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Log of #ghostscript at

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mvrhel_laptop brb. have to get ethan a pizza00:00.57 
Robin_Watts Doing: git clone --recursive gsview.git00:01.02 
  Hmm. I see no submodules for gsview.git00:01.57 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so you don't see a .gitmodules?00:27.57 
  I thought that defined them00:28.22 
  I was thinking that I probably should put them all in a different folder though00:30.03 
  like how it is done in mupdf00:30.12 
  instead of being up at the head00:30.19 
Robin_Watts I do see a .gitmodules00:34.31 
  but git submodule update --init doesn't do anything.00:34.50 
mvrhel_laptop so I have noticed :(00:35.09 
  well that is not true00:35.18 
  for me if I do that up at the head00:35.24 
  it just sits and claims to be doing the checkout00:35.43 
Robin_Watts I'm in gsview.git00:36.19 
  and git submodule init does nothing.00:36.25 
mvrhel_laptop hmm00:36.32 
Robin_Watts nor does git submodule status.00:36.40 
  I'm afraid I must go to bed...00:37.04 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok thanks! have a good weekend00:37.16 
Robin_Watts if you don't get anywhere, say so on here, and I might have a chance to prod at it later.00:37.29 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks00:37.36 
  Robin_Watts: for the logs. I got the submodule stuff figured out. I think I did it incorrectly last time. I will get this committed later this weekend07:05.05 
  bedtime now07:05.09 
chrisl kens: could you check your OS X setup to see if it has "Yu Mincho Medium.otf" on it?08:03.06 
kens OK give me a minute, its an old OS/X though08:03.22 
  10.8 Mountian Lion08:03.37 
chrisl It may be less old than mine - not sure what mine is08:03.51 
  Yeh, mine is 10.608:05.01 
kens Any idea where to find fontws ?08:06.06 
chrisl Something line /System/Library/Fonts08:06.25 
kens THere are no fonts beginning with Y08:07.10 
  4 Chinese fotns though08:07.21 
  Also STHeite Light and Medium08:07.39 
chrisl Yes, I have those, too. He's said he'll make the font available, so I'll just wait for that08:08.07 
kens OK I haven't got far enough yet to see what ths is about :-)08:08.22 
chrisl He says my change in the Type 1 charstring code is causing a crash when using an OTF font.....08:08.59 
kens Hmm, no doubt I'll get to the mail when I get to readng my mail08:09.19 
chrisl I only asked you because I was considering have a look at it this afternoon. But it can just wait08:10.42 
kens I thnk it'll have to08:10.52 
  Can't do much without the font to look at.08:10.59 
chrisl Or a command line.....08:11.08 
kens Ah that too....08:11.14 
chrisl Somewhat irritating as he's a developer08:12.18 
kens But not exactly unknown08:12.26 
chrisl No, but it never ceases to amaze me that developers don't consider what *they'd* need to investigate an issue, and make sure they give us enough to do so08:13.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I have yosemite here, and no fonts beginning with Y.08:17.05 
chrisl Hmm, okay, thanks. I guess it's part of the Japanese language install then. As I said, I'll wait for him to make it available.....08:17.57 
  Right, normal Saturday service resumes.......08:20.40 
qqz can anyone hint me on how to do the following: DEVICEHEIGHT MediaBox.Upper 25 add sub 25 translate ?14:30.24 
  i.e. how to retrieve the DeviceHeight and MediaBox coordinates inside a -c "..." command for ghostscript14:31.05 
  I would need that to accomplish my inner-margin script for printers: at the moment it centers to the bottom but it should center to the top14:35.37 
  I can do currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop15:02.15 
  but what to do in order to get the MediaBox?15:02.39 
  Why does "currentpagedevice /.HWMargins get aload pop" return all zeroes at me?15:09.18 
  how can I navigate to the first page on the command line?15:11.44 
  .. I just needed to know how to retrieve the MediaBox15:18.22 
  then I would be ready15:18.27 
  how to get the MediaSize of the current input page with gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFIXEDMEDIA -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=600 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=1000 -dBATCH -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=quadratic.pdf -c "..." -f input.pdf ??15:56.19 
  it is clear how to get the output size i.e. 600x100015:56.43 
  but how to get the input page size (the MediaBox of it)?15:57.13 
  to get 1000 I can simply do: currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop exch15:57.36 
  isn`t there something like currentinputpage on the contrast to currentpagedevice?15:59.30 
Guest44634 how can I retrieve the MediaBox of the current input page?17:01.58 
qqz is it possible at all to get the media box before a page is rendered?17:53.55 
pipitas qqz: I've seen in IRC logs that you (a few days ago) tried to set PageSize via some /.HWMargins magic 17:57.29 
  qqz: You should try this: gs -o 100x200-page.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c "/Install <</PageSize [100 200]>> setpagedevice showpage"17:58.05 
qqz pipitas: this is a completely different question now17:58.14 
  the first question is already resolved since long17:58.36 
pipitas qqz: so your old question was solved?17:58.39 
qqz actually yes; I forgot to say; thx.17:58.55 
pipitas qqz: Sorry, I didn't read todays backlogs yet. And I dunno if I have the time…17:59.02 
qqz if I do something like currentpagedevice /PageSIze get I will always get the same value for each page: what I have specified via -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=100018:00.32 
  but I actually wanna know how much content there will be for the current page (basically just the height)18:01.02 
  i.e. I need to get the upper value of the MediaBox or so for each page18:01.28 
  just as pdf_info does18:01.50 
kens qqz you could look at 
qqz kens: where to get the right 
  is there any way to use ghostscript but non-postscript commands on the command line with gs -c ? like f.i. PDFPageCount??20:04.12 
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