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Shreya +Robin_Watts: Hey, I am trying to implement MuPDF in my android project and I was wondering what the updatePageInternal function is for? I tried reading the documentation and all but i could not find it. Thanks!10:01.12 
  +Robin_Watts: I am using mupdf 1.2 btw. I tried compiling 1.7a and using it in my project but it kept giving me error saying filr fitz.h could not be found. it gave me the same error for 1.6 and 1.4 version also.10:02.27 
Robin_Watts Shreya: That's because you haven't set the include paths up correctly.11:12.58 
  You need to add the 'include' directory to the include paths for your project.11:13.26 
  updatePageInternal is the C implementation of updatePage.11:14.59 
  And that's called by MuPDFPageView.getUpdatePageTask11:16.26 
Robin_Watts has just been to the doctors to get tetanus booster after having been bitten by a dog while running yesterday.11:17.49 
  chrisl: ping13:11.22 
  I'm writing a device in gs, and including zlib.h, and it's telling me "Cannot include file zlib.h"13:11.50 
  but other devices are doing so.13:11.56 
  I'm guessing there is some special makefile sauce I'm missing.13:12.07 
chrisl Robin_Watts: erm, give me a sec13:16.13 
  Robin_Watts: the only device I see that includes zlib.h is gdevfpng.c which is, erm, yours....13:18.31 
Robin_Watts gdevxps.c13:18.58 
kens Also gsiorom.c13:19.23 
chrisl gsiorom.c isn't a really device13:19.42 
Robin_Watts kens: but that's not a device, so might be 'special'.13:19.43 
kens Yeah I know, just thought I'd mention it13:19.51 
chrisl Robin_Watts: $(II)$(PI_)$(_I) in the compiler flags should do it13:21.11 
kens was lookign at that...13:21.22 
  Maybe _I is enough13:21.53 
chrisl No, _I marks the end of an include path (so is normally empty)13:22.31 
kens Oh OK13:22.37 
chrisl What I don't understand is why we have both 'I_' and 'II' for the beginning of an include path....13:23.17 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Thanks.13:23.32 
kens Its hte Ghostscript way13:23.33 
chrisl Yeh :-(13:24.00 
Robin_Watts WTF is PI_ ?13:24.49 
chrisl It's really the include paths for PNG13:25.41 
  PI_=$(PNGSRCDIR) $(II)$(ZSRCDIR)13:25.55 
  I'm thinking we should have a 'Z_=$(ZSRCDIR)'13:26.29 
  But using PI_ should get you going for now13:26.43 
Robin_Watts That would feel less arcane.13:26.47 
  Indeed it does. Thanks!13:26.50 
chrisl Robin_Watts: if you pull master, there's a 'ZI_' macro defined that you can use in place of 'PI_'14:16.57 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Thanks.14:24.02 
  mvrhel: Ok, so I have a gproof device for gs now.16:36.56 
  It produces files that seem plausible.16:37.09 
  It's essentially a hacked about version of gdevpsd.c16:39.44 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: nice!16:42.44 
  bbiab. moving venues16:46.47 
Robin_Watts kens: (For the logs): Warning device first_lastpage implements obselete procedure get_alpha_bits/image_data/end_image16:53.48 
  And I have pages being displayed.17:39.55 
  Multicolored pages where the contents are not at all what I would have expected, but... :)17:40.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: that is great! I am almost out of my complete tear down and rebuild of gsview. The deep zooming and the screwy scrolling work made me want to completely refactor the code to make it easier17:40.56 
  Hopefully I can jump in to help you shortly17:41.14 
  and of course I broke a few things in all this work..17:46.05 
  Robin_Watts: so when can I pull what you have?17:46.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Let me bash through the more embarassing mistakes first.17:46.51 
mvrhel_laptop How hard to you think it will be to hack away at the android app to 1) include gs library 2) rework the interface17:46.52 
  Robin_Watts: np17:46.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: The android work is the big unknown for me.17:47.15 
  Including gs in some way should be doable.17:47.26 
  interface work is the unknown. I may have to call on fred for that.17:47.48 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I can probably muddle my way through the android ui stuff17:47.51 
Robin_Watts ah, cool.17:47.58 
mvrhel_laptop or if fred can get it done in short time all the better17:48.07 
Robin_Watts But I've got it so that mudraw can generate .gproof files, and mupdf on windows or linux can read them.17:48.25 
  so we can test it all.17:48.34 
mvrhel_laptop cool. I could easily get that up and running in gsview17:48.48 
  coffee place made a mistake and gave me leaded this morning....17:49.24 
  maybe I will get gsview fixed up here today actually at the rate I am typing17:49.49 
  we were thinking of going camping for a couple days next week, monday and tuesday. after 15 days of 80+ degree weather (tied previous record) and no rain in many weeks it is supposed to rain on monday17:51.24 
  go figure17:51.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I've seen Greys Anatomy. I know how dangerous seattle can be. Lots of plane crashes, earthquakes etc.17:52.21 
  mud slides.17:52.24 
mvrhel_laptop yes. actually they just had a ice cave collapse north of here17:52.41 
  several people injured17:52.47 
Robin_Watts That's next series. No spoilers!17:52.58 
mvrhel_laptop it is the lowest elevation glacier in the lower 48 states17:53.10 
Robin_Watts Which one?17:53.30 
mvrhel_laptop Near granite falls. Part of mt. baker snoqualmie national forest17:53.52 
  I had never been there17:53.59 
Robin_Watts wonders if I have.17:54.03 
mvrhel_laptop but I had heard about it17:54.04 
  you may have17:54.11 
  Its in a lot of the tourist books17:54.21 
Robin_Watts I'm terrible with names.17:54.23 
mvrhel_laptop I know they have the facebook app that lets you mark where you have been, but it would be nice to have an app that you can just keep track for yourself and not broadcast where you are or have been17:55.23 
  there probably is an app17:55.34 
Robin_Watts There's no mileage in an app that won't virally share and pull in your friends details for them to advertise to. They are selling eyeballs after all.17:56.15 
mvrhel_laptop yes. but I would pay $ for an app that would do what I described above17:56.55 
  basically a travel app, that lets me store what interesting place I am visiting. maybe with a picture17:57.58 
  stores the date and time17:58.07 
  and lets me add other details17:58.12 
  and does not share it with the entire world17:58.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: That's a camera with GPS :)17:58.23 
  and audio notes :)17:58.35 
mvrhel_laptop I suppose, but it does not tie it all together17:58.47 
  with the landmarks etc17:58.58 
  most people just have a phone17:59.23 
Robin_Watts Phones will GPS tag these days.17:59.44 
mvrhel_laptop anyway, back to work on gsview17:59.44 
  yes. but I am thinking more along the lines of the facebook checkin which I like, but I have issues with facebook18:00.18 
  which is why I am never on there18:00.29 
  its like I want that part but without facebook18:01.05 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: You want a facebook account with no friends :)18:01.07 
mvrhel_laptop hehe18:01.10 
  that reminds me18:01.15 
  ask siri what 0 divided by 0 is18:01.26 
Robin_Watts I would need a siri capable device for that...18:01.50 
mvrhel_laptop I guess the mac does not have siri access18:02.20 
  windows 10 is supposed to have cortona18:03.36 
  it is funny to ask cortona who siri is18:03.44 
  now I have forgotten where I was....18:04.59 
Robin_Watts YESS!!!! Proper images.18:45.51 
  and only moderate heap corruption :)18:46.01 
  I think I found the heap corruption.18:51.44 
  So, mvrhel, if you want to play with this stuff...18:51.53 
  grab the latest gs from robin/master, and build that. That will have a gproof device in it.18:52.08 
  Then grab the latest mupdf from robin/master, and build that.18:52.23 
  Then you can do: mudraw -o temp.gproof input.pdf18:52.41 
  (and that will generate you the index file).18:52.49 
  Then copy gswin32c.exe and gsdll32.dll into the current directory, and do:18:53.10 
  mupdf input.pdf18:53.16 
  I do appear to still have some leaks in mupdf though.18:55.12 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: great. I will get it all this afternoon19:12.09 
Robin_Watts I haven't tested it with anything more complex than tiger.eps and pdf_reference17.pdf yet.19:13.10 
  so the separations stuff should be treated with extreme suspicion.19:13.32 
  ok, so there are a couple of leaks left. Will look for them on monday, hopefully nothing that should get in your way.19:22.41 
mvrhel_laptop thanks Robin_Watts have a great weekend19:24.58 
  off to lunch....19:25.18 
kens Robin_Watts : you shold only get that warning on a debug build. And I know about t, but I'm going to leave it for now. Because we should eliminate the deprecated methods, and if we haven't (and are still warning) then the device subclassing needs to carry them forward in case someone is still using them19:34.11 
  I am curious how you are getting the devices loaded though.19:34.23 
Robin_Watts by using -dFirstPage and -dLastPage :)20:24.00 
halabund Does Ghostscript allow rescaling PDFs without any other modifications?20:41.00 
  PDFs come with a physical size, e.g. 10 cm. I would like to rescale them without affecting anything else but this size. On-screen they will look the same. However, printing them at 100% will print at a different size. Including them in LaTeX without specifying an explicit size will include at a different size.20:42.02 
Robin_Watts halabund: gs is not the tool for that.20:47.17 
halabund Robin_Watts: Do you know any tool that can do it? I actually asked about this right here several years ago and I got an answer. But I forgot what it was :(20:47.52 
Robin_Watts halabund: I don't know of any tool that can do it trivially.20:50.18 
  I'd do it by hand hacking the files :)20:50.30 
halabund Hm, maybe I can do it with Illustrator. At the moment fortunately I do not need to do this with many PDFs and each is one-page.20:52.32 
rayjj halabund: I think gs will do it with: -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=??? -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=??? -d -dFIXEDMEDIA and using -dFitPage -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o new.pdf in.pdf21:12.51 
  he left as I was typing :-(21:13.04 
  some users have no stamina ;-)21:14.00 
mvrhel_laptop whew. I think I finally have the deep zooming and scrolling stuff working and stable22:53.40 
  I do need to chat with you for a few minutes on Monday Robin_Watts 22:53.52 
  I need to make sure that what I am doing mupdf wise when rendering the tiles makes sense22:54.10 
  or if there is some performance issue with what i have done22:54.22 
  more details later22:54.25 
Robin_Watts hi22:56.19 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.22:56.19 
Robin_Watts you still here?22:56.23 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I am22:57.24 
  let me see if I can explain what I did22:57.40 
  ok. so basically I have a render function that takes a top_left point, a scale factor and the width and height that I want to render to and it adjusts the ctm appropriately , creates the pixmap and runs the display list 23:03.23 
  if you pull gsview from golden and look in muctx.cpp at RenderPageMT it will show you23:03.46 
  I was just worried that I might be having some penalty or need to supply a bounding box or something23:04.05 
Robin_Watts We should be smart enough to calculate the bbox from the pixmap.23:04.45 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I had hoped that was the case23:04.59 
Robin_Watts I can't see how we wouldn't be (famous last words)23:05.20 
mvrhel_laptop but when I make assumptions like that, they bite me sometimes23:05.22 
  it is pretty fast in release mode23:06.01 
  debug was a little slow so I was worried but I think I am fine23:06.11 
  oops I left in some debug stuff23:06.29 
  ok so zooming is from 1% to 6400%23:07.32 
  I will build a new installer and do the certification this week23:07.45 
Robin_Watts cool.23:08.01 
mvrhel_laptop maybe I can work on adding in the proofing stuff....23:09.34 
Robin_Watts I'd better go to bed. gotta get up early (for me) :)23:10.06 
mvrhel_laptop ok. have a good night23:10.12 
Robin_Watts have a good weekend.23:10.17 
mvrhel_laptop you too23:10.21 
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