that.13:52.47 
Robin_Watts Take lots and hope that some are in focus13:52.49 
henrys Robin_Watts:I wonder when we'll take to just taking movies all the time in some wearable device and frame pics from it later.13:53.59 
Robin_Watts henrys: It's a nice idea, but real time video compression isn't there yet.13:54.36 
paulgardiner Bah! "Gloom of Night" is sold. :-(13:54.50 
Robin_Watts video frames are too small res, and the frame -> frame artifacts are too great.13:55.14 
henrys yeah gloom of night sold really quickly she'll paint you another if you want.13:55.35 
paulgardiner Ooo. Tempting. I wonder if I have a wall the right colour to mount it on anywhere in the house. I guess I could repaint a room. :-)13:56.28 
Robin_Watts For short term bursts it's possible (Blackberry do something like that, and I think Sony might have something in their pe cameras).13:56.32 
henrys we stayed at a sheep farm b & b and that is the road that led to the pub ;-)13:57.16 
paulgardiner Is that the light from the pub in the trees?13:58.05 
henrys don't really remember13:58.51 
martinrame Since last week I cannot print anymore on an Ricoh Aficio 220 (network print). I'm using 12.04 64bits. The message i get is "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed". How can I debug the problem?.14:01.16 
henrys Robin_Watts: no it isn't good enough for prime time. I suspect in 5 years it will be viable.14:01.18 
  Robin_Watts:of course it wouldn't be the first time we traded poor aesthetics for content - look at ebooks. 14:02.41 
  martinrame: distribution?14:03.27 
martinrame henrys: sorry, Ubuntu 12.0414:03.36 
henrys you should report it to them and if it is us they report it to us, martinrame 14:04.13 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think 5 years is hopeful.14:04.28 
  but as you say...14:05.49 
martinrame henrys: ok, thanks.14:06.00 
henrys kens:is there a way of punting on images in pdfwrite that will allow decimating to rectangles - if so I have an idea about fixing some of these transparency problems?15:45.04 
  punt == fallback - american football metaphor15:49.00 
kens henrys, there's no swithc for it, but pdfwrite does do thsat sometimes15:49.36 
  but why ont convert to image instead ?15:49.55 
  err, forget that.15:50.17 
  While we do have a means to convert into lots (and ltos and lots) of little rects, its really inefficient15:50.43 
  And there's no way to enable it from the command line or anything like that.15:51.01 
  henrys did you see I assigned a JPEG problem to you ?15:51.37 
henrys right we would only do it when the rop device is installed in the image code and turn it off at the end image. the library is careful to only use that when needed.15:51.47 
  I did you did mean decode not encode, yes?15:52.05 
kens Well, that's certainly possible.15:52.06 
  Did I say encode ? I meant decode of course, yes15:52.21 
  My own JPEG decoder gets the answer right (ie same as Acrobat)15:52.36 
  But the windows image viewer gets the same result as Ghostscript, so I@m kind of puzzled15:52.58 
henrys kens:well something to do with the color space interaction between the library and decoder I suppose.15:54.03 
kens I'm not sure its the library. If I use the DCTDecode filter (just decoding the raw data stream, no image operator) its not the same as I get from my own JEPG decoder, or A N Other RIP15:55.00 
  But, as I say, it does match what I get by opening the DCT stream in the Windows image viewer.....15:55.26 
  visually that is.15:55.32 
henrys how does mupdf open the pdf specimen you created?15:55.50 
kens Perfectly, the same as Acrobat15:56.01 
henrys we are using the same decoder.15:56.19 
kens Yes, but maybe not in the same way :-)15:56.29 
henrys I'll have a go at it, I need a break from guillaume and his crazy plots15:57.32 
kens :-) I'm not sure JPEG decoding is any better.....15:57.49 
Robin_Watts kens: It could be that the jpeg stream has some strange markers in it.16:01.01 
  which change the interpretation of the color space.16:01.17 
kens Robin_Watts : I didn't see anything unusual in it.16:01.34 
Robin_Watts and depending on whether the different apps extend the lib in the right way, you'll get completely different results out.16:01.51 
kens Like I said, I have my ownimplementationd of a JPEG decoder, and it was fine with the output (sends it to TIFF)16:01.53 
  But that was what I was alluding to when I said we may not be using hte decoder in the same way in GS and MuPDF16:02.57 
  My initial thought was that we were not overrding the image colour space with RGB, because you need to *not* do that for JEPG2000, but you do for JPEG (another wonderful kludge in the spec)16:03.48 
henrys I just noticed there is a "third party" in openjpeg that contains a bunch of our third party stuff - I wonder how that is resolved.16:17.50 
vtorri chrisl: i have strange messages when i compile the DLL (which is compiled btw)16:19.59 
  chrisl: do you also have them ?16:20.09 
chrisl vtorri: define "strange"16:20.31 
vtorri strange to me :)16:20.40 
  node 'iccprofiles/default_cmyk.icc' len=187484 12 blocks, compressed size=13895716:20.42 
  including: './lib/../Resource/Init/'16:20.53 
  ./soobj/aux_/gscdefs.c:84:41: warning: unknown escape sequence: '\T' [enabled by default]16:21.07 
chrisl That's building the romfs file system - that very, very normal16:21.07 
vtorri tons of them16:21.11 
  even the third one ?16:21.24 
chrisl Not sure about that one16:21.32 
vtorri ./soobj/aux_/echogs.exe -e .dev -w- -l-dev2 -b -s -l-include -l./soobj/page -l-obj ./soobj/png16 ./soobj/gdevpng.o ./soobj/gdevpccm.o16:22.00 
  normal too ?16:22.35 
chrisl Yes16:22.40 
vtorri ok16:22.44 
  it's normal to have 3 dll ?16:23.44 
  it's the same than on linux and the sym links ?16:23.59 
chrisl Yes16:24.07 
vtorri the which one is copied ?16:24.23 
  libgs-9-08.dll ?16:24.40 
  the others are copies, right ?16:24.48 
chrisl No, I think the libgs.dll is the one we build, and then the others are "copies"16:25.36 
vtorri ok16:26.55 
  thank you16:26.58 
chrisl vtorri: It is standard practice on UNix systems to have the three names - it would be a fair amount more work to stop that happening just in mingw16:27.27 
vtorri no problem16:27.45 
  usually, the information is in the import lib16:28.00 
  that's why i ask16:28.09 
  so when you link with16:28.24 
chrisl I didn't look that closely because the two "loader" applications both worked correctly as soon as I got the DLL building (much to my surprise)16:29.16 
vtorri the linker will find the import lib (libgs.dll.a) and will use the dll name which is in libgs.dll.a for runtime16:29.18 
  i'll try with my lib16:29.38 
  thank you very much16:29.42 
chrisl Okay, so I might need to do something more with the import lib to have it correctly pick up the libgs-9.dll (rather than libgs.dll)?16:30.35 
vtorri when you call gcc -shared etc...16:31.20 
  you pass the name of the dll and of the import lib16:31.35 
  that's this very name which will be used16:31.49 
  the others are useless16:32.00 
  gcc -shared -o libgs-$(major) --output-implib=libgs.dll.a etc...16:34.11 
  can't remember if it's --output-implib but you have the idea16:34.29 
  gcc -shared -o libgs-$(major).dll --output-implib=libgs.dll.a etc...16:34.41 
  usually, only the major version (which characterize the API/ABI version) is necessary16:35.20 
chrisl Right, I have a feeling we might be pass libgs.dll - so that might need some work - I'll have to check16:35.30 
vtorri but that's a very good start16:35.43 
chrisl vtorri: what you've got now is enough to get to started, yes?16:36.19 
vtorri it's enough to compile my module, i think16:38.13 
  about the header, only api.h is needed right ?16:38.25 
  or gapi.h16:38.31 
  i can't remember16:38.36 
  iapi.h :)16:40.42 
chrisl Yes, I was just going to say look in dxmainc.c for hints16:41.08 
vtorri ierrors.h too i htink16:41.24 
  time to leave16:41.33 
kens Goodnight all16:49.28 
rayjj bbiab17:08.47 
Robin_Watts Woo Hoo!17:17.32 
  I can jump to anywhere in a file as it downloads now.17:18.26 
  Takes a few seconds for the stuff to arrive for that page, but it's pretty bloody good.17:18.45 
henrys tor8:did you look into the jpeg stuff with color_transform and saw_Adobe_marker - mupdf and gs have it differently, see gs/base/sdctd.c:197, if you've studied it already we can just use the mupdf answer - I have one example that indicates mupdf right and gs wrong. 17:19.32 
tor8 henrys: at one time I did, I think Robin_Watts poked at it fairly recently though17:20.34 
  and fixed some bugs we had17:20.45 
Robin_Watts tor8, henrys: I thought it might have been me too, but blame says tor :)17:21.52 
henrys right but you apparently fixed in mupdf filter-dct.c:133 is quite different than the gs code.17:23.40 
  if you are fairly confident with what mupdf has now (it seems to print my file correctly) we'll use it in gs.17:24.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: I stared at some nasty JPEG problems a while ago, and I *think* mupdf gets them right now.17:25.16 
  hence I'd trust mupdf.17:25.32 
henrys thanks17:25.41 
Robin_Watts Our logic dates from:;a=commit;f=fitz/filt_dctd.c;h=d7d695375b21693688328ee2cdc3085c8e6f294317:27.02 
  which is before my time.17:27.19 
  so tor gets credit/blame.17:27.25 
  windowers wanting to play: 
  then use (say) 1150g to jump to a late page.17:28.28 
henrys Robin_Watts: will that be in the release?17:28.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: It's not been pushed yet.17:29.01 
  but depending on how the next week or so goes, maybe. Why?17:29.14 
henrys a good thing for the newsletter17:29.20 
Robin_Watts I'll do a write up if it looks like being in danger of making it :)17:29.51 
henrys okay17:30.01 
  we really should find some way that fixes get reflected in mupdf and gs, discovering things 2x is not a good use of time.17:31.19 
  oh but mupdf is broken with respect to cmyk17:51.50 
  surely that color transform should not be 0 in gs is num_components == 417:52.10 
Robin_Watts Do you have an example file where we get it wrong?17:56.15 
henrys Robin_Watts: no but you don't do cmyk at all so it probably is okay for mupdf but gs does cmyk.18:00.37 
Robin_Watts We render CMYK images correctly.18:00.56 
  just as rgb.18:01.04 
henrys oh right yes.18:01.25 
  why would color transform be 0 if components == 4 strange.18:01.43 
Robin_Watts color transform = -1 means "unset"18:02.17 
  0 means "default" ?18:02.24 
henrys you wold always be setting the color space to JCS_YCCK do you intend that?18:02.33 
Robin_Watts and non-zero means "what adobe said" ?18:02.34 
  henrys: quite probably.18:02.53 
henrys well the regression test might have something to add ;-)18:05.13 
Robin_Watts Let's see what it says.18:06.58 
henrys I logged into Skype with Facebook how do I change the account name or am I stuck with it.18:08.01 
Robin_Watts Skype => Edit your profile ?18:08.36 
henrys mvrhel_laptop said some weird name was coming up18:08.37 
Robin_Watts I still see "Henry Stiles"18:09.02 
mvrhel_laptop Now I see that18:09.34 
  I also saw facebook:henry.stiles.y18:09.50 
  this is pretty funny 
  I have only seen #4. #1 looks like you can walk inside18:11.47 
henrys I see #4 all the time, ungodly18:12.18 
  and it's cursed the horse apparently fell and crushed the sculptor18:12.38 
  of I mean #518:12.52 
mvrhel_laptop really?18:13.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Nice.18:13.58 
mvrhel_laptop I thought you might appreciate that Robin_Watts 18:14.39 
henrys hm we have some machines down18:15.17 
mvrhel_laptop anyway back to the windows phone saltmine. I have the file streaming working. just need to figure out what xaml object would be best to use for displaying the pages.18:15.43 
  missing a lot of stuff in the phone compared to windows 818:15.53 
henrys marcosw:are you about?18:16.18 
marcosw sort of, I'm at Miles' office up to my neck in cluster nodes18:20.28 
henrys marcosw:no big deal just was curious when the gcov stuff will update. I've made some changes and I'd like to see the new situation.18:43.37 
marcosw I can launch an update later today, assuming I manage to get the cluster put back together :-)18:44.04 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw18:55.18 
  watch window in visual studio does not work when you are debugging on a real phone only the emulator. worked fine on the surface though20:53.04 
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