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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/01/16)2014/01/17 
kens Great a reply form the customer that *still* doesn't explain what they are doing, or why08:22.28 
chrisl kens: and that didn't cc support?08:25.37 
kens Oh not again....08:25.48 
  Yeah they chopped support off again and sent it direct to me what a bunch of buffoons08:26.15 
  When you see the mail, notice that he left all the poeople in his org copied in, but removed Miles and support from our CC list.....08:27.49 
chrisl kens: Amazing that they never thought to explain that their product has essentially the same name as a standard feature in Windows - that could never cause confusion....09:07.10 
kens Yeah I did think that was fairly brain-dead too09:07.28 
  Presumably their 'consultant' expected tehm to answer that question, but they just lumped it in with all the other ones and sent it to us09:08.12 
  (well, sent it to me...)09:08.41 
  dir /temp/out.tif09:08.54 
  oops :-)09:08.58 
chrisl Maybe we should get Scott to fly over there - with his baseball bat!09:09.12 
kens :-D09:09.29 
Robin_Watts Morning tor812:39.04 
tor8 hi Robin_Watts 12:43.53 
Robin_Watts so, this problem with repair during xref creation.12:46.16 
  I believe that the only time this is a problem is when we are fiddling with trailer entries.12:46.46 
tor8 and the error is the refcount hits zero and we read freed memory/12:48.08 
Robin_Watts yes. The automatic repair happens and it leaves people holding a duff handle.12:48.35 
  I was going to say "the only time we ever use trailer entries is while setting up the crypt"12:49.12 
  or at least "the only time we ever use trailer entries is in internal MuPDF calls" at least.12:49.32 
  but I'm having a crisis of confidence about both of those.12:49.43 
tor8 yeah, we use them to find the root of the page tree and all sorts of things12:50.36 
Robin_Watts If either of those were true, then we could feel fairly good about a solution where a small amount of extra magic was required, because they'd be hidden from users.12:51.05 
tor8 anyway, the duff handle would be solved by a pair of keep/drop (like a mutex) where you set the throw_on_repair flag, would it not?12:51.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: But finding the root of the page tree is done internally to mupdf - it's not something user code would ever be doing, right?12:51.51 
tor8 fz_keepobj(xref->trailer) at the head12:51.57 
  yeah, this whole repair-under-the-hood thing probably breaks a lot of assumptions we've made about when we can skip a keep/drop12:52.43 
  like the whole pdf_dictgets stuff that guarantees the object a lifetime until the return of the current function12:53.01 
Robin_Watts So our handles remain valid, but they will continue to point to the unrepaired stuff.12:53.16 
  For any object *not* in the trailer, we're fine.12:53.39 
  as repair never discards an object.12:53.44 
  so handles remain valid.12:53.49 
tor8 which we've solved by letting the old objects live on (we assume they are okay, even when we spot an error with the xref)12:53.52 
  but forgot completely about the trailer12:54.04 
Robin_Watts The problem here is purely with the trailer.12:54.08 
  We *could* introduce a 'pre_repair_trailer' object.12:54.24 
tor8 I think maybe a more robust way would be for the trailer to live on during a repair, by stowing it somewhere for freeing up later. maybe invent an xref slot for it?12:54.31 
Robin_Watts And when we do a repair, put the trailer into pre_repair_trailer.12:54.44 
tor8 but since we only expect to repair once, an extra storing place for it should suffice I think12:54.56 
Robin_Watts Then free it on document close when we free the trailer.12:54.57 
tor8 yeah. that should work.12:55.07 
Robin_Watts That's certainly a simpler fix than mine.12:55.11 
  Mine has the advantage that it's a "generic" solution if we're going to hit this in lots of places.12:55.30 
tor8 and it makes a lot of sense when you explain it :)12:55.32 
Robin_Watts but I really hope we aren't.12:55.34 
  OK. I'll try for the simpler fix. Thanks!12:55.42 
tor8 I think we should be safe in the assertion that we have all objects (that are in danger of a repair) backed in the xref12:56.14 
  so it's just the trailer we forgot that we shouldn't zap12:56.29 
kens2 Robin_Watts : paulgardiner can one of you look at this:13:02.58 
tor8 kens2: gotta love the helpful comment "If you just don't want to throw the exception you can comment it out." oh, the sheep herding sheep...13:03.59 
kens2 Yeah well that's SO for you.....13:04.13 
Robin_Watts I have my finger on my nose.13:04.16 
tor8 kens2: can I just downvote the question?13:04.32 
kens2 Sounds good to me :-)13:04.46 
  At least the commenter did say 'you should figure out why this is being clalled' unlike the answer which just 'fixed' it by commentn ing it out13:05.24 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner: 2 commits on robin/master then.13:50.42 
paulgardiner Both look fine13:58.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so we're back to fudging with floating point numbers, eh? :)14:00.49 
  I have a feeling I ought to reread and reacquaint myself with how the xref loading and repair code works again. so much has changed! :)14:02.37 
  both look fine, iff pdf_set_populating_xref_trailer is guaranteed to only be called once during a repair14:03.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: pdf_set_populating_xref_trailer is called strictly once during a repair.14:34.19 
  and we only ever repair once.14:34.31 
henrys ugh pspcl6 in ray_laptop's' support email14:59.33 
kens2 Yes I saw that, but only evaluating14:59.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: LGTM then.15:00.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: Memento fix on robin/master15:10.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: LGTM (though I can't say I understand any of it)15:11.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: Any block allocated in memento has a memento header just before it, along with 16 bytes of 'pre' bytes.15:12.55 
  and 16 bytes of post bytes.15:13.02 
  pre/post are set to constant values so we can spot overwrites.15:13.20 
tor8 why first make them defined, then undefined?15:13.35 
Robin_Watts this code is resetting them after a realloc.15:13.41 
tor8 oh, right, realloc.15:13.59 
  okay, I get it then15:14.03 
Robin_Watts Ta.15:14.09 
tor8 zenikos xps path_bound fix is worrying. we shouldn't be seeing any visibly different results in the first place...15:14.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: Indeed.15:14.48 
  I've tested, and it's just antialiasing differences I think.15:14.58 
tor8 in that case, the bound_path must be clipping too tightly.15:15.16 
  any reason I can see15:15.20 
  anyway, gotta go. will probably be back in a few hours.15:15.23 
Robin_Watts yeah. I was hoping to cluster test and see a big diff I could investigate.15:15.34 
tor8 (oh, and I got eval to work!)15:15.36 
Robin_Watts ttyl.15:15.37 
tor8 stupid scoping rule differences between eval, global and function body code... :(15:16.08 
mvrhel_laptop good morning16:08.07 
Robin_Watts morning16:08.40 
paulgardiner hi mvrhel_laptop 16:09.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry again about the goof up of committing the VS2012 vers. of the win32 solution16:10.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No worries. We've all done it before. And I think I reviewed that patch :)16:11.25 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw18:16.50 
henrys trying out smartgit hope I don't break the repo ;-)18:50.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping19:02.19 
  henrys: Is that all zenikos jbig/opj patches?19:12.37 
henrys Robin_Watts: I think so. Did he put everything in the ghostpdl local repo, I didn't look elsewhere19:19.16 
Robin_Watts Yes, I think so.19:19.40 
  I'll run the extractor script and then update mupdf.19:20.36 
henrys I don't know what the penalty should be for an at symbol in a filename but it ought to be severe.19:21.11 
Robin_Watts Almost as severe as ending in .pl19:21.39 
henrys Robin_Watts: we are set up here our logo had a transparent background and wasn't visible on there black page so I replaced it with a white background, maybe we should have a special logo for dark backgrounds. 21:50.39 
mvrhel_laptop microsoft has created an impressive set of hurdles/obfuscation/smoke and mirrors/lack of documentation for their driver development22:50.01 
  I have not seen anything like this in some time22:50.15 
  especially when the manual starts out talking about how much easier they have made it22:50.37 
  I can't imagine what it used to be like22:50.47 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I last delved into Windows drivers in 2002 or so. It wasn't _that_ hard. But typically MS has had plenty of time to obfuscate things immensely since then.23:09.30 
  mvrhel_laptop: printer drivers, that is. Other "hardware drivers" have always been a mess23:10.19 
mvrhel_laptop hmm. I guess I am just a little slow. I am almost there, but running into some signing issues23:11.25 
ray_laptop I was spoiled by the ease and simplicity of linux hardware drivers. Now, admittedly, CUPS has made linux printing more obtuse23:11.32 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw23:12.45 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I am bogged down in compositor chain mess. The thing is, that I have it working to use a pdf14 clist type device to 'accumulate' a page and play it back to something like 'display' or 'pxlcolor'. The problen is after that.23:13.21 
  I am now wondering about having a pdf14 clist ompositor that has a non-clist pdf14 compositor as the next in the chain, with the "ultimate" target being the original device (e.g., 'dispay')23:14.55 
  I thought I was almost done, but all of the gstates tat have pointers to the 'device' make it a mess.23:15.50 
mvrhel_laptop oh. yes. I can only imagine23:24.24 
marcosw1 sebras and Robin_Watts: casper is dazed and confused, I'm going to have to reboot it in a few minutes23:47.05 
Robin_Watts marcosw1: OK. I'm logged out.23:47.32 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: thanks, I'm glad you weren't running a long job23:52.14 
sebras ok. by.23:52.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pong.23:54.47 
Robin_Watts hi23:54.56 
ghostbot bonjour, robin_watts23:54.56 
Robin_Watts did I ping earlier?23:55.01 
  ah yes, but I sorted it.23:55.24 
  2 commits on robin/master when you get a mo.23:55.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: last one has a typo in the commit message, but otherwise both LGTM23:59.22 
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