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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/04/22)2014/04/23 
Robin_Watts_ jogux, pedro, paulgardiner: 2 commits on robin/master. The python workaround for that michael needed and an updated solution.08:37.19 
pedro__ nods08:38.54 
  Robin_Watts_: did you figure out what was actually going on with the retval?08:43.20 
  Robin_Watts_: in the android-sot.vcxproj (the nmakerebuildcommandline) you call but dont set the -debug flag (in the Debug|win32 config)08:50.59 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: Indeed.08:51.16 
pedro__ is that intentional?08:51.29 
Robin_Watts_ Currently -debug doesn't do much, certainly it doesn't set the debuggable attribute.08:51.46 
  Making -debug set debuggable is on my list of things to do, and I'll update the solution then.08:52.09 
pedro__ cool08:52.21 
Robin_Watts_ actually, you're right, I should probably set it now.08:52.35 
  No, never figured out what was going on with the retval.08:52.47 
  but the change there at least makes it work.08:53.05 
pedro__ it looks like a pretty woory-free change for retval, so if it works for michael I'm hapy08:53.22 
jhabjan gs 9.14 behaves strange....when TextAlphaBits parameter is used, within a single pdf, for some pdf pages it applies this value and for some not..08:53.54 
  sample PDF: 
  command line: gswin64 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dFirstPage=2 test.pdf08:54.56 
  gs 9.10 works normal08:55.18 
  any idea or workaround?08:57.02 
kens jhabjan : are you sure the text is 'text' ?08:57.32 
Robin_Watts_ gotta rebuild gs to look.08:57.37 
kens Give me a minute, I have a current build08:57.48 
Robin_Watts_ jhabjan: Can you give us a page where it goes wrong?08:58.13 
kens Its trickling in for me :-(08:58.30 
jhabjan kens: yep, it's a text08:58.39 
Robin_Watts_ so page 2 is an example of a page where it looks bad.08:58.59 
jhabjan Robin_Watts_: page no 208:59.02 
kens is still waiting for hte file to arrive....08:59.17 
jhabjan Robin_Watts_: yep08:59.22 
Robin_Watts_ jhabjan: Urm... why are the XObjects in that file listed as /Type /XObjcect ?09:01.25 
kens hopes that wasn't me.....09:01.49 
jhabjan Robin_Watts_: I have no idea... it's not PDF I built...09:02.05 
kens Hmm, I'm seeing interpolation on the text, am I missing something ?09:03.02 
  This is the page with the 'Learnpub' log on it ?09:03.39 
  Sorry Leanpub09:03.52 
Robin_Watts_ kens: yes.09:04.03 
kens Well, with TextAlphaBots I see anti-aliasing in the text.09:04.17 
Robin_Watts_ To the display device, I get no antialiasing that I can see.09:04.25 
kens Oh, I used the tiff device09:04.35 
jhabjan this is gs 9.14 output: 
  and this gs 9.10 output: 
Robin_Watts_ With tif I see AA.09:05.31 
kens Yep, its not anti-aliased on the display device, but it is for the TIFF device09:05.41 
  I have no idea whay that would be09:05.58 
Robin_Watts_ With png16m I see AA too.09:06.11 
  jhabjan: What device are you using ?09:06.18 
jhabjan Robin_Watts_: display device09:06.28 
Robin_Watts_ jhabjan: Can you open a bug at please? Attach the file, state that it's a regression from 9.10 with the display device?09:07.47 
kens 9.10 was OK ?09:08.02 
Robin_Watts_ kens: Yes.09:08.57 
kens Hmm, oh well at least we can bisect it09:09.06 
jhabjan kens: yep09:09.57 
  Robin_Watts_: ok, I will fill a bug report09:10.19 
kens Robin_Watts_ : I'm off out in 20 minutes, I'll bisect it this afternoon. As it happens I've just wrapped up all my named destinatiopn stuff09:10.29 
pedro__ Robin_Watts_: rest of those commits look good to me. I'm out for a meeting for the rest of the morning btw09:11.56 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: Ta.09:12.31 
jhabjan Robin_Watts_: done, 
Robin_Watts_ Thanks.09:17.58 
jhabjan Robin_Watts_: no worries09:19.16 
Robin_Watts_ It's to do with having an image on the page with transparency in it.09:22.48 
jhabjan other than that... when Ghostscript is installing, for the GPL version, installer writes some registry keys about Ghostscript version into "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\". Does commercial version writes into "SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript\" ?09:24.46 
kens Nope. There is no installer for the commercial version, we expect people to build it into their own product and therefore have their own instgaller.09:25.36 
  AFPL = Aladdin Free Public Licence I believe, and we have't distributed GS that way for some time09:26.08 
chrisl There is an installer for the commercial version, it should write to SOFTWARE\Artifex Ghostscript\09:26.18 
kens Huh, didn't know that09:26.29 
  back later09:27.50 
jhabjan so, are this two places the only ones in the last years?09:27.57 
chrisl jhabjan: in the registry? Yes, should be09:28.20 
jhabjan chirsl: yep09:28.32 
  chrisl: gr8, thanks09:28.42 
chrisl TBH, I'd be very surprised if you came across a case of "Artifex Ghostscript", though09:29.14 
jhabjan chrisl: I understand... just want to cover all possible scenarios :)09:30.12 
  chrisl: I think I found AFPL Ghostscript key mentioned here: 
chrisl jhabjan: that document is for a release over 7 years old.... I'll check the current ones09:31.41 
Robin_Watts_ kens: Simplified file, attached to the bug. It's a transparency issue I think.09:32.39 
chrisl jhabjan: the only mention of AFPL in the current docs is in removing GS, which I think is fair, given people may be uninstalling old versions in order to update09:33.14 
  I need to go for a haircut, back in a while09:34.00 
jhabjan chrisl: thanks for clearing out this for me09:34.23 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner, jogux: pedro reviewed the last 2 commits on robin/master (sot) for me earlier, and commented that I'd forgotten to set -debug on the debug android-sot build on the last one.10:03.19 
  So I've just updated that.10:03.25 
jogux_mac can take a quick look10:03.35 
jogux_mac wishes we had a gitweb10:03.43 
Robin_Watts_ If one of you could nod at the revised version I will commit it after I run.10:03.46 
  jogux_mac: yeah :(10:03.55 
jogux_mac reckons we could do one using the wiki authentication. but I really need to finish ATS before I start messing with new stuff :-)10:04.28 
jogux_mac thinks I need to try this visualgdb thing. although I thought I'd managed to escape windows. :-S10:05.34 
Robin_Watts_ The wiki authentication collides with the dashboard authentication at the moment. pain in the ass.10:05.43 
jogux_mac oh, how come?10:05.53 
Robin_Watts_ dunno, but both things ask me to log in now.10:06.08 
Robin_Watts_ runs. bbiab.10:06.32 
jogux_mac well the wiki perpetually asks me to login. :(10:07.08 
  and I don't use the dashboard afaik10:07.14 
  robin_watts : btw, iirc, if you set GENROOT_OVERRIDE (to to genroot-<configurationname>), you could then avoid having all the indows\x86\vs2010\debug\nonet\romfss2\heap\all_das\debug_puts_enable\excel_edi blahblahblah I reckon. if VS can set env variables per config.10:09.44 
  and python doesn't need ()s around if expressions :-)10:10.09 
  you don't need -define=DEBUG_PUTS_ENABLE if you have -debug (that's in the da/test-shell one)10:12.57 
  (it also does no harm.)10:13.57 
jhabjan is there any chance you could take into consideration for making something like Virtual IO module that would allow users to write custom file read, seek, write functions and expose it via Ghostscript API?11:05.29 
  is there any chance you could take into consideration for making something like Virtual IO module that would allow users to write custom file read, seek, write... functions and expose it via Ghostscript API?11:05.29 
  (sorry for double lines, it was accidentally)11:06.11 
chrisl jhabjan: that's something I've been wondering about. It *should* be possible without breaking loads of stuff, but this is Ghostscript - "should" does not always map to "is"11:09.18 
  jhabjan: and there is a possible hiccup which is that Ghostscript is not consistent in its use of "gs streams" - in various places (particularly devices) it uses standard FILE * objects......11:11.52 
  jhabjan: it would be best to open enhancement requests on bugzilla for things like this.....11:16.04 
jhabjan chrisl: ok, got it, thanks... I was just wondering if it's anything that could be easily done in it could be helpful feature...11:18.24 
chrisl jhabjan: I agree - but I think it wouldn't be as useful in the current architecture, as if we used gs streams throughout the code 11:19.50 
  jhabjan: as it is, it's probably only usable for *input* files11:20.10 
jhabjan chirsl: not only for input files... I was thinking more like... everything could be done in-memory... setting input file, output file11:22.34 
chrisl jhabjan: no, you can't do output files, that's my point - output files aren't written through gs streams11:23.13 
jhabjan chrisl: it would be easy to compile everything into a single dll ( with embedded resource files ) which Virtual IO could serve to GS11:23.15 
chrisl jhabjan: the device API uses standard FILE * 11:24.03 
jhabjan chrisl: ah.. got it.. anyway.. output files could be handled via pipe...11:24.28 
chrisl jhabjan: well, you can simulate what you're looking for by hooking the stdin and stdout calls11:25.33 
  But that's not really ideal - and doesn't really work "properly" for output files :-(11:26.27 
  jhabjan: but as said, open an enhancement: it's certainly not going to be trivial to implement, so will have to be "officially" considered, prioritised etc.....11:29.53 
jhabjan chrisl: ok, thanks11:30.15 
chrisl jhabjan: FWIW, why the device APIs (and everywhere else) weren't changed to use streams when streams were introduced is a complete mystery to me.....11:31.39 
jhabjan chrisl: no worries ;-)11:33.02 
Robin_Watts_ jogux_mac: does set GENROOT and GENROOT_OVERRIDE11:35.33 
jogux_mac oh well, guess I was wrong about that then. It may be worth adding a GENROOT_OVERRIDE that actually lets us remove all those nasty paths :)11:36.04 
Robin_Watts_ That saves it being /genroot/D--cvs--artifex--sot.git/....11:36.17 
jogux_mac ah11:36.27 
  oh well.11:36.29 
  shame. but fine for now, anyway.11:36.43 
Robin_Watts_ tor8, paulgardiner: I am about to do the MuPDF Android builds. Nothing waiting to be committed by anyone, right?12:21.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: there's a handful of bugfix commits on tor/master but nothing major12:21.42 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Let's look at them before I get started then.12:23.57 
  tor8: Wouldn't it be better just to never add a newline ?12:25.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: yeah, that's a good question12:25.59 
  I would expect if I select a whole line I'd get the newline, but not getting one would be better than always getting one12:26.25 
  and it would be simpler code12:26.33 
Robin_Watts_ If I select 2 lines, then I would expect to get a newline between them, maybe.12:26.47 
  But if I select a complete line, I wouldn't expect a newline.12:26.58 
  But if it's 'flowed' text (i.e. a single sentence split over 2 lines) I would ideally like to not get the newline.12:27.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: yeah, but then you get into trouble with table cells, and reflowing vs hard breaks etc that we just can't reliably tell12:28.07 
Robin_Watts_ Now, we can't easily tell if text is flowed or not, so I could live with always getting newlines.12:28.11 
  tor8: Right, so always giving newlines within text seems fair.12:28.25 
  But adding a newline at the end in all cases seems hinky.12:28.36 
tor8 yeah. if I remove five lines from the patch I can make it only give newlines between actual lines12:29.02 
  and never at the end12:29.07 
  as written it adds between lines, and at the end if the final character in the final line is selected12:29.30 
Robin_Watts_ Perhaps we should only add a newline at the end if there have been newlines during the text (and if the final char in the final line is selected)12:29.45 
  and we should use an enum, not an int for need_newline. (I'm sure I'm guilty of breaking that rule, so feel free to hit me back with it in future)12:31.31 
tor8 I think a way that has as few surprises as possible is likely better12:31.32 
Robin_Watts_ least surprise is never a bad rule.12:31.44 
tor8 so only newlines between text, never at the end, and then the need_newline becomes a boolean value rather than an enum12:32.05 
Robin_Watts_ nice.12:32.22 
  Other reviews all look fine to me.12:32.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: if you fetch again, there's an updated version12:32.28 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: Can you rebase to golden ?12:32.54 
tor8 sure, one sec12:33.08 
Robin_Watts_ the commit message has gotten corrupted on that commit.12:33.25 
tor8 right, will fix12:33.43 
Robin_Watts_ if (!need_newline && saw_text) need_newline = 1; could be simplified ?12:36.07 
  need_newline |= saw_text ?12:36.18 
tor8 if (saw_text) need_newline = 1; you're right12:36.46 
  this code has been through too many (but not enough) iterations12:37.04 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: ain't that always the way :)12:37.17 
tor8 that case used to emit the newline directly, but not so much anymore :)12:37.23 
  any other simplifications you can spot?12:37.45 
  we might be able to eliminate saw_text altogether, but I think that might be more difficult to understand code12:38.33 
Robin_Watts_ I've looked at that, and I think to do that we'd need to split the span loop into two.12:39.07 
  first a loop until we have a non empty hitbox, then output the newline, then the rest of the loop.12:39.36 
  If this was speed critical we might consider it, but I think it's fine as is.12:39.51 
tor8 yeah. this way is probably simpler.12:39.54 
  Robin_Watts_: I've pushed a fix for the if-expression12:41.04 
  if you're happy I'll push that to golden12:41.24 
Robin_Watts_ push away!12:41.39 
tor8 thanks.12:41.53 
kens I've reassigned bug #695180 to Ray because it was his large clist processing for non-clist devices that introduced it.13:00.07 
  Hopefully Ray can sort out the problem quickly13:00.40 
henrys chrisl: I thought that gtk+ stuff had bit rotted - I haven't used it in ages.13:18.53 
chrisl henrys: there's a few deprecated calls in it, but it still works, and is nicer than x1113:19.27 
henrys chrisl: funny on ubuntu it doesn't install automatically for me. Do I need the "dev" libraries?13:19.51 
chrisl henrys: you mean in the package manager? I've no idea13:20.27 
henrys chrisl: no I mean odd the gtk stuff didn't get "autogened" in to the gs build - I would think gtk would have to be available on ubuntu to support everything else.13:22.34 
chrisl henrys: but you'll need the "dev" gtk+ packages13:23.14 
henrys chrisl: James comment got me thinking about the default device on unix. X11 has always been a poor first impression.13:32.04 
chrisl henrys: it's hard to see what else we could opt for without adding a load of new dependencies13:32.49 
  henrys: plus there might be legal implications if our default build on Unix linked to gtk+13:35.30 
henrys chrisl yeah but geez x11 sucks13:39.20 
chrisl henrys: well, strictly speaking there *shouldn't* be a legal problem with making the normal gs build link to gtk, if it's available13:40.08 
  henrys: and I could have the configure script fallback to not including gtk and issue a warning if the libs aren't found13:41.02 
henrys chrisl: gtk is reasonably widespread on unix systems - I'm not sure if it usually is around on qt based systems.13:41.13 
chrisl henrys: So?13:41.28 
  henrys: any toolkit we chose would merit a similar observation13:42.29 
henrys chrisl: indeed, let me do some testing of the gtk display maybe you can look at it too if you get a chance. We don't want to change if there are lots of problems13:45.12 
chrisl henrys: if we want to make it the default, we should get rid of the deprecated calls, and update it properly to the latest gtk+/glib APIs13:46.30 
henrys chrisl: I'll put it on the agenda.13:48.32 
Robin_Watts_ In theory, doing an android release should be 4 builds.14:25.13 
  I'm up to 8 already :(14:25.19 
tor8 why so many?14:25.27 
  too many flavours of arm?14:25.40 
Robin_Watts_ armeabi/armeabi-v7a/x86/mips14:25.51 
jogux_mac I don't quite understand why mips seems to keep resurfacing lately. I could swear it died ~6 years ago.14:35.45 
pedro__ a lot of in-car systems used to use it, but it does seem a bit odd. Possibly just a bunch of companies 'protecting their investment' in all things mips14:39.42 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: 5 iOS-related commits on paul/master. Also a new test build on flighttestapp14:44.52 
chrisl jogux_mac: I suspect they're doing doing fairly cheap license agreements for MIPS to try to weather the ARM storm.....14:45.35 
  Crumbs, apparently "75 percent of Blu-ray Disc players are running on MIPS Technologies processors"14:46.47 
  And I did not know that the Sony PS runs MIPS cores14:47.26 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: not sure how memory friendly the bitmap-based printing is. On iOS, to make use of a bitmap, you have to pass ownership of it, so I wasn't able to reuse one bitmap. I have to create multiple ones, hand them off to the OS and hope it frees them in a timely fashion. I release the CGDataProviderRef each time, but that doesn't guarantee instant freeing of the data15:16.19 
  Robin_Watts_: is on casper15:17.06 
Robin_Watts_ Thanks.15:17.16 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: right. I'm not sure if there's much we can do about that. in the best case, the iOS code will free it early enough, but if not, we're no worse off than printing a full-page bitmap all at once15:18.17 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: yep. It seems to work anyway. I've kept to 300dpi because 600 failed on my iPod touch (it looked like it got killed because of the time it took)15:20.05 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: fair enough.15:20.57 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:29.33 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: morning15:30.15 
kens Hi Michael15:31.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts_: two more commits on tor/master for review for whenever you've got a moment15:43.48 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: I would be tempted to put a comment by the fz_warn :)15:44.58 
  otherwise in 6 months I'll add the codepoint back in... :)15:45.12 
  otherwise both look good.15:46.08 
  OK, I've got new versions of MuPDF up for beta testing.16:03.28 
  If people visit: they can become testers and get the new versions.16:03.42 
  Any testing people can do would be appreciated.16:03.52 
jogux_mac wishes Robin better luck than Paul has had persuading people to try the iOS one :-)16:04.35 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts_ I get: "Sorry, there is nothing to see for you here."16:11.35 
  tor8: did you get a chance to check over those iOS commits?16:11.56 
kens Robin_Watts_ : Hmm it wants me to sign in with a Google account when I try to visit that16:12.25 
  Then I get the 'nothing to see' message, presumably because I'm not using an Android device16:13.07 
Robin_Watts_ Gah. It seems that in order to have people as beta testers, either I need to add them manually, or they need to join the "MuPDF Beta testers" community on 
  Alternatively, you can get to the apks from: or 
  those are the ARM ones. 44 should run on anything, 45 on anything modern.16:18.19 
  I have x86 and mips ones for anyone with such devices.16:18.46 
  bah. It's going to take a day or so for the apks to be visible via the play store.16:19.35 
paulgardiner_lap public_html ones will be fine16:20.42 
Robin_Watts_ getting set up for the beta testing group might be good for future releases though, as it means people will automatically get upgraded to the beta versions.16:21.59 
jogux_mac paul / robin : there's two fairly trivial commits on my master if you want to take a look. no rush.16:22.41 
Robin_Watts_ bah. It dies for me.16:25.45 
  jogux_mac: Both look fine to me.16:29.41 
kens Goodnight all16:32.42 
jogux_mac robin: thanks16:32.50 
  pushed now.16:34.39 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts_: MuPDF-45.apk dies on start up on my S2 :-(16:39.05 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner_: Yeah. Me too. It's having trouble with some resources, and I can't see why. Investigating now.16:39.41 
  I *love* doing releases :)16:39.54 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: had a problem with the iOS install on an iPad - emailing you cryptic screenshot in a minute 16:48.51 
pedro__ Robin_Watts - does the version string in strings.xml get replaced as part of the release build process?16:49.59 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: Only by me :)16:50.26 
pedro__ grins - that's the resource its failing on for me16:50.41 
  yeah, for me too.16:50.47 
  Everyone should assume it's my fault for now, and I'll try some rebuilds/tests etc before bothering everyone again.16:51.32 
  There is a new MuPDF-44.apk there (armeabi) that seems to work for me.16:55.44 
  Rebuilding armeabi-v7a now.16:55.56 
pedro__ Robin_Watts: fine on S4 too16:58.31 
Robin_Watts_ My new -45 build tests out here too. Must have been finger trouble in the build.16:59.11 
  I'll upload that in a mo.16:59.15 
  oh, I don't believe it.17:01.22 
  You can't delete an apk off google.17:01.28 
  so I can't delete -45 and replace it.17:01.43 
  which means I need to give it higher number.17:02.02 
  which buggers up all the other numbers. So I need to rebuild all of them.17:02.18 
  Actually, no, I think I can get away with just this one, but that's just through luck.17:02.57 should hopefully work.17:12.52 
  Ok, so builds are uploaded to google. I'll wait 24 hours for any feedback then publish.17:20.09 
pedro__ Robin_Watts: I've just downloaded 49 but adb install doesn't like it - thinks its a duff apk17:22.09 
pedro__ retries17:22.36 
Robin_Watts_ 4959474 bytes ?17:22.49 
pedro__ just checked - seems to have been truncated by about 400 bytes17:23.09 
  possibly just ffox although it claimed it succeeded17:23.28 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: odd.17:23.47 
pedro__ cool - its fine now17:24.23 
Robin_Watts_ phew.17:24.44 
pedro__ shifts to home - will give the Good iOS build a whirl later17:26.23 
  Robin_Watts: based on the old iOS SDK you found in the SDK17:26.51 
Robin_Watts_ pedro__: Ah, best of luck.17:27.03 
pedro__ what can possibly go wrong? ...17:27.22 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: oh okay. I'll take a look.17:30.47 
  henrys: right. I can add that device to the provisioning profile. but probably I'll need to regenerate the test app17:36.15 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: if you feel it needs testing then go ahead.17:37.17 
  paulgardiner_lap: but if a few others have looked at it, let's just skip it this time.17:37.47 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: is that the device you tested on before?17:37.53 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: no I think I used my phone last time17:38.25 
paulgardiner_lap Ah okay. I'll see how the testing goes. I'll add that device in anyway ready for next time17:38.56 
  henrys: any other devices you might like to test on, you can register with testflight. I think it will then tell me when I upload something that has a device not included17:41.59 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: will do17:42.49 
tor8 paulgardiner_mac: ShareAlertMesage typo in comment18:55.51 
  paulgardiner_mac: other than that, LGTM18:57.39 
Robin_Watts_ Oh, I love android tools.21:01.15 
  So you're doing a debug build, right? You'll want me to strip out the debugging information from your lib then.21:01.39 
  Woo Hoo!21:06.50 
  Following some hacking of the build scripts I have it so I can debug SOT on a device from MSVC21:07.23 
jogux awesome :-)21:22.11 
  debugging both the java and the C?21:22.31 
sebras tor8: 4cb52a8 lgtm. 0b5c38d tttr.22:08.08 
tor8 sebras: tttr?22:09.04 
  tired? tough? tricky?22:09.38 
  sebras: git show -w 0b5c38d ought to be easier to read :)22:10.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts_: ok page extraction in gsview is working nicely now. you can reorder, delete etc and select which ones you want to save22:23.16 
  this is using the call to pdfclean22:24.11 
  now I just need to add a few conversion types and that will be all the hard work done22:35.39 
Robin_Watts_ tor8: guessing... too tired to read ?23:07.26 
  jogux: I think so.23:07.47 
  Though I was only looking at the C at the time.23:07.57 
  jogu: ah, no. VisualGDB will only let me debug the native code.23:17.04 
  but supposedly you can use eclipse to debug the java at the same time (both debuggers attach)23:17.21 
  mvrhel_laptop: Sounds good.23:20.28 
  Are you still seeing the bouncy baseline bug ?23:20.56 
markson is there any chance of the scroll-to-next-screen's worth of a page pathces being accepted?23:52.19 
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