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Log of #ghostscript at

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marcosw ray_laptop: for the logs - the commit warnings check is run on a different version of gcc than the cluster nodes use. This is quasi-intentional (it just worked out that way but I decided it wasn't a bad thing).01:31.38 
ave_ hello to all11:01.40 
Robin_Watts ave11:01.46 
  </latin gag>11:01.59 
ave_ i've got a problem with gs consolle and pdf extraction11:02.03 
  yes a latin gag :) i know mr. Caesar11:02.19 
Robin_Watts making a pdf from other input? Or extracting "something" from a PDF ?11:03.05 
ave_ i'm using -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 and gs always process and extract all pages of source11:03.07 
  i've a pdf 11:03.15 
Robin_Watts ave_: Can you give the full command line please?11:03.24 
ave_ and i want to extract only the first page 11:03.27 
Robin_Watts You are putting -dFirstPage and -dLastPage before the filename, right? :)11:03.39 
ave_ yes here: gswin64c.exe -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dLastPage=1 -o pdf_conversion -sDEVICE=pdfwrite c:\temp\spool.prn11:04.18 
  or gswin64c.exe -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -o pdf_conversion -sDEVICE=pdfwrite c:\temp\spool.prn11:04.36 
Robin_Watts What version of gs ?11:04.45 
chrisl FirstPage and LastPage don't work with Postscript11:04.49 
ave_ ohm damn :(11:04.59 
  i don't knew this11:05.28 
chrisl Postscript is a stream, not a random access file format, so the params really don't make sense for it11:05.35 
Robin_Watts ave: So... you can pdfwrite the whole file, then use pdfwrite again with -dFirstPage -dLastPage to write out just the page you want?11:05.35 
  chrisl: I believe they work for PCL. We just ignore early/late pages.11:05.55 
ave_ yes Robin, i can do that.... the only matter is that i'm processing huge files :(11:06.09 
Robin_Watts So it could work for postscript in the same way.11:06.13 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm not sure that's true any more, I thought henrys killed that11:06.31 
Robin_Watts ave_: Even if we extended gs to work in the way I described, it would still need to process all the pages.11:06.40 
  chrisl: Can we do pdfwrite with -o out%d.pdf ?11:06.59 
chrisl Yes11:07.05 
ave_ Yes Robin11:07.08 
Robin_Watts ave_: So, you could do:11:07.18 
  gswin64c.exe -o out.%d.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite input.ps11:07.36 
  and then you'd get each page out as a separate pdf.11:07.43 
  Would that help ?11:07.50 
chrisl You can also achieve it using an EndPage procedure in Postscript *but* we'd still end up interpreting the entire file11:08.13 
ave_ yes that help Robin11:08.43 
  thanks a lot for the support11:08.50 
Robin_Watts No worries.11:08.55 
ave_ now in italy we go to have lunch ;) best regards and thanks a lot11:09.10 
Robin_Watts Here in the UK, I'm going to have a shower.11:09.25 
ave_ Yo man ;)11:09.47 
henrys chrisl: first/last page does work in pcl, there was some good reason it can't be added to postscript and I'll be damned if I can remember what is was.11:38.43 
chrisl henrys: Ah, I thought when a customer was using it with PCL you told them not to, and decided to remove it - I guess not11:39.54 
  As I said, it's not hard to implement in Postscript, it just doesn't save any time - we still have to interpret the whole file11:40.34 
henrys chrisl: yes it is slow in PCL too, but I thought there was something else in PS, maybe not11:41.52 
chrisl henrys: probably because it's straight forward to make it happen in PS without changing GS, and really doesn't have much benefit - you can't just stop interpreting Postscript11:43.56 
kens THere's no reason we couldn't do it in PostScript, as chris rightly says the mechanism (/EndPage) is already there, but it saves nothing.11:43.56 
chrisl Of course for the vast majority of users, there would be no problem in leaving the interpreter in an unknown state, but if anyone actually uses the server loop, then....11:44.53 
kens Actually, you could have /EndPage throw an error when it finishes processing the last page, that might be a bit quicker11:47.24 
chrisl Wouldn't that interrupt the showpage?11:48.04 
kens Wel, I meant the endpage *following* the last completed desired page11:48.21 
  So you would have to interpret on extra page11:48.38 
chrisl You could also have a StartPage which threw an error after the last page11:49.19 
kens Yes I guess that would work too. But you would have to not miind the fact that the job throws an error11:49.49 
chrisl I think that would confuse a lot of users...11:51.21 
kens Yep, which is why I would hesitate to suggest it11:51.38 
Robin_Watts spins the git pull --rebase roulette wheel and prepares the jogu voodoo doll...11:51.43 
  boggle. no conflicts.11:53.13 
jogux_mac guess iOS SOL maybe isn't popular then :-)11:54.12 
Robin_Watts I didn't touch any of that, fortunately :)11:54.42 
  So I'm going to have a crach at pulling in the missing commits based on that list you made, assuming I can get into the review system to see them.11:55.12 
jogux_mac well... I can't, so I'm not sure you will have any more luck :-)11:56.42 
henrys jogux_mac: Is Miah still working on the test stuff or are you solo now?11:57.45 
jogux_mac henrys : just me afaik - Miah hasn't popped up for a while11:58.33 
kens Oh dear, I accidentally interrupted a cluster push, and it look slike all my code has gone pop12:00.06 
henrys jogux_mac: miles is looking for another web resource, he just hasn't been responsive enough. It's probably best for Miles to get someone local. I assume someone in the SF Bay area knows how to set up web pages ;-)12:00.45 
kens Ah, its OK it was in the stash12:00.56 
jogux_mac henrys : fair enough. :-S I'm not entirely sure if we have logins to get at the current content btw...12:01.39 
chrisl henrys: yeh, we've got a minor issue with a page on the artifex site, and no reply about how to resolve it :-(12:01.48 
jogux_mac henrys : we're happy enough making simple tweaks if we can get hold of the logins if that helps.12:03.01 
henrys jogux_mac: yes miles is trying to collect the login stuff.12:03.02 
jogux_mac henrys : ah, great.12:04.34 
chrisl kens: there's a pdf interpreter patch for your perusal for 
kens chrisl I saw it, I don't see a problem but I have the interpreter in pieces right now12:06.12 
  doign teh special op thing12:06.22 
chrisl You don't see a problem with the input file, or with my change?12:06.47 
kens your change, the file is clearly broken12:07.12 
chrisl It passes the cluster, and seems pretty safe to me....12:07.34 
henrys chrisl: what's the web page issue12:07.54 
  P1 bug assigned to miles ;-)12:08.11 
chrisl henrys: the license page still references and links to the GPL, instead of AGPL12:08.17 
kens chrisl, yes, but like I said, I have tehat file in pieces being stitched back together, it shouldn't take long <famous last words>12:08.27 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Can we not change the artifex website ourselves?12:08.45 
chrisl Robin_Watts: we can, but neither Miles nor I could find where that particular text is defined12:09.24 
Robin_Watts ah! :)12:09.37 
  The box on the left - the main body text is easily found and edited, but the sidebars... I have no idea :-(12:10.39 
Robin_Watts I can't remember how to get to the editing bit :(12:11.28 
henrys I don't understand - I'm looking in developer view in chrome and see <p class="gpllink"><a href="" target="_blank">GPL License</a></p>12:14.08 
  why can't that be changed?12:14.08 
chrisl henrys: so, where do I go to edit that?12:14.35 
  And remember, is now a content managed site, rather than "static" html12:15.19 
henrys chrisl: oh this is generated12:15.52 
chrisl Yes, each page is "assembled" from various parts - and I have no idea where that part is defined12:16.50 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I see the problem :)12:17.57 
  In theory it means that Miles/Scott can make changes without needing to speak html. (add press releases etc)12:18.23 
chrisl Which, indeed, Miles had done at least once....12:18.53 
henrys In practice it means nobody can do anything ;-) The data has been jailed12:18.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: No, most stuff is dead easy to edit.12:19.22 
jogux_mac from a quick look, that licensing thing is a "block" in quickapps speak12:19.33 
  so I'd go hunting within the blocks administration page 12:19.56 
chrisl jogux_mac: that was my thought, too, but there's nothing editable in the blocks page12:20.15 
jogux_mac oh :-(12:20.22 
chrisl Whether you need some kind of super-admin rights to do that, or something, I don't know12:20.44 
jogux_mac that's possible I guess12:20.55 
chrisl Even so, only three blocks are listed: "Artifex Front End Theme", "Admin Default" and "Unassigned or Disabled" and nothing that mentions licensing12:21.45 
jogux_mac I think my next step would to get a shell login and start grepping/searching the mysql db :-)12:25.11 
chrisl I don't know where is hosted12:25.40 
jogux_mac godaddy apparently12:25.49 
  (going by whois)12:26.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We have 2 godaddy accounts I believe.12:26.39 
  One has details in ~robin/DownloadsInformation.txt12:26.56 
chrisl Ah, so not the account?12:26.59 
Robin_Watts yes, apparently it's in there.12:27.10 
  In case I ever hold the shotgun backwards or something, I try to put important stuff in text files in my home dir :)12:27.57 
chrisl Ah, I thought it ended up somewhere else for speed reasons12:28.04 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Hmm. I don't know.12:28.25 
chrisl And it doesn't look like I have shell access to the account, either :-(12:29.16 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Not sure any of us do. But we can probably backup the data and look?12:29.47 
chrisl I'll have a poke around wit ftp12:30.06 
Robin_Watts If it's a mySQL database you'll not get to that by ftp.12:30.24 
jogux_mac worse case write a quick php script that calls mysqldump :-)12:31.19 
chrisl The files/directories under "artifex" don't seem to have been updated this year, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything12:32.19 
henrys chrisl: miles did request login information for picsel and artifex suggesting we are missing something, but I really haven't kept up with that stuff12:33.45 
jogux_mac I believe picsel is being hosted on miah's hosting.12:34.45 
Robin_Watts I thought picsel was on the same hosting it ever was - just that miah had paid for it on his ccard.12:35.23 
jogux_mac robin: I recall an email saying miah had moved it to his hosting12:35.46 
Robin_Watts ok, you're probably more up to date than me.12:35.58 
jogux_mac I believe it's on a bytemark vm now - I think it was on fasthosts or something when Picsel was in admin?12:36.10 
jhabjan I think I found out what the problem is (from yesterday) with gs and pipes12:38.27 
  pipes works fine when client handle is passed from the other process12:38.51 
  but when the pipes are used within a same process, gs closes client handle... and I think it shouldn't12:39.38 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac, pedro, paulgardiner_lap, henrys: Where did we land on pushing the branch->trunk reapps ?12:42.49 
  I'm inclined to push them now and we'll worry about ATS when it's working.12:43.09 
  otherwise we're into potential rebase hell.12:43.24 
jogux_mac yes, I think don't delay for ATS12:43.26 
  I don't know what we need to do wrt to review12:43.36 
Robin_Watts pedro looked them over the other day and seemed broadly happy I think.12:43.46 
  If anyone else wants to have a look, I'd be grateful.12:43.55 
jogux_mac robin : I think I'm too deeply stacked into ATS/cvs/blah just look :-S12:46.37 
Robin_Watts I understand.12:46.51 
chrisl So, the only place I can find the text from that block is in "artifex/tmp/cache/cake_blocks_ca......" which sort of confirms it is a block, gives no clue about where it originates :-(13:00.31 
jogux_mac it must be in the database then, surely?13:01.04 
chrisl I would assume so, but it mustn't be stored as plain text, so grep doesn't find that13:01.44 
  Unless the database is stored somewhere else entirely.....13:04.22 
jogux_mac chris: it'll be in /var/lib/mysql somewhere13:04.41 
chrisl I can't get there from here....13:05.13 
jogux_mac yeah, not a surprise :(13:05.20 
chrisl I rather thought in a setup like this, the site would be entirely within our use area13:05.48 
jogux_mac I suspect godaddy are providing a db instance as part of the setup13:06.18 
henrys chrisl: anyway miles is going to get a local resource so it's probably best left with that, we've plenty of other stuff to do, looks like norbert has some more files...13:08.11 
chrisl henrys: yes, but if he's right, I think they should go in a new bug, and be yours to look at..... he says it's not text this time13:09.06 
henrys chrisl: yeah I know it's mine to look at.13:10.35 
  chrisl: the bug subject still fits so I won't ask him to create a new one.13:11.14 
chrisl henrys: so we'll have two commits referencing different fixes for the same bug?13:12.04 
  I thought we were trying to avoid that kind of thing13:12.19 
henrys chrisl: yeah you're probably right, how about if there is action on this problem I'll make a new bug.13:13.05 
  chrisl: nvm I'll make a new bug, painless13:13.34 
chrisl henrys: It's up to you - it's just it's the kind of thing that I get complaints about with the changelogs13:14.11 
henrys chrisl: I meant to ask you yesterday about the language switch build but forgot. Anything others can help with?13:22.28 
chrisl henrys: I'm still banging on getting the three executables building without recursive nmake calls. I have a concern though, that we can't build a graphics library shared between the interpreters because Ghostscript needs 64 bit colour indices, whilst PCL must use 32 bit ones13:25.00 
henrys chrisl: oh so zoltan wasn't kidding, I missed that development, why is it no longer configurable13:26.12 
  chrisl: that can't be right it would too slow for ray_laptops primary concern.13:26.53 
chrisl henrys: I think it's because we switched to using pre-defined arch.h files for the Windows bulids13:27.01 
  henrys: I put link to a suggested fix on the bug13:28.39 
henrys you can soldier on with 64 though and we'll deal with that later. Are there other problems?13:31.15 
  PCL doesn't *require* 3213:31.32 
chrisl The romfs being tied to the graphics lib is the biggest remaining issue, I think13:32.11 
henrys chrisl: isn't 532 32 bit? have to ask ray about that when he gets here.13:34.52 
chrisl henrys: yes, 532 only use 32 bits13:35.07 
  But they don't use a "Windows build" exactly and they are only up to 9.0613:36.08 
  henrys: after you mentioned multithreaded the other day, I had the idea that we could easily run the libtiff configure script in parallel with ours - unfortunately, it only saves about 10 per cent on the time.... on a four core CPU13:47.43 
henrys chrisl: good thing we don't have to run it frequently13:49.56 
chrisl It's about 15 seconds, for me, so not bad, really13:50.19 
Proxios Hello, I just received an email from a Ken at ghostscript14:29.16 
kens THat's me14:29.20 
Proxios Have you ever seen Ghostscript work in a Citrix environment?14:29.49 
kens No, but it works in all kinds of other places.14:30.00 
  I don't have a Citrix server, so I can't test it myself14:30.11 
  I do see a bug report claiming slow performance using a Citrix server, so apparently someone has at least got it to work in the past14:30.55 
chrisl That was down to disk access, IIRC14:31.17 
kens I think that's true yes14:31.30 
Proxios ok that is fine. if we have a client interested in getting setup with 30+ licenses, where would they go to purchase14:31.30 
  or is this completely free?14:31.35 
kens Ghostscript is licenced under the AGPL14:31.48 
  So if your/their usage is permitted under AGPL, then its free.14:32.09 
  (but unsupported)14:32.19 
  We don't normally sell licences to Ghostscript as such, its licenced on a royalty basis to people distributing it (eg printer manufacturers), but we do sometimes do 'support only' contracts14:33.32 
  You would have to talk to Scott about it (he's in Texas, so its failry early in his day yet)14:33.48 
Proxios ok so you're saying for us to install this across our servers to deploy to the client14:34.03 
  it would come at no charge?14:34.11 
kens I am not a lawyer, I cna't indemnify your usage14:34.20 
  If you are in doubt, you should seek professional legal advice14:34.32 
Proxios regarding what?14:34.42 
kens Whether your usage is compliant with the AGPL14:34.55 
Proxios is there a way to tell?14:35.13 
kens It sounds like it is, but firstly I'm not a lawyer and secondly I don;t know exactly what you are doing#14:35.14 
Proxios they just want to use it as a pdf application, like adobe14:35.31 
kens Reading the AGPL is a good place to start14:35.37 
Proxios link?14:35.50 
kens Umm, Google ?14:35.57 
Proxios Okay, I have never heard of that before, I thought it was something under your belt14:36.54 
kens No problem, its a variant of the Gnu GPL14:37.15 
  Like I said, I don't *think* you have a problem, but its not totally clear to me what you are doing, you really have to decide yourselves.14:37.57 
  If you are looking for a 'PDF pritner' you might do better working with one of our customers.14:38.29 
Proxios they need a pdf software in order to get one of their other programs 'Made to Manage' working successfully14:39.36 
kens Well, I haven't heard of that, but that's no great surprise....14:40.00 
  Hmm some kind of ERP software. Presumably its 'PDF reporting' requires an additional bolt-on tpo convert the PostScript it prints into a PDF file. Naff but not unusual14:41.00 
Robin_Watts Proxios: Essentially, AIUI, if people set up ghostscript unchanged on their servers, they don't have a problem.14:46.09 
  If people distribute servers to other people (i.e. images of software to run on servers) with unchanged ghostscript in them, they are fine, as long as the people receiving such distributions are free to update ghostscript themselves.14:47.22 
  If they make any alterations to ghostscript, or they link ghostscript into their own app, or they prevent people from updating ghostscript then the situation is more complex.14:48.55 
  (But IANAL)14:49.04 
Proxios Ok guys thanks for the advise.14:55.55 
mvrhel_laptop brb15:30.40 
  blah. I need to add in a data virtualization method into the wpf list view for gsview. otherwise things get a little wonky when we zoom in and have a large number of pages22:56.37 
  off to baseball game now. bbiaw22:56.48 
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