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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/04/05)2014/04/06 
jaeho Hello, I am justing starting to use mupdf on iOS project. And I have a strange problem which I cannot seems to figure out.12:44.00 
  I was able to build and test run sample iOS project, But when I try to incorporate mupdf to my iOS project, I get below error message.12:44.39 
  Undefined symbols for architecture i386 fz_new_context_imp()12:44.51 
  What is this error about? Thanks in advance for any help.12:45.24 
StarryEyes Hi all14:33.35 
  is there a way to detect tables in the mudraw?14:33.47 
Jogux jaeho : is that the only error you get, or are their lots of them?18:55.28 
  starryeyes : what do you mean by 'detect'?18:56.24 
StarryEyes Jogux, I am trying to extract html ... current version does not add tr td tags automatically.... so trying to add these tags manually.... so I thought to ask here is there a method already available18:58.01 
Jogux ah. right. I'm not sure then. The matching is all heuristic based; you may need to pop back on a weekday and try to catch one of the mupdf developers.18:59.11 
StarryEyes Jogux, Sure!19:03.00 
robin_watts_mac StarryEyes: Hi19:37.32 
StarryEyes robin_watts_mac, Hi!19:37.51 
robin_watts_mac StarryEyes: presumably you are creating a text device and then running an fz_page to it?19:38.07 
StarryEyes robin_watts_mac, yes!19:38.20 
robin_watts_mac That will give you style sheets/pages etc.19:38.24 
StarryEyes You are right!19:38.34 
robin_watts_mac Are you then calling fz_analyse_text on the results.19:38.39 
Jogux declares Robin_Watts's "holiday" to be unusual. :)19:38.50 
StarryEyes correct19:38.51 
robin_watts_mac ok, fz_analyse_text is where we attempt to spot columns etc.19:39.14 
  sometimes we manage it, sometimes we don't.19:39.21 
  If you then call the fz_print_page_as_html (or whateer it's called) method, you might possibly get tables out.19:39.48 
  but fz_analyse_text is far from foolproof.19:40.06 
  Jogu: I've done bugger all work. That's an unusual holiday :)19:40.32 
Jogux :-)19:40.38 
robin_watts_mac StarryEyes: Any improvements etc for fz_analyse_text gratefully received :)19:41.35 
StarryEyes robin_watts_mac, :)19:41.52 
  robin_watts_mac, what is algorithm that you could suggest?19:49.21 
robin_watts_mac StarryEyes: for the logs... I can't suggest an algorithm. There is no recognised "best" algorithm for this. It's still an area of research.20:08.24 
  I've implemented some hairy heuristics that attempt to guess various things (like hanging indents, columns etc) and seem to do a reasonable job for some files, but it's still far from perfect.20:09.07 
AndroidDeveloper hey guys20:55.09 
  I need some help regarding mupdf to read a pdf file20:55.23 
Jogux well, that's a good thing to try and do with mupdf; where is it proving tricky?20:56.08 
AndroidDeveloper when i open a pdf file using the mupdf through ChoosePdfActivity, it gives me this exception Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lcom/artifex/mupdfdemo/MuPDFCore;20:57.02 
  any clue what am i doing wrong over here?20:57.12 
Jogux my first guess would be issues with loading the native library, or something like that.20:57.47 
  I presume the example project works okay for you?20:57.54 
AndroidDeveloper i am using the example project, haven't modified any bit of the code20:58.14 
  i just put a pdf file in my emulator, and opened it though the sample project 20:58.33 
henrys Jogux: haven't seen a change yet, I wonder if Miah's push failed again.20:58.45 
Jogux henrys : I've not had a further update; he's not been online today :-(20:59.48 
AndroidDeveloper and here is the first line of following exception trace AndroidRuntime(10838): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError 04-07 01:54:02.053: E/AndroidRuntime(10838): at com.artifex.mupdfdemo.MuPDFActivity.openFile( 
Jogux androiddeveloper : it's probably worth having a read through mupdf/platform/android/ReadMe.txt - there's a fairly long list of steps that you need to make sure you've done every one of successfully21:01.57 
  henrys : if he doesn't appear tonight I'll try and get hold of him in the morning21:02.24 
  (it's 10PM over here just now)21:02.34 
henrys Jogux: okay thanks21:02.58 
AndroidDeveloper Jogux, i happen to saw that list, it was really long and i ignored it, lol21:04.04 
Jogux androiddeveloper : okay, that may explain it ;-)21:04.17 
AndroidDeveloper the readme doc says some about setting the environment variables, in the latest Android sdk it was never required to explicitly set those variables, should i still be setting them on my mac?21:07.39 
Jogux which step mentions that?21:08.29 
AndroidDeveloper step 2 in the dc21:10.04 
Jogux I think you still need to explicitly add the ndk directory to the PATH21:10.41 
AndroidDeveloper 1 & 2 both , here is the text 21:10.41 
  1) Download the android sdk, and install it. These instructions have been written with r14 (the latest version at time of writing) of the SDK in mind; other versions may give problems. On windows r14 unpacked as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk on Macos an older version installed as: /Library/android-sdk-mac_x86 on Linux install it as: mkdir ~/android-sdk cd ~/android-sdk tar ~/Downloads/an21:10.43 
Jogux I think both those apply; they certainly need to be in your PATH anyway, just echo $PATH to check if they are or not :-)21:11.12 
AndroidDeveloper okey :)21:11.25 
Jogux getting the developer tools setup is one place where android really sucks compared to iOS, imho :-(21:12.06 
AndroidDeveloper LOL, well it never gave me the problem though i hve been using third party libraries quiet extensively, mupdf is first in my career that demands these manual configurations, though i am not that expert of these things, i remember that 2nd semester of my graduation was the last time whe i set environemnt variables explicitly when we used text editor to code21:14.05 
Jogux partly mupdf is more tricky because it includes native code, so the ndk needs to be properly setup.21:15.43 
AndroidDeveloper agree with you, doing it right away21:16.07 
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