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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/31)2014/04/01 
ray_laptop looks like several of the regression servers are "down". IIRC those are in marcosw's house.04:47.20 
sebras kens: morning!06:43.41 
kens morning sebras06:43.48 
marcosw I'm going to reboot fermis/plancks in a few minutes.07:15.13 
kens ok07:15.20 
  You're up late marcosw07:15.28 
marcosw I'm early for today's meeting ;-)07:15.46 
jogux_mac paulgardiner_mac : I guess I'd be inclined to refund the guy you emailed about, but no idea who makes that decision :-) That multitasking issue comes up a lot in the reviews, and not sure about that cursor key issue. Did you open any of those in bugzilla?10:26.43 
  surely it can't be /that/ hard to make the cursor keys work...10:29.29 
ccxvii I have an army of clones!10:29.35 
kens HOW many tors ?10:29.41 
jogux_mac what do you plan to do with your clone army?10:30.08 
kens crush the rebels of course10:30.33 
  tehn build a giant battle station10:30.49 
ccxvii mwahahaaa!10:30.53 
jogux_mac that sounds like a lot of work tbh10:31.22 
kens Nobody ever said Empire wa easy10:31.45 
ccxvii that's what the clones are for!10:32.28 
  (that, and sebras being bored at work today, I imagine...)10:32.45 
tor0 ccxvii: yes, indeed.10:32.55 
tor1 ccxvii: I really should have changed the password for ccxvii too.10:33.17 
tor2 ccxvii: that would have been a bit more fun.10:33.25 
tor3 anyway, enough of this april 1st thing now. back to normal. :)10:34.00 
paulgardiner jogux_mac: You reckon? I was imagining it would mean piping info up and down the UE2 hierarchy to move the cursor. If that stuff is already there and it's just that the key code isn't getting through then yeah easy, but I'd imagine not.10:42.47 
tor8 paulgardiner: is it necessary to have iTunes to install an adhoc ipad app?10:43.08 
paulgardiner jogux_mac: how long has inline editing been in. I'm sure that was an unsolved problem back in the day.10:43.39 
  tor8: don't think so. You can do it directly on the device.10:44.25 
  tor8: jogux_mac spotted some problems with that version so I'm working on an update10:44.57 
jogux_mac tor8: you can do it from a website without (testflight or whatever) but that needs a plist file too.10:46.53 
  paulgardiner : inline editting is about 2 years old I think.10:47.13 
paulgardiner Oh okay that figures10:47.34 
jogux_mac It's certainly not trivial, but surely can't be worse than some of the layout issues we want to solve :-)10:47.56 
paulgardiner Well it probably involves additions to UE2 although i guess fairly small ones. At least with the layout stuff it's all in the core10:49.53 
sebras tor8: welcome back!10:50.08 
paulgardiner I'll try another reply to him anyway10:50.31 
kens hopes that's an April Fool11:09.10 
paulgardiner tor8 Robin_Watts: should I expect the MuPDF android build to be broken?11:12.06 
tor8 paulgardiner: yes, I haven't got around to testing it yet (it's on today's schedule)11:18.20 
paulgardiner okay ta11:18.48 
tor8 paulgardiner: how does the airprint stuff work on ios? dump a bitmap to some API?11:20.17 
paulgardiner In several ways, one of which is pass a PDF file. Guess which method I choose. :-)11:21.28 
tor8 paulgardiner: please choose on that works with XPS and the other input formats we also support...11:21.55 
  considering the #1 use of mupdf on ios is to view xps files... it'd be a shame if printing didn't work for that :)11:22.21 
paulgardiner I think for now it'll have to be PDF only. This was supposed to be a quick job before getting back to SO.11:23.20 
tor8 paulgardiner: maybe we should add a simple wrap-a-bitmap-in-pdf pdfwrite version?11:24.34 
  (the two top comments on itunes about mupdf complain about not being able to print xps files... hence my nagging)11:25.45 
paulgardiner oh i see. I didn't realise that xps was explicitly mentioned11:26.41 
tor8 I don't think anybody uses MuPDF on iOS for the PDF capabilities (given that the built-in PDF is good enough)11:27.08 
paulgardiner I'll have a look at the other methods11:27.48 
jogux_mac the annotation features in mupdf are quite nice, so I think people might use it for that - but there's a couple of issues that stop it working well (like afaics there's no way to get the document back out of mupdf to email it)11:28.02 
tor8 jogux_mac: yeah. the ios way of handling files is really crippled and annoying.11:28.39 
jogux_mac well that problem is more because we don't have a share button in mupdf :-)11:28.55 
  you also can't save annotation to documents that arrived via email, but I think Paul is fixing that (?)11:29.19 
paulgardiner I dont know if I am. We'll need to check with henrys on priorities.11:32.14 
tor8 paulgardiner: it *should* be a simple matter of just drawing a UIImage in the methods of a UIPrintPageRenderer11:32.58 
  but as with all things Apple, there's probably something magic going on that makes it devilishly tricky to get right11:33.33 
paulgardiner yeah that might not be too difficult, assuming I can set up a way to test other than sending versions to jogux_mac 11:34.37 
  tor8: yeah like the motions of subviews being affected by the opacity of tool bars? Don't you just love iOS.11:35.38 
  I would like to do the work to finish this off, otherwise all the iOS effort has been a bit of a waste11:41.05 
tor8 paulgardiner: maybe could work?11:45.25 
jogux_mac yeah, I suggested that yesterday :-)11:46.07 
tor8 jogux_mac: oh, right.11:46.49 
paulgardiner_mac Hmm. Would I need to plug my printer into the Mac?11:48.02 
tor8 there's also supposed to be some sort of printer simulator in the iphone simulator11:48.13 
  apparently apple have removed the ability to print to shared printers from airprint, which sounds bizarre enough to be true...11:49.27 
paulgardiner_mac Yeah, I tried simulator. It offered me loads of options that I didn't understand.11:49.53 
  That probably is the easiest option11:50.47 
  Just a PITA because I thought I was nearly done.11:51.02 
tor8 paulgardiner_mac: sorry!11:51.23 
paulgardiner_mac tor8: :-) not your fault. Stuff does need doing.11:52.49 
jogux_mac paulgardiner : the print simulator "just works" for me. what opitions did it give you? :)11:54.58 
paulgardiner_lap loads of printers11:56.45 
jogux_mac seems you can even 'print' to it from devices.11:57.03 
paulgardiner_lap Oh really?!11:57.20 
jogux_mac paulgardiner : just pick one - mostly the difference is the print borders I think. eg. "simulated colour laser".11:57.21 
paulgardiner_lap so do they all generate PDF?11:57.37 
jogux_mac I don't know about internally, but with the simulator the end result is a page popping up in 'preview' showing the "printed" content, with yellow borders showing the non-printable areas.11:58.19 
paulgardiner_lap Oh okay.11:58.47 
kens Oh good grief. It looks like the problem with pdfmarks is because the pdfwrite code is using sscanf on a non-null terminated string (!!)12:00.14 
kens smacks head against wall repeatedly12:00.34 
sebras kens: '\0' here you go! :)12:13.30 
kens sebras, if only it were that simple :-(12:13.43 
kubilayrd hello, anyone?12:18.25 
kens say 'hello' ghostbot, be nice12:18.46 
tor8 hello12:19.05 
ghostbot what's up, tor812:19.05 
kens ROFL :-)12:19.16 
kubilayrd I have troubles about installing fonts to ghostscript, hope that someone could give me a lift12:19.22 
kens Not unless you say what your problems are.12:19.46 
  kubilayrd : you need to describe your problem12:22.19 
kubilayrd I am using ImageMagick to convert a PDF file to JPG12:33.05 
  however, I get the following error:12:33.21 
  Error: /syntaxerror in pdfopen12:33.44 
  convert: Postscript delegate failed `ss.pdf': There is no such file or path @ pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/61112:33.46 
  I've googled and found out that it might be about missing fonts that weren't embedded to pdf12:34.13 
  and that ghostscript comes without fonts by default12:34.26 
  so I want to install fonts12:34.31 
  am I on the right route?12:34.39 
kens Well it *might* be fonts, but it equally well might not12:35.15 
  Its actually fairly unlikely, because new versions of GS will fallback even for missing CIDFonts, so you won't get an error12:35.39 
  What is you version of GS ?12:35.47 
kubilayrd 8.7012:35.54 
chrisl Ghostscript very definitely comes with a core set of fonts by default - *if* a given distribution doesn't include those fonts, then the *really* should12:36.15 
kens That's ancient, first thing to do is upgrade to the current version (9.14) or at hte very least 9.1012:36.20 
  You should also try opening the PDF file directly with GS and see what it says (if anything)12:36.46 
kubilayrd chrisl, how can I make sure that I have the core set of fonts, I mean, what's the path?12:37.03 
  kens, I'm upgrading now12:37.08 
  how can I try to open with GS?12:37.14 
kens gs filename.pdf12:37.23 
chrisl kubilayrd: the exact location will be distribution dependent, so it's hard to be sure12:37.39 
kens SHould open the PDF file using the (default) display dfevice12:37.40 
kubilayrd kens, out put of gs filename.pdf:12:38.24 
kens Of course that assumes you have X installed12:38.26 
kubilayrd Ghostscript 8.70: Cannot open X display `(null)'. **** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.12:38.33 
kens OK so you don't hve X installed12:38.44 
kubilayrd should I upgrade first?12:39.00 
kens Try gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=out%d.jpg filename.pdf12:39.08 
  THat should produce one JPEG file for each page in the PDF12:39.19 
Robin_Watts I would consider upgrading first to be wise.12:39.49 
kubilayrd kens, last command returns:12:40.11 
  Error: /syntaxerror in pdfopen12:40.12 
Robin_Watts 8.70 was current when I joined the company (so 4.5 years ago)12:40.16 
kubilayrd Operand stack: ...12:40.19 
  Execution stack:...12:40.25 
  Dictionary stack:...12:40.28 
  GPL Ghostscript 8.70: Unrecoverable error, exit code 112:40.30 
kens kubilayrd : well that's probably the source of your ImageMagick problem12:40.33 
  That version of Ghostscript can't openyour PDF file12:40.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, any pointers to how to update the android JNI bufferstream for the new stream interface? :)12:40.56 
kens I'd try the current version, if it still doesn't work we'll need to see the PDF file, so your best bet would be to open a bug report.12:41.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: Urm... change 'read' or 'fill' to be next.12:41.20 
  next should set rp and wp as appropriate.12:41.41 
kubilayrd kens, does centos have it or I need to build from src?12:41.46 
kens kubilayrd : not a clue, but I would guess not.12:41.58 
Robin_Watts There is no buffer in the fz_stream any more, so if you need one, put it in the private stream state.12:42.07 
kens IIRC Centos is, umm, slow about putting out updates12:42.12 
  So you would needto build from source12:42.21 
kubilayrd kens: okay, it has 8.70-xx; I'm installing from the src now12:42.29 
Robin_Watts Then you return with if (rp == wp) return EOF else return *rp++;12:42.35 
kens bows out and leaves that to chrisl12:42.38 
chrisl Eh??12:42.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm guessing I have to add a buffer somewhere though...12:43.00 
kens building from source on Linunx12:43.01 
kubilayrd by the way, the pdf files that I have this problem about are created in acrobat. I have no problem with pdfs created with indesign12:43.04 
kens chrisl^^12:43.06 
tor8 this thing uses (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, array, stream->pos, len, buf);12:43.17 
Robin_Watts tor8: If you can get access to the underlying data buffer, just make rp and wp point into that.12:43.22 
chrisl kubilayrd: I assume you're build the 9.14 src?12:43.24 
kubilayrd chrisl: like you said, yes12:43.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: Does it get the byteArrayRegion, then copy the data out, then release the region before returning?12:43.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I have no idea how JNI works, much less this stuff.12:43.50 
  it looks like it copies data out of the java side into a C buffer12:44.04 
Robin_Watts If so, just put a char buffer[4096] into the private stream strate structure.12:44.19 
  That will replace the one in the fz_stream.12:44.28 
  tor8: If you want, I'll have a look after lunch for you.12:44.39 
tor8 the stream state already holds the 'globals' struct12:44.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: right, so it should have globals + a buffer.12:45.14 
henrys tor8:you brought up cmake a few days ago and I hadn't looked at it in years, I didn't realize how large the following had become. Some important projects are using it.12:45.26 
Robin_Watts I'll fix it after lunch.12:45.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay. I'll leave it alone for now then.12:47.47 
  Robin_Watts: I'll leave a WIP patch on tor/master with some other minor android fixes that are needed though12:48.37 
Robin_Watts tor8: Great, thanks.12:49.05 
tor8 I've got two ndk-build warnings that might be new12:49.19 
Robin_Watts Clocks have changed, so we have 1:40 before the meeting, right?12:49.21 
tor8 draw-scale-simple.c: Warning: conditional infixes are deprecated in unified syntax12:49.39 
pedro_ nods - that's what I thought12:49.46 
tor8 something with the inline asm12:49.47 
  Android NDK: WARNING:jni/ LOCAL_LDLIBS is always ignored for static libraries 12:49.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: That's known about.12:49.54 
  The assembler stuff is down to gcc being stupid.12:50.09 
tor8 which sounds scarier, as if something big has changed with the build system...12:50.18 
Robin_Watts If you use old format assembly you get a warning.12:50.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right.12:50.43 
Robin_Watts If you use new format assembly it doesn't work on old stuff.12:50.47 
  so we're living with the warning.12:50.54 
  The LOCAL_LDLIBS thing is new to me.12:51.05 
  I'll grab some lunch then have a look.12:51.11 
kubilayrd chrisl: is this file the right one? I couldn't configure and make. 
chrisl kubilayrd: that's a binary, not source12:53.00 
  is that it?12:53.17 
chrisl Yes, that's the source. TBH, you can probably use the binary to test whether the PDF works now.....12:53.44 
kubilayrd gs-914-linux_x86_64 filename.pdf12:55.10 
  like this?12:55.11 
chrisl Better to use the jpeg command line options kens posted above12:55.36 
kubilayrd well it says no such command like this12:55.48 
chrisl ./gs-914-linux_x86_64 -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=out%d.jpg filename.pdf12:56.33 
kubilayrd Processing pages 1 through 51. Page 1 >>showpage, press <return> to continue<<12:57.00 
  means it worked?12:57.08 
chrisl Yes12:57.11 
jogux_mac wonders if there would be any hope of getting epage to build sanely with cmake.12:57.14 
kubilayrd great12:57.18 
  chrisl, do I need to remove the old version before installing 9.14?12:57.32 
kens Of course, presuading ImageMagick to use that binary is a different problem12:57.44 
kubilayrd okay, on it12:58.07 
chrisl kubilayrd: I would suggest not, since it will also remove any packages that depend on gs, like ImageMagick12:58.10 
kubilayrd yeah it just warned me about it, removing for dependencies section12:58.54 
chrisl Are you just going to use the binary you just tried?12:59.27 
kubilayrd chrisl, I doubt it, shouldn't I install?12:59.51 
  I was about to build the source12:59.59 
chrisl If you install from source, it will almost certainly not overwrite the existing installation (which is a good thing!), but it will mean you'll need to add the location of the new gs executable to your PATH13:01.00 
kubilayrd export $PATH=... ?13:02.11 
chrisl Yeh, you'll probably want something like: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH13:02.44 
kubilayrd okay, if that would be enough.13:03.20 
chrisl Well, that only sets PATH for the current terminal instance.13:03.52 
kubilayrd What should I do for persistency, then?13:04.35 
chrisl To make the PATH change permanent, you should add PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH to the end of the file ~/.profile13:05.06 
kubilayrd okay, that explains a lot to me about some commands I was trying to exec from PHP :-)13:05.43 
  thanks, I'm making the source atm13:05.51 
chrisl *Hopefully*, ImageMagick will pick up the gs executable from your PATH, so will get the new one - but if it doesn't you'll need to ask the ImageMagick people about it13:06.30 
kubilayrd yeah, that's my concern13:07.05 
  so there is no way to remove ghostscript without touching to imagemagick?13:08.02 
chrisl kubilayrd: is there a reason you're using ImageMagick?13:08.13 
kubilayrd I am converting PDF files to JPG images with high density13:08.31 
  that's the only reason13:08.40 
chrisl So, you could really just use GS directly, and forget about ImageMagick13:09.14 
kubilayrd Am I be able to set the resolution or density to higher values?13:09.53 
kens resoltuoin, yes, what do you mean by 'density' ?13:10.07 
kubilayrd It's the option I use with ImageMagick, etc the input file's resolution is 467 × 680; when I convert with --density 200 option, it gets up to 1299 × 1890 without quality loss13:11.09 
  Which is deadly important to me13:11.27 
kens DOn't use JPEG then :-)13:11.49 
kubilayrd I have to use an image format eventually, it doesn't matter whether it's JPEG or PNG13:12.21 
kens Given that GS is doing the conversion, it seems likely that you can get whatever you wnt, unless IM is doing some post-processing13:12.21 
  JPEG is lossy, PNG need not be13:12.31 
tor8 "density" is imagemagick's (non-standard) terminology for resolution13:12.42 
  so --density 200 is equivalent to -r 200 in gs13:12.57 
kens Use PNG (or TIFF, whartever) not JPEG where quality is important13:12.57 
  so there you are, use -r to set the resolution13:13.07 
tor8 and what kens said, please use PNG not JPEG13:13.09 
kubilayrd how about file size? these images will be downloaded to mobile devices13:13.26 
chrisl God I really dislike ImageMagick......13:13.32 
tor8 kubilayrd: pick one: quality or file size :)13:13.48 
kens kubilayrd : then there's a tradeoff, size/quality13:13.51 
  If size is most important, use JPEG, if quality is most important, use PNG13:14.23 
tor8 a lower resolution png is better than a high resolution jpeg; especially if you have text... jpeg really messes up text13:14.28 
kens yeah that's really true13:14.41 
kubilayrd I do have text... Okay it seems I need to try both and see the results.13:15.02 
tor8 but if your PDF files are mostly photos and very light on text content, you could get away with JPEG13:15.03 
kubilayrd So ImageMagick uses Ghostscript to do what Ghostscript does?13:15.16 
  I didn't get that part13:15.21 
kens IM doesn't handle PDF files, it uses GS to convetrt them to an image format13:15.33 
kubilayrd tor8: they contain both, like magazines13:15.34 
tor8 kubilayrd: one thing to try is to render to 600dpi with gs and then downsample the results for improved anti-aliasing13:15.37 
kubilayrd So IM does 2 jobs while GS doing one? 13:15.53 
kens No GS is doing all the work there13:16.05 
  IM only handles bitmap formats13:16.13 
tor8 IM calls GS to do the job for converting PDF to an image13:16.19 
kens For PostScript and PDF, IM uses GS to render to an image format13:16.36 
kubilayrd A PDF file (90 MB) conversion took more than an hour with IM, does it change with GS?13:16.36 
kens Probably its faster, only one way to find out13:16.50 
tor8 in this case IM adds nothing of value compared with calling GS directly13:16.51 
  and IM is probably going to be slower (I expect IM calls GS to convert to some uncompressed image format, and then recompress that as JPEG)13:17.23 
kens You *could* use IM to post-process an image file, you may get better image processing that way, but for rendering, GS does the work13:17.34 
kubilayrd I have nothing to do with image processing, I just need to split a PDF file to image files page by page13:17.57 
kens Then use GS13:18.03 
  Especially because it can do it in one pass, IM will do multiple passes, on per page13:18.20 
  one per page*13:18.31 
  I've answered questions on that one before on Stack Overflow13:18.44 
kubilayrd Yeah, seems like I've chosen the wrong path once13:19.03 
kens Many, many people do, because they are familiar with ImageMagick, but don;t realise that 'under the hood' the work is being handed off13:19.29 
kubilayrd I did make too many searches but all it felt like IM was the only way13:19.35 
kens Nothgin wrong with that, of course....13:19.40 
kubilayrd Yeah, seems like so, probably because of image processing13:20.01 
  Which is I don't need at all...13:20.09 
kens Oh you could also use MuPDF for the same task13:20.11 
tor8 kubilayrd: you could also try mupdf with the command line 'mudraw' tool, to convert from PDF to PNG.13:20.11 
kens Its probably even faster13:20.17 
  LOL echo....13:20.24 
tor8 kens: indeed :)13:20.43 
kubilayrd Is it a tool of... what? OS?13:20.45 
tor8 kubilayrd: install the mupdf package, and run 'mudraw' command13:20.58 
kens Its another Artifex open source product13:20.59 
chrisl If the version of Centos only has gs 8.70 packaged, I wouldn't get my hopes up that mupdf is packaged for it......13:21.35 
kubilayrd It's Amazon 13:21.56 
  but I doubt it too13:22.03 
  Okay, options are two, I'll try them both then13:22.58 
norbertj henrys: I added a new patch for the jpeg decoder. I tested it and the few differences I see with clusterpush seem to me progressions (i.e. the stems in some characters seem more equal, also for barcodes).13:29.33 
henrys norbertj: I'm looking at your bmpcmp results on the regression dashboard13:39.00 
kens 50 mnuters to meeting ?13:39.51 
  Or even minutes13:40.04 
henrys kens: yes13:40.11 
kens thanks (our clocks changed)13:40.21 
henrys norbertj: there are large shifts in images are these bmpcmp results current?13:40.45 
norbertj yes.13:41.19 
  Is it possible to see the complete bitmap? This bmpcmp looks like a part of it.13:41.44 
henrys norbertj: no typically we grab the file and render it ourselves13:42.38 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: for printing non-pdf docs on iOS there looks to be only one way to proceed to get acceptable results and that's looking an infeasible amount of work.13:42.54 
Robin_Watts norbertj: bmpcmp cuts the bitmaps down to only show the relevant areas. Otherwise the bitmaps are too large to see on a screen, and too large to store and too large to transfer between nodes.13:43.28 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: the way I'm thinking is to create pdf in all cases, using the pdf device when the source isn't pdf13:43.37 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Can airprint not take a bitmap as input?13:44.15 
  PWG specifically?13:44.29 
  norbertj: The bitmaps all look plausible to me, if they were dropping data before...13:45.11 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts: yes, but this is supposed to be a mobile solution, so I would have thought the size of image necessary to get reasonable printing result would be infeasibly large to transfer (and even temorarily store for files of many pages)13:45.39 
norbertj henrys: I took the last job (mango_jpg.pxl) and printed, resulting bitmap looks ok to me (nicely centered, while previously it wasn't).13:45.51 
henrys norbertj: on the dashboard choose test files, then you want tests_private/customer_tests/mango_jpg.pxl13:46.07 
  oh you already figured that out ;-)13:46.15 
Robin_Watts henrys: You can click on the link in the bmpcmp too. Or in the web view of the report.13:46.34 
henrys norbertj: great if it's all good let's commit13:46.36 
  norbertj: you have a pretty extensive test file suite as well I guess it passed.13:47.18 
kubilayrd chrisl: No such file ~/.profile, should I change /etc/profile?13:48.12 
norbertj I'm going to run today, (for that I had to first have a clean idea of the fix, which I now have). But it will take several hours to complete, so results tomorrow.13:48.28 
henrys paulgardiner: did you ever find an AirPrint printer?13:48.50 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: really? That's odd... give me a second13:49.06 
  kubilayrd: do you have a ~/.bashrc file (assuming you are using bash)?13:50.07 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: jogux_mac tested on his and it seems to work, but I'm currently supporting only the printing of pdf docs, and tor8 pointed out that most of the moaning on the app store is about not being able to print XPS13:50.22 
kubilayrd chrisl_r500: yes, contains: # .bashrc # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi # User specific aliases and functions13:50.52 
jogux_mac henrys : the print simulator built into xcode seems to be pretty good too. (better than cups's airprint, anyway :-) )13:51.07 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: Also it seems the simulator has facility for testing printing so I should be able to test here too now13:51.09 
jogux_mac [in the version of cups I have]13:51.13 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: you should be able to add the PATH definition to ~/.bashrc then13:51.33 
jogux_mac henrys : btw, been playing with ms office on the ipad. I think their UI may be a hell of a lot slicker than ours :-(13:51.58 
kubilayrd chrisl_r500: this line to end? export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH13:52.07 
chrisl_r500 Yes13:52.20 
kubilayrd still, gs command returns 8.7013:52.36 
henrys jogux_mac: in the mobile world I have to think we are very dated.13:52.52 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: did the new gs actually install in /usr/local/bin?13:53.11 
kubilayrd yep, I even tested the binary13:53.34 
jogux_mac didn't kubilayrd say he was doing php (presumably inside a web server)? .bashrc may not affect that.13:53.37 
  henrys : yeah :-(13:53.51 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: you do have to start a new terminal for that to take effect13:54.12 
kubilayrd k, on it now13:54.19 
  chrisl_r500: Now it happened13:54.51 
  So, I've been looking to MuPDF documentation but couldn't find how to convert13:55.30 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: that's good. Now, are you going to be calling gs (directly or indirectly) from your php scripts?13:55.44 
kubilayrd chrisl_r500: Yes, exec("gs filename.pdf");13:56.07 
Robin_Watts kubilayrd: What do you want to do with mupdf?13:56.23 
kubilayrd Robin_Watts: Convert PDF to JPEG or PNG13:56.49 
Robin_Watts mudraw -o out%d.png in.pdf13:56.53 
kubilayrd Robin_Watts: Can I give additional parameters for resolution?13:57.28 
chrisl_r500 Right, so usually, php scripts run under dedicated user (often call "php" or similar). You either need to change your system wide configuration file (under /etc) or change the settings file for the php user13:57.41 
kubilayrd chrisl_r500: You mean /etc/profile?13:58.23 
chrisl_r500 Yes. Be *very* careful, though, an error in there could prevent you logging into the system13:59.01 
kubilayrd chrisl_r500: How about giving the absolute path in PHP command?13:59.28 
  chrisl_r500: I was doing so with IM...13:59.37 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: in that i13:59.51 
  in that case it will probably work - I really know almost nothing about php14:00.09 
kubilayrd Is this MuPDF source wrong for Unix? I can't configure 
Robin_Watts We don't need no stinkin' configure.14:01.15 
kubilayrd OK, processing with make...14:01.30 
  Robin_Watts: Can I give additional parameters for resolution in MuPDF?14:01.57 
Robin_Watts mudraw -o out%d.png -r res in.pdf14:02.06 
  mudraw -o out%d.png -w width in.pdf14:02.18 
  mudraw -o out%d.png -h height in.pdf14:02.26 
kubilayrd Robin_Watts: One last thing: Does it convert each page to seperated files?14:02.40 
Robin_Watts Yes, that's what the %d in the -o filename does.14:02.55 
kubilayrd Robin_Watts: Thank you very much for the help, I'll return if anything goes wrong.14:03.15 
  Also, thank you guys, you've been very helpful. kens, chrisl_r500, tor814:03.54 
kens You're welcome14:04.00 
chrisl_r500 kubilayrd: no problem14:04.09 
henrys Robin_Watts: what was it blissful deadlock? - I was ROFL never heard that before.14:04.45 
ray_laptop kubilayrd: chrisl: kens: I was going to mention that -o out-%d.jpg is often less confusing since it doesn't prompt for showpage...14:04.53 
kens ray_laptop : yes but we wanted to establish the problem first14:05.16 
tor8 paulgardiner: yes, using pdfwrite would be the ideal long-term solution but that device doesn't support text yet IIRC14:05.23 
ray_laptop kubilayrd: it's equivalent to -sOutputFile=out-%d.jpg -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE14:05.24 
  kens: right.14:05.36 
tor8 paulgardiner: I would imagine anyone printing off a phone would be doing so on a WiFi network (being near the printer in question), not a 3G14:05.52 
Robin_Watts holy deadlock :)14:05.56 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: yes exactly and why I said it was an infeasible amount of work14:05.57 
henrys Robin_Watts: ah that's right14:06.14 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah. still, bitmaps for XPS would be better than nothing.14:06.21 
ray_laptop tor8: except for the speed14:06.50 
kubilayrd Okay, before using these commands, I need to go through installation... X11/Xlib.h: No such file found. 14:06.55 
  What's missing?14:06.58 
paulgardiner_lap Yeah I suppose so. So what dpi should I aim at? Should I try to match the printer?14:06.58 
kens kubilayrd : X windows ?14:07.20 
ray_laptop paulgardiner: matching the printer is good14:07.23 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: Am I okay working on iOS a bit longer. Thought I was nearly done, but it seems not.14:07.32 
kubilayrd kens: platform/x11/x11_main.c:3:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h14:07.36 
tor8 kubilayrd: you're missing xorg-dev (if you're on debian or ubuntu)14:07.49 
  kubilayrd: have you downloaded the 1.3 source or checked out the latest git?14:08.12 
ray_laptop paulgardiner: but, of course, that can make the bitmap larger than might be needed. It's just for text that people want (near) full res14:08.27 
Robin_Watts kubilayrd: HAVE_X11=no make build=release14:08.39 
tor8 kubilayrd: make build=release NOX11=1 if you have 1.3, make build=release HAVE_X11=no if you're working from git14:08.41 
paulgardiner_lap ray_laptop: just worried that, given as all the images have to be created up front, I might run the device out of space14:08.56 
ray_laptop paulgardiner: Oh, all of the pages have to exist prior to sending to the printer ?14:09.25 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Can you not do one job per page for the bitmap casee?14:09.26 
kubilayrd tor8: downloaded the 1.3 src14:09.44 
tor8 then NOX11=1 on the command line to make should do the trick14:10.00 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: continue with iOS I'll fend off miles if he gets wind of it ;-)14:10.03 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: :-)14:10.14 
kubilayrd Robin_Watts: Now trying again with: HAVE_X11=no make build=release14:10.16 
  tor8: HAVE_X11=no make build=release wouldn't work?14:10.43 
tor8 kubilayrd: no. we changed the magic variable name recently, so the 1.3 release still uses the awkward NOX11=114:11.08 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts: That's an idea, but I'm not sure it would help. 14:11.19 
kubilayrd tor8: Re-making now.14:11.51 
paulgardiner_lap I guess I should give it a try. At least I should be able to write the images to disc and not need to keep them all in memory.14:12.11 
ray_laptop_ paulgardiner: if it's a matter of know how many pages there will be in the print job, you know that without needing the bitmaps14:12.19 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: one would hope that the frameworks writes the pages to disk as PDF before firing off the job14:12.43 
ray_laptop_ paulgardiner: what disk does an iPhone have ?14:12.49 
chrisl_r500 paulgardiner_lap: can't you stream the bitmaps as they are created?14:12.52 
tor8 paulgardiner: given that I think a lot of apps use plenty of bitmaps in printing14:13.02 
paulgardiner_lap ray_laptop I think they vary.14:13.31 
tor8 henrys: ray_laptop: no word from yet, I take it?14:13.57 
paulgardiner_lap I'll give it a go anyway14:14.06 
henrys I haven't heard anything no tor814:14.18 
ray_laptop tor8: no, no update from Miles14:14.51 
  I'll send Miles a reminder email to bug the guys (or at least give us the info from the purchase so I can bug them)14:15.40 
  email sent14:17.05 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: is the ~testdocs directory on peeves complete or is there somewhere else I should be transferring the files from?14:19.51 
Robin_Watts marcosw1: As far as I know, that's the most complete copy we have.14:20.10 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: thx.14:20.16 
Robin_Watts We didn't get a better one from the admins did we?14:20.25 
jogux_mac not that I saw anywhere14:20.38 
  I don't think there was anywhere big enough for 500G+ of data to be hiding without us noticing :)14:20.57 
Robin_Watts yeah :(14:21.04 
  If it was going to be there it would have had to be somewhere other than /mnt/picsel14:21.32 
marcosw1 jogux_mac: I've ordered two 1 TB drives which should arrive tomorrow; I'll starting transfering the files from peeved to one of my machines. 14:22.03 
jogux_mac is pretty sure it's not on that NAS, anyway.14:22.10 
  marcosw1: great.14:22.20 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: what's the uplink speed from peeved? I want to use a reasonable bwlimit so as not to swamp your connection.14:22.55 
Robin_Watts and if we do find a copy of a newer testdocs, we should still be OK as the picsel policy was never to change a file once it had gone into testdocs.14:23.22 
ray_laptop marcosw: AFAIK it is 768Kb, but other than regression testing, I don't care14:23.32 
jogux_mac marcosw1: assuming this'll be a slow-ish transfer, could you do testdocs/{pptx,docx,xlsx} first please, then 'ole', then everything else. [that's based on our work priorities]14:23.44 
ray_laptop marcosw: if it is going to take too long, I can throw the stuff on a drive and overnight it up to you.14:24.53 
marcosw1 jogux_mac: sure14:24.59 
ray_laptop ISTR that it is about 600Mb14:25.06 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: let me get it started and see how it goes, the stuff that's a priority might not be too bad.14:25.38 
jogux_mac the first set is about 15G, ole 220G.14:26.29 
ray_laptop I don't know if this is old news: 
Robin_Watts freeish = 70 quid a year :)14:27.39 
henrys ray_laptop: yes we've been discussing it.14:27.40 
marcosw1 so the first set should be here in hours, the second set in a couple of days. probably not worth shipping a drive.14:28.17 
pedro_ cool - that sounds ideal14:28.40 
jogux_mac robin_watts : they did make the iphone one free for 'home' use (whatever that means) at the same time14:28.42 
henrys ray_laptop: so our current planned response will be a free read-only smart office.14:29.10 
jogux_mac robin_watts : and ipad one is 'free' for me :-)14:29.15 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: feel free to expense a new AirPrint printer if you want a printer. I assume you weren't worried about that and just didn't want to get another printer but just in case...14:30.01 
  meeting time.14:30.17 
  I do think we should all take a look at cmake and at least find some reasons to shoot it down. chrisl thoughts?14:31.08 
chrisl_r500 I think we shouldn't14:31.22 
Robin_Watts henrys: For what products?14:31.28 
kens henrys, its somethgin else WIndows users would have to download and build14:31.48 
henrys Robin_Watts: everything14:31.51 
kens We eliminated other products for the same reason14:32.05 
chrisl_r500 henrys: I very much doubt that cmake can deal with the multiple build steps required for all our products - or at least, for gs and co14:32.29 
paulgardiner_lap Thanks henrys. Might be handy.14:32.46 
Robin_Watts henrys: I'd be more inclined to tell windows users that they would need to download and use gmake.14:32.46 
  s/gmake/gnu make/14:32.59 
  but as it is, we have a solution that works well for windows/linux. Why go changing?14:33.20 
ray_laptop seconds Robin_Watts14:33.34 
  (and chrisl)14:33.40 
Robin_Watts and by everything I really hope you're not including SOT in that.14:33.46 
jogux_mac robin_watts : I would kind of like to see the back of the FBS if that was at all feasible...14:34.13 
henrys Robin_Watts: that's the first thing I'd consider actually14:34.16 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: did you say 768 kb/s or kB/s? I'm only seeing ~120 kB/s.14:34.26 
ray_laptop henrys: we have enough problems to fix without starting a new build system, don't we ?14:34.47 
paulgardiner_lap We should use the FBS for gs and mupdf :-)14:34.53 
chrisl_r500 jogux_mac: I suspect any non-dedicated system would struggle to cope with the vast array of configuration options needed for SOT14:35.09 
marcosw1 it's called the Fantastic Build System for a reason...14:35.11 
pedro_ notes that there were around 3 re-jigs of the SOT build system...14:35.14 
ray_laptop marcosw: K bits per second (is that KB/s ?)14:35.16 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: I'd love to see the back of the FBS, but moving to cmake seems like changing one pair of comedy clown shoes for another.14:35.17 
jogux_mac robin_watts : you may know more about cmake than I do (or less about FBS :-) )14:35.35 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: bits is b, afaik14:35.41 
pedro_ depends largely how many separate targets we want to hit; seems feasible to concentrate on a small number of platforms/configs 14:35.48 
henrys Robin_Watts: is there some problem with cmake?14:35.53 
ray_laptop marcosw: since it is counter intuitive, and since I've been using Windoze, my case sensitivity has declined14:36.28 
kens So at the moment, GS can be buitl using standard tools on any platform, and we're going to ask *everyone* to downlaod and buld cmake before they ubild GS ?14:36.32 
chrisl_r500 pedro_: I thought we were committed to at least a configuration per OEM customer?14:36.38 
ray_laptop henrys: the biggest problem is that Windows users have to download it. 14:36.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: Is there some problem with the existing VS solution?14:37.02 
kens ray_laptop : so would Linux users (unless its standard)14:37.07 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: it probably will be necessary to send a drive, unless jogux doesn't made getting the docx/pptx/xlsx in days and everything else in weeks.14:37.21 
henrys kens:it doesn't work, it does not have *real* project files and it still uses nmake.14:37.35 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: where were the testdocs files transferred from?14:37.42 
chrisl_r500 It's not standard on Linux, but is mostly available as a package - but it would bugger Solaris, AIX, HP-UX users, etc.....14:37.44 
Robin_Watts The only problem I can see with the current VS solution (for gs) is the lack of parallel builds.14:37.46 
pedro_ chrisl_r500: most of them are simple feature config at present, on android, w8, w8mobile and iOS afaics - we used to have a whole host of arm,mips.x86 targets, various products, various features etc to support14:37.55 
kens henrys it doeas work, and nmake is a standard part of VS, therefore its a standard tool14:37.58 
paulgardiner_lap I think the problem with sot isn't so much the FBS as the number and complexity of the builds and that a lot is done just with free-form python programs14:38.09 
pedro_ now it seems workable to reduce that and have a more comprehensible build system14:38.10 
mvrhel_laptop sorry I am a bit late..14:38.16 
chrisl_r500 pedro_: and the "aliens" for individual customers?14:38.26 
jogux_mac paulgardiner_lap : I'd perhaps also see it as a chance to clean up some of the mess :-)14:38.33 
ray_laptop henrys: but it's good enough for who it's for. How does cmake cure having "real project files" for Visual Stufio ???14:38.36 
pedro_ for me its a question of pain/gain14:38.37 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: do you think we are lacking for not having real project files in gs?14:38.46 
kens cmake wouldn't improve the project files at all14:38.49 
Robin_Watts I think we are having 2 separate conversations here.14:39.01 
kens We *could* have real project files for VS and GS, but its a maintenace problem14:39.11 
henrys kens:I thought cmake produces visual studio projects?14:39.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: gs builds are fast enough without parallel builds (IMHO)14:39.24 
jogux_mac thought the same as henrys.14:39.29 
kens henrys I wasn't aware of that14:39.36 
pedro_ chrisl_r500 - not specifcally; there were initially, but we pushed that onto the customers; what we have in the build system is more dev and product aliens; we'd supply the library to customers and they'd write app/alien14:39.37 
Robin_Watts 1) Changing gs over to cmake, and 2) Changing SOT away from the FBS.14:39.54 
  For 1) I question the need to mess with what we have.14:40.06 
ray_laptop a full gs elease build is 146 seconds 14:40.08 
kens I question the gains for 1) also14:40.24 
henrys if you haven't looked at in a long time you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. There are large serious projects now using cmake.14:40.31 
ray_laptop debug slightly less, and incremental builds are on the order of 10 seconds14:40.38 
kens We do have project files and they work well enough14:40.39 
Robin_Watts For 2) I'd be all in favour of moving away from FBS if it can be done in reasonable time/effort/reliability.14:40.39 
jogux_mac ray_laptop : I've never heard an engineer complain that the build was too fast :-)14:40.41 
ray_laptop jogux: no, but having to support our customers and tell them "now you need cmake" doesn't appeal to me.14:41.21 
kens nods14:41.27 
Robin_Watts Fundamentally, we want to be able to change builds (add files etc) in just 1 place. And we have that for gs already.14:41.35 
ray_laptop if nothing else, cust 532 would be a pain -- they integrate our build into the build of their entire printer software14:41.53 
henrys ray_laptop: the no parallel build is torture if you spend a little time on a mac or linux and then try an visual studio build - you just haven't used it. My dial up modem is just fine ;-)14:42.03 
ray_laptop and they use make14:42.04 
Robin_Watts The problem with cmake is that people will inevitably edit the VS files themselves rather than the CMake sources for the VS files.14:42.04 
mvrhel_laptop I am fine with the way gs is set up in visual studio now14:42.12 
Robin_Watts And then there will be problems.14:42.20 
mvrhel_laptop have the facade of files really causes me no issues14:42.30 
Robin_Watts henrys: What we really want is a parellelised nmake then ?14:42.42 
henrys well anyway I won't push it further...14:42.43 
chrisl_r500 cmake just seems like a whole new set of problems to deal with....14:42.49 
Robin_Watts There is an nmake clone out there that claims to do parallel stuff, but it fails on gs.14:43.04 
  I'd rather see our engineering time spent on fixing that personally...14:43.15 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that sounds like the real issue14:43.20 
henrys anyway something to chew on - I won't push it more.14:43.25 
  tor8: mupdf release?14:43.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: not surprising that it fails on gs. But having a VS project that uses 'pre' and 'post' steps might let the build of the C files be built in parallel14:44.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: A pure VS project would be a retrograde step.14:45.05 
  Cos then people would need to maintain 2 build systems.14:45.18 
chrisl_r500 ray_laptop: It takes a lot more than that - there's a lot of interdependencies as well as the pre/post steps14:45.29 
henrys Robin_Watts: are you up on when the release will be?14:45.34 
Robin_Watts henrys: AIUI, things to do for the release are:14:45.53 
  1) Let paul finish the airprint stuff.14:46.03 
  2) fix the android build.14:46.07 
  I'm doing 2) now.14:46.10 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: probably, in that it might end up compiling a bunch of devices that aren't needed14:46.27 
Robin_Watts It would be nice to announce mujs at the same time, so it would be nice to have sorted...14:47.04 
henrys Robin_Watts: miles is bugging me for the release because he wants to do the SOT announcement in the newsletter. 14:47.14 
  and we usually do the newsletter after the releases14:47.29 
Robin_Watts I understand.14:47.34 
paulgardiner_lap Do we need to hold off the main release for airprint, or could an updated app be submitted a little later?14:47.44 
Robin_Watts traditionally appstore releases have not been synced with version releases.14:48.09 
  so we could release sooner.14:48.34 
paulgardiner_lap That's what I thought.14:48.44 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: estimate on airprint?14:48.55 
Robin_Watts But I'm out of the loop on this slightly (have been wearing my SOT hat), so tor8 may know of other things.14:48.57 
henrys Robin_Watts: perhaps the time change got tor814:49.37 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: I'd guess 2-3 days, but I'm off for a week. Also another thing jogux pointed out is we have no share button to allow things like emailing altered docs14:50.17 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: well keep going with it but it may not make it in. Of course if tor8 is not ready for some other reason it doesn't matter.14:51.46 
Robin_Watts pedro: "arsing the ooxml" Nice :)14:52.01 
chrisl_r500 Official project name??14:52.15 
henrys jogux_mac, pedro_: do you guys have anything for the meeting?14:52.28 
pedro_ that's actually a better description of how it feels ;)14:52.31 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I didn't forget about xpswrite compression - just getting a bunch of stuff from guillaume - ugh14:53.17 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: you will have to send me a drive, just the docx/pptx/xlsx portion is going to take ~36 hours (that's based on real transfer times). Since that's only 3% of the total we are talking weeks for everything.14:53.37 
jogux_mac henrys : can't recall much. still plodding away at the various things; ATS is advancing but slowly.14:53.43 
  henrys : been talking about marcosw about getting more disc space so we can run the bulk da tests14:54.02 
marcosw1 my estimate of ~4 hours when I thought you said bytes was pretty close though :-)14:54.02 
ray_laptop marcosw: OK. I'll go get a drive today and xfer it14:54.04 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: no problem. I am working on text selection UI right now in gsview14:54.15 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: do you have something other than jbig2dec that can read jb2 diles?14:54.22 
pedro_ henrys: on the ooxml bugs (mainly word just now) we have a number of issues where we lose content or render incorrectly compared to MSWord; OpenOffice does the same as SOT and I can see no evidence in the xml internals which explains how word renders some of these features (watermarks, invisible orders etc14:54.34 
ray_laptop marcoswI: I'll let you know, but I should be able to get it to you by tomorrow.14:54.42 
mvrhel_laptop once I have that done, then I just need to add in a couple more save as options and clean up a couple things here and there14:54.43 
kubilayrd I can convert my PDF to JPEG with both GS and MuPDF. Thank you guys all! Will try combinations now. See ya. :-)14:54.54 
henrys ray_laptop: you're customer email was a bit honest for me, sounded like something I'd say ;-)14:54.58 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: I don't think so. I looked for something when the jbig2 testing came up but that was a while ago.14:55.07 
ray_laptop marcosw: Is you address in Joann's employees doc correct ?14:55.13 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: oh well, you can just deal with the inverted jbig2 output for now.....14:55.45 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: nice response to the customer about doing his own transparency handling in his customer display list14:55.56 
jogux_mac ray_laptop : it's not a huge rush as it'll take us a couple of days to configure the tests etc too (just don't want you going out of your way panicing thinking it's a huge rush!)14:56.03 
pedro_ we can leave them on the basis we believe they're not standard ooxml or try to figure what msword is doing to infer behaviour. There are a few simle bugs, but the most critical issue I can see is the one I've been spending most time on; SOT is missing a whole bunch of layout and styling from the OOXML parsing14:56.05 
mvrhel_laptop custom display list that is14:56.12 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: yes. I'll be out of town for a few days starting on Friday, so if you can't get the drive to me by tomorrow Thursday would be good.14:56.14 
henrys pedro_, jogux_mac any sense of how compatible microsoft's product is?14:56.16 
mvrhel_laptop oh I will be out of town next week14:56.24 
pedro_ this leaves a lot of misplaced, wrongly-sized or missing content. 14:56.27 
mvrhel_laptop already let joann know but I will send a email out14:56.35 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner and I are away from Thursday->Tuesday. We'll miss next weekends meeting, probably.14:56.55 
henrys Robin_Watts: right14:57.13 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: yeah, but somehow I don't think I'll convince those guys :-(14:57.16 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: where are you guys off to?14:57.17 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Southern Spain.14:57.33 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: I just hope we don't get sucked into a lot of work 14:57.36 
jogux_mac henrys : I mostly played with the ipad ui. pedro_ may have played more with the guts.14:57.38 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: nice14:57.41 
  Robin_Watts: you should stop in and see Marti14:57.57 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: I've clearly missed an email (or irc discussion), but what inverted jbig2 issue are you going on about?14:57.57 
pedro_ henrys: I think MSWord read most ooxml just fine, but it also writes mso-xxx properties which can override ooxml attributes14:58.00 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Hadn't thought of that. We could claim the trip on expenses! :)14:58.22 
tor8 henrys: the android build is the main thing holding up a release14:58.24 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: if you look at the commit message for my jbig2 device fix, it's explained in there14:58.26 
mvrhel_laptop exactly14:58.27 
tor8 and having be live would be nice for the release announcement14:58.33 
jogux_mac pedro_ : I think henrys might've been asking about office for ipad (and I'm not sure that's what you're talking about)?14:58.45 
pedro_ henrys: haven't played too much with it yet, but I didn't spot any obvious issues in the docs I tried14:58.47 
tor8 and we're also waiting on airprint, since that would be sweet to have, but we can release the app built from later source as we've done in the past14:59.06 
pedro_ jogux: was still talking about our SOT-OpenOffice-MSOffice compatibility14:59.17 
jogux_mac nods at pedro_. too many parallel topics :)14:59.32 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: thx. haven't had my morning latte yet; was up late last night chatting with kens on irc :-)14:59.57 
kens ROFL15:00.03 
  henrys marcosw what should we do with bug numbers 695121 to 695123 ? These expose the problems with rasterops and pdfwrite. I'm inclined to close as 'WONTFIX'.15:00.14 
ray_laptop just like in person staff meetings -- people talking amongst themselves while henry tries to follow the agenda ;-)15:00.41 
henrys kens:I left a comment and I assumed wont fix would be the outcome.15:00.58 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: well, it was your bug, so.... anyway, it's probably not hard to fix if we pin down the problem to our output15:01.16 
pedro_ was just too slow typing my initial comments and was overtaken by a similar sounding question ;)15:01.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: have you got one of those mupdf changes since last release lists typed up somewhere?15:01.20 
kens henrys, that's fine I'll do that then, I did read the comment but wasn't sure if you wanted an enhancement raised instead15:01.21 
marcosw1 kens: that's fine with me. I'll let the customer know.15:01.25 
Robin_Watts tor8: I have not.15:01.32 
  I can make one for you if you want.15:01.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, I sort of thought you kept a rolling log somewhere from past releases, but no worries15:01.49 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: they are all my bugs :-(15:01.52 
henrys we are past the 1/2 hour anything else meeting-wise?15:02.00 
marcosw1 or at least sometimes it feels that way15:02.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: Nah, I "git log" and type stuff into an emacs window :)15:02.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: aha! :)15:02.32 
marcosw1 I did?15:02.37 
tor8 well, I can do that as well then, if you're busy fixing the android build15:02.47 
pedro_ marcosw: probably worth assigning all the GhostDocs bugs to me just now and I can reprioritise/update status for them. Sound sane?15:02.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think I have it fixed.15:02.58 
marcosw1 pedro_: sure. I could also just add you to the ghostdocs-bugs email alias.15:03.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: Fab! Have you tested it as well, to make sure the javascript stuff works? I'm not 100% confident I got the JS setup all right with the android changes.15:03.40 
kens fetches more coffee15:04.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: No, I just got the native part building. I'll push a fix commit for this onto robin/master in a mo, then test it a bit.15:04.21 
  If you could test it too, that would be good.15:04.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I will. I'd like to test paul's iOS app too, before we release it onto the app store, but are we waiting for that to hold up the release or should we just get the android stuff working then release?15:05.32 
  the docs need some updating as well15:05.48 
  the examples have to get the fz_register_document_handlers call in there, and the build instructions for V8 could be excised15:06.21 
paulgardiner Don't hold off for the iOS app. Hopefully it wont take long but just in case15:06.36 
  I need to nip out. biab15:07.15 
tor8 paulgardiner: alright. I'll see if we can get the RC out before you two take off (thursday through tuesday next week was it?)15:07.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: this thursday to next tuesday, yes.15:08.21 
kens sounds a bit tight for a release15:08.48 
Robin_Watts kens: That's just for the RC.15:09.43 
kens ah ok15:09.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: I've pushed an updated commit.15:10.05 
henrys jogux_mac: so a timed save for this? 
jogux_mac henrys : or save when we enter background15:10.59 
Robin_Watts Can we refuse to enter the background?15:11.20 
jogux_mac but I'm not sure if it should be saving to a temporary file or updating the 'real' file (I guess the former)15:11.23 
  robin_watts : no15:11.25 
Robin_Watts temp file then :(15:11.34 
jogux_mac so we have to fiddle to reload the temporary file when we get restarted15:11.55 
  henrys : where does that prioritise in amongst everything else?15:12.07 
henrys jogux_mac: I'm rather new to this but I'd say more important than the other bugs. I'd find that maddening.15:12.53 
jogux_mac I still need to actually confirm that's why it's breaking; but it's a really good theory :-)15:13.10 
  I think paul raised a really annoying sounding one about external keyboards too15:13.34 
Robin_Watts external keyboards cursor keys don't work.15:13.50 
jogux_mac that's the one15:13.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I suspect that will leak 'bs' on an exception in fz_open_document_with_stream15:14.21 
jogux_mac I have vague memory of complaints in appstore reviews about that too.15:14.23 
henrys jogux_mac: yes another P1 bug as we call them.15:14.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: fz_new_stream should guarantee to close the stream it's passed on exception, I think.15:14.48 
jogux_mac henrys: ah, right.15:15.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: not the stream, the stream state struct, in case fz_new_stream throws15:15.27 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: can you make a p1 bug for that and I'll change the memory problem to p115:15.42 
tor8 oh, wait, nvm.15:15.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: s/the stream/the stream state/15:15.45 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: ah you did make a bug15:16.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. so the close(stream) in the always cleans up after any errors in fz_open_document_with_streams15:17.13 
Robin_Watts yes.15:17.21 
tor8 but fz_new_stream could throw (on a malloc error) and then 'bs' would leak15:17.36 
Robin_Watts fz_new_stream only mallocs within an fz_try.15:18.06 
tor8 and rethrows15:18.17 
Robin_Watts and the fz_catch specifically calls close on the state.15:18.19 
tor8 eww :)15:18.42 
henrys jogux_mac: I made those P1 along with the set fault.15:18.44 
Robin_Watts basically the ownership of bs passes in.15:18.45 
tor8 that's not obvious :)15:18.49 
jogux_mac henrys : how much of the P1s do we need to get in before release? Is it still urgent to do a release without EG?15:18.52 
marcosw1 henrys: okay to add pedro_ and jogux_mac to the private attachments group on bugzilla?15:18.54 
henrys s/set/seg15:18.54 
tor8 but yes, in that case, LGTM15:18.55 
jogux_mac henrys : thanks15:19.07 
henrys jogux_mac: no we're square with eg15:19.11 
Robin_Watts tor8: Do you have an android device with mail on ? :)15:19.19 
henrys jogux_mac: short term - for this release at least15:19.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, why?15:19.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: Cos it's opening a PDF attachment from gmail that exercises this code I think.15:20.03 
  and I don't think I have that set up.15:20.15 
ray_laptop darn. I forgot that I have to have the "extras=..." arguments to bmpcmp15:20.28 
henrys pedro_: the watermark stuff is alarming - we have no idea where it comes from?15:20.39 
jogux_mac henrys : ah, okay. so all P1s before release?15:20.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. I'll see if I can get that to work then.15:21.10 
marcosw1 brb15:21.21 
henrys jogux_mac: hopefully ;-)15:21.27 
ray_laptop henrys must have been taking online management classes. Of course everything is your top priority ! ;-)15:21.31 
henrys jogux_mac: if the keyboard thing is going to take a long time we won't wait.15:22.06 
ray_laptop does the touch screen still work for cursor movement when you have the external KB ?15:22.48 
  (not that that is a very convenient work around)15:23.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh FFS, what is with people and this obsession with only providing 32-bit linux binaries?!15:24.17 
ray_laptop tor8: well, they still run on a 64-bit sytem, right ?15:24.53 
tor8 the "32 and 64-bit" tarball *only* has 32-bit binaries15:25.08 
  ray_laptop: nope. only if you install multi-arch and make your system a hybrid 32/64-bit15:25.21 
ray_laptop tor8: that must be the default for ubuntu then -- I don't recall having to do anything special 15:26.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: dies with javascript.15:26.53 
tor8 default ubuntu was still 32-bit last I checked (which may have been a while ago)15:26.54 
  Robin_Watts: stuck on not being able to compile due to the insanity of the android SDK being 32-bit only15:27.16 
ray_laptop tor8: not for me when I set up peeves and peeved (and peeved was > 4 years ago). If you have a 64-bit capable processor and > 4Gb RAM it seems to automagically use 64-bit SMP15:28.25 
  s/peeved was/peeves was/15:28.52 
tor8 ray_laptop: interesting. last time I installed ubuntu I got a 32-bit PAE kernel15:28.55 
ray_laptop tor8: was that in a VM ?15:29.12 
tor8 ray_laptop: no, on a laptop so it may have been the <4G of RAM15:29.41 
marcosw1 can someone refresh my (clearly failing) memory of why I needed the jbig2 device to be working? Something to do with testing of jbig2 output presumably but that's not as helpful as it might be :-)15:30.15 
ray_laptop tor8: that's probably why15:30.52 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: it was for testing our luratech encoder integration - we had some case where it didn't work.....15:31.29 
pedro_ henrys: I've made some degenrate files with simply a 1 page doc with watermark and 1 word of text; can't see any section styling to indicate how MSWord thinks there's a watermark so far15:31.43 
  henrys: microsoft do use special internal shapeIDs (just magic numbers to ooxml) so it may be one of them15:32.39 
ray_laptop chrisl: you beat me to it15:32.40 
henrys pedro_: for what it's worth I found the latest libre office to be a bit better than open office for some of these bugs.15:33.40 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: okay, I think that's enough for me to go on.15:33.43 
pedro_ henrys: mm, I have SOT,OpenOffice, LibreOffice and 3 versions of Office for reference ;)15:34.24 
henrys pedro_: well okay then15:34.40 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: so it's something to the weekly luratech tests - probably just a small subset of test files will be more than enough15:34.57 
  s/to the/to add to the15:35.12 
pedro_ henrys: LibreOffice definitely does seem to be better maintained these days 15:36.15 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: is it necessary to do it on a weekly basis? I was planning on doing a one time test and then presume we wouldn't break anything...15:36.31 
chrisl_r500 marcosw1: I thought the point of this was that we did break something.... maybe not weekly - monthly? Pre-release?15:37.20 
marcosw1 chrisl_r500: there isn't any mechanism to run the weekly tests with a subset of test files against a particular device, so without annoying changes we'd end up running all the test files with the jbig device. I suppose there isn't anything wrong with that...15:40.24 
  better too many tests than not enought.15:40.44 
chrisl_r500 I suspect doing it as part of the release testing would be sufficient15:41.31 
henrys pedro_, jogux_mac : Reading through pedro_ 's analysis in bugzilla my fear is that layout compatibility is not going to be possible with current resources. Maybe I'm not reading this right, but most problems are not very well understood or point to seeming daunting undertakings. 15:41.36 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes, exact layout compatability is never going to happen.15:42.17 
  I've got a deal simple file here, just 1 paragraph of text on an A4 page, all one font size.15:42.52 
  We split the first line a word earlier than Libre Office does.15:43.13 
pedro_ henrys: I think there's a long way we could go by going through the ooxml DAs and comparing against the spec to make sure everything's implemented as expected, and at the same time handling the missing mso_xxx properties; some of the reuired changes are akin to floats in html15:43.17 
  but it is going to be difficult to guarantee the same rendering15:44.01 
  (even MSWord on different machines/OS variants can produce different results)15:44.33 
Robin_Watts I plan to follow the code through to try to understand why, but ultimately it's going to come down to "our measurement of the width of the text overflows our measurement of the width of the box". Without being able to compare it to what LibreOffice is doing, it's going to be very hard to spot where the actual mistake is.15:44.38 
  pedro_: I think the best we can realistically hope for is that we don't lose content, and that on the whole, we match (allowing for slightly different line breaks etc).15:45.19 
pedro_ nods15:45.30 
Robin_Watts It's never going to be "print from MS, print from us, compare, no diffs"15:45.49 
  And that realisation is going to require a shift in the way we (as traditionally being a print oriented company) think about things.15:46.30 
ray_laptop we should just install the free MS Office view-only version and use that to generate the bitmaps we show ;-)15:47.02 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: I'm giving up on the rsync of testdocs from peeved, will wait for you to ship me a drive. 15:48.50 
ray_laptop darn. the bmpcmp compare of 4-bit gray vs. 8-bit gray pgms works OK on my local machine, but the regression run gives me entirely /dev/fd/63: Unrecognised image type15:49.47 
  marcosw: sounds like a fine idea15:50.04 
jogux_mac gotta go get poorer / pick up car from garage. back in a bit...15:50.12 
ray_laptop I guess I've done all I can as far as testing 4-bit fast thresholding. No segfaults at least.15:51.03 
marcosw1 ray_laptop: sounds like the bmpcmp the cluster uses is out of date, but I'm not sure how that can be since it's afaik it's compiled from source for every cluster run.15:51.11 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: That's... odd.15:51.26 
  tor8: Is there a magic incantation needed to get js support any more?15:52.29 
marcosw1 the /dev/fd/63 instead of a file name is caused by the way bmpcp is called: bmpcmp <(gunzip file1.gz) <(gunzip file2.gz) ...15:52.44 
Robin_Watts marcosw1: But I don't understand the Unrecognised image type error.15:53.24 
kens I've seen that if sourece or candidate failed on a page15:53.52 
ray_laptop marcosw: Robin_Watts: trying the one in ~marcos/cluster ...15:54.07 
kens Eg if I fixed a crash15:54.08 
marcosw1 Robin_Watts: yeah, that's why I was thinking it was an old version and couldn't deal with 4bpp bmp files (are there such things, or are they 8bpp with the bottom 4 bits set to 0?).15:54.40 
Robin_Watts kens: ah, that would make sense, cos there would be no data to read.15:54.41 
pedro_ has to pop out for 20 mins15:56.39 
ray_laptop marcosw: Robin_Watts: I tried the version is ~marcos/cluster/users/ray/ghostpdl (date stamp corresponds to my last run) and it works as on Windows16:00.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I wonder if I've inadvertently got some fseeks in there.16:01.10 
  That would fail on a piped input, and might give the error?16:01.27 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I didn't try with the < syntax16:01.46 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right, so that would fit with my theory?16:02.12 
marcosw1 I have to run to uni. back online later.16:03.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what's the actual syntax I can use ? Or do I have to fire up a perl shell ?16:06.40 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: It's a bash thing.16:06.52 
  ./bmpbmp < (cat input1) < (cat input2) out 0 10016:08.23 
  that assumes that input1 and input2 aren't compressed.16:08.38 
  marcosw uses (gunzip -c input1.gz) etc16:09.03 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: ./bmpcmp < (cat /tmp/x.pgm) < (cat y.pgm) xy (with bash) gives me: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('16:09.22 
Robin_Watts Sorry, it may be important that there is no space between < and (16:09.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: OK: This works: ./bmpcmp <(cat /tmp/x.pgm) <(cat /tmp/y.pgm) xy16:13.42 
Robin_Watts That works as in, runs and gives no errors ?16:14.06 
ray_laptop gives me the .meta and 3 .bmp files16:14.11 
  and they look the same as on windows16:14.20 
Robin_Watts OK, so it's something cluster specific.16:14.24 
ray_laptop Oh, well. I'm not going to worry about it. I'll just get gobs of differences I already expect.16:15.07 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'll try and look into it at some point if I see it again.16:15.28 
  tor8: Android mupdf is still dying on trying to open a passworded file and cancelling out of the dialogue box.16:16.51 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I mean to ask about the viewer. It might be nice to say something about it in the newsletter or should I hold off until next release?16:17.15 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: gosh. It may be better to wait until the next newsletter16:18.29 
  As you know sometimes that last 10% takes a bit of time to finish16:18.48 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: that's fine16:20.02 
kens heads into the sunset16:20.25 
  goodnigth all16:20.29 
chrisl also off now - 'nite folks!16:23.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what I really need is to compare 4-bit w/o fast thresholding to to 4-bit WITH fast thresholding, so don't bother about the bmpcmp issue.16:26.08 
  There isn't a way to use a different set of parameters for the baseline16:26.40 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: No.16:28.10 
  ray_laptop: You could go 'old school' and use ?16:28.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I'm just going to run the 72 dpi differences locally -- there are *only* 2692 files to look at :-)16:32.15 
  or at least until I get tired16:32.29 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: That's what will do for you.16:32.31 
  It's basically a local bmpcmp.16:32.49 
  It's what I used before we had bmpcmp.16:32.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, I've used it before.16:33.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping16:34.20 
  tor8: Fix for android crashing on robin/master16:34.51 
  Still no idea why javascript stuff is dying though :(16:35.06 
  heh. My phone is set to download my mail, but it's pre spam filter.16:36.04 
  All the attachments appear in the Download folder.16:36.22 
  This means that all the jpeg test files over time become viagra ads :)16:36.41 
mvrhel_laptop oops forgot that I needed to take my car in today. bbiab16:37.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think it's dying in javscriptSupported16:55.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hmm. does it call javascriptSupported before opening a document?17:01.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: Not sure.17:01.46 
tor8 because that probably won't work...17:01.55 
Robin_Watts Trying some debug now. ndk-gdb is... unhelpful.17:01.56 
tor8 it doesn't look like it from grepping, javascriptSupported is only called in MuPDFPageView.passClickEvent17:03.01 
Robin_Watts MuPDFCore_javascriptSupported is called with globals being NULL.17:03.12 
tor8 get_globals on a class object might not work?17:04.11 
Robin_Watts get_globals won't work within a static object.17:04.30 
tor8 might need to make that a function on MuPDFCore objects rather than the class, and use mCore.javascriptSupported?17:04.56 
Robin_Watts yes.17:05.08 
  That fixes it.17:08.08 
  tor8: OK, various fixes on robin/master17:13.49 
  Was there anything else I was supposed to do before returning to SOT duties?17:15.47 
  Did you want the list of changed features?17:15.59 
Gin Hi17:29.15 
  I've been stuck getting mupdf to build for android for days now. ndk-build results in an error: jni/mupdf.c:383:21: error: 'fz_stream' has no member named 'bp' What am i missing?17:30.35 
Robin_Watts Gin: You need the commits that are currently waiting here:17:31.36;a=summary17:32.02 
  You need "Various android fixes", "Fix Android build w.r.t mujs." and "Solve crash ..."17:32.29 
  They should hopefully make it into the trunk today or tomorrow.17:32.43 
  Careful, they are almost 20 mins old :)17:32.57 
Gin cool, how do i get them? I'm new to gitly17:33.34 
Robin_Watts Never used gitly :(17:34.09 
Gin I meant git 17:35.39 
Robin_Watts oh, well, maybe: git add remote robin 17:36.43 
  THen git fetch robin17:36.49 
  Then you can git cherry-pick them across.17:36.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no, that's fine. I'll compile the changelist, you go on into SOT hell :)17:39.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: Want what I've got so far?17:39.41 
  tor8: If you can review the stuff on robin/master, we can push it, and Gin can download it directly.17:41.42 
  pedro: Where can I find a copy of the OOXML specs?17:51.05 
pedro_ has them locally, but I'll see if I can dig out the link17:51.34 
Robin_Watts And presumably you've got some cunning way of seeing the contents unpacked?17:51.38 
pedro_ its as cunning as copy the docx, rename to .zip and extract :)17:52.04 
  there are tools in the openxml sdk though17:52.15 
Robin_Watts OK, so it's akin to xps. Ta.17:52.16 
Gin woot! Thanks Robin, works a charm :)17:54.55 
pedro_ Robin_Watts> I have OLE format docs too, but there's better (newer) stuff on the MS website for that17:55.11 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Thanks.17:55.14 
pedro_ will stick the specs up on casper sometime soon17:56.08 
  or stick them on the wiki - may be better17:56.26 
Robin_Watts was about to suggest wiki.17:56.34 
  pedro_: You've probably twigged to this already, but if you 'start' the XML, it gets shown nicely in IE.17:59.25 
  At last, a use for IE :)17:59.32 
pedro_ yup - quite nice to have it formatted - its a single line xml :)18:01.06 
  Robin: addd links to the ECMA specs and to MSDN site descriptions for XML and OLE files for office (GhostDocs Wiki) 18:06.52 
pedro_ disappears for food - biab18:07.03 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Ta18:07.11 
  We should all upvote this: 
Jogux robin_watts : starting with you? :-)19:17.23 
Jogux has voted, anyhow19:18.15 
Robin_Watts Jogux: I created it. Not sure I can upvote it :)19:18.34 
Jogux ah, yes, don't think you can actually19:19.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, sure.19:34.38 
  Robin_Watts: 4 commits on robin/master LGTM19:35.50 
Jogux htf have I managed to get a whole bunch of merge commits using rebase to squash my 2 latest commits together?!19:45.57 
henrys tor8, Robin_Watts are the Canva bugs relevant to anyone else? My impression is they are not.19:47.24 
Robin_Watts henrys: How many are there?19:48.12 
  There's the "off by 1" in the color component one.19:48.25 
henrys they want 01,00 695085 and 694623 fixed19:49.13 
  so the other one is the one I'm not sure about.19:49.24 
Robin_Watts bug 695085 is probably simple to fix (famous last words)19:49.49 
  The other one is hard. I have no idea how to solve it.19:50.12 
Jogux whatever henry just said has made ircii go crazy, all the text is flashing now!19:50.32 
henrys Jogux: it was a copy paste ?19:51.20 
  the bug numbers19:51.26 
Jogux henrys : hm, do you have the same mac problem I was having the other day? switching system preferences -> keyboard -> text -> "use smart quotes and dashes". off solved that for me19:51.42 
  the logs say they bug numbers have a whole bunch of funny characters before/after them19:51.57 
Robin_Watts Jogu: I see them as having a different background colour.19:52.20 
  I mean, I could maybe code something that antialiased the edge of images, but it would have problems with19:52.21 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: do you have a sec?19:52.27 
Robin_Watts abutting images.19:52.28 
  mvrhel_laptop: Sure.19:52.32 
  tor8: THanks.19:52.40 
mvrhel_laptop simple question so in the fizt block/lines/spans of text, are the spans thought of as different columns in the same line?19:53.16 
  or am i reading to much into that19:53.36 
Robin_Watts IIRC, the spans all share the same style.19:53.38 
  So if have some text with /italics/ in it, the spans would be:19:54.01 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok so if I had a line, that had different fonts etc, then you 19:54.05 
Robin_Watts (or might be...)19:54.10 
mvrhel_laptop ok that is fine then19:54.18 
Robin_Watts "So if I had some text with" "italics" "in it, the spans would be:"19:54.27 
  After analysis, it's possible that the spans could represent different columns.19:54.45 
  I think I annotate the spans with column numbers, maybe.19:54.56 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I have enough to dig myself into a deeper hole with now19:55.22 
marcosw Robin_Watts and ray_laptop: the bmpcmp issues are not with the bmpcmp program itself, the input files are not being generated due to the following error in the ghostscript command line: Error: /undefinedfilename in (extras=-dGrayValues=16)20:02.14 
  it looks like the extras= clusterpush command isn't correctly being processed by the clustermaster.20:02.50 
Jogux robin_watts : new version of my release script in my repo; I've simplified the parameters ( appstore-ios works now), and you can throws flags on the end if you want. and I fixed it to allow comments anywhere.20:23.21 
  and, instantly, I decide "wouldn't it be great if it had a #include type operator"20:25.31 
  I presume no one objects if I generate myself a promo code for SO+?20:26.42 
  [does anyone else want one?]20:29.14 
henrys Jogux: we can find all the answers to our problems here: ;-)21:28.59 
spanners "Remember, this was a time when a typical personal computer might have an 8 Mhz processor, 1 megabyte of memory, a 20 megabyte hard disk, and a floppy disk drive. How did Word accomplish so much with so little?"21:34.33 
  ISTR plenty of other word processors, equally capable, which didn't run like dogs. >:-|21:35.08 
Robin_Watts Jogux: #include fills me with dread.22:51.56 
  It means you can't review the history of a build by watching a single file.22:52.15 
  You have to watch a web of them.22:52.20 
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