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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/01/20)2014/01/21 
ray_laptop I'm glad I'm not the only one that writes emails that then don't get sent somehow.00:10.10 
marcosw ray_laptop: you referring the email to customer I sent today that I wrote 4 week ago :-)00:43.20 
mobjax We integrated MUPDF in one of our Android Apps. Inside the, we added a button and on the click of that button, we are closing the activity by issuing FINISH(). We are able to successfully open the PDFs and also are able to return to the main activity on that button click. But we are facing a strange problem when the PDFs are large (>10 pages), when we scroll a few pages, and in between if we click on the Done but07:38.35 
  Please help us in fixing this, Thanks in Advance!07:39.12 
  Hi paulgardiner, Good Morning, can you please answer couple of questions that we have issues in Mupdf library?11:21.52 
paulgardiner Sure. I'll try11:22.06 
mobjax Thanks11:22.13 
  We integrated MUPDF in one of our Android Apps. Inside the Main Activity of our App, we are calling the class by passing the PDF location to it. We encountered with the below issues: We added a button and on the click of that button, we are closing the MupdfActivity by issuing a FINISH() inside the program, We are able to successfully open the PDFs and also are able to return to the main acti11:22.27 
  But we are facing a strange problem when the PDFs are relatively large (>10 pages), when we scroll a few pages, and in between if we click on the Done button, the App is force closing.11:23.17 
  Second is If we reopen a closed PDF, the last visited page is shown instead of showing the first page. Ex: PDF has 10 pages, we traversed to the 5th page, closed the PDF. Now, if we reopen the PDF, 5th page is shown instead of showing the first page.11:23.38 
paulgardiner mobjax: before getting into the detail, just something I should check in case you get far along with this and then find you've wasted your time: you do know that MuPDF is released under GPL, so you'll have to release the source of your app unless you get a seperate licence from Artifex.11:26.23 
mobjax that means, shouldn't i use MuPDF at all11:27.29 
  if i do not want to release the source of my App11:27.42 
Robin_Watts mobjax: If you are not prepared to release the source of your App, then you have 2 choices.11:28.37 
  1) don't use MuPDF at all.11:28.45 
  2) get a commercial license for MuPDF from Artifex.11:28.52 
  Either of those is fine.11:29.22 
mobjax but I already built my app around MuPDF, and right now i don't find any equivalent libraries that can open all the PDFs11:29.58 
  so I would need to think about second option, but I am not sure how much that costs me11:30.22 
  as I want to distribute my App for free for more number of users11:30.36 
Robin_Watts Well, we tune our licensing to need.11:30.48 
  If you contact and say that you want to use MuPDF in an android app, that'll start a conversation.11:31.24 
mobjax ok,11:31.40 
Robin_Watts The first thing he'll do is send back a huge list of questions, many of which won't apply to you, but just try and answer them as best you can.11:31.44 
mobjax ok,11:31.54 
  i will11:31.56 
  send an email to him right away11:32.04 
Robin_Watts The idea is to give him an idea of exactly what you want to do with the lib. He'll then make you a licensing proposal.11:32.22 
mobjax ok11:32.30 
  or one quick question, I do not know if i can ask it or not11:32.53 
  do you know any other libraries that perform as good as MuPDF11:33.09 
kens Depends what you mean by 'sd good as', but even if there is such a thing, it is likely to be commercial, or open source with a licence similar to AGPL, which means you have to open source your code too.11:34.59 
mobjax oh ok11:35.35 
chrisl mobjax: so, if you want to give your app away free, why not open source it?11:36.56 
mobjax i can't open the source 11:39.20 
Robin_Watts Possibly he wants to give the app away for free, but use it as a portal to a service of his that is potentially charged for.11:39.27 
mobjax true11:41.00 
  not potentially charged though!11:41.30 
  it is going to be a secured Application, so I can't open the source11:41.58 
paulgardiner Explain the details to Scott and I'm sure he'll be helpful.11:44.55 
mobjax ok11:45.06 
  i sent an email already11:45.26 
paulgardiner mobjax: when you say "calling the class" above, do you mean via an "intent"?11:47.16 
mobjax yes11:51.29 
  Uri uri = Uri.parse("path to pdf file"); Intent intent = new Intent(context, MuPDFActivity.class); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(uri); context.startActivity(intent);11:52.01 
  and inside the class, i added a button to the relative layout 11:52.30 
  and inside the OnClicklistener, I have finish() statement11:52.55 
Robin_Watts mobjax: If you don't hear back from Scott within 2 days, let me know.11:52.57 
mobjax ok11:53.03 
  shall i forward the mail to you as well11:53.12 
Robin_Watts no need. It's just that occasionally mail to scott has gone missing.11:53.31 
mobjax oh ok11:53.40 
paulgardiner And the problematic pdf files show no problems displayed using our app?11:53.42 
mobjax true11:53.48 
  they open just fine11:53.54 
  i tried VuPDF11:53.59 
  that failed in opening some of the PDFs11:54.14 
paulgardiner Have you tried repeatedly opening them and then returning to the file picker in MuPDF? That's effectively doing the same thing. If that doesn't lead to a crash, it much be a problem in your code to where the activity returns.11:56.54 
mobjax I haven't tried this11:57.26 
  one more question which is related to this11:57.43 
  as I am issuing a Finish inside the MuPDFActivity.class,11:58.00 
  it should eventually close the subsequent classes like PageView, ReaderView etc11:58.20 
  but the strange thing is,11:58.29 
  if I reopen the same pdf, it opens the last visited page,11:58.52 
  so the question is, is it not properly finishing the activity?11:59.18 
paulgardiner mobjax: there is specific code in MuPDFActivity to store details of the last viewed page and reinstate it. You just need to remove that.11:59.30 
mobjax or rather, how is it able to open the last visited page 11:59.31 
  oh is it?11:59.54 
  can you please tell me the function name12:00.13 
paulgardiner I can tell you where in a minute because I happen to be looking at that class12:00.22 
mobjax i found out12:00.57 
  it is storing in sharedpreferences12:01.14 
paulgardiner yeah12:01.23 
  Be warned though: if you remove that without care, you may find that the display move to the first page on device rotation.12:02.10 
mobjax oh true12:02.27 
paulgardiner "moves to" that is12:02.28 
kens Robin_Watts : ping12:04.14 
  git ping :-(12:04.21 
mobjax_ my Tab is a rectangle12:05.37 
Robin_Watts kens: pong12:05.45 
mobjax_ resolution: 1280 X 80012:05.49 
  so if I try to scale my PDF to the screen12:06.03 
kens Robin_Watts : I htink I answered my question.....12:06.12 
mobjax_ how can I do that12:06.13 
Robin_Watts mobjax: Depends what you mean.12:06.25 
kens Robin_Watts : I want to push my local branch to casper I htink12:06.31 
  THat's 'me' on casper, I hope12:06.47 
mobjax_ I din't get you, can you please elaborate12:06.49 
Robin_Watts kens: git push me branchname12:06.56 
kens Hmm.12:07.21 
Robin_Watts mobjax_: Suppose the PDF has portrait pages that are natively twice as high as they are wide.12:07.38 
  That means that in portrait mode on your device, we will display them as 1280 high, but 640 wide.12:08.10 
mobjax_ whatever the size of the pdf is, i want to set them to the screen12:08.10 
kens Robin_Watts : what is 'me' in that syntax ?12:08.13 
Robin_Watts i.e. we preserve the aspect ratio.12:08.18 
mobjax_ but what if i want to fit them to the screen12:08.31 
  whatever the original size of the PDF might be12:08.39 
Robin_Watts kens: I interpreted what you said as being that "me" was the remote name for your remote repo on casper.12:09.00 
kens Oh, I think I can just use git gui and push it to casper as teh 'remote' I think that's what I've done before12:09.28 
Robin_Watts Personally, I have the main repo called 'golden' and my personal repo called 'origin'.12:09.35 
kens As long as I don't use origina I shouldn't screw anythign up12:09.40 
Robin_Watts hence I would use: git push origin branchname.12:09.54 
  but for you it might be: git push casper branchname12:10.07 
kens I htnk origin for me is the master, its where I normally push to12:10.12 
Robin_Watts You can do: git remote -v to see a list.12:10.20 
kens Its going to kens, so that's OK12:10.34 
Robin_Watts mobjax_: Right, so you want to ignore the aspect ratio.12:10.44 
mobjax_ yes12:10.50 
Robin_Watts That's easy to do with the underlying MuPDF lib as it's just a question of tweaking the transform matrix you pass in.12:11.18 
mobjax_ where i need to do the change12:11.35 
Robin_Watts but the problem is that the android app assumes that you wouldn't want to do anything like that.12:11.36 
mobjax_ means12:11.51 
  it should automatically happen12:11.56 
  like as it happens today12:12.04 
  of perserving the aspect ratio12:12.12 
  it should automatically set the pdf to the tablet12:12.21 
  whichever way i rotate12:12.29 
Robin_Watts The current app derives the matrix used for rendering from the position/scale of the views.12:12.59 
mobjax_ yes12:13.34 
Robin_Watts All the code that handles the moving of the views around the screen, flipping of the pages assumes that it's going to preserve the aspect ratio.12:13.46 
mobjax_ true12:14.06 
Robin_Watts What you want it to do requires someone to read through all that code and understand it, and rethink how it needs to change with your new requirement in mind.12:14.27 
  I can't predict how long that would take.12:14.49 
mobjax_ :-)12:15.03 
  i achieved it some how12:15.27 
  by overriding the scale field12:15.34 
Robin_Watts and it's not something we'd generally look at for an unsupported user.12:15.37 
mobjax_ just before12:15.39 
Robin_Watts Well, if you have something that works, great.12:15.45 
mobjax_ but the problem is, i can do it for width 12:16.03 
  but for height it is again a problem12:16.13 
Robin_Watts OK. As I say this it not something I'm going to get involved in for an unsupported user, because I don't know the code well enough.12:17.22 
mobjax_ But my main issue is closing of my main activity 12:17.27 
  when i do some speedy flips on the pdf12:18.07 
  and returning to the main acitivity12:18.21 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner *might* be able to help you (if he has a clear view of a simple change you can make), but again, he has work to do for paid customers, so that has to take priority unless he can see a quick fix you can use.12:18.39 
mobjax_ oh ok12:18.56 
Robin_Watts mobjax_: If you can show us that there is a problem with our existing code, then we might be tempted to look at it.12:19.02 
mobjax_ i would wait for his time12:19.04 
Robin_Watts But if it's a question of "I've modified the code and now it crashes", well, that's just not something we can get into, because it's not our business to debug someone elses code.12:19.59 
paulgardiner mobjax_: I can't do anything with that limited information. You'd need to look at the logs and trace where it's failing.12:20.00 
mobjax_ no what my doubt is, even i issue Finish(), it is not properly closing the subsequent activities that our MuPDFActivity.class triggers (ex: PageView.class, ReaderView.class, etc)12:20.12 
paulgardiner mobjax_: one thing: is the crash only if you close immediately after many flips? What happens if you let it settle then close?12:21.15 
mobjax_ it works normal12:22.00 
  no issues then12:22.18 
paulgardiner So it crahes only if you close immediately after a few flips?12:22.45 
mobjax_ exactly12:22.51 
paulgardiner and what do you see in the logs?12:25.40 
mobjax_ it says it is unable to allocate in PageView.class12:26.17 
paulgardiner So a java exception? There should be a traceback12:27.12 
mobjax_ I am not sure,12:27.26 
Robin_Watts That sounds like you've killed off the app while one of the classes is still working.12:27.33 
mobjax_ yeah12:27.49 
  finish() does the same12:27.54 
Robin_Watts That class tries to allocate something which fails because the rest of the code has died, and that makes the whole thing fall in a heap.12:28.22 
paulgardiner The original app uses finish() though, so it is strange12:28.27 
Robin_Watts Probably you need to be smarter about where you call finish() from.12:28.32 
mobjax_ oh ok12:29.20 
  got you12:29.22 
  i am calling it just inside the button click, which i shouldn't12:30.06 
  i may need to use the existing finish(), am i right ?12:30.34 
Robin_Watts mobjax_: Maybe make the button set a flag, and check that flag from elsewhere ?12:31.07 
paulgardiner mobjax_: certainly a look at the logs would help. Stick them on pastbin or similar12:31.53 
mobjax_ what is pastbin?12:34.01 
Robin_Watts pastebin.com12:35.09 
mobjax_ oh ok 12:35.14 
  got it12:35.15 
  so, if i do a few flips 12:37.13 
  that means i am asking the class to do something, and in the mean time, i am closing the activity12:37.36 
  so it is not finding the triggering activity, so it is failing12:37.47 
  i will try to find if i can do anything12:38.33 
  Thanks Robin and Paul for your time 12:38.54 
  I am very thankful to you12:39.08 
Robin_Watts best of luck12:39.19 
mobjax_ Thanks Again !12:43.20 
kens ..\69114313:20.46 
  drat, I hate it when a starting application grabs the keybaord focus while you're typiung13:21.17 
mobjax_ Hi paulgardiner13:24.34 
  this is the log cat of the MuPDF13:24.44 
  java.lang.NullPointerException at com.artifex.mupdfdemo.PageView.addHq in on Line 606 at com.artifex.mupdfdemo.MuPDFReaderView.onSettle in on Line 243 at com.artifex.mupdfdemo.ReaderView$ in on Line 781 at android.os.Handler.handleCallback in on Line 725 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage in on Line 92 at android.os.Looper.loop in on L13:24.46 
Robin_Watts mobjax_: Do NOT Paste here.13:24.55 
  Use pastebin and drop the URL here.13:25.04 
mobjax_ oops13:25.07 
  oh ok13:25.09 
  I am sorry13:25.22 
  this is the url13:25.26 
Robin_Watts no worries.13:25.40 
  That looks like a useful backtrace.13:26.19 
mobjax_ what should i do now, do i need to catch any exception?13:27.10 
Robin_Watts well, except that you've changed PageVew, right?13:27.12 
mobjax_ no13:27.19 
  i haven't changed PageView, I changed just the MuPDFActivity.java13:27.32 
  i included a button which on click finishes the activity13:27.51 
paulgardiner mobjax_: that's not the most recent version of the source from git. Which version are you using?13:28.19 
mobjax_ I took the latest version13:29.44 
Robin_Watts mobjax_: From where?13:29.59 
  The "latest version" is always the version in git.13:30.07 
  The "latest release" would be 1.313:30.17 
mobjax_ I followed the steps listed in this url 13:31.12 
Robin_Watts So you're using 1.1 ?!?13:31.41 
mobjax_ yes13:32.03 
Robin_Watts How is that "the latest version" ?13:32.12 
  1.1 is horribly out of date.13:32.16 
  We've done all sorts of fixes and improvements since then.13:32.27 
mobjax_ no ait13:32.34 
  I am using 1.3 only13:32.43 
  I checked my dump13:32.55 
Robin_Watts OK, so the first thing for you to try is to update to using the version from git.13:33.02 
  We may have fixed the problem already.13:33.14 
mobjax_ oh ok13:33.28 
  so do you want me to build it again13:33.36 
  from the scratch13:33.40 
Robin_Watts Yes.13:33.42 
mobjax_ did u fix anything in this week, as i built it some 10 days back only13:34.25 
Robin_Watts When you built it is irrelavent. It's when the source code dates from.13:34.50 
mobjax_ I took 1.3 only13:35.05 
  when I built13:35.10 
Robin_Watts Which dates from last august.13:35.18 
  I'm telling you to grab the latest version from git and to build that.13:35.36 
  which will date from yesterday.13:35.51 
mobjax_ ok13:37.08 
  i will build it again13:37.14 
  I will build it and test it, if it fixes my problem I am lucky13:40.08 
  Thanks again for your time13:41.05 
henrys paulgardiner: test flight worked for me, nice.14:15.10 
paulgardiner henrys: great. Nice system they've set up.14:16.28 
  Does the app seem okay?14:16.36 
henrys It starts I don't remember how to get files to it on iOS, are you looking in a particular place where I should put pdf files?14:17.31 
tor8 henrys: if you open a pdf in safari, you should get a button near the top where you can pick "Open in MuPDF"14:17.53 
henrys tor8:oh I tried to open a pdf directly with dropbox and didn't get asked.14:18.30 
paulgardiner henrys: also in itunes you can add files to the app14:18.32 
tor8 paulgardiner: a minor tweak to pdf-util.js on tor/master for your review14:19.42 
henrys tor8: why does it do that in safari but not from iOS or should it?14:19.59 
paulgardiner henrys: on a different subject, appologies if I've just sent Raed your way!14:20.15 
tor8 henrys: I have no idea. I think it might just be a missing feature in Dropbox to show a list of alternative file handlers.14:20.25 
  henrys: what if you try an XPS file?14:20.31 
henrys tor8: let me try that14:20.54 
tor8 paulgardiner: is it possible to test the app without having a mac handy?14:21.22 
paulgardiner If you register with testflight, I can add your device to the list and regenerate the test version14:22.22 
  tor8: I put a post in tech about testflight.14:22.36 
tor8 paulgardiner: oh, right! that one. I'll go do that now.14:23.06 
  and charge my ipad14:23.09 
henrys tor8: it doesn't know what to do with xps files14:23.27 
tor8 henrys: Dropbox or Safari?14:23.54 
henrys Dropbox14:24.08 
  tor8: but I assumed this would just something that gets shelled out to iOS and would work uniformly in any app that opens a file - have we tried file managers in iOS?14:25.25 
  paulgardiner: np about raed14:26.46 
tor8 henrys: I don't think there are any file managers in iOS... every app lives in its own sandboxed directory with very few ways of passing files to other apps.14:28.16 
henrys tor8:dropbox does seem to identify all the multimedia stuff right and do the right thing as you'd expect but it may just be core iOS apps that can be started14:30.27 
paulgardiner tor8: I may already have included your iPAD. You could try installing the app already uploaded to testflight14:30.56 
tor8 paulgardiner: it might be a while until it decides to start. battery's drained...14:32.16 
paulgardiner henrys: dropbox provide an iOS SDK. Possibly that is the mechanism by which apps integrate with it.14:33.20 
henrys paulgardiner: yeah I guess each app has some different thing, check out good reader: 
  paulgardiner: I don't think we want to fool with all that.14:34.31 
tor8 paulgardiner: I just got an email from apple that ios 7.1 beta 4 and xcode 5.1 beta 4 are out. if you want, I could set up to forward all such emails from apple (they're to our developer account) to you.14:35.02 
paulgardiner something we can always consider down the line.14:35.04 
  tor8: thanks, but I seem to get them anyway for some reasone14:35.41 
henrys paulgardiner: well item 4 looks good if it is simple.14:36.10 
  paulgardiner: but probably not important right now14:36.34 
tor8 henrys: item 4?14:37.26 
paulgardiner I could have a look. I've been mainly concentrating on exposing the new MuPDF features14:37.29 
henrys tor8:see the link above14:38.39 
tor8 Apple's document interchange? yeah, that'd probably be a good idea.14:39.20 
  something else is AirPrint, do we do that yet, paul?14:39.30 
paulgardiner tor8: no. Not yet doing printing or signature support, but the rest is in.14:39.58 
henrys paulgardiner: I do wonder if that would be more important than the other features.14:41.06 
paulgardiner Yeah. I should probably concentrate on that next when I get back to iOS.14:41.47 
  ... after the office doc push.14:42.06 
tor8 paulgardiner: did you see my poke about a commit on tor/master or did that fall off your scrollback? :)14:42.21 
paulgardiner I was just thinking it might be worth a release on iOS of what we have so far14:42.29 
  tor8: sorry. Saw it and then got destracted14:42.50 
  tor8: just fectched and I don't see it.14:44.21 
  tor8: would help if I had you set up as a remote. Weird. I thought I did.14:46.09 
henrys tor8:I got no prompt from safari14:47.30 
  tor8: I wonder if that is a test flight issue.14:47.56 
paulgardiner tor8: ah I do. Still can't see your commit14:48.27 
  ah no found it, just not rebased yet14:48.52 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, it's a bit old by now14:49.37 
  I've been forgetting to poke you14:49.51 
paulgardiner Looks fine, but how did you test it?14:51.10 
tor8 paulgardiner: I haven't, I should probably warn you about that14:51.26 
  I just ran it through a javascript interpreter to catch any syntax errors14:51.58 
henrys paulgardiner: let's talk about a release at the meeting in a half hour, others may want to weigh in.14:52.21 
paulgardiner henrys: okay. Makes sense.14:52.47 
  I don't think the releases cost us anthing or require much effort.14:53.31 
tor8 I think we are very overdue for a release, I think the app in the store is still at mupdf version 1.1 or 1.214:54.07 
paulgardiner tor8: probably a cluster test would pick up problems.14:54.09 
tor8 paulgardiner: the mujstest stuff is run on the cluster, that's right.14:54.34 
paulgardiner tor8: all the javascript that's there was added because of being used somewhere in our test files, so hopefully...14:55.50 
  tor8: the commit certainly looks good.14:55.59 
tor8 paulgardiner: apart from changing the prototype of the objects from Array to Object, nothing other than syntax has changed14:56.38 
paulgardiner Certainly looks to be the case14:58.18 
tor8 henrys: I went and did an alex... I spent a week (or two) implementing a javascript interpreter.14:58.21 
henrys tor8:wow14:59.16 
tor8 so soon we shan't need the v8 or javascriptcore bloated monsters anymore14:59.32 
  it's missing regular expression support, but it can already do most of the spec completely with weird corner cases covered15:00.00 
henrys tor8:are you going to release it separately as well?15:00.03 
tor8 henrys: I was going to ask about licensing for it. I've currently hosted it on github. it started as a weekend project, but now that it's consumed so much of my time, and it's actually looking realistic to be able to use it15:00.51 
henrys tor8:if I had any idea it could be done in that amount of time I certainly would be all for it. So I don't think it was Alex like.15:01.14 
tor8 it may make sense to do something proper with it15:01.16 
  the current license I stuck on it is the same as the OpenBSD license, but if you want I'd be okay with AGPL instead (but that really depends if you think there's a market for it)15:02.05 
  I doubt there is, anybody who cares about performance will go for spidermonkey or v8 anyway, the focus here is on correctness and small code bloat15:02.31 
henrys tor8:AGPL is best for selling it dual license, of course.15:03.23 
paulgardiner tor8: I'd have thought there would be a market for that.15:03.24 
tor8 henrys: yeah, but with BSD we could still get support contracts (and the question is, do we want to?)15:03.54 
  anyway, the question is out there. it's still a few weeks from being complete.15:04.21 
henrys tor8:good question15:04.23 
tor8 complete enough to do a first release, that is.15:04.35 that's where the code lives15:05.01 
paulgardiner tor8: When you get to the API for integration of native code there's some issues I'd like to bring up. e.g., v8 provided for a much more efficient connection with MuPDF than Javascriptcore15:05.18 
henrys tor8:okay15:05.20 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, that's something I wanted to ask you15:05.31 
ray_laptop morning, all15:05.31 
tor8 paulgardiner: I've designed the API to be very similar to Lua15:05.48 
  paulgardiner: my current thinking is that you'll create a new Object and attach a userdata pointer (and destructor) to it15:06.11 
  and then use property accessors to implement native functions on the object15:06.25 
  paulgardiner: yeah, I saw the javascripcore wrapper was a lot heavier than the v8 one15:07.24 
paulgardiner v8, strangely, allows native data to be attached to the property accessors, and that turns out to be important when trying to create a layer to putting one native API over another.15:07.29 
  In MuPDF we have two levels of API, one above the other, with the DOM definitions lying between the two. If you are able to implement the lower interface, you are able to reuse the DOM definitions.15:08.54 
  That's attractive if you wish to allow use of several engines.15:09.09 
tor8 paulgardiner: how is the native data attached to the property accessor in v8? (any particular function I should be reading)15:09.48 
paulgardiner If you are forced to implement the upper interface then you have to create a load of engine specific DOM stuff15:09.51 
  tor8: hang on I'll loook15:10.09 
  ... well not that hard, I'll look maybe15:10.31 
tor8 is it attached to the javascript object (that gets passed as the 'this' object)15:10.34 
  or is it attached to the property itself?15:10.52 
paulgardiner Actually attached to the property (which seems strange, but is surprisingly useful)15:11.41 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah. my main worry is people detaching any native functions and calling them on the 'wrong' object15:12.33 
  like you can do with Boolean(true))15:13.03 
  that'll give you a TypeError (since the 'this' object that gets passed to Number's toString isn't a Number)15:13.25 
paulgardiner pdf_jsimp_addmethod is where the issue arrises15:13.59 
henrys tor8: what sort of testing has libjs been subject to?15:14.20 
tor8 henrys: not much yet, just loaded up weird test cases of the specification manually while working on the features15:15.05 
  the plan is to run it through the ecma-262 test suite15:15.14 stuff like that15:15.31 
henrys ray_laptop:are you going to be okay for the next staff meeting, driving and all?15:17.05 
ray_laptop henrys: I sure hope so!15:18.17 
  I'm getting better with keeping the eye moist, but I hope the whole thing goes away before then.15:18.51 
  the staff meeting would be at the outside of the worst case "3 months" window for recovery15:19.35 
  I just passed 5 weeks (time flies when your having fun, so it feels like 5 months)15:20.23 
henrys ray_laptop: I was just thinking about the drive from dallas to denton I haven't even checked how long it is.15:20.50 
Robin_Watts 40 mins, apparently.15:20.59 
ray_laptop henrys: I think it's about 45 min15:21.06 
Robin_Watts longer if you get stuck in the queue behind my accident :)15:21.31 
ray_laptop Scott probably does it in 30 min ;-)15:21.47 
  Robin_Watts: at least we don't have roundabouts to contend with as you drive on the right side for a change :-)15:22.26 
  "right" in both senses15:22.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Driving on the right is fairly easy, as long as it's an automatic.15:23.01 
  Working a manual with my left hand is not something I've ever had to do.15:23.20 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: tell me about it. I picked up a car at Gatwick and had to drive to Heathrow to pick up someone else. All they had was a stick and no AC on a really hot day. There were lots of breakdowns on the motorway as well (overheating) so lots of start-stop15:24.48 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Urk.15:25.29 
  Over here, automatics are rare.15:25.42 
chrisl So are really hot days!15:25.56 
ray_laptop by the time I got to Heathrow, I had plenty of practice shifting. I would have been hosed if the pedals were reversed as well 15:25.57 
Robin_Watts chrisl: true!15:26.04 
chrisl ray_laptop: we may have insisted on the anachronism of driving on the left side of the road, but we don't require cars to retain the pedal layout of the Model-T......15:27.35 
henrys in texas they just drive in the middle so they won't notice any missteps15:28.45 
  we should start the meeting.15:29.23 
  iOS release? I'd rather put something out that can get files better but I defer to the wisdom of the mupdf'ers15:30.25 
chrisl How do other PDF viewers handle the "file chooser" issue?15:31.01 
ray_laptop painfully ?15:31.18 
henrys chrisl: see the link above15:31.18 
Robin_Watts good reader implements a WebDAV thing, AIUI.15:31.59 
chrisl So there's no standardised method?15:32.09 
Robin_Watts chrisl: It's ios. There are no sharp corners cos you might hurt yourself.15:32.36 
henrys I think #4 at the link is a reasonable way to do things15:32.39 
Robin_Watts Just play nicely in the sandpit.15:32.47 
paulgardiner Not sure what this is saying, but maybe: 
  oh maybe not. Seems scheme driven15:33.39 
chrisl My dislike of iOS is in way no being assuaged - I'll crawl back under my Ghostscript rock, now........15:33.52 
kens Who said command liens were too hard ? THis is all hideous....15:34.27 
ray_laptop chrisl: pull your head into your linux shell ?15:34.28 
chrisl ray_laptop: if only! I'm looking Windows stuff for kens just now :-(15:35.04 
kens :-)15:35.11 
  At least I got it to compile....15:35.20 
chrisl Yes, well, when Windows finally decides to stop updating/restarting, I'll be able to look at this properly15:36.21 
mvrhel_laptop morning. sorry I am a bit late15:36.37 
kens Hi Michael15:36.55 
henrys chrisl: unfortunately it is the likely place for us to make money. iOS consumers actually pay for apps unlike what seems to be happening in the Android market15:38.05 
Robin_Watts henrys: urm... really?15:38.31 
kens is unconvinced15:38.48 
henrys yes I posted a forbes article sometime back with numbers15:39.05 
kens Must have slipped my mind, I do recall reading it15:39.23 
henrys everyone I know doing development on mobile thinks android is no place to sell something but that is more anectdotal15:39.58 
Robin_Watts henrys: right. and from memory that had ios and android both worth naff all, but MS surprising worthwhile.15:40.03 
  probably because there is no competition on ms yet.15:40.29 
kens Presumably because there are so few apps for MS Phone that everyone reluctantly has to buy them ?15:40.32 
chrisl paulgardiner: we are scheduled a "proper" release in just over a month, maybe we could wait until then?15:40.45 
Robin_Watts 15:40.49 
  no, sorry, you are right. ios is worth 10x as much as android per download for a paid app.15:41.31 
kens Seems to be the case yes15:42.05 
mvrhel_laptop being the more expensive device, I suppose it makes sense that they would be more willing to spend money for apps15:42.07 
henrys Robin_Watts: that arcticle does show money is being made. These are averages. A powerful app say like "Office" should do very well.15:42.20 
kens Apple and MS about the same in terms of revenue15:42.27 
Robin_Watts henrys: except I suspect you'll get far fewer downloads for expensive apps.15:42.44 
  but, there is progress to report on the GhostDocs stuff...15:43.22 
henrys it is what you would expect culturally - I mean the difference between the platforms if we through android in with linux and open source it looks like the desktop market. Except the numbers are smaller15:43.35 
paulgardiner chrisl: I'm in no hurry. It was just that I'd fixed a number of problems and it seemed viable for a release. I hadn't realised that there were things other than add the new MuPDF features that we needed to do. Certainly makes sense to get file opening sorted.15:43.45 
henrys s/through/throw15:43.50 
Robin_Watts I got the FBS to the stage where we can build exes.15:43.58 
  I haven't tested the exe, but we can build it.15:44.07 
paulgardiner And I have the testshell producing PDF files15:44.27 
henrys paulgardiner: wow greate15:44.36 
  Robin_Watts: cool15:44.42 
paulgardiner Getting the app to call it is looking hellish though.15:44.52 
Robin_Watts The current test-shell build requires things like fonts and resources on disc.15:45.22 
paulgardiner Actuall not true. Easy to call the command line, but getting the exe included in the build and then finding where it is.15:45.29 
  Robin_Watts: just getting the exe on and calling it is looking nasty so far15:45.50 
Robin_Watts There is a mechanism within the picsel build system for building a "rom filing system", akin to the gs one.15:45.50 
  so if we can tweak the build to use that, it will mean we can have a single self contained exe rather than an exe + a tree of files.15:46.30 
mvrhel_laptop sounds like some nice progress15:46.55 
chrisl paulgardiner: given everything else you've got going on, is the file opening on iOS likely to get a look-in in the next 6 weeks or so?15:47.36 
Robin_Watts I was thinking that I might spend some time looking at trying to make the romfs build work? That's independent of paulgardiners work, so I won't be getting in his way.15:47.48 
marcosw we should have a projector at the staff meeting so that paulgardiner can give a demo/tutorial at the staff meeting15:48.10 
paulgardiner chrisl: difficult to know. The initial office stuff could just drop out, but equally well it could be hell15:48.17 
  marcosw: yeah, everyone will need a nap.15:49.49 
Robin_Watts Everyone with an android device can download SmartOffice Lite for free from google play and try it out.15:49.50 
henrys marcosw: I think paulgardiner might be too busy for entertainment.15:49.58 
chrisl paulgardiner: I'm just thinking that it would be nice to start to get the iOS and Android builds to fit with the regular release schedule15:49.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I think miles would really like to have something to show for the japan trip (Feb 20th?)15:50.42 
paulgardiner just wondering if nap means something completely different in the US15:50.44 
  Robin_Watts: Feb 20th, that's office doc work, not iOS, right?15:51.28 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes. something for Japan would be nice. I know Miles just bought his ticket15:51.28 
henrys the high priority thing is having a demo for Japan, if possible15:51.32 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: yes.15:51.39 
henrys paulgardiner: presumably mvrhel_laptop will demo it on the nexus yes?15:52.08 
mvrhel_laptop yes that would be ideal15:52.17 
Robin_Watts henrys: The valgrind work for mupdf is getting there.15:52.33 
chrisl But presumably that doesn't have to be a full release to Google Play? Just an apk to stick on a device or two would be enough15:52.34 
paulgardiner We might be nearly there, but getting a command-line program included in an app and callable is looking far harder than I'd imagined.15:52.42 
mvrhel_laptop yes that would be fine (the apk)15:52.49 
henrys paulgardiner: so as soon as you have something let's get mvrhel_laptop to test it out.15:52.52 
Robin_Watts We have 3 openjpeg ones left, and I'm working on a cmap valgrind problem now.15:52.53 
henrys Robin_Watts: okay let me know if I should look at some of that. I've been inattentive to the codecs.15:53.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: Well, feel free to look at 694880 694904 694906. Or farm them out to Simon/Shelly.15:54.28 
henrys Robin_Watts: okay I'll dispatch those after the meeting.15:54.45 
  Robin_Watts: hin-tak has been swinging lately too.15:54.56 
Robin_Watts Does last weeks MuPDF decision affect whether we push ahead with the jni stuff or not ?15:54.56 
henrys Robin_Watts: I think we should continue.15:55.22 
Robin_Watts tor8 and I discussed it briefly and figured it probably still made sense to pursue, but it's less of a priority now i would imagine.15:55.33 
  I am tempted to put the JNI stuff as lower priority than the GhostDocs romfs stuff though?15:56.03 
tor8 I obviously haven't been paying enough attention. where does the GhostDocs name come from and what is it?15:56.43 
henrys Robin_Watts: if you think you can do something to help paulgardiner with the demo I'd say that would be more important, but I don't know if you helping is going to change the schedule.15:56.44 
Robin_Watts henrys: My stuff *might* help paul, but I wouldn't swear to it.15:57.16 
  Certainly it won't hurt.15:57.35 
paulgardiner Possibly I could do with some help finding out how to include an executable in an app and call it. I'm just not finding it.15:57.55 
Robin_Watts It might help a lot if we decide to try to build a self-contained native lib that we can call.15:58.00 
henrys Oh by the way I did name this thing GhostDocs and assumed there wouldn't be objection, seemed an obvious name15:58.08 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Sure.15:58.13 
  I thought the GhostDocs name came from Miles? (Possibly from Henry -> Miles -> Me)15:58.29 
henrys tor8: we bought a "docs" suite.15:58.29 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: impressive amount of work on the java script interpreter for such a short amount of time. def think this should be APGL.15:59.25 
marcosw did someone check if Quality Logic has a docs test package?16:00.10 
henrys marcosw: should we review any customer bugs?16:00.12 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw: I looked on their website and saw nothing wrt docs16:00.37 
henrys marcosw: I've been looking, no luck.16:00.46 
  we are at the 1/2 hours anything for the meeting - kens, chrisl gsprint stuff?16:01.08 
kens henrys I sent chrisl the initial gsprint stuff, it works 'sort of' for me on WIndows 716:01.33 
  Hopingchrisl can sort out hte build spaghetti16:01.45 
chrisl henrys: looking at the build side of that now - some issues to work out on that score16:01.57 
kens I don't have a real physical printer here, so I'm limited to what comes out of printers on FILE: and similar16:02.12 
  The Adobe PDF printer refuses point blank to work16:02.25 
  I have a sneaking suspicion that class 3 drivers might not work at all in this setup16:02.41 
henrys kens: what about any HP printer driver then view the pcl in ghostpcl16:02.53 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: 
kens henrys All the ones I have a re version 3 and don't work on FILE:16:03.12 
  henrys I could try under Windows 8 of course, assuming the drivers there are version 416:03.45 
  My main concern was to get what I have now built in16:04.00 
tor8 henrys: right, that's what I thought, but then robin said something about romfs and I wasn't as confident anymore16:04.05 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: yeah, I got that far, but that just runs existing commands16:04.08 
henrys kens: ugh, last I captured stuff I used tcpdump to grab packets16:04.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: "OK, but how can I put my own native execulable in Android App?"16:04.31 
kens I can't do that with no actual pritner henrys16:04.36 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: precisely16:04.49 
mvrhel_laptop brb16:05.03 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: You are telling me I need to read on16:05.07 
chrisl kens: Is this going to mean two sets of Windows executables for future releases?16:05.39 
marcosw henrys: it looks like the Quality Logic "Application Test Suite-Intermediate Files" would be a reasonable place to start. Do you know if we already own those? 16:05.39 
henrys kens:once you have something building I'll set it up here I have 2 HP printers I can use, surely we can get some decent output with that.16:05.43 
kens chrisl I certaqinly hope not16:05.49 
  hgenrys what's on my repo in the XPSPrint branch builds *if* you have the Windows DDK installed16:06.15 
chrisl kens: so I can build this with VS2005?16:06.29 
kens chrisl I did16:06.36 
  But you need the Windows DDK16:06.43 
  For the .h files and the .lib files16:06.51 
henrys kens:I have windows 8 but I should use 7 for this?16:06.56 
  kens: I have 7 as well.16:07.06 
kens henrys either should work. I have used both16:07.17 
henrys marcosw: I don't have any idea where that would be if we had it.16:07.32 
kens On Windows 7 the only device I can get to work is the Microsoft XPS printer driver16:07.38 
chrisl I have the DDK. And the .lib is really static, we aren't dependent on an xpsprint.dll?16:07.42 
kens chrisl, I have no idea.....16:08.02 
  I'm assuming if we need the DLL its part of WIndows16:08.15 
kens Like ole32.lib and so on16:08.23 
chrisl kens: yes, but won't that fall over if the DLL isn't there, for example, on WinXP?16:08.54 
marcosw henrys: I thought you might have them, but presumably not. I suppose ray_laptop or miles.16:09.15 
kens chrisl, Hmm yes that's probably true, but we aren't supporting WIn XP any more :-)16:09.19 
henrys paulgardiner: Oh I don't know if I want to ask this… but what did picsel do to test this?16:09.27 
kens chrisl I can give it a try, I have 2000 and XP installed16:09.30 
  (on VMs)16:09.34 
Robin_Watts henrys: Picsel had various things for testing.16:09.54 
chrisl kens: I don't want to be in the firing line for dropping XP in near future :-(16:10.06 
kens :-)16:10.13 
Robin_Watts Firstly, they had a webspider running that pulled down pretty much any file they could find of a given type on the web.16:10.17 
kens We cna make 2 executables if really required16:10.24 
  One cna be called gsprint....16:10.33 
Robin_Watts Then they had an automated testing system (known as ATS).16:10.35 
chrisl kens: 4 executables.....16:10.43 
Robin_Watts ATS does all sorts of clever things.16:10.48 
kens chrisl only if we want to worry about 32-bit legacy support16:11.09 
Robin_Watts Firstly it would do automated builds of lots of different executables for lots of different systems.16:11.12 
kens is inclined to say 'its 64-bit, upgrade!'16:11.29 
Robin_Watts so we could be sure that anything we wrote would not break some obscure build with some obscure combination of options.16:11.40 
kens Especially since the existing gsprint will work on anythign except Windows 816:11.42 
chrisl kens: again, can I forward the complaints to you on that, then??16:12.05 
kens No henrys :-)16:12.13 
Robin_Watts Secondly, it would test the executables (run the exe, load files into it, take snapshots, compare snapshots to references etc). It managed that on a wide range of exes.16:12.35 
henrys Robin_Watts, paulgardiner : a good start for us is a corpus of test files. Qualitly logic would have the advantage of someone trying to use all the various functionality….16:12.39 
Robin_Watts '/devices.16:12.44 
chrisl kens: I do have an XpsPrint.dll on my Windows7 install :-(16:12.55 
kens THen I guess its needed16:13.06 
  We should therefore make a different executable I think, one for henrys to ponder16:13.29 
henrys kens: have we gotten response to your pdf from the customer? marcosw?16:13.34 
Robin_Watts In particular, as well as the massive array of overnight tests picsel did, there were a smaller set of files that were tested on every commit.16:13.35 
  We haven't got a copy of the full testdocs (I asked, and the liquidators said no), but supposedly we do have a copy of the smaller set of files that were tested on every commit.16:14.18 
kens henrys, the PCL orientation one / No response other than a grdging agreement not to trim support from CCs and a vague hand wave of 'trying' to get someone to sescribe their workflow.16:14.25 
chrisl kens: we already setup paths for the Microsoft SDKs, but it looks like rather a mess :-(16:14.36 
kens chrisl I'm not terribly surprised16:14.49 
  I don't think MS expect people to produce open-source devices16:15.01 
marcosw henrys: do you want to email miles asking if we have the Quality Logic ATS-IF or shall I?16:15.19 
henrys marcosw: 
  does anybody have a microsoft account so we can get these tests?16:16.34 
  I'll get one but I'd rather not expose myself if somebody else is already victim ;-)16:17.11 
ray_laptop henrys: I think I had one, but it's been quite a while. I'll dig around. You aren't talking about the MSDN subscription, but just a MS account, right ?16:18.15 
chrisl henrys: I'm not sure which tests we'd want....16:18.32 
marcosw henrys: maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see any Office test files on that page, just a validation tool and standards documents.16:18.38 
ray_laptop henrys: I do have an account with 
henrys marcosw: I think you're right I misread it.16:20.00 
Robin_Watts I've got to shoot off to the Doctors in a mo to see about my back. I'll be back later.16:20.41 
marcosw I can certainly write a spider to find .doc/.ppt/.xls files on the interwebs, but there are going to be a lot of them :-)16:20.56 
henrys I certainly don't mean to keep folks you can always leave after a 1/2 hour in.16:21.05 
ray_laptop henrys: when I try and sign in, it says "account does not exist". I don't mind getting one if you want16:21.18 
Robin_Watts marcosw: We have the picsel spider.16:21.22 
mvrhel_laptop I can grab any of these, but it is not clear to me which one we need. They don't seem to be a set of Office test files16:21.50 
ray_laptop Just a note, I'm getting closer on the approach to accumulate pdf14 transparency using a clist for non-clist devices16:22.06 
henrys marcosw: maybe a good strategy if we can find stuff with high page rank.16:22.08 
mvrhel_laptop s/They don't/ There does not /16:22.11 
ray_laptop Works on windows 'display' and ps2write so far16:22.32 
Robin_Watts I *thought* that the standard QL files we got came as office format files that had to be converted to pdf by printing?16:22.32 
chrisl ray_laptop: you got your gc conundrum cleared up, then?16:22.52 
kens chrisl one solution (at the expense of a more complex installer) is to provide a dummy xpsprint.dll to be installed if it doesn't exist. It need only return an error number from StartXPSPrintJob16:23.03 
henrys we do have the japanese tests where are those ray_laptop ?16:23.06 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: some are office format, right. generally a few Excel, PPT and word ones16:23.10 
marcosw Robin_Watts: what happens after the files are downloaded? Is it practical to automatically drive office and generate a bitmap? 16:23.17 
ray_laptop henrys: the JEITA ones ? I thought you got those16:23.45 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Drive office to get a 'reference' bitmap? Not as far as I know.16:23.53 
ray_laptop chrisl: yes. Thanks for trying to help. I wrote "for the logs" yesterday to you with what the issue was16:24.34 
chrisl ray_laptop: I read your post, yes, I just wasn't clear that solved the entire problem16:25.09 
  kens: the required DLL might be part of the SDK redistributable stuff, we could make that a requirement for earlier Windows versions16:25.27 
marcosw Robin_Watts: so what does the spider do with the new office files? Presumably there are hundreds per day. Seems like a mechanical turk sort of problem :-)16:25.30 
kens chrisl but it won't work with earlier WIndows versions :-)16:25.44 
  No XPS print path16:25.48 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I think they ran the spider for a brief period :)16:25.49 
ray_laptop chrisl: enough to give me confidence to try a cluster push (and get back a mess of segfaults).16:25.54 
henrys ray_laptop: yeah I do, that's right.16:25.55 
  I have to think open office or libre has a test suite.16:26.10 
ray_laptop I've since fixed at least one (glaring) issue and am going to try again.16:26.22 
Robin_Watts basically they were in the same sort of situation that we are. They can spot changes, but initial correctness has to be established by a human.16:26.30 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: if we can make PDF's, then we can fuzzy compare with the PDF's we have (or ones we create from *real* office)16:27.54 
  (compare the rendered PDF, not the PDF's themselves, of course)16:28.23 
  and probably needs very fuzzy comparison16:28.44 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Sounds like a nightmare.16:29.04 
ray_laptop but nothing beats having human eyes look at them, which lets me out, since I am visually impaired :-)16:29.27 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I can hack together a xdotool based script (along with Virtual Office) that can open files in office and generate pdfs. 16:30.09 
ray_laptop henrys: so, did you want me to get the account ?16:30.11 
marcosw paulgardiner: did you say .doc -> .pdf is working in GhostDocs?16:30.30 
tor8 paulgardiner: Robin_Watts: the javascript changes caused no differences in the regression. there's another commit on tor/master as well (unused for now, but affects the svg reader)16:31.06 
marcosw is looking to see if he owns a copy of office16:31.08 
henrys ray_laptop: no unless you find test files16:31.17 
paulgardiner marcosw: yes, as a stand-alone executable built via epage's build system. Tested only on Windows so far16:31.31 
ray_laptop henrys: OK. I won't. If Microsoft forgot me, that's probably for the best :-)16:32.05 
henrys marcosw: 
marcosw paulgardiner: so if I send you a couple of .doc files you can convert them for me and email the pdfs back?16:32.42 
paulgardiner marcosw: sure16:33.05 
henrys marcosw: they even have a perl script for you / - Revision 33719: /abiword-testsuite/trunk16:33.25 
  sorry I meant: 
marcosw henrys: np, I figured that out :-)16:35.06 
  abiword seems abandoned, the source hasn't been updated since 13-Jun-2010. I'm guessing the test files are at least that old as well...16:39.29 
henrys ugh16:40.29 
marcosw found a copy of office, unfortunately it's office:mac 201116:44.07 
ray_laptop henrys: or the test files are newer and they showed so many problems that they gave up ?16:44.15 
marcosw actually the svn logs show updates in 2014, all by the same person (linas).16:45.33 
  there svn log messages are "terse" :"A better fix than the previous one"16:46.07 
  I have to run to uni. be back later today.16:58.54 
kens is off too, goodnight all17:02.37 
Robin_Watts is back. Did I miss anything ?18:08.33 
  tor8, paulgardiner: ping18:37.10;a=commitdiff;h=d695605c5d91b951a9c37f64a843e92caaa178e918:38.17 
henrys Robin_Watts: the 3 bugs are just valgrind's right ? no crashes?18:40.45 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes, I believe so.18:40.56 
  One of them used to be a SEGV bug, but that was fixed, and now it's just a valgrind issue. I think.18:41.20 
henrys Robin_Watts: so zeniko is not well placed to work on those, I don't know about shelly.18:41.38 
Robin_Watts I have a fix for the last non-codec bug now.18:41.48 
  possibly not, though I thought he'd fixed some of the valgrind problems earlier in this set... maybe as a side effect of 'real' issues.18:42.27 
chrisl henrys: Shelly uses both Windows and Linux as required, so he can do valgrind issues if we need him to.18:42.44 
henrys I'd like to have a different priority bug that we can do 100.00 for - it makes sense to do these 3 at 100.00 each for example.18:44.03 
  we could use P5 for that.18:44.32 
Robin_Watts yeah, Shelly has certainly helped with valgrind stuff in the past.18:44.59 
chrisl Or minor/trivial classification18:45.00 
henrys chrisl: yes that would be better, use the importance field18:47.37 
Robin_Watts ok, so I'm going to dive back into the GhostDocs mkromfs stuff.18:48.23 
henrys chrisl: are you still updating this awki business? Should I change it there or just do the html directly18:52.50 
chrisl henrys: I'm still using awki, until I get the important pages switched over to the mupdf style18:53.49 
  henrys: if you'd prefer, you can mail me the changes, and I'll do them.18:54.07 
henrys chrisl: okay18:55.32 
  chrisl: something like changing the "Accepted fixes …" paragraph with: Accepted fixes for bugs at P1 and P2 pay a bounty of US$100019:14.13 
  each. Bugs at lower priority and normal importance pay US$500 per bug.19:14.13 
  Bugs designated with trivial or minor importance will pay a negotiated19:14.15 
  amount less than or equal to US$100 per bug.19:14.15 
Robin_Watts how about "a negotiated amount (typically US$100 per bug)" ?19:14.56 
  as that gives us more scope ?19:15.10 
Robin_Watts shuts up. being nosey. sorry.19:15.56 
henrys I'm alright with that either way19:16.35 
chrisl henrys: I think I prefer Robin's - you know how initially simple problems can spiral especially with Ghostscript19:17.13 
henrys chrisl: okay19:17.29 
  for our next trick we have to alert folks the policy has changed.19:20.51 
  for now I'll add it to relevant bugs when I make them bountiable19:21.49 
Robin_Watts sounds ideal.19:21.59 
chrisl Edits done: 
Robin_Watts US$100, rather than $100 for consistency?19:23.05 
henrys I'm not big on parens there but I'm ok other then the US$ I'm good19:23.47 
chrisl Oops, I thought I did put that - obviously getting late for me....19:24.03 
Robin_Watts ooh, The Following S2 starts tonight.19:24.22 
  I bet you got that yesterday or something, Henry?19:24.36 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes 2 nights ago I think?19:24.51 
chrisl henrys: if you prefer, it would be equally correct to have: "pay a negotiated amount, typically US$100 per bug."19:25.11 
Robin_Watts chrisl: that sounds fine to me.19:25.29 
henrys chrisl: yes the comma is what I'd have used.19:26.19 
chrisl OKay, I've made that change, too. Looking at it now, I prefer it, too.19:26.45 
henrys great I'll make the bugs bountiable in a few minutes19:28.48 
Robin_Watts henrys: 
Gigs- need attachment to bug marked private please 
Robin_Watts done?20:49.15 
Gigs- thanks20:50.04 
  my coworker uploaded that which is why it's so huge20:50.11 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw21:17.21 
henrys Robin_Watts: wow didn't even know there was an audio for blood meridian21:27.25 
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