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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/01/11)2014/01/12 
sbharata Hi, I succesfully installed MuPDF for one of my Android Apps. But the problem is, while rendering I cannot fit the PDF to the screen. Can anybody please suggest me how to achieve this. Thanks06:54.10 
Robin_Watts sbhrata: You sound just like mobjax from yesterday.10:26.43 
  You may want to read the logs.10:26.49 
sbharata Hi, I succesfully installed MuPDF for one of my Android Apps. But the problem is, while rendering I cannot fit the PDF to the screen. Can anybody please suggest me how to achieve this. Thanks13:30.51 
sebras sbharata: did you read the discussion with mobjax as Robin suggested? 
  sbharata: also there is not much activity here on weekends, so it might be worthwhile to come back on monday for european/US business hours when there will be more activity here.13:38.15 
sbharata yes13:43.18 
  I spoke to him yesterday but on another user name13:43.29 
  thanks for your time13:43.36 
  i will come back tomorrow13:43.42 
  thanks !13:43.48 
sebras sbharata: oh, I didn't realize your were the same person. :)13:43.49 
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