IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/04/07)2014/04/08 
robin_watts_mac heads home. Will probably be home just after the meeting finishes.04:23.28 
chrisl ray_laptop: It was just coincidence that I happened to be writing some other (personal) mails when Len's arrived - figured I might as well jot him a note while I was there.06:36.44 
  ray_laptop: the code 532 uses doesn't use UFST for TrueType - when I did that work, I hadn't got downloaded TTFs working reliably.06:38.17 
norbertj chrisl: ray_laptop: me too. I also force the fontrasterizer to FreeType in pl_load_tt_font08:12.44 
  chrisl: ray_laptop: until it works 08:13.35 
chrisl norbertj: TBH, the ufst 6.x code is better wrt downloaded TTFs, *but* my testing shows no advantage to using it - in fact, in general, it seems very slightly slower than Freetype - especially as, I know you disable TTF hinting for performance, and you can't really do that with UFST08:14.47 
norbertj chrisl: I also install additional TTF files, (to be loaded at startup) and that I did not get to work with UFST. With FreeType it does.08:20.41 
chrisl norbertj: Yes, it mostly can be made to work with a little tweaking, but as I said, I haven't pursued it because it doesn't seem to have any benefits. I did say before that if it was something you feel you'd get value from, I would look at it again, but as it's not something I would generally recommend, I don't currently plan to devote much time08:24.02 
norbertj chrisl: as quality/performance with FreeType is also ok, and the comparison against the legacy printer is OK, its fine with me.08:28.21 
chrisl norbertj: FWIW, I also found that Freetype is more tolerant of slightly out of spec fonts - of which there are a depressingly large number out there!08:30.13 
chrisl reboots - back in a mo.....08:33.06 
betaboon hello :)08:39.24 
jogux_mac hi09:03.53 
chrisl_r500 Good morning09:06.20 
chrisl My broadband is going to be down for a few hours - will be back when it returns - or I get bored enough to use the mobile.....09:35.21 
jogux_mac wow, this latest openssl security bug sounds pretty nasty ( )11:47.15 
tor8 jogux_mac: yeah, I wouldn't want to be the developer responsible for that bug today...12:17.43 
jogux_mac hehe. I wouldn't like to be the sysadmin for a hosting company responsible for renewing 4 billion potentially compromised ssl certificates ;-)12:18.39 
tor8 jogux_mac: yeah. bad stuff all around.12:19.29 
henrys meeting in 50 minutes - a short one hopefully ...12:49.34 
kens Because Robin and Paul aren't here ? >:-)12:49.58 
henrys nor michael12:50.23 
kens OhMichael too. Will be a sparesely populated meeting then. No wonder its been so quiet12:50.47 
henrys tor8: we looked at goodreader right? and didn't think it used mupdf?12:56.30 
jogux_mac goodreader hugely predates mupdf iirc. I remember buying it back in 2008 or so, and it had been around a while by that point :-)13:00.43 
  hm. actually, mupdf has been around much longer than I thought :-)13:06.18 
betaboon is there a way to have something similiar to the shrinkwrap of mupdf but instead of adjusting the window size adjusting the content ?13:09.16 
henrys jogux_mac: any guess what an android build with the "Good" SDK would take? It looks like we want to make the Good business a priority now.13:13.52 
jogux_mac let me just check.13:14.13 
  is there a reason you're only asking about android?13:14.18 
tor8 henrys: I don't remmeber13:14.24 
henrys jogux_mac: there was a working iOS release but no android so ...13:14.45 
jogux_mac ah, I was about to guess at that ;-)13:15.01 
tor8 betaboon: W and H shortcuts I think13:15.36 
henrys jogux_mac: when it was working Good was selling SOT on iOS and a competitor on droid13:15.40 
jogux_mac right.13:16.15 
  looks like good were given an android build of SO library about a year ago; wonder if the intention was that they'd do the work.13:17.01 
henrys kens:I gave the wrong time for the meeting it's in an 1:15 from now13:17.56 
  marcos is out too.13:20.16 
  I suggest we just cancel this one13:20.40 
kens Ah, that's better :-)13:20.41 
  Well I have nothing to say myself anyway13:20.56 
henrys tor8: are you waiting on robin and paul for the release?13:21.31 
tor8 henrys: the meeting time keeps changing! I can never keep it straight this way :)13:21.32 
  henrys: I pushed out a release candidate yesterday; if people could download it and see if the windows binary and source build out of the box I'd be grateful13:22.14 
jogux_mac henrys : looking through the changes that were done for iOS it doesn't look trivial. First guess would be it's at least a weeks work; I think I'd need to look for at least an hour to make a list of what would need to be done.13:22.51 
tor8 henrys: but I think we're in fairly good shape for a release soon as robin and paul get back13:22.55 
henrys tor8: okay I guess robin usually does the windows build and test?13:23.56 
jogux_mac we've not even got a test environment for good at the moment :(13:24.00 
tor8 henrys: I do the windows build, but let robin (and usually kens) test it for me13:24.24 
  just to make sure the windows build doesn't rely on anything robin has set up locally (since I never use MSVC normally, it's a clean slate)13:24.45 
betaboon tor8: thanks. just noticed the version i am running is old and doesn't support those. gotta recompile :D13:24.47 
tor8 betaboon: try the 1.4 release candidate :)13:25.00 
  jogux_mac: you could try building the source on a mac (just unzip and type "make" or "make HAVE_X11=no" if you don't have an X server)13:25.50 
kens tor8 I never noticed a release candidate, where can I download it ?13:25.51 
henrys jogux_mac: is the test framework something lost in transition?13:26.29 
tor8 ketn: 
kens OK I'll fetch it now13:26.59 
jogux_mac henrys : never having used good I'm not 100% sure - I'm guessing it's probably just a case of registering developer accounts, getting a server setup, etc.13:27.15 
betaboon tor8: just compiled from git :)13:27.28 
jogux_mac tor8 : I'm not sure I'm following; was that a request for me to help?13:29.28 
kens tor8 I just had a dialog from MuPDF I've never seen before, very reminiscent of Acrobat. 'File has unsaved changes. Do you want to save'13:30.17 
  THat's the RC of course13:30.24 
tor8 jogux_mac: only if you want and are not busy.13:30.24 
  kens: yeah, I think that's new from paulgardiner's forms work13:30.43 
  if you edit any forms it'll prompt you to save the changes13:30.54 
kens I hadn't edited the file13:31.00 
tor8 but if you didn't edit any forms, then that's probably a bad thing to see...13:31.09 
kens I don't believe its a form file either13:31.12 
  Just a moment13:31.16 
  Ourt test file BEAZH3P31.pdf, I'mfairly sure that's a QL test13:31.46 
  Acrobat doesn't offer to save on exit, so I'm guessing the file is OK13:33.00 
henrys jogux_mac: I can test the mac13:33.14 
jogux_mac tor8 : there's a whole bunch of deprecated / unused warnings, but it builds, runs and I can open a pdf file :-)13:33.41 
kens tor8 Ghostscript does warn of a problem with the xref, so the file may not be valid13:33.43 
tor8 jogux_mac: yeah, there's a handful of known "deprecated" warnings and some unused stuff in thirdparty libraries13:34.38 
  apple has marked all of openssl as "deprecated" to scare developers into using their own proprietary mac crypto library13:35.06 
kens tor8 even if I allow MuPDF to 'save the changes' and then open the saved file, it still wants to save the changes on exit. I think there's somethign wrong there13:35.23 
tor8 kens: one thought might be if mupdf has synthesized any annotation appearance streams... but yeah, that sounds wrong.13:35.39 
  I will have to get paul to investigate when he gets back13:35.53 
kens Sure, I didn't think it was something you;d want to tackle13:36.06 
tor8 kens: I tested on calc.pdf so expected the save dialog :)13:36.17 
kens I'm not getting it on 'most' files13:36.32 
  It may be only on files that are damaged in some way13:36.43 
jogux_mac thinks it would be awesome if we could do a native mac ui for mupdf, and perhaps even stick it on the appstore.13:36.48 
tor8 kens: ohhhh, yeah. might be the repaired xref triggering the flag?13:37.05 
  but you said you got it when re-opening the saved file as well...13:37.26 
kens tor8 I thought it might be that, which is why I allowed it to savbe, then opened the saved file, but that still triggeered the warning13:37.33 
tor8 jogux_mac: yeah. I'd say go for it, but I doubt henrys would let you escape from SmartOffice so easily ;)13:37.58 
kens Ah, the saved file still fires a warning in GS. So it looks lke the save didn't actually fix the problem13:38.10 
jogux_mac henrys : do you want us to look further into good/android?13:38.15 
tor8 kens: it might have done an incremental save13:38.24 
  which would still have the same inherent problems13:38.32 
jogux_mac tor8 : Yeah, it seems unlikely ;-)13:38.34 
kens tor8 yes it looks like an incremental update13:38.53 
  New trailer but the xref is unchanged13:39.03 
tor8 but it does warrant thinking about; we'd be the one and only XPS viewer on macosx13:39.05 
henrys jogux_mac: yes, is there something I should do here contacting them?13:40.37 
jogux_mac henrys : well... I guess first question might be - is there a Picsel good dynamics account that we've taken over and Miles has (or can get) the login info for?13:41.20 
henrys jogux_mac: so we need to fix iOS and do android.13:41.44 
  jogux_mac: I'll look into that.13:42.10 
jogux_mac henrys : failing that we may need to register via etc.13:42.35 
kens tor8 apart from the odd 'saving changes' thing, the RC seems OK to me13:44.24 
tor8 kens: thanks. I guess we'll have to fix the saving changes thing, that looks disturbing13:46.17 
henrys jogux_mac: I just forwarded a support request we got so you have their info if you need it. I'm asking them about the account now.13:46.52 
jogux_mac henrys : ok, thanks. I'll leave it with you for now. (The android stuff is probably one for Pete, I find android distateful and he doesn't :-) )13:49.28 
henrys ray_laptop: we decided to skip the meeting.14:31.45 
ray_laptop henrys: yes, I saw. Thanks14:33.19 
  henrys: IMHO, we shouldn't give a refund to someone that reports a bug unless they give us enough information that might let it reproduce and/or fix it. And then only after we determine that we won't fix it in a reasonable time. 14:37.51 
  but at least a full bug report should be required14:38.34 
henrys on android you have 15 minutes to get a refund without the developer's involvement.14:48.27 
  and that uninstalls the app properly I suppose.14:48.46 
Robin_Watts re14:52.25 
kens welcome back Robin_Watts14:52.33 
Robin_Watts so, meeting was cancelled?14:55.29 
kens Yes, not quorate :-)14:55.40 
henrys Robin_Watts: couldn't have a proper meeting without you ;-)14:56.13 
  Robin_Watts: did you have something to pass on? michael and marcos are also out.14:59.28 
Robin_Watts nope.14:59.39 
henrys and chris too I think14:59.56 
kens chris has lost broadband15:01.20 
henrys jogux_mac: I've sent email to the good contacts, but I'm betting we'll have to register again, I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.15:02.15 
Robin_Watts I thought that good sold servers to companies.15:02.54 
  so it's not a question of registering with good, so much as them giving us a server?15:03.27 
jogux_mac robin_watts : I think registered developers get access to the server software.15:03.42 
Robin_Watts ok.15:03.48 
jogux_mac but I'm presuming there's an existing revenue stream that is associated with an existing account15:04.00 
henrys kens:just him or is his area out?15:10.09 
kens henrys I don't know, I was assuming just chris15:11.31 
norbertj henrys: hi, I noticed that I too :( had some typos in the commit (in message and in pcparse.c ) shall I correct them?15:45.14 
henrys norbertj: I think it's okay. Nice to have an editor pop up in git that has a checker if you can set that up.15:48.06 
chrisl Yay, broadband is back.....16:08.34 
kens welcome back chrisl :-)16:09.02 
chrisl kens: sorry I missed you mail earlier, but good you got it sorted16:09.31 
kens Yeah I was being dumb16:09.39 
  It always takes me ages to sor out adding a new PS operator, especially when I have to add a C file too16:10.00 
chrisl Yeh, I don't find it very intuitive....16:10.31 
kens Its just the sheer number of things you have to do, all of which have to be correct or it simply doesn't work (or in my case, initially, build...)16:11.06 
  But I'm well on the way I think. THe revision 6 security handler hash generation is being done i C, not PostScript16:11.50 
  Partly because that way I can steal gobs of code from MuPDF16:12.10 
chrisl You obviously lack the self flagellation gene that encourages writing that kind of crap in Postscript!16:13.40 
kens I started it, then decided it was too much like masochism16:13.59 
  Copying around big chunks of data in PostScript string was just insane16:14.22 
chrisl Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!16:15.05 
  The meeting was cancelled, then?16:15.40 
kens TBH I don't think it was terribly sensible to do the key genertion for revision 5 in PostScirpt either, but that's done now and I'm not changing it16:15.46 
  Yes, lack of a quorum for meeting16:15.54 
chrisl Oh, okay, I thought the logs were rather short for a Tuesday!16:16.07 
kens Robin, Paul, Michael, Marocs and you all missing16:16.07 
chrisl So, apparently I now have 152Mb downstream / 12Mb upstream on my broadband.... I can't say IRC seems much quicker!16:17.00 
henrys chrisl: fiber?16:22.14 
chrisl_r500 henrys: cable modem16:22.35 
  Fibre to the cabinet16:22.46 
  TBH, it's highly questionable how useful it is, *but* I'm on an old, no longer available account which bundles cable modem, TV and phone, and changing to a lower lower speed internet would mean a new account, and not a great deal of money saving16:26.28 
henrys Robin_Watts: should a bmpcmp cluster push cause a build? seems odd it wouldn't just use the last exe built.16:52.55 
kens henrys, there might be a cluster run in between, or another user job16:53.21 
henrys kens:mine were really close together, but yes that could be.16:54.10 
kens henrys they often are, but say you expected no diffs, when the log came in you looked at it and decided you needed a bmpcmp, in the meantime someone could have scheduled a test16:54.46 
  THe cluster can't tell that the source hasn't changed16:55.04 
chrisl henrys: it's been discussed before: the cluster has no provision for retaining binaries, and it would (apparently) add a lot of complexity to allow it to happen16:55.43 
henrys chrisl: I was doing a bmpcmp for a couple files and it fired up ~30 builds, maybe something we should review as the cluster grows.17:03.37 
chrisl henrys: possibly - it might be worth seeing if marcosw can record how often a bmpcmp immediately follows a normal push - if that's fairly rare, it might now be worth the effort17:05.10 
ray_laptop since each user has their own cluster test code, and the bmpcmp always uses the Differences from the previous run, it seems like just doing 'make' before bmpcmp is enough17:11.20 
kens ray_laptop : we do, that's what Henry wants to avoid17:11.43 
chrisl Actually, I think we "clean" up everything between runs, so we have to rebuild everything.17:13.10 
ray_laptop kens: now we do a make clean (as chrisl said)17:13.49 
  just doing a make would suffice, IMHO17:14.06 
kens Yeah, but as chris also says, we do a clean, because we can't be certain what has changed17:14.22 
  At least, so I understnad it17:14.29 
ray_laptop since it is not at all likely that the source changes from a regression run to the subsequent bmpcmp will change something requiring a make clean17:15.00 
kens That's true for a user's directory, do we always do a make in the user's home ?17:15.46 
ray_laptop usually NOTHING changes, but even if a source file changed, make dependencies *should* suffice17:15.46 
  kens: yes17:15.56 
  kens: not the /home/kens but the /home/marcos/cluster/users/kens17:16.37 
kens Got to go and cook....17:16.49 
chrisl The only thing might be possibly the rsync process could confuse make as to what has or hasn't changed17:16.54 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: great work on cust 532 issue. Thanks.18:26.17 
henrys jogux_mac: Brad said to just create a new account and call if you need help.21:39.44 
jogux henrys : right, okay, thanks.21:40.31 
  this is higher priority than bug fixing, right?21:40.36 
henrys yes current plan is embollix to do that and artifex robin and paul continue on bugs21:41.21 
jogux ok21:41.36 
henrys emobix sorry21:42.18 
jogux I'm not sure if it's going to confuse Good that pete/I don't have artifex email addresses21:47.34 
henrys Jogux: I'll just set it up then send you what you need.21:49.00 
jogux ok, great, thanks :-)21:49.21 
henrys they just now gave me a different link : 
  to use21:49.41 
jogux yeah, I just found that one too. Not sure how I got a different one earlier :-S21:49.57 
henrys Jogux: and now I'm to wait for a GDN partner group for the onboarding process, it all makes sense now ;-) 22:14.26 
Robin_Watts I think we may now have to refer to them as embollix all the time :)23:02.17 
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