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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/04/23)2014/04/24 
marcel123 Hi everybody. I have a strange problem regarding GS 9.10 on Ubuntu 13.10 (x64). Whenever I convert a PDF to a JPEG/PNG/PS (Subset of fonts are embedded) it looses Umlauts like äÖü. They just dont appear. I cannot reproduce the error on another machine running the same version so I think it has something to do with the server settings07:04.00 
  The command is: gs -sDEVICE=jpeg-sOutputFile=out.jpg -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE inputfile.pdf07:05.08 
kens Possibly the PDF file uses fonts which are not embedded. In this case a substitute font will be used, and its possible that the two systems have different fonts available07:05.11 
  Put the PDF file somewhere and I'll take a quick look at it07:05.31 
marcel123 I checked the PDF with Pitstop Pro and it says the Font is Embedded07:05.34 
chrisl marcel123: are you sure the machine where it works is using 9.10?07:06.07 
kens THat was going to be my next question ;-)07:06.18 
marcel123 yes 07:06.20 
  I ran gs -version07:06.24 
  Same OS, Same GS different result07:06.41 
  GS installed via apt-get07:06.52 
  When I manually embed the WHOLE font in the PDF the conversion works07:07.38 
  I did that via PITSTOP Pro. The original PDF is generated by FOP 07:08.00 
chrisl It's just that feels like a problem that I addressed since the 9.10 release.....07:08.17 
kens OMG the file is 26 Mb uncompressed07:08.32 
marcel123 ?07:08.36 
kens Your PDF file is 26Mb when decompressed07:08.47 
marcel123 and a few KB when compressed - how is that possible?07:08.59 
kens Lots of whitespace ?07:09.13 
marcel123 yeah07:09.17 
kens Well, the fonts are embedded and look 100% legal, Ghostscript has no font substitution happening, and teh PDF renders correctly for me.07:11.15 
  SO in short, I haven't a clue.....07:11.23 
chrisl I can't remember: does the PDF interpreter override the user setting of -dRENDERTTNOTDEF ?07:11.46 
sebras markson: hi! a scroll-to-next-page patch for mupdf?07:11.49 
kens chrisl I'm pretty sure it doesn't07:11.56 
sebras markson: on android?07:11.57 
chrisl marcel123: try add -dRENDERTTNOTDEF=true to your command line07:12.20 
marcel123 Ok, I will tell this to the dev - i currently cant access the machine :(07:12.43 
sebras tor8: tttr = to tired to review (late response I know, but I was unexpectedly too busy at work to even read yesterday.)07:12.48 
marcel123 Something odd I noticed: When he creates a PS from the PDF on the faulty machine, and I distill the PS via Acrobat the generated PDF has a Type 3 Font embedded07:13.21 
  and the Umlauts are missing07:13.49 
kens OK the reason the decompressed file is so big is because of pointless transparency. THere's a 26Mb image in thre which is used as a soft mask, but all the samples are 0xFF which has no effect, but does comrpess extremely well07:15.31 
marcel123 Ok, thats something our developers build in with FOP - I cant say why but we never had problems with Printers or sth.07:16.35 
kens marcel123 : lloks like a O unlaut is missing in that PDF file, not just the umlaut, in Offnungszeiten07:17.06 
chrisl kens: is that with the current code?07:17.26 
kens also a unlaut in Mustergeschaft07:17.26 
  chrisl no that's the PDF in the zip file.07:17.37 
marcel123 The second PDF i uploaded is a result of a faulty PS07:17.39 
  I generated it from the faulty PS-File 07:17.50 
kens THe PostScript is frmo ps2write07:17.55 
  But it started with a different PDF file so comparisons are difficult07:18.22 
marcel123 Problem machine: PDF -> PS... My machine: PS -> PDF (Acrobat Distiller)07:18.22 
chrisl The Umlaut glyphs appear in the current code, so.....07:18.54 
marcel123 We had the same test results with both pdf files. Since they are generated by the same system it should be no difference07:19.01 
kens marcel123 : If the original PDF file uses a CIDFont then the PostScript *will* contain a type 3 font, as basic level 2 PostScript doesn't support CIDFonts07:19.05 
  THe PDF file you originally showed us didn't contain a CIDFont07:19.19 
chrisl The glyphs are also drawn in the 9.14 release code.....07:20.32 
kens Yes, the original PDF file works fine for me07:20.49 
  But then he said they did on his machine also07:20.58 
sebras markson: a patch would be appreciated regardless of course. :)07:21.15 
kens Given that the fonts are embedded, I cannot conveive of a way the two systems could behave differently07:21.23 
  Hmm, unless FreeType is a shared library and the 2 systems havce different versions of FreeType ?07:21.48 
  marcel123 : what Operating System are the 2 machines ?07:22.09 
chrisl That's possible, I suppose - it's also possible there are different sets of patches on top of 9.10....07:22.16 
marcel123 this could be, However: When I install ghostscript via apt-get doesn't all the dependencies get installed?07:22.19 
kens has no idea07:22.43 
  If you are installing a package, then you aren't installing what we build and provide.07:22.59 
chrisl marcel123: the distributions strip out the versions of libraries we ship (and that we test), and link to the installed versions on the system, so we have not control over that07:23.17 
kens You could try downloading the canonical sources and building them yourself.07:23.21 
  The sources we provide come with versions of the 3rd party libraries that we test with, and we know work07:23.52 
marcel123 Ok I will tell this to the developer07:24.00 
chrisl Er, what is FOP??07:24.14 
  Generates PDF files out of XML basically07:24.39 
kens Oh and the enormous image isn't transparency, its just an enormous image. I wouldn't do that, it will slow down every rendering engine going, it looks like its filling the page with white, and its really pointless07:25.25 
  Decompressing 26 Mb of data, then spraying that across the page is a comparatively slow operation07:25.55 
marcel123 Thanks for the tip - I will talk to our guys. Thank you all for your help I will ask the developer to build ghostscript 9.10 from source and test it07:26.20 
kens Especially since its scaled up by a factor of nearly 6000 in one dimension and 8000 in the other07:26.28 
  : marcel123 You might prefer to try the current code, 9.1407:26.58 
chrisl marcel123: if they can narrow down the circumstances a bit so we can reproduce the problem I'll happily look into it07:27.13 
marcel123 I will tell you if I found out whats the issue. My gut feeling says: some font-config dependencies are not correct07:28.39 
kens marcel123 : I don't think Ghostscript will use font-config at all, as the fonts are embedded in the document07:29.16 
marcel123 But why does it work when the whole Font is embedded and it doesn't when just a subset of the exact same font is embedded07:30.09 
kens marcel123 : No idea, but if a buggy FreeType is on the system, its possible that FreeType can't handle the subset font, but is perfectly fine with the entire font.07:30.46 
  Assuming that tis a FT bug, and that GS is built using FT as a shared library.07:31.11 
chrisl As I said, it's not just the GS version, but also what random set of patches the maintainer has applied to GS and Freetype (and possibly other libs), too.....07:33.32 
marcel123 is there a way to find out which version of the dependencies GS is using?07:35.02 
  Can I just use ldd?07:35.39 
chrisl Yes, that'll tell you the release versions, but not extra patches applied post release07:36.17 
marcel123 ok so the best way is to get the latest tag of 9.14 and build it07:36.38 
kens THat's what I would do, yes07:36.48 
  THe release tag though, not the current master, while it probably works the master code is not totally stable, we can break that sometiems07:37.39 
chrisl marcel123: what distribution and version are you running?07:38.08 
marcel123 4 weeks agoghostscript-9.14tag for Ghostscript/GhostPDL 9...07:38.09 
  The developer did a reinstall via apt-get and now gs -version says 9.1007:38.43 
chrisl For the OS, I mean07:39.04 
marcel123 3.13.0-11-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 19 19:57:21 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:39.55 
chrisl That's not a distribution, that's the kernel version07:40.19 
marcel123 ok then I have to check with the devs - I'm just project lead and coming from the business side07:41.33 
chrisl Well, is it Debian or Ubuntu or some other Debian variant?07:42.06 
marcel123 Ubuntu Trusty Tahr07:42.57 
chrisl OKay, I don't have that yet, sorry07:44.53 
marcel123 ok nevertheless I have some ideas how to get to the root of the problem :)07:45.16 
  since we are planning to switch several servers and we are heavily relying on GS and IMthis is a big issue07:45.48 
kens marcel123 : you could have your developer talk to us here, it might be quicker that way07:54.23 
chrisl marcel123: btw, you can see the updates to the packages with "aptitude changelog <package>" so, for example, "aptitude changelog ghostscript" will give a list of updates to ghostscript. It might be worth comparing the working vs non-working one07:55.05 
kens chrisl dumb build question. I need to add a new table of operators (the existing on in zdevice.c is full), how do I go about getting genconf to process the new table so that it ends up in gconfig.h ?08:07.14 
  ah, one of the tr files maybe ?08:07.46 
chrisl kens: I thought you just added it to the source file.....08:07.56 
kens That doesn't seem to be sufficient08:08.06 
chrisl Okay, I can't remember then - give me ten minutes or so, and I'll look at it properly08:08.37 
kens genconf needs to create gconfig.h with the relevant stuff, but I can't immediately see how to do that. I did solve this once before for the colour stuff....08:08.43 
  No problem, if you can't remember I'll keep poking it08:08.55 
marcel123 I found the problem!08:09.38 
kens Aha, and it was ?08:09.50 
marcel123 This constellation is causing the problem: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Desktop) gs -version GPL Ghostscript 9.10 (2013-08-30) Copyright (C) 2013 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.08:09.50 
  I tested it on 13.10 and thought I was using Trusty Tahr08:10.04 
  So my collegue has the latest Ubuntu Desktop (downloaded yesterday) then installed gs via apt-get and the Umlauts are missing08:10.41 
  You should be able to reproduce the problem with a clean Trusty Tahr installation and GS from apt-get08:11.14 
kens marcel123 : We aren't going to do anything with a package, for the reasons explained earlier08:11.36 
marcel123 Ok, where can I address this issue then? To Ubuntu?08:11.51 
kens If you want us to look at it you need to reproduce it on what we supply, not after it is messed about by the package maintainers08:12.08 
  marcel123 : Ubuntu would seem to be the place, yes08:12.19 
chrisl marcel123: did you try with the -dRENDERTTNOTDEF=true option?08:12.57 
marcel123 Ok, sorry about my confusion - I'm pretty new to this stuff about packages and Linux itself08:13.01 
kens Not a problem08:13.26 
marcel123 Not yet, I will try it in a few min08:13.32 
kens FWIW I just tried with the vanilla 9.10 release and that works for me also, so its not something we've recently fixed.08:13.58 
chrisl kens: I suspect it's something that broke, and was fixed between 9.10 and 9.14.....08:14.30 
kens chrisl that is possible08:14.39 
  But all I have to hand are the actual releases08:15.03 
chrisl I think it's that thing about when Acrobat renders the glyph index 0 in truetype fonts08:15.08 
kens I didn';t think the dieresis was GID 0, but it may be08:15.55 
chrisl If the font is subsetted, who knows?08:16.13 
kens THe only way to know for sure would be ot disassembel the font, and I'm not that interested yet ;-)08:16.33 
marcel123 Same problem with -dRENDERTTNOTDEF=true 08:17.09 
kens OK I Guess its not that then08:17.19 
chrisl Well, as none of our releases show the problem.....08:17.42 
kens Its either a 3rd party library, or some patch that's been applied to Ghostscript by the Ubuntu maintainers08:18.14 
  I'd still suggest building our release, just to be certain08:18.31 
marcel123 Someone else messed it up :)08:18.34 
kens marcel123 : Sadly this does happen :-(08:18.50 
marcel123 I will try building your release. How do find the exakt same GPL Ghostscript 9.10 (2013-08-30) ?08:19.00 
  just checkout the commit on git from that date?08:19.17 
chrisl Or download the archive08:19.27 
kens I think the source tar is still on our website, just a momment08:19.29 
  Hmm, has hte older releases link vanished ?08:20.36 
  ah no, wrong page08:20.48 
kens Beat me to it, I was about to paste that08:21.04 
chrisl And you should know by now we *never* remove anything!! ;-)08:21.24 
marcel123 But there is no 2013-08-3008:21.39 
kens No, you want the 9.10 release08:21.48 
marcel123 ok08:22.10 
kens or the bz2 file if you can handle bzip2 format, its a touch smaller08:22.40 
  That archive dates from 02-09-2013 which suggests that Ubuntu may have packaged the release candidate, but its probably the same source.08:24.11 
marcel123 do I have to download all the dependency-libraries by myself or is a quick ./configure and then make enough?08:25.09 
kens marcel123 : the source includes the sources for *all* trhe 3rd party libraries we require08:25.26 
marcel123 perfect, I found the documentation on how to build - I will report the results08:25.45 
kens If you build GS from that, then you can be certain you are using the versions of the 3rd party libraries we tested with, and we cna reliably reproduce any problems with that code.08:26.11 
chrisl I seem to be running low on disk space for VMs again :-(08:26.24 
kens Buy a bigger disk ?08:26.36 
chrisl I think I will, yes08:26.46 
kens I saw a TV(!) advert the other night for a 1 Tb drive for £5508:26.58 
chrisl Presumably an external one?08:27.23 
kens Yes, in an enclosure, it was an end user package08:27.41 
  I was just surprised to see an advert on YV.....08:27.54 
kens returns to the pain of the build system08:28.07 
  Where the h*ll is genconf.....08:28.26 
marcel123 Just a quick info: Ubuntu 14.04 ships with the 9.10 release from 2013-08-30 and I am able to reproduce the shipped ghostscript08:32.17 
  the error with the shipped ghostscript08:32.30 
kens OK, but we can't do a lot with that.08:32.45 
  As chrisl said, we don;'t know if patches were applied to teh canonical source by the package maintainer (they often are) or if the problem lies in a system shared library which is also supplied in that version of the OS. We don't build GS using system shared libraries in order to avoid problems with them.08:34.10 
  OK chrisl looks like I need to add the operator table in int.mak08:35.43 
chrisl kens: oh, sorry, I got distracted....08:36.17 
kens No problem, thought you might like to know where I was up to with it08:36.34 
  Just findinfg the 'right' place and I'll try building again08:36.43 
chrisl What are you adding?08:36.57 
kens A spec_op operator08:37.12 
  But the table of operators in zdevice.c is full (16 entries) so I need to add a new one08:37.37 
chrisl So, probably Z9OPS is where you want it08:39.27 
kens I think probably yes, just checking the rest of the file08:39.40 
  zdevice2 adds some more later for instance08:39.50 
chrisl Yes, but you want this in the PS "core"08:40.39 
kens Indeed, I was just checking the whoel file for certainty, I've been caught out by that sort of assumption before.....08:41.12 
chrisl But as we have a zdevice2.c you'll have to be a little careful about the naming.....08:41.40 
kens OK lets see what I get this time08:41.45 
  Its OK I followed the colour code convention and named it zdevice_ext08:42.05 
  Greta, I hit my breakpoint :-)08:42.39 
  Now I can go and work on the actual code.08:42.48 
  Sorry to have botehred you chrisl08:43.20 
chrisl kens:NP. And I just have to work out how code I added in one place, can cause stack corruption in a totally different place, in a different call stack.....08:43.53 
kens O.O08:44.02 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: thanks for reviewing.08:44.11 
chrisl Or I could go for some shopping.....08:44.27 
kens knows which sounds more attractive08:44.40 
chrisl Yeh, I think I'll do that shopping thing!08:45.53 
marcel123 After I configured gs from the sources I did a make and then a make install. But it didn't override the former Ghostscript installation08:53.23 
  it tells me install main/obj/pcl6 /usr/local/bin08:54.04 
kens Just run it directly from where its installed08:55.20 
  chrisl is afk at the moment, and I'm not a Linux expert08:55.50 
marcel123 oh damn i installed ghostpdl :D08:56.21 
  thats somethin else, right 08:56.33 
kens oops :-)08:56.33 
  that's for PCL input08:56.44 
marcel123 I should really learn to focus and not do ten things at the time - bad habit08:56.49 
kens THat works OK ?09:06.40 
marcel123 Build the 9.10 from source and it works like a charm09:06.42 
kens SO its either a patch by hte packagers or a 3rd party library problem, possibly FreeType09:06.58 
marcel123 I will advice the developers to please just use ghostscript from sources09:07.04 
kens Well that should work fine.09:11.22 
  wwAnd if you do encounter a problem then at least you can come to us with it09:11.38 
chrisl marcel123: you can establish if freetype is at fault by renaming the freetype directory in the gs sources, then make clean, ./configure, make09:18.35 
  If the resulting exe shows the problem, it's with the installed freetype lib, otherwise it's (probably) with the installed gs09:19.01 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: jogux has pointed out two more little problems with the iOS app. We offer to handle zip files. That looks to be because as the mime type for CBZ files. Do you think there might be an alternative that would work?09:21.01 
marcel123 chrisl: Then it would take the freetype lib from the system because it doesn't find the freetype lib in the sources?09:38.33 
chrisl marcel123: that's right, yes.09:38.50 
marcel123 ok I try that09:39.04 
kens It won't solve the problem for you, but it'll tell you where it is, if you report it to the Ubuntu maintainers it'll be useful for them to know09:39.45 
chrisl OKay, stack corruption was not my fault - no idea why it doesn't happen normally.......09:41.37 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner_lap, jogu: 1 commit on robin/master (sot) for consideration. Makes sure that apk debug builds really are debug builds.09:42.01 
  With that in place I can properly debug the native code.09:42.12 
  paulgardiner_lap: I may look at installing eclipse too, cos with that in place, you can debug the java in eclipse, and the native code in msvc at the same time.09:42.46 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts_: that would be astoundingly useful09:43.11 
  Likely to save us a huge amount of time down the line09:44.14 
marcel123 kens: So I guess it is not freetype09:46.52 
kens didn't really think it would be09:47.54 
  FreeType is generally very stable09:48.03 
  So most likely its some patch which Ubuntu packagers apply to Ghostscript, and doesn't work09:48.24 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: I see 5 commits. Just the last that needs reviewing?09:49.30 
Robin_Watts_ paulgardiner: 1f1f8e309:51.18 
  All the rest are on golden09:51.22 
marcel123 i will stop looking into this issue now - Have lots of other work to do. See you guys. Thanks for the help09:52.33 
kens You're welcome09:52.49 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts_: Can't say I altogether understand all that you've done there, but nothing stands out as looking wrong.09:58.43 
Robin_Watts_ Thanks.09:58.54 
paulgardiner Oh maybe I do. Why do you have to copy 
  I get the rest now10:01.31 
  tor8: one more iOS commit on paul/master. That'll be the version I submit to apple, unless you have any ideas for avoiding CBZ support causing the app to offer to handle zip files10:18.06 
  tor8: if you want to give it a test before submission, let me know soon.10:18.33 
deleet hey guys, is there any expectation of having mupdf for android built on gradle and available via maven?12:28.42 
Robin_Watts deleet: It's not something we're working on.12:31.50 
  but it is VERY portable.12:31.56 
tor8 paulgardiner: is accepting all zip files an actual problem?12:32.40 
  paulgardiner: I'd love to give it a test spin, but you'll have to bear in mind that I have no computers with iTunes around anymore so getting it onto my ipad might be problematic12:33.21 
deleet Robin_Watts: was just wondering if there was a branch or .aar I wasn't seeing, k12:40.03 
jogux tor8 : it confused me that mupdf offered to take a zip file I found in safari (that had an xps file inside it) but then did nothing useful with it12:40.57 
  and (perhaps worse), didn't give any kind of error12:41.13 
  tor8 : you can install it using safari on the ipad - itunes not required.12:41.40 
  just go to and login12:41.54 
deleet I see my minion hasn't contributed back the work we've done to get MuPDF working on fragments, I'll see that he does12:41.58 
deleet gets the whip12:42.06 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: I think you have an invitation to our testflight team. I can resend it if need be12:54.47 
tor8 jogux: right. it shows all image files in a zip, but doesn't do anything with non-image files in it.12:57.11 
  paulgardiner: I've still got the test flight invitation, just got to wait for the ipad to charge...13:07.28 
  paulgardiner: and your latest commit LGTM13:08.10 
  paulgardiner_lap: ^13:08.14 
jogux tor8 : ahh. right. I didn't even know it supported image files :-)13:13.26 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: ta13:16.17 
ray_laptop can someone else try and see if it works now ?14:09.31 
  tor8: you, for example ?14:09.40 
kens Works for me14:09.44 
ray_laptop GREAT !!!14:09.51 
chrisl and me14:09.54 
ray_laptop thanks kens, chrisl (and anyone else)14:10.14 
kens NP14:10.19 
Robin_Watts Woo Hoo.14:11.44 
  Have we stolen the logo from the Springfield Isotopes?14:11.54 
tor8 ray_laptop: works for me too :)14:12.13 
kens thought it ws an interestging logo too14:12.19 
chrisl Oh, then we should get the three eyed fish, too :-)14:12.20 
Robin_Watts blinky.14:12.47 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: argh! I don't understand how anybody can actually *like* using the iPad... everything takes ten times as long, and feels a hundred times more clumsy14:13.05 
  and it took me five minutes to figure out how to add a bookmark in safari14:13.23 
  and don't get me started on gmail's "mobile" website and how bloody awful that thing is14:13.55 
  anyway, I now have the testflight but I only see MuPDF 1.3 from january 2014:14.11 
  Robin_Watts: is another variant on a similarly themed logo14:18.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't dislike the logo.14:22.53 
henrys tor8: talking to Miles yesterday he said the domain stuff is in ray_laptop's court now. So when he here we'll ask.14:29.28 
kens is working14:29.47 
  If tht's the question14:29.58 
ray_laptop henrys: right. Let me know if something doesn't look right to you14:30.29 
henrys ray_laptop: oh great … looks fine to me, I'm not big on that yellow but I'll stay out of that.14:31.34 
ray_laptop henrys: I had nothing to do with the content. All I cared about was that now points to our server (rather than buydomains)14:33.00 
henrys ray_laptop: I should've read the logs14:36.35 
ray_laptop henrys: NP14:36.45 
henrys tor8:not have a windows build might be taking the simplicity thing a bit far ;-)14:46.55 
ray_laptop henrys: are you talking about mujs ?14:48.32 
henrys ray_laptop: yes14:48.41 
ray_laptop henrys: the target for that product is small embedded devices. they WON'T be running Windows14:49.10 
kens If they can't build it, they shouldn't be using it :-)14:49.12 
ray_laptop since when is a Windows user concerned with BLOAT14:49.35 
ray_laptop agrees with kens14:50.05 
tor8 henrys: it's a library, not an end-user product :)14:50.21 
chrisl ray_laptop: can I get your opinion on this set of changes?;a=commitdiff;h=64a0192b14:50.37 
ray_laptop chrisl: sure. Just a sec.14:50.49 
  chrisl: in psi/dwdll.c the get and set have me confused. the first does: gsdll->set_default_device_list = (PFN_gsapi_get_default_device_list) then checks if (gsdll->get_default_device_list == NULL)14:55.42 
chrisl ray_laptop: oops, typo - I'm most interested in if you're okay with the intent of the changes14:56.34 
ray_laptop chrisl: the second change does: gsdll->set_default_device_list = (PFN_gsapi_get_default_device_list) then (properly) checks if (gsdll->set_display_callback == NULL)14:56.34 
  chrisl: is there a reason for the extra space at the end of: #define OUR_DEFAULT_DEV_STR "display " ???14:57.41 
chrisl ray_laptop: just that it makes the string merging a little simpler14:57.57 
  I'll add that to the comment14:58.31 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. So if I understand the point of having a 'list' is so that we will search for the first device that actually exists in the build ?15:01.31 
chrisl ray_laptop: basically yes. The graphics lib has a list of preferred default devices, and tries to find one to use15:02.26 
ray_laptop chrisl: the comment in iapi.h confuses me a bit Allows the calling application to influence which default device(s) gs will use.15:02.59 
  chrisl: shouldn't it just be which default device gs will use.15:03.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: it influences the set of devices (and the order) we may use as the default device15:03.55 
ray_laptop or which device(s) gs will try in order to select the default device15:03.57 
chrisl Yes, that's better15:04.08 
ray_laptop chrisl: there will only end up being a single default device, which is why the comment didn't seem correct15:04.36 
  chrisl: and the deprecated gs_getdefaultdevice does what now ?15:05.18 
chrisl It retains the old behaviour of return the global string15:05.55 
  Personally, I'd rather just change the gs_getdefaultdevice() to the new behaviour, but I'm not clear if that's part of the public api15:06.48 
ray_laptop chrisl: oops. I said it "properly" checks in dwdll.c after the second gsdll->set_default_device_list, but it actually is looking at gsdll->set_display_callback == NULL15:08.47 
chrisl ray_laptop: yeh, I'm just looking over that now15:09.19 
ray_laptop chrisl: it seems to me that it should check what it just attempted to set with the GetProcAddress(gsdll->hmodule, calls15:09.37 
chrisl ray_laptop: I think I've got right here, now15:10.37 
ray_laptop chrisl: why did you add a write_stderr in dxmain that doesn't seem to get used ?15:11.22 
chrisl ray_laptop: I use it to issue a warning if we get an error setting the device list15:12.15 
ray_laptop chrisl: nm. I see where it got used15:12.26 
henrys chrisl: geez couldn't the client set the default device if none is specified on the command line when setting args instead of all this?15:15.46 
chrisl henrys: that means preprocessing the command line15:16.18 
ray_laptop chrisl: The first line of the commit message (IMHO) should mention something like: Add support for list of default devices to try (Bug 695096) 15:16.52 
chrisl henrys: and this seemed like a reasonable thing to want to do, frankly15:17.00 
ray_laptop then mention that this allows the 'display' device to be the default if it is built in the library15:17.21 
  in the body of the log message15:17.33 
chrisl ray_laptop: I could split it into two commits - the infrastructure, and then the dxmain.c if you think that would be better?15:17.58 
ray_laptop chrisl: yes, that might help15:18.33 
chrisl I'll do that15:18.39 
henrys chrisl: I think if they don't specify a device we should pick one at random ;-)15:18.47 
chrisl henrys: personally, I'd just make bbox the default, but I doubt that would popular15:19.27 
ray_laptop chrisl: or the nullpage device -;_15:20.25 
henrys nullpage would be a good one 15:20.29 
ray_laptop ;-)15:20.31 
chrisl Yeh, that'll learn 'em!15:20.44 
henrys ray_laptop beat me to it15:20.47 
chrisl henrys: but if you are worried about our public image, possibly not the best idea.....15:21.15 
ray_laptop so this allows the app to just pass a list of defaults to the graphics library and get the 'best' one15:21.42 
chrisl It means you don't need a custom build to get the default device you want15:22.24 
  *If* it's in the build to start with, of course15:22.41 
ray_laptop chrisl: and if the one you want isn't in the .so/.dll build you'll get the second choice (if any). So 'display x11alpha x11' would make 'display' the first choice since it supports scrollbars)15:25.58 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes, and if none of the devices in the list exist, you get the zeroth entry in the device table15:26.41 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: so I've tried the app and adding annotations to a pdf in the Inbox fails to save, without an error message. I see you're moving them from the Inbox into Documents when you open them, but we could still get save errors that we want to notify the user of15:28.00 
  unless the Apple guidelines ask not to ever show error messages...15:28.19 
paulgardiner_lap Strange. They were saving okay for me15:29.20 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: I clicked the "Save" but when I opened the file back up the annotations weren't there15:29.46 
paulgardiner_lap Hmmm. That's been working for me okay. That was the purpose of moving them15:30.29 
  What did you open the file in?15:30.53 
  ... I suppose MuPDF so that's not it15:31.18 
ray_laptop_ chrisl: so, once you fix up those dxmain.c issues, I'm fine with it.15:37.09 
chrisl ray_laptop: dxmain.c issues? Did I miss something?15:37.45 
  ray_laptop: okay, that's it split into two commits - the infrastructure in one, and the change to gsx in the other:;a=summary15:43.13 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:50.13 
kens Hi Michael15:50.22 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: like I mentioned, it didn't move the file (I can only see the january 20th version in the testflight app... maybe there's something else you have to do on your end?)16:13.20 
  but swallowing save errors is Bad^TM, which was my main point16:14.02 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: yes. are you now registered on testflight as a member of the team?16:14.03 
tor8 yes, I should be16:14.18 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: you should be able to get the latest version now. Sorry about that.16:15.48 
  tor8: the uploaded version doesn't have my last commit, so it attempts to add annotations to other than PDF files16:16.23 
tor8 paulgardiner: looks like it works now, but saving is *really* slow16:19.08 
  it freezes for upwards of 30 seconds to save16:19.17 
  is there supposed to be tinting buttons for the link/reflow toggles?16:20.26 
  because if so, the tinting doesn't work...16:20.40 
paulgardiner_lap The slowness to save is odd seeing as we are doing it incrementally16:21.57 
  Not sure about the tinting. The buttons are done differently between iPad and iPhone (to make them fit). 16:23.39 
kens Goodnight all16:24.06 
tor8 I'm on an iPad, iOS 7 if that helps16:24.09 
paulgardiner_lap Night Ken16:24.16 
  tor8: probably I haven't attempted to tint them then. It's the iPhone where it would be hardest to do16:24.48 
  ... because I have to allow the OS to tint the icons to match the thems16:25.19 
  That reminds me, Links are a new feature under iOS. I must remember to mention that when updating the store16:30.47 
tor8 links, printing and annotation editing are the big three major new features right?16:34.39 
paulgardiner_lap and reflow16:35.31 
  and less so sharing16:35.54 
  Oh form filling and js support16:36.14 
  with this amazing js engine under the hood!16:36.42 
ray_laptop chrisl: on the commit for changing the default device list, should the -h print out the list as well as the current default device ?16:42.05 
chrisl ray_laptop: I don't think so, no. This isn't something the end user has control over16:43.18 
ray_laptop chrisl: It looks like dwdll.c is still funky:16:44.52 
  + gsdll->set_default_device_list = (PFN_gsapi_set_default_device_list)16:44.54 
  + GetProcAddress(gsdll->hmodule, "gsapi_set_default_device_list");16:44.55 
  + if (gsdll->set_display_callback == NULL) {16:44.57 
  chrsl: I think the last line should be: if (gsdll->set_default_device_list == NULL) {16:44.58 
chrisl Ugh, the lack of whitespace there gives me a headache :-(16:47.35 
ray_laptop chrisl: there is whitespace in my post, but the logs HTML strips it out16:48.52 
chrisl ray_laptop: I meant in dwdll.c....16:49.14 
ray_laptop chrisl: OH.16:49.26 
chrisl ray_laptop: possibly better now:;a=summary16:49.29 
  Next time I'll offload the DLL parts to a windowsy person......16:51.06 
ray_laptop chrisl: LGTM, now16:53.15 
chrisl ray_laptop: cool, thanks16:53.33 
  ray_laptop: I did find something less than ideal about the gtk display device implementation: unlike the x11 devices, the gtk window takes focus from the terminal window, so you can't just hit carriage return to step through the pages......16:55.36 
ray_laptop chrisl: that sounds like a flaw in the gtk implementation. The 'display' device on windows has special handling to send all characters to the text window (if there is one), or to the console stdin using WriteConsoleInput(hStdin, &ir, 1, &dwWritten);17:04.09 
  chrisl: looks like the gtk needs something like that, too17:04.39 
chrisl ray_laptop: I'll look into it a bit more - there may be a way to handle it....17:04.57 
ray_laptop On Windows, the default behaviour is that the 'top' window has focus (and it's tricky to subvert this), so that's why that code is there.17:06.03 
  maybe all gtk needs to do is to bring the window to top, but keep the focus for KB events as the 'console' window17:06.58 
chrisl I haven't looked at gtk for some time, so I'm not sure how to do that (or if you can). I'll look at it tomorrow17:07.34 
ray_laptop chrisl: I am *NOT* a gtk person17:07.57 
chrisl ray_laptop: I haven't used it since the early 2.x days - but I do know their documentation is always several steps behind the actual code17:09.10 
ray_laptop plus I'm having too much fun trying to make the fast thresholding logic pick up the same pixels as the 'default' handling (yeah, fun, right)17:09.19 
  chrisl: that's a requirement for open source code, right (out of date docs) ;-)17:10.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: very few people volunteer for documentation!17:10.34 
  Hmm, as my debugger just froze for the second time in quick succession, I'm calling it a night......17:12.31 
ray_laptop chrisl: bye17:13.06 
chrisl bye!17:13.57 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: for the logs. Maybe gtk_widget_set_can_focus (GtkWidget *widget, gboolean can_focus); with can_focus == false for the image window ? But then things like arrow keys to scoll around won't work17:19.38 
  chrisl_away: (for the logs) The windows display dev specifically keeps "special" keys to scroll and only passes regular characters to the console stdin17:21.09 
henrys bbiab17:32.11 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: quick question for you17:40.11 
  is the mupdf svg output device set up to create a multipage svg file? looking at the code, it does not look like it to me but perhaps I am missing something17:42.12 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: svg isn't a multipage format, so I'm not sure I understand what you mean17:45.27 
mvrhel_laptop oh I thought it was17:45.35 
tor8 there have been proposals to add multipage elements to it, but they've never made it into the spec17:45.46 
mvrhel_laptop for some reason I had thought it was somewhat similar in format to xps17:46.12 
tor8 the upcoming SVG 1.2 spec (which I doubt will ever see the light of day...) has multipage support17:47.20 
  the only thing SVG and XPS have in common are the abbreviated path syntax (oh, and the use of icky icky xml)17:47.21 
mvrhel_laptop right.17:47.32 
  ok. that makes things easy then17:47.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: SVG 1.0 was single page only.17:58.04 
mvrhel_laptop gotcha17:58.11 
Robin_Watts Then they did lots of work on another version (1.1 maybe?) that was going to add loads of stuff... and it's officially been abandoned.17:58.30 
  so they are (were) working on a saner newer version with fewer kitchen sinks. 17:58.59 
  but essentially, no one supports everything from 1.0, let alone 1.1 or 1.2 stuff.17:59.47 
mvrhel_laptop so who is using svg. I know my son uses it in his scratch projects but that is about all that I ever see of it18:00.38 
Robin_Watts It's used as an intermediate vector format for passing stuff between non-adobe art apps, I think.18:01.25 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:02.21 
  which is where he is using it18:02.33 
  i.e. inkscape etc18:02.45 
Robin_Watts Did anyone try out the new MuPDF android builds?18:15.48 
mvrhel_laptop I had not. I will try to do that this afternoon18:34.29 
Robin_Watts Thanks.18:35.07 
mvrhel_laptop the cat keeps trying to get warm from my cpu fan. I have to watch that she does not sit on it and keep it from doing its job18:35.48 
  sit on the vent that is18:36.29 
Robin_Watts My parents had an old analogue satellite system years ago. The box used to get quite hot, and was sat on top of the TV.18:44.49 
  The cat would always sleep on it, which meant that every now and then you'd be watching TV and this tail would drop down over the screen...18:45.28 
mvrhel_laptop :)18:52.23 
ray_laptop mvrhel: Just run a wire from the 110 power to the vent :-)18:57.56 
  mvrhel: you may have to put rubber grommets on the vent screen mount to keep the whole case from being 'hot' :-)18:58.54 
  mvrhel: and if you set up a video camera right after, you may be able to capture a good cat video for youtube :-)18:59.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Your idea has fused his laptop.19:10.57 
jogux mvrhel_laptop : I think some of the SVG stuff is gaining popularity because the MS .net has good support for it, and it's also built into most recent browsers...19:17.44 
Robin_Watts jogux: But only some of it.19:18.08 
jogux nods19:18.29 
mvrhel_laptop right19:19.56 
  ok lunch time. bbiab19:20.03 
  ok. I think I have the mupdf conversions to various file types working for gsview. need to clean up a couple things20:27.59 
  at some point I guess I need to have someone look over this stuff and of course beat on it. getting up to 8000 lines of code...20:28.37 
  bigger than I thought it would be20:29.10 
  problem was that the feature set grew a bit and all the language interfacing20:29.38 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I've lost track -- is this gsview cross platform, or just Windows (for now) ?20:40.27 
mvrhel_laptop just windoze20:40.37 
ray_laptop mvrhel: OK.20:40.49 
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