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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/04/21)2014/04/22 
sebras Robin_Watts_: well, right now we basically poll state->content_length.00:00.38 
  Robin_Watts_: regardless if its value has changed.00:00.46 
  Robin_Watts_: if you were to wait then we'd need semaphores or something.00:01.17 
Robin_Watts_ semaphores etc is fine, it's not in the core.00:01.54 
sebras Robin_Watts_: ok, maybe that is the next step. the first one must be to hand errors though.00:02.31 
  which we do. now.00:02.36 
Robin_Watts_ gotta love customers.09:40.32 
kens THe ARabic one that just came in ?09:40.39 
Robin_Watts_ "Do you want A or B?". "A". Spend day doing A. "I've done A" "Oh, we want B!"09:41.04 
kens Yeah I thought that09:41.15 
pedro__ Robin_Watts: what do they want now?09:44.36 
kens External font instead of built into library09:47.10 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: I need to find out whether there is an alien included in the lib we build for them or not.09:48.28 
  If so, I need to check where it looks for fonts.09:48.45 
  I can't see one using ar.09:49.03 
  You said there was font enumeration blah in the alien?09:49.28 
pedro__ it's set up through a property in the aline/app (PicselConfig_fontDir or something along those lines)09:49.54 
  then read by the font engine on startup09:50.04 
pedro__ looks09:50.19 
Robin_Watts_ Thier build line uses --iapt --<customer-name>09:54.41 
pedro__ ah, funky09:55.07 
Robin_Watts_ iapt = alien reference applications ?09:55.25 
pedro__ yup09:55.30 
Robin_Watts_ So would such a build include an alien in the lib ?09:55.51 
pedro__ will need to check the current ue2 builds - iapt builds were generally the picselwin32 lib plus a 'nice' alien layer suitable for customers09:57.23 
  ie source they'd build & use as a base for their apps09:57.40 
Robin_Watts_ yeah, we provide them 3 builds.09:58.01 
jogux_mac robin : you'd need to check everywhere to see :-)09:58.31 
Robin_Watts_ a gtk linux one that comes with a zipfile of stuff.09:58.50 
  and 2 lib only builds.09:58.59 
  jogux_mac: I'm having trouble seeing where "everywhere" is.09:59.10 
jogux_mac but I think the fact that it's gtk gives it away - I don't believe there's any code to do a library-with-an-alien for gtk.09:59.41 
  ios/android/bada/wince/win8 are the ones that support that I believe.10:00.16 
Robin_Watts_ jogux_mac: There is a linuxgtk-alien in alien-reference-applications10:00.20 
jogux_mac robin: the main place would be where the --customer-name is handled in, that's the most likely place anything would be configured if it's not explicitly on the command line.10:00.46 
  robin : yep - but I don't believe there's any code to build the gtk alien /into/ the library.10:01.14 
Robin_Watts_ OK, so we can assume that they are building their own alien stuff.10:01.51 
  Certainly if I ar the libs and then grep the filenames that come out 'alien' doesn't appear anywhere.10:02.16 
jogux_mac sounds like a reasonable assumption based on current evidence.10:02.34 
Robin_Watts_ So, if we assume that they are handling the alien stuff based on our example code... where would that example code live?10:03.21 
  In alien_reference_applications ?10:03.35 
jogux_mac for a --iapt build, yep10:03.46 
Robin_Watts_ jogux_mac, pedro__ : A few small commits on robin/master then.10:16.39 
pedro__ cool10:17.01 
  Robin_Watts: looks good - and the SIL licence is already in the epage/licenses directory10:31.28 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: Ta.10:47.14 
  I'm gonna have a run, then think about how best to do builds for the customer.10:48.07 
  I may need to pull the fontmap changes onto the release branch.10:48.17 
paulgardiner_lap Hi tor8. I accidently pushed 3 commits directly to golden yesterday (I have one computer with the remotes named differently from the others. Doh!). They were ready to go, but unreviewed of course. Could you give them a look over?11:00.06 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: airprint, bitmap based printing and share icons?11:03.52 
  paulgardiner_lap: there's some messed up tab/space indenting in the first commit (the airprint one)11:05.13 
  and the second one...11:05.50 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: okay. I have a follow up for that in any case, so I can sort out tabbing within that.11:07.13 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: actually, there's been quite a few whitespace errors slipped in over time in the ios code11:07.43 
  I blame Xcode :)11:07.55 
paulgardiner_lap Ah good. I thoroughly agree.11:08.16 
tor8 let's just do a separate whitespace cleanup commit11:08.23 
paulgardiner_lap Okay no probs11:09.21 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: there is a git config trick you can do to clean up tab/space mixups automatically when you commit11:09.21 
  argh, ^W didn't do what I expected...11:09.56 
paulgardiner_lap I think I may have that git config but not for .m files I'd guess11:10.27 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: if you run scripts/ it'll set up the configuration and hooks11:10.30 
  .m files are listed as "tab" files in the .gitattributes11:10.49 
paulgardiner_lap okay. I'll give it a go, although I'm pretty sure I ran that before... I guess it may have changed since I ran it11:11.39 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: anyway, the commits look fine (but the share icons are not used atm?)11:16.16 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: Also, AFAICT, there is no way to determine the dpi or resolution of the printer, At the moment I'm using points as pixels which is not going to be acceptable, I'd imagine. I'm just looking at uping by a factor of 4 (hence 288 dpi). Any thoughts? 11:56.26 
tor8 hm, I'd pick 300dpi as that's a pretty common (low-end) printer resolution11:56.59 
  600dpi would probably be better, but the size bloat of the images might be too much to handle11:57.21 
  paulgardiner_lap: there's also a whitespace fix commit on tor/master11:58.31 
paulgardiner_lap ta11:59.17 
jogux_mac paul : assuming this is mupdf/airprint... can't get you just get the resolution of the current graphics context?12:04.01 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: didn't see how. I tried looking at the user-space to device-space mapping, but that was 1-112:06.27 
  tor8: commit LGTM12:06.35 
jogux_mac paul > is it possible that what you have is right then, or have you seen evidence of poor output quality?12:07.13 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: I've used only the printer emulator, so I guess it's possible that I'd get a more sensible value with a real printer.12:08.26 
tor8 it might be that when the destination printer is "Print to PDF" the device space may be the same as the user space12:08.34 
paulgardiner_lap I'm selecting colour laser or something like that12:09.01 
jogux_mac paul : hmm. dunno. I can check on a real printer tonight if you want. I suspect the emulator is spot on though.12:09.52 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: that would be useful thanks. As you say, I'd expect the emulator to be spot on12:11.18 
  I can make dpi a variable of my routine for now.12:11.50 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: sorry to saddle you with two new bugs (really, they're just asking why isn't 1.4 up on the app stores yet)12:33.40 
  I figured you would want to handle the iTunes app store; maybe Robin should have the android one instead?12:34.00 
paulgardiner_lap yeah, sounds like a plan. iOS should be good to go once I have the print quality sorted. We have a share icon now and I've fixed the problem of not being able to edit files incoming from other apps12:35.30 
Robin_Watts_ I can do the android app build(s) if required.12:35.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: please :)12:37.40 
jogux_mac paul : oo, awesome.12:38.05 
Robin_Watts_ jogux_mac: What does the -language switch affect?12:40.40 
  Is it purely which fonts are included?12:40.50 
jogux_mac robin : iirc, it /doesn't/ affect fonts12:40.58 
pedro__ unicode filters iirc12:40.59 
Robin_Watts_ Or does it bring in other things too (cmaps maybe?)12:41.00 
jogux_mac but does affect encoding tables12:41.02 
  and perhaps cmaps12:41.07 
  ie. ja-jp might cause eucjp -> utf filters to be built in. maybe.12:41.29 
Robin_Watts_ Pondering whether to add ar-ar to the customers builds. Probably. Won't hurt.12:41.51 
jogux_mac or maybe it does affect fonts. hm.12:42.00 
  for tgv, I'm not sure it affects the library.12:42.15 
  as everything is meant to be triggered via the alien calling Picselsomething_register-language_jajp 12:42.34 
  or something like that :)12:42.37 
Robin_Watts_ New commit on robin/smart-office-2-1-28-release-branch then. Just pulling the fontmap changes from master.12:48.04 
jogux_mac [but the code in the alien is often written to pay attention to the defines that -language= sets]12:52.39 
henrys horror - I've run out of coffee on meeting day12:58.59 
kens Disaster, but you still have time for a quick dash to the nearest store13:00.55 
henrys bbiab13:04.12 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: It's working at 300dpi now, and I'm managing to obtain a big enough buffer to render a whole page in one go, at least under the emulator. Do you think I need to restrict the buffer size and render strips? And if so do they need little overlaps in case there's inaccuracy where strips might meet off of a pixel boundary?13:10.17 
  tor8: I'm tempted to stick the current version up on testflight see how it pans out.13:11.34 
tor8 good question, but I suspect we can get away with a single page at 300 dpi on most devices13:12.45 
jogux_mac how much memory is that?13:12.53 
kens depends on the media size13:13.31 
tor8 jogux: about 32MB (4 bytes per pixel)13:14.08 
kens 24 Mb for 8bpc RGB letter I think13:14.10 
  or yes 32 Mb for CMYK13:14.21 
tor8 kens: we always render with alpha in mupdf13:14.31 
jogux_mac ouch! I don't think you'll reliably get away with that on a 4th gen ipod touch.13:14.32 
  (and I'm guessing that figure is even higher if pdf has an A3 page?)13:14.46 
kens yes, double it13:14.54 
  But will people really print A3 form such a limited device ?13:15.13 
jogux_mac I'd say aim for 4-8M strips.13:15.30 
  kens : do you even have to ask that? :-)13:16.07 
kens Yeah I know.....13:16.20 
  SOme of our customers print *way* bigger than that.....13:16.37 
tor8 someone will always try do the stupidest thing imagineable13:16.40 
jogux_mac is it reasonable for them to is a slightly different question, but I'd argue we should at least gracefully fail, and it's probably as easy to do strips than gracefully handful the fail :)13:16.58 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: yeah, I was thinking 4M.13:17.03 
jogux_mac even on a 2nd gen ipad I think you'd struggle to get 24-32M + scratch space + ui memory etc.13:17.26 
kens thinks VM error is all peopl elike that deserve.....13:17.43 
tor8 rendering in strips is pretty easy, but managing that without the output getting cracks where they abut might be troublesome. a bit of overlap as paul suggested would actually be a pretty neat solution.13:17.55 
paulgardiner_lap we do fail gracefully, where "gracefully" means "no one dies"13:18.03 
jogux_mac kens : on iOS the app will just exit with no explanation if the OS decides it's unhappy with your memory usage :-S13:18.07 
tor8 I suspect that what the ios printing pipeline does is create a PDF from all the draw calls, and then print that13:18.17 
kens crappy Apple 'operating system'.....13:18.26 
tor8 jogux_mac: I thought that was more common for if your app was in the background?13:18.57 
kens resolves to stay further way from such things13:19.08 
paulgardiner_lap Seeing as I'm unable to detect the actual resolution, I bet the joins between strips will be visible13:19.26 
jogux_mac tor8 : it'll usually jetisson background apps first, but if the foreground app triggers it's "greedy app" trigger that will go.13:19.28 
paulgardiner_lap ... but we can play "it's your printer mate" card13:19.50 
tor8 linux does the same thing if it's unhappy with your memory usage... hard kill if it discovers you actually use the memory it overcommitted to you :)13:19.51 
  paulgardiner_lap: well, an overlap should be easy to do, and if you make it reasonably sized nobody will be the wiser and we won't have to play the card :)13:20.37 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: yeah it does create a pdf13:20.42 
jogux_mac paul> I may have missed something, but I thought your overlap trick should cover that.13:20.43 
tor8 I wish more people generating pdfs with abutting image tiles would do that overlap thing13:20.53 
  I think we've had to turn off antialiasing on images altogether just to not see the image seams everywhere :(13:21.28 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: yeah I guess the results from giving a little overlap should be acceptable13:21.57 
henrys paulgardiner_lap, Robin_Watts_ can sot stuff be discussed here or do we need Skype?13:32.43 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: either works for me. I think we went to Skype just for customer specifics13:36.14 
henrys paulgardiner_lap, Robin_Watts_ let's do SOT state of affairs after the gs/mupdf here then.13:38.11 
Robin_Watts_ jogux_mac, paulgardiner_lap, pedro: Did anyone nod at robin/smartoffice-2-1-28-release-branch ?13:48.32 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts_: I'll take a look now13:49.07 
pedro__ sorry Robin - got stuck figuring why the Good SQL DB has suddenly stopped authenticating on this win server - will take a look 13:51.52 
  looks fine - do we assume they have the font available natively or are you going to bring across he romfont changes too?13:57.58 
Robin_Watts_ They are going to have it natively.13:58.10 
pedro__ cool13:58.16 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts_: so although it's an alternative requested by a particular customer it's good for all?13:58.34 
Robin_Watts_ After asking for it to be built in the lib, and me spending all yesterday sorting that out, they then changed their mind this morning.13:58.34 
pedro__ :(13:58.48 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner_lap: Extra entries in the fontmap never hurt us.13:58.52 
  It just means we recognise that font as being an arabic one.13:59.14 
paulgardiner_lap okay good13:59.29 
kens meeting in 20 minutes ?14:08.46 
Robin_Watts_ yup.14:08.53 
kens Good, coffee time then.....14:09.03 
ray_laptop looks like I need to reboot. system running slowly. it's been at least a week, so Windows is due anyway. :-(14:11.29 
henrys My plan was to follow the agenda … looking at support bugs this looks alarming if real , Robin_Watts_ ?14:31.11 
kens I was leaving that for chrisl I couldn't easily put together a test on Linux14:31.59 
chrisl I saw it, but I've been rather busy14:32.27 
henrys kens:in the gs section I made eps2write "done" but it seems like some other stuff could be checked off?14:32.49 
kens I know, I did have a quick bash at it, but my Linux skills aren't up to it....14:32.57 
henrys chrisl: can I assign it to marcos to reproduce?14:33.05 
kens henrys, let me look14:33.08 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: I haven't looked at that. I will try to look this afternoon.14:33.10 
chrisl henrys: it's assigned to support anyway14:33.23 
kens henrys you can clearly close the PDF/VT thing. By the way, do we have a central repository for docs ? I have two ISO specs for that one.14:34.08 
  teh colour management continues.....14:34.20 
  Not sure where we want to go with gsprint, I've sort of thought that was with Michael14:34.39 
henrys support used to get fielded and dispatched quickly now I think we have so many of bugs it's become a place where things fester.14:34.55 
mvrhel_laptop sorry I am late14:35.02 
henrys kens:hold on!14:35.17 
kens :-D14:35.32 
henrys sprint chrisl and kens: can we do all this stuff with XPSPrint() 
kens henrys I'mnot sure all of it is relevant, by using XPS we are levering much more off the Windows engine14:36.42 
henrys we want to keep compatibility with that list of options I think.14:36.43 
  yes a few things are irrelevant now.14:37.02 
kens We certainly don't do 2-up, nor convert to mono14:37.09 
marcosw late, sorry.14:37.25 
henrys kens: you didn't see that anywhere in the XPS api?14:37.50 
mvrhel_laptop can you specify that stuff in the print ticket? I cant remember14:37.53 
  henrys: I will look at what features I have in gsview printing. it will be the same14:38.14 
kens henrys, I don't think that would be in the XPS API14:38.14 
mvrhel_laptop I think it is in the print ticket set up isnt it kens?14:38.30 
henrys kens:maybe not - but a lot of those other features must be there.14:38.54 
kens If we want n-up we need to convert 2 pages into a larger one, or scale them down to the current size, neither are really printer options IMO, but we could probably do somethign with it, depending what the input is (PS & PDF are easy)14:39.02 
ray_laptop interesting that the only N-up setting was twoup14:39.09 
kens Indeed14:39.17 
henrys kens:anyway we can all have a look at this this week. I need to fix up the xps too.14:40.09 
ray_laptop many windows printer drivers support N-up with full GUI options to show the layout and allow for defining margins between the small pages14:40.12 
  so I'm not sure what value just twoup is14:40.27 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes that would be great14:40.29 
henrys ray_laptop: that's why I thought the XPS pipeline would have something.14:40.39 
kens henrys it would be the printer end, you would configure your pritner that way14:40.56 
  I've yet to make head or tail of the print ticket stuff which is where thsi would all live14:41.17 
  Ideally you owuld embed the print ticket in the XPS file and then you don't have to worry about it when printing14:41.47 
henrys pdf-vt struck down. We don't have a centralized repo for documents.14:42.02 
kens Which would make it your problem of course ;-)14:42.03 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: /home/specs on casper?14:42.22 
kens OK would anyone *like* a copy of the PDF/VT spec ? I'd like to back i up somewhere off-site14:42.29 
chrisl We could just add a directory in svn-private14:42.37 
ray_laptop chrisl: that makes sense14:42.53 
henrys chrisl: great14:43.03 
chrisl kens: send them to me, I'll put them in svn14:43.13 
kens Thanks chrisl14:43.24 
henrys kens:shall I just leave CM or do you want me to tick off sub items?14:43.49 
ray_laptop I have a bunch of specs that I could put there. Some are old, but they may not be available readily on the net14:44.21 
kens henrys that ons is not completed14:44.32 
henrys skipping down to /tmp files14:44.39 
  paulgardiner_lap: what were we going to do? my guppy memory strikes again.14:44.58 
kens It looks OK as is14:44.59 
henrys ray_laptop, chrisl watching the performance discussion - could we have caught any of this in regression testing. This is really painful for a customer and if we can avoid it, it'll pay off14:46.51 
paulgardiner_lap sorry got carried away with this airprint thing. just catching up with the meetng14:47.34 
  gs temp files?14:47.57 
henrys ray_laptop: saved pages with psdcmyk? I assume you are working on that as time permits? Should it be an enhancement?14:47.59 
  paulgardiner_lap: yes?14:48.03 
paulgardiner_lap I think what I had in mind will work, but while I was trying to implement it I found what looked like a shortcut, but that didn't work14:48.42 
chrisl henrys: it's hard to see how - IIRC, neither Ray nor I have actually been able to reproduce the performance deficit in the more recent code14:48.45 
paulgardiner_lap I think going back to plan A will work14:48.52 
  henrys: my plan was to look at tmp files again on the flight to the next meeting if we can wait until then14:50.42 
henrys was ray_laptop going to try out the raspberry pi AirPrint stuff? I don't have a name for that agenda item.14:50.52 
  paulgardiner_lap: oh that's right.14:51.06 
  paulgardiner_lap: I've added a comment so I won't forget again14:51.55 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: you also mentioned atexit which would be vastly simpler, but AFAIK at exit doesn't get called if you SIGKILL a program (but maybe I'm wrong)14:52.41 
henrys chrisl: the MAXPATH thing kind of bothers me. Are you sure malloc() would be too painful?14:52.45 
chrisl henrys: that's done, ages ago14:52.56 
henrys chrisl: oh ages? before the last meeting?14:53.31 
chrisl henrys: no after:;a=commitdiff;h=fe0b8fcf14:53.43 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner_lap: Yeah, we abandoned atexit specifically because it can't be relied on.14:54.02 
henrys chrisl: super14:54.09 
chrisl henrys: I moved as much as I sensibly could into allocated memory14:54.26 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts_: Okay good14:54.53 
henrys chrisl: yeah I'm looking - I do read the commits I must have missed or forgotten this one.14:55.09 
  marcosw1: there are some customer notifications needed in bugzilla.14:55.48 
  for fixed bugs14:55.53 
  on to the mupdf section: I continue to ask miles about the domain each time I talk to him, that's all I can do.14:56.44 
  we are trying to get financial backing for the URW fonts.14:57.10 
  tor8:anything on the mupdf list you want to discuss?14:57.47 
Robin_Watts_ "should all mupdf files have copyright headers? #robin" - No. So you can close that item :)14:58.18 
henrys Robin_Watts_: done14:58.52 
  2 more minutes to this meeting, anything else?14:59.04 
tor8 henrys: not really. I've asked Robin to do the android release, and Paul looks like he'll be able to do the iOS release any day now14:59.48 
  and I'm working my way through the mupdf bug list15:00.07 
Robin_Watts_ Just to mention VisualGDB to windows users that occasionally have to debug on linux and would prefer to be able to do so from within visual studio.15:00.14 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: on MuPDF, there's just one tiny bit left to do on the iOS app and that should be ready to release. Interacts with other apps correctly now. Just a little more work in Airprint to improve dpi without using huge buffers15:00.15 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: do they do "site" licensing?15:00.39 
Robin_Watts_ For > 10 licenses.15:00.46 
chrisl Hrm, overkill, then :-(15:00.59 
Robin_Watts_ yeah. The linux version is quite reasonably priced.15:01.13 
henrys I'm going to add the Good integration to the agenda list.15:01.55 
Robin_Watts_ Though I suspect the "quick debug" feature is one that people would like, so that means you need the "custom" version.15:02.23 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: oh, and the jom thingy - could you open a bug, or send me an e-mail with what you did and found summarised. I'll look at it when I have a bit of time15:03.12 
Robin_Watts_ chrisl: Sure.15:03.21 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: assuming you're already snowed under......15:03.38 
Robin_Watts_ chrisl: getting there :)15:04.01 
henrys Robin_Watts_, paulgardiner_lap : should we discuss SOT status?15:04.33 
paulgardiner_lap sure15:04.59 
pedro__ henrys: we have a windows 2012 server up and running in a VM with Good control server and proxy. Progress slower than (I'd) expected due to numerous windows user authentication issues, sql server bugs/auth access issues and problems partly due to figuring out the Good docs.15:05.09 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: The 'arabic' issue, looks to be solved by including a relavent font (or at least a font mapping).15:05.59 
pedro__ henrys: we have a windows 2012 server up and running in a VM with Good control server and proxy. Progress slower than (I'd) expected due to numerous windows user authentication issues, sql server bugs/auth access issues and problems partly due to figuring out the Good docs.i've been working throguh the integration chnages for the new Good SDKs (they've deprecated the secure doc transfer from...15:06.01 
  ...the APIs used in SOT)15:06.02 
Robin_Watts_ I am doing new builds for the almost-customer now.15:06.09 
paulgardiner_lap pedro__: to be honest, I expected that to be hell15:06.36 
pedro__ its partly learning curve, part hell ;)15:06.48 
Robin_Watts_ Miles contacted me about another (related) potential customer earlier in the week, and I've investigated their problem, and got back to them that that is solved.15:06.55 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: the rebranding of splash screens and other app-included docs I believe15:07.07 
  insert "is done" somewhere in there15:07.28 
jogux_mac paul : that means that there's more work to do on the ios good than we expected/hoped :(15:08.53 
ray_laptop sorry. phone call I had to take.15:09.26 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: yeah, just saying that doesn't surprise me at all15:09.35 
marcosw are we still on track for a SOT release the end of this week?15:10.32 
jogux_mac henrys : ATS wise, I now have the disk from marcos with everything on it - I've copied the VM images onto my machine at home so will be looking at getting them booted and fixing the various issues they have, and /then/ I can start actually trying to make ATS do something (and then the fun of figuring out how to make it work with git etc)15:10.41 
henrys pedro__: miles is eager to have a good release, so if anything can be done in parallel while you work on the windows server that would be good to hand off15:11.16 
paulgardiner_lap What do we feel must be completed before we can release?15:12.38 
henrys Robin_Watts_: I think he's been copying me in on all the customer stuff. I saw that one15:12.43 
pedro__ sure - we basically have 3 parallel chunks - the server/framework bits, the android app and the ios app - both ios and android need updated - haven't tackled anything on ios app yet so that may be worth handing off15:13.36 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: yeah. I don't think I'm supposed to actually do new builds for them.15:14.01 
jogux_mac pauigardiner : at least ATS testing I guess, overnight da tests might be nice (but probably don't have time)15:14.36 
henrys pedro__: I had the impression jogux_mac was going to look at iOS?15:14.47 
Robin_Watts_ Nothing should distract jogux from ATS, IMHO.15:15.03 
  (except when I have questions, obviously :) )15:15.18 
jogux_mac henrys : it was on my list, but I've been on holiday, and it's now a bigger task :-(15:15.22 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: Yes ATS is one. The rebranding was another. The layout improvements that we have so far. Maybe that's it.15:15.45 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: we do need ATS testing before we release, so maybe you take iOS? does that make sense and Robin_Watts_ look at android?15:16.18 
paulgardiner_lap Yeah I can take iOS15:16.32 
jogux_mac we need to bash the app about a bit as an enduser on ios7, as this'll be the first ios7 sdk release.15:16.39 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: you had it building at least though, didn't you?15:17.11 
jogux_mac paul: yes. it failed ;-)15:17.18 
marcosw miles is eager for me to do a comparison of new vs. old SOT showing the layout improvements. Can I do that with the current git code or are the further improvements coming before the release? 15:17.22 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: I didn't think we had other code changes to do a release for "Good" Have you changed all the logos and picsel-like stuff?15:17.31 
jogux_mac henrys : good have changed their iOS SDK API, so we have code changes to do15:18.00 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: yeah, I believe I've caught them all including th good-specific stuff15:18.10 
Robin_Watts_ marcosw: Any comparison you do now will be disappointing. Miles needs to let us get over the start up hump and actually do some development work that's not driven by our tails being on fire before he looks for such things.15:18.24 
marcosw Robin_Watts_: you haven't worked with marketing before have you :-)15:18.50 
henrys jogux_mac: yeah I meant other than "Good" changes, i.e. we agreed not to hold up the release for any bugs in bugzilla, right?15:18.56 
jogux_mac henrys : right, yes (sorry)15:19.08 
Robin_Watts_ I am utterly out of the loop w.r.t. good, so I'm not sure what's required for the android work.15:19.14 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: although there is another issue related to branding: the app has some documents online and it currently kicks off a browser to the picsel site15:19.47 
henrys marcosw1: I'll talk to Miles today and he won't bug you about that.15:19.49 
jogux_mac robin : I suggest me/Pete give you/Paul a quick brain dump post meeting.15:19.53 
Robin_Watts_ marcosw: Yes, but I find it works best if you treat them like naughty dogs. Scold them often, but don't expect them to change their ways.15:19.58 
pedro__ there are various changes needed; the android port is 'in development' - aka we're figuring out what exactly is implemented and what needs to be completed. Add to that the fact the SDK has changed15:20.24 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: it also has some sort of "sign up" feature which I don't know much about. That might be hosted also on picsel.15:20.35 
jogux_mac paulgardiner : signup feature is gone if you build the appstore release :-)15:20.59 
marcosw henrys: you don't have to do that, I think i've explained it to him.15:21.02 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: excellent15:21.14 
marcosw henrys: I've sent out all the customer notificaitons forclosed bugs.15:21.19 
jogux_mac paul : or add -define=REGMAN_DISABLE to your build command15:21.25 
henrys marcosw: okay about miles - thanks15:21.32 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: I have a couple of gs customer bugs, it seems. Where does that sir prioritywise?15:22.04 
henrys Robin_Watts_: let me look15:22.52 
Robin_Watts_ resolves one as wontfix.15:23.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: I see 2 (P2) bugs for you -- bug 695153 and bug 692351. Did you close a different one ?15:26.24 
henrys Robin_Watts_: is that other one for mvrhel_laptop 15:26.26 
  Robin_Watts_: I'd rather get some momentum on the good stuff. If they complain we'll change things15:27.28 
  Robin_Watts_: it does seem mvrhel_laptop should have a look at that one.15:27.52 
Robin_Watts_ 692351 is not a customer bug.15:28.02 
  I closed a different one.15:28.11 
mvrhel_laptop on 695153?15:28.27 
ray_laptop then why is bug 692351 P2 I wonder ?15:28.40 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes15:28.42 
Robin_Watts_ 695153 is to do with interpolated images.15:28.58 
mvrhel_laptop I can take a look at that in the next day or two15:29.03 
Robin_Watts_ Specifically it's to do with the code I added to only decode the required patch of an image not quite making the patch small enough.15:29.33 
mvrhel_laptop ok.15:30.04 
  so you already know where the issue is.15:30.54 
Robin_Watts_ ish15:31.04 
  So, if I'm understanding the state of play with Good: 1) We have an ios build that should work and doesn't because of changes in the SDK.15:31.33 
  2) We don't have a Good server working yet.15:32.11 
henrys Robin_Watts_: okay but mvrhel_laptop can look at it while you help out with "good" right? Nobody else can really work on "Good" just yet.15:32.11 
jogux_mac robin : it also fails because there's a build option that has vanished since the previous good build.15:32.19 
  (but that's presumably easy to trace back; I've just not had time to delve yet)15:32.35 
Robin_Watts_ 3) We don't have an android build for good at all currently.15:32.40 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: so I have VS2010 installed now and I think I just have a path issue with python, as me dropping the offending command during build into the python console window runs just fine15:33.05 
henrys kens:did you want marcosw to reproduce that api bug or are you still going to give it a go?15:33.05 
jogux_mac henrys : are you / miles making progress on the veracode contract etc?15:33.08 
pedro__ we have a good server which is running here in a VM (albeit it has just fallen over when I moved it to another machine)15:33.10 
jogux_mac mvrhel : did you post the log somewhere?15:33.36 
Robin_Watts_ jogux_mac: Is that a customer name? Don't mention customers by name in here.15:33.53 
henrys marcosw: there was another bug fix but the customer had his email on the bug, you don't do those right?15:33.55 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: OK.15:34.17 
jogux_mac robin_watts : veracode app testing is a prerequiste for submitting the app to good15:34.18 
Robin_Watts_ oh, right, that thing.15:34.27 
pedro__ robin: the android build has a bunch of the functionality implemented but now needs updated to use the new SDK 15:34.39 
jogux_mac there seems to be a special veracode build option.15:34.41 
marcosw henrys: yes, I assume if the customer entered the bug themselves they are paying attention to the bugzilla emails and have already been notified.15:34.43 
henrys marcosw: fair enough15:34.57 
pedro__ (it has secure FS and code to integrate with the GoodForEnterprise apps to handle attachment viewing/editing)15:35.06 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: What command is going wrong?15:35.06 
mvrhel_laptop 1>EXEC : error : Failed to execute command python C:\vrhel\Artifex_laptop\git_sot\sot\epage/foundation/libraries/io/fs/ C:\vrhel\Artifex_laptop\git_sot\sot\epage C:\vrhel\Artifex_laptop\git_sot\sot\genroot\windows\x86\vs2010\all_das\debug_puts_enable\excel_editor\pdf_export\search_enable\bin\romfss2-compiler.exe C:\vrhel\Artifex_laptop\git_sot\sot\genroot\windows\x86\vs2010\api/romfss215:35.42 
  -blob.h C:\vrhel\Artifex_laptop\git_sot\sot\genroot\windows\x86\vs2010\api/romfss2-tmp libraries/font/library libraries/image/resource15:35.43 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Right, I feared it might be that one.15:36.11 
  Any chance I can get a remote desktop login to your machine to debug that?15:36.29 
mvrhel_laptop sure we can do that if that is what you would like to do15:36.48 
henrys jogux_mac: I've asked miles to handle that separately with the Good business rep and he said he would - are we waiting for something specific?15:36.55 
jogux_mac I suspect there may be another error message hiding somewhere in the build log15:37.04 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: It's a script I wrote, and I've looked at it, and I can't see why it should be failing.15:37.12 
jogux_mac henrys : no; it's certainly not blocking us currently, just checking it is progressing.15:37.24 
mvrhel_laptop how is it only on my machine though15:37.25 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: I have no idea. It works fine on mine.15:37.43 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok15:37.49 
henrys Robin_Watts_: before I forget did we verify mvrhel_laptop can build okay with ProjectDir so all msvc's will work? Can we update the readme?15:38.47 
  ProjectDir works for me.15:39.04 
mvrhel_laptop let me try15:39.53 
henrys what does ray_laptop use?15:41.02 
Robin_Watts_ VS2008 :)15:41.11 
mvrhel_laptop oh you have not commited this change yet15:41.14 
Robin_Watts_ hence he doesn't have a problem.15:41.19 
  mvrhel_laptop: The change is that in the Properties -> Debugging thing, rather than having a working directory of .., have a working directory of $(ProjectDir)\..15:42.01 
mvrhel_laptop let me try that15:42.14 
  I am sure it will be fine15:43.00 
Robin_Watts_ henrys: I'll update the solution and the ReadMe.15:49.08 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: when do you want to try the remote desktop?15:49.53 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Whenever is convenient for you.15:50.09 
mvrhel_laptop now is as good as any15:50.18 
Robin_Watts_ Let's discuss this on skype?15:51.30 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I already started :)15:51.47 
chrisl ray_laptop: I expect you read my e-mail, but I had all kinds of issues with the new sim from Len.....15:57.39 
ray_laptop chrisl: it wouldn't build for me16:00.09 
  chrisl: but I did notice the .obj files in the root16:00.27 
  chrisl: luckily there aren't many of the 'aux' files16:01.04 
chrisl ray_laptop: Adding the AUXDIR definition got it to build for me16:01.11 
  ray_laptop: I'm wondering how it can run successfully on the target - given it accessing freed memory.....16:03.27 
kens2 Night folks16:13.18 
Robin_Watts_ Jogu, pete, anyone else.16:35.35 
  I'm hitting a very strange problem on mvrhel's build.16:35.48 
  My python script ends with a sys.exit(0)16:36.07 
  and yet the python script that's calling it, sees the return value as 1.16:36.22 
  which is causing it to think that the build is failing. Anyone ever seen anything like that ?16:36.46 
jogux_mac woot. it's called from a .postlink right?16:36.50 
  ah, no, prebuild (of course, d'oh)16:38.15 
Robin_Watts_ ok, I've found the problem.16:43.15 
  print "retval"+str(retval)16:43.25 
  gives retval016:43.32 
  but sys.exit(retval) does not then return 0.16:43.50 
  If I use: if retval==0:\n sys.exit(0)\nelse:\n sys.exit(retval)16:44.23 
  I get what I want.16:44.27 
jogux_mac ah, fun. is this os.spawnve being a PITA again?16:44.37 
Robin_Watts_ I do not understand why, but I don't think I care :)16:44.37 
  No, changing spawnve to use subprocess made no difference.16:44.55 
  Oh, well... maybe.16:45.51 
  The line in question is: retval = callSystem(....)16:46.15 
jogux_mac wel, sys.exit() is documented to return 1 if passed a non-number object. and os.spawnve appears to be documented to return an integer. so... who knows.16:46.21 
Robin_Watts_ I'm passing it a long.16:46.46 
jogux_mac you would presume a long is numeric.16:47.01 
ray_laptop chrisl: not sure I need to, but I should probably get so I can build the release from Len (in case he comes in with a problem). What start keyword did you use ?16:47.05 
Robin_Watts_ or at least, when I did print "retval="+retval it complained that retval was a long, not a string, so I had to use str(retval)16:47.23 
ray_laptop chrisl: (since you got it to build)16:47.32 
Robin_Watts_ Anyway, builds are working for mvrhel now I think (just waiting to see if it completes).16:47.49 
  I'll do a commit for that in a mo.16:48.02 
chrisl ray_laptop: I had to use "gemini_prn_es" - that's the only solution file I could see16:48.30 
jogux_mac robin : I can't claim to understand :(16:48.46 
jogux_mac does wonder why it differs for mvrhel though.16:49.07 
pedro__ different python implementations?16:49.25 
mvrhel that was very strange16:49.34 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: It's not that you're running a 64bit python or something?16:50.43 
jogux_mac is anyone messing with the iOS certificates etc?16:50.45 
Robin_Watts_ Where did you get python? activestate?16:50.55 
mvrhel I am running 64 bit16:50.57 
jogux_mac miles just got another 'your certificate has been revoked' message from apple :-S16:51.06 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. that's what I tried. I get a bunch of errors: fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\..\gs\ufst\rts\rac\Bitio.c': No such file or directory16:51.11 
mvrhel but I don't know *anything* about pyton16:51.12 
  I got it from active state16:51.17 
  like written in the twiki16:51.29 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: I know that the number of spaces matter on indents, but all the rest of my python programming comes from copy/paste/stack overflow16:51.45 
pedro__ they're probably down to me from sunday/yesterday trying to get a good ios build going16:51.49 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's weird, that's the wrong directory..... should be "gs2" I think16:51.52 
ray_laptop in python, spaces/tabs determine blocks.16:52.09 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: So, the chrome remote desktop thing seems to work well.16:52.10 
ray_laptop If you need, I know python pretty well16:52.20 
Robin_Watts_ The only bad thing is that the keyboard mapping is strange.16:52.24 
mvrhel yes. I will see if I can get this set up with my father16:52.27 
ray_laptop chrisl: right16:52.29 
Robin_Watts_ My typing is not *quite* that bad usually :)16:52.53 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: when you have a minute, see if you find this acceptable:;a=commitdiff;h=fb11fa2516:53.00 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Let me know if the build runs through OK.16:53.04 
ray_laptop STRONGLY prefers python to perl16:53.05 
mvrhel Robin_Watts_: ok will do16:53.15 
Robin_Watts_ chrisl: Looks great.16:53.38 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: so just push?16:53.46 
Robin_Watts_ sure.16:53.58 
chrisl Thanks16:54.08 
Robin_Watts_ Thank you116:54.38 
chrisl NP, As kens said, it was probably easier for me to build the example, so.....16:55.07 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: success16:56.00 
  so how do I run this thing now...16:56.06 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Woo Hoo!16:56.18 
  So, towards the end of the log, hopefully you got a binary name?16:56.42 
  actually, scratch that.16:57.12 
ray_laptop chrisl: strange because I see: set SIM_GS_UFST_DIR=%SIMDIR%\..\gs2\ufst in setsim.bat16:57.29 
Robin_Watts_ The Properties -> NMake -> Output field should be set, I hope?16:57.32 
pedro__ scripts/ should help16:57.33 
chrisl ray_laptop: did you run a previous simulator in the same command prompt window?16:58.03 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: To: ..\genroot\windows\x86\vs2010\debug\nonet\romfss2\heap\all_das\debug_puts_enable\excel_editor\pdf_encrypt\pdf_encrypt_aes\pdf_export\search_enable\en-gb\bin\da-test.exe16:58.18 
  or something like that ?16:58.26 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:58.28 
Robin_Watts_ So in the debug tab...16:58.38 
chrisl ray_laptop: I always get caught out because setsim picks up values from the environment in preference to setting them itself.....16:58.43 
Robin_Watts_ Command: $(Target)16:58.44 
mvrhel_laptop that was in the build output and in the Nmake Output field16:58.45 
ray_laptop chrisl: I just unzipped a fresh copy16:58.48 
Robin_Watts_ Command Arguments: -hq -save savedir ../../MyTests/catalog.pdf out.txt pdf16:58.59 
chrisl ray_laptop: but did you start a *new* command prompt?16:59.05 
mvrhel_laptop yes command is target16:59.09 
Robin_Watts_ Working Directory: $(SolutionDir)..\epage16:59.12 
mvrhel_laptop working dir is correct16:59.28 
  command args are -pdfexport file://localhost/out.pdf ../../MyTests/prop.pdf out.txt pdf16:59.33 
Robin_Watts_ You'll want to edit ../../MyTests/catalog.pdf to point to a valid input file.16:59.52 
  relative to the "epage" directory.17:00.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:00.11 
  let me try a file17:00.15 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: there might be an easy solution to the dependency problem in jom - see the end of this file: 
Robin_Watts_ chrisl: .SYNC ?17:00.43 
chrisl Yeh17:00.47 
Robin_Watts_ will .SYNC not break nmake ?17:00.55 
chrisl In nmake we'll define it as a empty target17:01.13 
Robin_Watts_ chrisl: Cool. I'll get you an email for what I've got so far.17:01.49 
ray_laptop chrisl: I run it using a "shortcut"17:02.18 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: no rush - I know you're busy. I just stumbled across that README and thought "Oooh"17:02.25 
Robin_Watts_ indeed!17:02.32 
ray_laptop chrisl: so it always starts a new command prompt17:02.34 
chrisl ray_laptop: okay, scratch that idea...... I'm tempted to say chuck it back at Len and say "can we have a working sim, please".....17:03.12 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: The line with -hq in should run and save some bitmaps into epage/savedir17:03.16 
  The line with -pdfexport should produce you an epage/out.pdf17:03.34 
chrisl ray_laptop: tbh, I have these kinds of problems every time I get a sim update, which is why I dread it so much :-(17:03.44 
ray_laptop chrisl: Ahh. I found it. A typo in my shortcut.17:04.02 
  chrisl: yeah, me too17:04.13 
Robin_Watts_ The 'test-shell' project is pretty much the simplest build we can do that does document loading/rendering/pdf export17:04.14 
  as such it's going to be one of the easiest ways to try hacking^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hworking on the internals of smart office.17:04.49 
  If you want a proper app, then you'll need to build one of the other targets.17:05.23 
chrisl ray_laptop: but even once it builds, it just crashed....17:05.54 
ray_laptop chrisl: HURRAY. Len just confirmed the performance improvements with your latest patches :-)17:15.43 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: So we're up to the required speed now ?17:16.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: I just saw the mail - YAY!!17:16.06 
Robin_Watts_ Congratulations, to both of you.17:16.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: we actually do better than the 871 times17:16.24 
  Robin_Watts_: however, as I mentioned to Len, the font cache improvements would improve 871 as well.17:16.59 
  and since we are only 2 seconds faster with 9.06 compared to 8.71 ...17:17.34 
Robin_Watts_ Don't give him an excuse to stay with an accelerated 8.71 :)17:18.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: no, they are committed to going forward with 9.x17:18.24 
  but they still have 8.71 products in the mix17:18.42 
  Robin_Watts_: I just don't know if they have any NEW 8.71 products in the pipeline17:19.09 
  we should request a list of products shipping and in development17:19.57 
Robin_Watts_ so gsvg has been eaten?17:22.05 
chrisl Robin_Watts_: we killed gsvg as soon as tor8 had made a start on the mupdf version17:23.06 
Robin_Watts_ will remove the project from the solution then.17:23.45 
chrisl Oh, I thought I did that - sorry......17:24.00 
ray_laptop chrisl: Len mentioned that he isn't concerned about the 'instability' of this version of the simulator (he just called). It was just one he threw together for us to work with. He'll give us another "cleaner" version in the future, once the dust settles17:30.16 
chrisl ray_laptop: I assumed it was something of the sort - still, a bit frustrating.....17:31.39 
ray_laptop chrisl: agreed.17:32.03 
chrisl Right, I'm off to probably lose a squash match - 'nite all17:33.09 
ray_laptop chrisl: I've given up trying to get them to fix the 'wheel.exe' viewer -- It doesn't let me see the whole page17:33.20 
  chrisl_away: have a good time17:33.29 
Guest69874 Hello, I dropped by to say thank you for the MUPDF 1.4 release. However the rendering speed compared to previous 1.3 release on identical files has a ~15~20% loss. I have tested large batches of files, with hundreds of originals with smallformat and largeformat (drawings) content. Maybe for a future release someone is interested in investigating what caused the rendering performance loss.17:37.06 
Robin_Watts_ Guest69874: We'd certainly be interested in knowing why it has got slower.17:38.20 
  Whether it's something specific to your machine/setup or something more general.17:38.38 
  What platform are you on?17:38.45 
Guest69874 windows 32bit17:38.54 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: you beat me to it17:38.56 
  Guest69874: can you send any files which are particularly slower ?17:39.21 
Robin_Watts_ Guest69874: Are you building your own binaries, or using the canned ones ?17:39.22 
Guest69874 I am calling 'mudraw' from the command line, using the original supplied exe (binary).17:40.04 
Robin_Watts_ Guest69874: Usually I do the builds, but this time tor did them. I wonder if there is a compiler difference.17:40.41 
  Guest69874: Just give me a mo.17:41.08 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: well, it should be easy to compare the pre-built to what you have17:41.24 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: I'm just doing a build, and I'm going to upload it for Guest69874 to try.17:42.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: oh, that makes sense, too17:42.14 
  Robin_Watts_: do you build with 2005 or something else ?17:43.28 
Robin_Watts_ Guest69874: 
  ray_laptop: VS2005.17:44.17 
Guest69874 testing now, one moment please, I have a short & long test batch17:44.48 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: do you build with 2005 or something else ?17:46.21 
Guest69874 my corporate AV is blocking exe downloads, are you able to zip or rar that please ? I cannot disable the AV on this station17:47.59 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: VS2005.17:48.04 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: does that _really_ fool browsers that restrict downloads ?17:50.04 
sebras tor8: Robin_Watts_: two silly patches over at sebras/master and this one for curl 
Robin_Watts_ we'll see in a minute.17:50.26 
  sebras: Will look as soon as I can. Desperately trying to finish something atm.17:50.52 
sebras Robin_Watts_: ok. I'll stop nagging. :)17:51.14 
Guest69874 sorry , Symantec AV is too smart, it deletes the EXE despite the extension change, I cannot download from your link17:54.12 
  can you zip or rar please17:54.44 
Robin_Watts_ Guest69874: 
ray_laptop Guest69874: I'm surprised it lets .zip through unless it has a password. gmail looks inside .zips and won't let us send them as attachments if there is an exe in it17:56.28 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: shh! It might hear you.17:56.47 
ray_laptop I usually just use the secret password "secret"17:57.32 
  grrr... the fast thresholding image code is going to take a lot of work to get cleaned up. The methods it uses to fill the contone buffers with scaled image data are totally wrong :-(17:59.26 
  I have one case working, however. Now it's just "make work"17:59.49 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: is this something that I did wrong?18:03.57 
Hakan_AG sorry, back after connect dropped. the last 'mudraw.exe' that was supplied is even slower then the original 1.4 release :(18:04.37 
  mudraw 1.3 = 5 secs - mudraw 1.4 (experiemental) = 12 sec18:05.46 
  mudraw 1.4 (original release) 7 sec18:05.56 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: you still here?18:06.19 
Hakan_AG 62 pages at 8.5x11, 36dpi render to PNG on 2 threads18:06.20 
Robin_Watts_ What are the binary sizes for 1.3 and 1.4 please?18:06.20 
  mvrhel: I am.18:06.32 
Hakan_AG 1.3 = 8,503,296 bytes18:06.50 
  1.4 official = 8,589,31218:07.19 
mvrhel_laptop so what is the syntax supposed to be if I want to render a ppt file. I am guessing that -pdfexport is setting up to convert to pdf?18:07.21 
Robin_Watts_ You want to render a ppt to bitmaps?18:07.45 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: yes18:07.52 
  I am confused by the out.txt and "pdf" that you had on the command line18:08.15 
  at the end18:08.21 
Robin_Watts_ Command Arguments: -hq -save savedir ../../MyTests/input.ppt out.txt ppt18:08.23 
  -hq says "do hq renders" (i.e don't just layout etc)18:08.45 
mvrhel_laptop hq?18:08.58 
Robin_Watts_ -save blah says "save the output into blah"18:08.58 
mvrhel_laptop high quality?18:09.04 
Robin_Watts_ High Quality as opposed to Fuzzy.18:09.08 
  Fuzzy being a scaled up thumbnail.18:09.24 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:09.28 
Robin_Watts_ Next is the input file.18:09.34 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:09.41 
Robin_Watts_ Then a file for various output stuff to be dumped too (typically includes a dump of the laid out objects)18:10.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:10.19 
Robin_Watts_ Then the format to use.18:10.20 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok18:10.23 
  and -pdfexport does the layout into pdf18:10.51 
Robin_Watts_ Yes.18:10.56 
ray_laptop mvrhel: sorry - I was working on it. But, yes. it probably is. The dda logic was picking the wrong pixels, and sometimes the wrong number of pixels was generated.18:10.58 
Robin_Watts_ -pdfexport is followed by the file to export to.18:11.14 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks Robin_Watts_ 18:11.30 
  ray_laptop: I am surprised to hear that that part is wrong. I did quite a bit of testing with it18:11.59 
Robin_Watts_ Hakan_AG: OK, so I'm at a loss to immediately say why.18:17.23 
Hakan_AG RobinWatts : I have to leave, if you require real world test files to test when you have time, pls ask me at thank you. version 1.4 is definately somewhat slower.18:17.58 
Robin_Watts_ Hakan_AG: Could you find the file that's most obviously slowed down, and open a bug at and attach it there please?18:18.16 
  That way it won't get forgotten.18:18.21 
  At the moment, I am busy with other things, but I would like to fix this.18:18.34 
Hakan_AG Understood, I will do that tomorrow and try to find a good test file.18:18.46 
Robin_Watts_ Thanks.18:18.50 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: ok that worked thank you18:19.30 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Phew.18:19.39 
mvrhel_laptop so I am up and running now18:19.41 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: That's great news.18:19.51 
mvrhel_laptop I might poke a bit at one of these rendering issues on the artifex power point to see if I can see anything obvious18:20.21 
  just to get a taste of what this code is like..18:21.01 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Go for it.18:22.07 
  sebras: Your 2 mupdf commits look fine.18:23.07 
  The curl one... is the patch reversed?18:23.52 
ray_laptop mvrhel: It's not very visible. I'm comparing the 4-bit to the 8-bit,visually, and out of 1500 files I reviewed, I found about 20 "objectionable" differences. Those are the ones I'm looking into.18:24.34 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: No, I get it, sorry.18:25.30 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: so the 8 bit and the 4 bit both look bad?18:25.50 
  oh never mind18:25.59 
  I see what you mean18:26.08 
  the 1 bit and the 4 bit will both look bad18:26.19 
  I suspect18:26.24 
ray_laptop mvrhel: it's almost impossible to see with 1-bit halftoned since the halftoning "hides" the differences a lot18:27.40 
mvrhel_laptop ok that would explain why I did not see it then18:27.54 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Pushed. Thanks!18:30.30 
  henrys: Want to review this for me?;a=commitdiff;h=a33e6e4084bc77a8c1f94500576fada62e6e207718:32.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts_: the UFST_ROOT is really set to C:\ufst ??? I know this is how it used to be, but shouldn't it be somewhere else ?18:40.55 
Robin_Watts_ ray_laptop: That's all explained in the ReadMe.18:41.57 
  People using the ufst are expected to edit that to suit their setup.18:42.14 
  It's not one of the 'standard' projects.18:42.28 
sebras Robin_Watts_: thanks for reviewing. :)18:42.40 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: No problem. Thanks for fixing my code :)18:42.53 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I don't think error handling in this case warrants a semaphore and that kind of locking overhead.18:48.51 
  especially since content_length is not protected either.18:49.05 
mvrhel_laptop and that is probably enough SOT for today. head already hurts19:13.25 
  lunch time19:13.29 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: hehe.19:13.51 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: perhaps you can give me a minor tour of things one day...19:13.55 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: I can do my best.19:14.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok that would be great. maybe tomorrow for a tad bit 19:14.46 
Robin_Watts_ I know the rendering side of it all quite well. The layout side less so - Jogu and Pedro have more experience in that area.19:15.02 
  but I'll gladly share my confusion.19:15.16 
mvrhel_laptop ok . I am looking at some rendering issues in how the code is handling images in the ppt file. I have a single page with a single image. I had hoped it would be easy to understand but I fear I am getting lost in the edr stuff19:15.57 
  I also probably need to understand a bit about the format of the files too though. something that I don't know at all19:16.45 
  is there any documentation anyplace?19:17.19 
  Robin_Watts_: ^^19:17.21 
  I mean even documentation at the level that we have for ghostscript would be helpful19:17.44 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel_laptop: Look at the ghostscript regression dashboard.19:18.26 
  There is an 'epage-docs' link in the top right section.19:18.41 
mvrhel_laptop aha19:19.00 
Robin_Watts_ In the edr directory there is an "edr-training-course.ppt"19:19.09 
  I'm going to spend some time looking at that I think :)19:19.19 
  mvrhel_laptop: By the way, when I mentioned VisualGDB earlier, I was thinking that you'd be interested in it.19:19.48 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: oh this will be helpful19:20.09 
  hmm may want a local copy of these docs. very laggy for some reason19:21.29 
  browsing through them is bringing firefox to its knees for some reason19:22.30 
  ok off to eat. bbiaw19:22.52 
henrys Robin_Watts_: I'm good with the patch19:51.36 
jogux mvrhel_laptop : the da testshell dumps out a textual representation of the edr and display list to the output file - understanding that is a good place to start figuring out if the problem is the DA not putting the right thing into the edr, or layout losing it / putting it in the wrong place.20:05.22 
  [the windows application, if build with -debug, also has some similar functionality]20:05.45 
  emobix has some training courses that cover much of the basics; it might be worth us presenting those to you sometime (subject to Miles/Henry agreeing). To some extent they may duplicate what you can find in epage-docs.20:07.05 
mvrhel_laptop jogux: great thanks for the suggestions21:44.45 
Robin_Watts_ jogux, pedro, paulgardiner: (For the logs) 2 commits on robin/master. The python workaround for that michael needed and an updated solution.23:07.46 
  henrys: Thanks.23:07.52 
  jogux, pedro: AFAICT the AndroidManifest.xml for the SOT doesn't have the debuggable flag set. which is a bit of a pain.23:08.53 
  I might look at updating it so that its set for debug builds at least.23:09.18 
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