IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2013/10/21)2013/10/22 
Micha` Say, say, say... I know I'm all controversial and stuff, but what should happen if there is a Form XObject with a stream containing a single point and whose BBox is but this single point?09:48.40 
  Case in point (ohoh): when there are two isolated points in a path, and the bbox is large enough to contain both, even on the rim of the bbox, both are drawn.09:49.34 
  But with only one point, this fails.09:49.44 
  By which I mean, it is not drawn.09:50.20 
Robin_Watts It's probably down to the handling of adjusting the rectangle for the stroke width.09:50.42 
Micha` Is it about the stroke width? It seems that the stroke shape is not clipped by the bbox.09:51.16 
Robin_Watts I'm sure if you step through the code you'll see where the problem comes from.09:51.26 
Micha` Ahah, I do know what and where the problem is, thanks ;-)09:51.43 
Robin_Watts If you take the bbox of a path that contains a single point, you end up with an empty bbox.09:51.44 
Micha` I'm just unsure about the way to solve it.09:51.50 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Ah, well, wave a patch our way to fix it then :)09:52.03 
  I'm still stuck in gs at the moment, but hopefully I can get back to mupdf soon.09:52.26 
Micha` The are three possible ways to fix this, as I see it: (1) if we are given an empty box, enlarge it by a small amount, (2) consider that a point belongs to the empty box with the point as boundaries, (3) assert that the current interpretting behavior is correct, and that places in which such an empty bbox is created are faulty.09:55.39 
  Well then, let's open another bug report :-) Man, I feel I'm spamming this bug tracker!09:56.19 
Robin_Watts 1 is bad.09:57.26 
  2 is wrong, as our convention is that bboxes are closed on the the left and open on the right.09:57.50 
  3 is the one to pursue I think.09:58.03 
Micha` Well, I do agree then. So the problem would amount to tracking which calls to fz_expand_rect with an empty rect are "legitimate" in that sense. At the time being, when an empty rect is asked to be expanded, nothing is done; there is surely a good reason for that?10:05.36 
  Mmh, yes, the intersection of two non overlapping rect is an empty rect, and it won't make much sense to expand it at it is not spatially located.10:08.41 
Robin_Watts Micha`: exactly.10:08.51 
  woo hoo! Downscaler working on the rendering threads.10:33.08 
Micha` Would it make sense to write a new device for native Android output?11:40.15 
  Or is it just a waste of time?11:40.22 
  (i.e., the draw device is already the most efficient possible implementation, and Android primitives wont be any better.)11:47.29 
Robin_Watts Micha`: It's possible that by using opengl you could get faster operation done.11:59.11 
  but tor is already doing that.11:59.23 
stanv1 Hello. I'm trying to embeded font11:59.49 
Robin_Watts So unless android has specific 2d acceleration, I think we can't really do much better.11:59.57 
stanv1 And I receive error: **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.12:00.02 
  Hello. I'm trying to embeded font to PDF12:00.12 
Robin_Watts And the problem is, it's not trivial to move just part of the rendering into hardware, you need to move the whole thing because of the way transparency etc works.12:00.28 
stanv1 But other engines don't notify about any problems about my embeded font stream12:00.47 
Robin_Watts stanv1: That message is an indication that the interpreter thinks the PDF is corrupt.12:00.58 
  What version of ghostscript are you using ?12:01.05 
stanv1 Robin_Watts: 9.0712:01.23 
Robin_Watts stanv1: Well, our standard response would be to tell you to try 9.1012:01.49 
  (the latest)12:01.54 
  Then, if the problem persists, go to and open a bug.12:02.11 
  Include as much detail as possible, including at minimum: 1) the files you are using to create the problem.12:02.31 
  2) the exact command line you use.12:02.41 
  3) a step by step set of instructions to enable us to reproduce the problem.12:02.59 
  If we can't reproduce the problem, we can't fix it.12:03.11 
  and if you make it hard for us to reproduce the problem we probably won't be bothered to work on it :)12:03.44 
  The smallest possible example would therefore be appreciated.12:03.54 
  I've found the ideal candy for the next staff meeting: 
  (Read the reviews)12:18.05 
kens Eeek!12:19.29 
Robin_Watts People bulk buying them for their congressmen sounds hilarious.12:21.14 
kens thnks congress probably has enough hot air already12:21.40 
Robin_Watts Oh, wow, it even says on the label: "Consumption of some sugar-free candies may cause stomach discomfort and/or a laxative effect."12:22.23 
kens AH there's a warning, that's all right then :-)12:24.27 
Micha` Robin_Watts: That's standard for sugar free candies. Frisk and similar mints all have this warning. But this is the first time I see sugar-free haribo sweets, and I live just next their factory!12:24.56 
  So just to finish up on this Android thing: Android has native functions for paths and paint; I do not know if there is some kind of acceleration behind, but I'd have guessed that the Android lib was better at drawing vector objects than a non native lib. If you say it ain't, I'll take your word :-)12:29.02 
stanv1 Robin_Watts: There is assumption that I 12:30.23 
  have wrong font description12:30.35 
  Robin_Watts: how can I produce more information ?12:30.54 
  **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.12:30.59 
Micha` stanv1: I think following Robin's steps is a good start.12:33.00 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Our lib is "native".12:33.27 
  it's not hardware accelerated.12:34.10 
  The problem with the android stuff, is that it's not general enough; it will only render to android bitmaps, not to our pixmaps, and we need it in our pixmaps to cope with blending for transparency etc. You can't move the render path piecemeal.12:35.06 
Micha` Well, there are transparency options in Android's lib. All the Porter/Duff modes are here.12:36.24 
  But I may be missing something obvious, sorry.12:36.44 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Well, if you want to try it, I'd be interested to see the results.12:38.33 
Micha` As long as you don't see any technical nonsense in this, I'd happily give it a try. I have close to no knowledge in Android graphics, so this is mainly formative to me.12:41.13 
stanv1 %Resolving: [65 0]12:41.56 
  0 (\376\377\000G\000D\000I\000.\000P\000P\000D) 0 0 Tform12:41.57 
  **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.12:41.57 
Micha` Any opinion on whether I should write the device in Java or in C?12:42.15 
  stanv1: is the PDF causing the problem confidential?12:42.55 
stanv1 Micha` I can give it to you12:43.46 
Micha` stanv1: Can you follow the steps Robin gave you earlier and open a bug report with the PDF attached?12:44.25 
  (Provided you did test with the latest version of gs)12:44.46 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Well, you'll need to write the device in C as MuPDF does not have a device interface to call java.12:44.52 
kens stanv1 please follow the instructions to report a bug. From the paste above, ytou PDF file is using 'Tform' which is not valid PDF syntax12:46.44 
Micha` Robin_Watts: Interfacing will be necessary at some point, IIUC. Either I create a hollow device in C which loads the actual device written in Java, or I write the device in C which loads the numerous Java Android drawing functions.12:47.25 
stanv1 kens: are you sure about Tform ?12:48.10 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Exactly.12:48.50 
  I have started on some jni code, but it's not advanced enough to allow devices to be written in C yet.12:49.11 
kens stanv1 if I was sure I wouldn't tell you to report a bug. One thing I am sure of ist hat nobody will look at it if you don't report a bug12:51.29 
Micha` Well, so I'm pondering whether the bulk of the device should be written in C or in Java. With the little knowledge I have of JNI, I can't see if one is better than the other.12:52.33 
kens just checked hte PDF Reference and can find no reference to a Tform operator12:53.34 
Robin_Watts Micha`: Perhaps you should look at my JNI branch.13:01.52 
  If it was me, I'd be tempted to write a set of device entrypoints in C that MuPDF can call.13:03.45 
  Each of these would call back into java methods to do the actual drawing.13:04.08 
  That way the bulk of the coding can be done in java, if that's what you are more comfortable with.13:04.23 
  I have to say that I have never done JNI calls from C to Java, so I'm not quite sure how involved this is.13:04.43 
Micha` I'm not more comfortable with one option or the other :-) I really have no clue which one is better. But OK, I'll have a go with the almost-all-Java then.13:07.18 
  Where can I find your branch?13:08.13 
  It is very "work in progress".13:12.07 
Micha` Holy schnitzel! Impressive!13:15.33 
Robin_Watts Micha`: It's really not that impressive. It's me sketching out a structure - that structure is NOT complete, or completely filled in yet.13:16.24 
  It was mostly done to see if this looked like being a reasonable way to work, and we haven't spotted any obvious flaws yet :)13:17.16 
Micha` Anyway, it's nice to see that :-) If things are done right, a Java Android device could be plugged in this quite easily.13:20.22 
Robin_Watts lunches. 70 minutes to meeting, right?13:24.32 
kens 30 minutes now13:55.54 
  35 in fact13:55.58 
Robin_Watts ok. ISTR that the hour changed differently in the US and the UK last time.13:58.08 
  And we're just over a week away from it changing for us, I think.13:58.23 
chrisl Robin_Watts: apparently, clocks change in California on 3 November 201314:09.33 
Robin_Watts ok, so a week after us.14:10.04 
kens I checked an online time thingy14:10.17 
  Sorry for slow responses, I've been looking through 65 pages of diffs14:10.50 
chrisl That's just what I did - given the day I'm having, it wouldn't have surprised me if I'd cocked up the meeting time!14:10.59 
Robin_Watts no worries14:11.00 
  Last time I had a con-call with Miles, I carefully calculated the time, then set the alarm on my phone an hour too late :(14:11.42 
chrisl I tried using my phone's task list app, but it kindly resets all the task times to the timezone when we visit the US, and fails to set them back again when we come home - stoopid thing14:14.08 
henrys chrisl: sounds like a reportable bug14:21.24 
chrisl henrys: it probably is, but I think it's Motorola, rather than Google, and Mot aren't supporting that phone any more14:22.16 
henrys I'm showing my house today and this giant spider is walking across the floor - best put it outside.14:23.11 
chrisl henrys: claim it's pet ;-)14:23.50 
  it's a pet - even14:23.59 
henrys it got away14:24.13 
  chrisl: just ignore the giant spiders and rats - it's all good.14:25.02 
chrisl Spiders don't worry me - hate rats, though.....14:25.39 
henrys you guys did get the email to tech yesterday about the meeting time?14:27.39 
kens Ye14:27.46 
marcosw yes14:28.04 
chrisl Yeh, we just had a little confusion about clocks changing in various time zones14:28.11 
henrys chrisl: oh that again.14:28.32 
kens hey marcosw I had a funny thing with a cluster test, it was trying to run a file called custom.lst or something similar14:28.43 
Robin_Watts henrys: Next week we are out of sync.14:28.45 
  henrys: So, this 801 thing... you want us to be able to cluster test their device.14:29.21 
  But their device has hacks right in the middle of the ghostscript core.14:29.38 
henrys Robin_Watts: sorry that was a cryptic comment14:29.40 
  I would like to have a gdev801.c device that has all their code that we can plug in and debug or test 14:30.32 
Robin_Watts What we have now is a new scheme that allows them to reimplement their device in a way that keeps the performance that they had before (and possibly improves it) and yet lets us keep all the device changes in their device.14:30.44 
  So it should now be possible to do a gdev801.c that's much neater, and is testable.14:31.21 
henrys Robin_Watts: as not to get in the situation we have with other printer customers where the code is far removed from the current dev code.14:31.22 
Robin_Watts Right.14:31.29 
  but presumably we need to contact them and say "hey, let's work together to rejig your device". Or would you rather we went ahead and converted it, and told them afterwards ?14:32.00 
henrys Robin_Watts: right that's what you and ray were working on?14:32.17 
  Robin_Watts: fantastic14:32.25 
Robin_Watts henrys: Not exactly.14:32.27 
  Ray and I have been working on the new scheme.14:32.37 
  We haven't touched their device yet.14:32.42 
  But the new scheme does seem to be working nicely.14:32.55 
marcosw kens: yes, that was my bug. I'm adding the ability to specify custom tests. it should be fixed now.14:33.00 
kens thanks marcosw14:33.09 
Robin_Watts aargh. sunlight.14:33.16 
henrys Robin_Watts: well I am working on this also, the manager of the project I've been communicating with has gone dark. 14:33.38 
  Robin_Watts: so we could make the change but I don't know if they would take it.14:34.04 
  marcosw: I assigned a customer bug back to you and I think you have another.14:34.27 
Robin_Watts henrys: I don't think it's a huge amount of work to change their device.14:34.36 
  and it would make their life much easier when it came to upgrading gs versions.14:35.01 
henrys Robin_Watts: we presumably could test the change against their old code also.14:35.14 
Robin_Watts presumably.14:35.23 
marcosw henrys: thanks for the reminder.14:35.56 
mvrhel_laptop morning. sorry a bit late14:35.58 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: np14:36.17 
Robin_Watts ...and that's why mvrhel_laptop is best placed to solve the bug.14:36.18 
mvrhel_laptop ha14:36.26 
henrys chrisl: how goes it with the yuki task?14:36.52 
chrisl henrys: I'm trying to work out how to spin this: we're missing a lot of glyphs compared to the MT fonts, but none are required for PDF, so.....14:37.35 
henrys Robin_Watts: I'd like to add the project to the agenda - you call it "process page"14:38.12 
Robin_Watts henrys: yeah.14:38.21 
chrisl henrys: one concern - I'm wondering if they are considering trying to use our fonts for Postscript and PCL - based on some of the questions14:38.36 
henrys chrisl: I think they would consider postscript but not pcl.14:39.13 
  Robin_Watts: but the real project is to allow device writers to take advantage of MT rendering yes?14:39.52 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes. We have that working.14:40.04 
  It's ready for commit now, just going to give ray a chance to give it another once over if he wants.14:40.21 
chrisl henrys: is that permissible? Don't the URW fonts have to used with GS (or be compliant with the GPL)?14:40.38 
Robin_Watts It's on robin/master for anyone interested in looking. There is a documentation change there too.14:40.40 
henrys let me text that guy14:40.47 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so what exactly does it do?14:41.05 
  sorry I had not been following closely14:41.12 
Robin_Watts Printer devices get called by their "print_page" entry point.14:41.34 
  Traditionally then they 'get_bits' from the device to get rendered scanlines out, and they then process them and output them.14:41.58 
  i.e. the device drives the extraction by extracting bits in whatever order it needs.14:42.18 
mvrhel_laptop right14:42.24 
Robin_Watts but it's a basically serial process.14:42.27 
  So now, devices still get called by print_page, but they can then call 'process_page'.14:42.46 
ray_laptop morning, all. Sorry I'm a bit late.14:43.08 
  traffic at the coffee shop :-)14:43.22 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: and then what happens?14:43.35 
henrys ray_laptop: see the logs we've been discussing your latest project14:43.40 
Robin_Watts They pass in a load of callback functions; process_page can then render bands on the threads, and for each band as it renders it calls the 'process_fn'.14:43.43 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: then the magic 14:43.44 
Robin_Watts The process_fn's can be called out of order (and at the same time).14:44.07 
ray_laptop henrys: yes, I've reviewed the logs while waiting for the laptop to connect14:44.15 
Robin_Watts Then process_page calls the output_fn, to actually do the output of each band.14:44.25 
  The output_fn's are guaranteed to be called in order.14:44.36 
ray_laptop (output_fn is from the main thread)14:44.50 
Robin_Watts So for my new png device, the process_fn's handle the downscaling, the application of the predictors, and the zlib compression.14:45.11 
henrys so you'll be able to halftone within each thread as 801 does now?14:45.23 
ray_laptop it needn't be, but that was easiest for Robin_Watts to connect in14:45.25 
Robin_Watts And the output_fn's just write the compressed buffers to file.14:45.34 
ray_laptop henrys: right14:45.38 
mvrhel_laptop nice14:45.41 
ray_laptop as long as the halftoning doesn't require info from a prior band14:45.58 
  as is the case for any threshold array based HT, including BNM14:46.18 
Robin_Watts yeah, we can't do error diffusion for example where the errors persist from band to band.14:46.25 
ray_laptop FS is a problem, however14:46.26 
mvrhel_laptop so a probably silly question. where does clist writing and reading and its threads fit into this. 14:46.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: this stuff all piggybacks on the clist.14:46.47 
ray_laptop the clist writing is still the same.14:46.48 
  this is equivalent to MT rendering, and actually the process_fn is called from the same thread that rendered the band14:47.25 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so when I am in a thread rendering a band during clist reading, I get to do these extra functions on the data?14:47.26 
  in the thread14:47.31 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: You never need to worry about this stuff.14:47.48 
mvrhel_laptop and those functions came from the device14:47.50 
Robin_Watts As far as the clist reading is concerned, you just render the bands as usual.14:48.07 
ray_laptop there is a very clean (kudos to Robin_Watts) implementation of png16m called fpng14:48.11 
  with easy to follow examples of the process_fn14:48.26 
Robin_Watts The magic calling of this functions happens outside clist_rasterise_lines (or whatever it is)14:48.34 
henrys chrisl: wait which fonts are you testing - we have the URW type 1 80 right? kens reviewed those fonts a while back?14:48.44 
chrisl henrys: there is no "80"14:49.01 
kens 35 fonts14:49.12 
mvrhel_laptop sounds nice Robin_Watts and ray_laptop14:49.14 
ray_laptop I thought we had 80 TTF's for PCL14:49.20 
Robin_Watts It turned out far nicer than I'd feared it would.14:49.28 
kens I didn't review those14:49.29 
chrisl henrys: the "80" fonts font set is the combined PCL and PS LL2 font sets14:49.30 
ray_laptop and 136 from URW for PS LL314:49.33 
kens I don't believe we have 136 from URW do we ?14:49.45 
ray_laptop chrisl: are you looking at the TTF's, though ?14:49.53 
henrys right so we pull the 80 from the 13614:49.55 
chrisl ray_laptop: not, Type 114:50.04 
ray_laptop kens: yes, we have URW 13614:50.05 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I am tempted to amalagamate all the 'process_arg', 'init_buffer_arg' etc into a single 'arg'.14:50.11 
henrys matching the ufst setup14:50.15 
kens Hmm well I don't recall chekcing all of those14:50.21 
chrisl henrys: that doesn't match UFST's setup14:50.25 
ray_laptop so Type 1 fonts will render slightly differently to TTF's won't they ?14:50.38 
chrisl Yes, due to hinting and other minor differences14:50.55 
henrys chrisl: he specifically told me they were using the 80 font ufst setup14:50.56 
chrisl henrys: yes, that's a combination of PCL *and* PS fonts14:51.10 
  BTW, it isn't 80, it's 83.....14:51.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that's probably OK, but having them be different gives us some flexibility that we may need later (but I can't think of why)14:51.44 
chrisl henrys: there is no PDF or Postscript spec that lists a font set containing 80 fonts14:52.08 
ray_laptop chrisl: is that because of the lineprinter fonts ?14:52.11 
Robin_Watts I thought it would be more flexible when chaining, but having just coded a chaining example (downscaler within fpng), it doesn't work out, and they all get set to be the same anyway :(14:52.24 
henrys chrisl: right we are emulating HP printers and so are they as far as I know.14:52.32 
chrisl henrys: we're implementing the PDF spec, not emulating a printer14:52.53 
henrys chrisl: not for this project.14:53.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: well, the void *arg can have whatever an implementation needs, with separate sub-structs or parts for each part, so I guess 1 is fine14:53.34 
henrys we are comparing ourselves with the ufst which is emulating a printer so...14:53.44 
chrisl henrys: well in that case, the answer is simple: we can't do it14:53.48 
  UFST does not emulate a printer14:53.58 
henrys according the documentation it does.14:54.31 
ray_laptop henrys: I thought we were looking at licensing our fonts *instead* of UFST14:54.35 
henrys ray_laptop: they are14:54.51 
  is there some way to print a font page on the simulator for postscript?14:55.16 
ray_laptop UFST is just the font scaler technology.14:55.22 
chrisl henrys: how does a font scaler emulate a printer.... anyway, not relevant14:55.27 
henrys you should see 80 fonts14:55.31 
ray_laptop Monotype has full RIP solutions, but that's outside the scope of UFST14:55.44 
henrys UFST is fonts + font scalers14:55.56 
chrisl henrys: no, it spits out a lot more than 80 because they have name mappings etc, just like we do14:56.02 
ray_laptop henrys: I can easily feed it a PS to enumerate the font Resource category14:56.19 
chrisl henrys: in order to have matching glyph sets, we'd need URW add 300+ glyphs to 136 fonts14:56.52 
ray_laptop henrys: chrisl's point is the operative one. We have enough fonts, but they aren't as fully populated14:58.04 
  we probably have glyphs that they don't as well, but I haven't looked14:58.22 
chrisl That's 300+ glyphs that are *not* required by either PDF or Postscript specifications14:58.49 
henrys chrisl: okay but they specifically told me they were only concerned with 80 fonts. Can ray_laptop enumerate the fonts so we can see what truth is?14:59.05 
chrisl I;ve already said that doesn't work, you'll get more than 80 fonts reported14:59.31 
ray_laptop either chrisl or I could do it, and probably be able to tell which are just "alias" names14:59.35 
  Can't we just see what their FCO's contain ?15:00.07 
henrys chrisl: oh is not possible to enumerate the true fonts?15:00.33 
chrisl ray_laptop: it's not that easy - for example, Courier is not the same font as CourierHP15:00.36 
  henrys: we can't easily differentiate between "real" fonts, and name mappings, no15:00.59 
henrys kens:I do think you reviewed the 136 set?15:01.03 
kens henrys I no longer remember, its been a *very* long time15:01.20 
henrys chrisl: I thought there was a list of the fonts in one of the ufst data files.15:01.54 
chrisl henrys: there are several, that's one of the things I've been using15:02.25 
kens henrys yes, and that was one of the things that was wrong, or at least inconsisitent, with the actual supplied fonts15:02.30 
henrys chrisl: on the simulator the resident fonts are micro type correct?15:03.32 
chrisl henrys: yes, they are (except the Japanese pair)15:03.59 
henrys and there must be code that opens each font.15:04.05 
chrisl Yes?15:04.23 
henrys so a breakpoint on the open or a debug printf for each font?15:05.02 
  where it physically opens and mtfont15:05.24 
chrisl Are you asking me to investigate someone else's Postscript interpreter code?15:05.26 
henrys chrisl: I've told him we have the simulator and he has agreed for us to do a comparison I don' t see a problem.15:06.32 
chrisl henrys: Well, that's going to take a lot longer, I've no idea how they interface to UFST, nor how tightly integrated it is, nor how much they have customised UFST15:07.50 
ray_laptop henrys: What exactly do you want ? Just a list of the fonts they ship ? or the glyph names that are in those fonts, or what ?15:08.40 
henrys chrisl: just forward yuki's email to ray_laptop 15:09.01 
  we are getting near end here anything else for the meeting.15:09.32 
chrisl I have a list of fonts, I have a list of glyphs in those fonts, and I have a list of glyphs in there that aren't in the URW fonts - I'm not sure what more information I need??15:09.54 
ray_laptop and do you need some analysis on their Japanese fonts "MHeiGBMediumMonotype" (in mhgbm.ttf) ?15:10.13 
chrisl ray_laptop: I'm hoping not - we have a couple of good options as far as replacing them is concerned15:10.48 
henrys chrisl: well if the printer can only access 80 fonts as I've been told I thought we could make the list smaller. But you can send the report as is, if you are more comfortable with that.15:11.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: mail should be with you15:11.01 
ray_laptop henrys: what else besides what chrisl already got ?15:11.04 
manuel hi! good afternoon =)15:11.17 
henrys ray_laptop: ?15:11.44 
ray_laptop manuel: good morning (8:10 am here)15:11.45 
manuel 8)15:12.03 
henrys we can adjourn here unless there is other business.15:12.17 
Robin_Watts henrys: Just on this 801 thing. Do we push ahead and look at converting their device?15:12.54 
chrisl henrys: well even 80 fonts, 300 extra glyphs in each, that's not going to cheap, I doubt we'll get much interest in them from elsewhere, and I reckon it would blow the size so much cust 532 would balk anyway.15:13.08 
henrys chrisl: what are they cyrillic? Central European?15:14.53 
manuel to a mupdf developer: i look for some inside knowledge about mupdf! i wan't to know if it has implement a "Custom URL Scheme" for its iOS version. Tnx!15:15.10 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: are you proposing porting their device over to run on top of HEAD, then sending the revised driver that runs on that ?15:15.17 
henrys Robin_Watts: I say go forward but not at p1 priority - ie. ray's customer's need are first.15:15.51 
chrisl henrys: some are, but many are for PCL symbol sets - glyphs like: arrowupdn, arrowboth, SF440000, invsmileface etc15:16.05 
ray_laptop henrys: I think the hot customer needs I've been on are OK now15:16.43 
Robin_Watts henrys: sure.15:16.48 
chrisl henrys: and the point remains many (possibly most) are non-standard glyphs for PDF and Postscript, so I doubt many Ghostscript customers would want to cough up extra cash for them15:17.32 
henrys ray_laptop:okay but if new stuff comes in that's more important.15:17.40 
ray_laptop henrys: and it won't take both Robin_Watts and I. Probably Robin_Watts is more familiar with his hooks, however, but we can draw straws ;-)15:17.41 
  I doubt either of us is eager to muck around with their stuff, but we can probably just wear gloves while working on it ;-)15:18.32 
henrys chrisl: miles pays for the glyphs, the prices won't change.15:18.35 
  chrisl: size is the issue.15:18.44 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'll look at it.15:18.51 
henrys kens:we're done I don't know if you saw the adjourn comment. Don't want to hold you up.15:19.36 
ray_laptop henrys: for many of their products, they have a HD, but we do know that some of the low end have flash capacity constraints (6th gen)15:19.43 
chrisl henrys: wouldn't it depend on the cost? I mean, we're talking about adding ~19440 glyphs15:19.49 
ray_laptop chrisl: they probably "cheat" on the Italics15:20.35 
henrys chrisl: that's a one time thing I get the impression it is not that expensive, we filled the pcl fonts fairly cheaply.15:20.49 
  chrisl: each pcl font has over 600 glyphs.15:21.04 
ray_laptop chrisl: and AFAIK, they have lots of glyphs laying around that they just don't include when assembling fonts15:21.20 
chrisl henrys: I know, these are basically all PCL fonts.....15:21.20 
henrys I believe the customers printer shares the fonts don't they?15:22.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: Thanks. It actually shouldn't be too hard to rip the code out of gxclthrd.c and put it into process_fn's 15:22.44 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: yeah, so I am hoping :)15:22.58 
chrisl henrys: Yes, but the way the Microtype fonts work means it's easy to share - so all the fonts have all the glyphs for Postscript, PDF and PCL15:22.59 
henrys "PCL fonts" is confusing me terminology wise. You mean a font that happens to have glyphs accessible by pcl symbol sets I guess?15:23.08 
chrisl No, I mean fonts which a compliant PCL5 interpreter is expected to have available15:23.46 
ray_laptop henrys: the arial and mhgbm they have are TTF's (separate from the FCO's)15:25.09 
  henrys: and they also have a times.ttf and wingdings.ttf15:25.41 
chrisl So, we could probably configure Ghostscript to use our PCL5 font set, and get decent equivalents15:26.30 
henrys chrisl:but we could write postscript to access these pcl fonts and use them if we were clever right?15:27.28 
  henrys: you aren't saying they are unreachable just not expected to be accessed by PDF or PostScript15:27.53 
ray_laptop henrys is talking to himself15:28.21 
chrisl henrys: on the customer's system? They are available from Postscript/PDF, nothing clever required15:28.26 
henrys ray_laptop:thinking out loud on irc ;-)15:28.49 
  chrisl: they are in the standard encoding for the fonts?15:30.14 
chrisl henrys: by default they use StandardEncoding, if that's what you mean?15:31.06 
  Postscript fonts are accessed by glyph name, they really have a "standard encoding"15:31.47 
ray_laptop henrys: he asked about "code sets". PS has "Encodings". Doesn't PCL have code_sets ?15:31.59 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's what made ask whether they might be considering trying to use our fonts in their PCL15:32.31 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I was looking at your latest clusterpush which had differences in files that bmpcmp didn't find. I can't recall, does bmpcmp ignore single pixel differences?15:32.36 
henrys chrisl: I thought they would make some effort to emulate adobe and not have access to the the PCL glyphs15:32.38 
Robin_Watts marcosw: It does not.15:32.50 
henrys that could be done by not having postscript encoding access the pcl glyphs15:33.05 
chrisl henrys: you can write custom encodings to map a code to any glyph name, so15:33.25 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I cannot explain such differences.15:33.41 
henrys chrisl: well that would fall under "clever" 15:33.42 
  see above15:33.46 
marcosw Robin_Watts: does it correctly deal with multi-page ppmraw files? The differences it missed are on pages after the first.15:33.53 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I believe it does...15:34.08 
chrisl henrys: but there are no standard encodings that give access to these extra glyphs (at least, the ones I've checked)15:34.19 
marcosw Robin_Watts: well those are the obvious answers; I'll investigate further.15:34.44 
chrisl henrys: you don't need anything clever to access the *font* but something clever (like a custom encoding, or using glyphshow) would be required to access the extra glyphs15:35.21 
henrys chrisl: is this test difficult to do. It would be interesting to use the urwfonts - pcl true types as the resident set and see what is missing?15:38.17 
chrisl henrys: the difficult bit (or time consuming bit) there is creating the mapping from the font names to the fonts files. The actual test takes less than a minute to run15:39.22 
henrys chrisl: but I think we have enough to respond just tell him the extra glyphs are primarily for pcl for which we have different fonts.15:40.54 
chrisl henrys: Okay. Should I go ahead with the performance tests, or wait until we get a response about that?15:41.33 
henrys chrisl: very quick to hoist a mapping out of plftable.h with fancy search-replace stuff.15:42.07 
ray_laptop It would be quite a bit of work for them to call our (FT) font scaler instead of the UFST calls they make now. I'm not surprised that Y didn't bring that up, but I can imagine the howls from the engineers15:42.16 
chrisl henrys: the problem there is that the PCL names aren't exactly the same as the Postscript ones15:43.09 
ray_laptop for GS, it's not a problem, but unless they totally dump their PCL and PS, it is a problem15:43.10 
henrys chrisl: yes I think we have enough and just say the speed performance is compatible but for "size" we suck.15:43.40 
ray_laptop henrys: or is this part of switching over to Artifex PDL's entirely ?15:43.55 
  Miles keeps trying to get them to do that15:44.26 
henrys ray_laptop:we are giving them the fonts - anyone can have the fonts who has purchased a license for the pdl.15:44.48 
  ray_laptop:yes we worked on that.15:45.01 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's another area that left me unclear - at least question sort of sounded like "how did you solve this, 'cause we could do the same"15:45.01 
ray_laptop chrisl: Oh, no!!! They're not considering something like FAPI are they ????15:45.59 
  although it's a lot cleaner now than before15:46.20 
chrisl ray_laptop: I really don't know, but asking about supporting Intellifont in Freetype made me wonder......15:46.39 
ray_laptop henrys: yeah, I saw that (and your reply)15:47.05 
chrisl henrys: but not for the PCL font set, surely - they haven't licensed PCL, so they don't have a *right* to the PCL font set - although I would understand if we opted to make them available15:47.19 
ray_laptop oops, that reply was to chrisl 15:47.22 
chrisl Well, it was henrys's reply...15:47.48 
henrys chrisl: yes we opt to make them available15:48.11 
  chrisl: so I think I can cobble together a font name mapping for the pcl fonts. I'd like to test that as a separate project anyway. Good to know if that would buy us much more.15:50.21 
  chrisl: although I remember building Postscript with truetype resident fonts broke a lot of windows driver files which did rude stuff.15:51.23 
chrisl henrys: yes, lots of PS programs do things like adding glyphs to fonts, assuming they are type 1, and that won't work in a type 42 :-(15:52.33 
henrys I guess we could special case those but that could get nasty15:53.41 
chrisl That would not be straight forward, in fact, in would be freakin' horrid15:54.25 
ray_laptop chrisl: BTW, their is a recent simulator if you want in "ForRay" on their (U.S.) FTP site. Dated 2013-10-18. Just in case you wanted to have a look.15:54.35 
chrisl ray_laptop: thanks, I'll get it - I've been a bit wary, though, as I seem to have a huge fight to get each new one I download to build and run :-(15:55.17 
henrys ray_laptop:could you email the ftp info to me.15:55.37 
chrisl henrys: so the MT FCO + "plugin" for the PCL/PS2 80+ font set is ~932k compared with our 82 TTF set which is 9.6 Mb15:57.14 
ray_laptop chrisl: all I really do is modify the "setsim.bat" to force the selection of VS 2008 and things build nicely. The other key point is the argument given to setsim.bat (alphard2 for that sim)15:57.25 
  So, the file I modify before starting it up (by invoking the setsim.bat) is 2l6_ctl\projectroot\element\ren\ren_rip\SIM\BAT\setsim.bat15:58.28 
chrisl ray_laptop: the last update I had wouldn't open on anything older than VS2010, and didn't work on Express15:58.43 
  ray_laptop: I suspect it strongly depends on who uploads it15:59.28 
ray_laptop henrys: I re-sent the FTP site to you (and cc'ed tech)16:00.38 
  chrisl: this was from Len, and I usually use VS 2008, changing the line: REM set OVERRIDE_VS_VERSION=%VS90COMNTOOLS% to remove the "REM " 16:01.48 
chrisl ray_laptop: I do the same, but usually for 2005, but that one gave the "this has been opened with a newer version....." and then failed to open.16:03.03 
ray_laptop henrys just lost power (he sent me a text)16:03.12 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Do you want to look over the latest commits? Or shall I just push them ?16:03.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'll take a quick look....16:03.59 
kens Night all16:07.36 
Robin_Watts night kens16:07.41 
henrys back sorry about that.16:08.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: rats ate the power cable?16:08.54 
henrys electrician fiddling16:09.53 
Robin_Watts There are 2 devices in 801s code. gdevXXXX.c and gdevXXXXgraph.c16:10.27 
  but the graph one doesn't seem to do anything - print_page_copies just does a printf and returns.16:10.57 
henrys yes I don't think graph is of much concern.16:12.45 
chrisl henrys: so, did you want to create the Ghostscript fontmap for the PCL TTF font set, or shall I?16:16.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm a bit confused. the fpng dso adjusts the band height using the downscale_factor. Isn't that a composite of an "up" digit and a "down" digit (eg. 23 = 2/3) ?16:16.18 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: You're right.16:16.46 
  Will fix.16:16.57 
henrys chrisl: I'll do it, but we don't need it for the response right? or did you want to try it first?16:17.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: hurray! Code review actually worked ! ;-)16:17.15 
Robin_Watts Generally the factor is 'n', but we have 2 special factors, 32 and 34.16:17.19 
  ray_laptop: Code review is really good :)16:17.36 
chrisl henrys: I don't think it's relevant - my feeling is that the size will be too much of an issue.....16:17.44 
henrys chrisl: I do believe we can get all the pcl fonts in t1 format from urw without much pain.16:17.44 
  avoiding building a ps product without TT's.16:18.16 
  chrisl: possibly so.16:18.45 
chrisl henrys: as a "simple" test, I could probably write a fontforge script to convert the TTs to T1s - we probably wouldn't want to ship them, but.....16:21.08 
  henrys: good news is that I think the Post tables are complete in the PCL TTF font set16:22.50 
ray_laptop henrys: I have the URW 136 in TTF _and_ T116:22.55 
henrys ray_laptop: right and I thought that font set had the same coverage as the pcl fonts.16:23.25 
ray_laptop henrys: that I don't know offhand16:23.56 
henrys ray_laptop: maybe chris should test with that set of fonts.16:24.18 
chrisl Ah, I was assuming they had the same coverage as the 35 base fonts.....16:24.38 
henrys we really should have these fonts under version control btw16:24.42 
chrisl I believe there are unresolved issues mapping Adobe name-> URW name -> file name16:25.52 
ray_laptop henrys: where do we put private repos 16:25.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Git or svn?16:26.20 
  We have no private git repos currently.16:26.28 
henrys ray_laptop: there aren't private AFPL, right?16:26.37 
ray_laptop henrys: I am uploading the fonts to /home/ray/public 16:26.38 
Robin_Watts but adding a directory in the 'tests_private' svn repo is easy enough16:26.48 
ray_laptop henrys: AFAIK these are NOT AFPL. Just available for Artifex to license to customers16:27.12 
henrys ray_laptop: oh okay then private.16:27.33 
chrisl henrys: at first glance, the 136 font set are still lacking glyphs compared to the PCL font set - I need to check more comprehensively, though16:32.17 
ray_laptop chrisl: the 136 T1's that I had have finished uploading. I don't know if what you have is the same.16:32.58 
chrisl ray_laptop: version 1.10, copyright 2006?16:33.33 
henrys chrisl: 691213 this should be deja vu'ish16:34.21 
chrisl henrys: I know, but I've never actually looked at it16:35.12 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: New fixed version on robin/master16:36.06 
ray_laptop chrisl: just looking at one of the set "a008003i", that's the version and date I have16:36.11 
chrisl ray_laptop: yep, they are all the same version etc, so we're good16:36.36 
ray_laptop henrys: chrisl: so who's going to put them into a repos ? 16:37.12 
chrisl ray_laptop: I only have the type 1's but I can add them tomorrow16:37.48 
henrys chrisl:I have urw136 t1 and tt in my home directory and an old email to you telling you they are there but I don't remember much more than that.16:38.04 
  chrisl: is the repo man ;-)16:38.22 
ray_laptop chrisl: the TTF's are up on casper now as well casper:/home/ray/public/urw136.ttf16:38.24 
chrisl OKay, I'll put them somewhere appropriate tomorrow morning - I'm stopping soon16:38.54 
henrys those should be the same as in my home directory on casper. I hope.16:38.55 
ray_laptop chrisl: you should be able to just ln to them or cp them and do it on casper (avoiding another round of net delays)16:39.23 
  henrys: find . -exec cmp "{}" /home/ray/public/urw136.t1/"{}" \;16:40.55 
  henrys: might be worth checking to make sure yours aren't "new and improved" 16:41.46 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: OK for me to push, or do you want to look over them again?16:45.25 
chrisl ray_laptop, henrys: I'll check the versions before I put the fonts in a repo - really have to go now......16:45.53 
henrys chrisl: sounds good sorry to keep you16:46.12 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: No, OK to push (clean off your desk before the end of the day ;-) )16:46.15 
Robin_Watts Unleashed! Thanks ray.16:46.39 
chrisl henrys: no problem - I don't usually have to rush off quite this early on Tuesdays, but today got fouled up....16:49.32 
ray_laptop my office is going to warm up a bit with all of those commits from Robin_Watts :-)16:51.16 
  Going to run an errand. bbiab16:52.01 
henrys Robin_Watts: you can ask miles for a charitable donation from artifex for Musicke Companye. We have a fixed amount set aside for charities.16:53.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: That's very nice of you, but we do quite well enough out of Miles as it is.16:53.38 
  The nice thing about is that once you set it up, it's basically money for nothing.16:54.12 
henrys he's contractually obligated to peter to give out x dollars per year to charities so he's not out anything just another charity might be out.16:54.46 
Robin_Watts oh, wow.16:55.31 
henrys bbiab - house showing.17:08.26 
ray_laptop Miles used to send out requests to staff for "favorite charities" around Dec. Haven't seen one in a while, tho'17:22.52 
Robin_Watts New OS X update (Mavericks) will be free.17:24.20 
  free to upgrade either from Mountain Lion or later. And it's available today.17:24.53 
Robin_Watts watches the internet crash...17:25.00 
  ray_laptop, henrys: They have bent the tiff devices too...17:34.55 
  and they've bent the spot handling functions.17:57.34 
  mvrhel_laptop: You here?18:07.54 
mvrhel_laptop I am. Fixing 69473118:08.33 
  surprised to find this18:08.38 
  oh crap. I updated to windows 8.1 and now vmware needs to be reinstalled for some reason18:10.44 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So, 801 have extended the spot color mapping functions.18:10.51 
  as well as gray, rgb and cmyk, they have an additional one too.18:11.08 
  Is this them doing something the wrong way?18:12.08 
  Or are they running up against a design constraint in gs ?18:12.22 
mvrhel_laptop I don't know what the question is18:13.03 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: They've extended the core of gs to cope with additional spot color mapping functions.18:13.33 
mvrhel_laptop I also don't know what they want to do for color management (if any)18:13.34 
Robin_Watts Is there a better way for them to be doing that?18:13.49 
  Essentially, we'd like them to keep their hands and feet in the car at all times.18:14.07 
mvrhel_laptop well, to me, the best way is to assign a 5 color icc profile to their device18:14.23 
  I don't know though how they are generating the extra color though18:14.41 
Robin_Watts It looks to me like they've copied the devn device and have hacked on it.18:15.24 
ray_laptop They've also built on old code that had the compressed_color crap in18:16.08 
Robin_Watts I thought the devn device was an internal one that device authors wouldn't touch18:16.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: for example, tiffsep and psdcmyk both handle n-color ICC profile18:16.14 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right.18:16.23 
  ray_laptop: That's exactly the code I was talking about that came from the devn stuff I think.18:16.48 
mvrhel_laptop ick. they really should have used tiffsep or psdcmyk as the sample device18:16.48 
ray_laptop That's the FIRST thing to rip out. They don't need it (or want it since they need planes anyway)18:16.51 
mvrhel_laptop even better for using tiffsep or psdcmyk as the prototype device18:17.10 
Robin_Watts They have done their own tiff device too by bending one of ours.18:17.30 
  ray_laptop: Ah. process_page with planes... hmm... :(18:17.46 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: is doing the new process_page slow when you have planes?18:21.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I've not tried doing planes.18:22.09 
  It might be fine18:22.13 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:22.16 
Robin_Watts It should be fine I think.18:22.29 
  but until I've tested it I won't feel confident :)18:22.38 
mvrhel_laptop I need to reboot18:23.10 
  Hyper-V vs. VMware fun again18:23.47 
Robin_Watts I had hoped I could pull in their device and just rejig it, but either I need to bend gs 9.10 in the same way they have bent 9.07, or I need to somehow fix it so I don't need to bend it.18:23.55 
  mvrhel_laptop: Joy.18:24.00 
mvrhel_laptop brb18:24.06 
  and hyperV is again disabled. need to upgrade vmware though18:30.50 
  so Robin_Watts they really should not need to make changes in the devn device18:31.40 
  to have 5 color support18:32.07 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK. Are the color_mapping_procs basically hangovers from pre-ICC color support ?18:32.09 
mvrhel_laptop yes. exactly18:32.48 
  wife needs me for something now. i think lunch. 18:33.05 
Robin_Watts Ok, so it sounds to me like there needs to be a separate discussion with them persuading them to move to ICC based working.18:33.28 
mvrhel_laptop ok back18:38.07 
  Robin_Watts: yes that is what I would recommend. 18:38.20 
Robin_Watts ok, so I'm not sure where that leaves me...18:38.52 
mvrhel_laptop what is it that you have to accomplish?18:39.51 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: we are trying to keep their customization corralled in their device code18:40.17 
mvrhel_laptop right18:40.25 
ray_laptop rather than peppering the library code with stuff18:40.45 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:40.50 
  I don't know what all they have done, but it would seem that the tiffsep device would work as prototype device and go from there18:41.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Well, the first thing I was hoping to accomplish was to pull the modifications they had done within the clist threading stuff back into their device.18:42.11 
  using process_page.18:42.18 
  I guess I could rebend 9.10 in the same way that they have done.18:42.39 
  and then pull that back in.18:42.47 
  And then after we have had discussions with them over ICC I can pull that out.18:43.09 
  Or I can just reimplement their device from scratch.18:43.22 
mvrhel_laptop I think the later may be easier18:43.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: except starting from scratch may tweak some noses18:45.19 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Indeed.18:45.31 
  But honestly, duplicating all the devn stuff is just bonkers18:45.50 
ray_laptop the culture is sensitive to maintaining "face"18:45.53 
Robin_Watts We would be careful not to say "we were appalled by your code so rewrote it"18:46.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: agreed. so "simplifying" it, might fly if there are little snippets of their code you can leave in :-)18:46.31 
mvrhel_laptop right18:46.55 
Robin_Watts We would say something like "to test our new code structure, we implemented a new device"18:47.20 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right. "That attempts to do what your previous code did, using the new methods"18:57.19 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right.18:57.28 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: "We think this will make it much easier for you to move forward with future updates to the graphics library with less work involved in moving to a later release"18:58.54 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. We can all work on the exact wording and polish it.18:59.15 
  I'm sure Takane-san can help us avoid ruffling feathers here.18:59.32 
ray_laptop would be nice to get Takena-san involved in explaining it18:59.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes. definitely18:59.44 
Robin_Watts I wish I could understand how this 5th component gets used.19:01.14 
ray_laptop I think it gets used to enhance the gamut, but am not sure19:01.40 
  but they could have a 5 component device ICC profile without needing a named spot color19:02.06 
  unless they are trying to allow for host color correction19:02.27 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: That's what mvrhel_laptop was saying I think.19:02.33 
  but we're pushing the gamut of my understanding here :)19:02.51 
ray_laptop I just the compress what I'm hearing to fit within the gamut of my understanding ;-)19:03.46 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: For me that involves a large degree of information loss when dealing with color science.19:04.36 
ray_laptop henrys: welcome back to having power :-)19:06.17 
Robin_Watts Is 801 using postscript, PCL or PDF?19:06.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes -- all 319:06.30 
  and maybe even XPS19:06.38 
Robin_Watts OK, so presumably they could get access to the 5th colorant by specifying it directly in PS or PDF.19:07.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes. That's what they would do for host based color correction -- send CMYK+5th color data19:07.51 
  I don't know what they do in PCL land (that was henrys' headache)19:08.43 
henrys the use the 5th in pcl as well.19:08.57 
Robin_Watts But if that's the only way to access it, then we might as well just do a planar device.19:09.02 
henrys ray_laptop:I only lost power for a few minutes - I was away for a house showing.19:09.33 
Robin_Watts Presumably there must be some 'magic' somewhere (in the pre-ICC code) that says how to convert from one of the other colorspaces to CMYK+Octarine19:09.52 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: even with a 5 component ICC profile, what goes into the render buffer(s) is after the ICC mapping19:10.02 
  Robin_Watts: well, luckily, they never started with pre-ICC code. I think 9.07 was their initial port19:11.07 
henrys Robin_Watts: there is a command line in the read me for the pcl stuff I looked at - using their profile many simple rob values are mapped to 5 colors19:11.11 
Robin_Watts henrys: Ah, ok.19:11.25 
henrys s/rob/rgb19:11.28 
Robin_Watts So, they do have a 5 color icc thing.19:11.47 
  So I'm really confused as to why they felt the need to extend the gs spot color functions then.19:12.03 
henrys see the readme in the top level.19:12.33 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: they would need that for PS or PDF that wanted to paint CMYK+5th directly19:12.35 
  a 5 component DeviceN space woud let them do that19:13.10 
  henrys: that Readme only addresses the "normal" mode of letting the OutputProfile generate the 5 components. Was there something else that they gave that needed the device to present 5 compnents (support DeviceN) ?19:16.52 
henrys there device is 5 components but I don't know if it don't know how thorough it is.19:18.10 
  try that again: their device is 5 components19:18.46 
ray_laptop henrys: you can have 40-bit output colors (5 components) that looks to the graphics lib like a CMYK device.19:19.43 
  henrys: what it wouldn't let you do is _directly_ control the 5th component. It would only be generated by the OutputICCProfile19:20.19 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I could imagine that they would want to allow direct access to the separations from PS and PDF.19:20.30 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: speak up if I'm spouting gibbereish19:20.33 
Robin_Watts but I don't see why they've had to clone the devn device to achieve that.19:20.44 
  The tiff devices manage to allow extra properly addressable spot colors without having to extend the core of gs, right?19:21.35 
mvrhel_laptop back from lunch19:21.38 
henrys well gdevXXXX.c is a 5 component device. ray_laptop: probably good if you review that source as your expertise will likely be needed.19:21.48 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you have to start with some devn capable device to allow direct access to the separations, but as mvrhel_laptop said, starting from tiffsep or psdcmyk is cleaner19:21.48 
  henrys: I have looked at it, but I just had some lunch and don't want to look at it again just now on a full stomach19:22.31 
henrys ;-)19:22.40 
Robin_Watts ok, so I'm basically done for the day. I'll start with a reimplementation based on psdcmyk or something like that tomorrow.19:23.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK. Thanks for doing it.19:23.45 
mvrhel_laptop so with tiffsep and psdcmyk, you can specify on the command line the names of the colorants in the icc profile (if it is deviceN). If the source file encounters those, they pass through. If instead the source color was rgb or cmyk it gets mapped to the N-colors using the profile19:25.23 
  not sure if that was super clear19:25.44 
  basically, the extra spot color can pass through and will be place in the same planar data as that generated by the icc profile assuming the name of the icc profile colorants were specified19:27.15 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: sounds like the best of both worlds19:27.57 
mvrhel_laptop hmm I wonder why I got so many timeouts on my cluster push19:28.34 
ray_laptop so their ICC profile can generate 5 colors, or a DeviceN/Separation aware file can diddle with all 5 colorants19:28.38 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: yes19:28.49 
ray_laptop bbiab. Have to wait for my clusterpush anyway19:29.23 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab21:34.33 
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