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Log of #ghostscript at

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thearr hello everybody06:13.11 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: so I am out tomorrow to go camping. back Thursday evening. Not sure if I will have cell service there06:36.06 
kens chrisl, you have a minute for a font sanity check ?08:36.04 
chrisl kens: I'm not sure sanity is my strong point right now.....08:37.46 
kens Having trouble yourself ?08:37.58 
chrisl Just over tired, I guess08:38.18 
kens Let me finish up ths mail and send it to you, one second08:38.42 
chrisl Okay08:38.53 
kens OK the mail is on its way, the attachments were bigger than I realised or I'd have made a rar archive.08:41.58 
chrisl So, does this go wrong when pdfwrite subsets the font, or when it doesn't?08:44.00 
kens WHen it *doesn't* subset the font08:44.10 
  I haven't debugged the code, but....08:44.27 
chrisl But the rendered output it correct?08:44.36 
kens No08:44.44 
  With the non-subset font the uumlaut is missing08:44.55 
  With the subset font it is not08:45.03 
chrisl If you render the original file with gs, it's correct08:45.14 
kens Yes the original is fine08:45.22 
  Err, I thnk08:45.27 
  Yes its OK08:45.54 
chrisl So, presumably we're using the 3.1 cmap table for rendering08:46.15 
kens I haven't debugged through the pdfwrite code yet, but from dumping the non-subset output of pdfwrite it looks like its just copying the 1,0 cmap and ignoring the 3,1 one08:46.27 
  chrisl, not only for rendering but also for subsetting08:46.39 
  Actually I'm incorrect there, there is a 3,1 table in the pdfwrite non-subset output08:47.08 
  SO now I'm confused again08:47.37 
  and teh pdfwrtite output font crashes ttfdump :-)08:47.48 
chrisl So, possibly pdfwrite is writing the font with different parameters that cause the 1.0 cmap to be used instead of the 3.108:48.18 
kens Yes that could be, though I can't thnk what would cause that08:48.31 
  It is labelled as a symbolic font08:48.42 
chrisl Hmm, that's strange - does the original have an encoding?08:49.08 
kens The real questoin in my mind, though, is 'shouldn't the 1,0 and 3,1 cmaps be the same ?'08:49.16 
  According to Marcos if we supply an Encoding it works08:49.30 
  But you aren't supposed to do that with a symbolic font08:49.44 
chrisl Yes, but IIRC Acrobat behaves differently if you have a symbolic font with an encoding08:50.14 
kens It does, yes08:50.20 
chrisl And I think part of that difference is which cmap table it uses08:50.37 
kens Could be I guess.08:50.52 
  I wonder if I mark the original font as symbolic and remove the encoding if it will behave the same.08:51.10 
  But really, the two CMAP tables should be compatible!08:51.24 
chrisl AFAIK, there is no requirement for that to be case08:51.43 
kens Then you always risk getting the wrong answer.08:51.55 
chrisl Not if you are consistent with use of the cmap table(s)08:52.24 
  But it is bonkers.......08:52.35 
kens Well, I'[m not certai that its possible to fix this, without removing the symbolic flag from the font.08:53.24 
  Or subsetting the font.08:53.33 
chrisl Could you "subset" the font, but force all glyphs to be marked as used?08:54.47 
kens Umm, possibly.....08:55.08 
  I could give it a try at least I suppose08:55.16 
  Trouble is, I htnk we generate a bunch more stuff that way, than by leaving the font alone.08:55.33 
  Basic problem I htnk is that thsi code needs to be rewritten so it actually works without the crazy kludges.08:56.04 
chrisl The logic we apply for cmap choice (which is my best guess at what Acrobat does) is in /.pdfcharkeys in gs_ttf.ps08:56.24 
kens Its the pdfwrite code that needs to be rewritten I thnk :-)08:56.52 
  GS matches Adobe in ths case08:57.05 
  I'll experiment a bit, thanks for the talk08:57.25 
chrisl Yes, but seeing the "logic" we apply, might give a hint as to why the pdfwrite output behaves as it does08:57.34 
kens I'm trying to figure out/remember why we apply the symbolic flag now, it may well be that its for compatibility with a stupidly old version of reader.08:58.11 
  * Hack: make all embedded TrueType fonts "symbolic" to08:58.48 
  * work around undocumented assumptions in Acrobat Reader.08:58.48 
  I thnk I'll just run a cluster test and see what happens if I remove that (and test the customer's file as well of course)08:59.26 
chrisl For non-symbolic fonts, Acrobat treats what it judges to be a notdef glyph as non-marking - that can be problematic with stupid (usually badly subsetted) fonts that have a real glyph where an a notdef is expected09:00.12 
kens Well, the way things are at the moment, we can't have that 'hack' and at the same time get ths font correct.09:01.23 
  An yeah, if I remove the symbolic flag, then the result of the customer's file is correct.09:02.34 
  I have a nasty suspicion I looked at removing the hack some time ago, and wasn't able to ebcause it caused regressions, but lets see09:03.20 
chrisl This really is down to Acrobat doing undocumented things when a symbolic font has an encoding.....09:03.37 
kens I know :-(09:04.01 
chrisl How about only applying the hack when subsetting the font?09:04.23 
kens I was thinking about that yes09:04.31 
  Or more accurately, not makign the font symbolic if we aren't subsetting and the font is TrueType09:04.53 
  I'll look at that next. The problem is that we *don't* copy the font verbatim, some of it is still generated so I'm not completely sure what effect that might have.09:05.28 
  And teh fact that we don't copy it verbatim when not subsetting is also mad.09:05.47 
chrisl The only other thing would be if pdfwrite could detect that the original font had an encoding, and only then force every glyph to be marked used, and push it through the subsetting code09:06.23 
  That way the extra stuff it generates would only happen for invalid input files09:06.50 
kens Right now I'm not sure why the subset font works09:07.08 
  Oh wait, probably because we generate new CMAP tables09:07.25 
chrisl Yeh09:07.30 
kens WHch will be correct.....09:07.31 
chrisl So, by doing that, you get the font data which matches the expectations of the surrounding PDF file09:08.12 
kens I just checked and we defintely rewrite the 1,0 cmap, to match the actual used glyphs of course, so I guess that's a potential brute-force workaround :-(09:08.59 
chrisl I think you have to09:09.54 
kens Let me see what comes out of ths cluster run, but its looking more likely by the minute :-(09:10.15 
  Because, basiclaly, the two CMAP tables don't match.09:10.32 
chrisl Indeed. And, honestly, that's not that rare......09:11.09 
kens I'm inclined to try the 'don't write as symbolic when not subsetting' first.09:11.18 
chrisl Which will almost certainly pass the cluster test09:11.50 
kens Given that the default is to subset and you have to specifically request full embedding, I'm not too bothered by that.09:12.41 
  Hmm removing the symbolic flag from TT fonts gave no cluster diffs.....09:22.48 
kens2 Hmm, simply removing the symbolic flag doesn't work either09:44.29 
  Then I get a TT notdef glyph09:44.46 
  Looks like brute-force may be the only solution09:44.57 
rayjj morning, all14:23.07 
henrys hi rayjj 14:23.33 
marcosw morning14:25.37 
henrys I'm hoping for a short meeting... got sick this weekend feel like crap14:27.50 
marcosw i'm sorry that hear that.14:28.12 
  not the short meeting part, the other thing.14:28.21 
chrisl henrys: hopefully nothing to serious14:28.32 
henrys no just regular flu like symptoms, pretty sure I got it from my son.14:29.32 
  who was visiting14:29.38 
fredross-perry sorry henry14:29.43 
henrys 3 weeks before the big race this year which is kind of a bummer anyway14:30.08 
paulgardiner Hope it clears up quickly14:30.09 
henrys ...14:30.10 
kens chrisl I thnk we should close bug #696080, I@m reasonably sure the problem has been addressed by the commit you pointed \t14:30.39 
henrys jeong's xfa code is in my home directory if anyone wants to take a preview of it.14:31.08 
chrisl kens: Er, oh, yes, I'd forgotten about that.....14:31.14 
henrys it's named pdfv-[SHA].zip14:31.24 
kens So had I ,I just saw it on Marcos' bug report14:31.28 
chrisl Done....14:31.54 
kens :-) A nice easy one14:32.03 
chrisl Yes , thanks Robin_Watts ...... :-)14:32.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: It's MuPDF based, right? So I'll try and have a look.14:32.38 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes, xfa has it's own folder so it should be pretty easy to look at.14:33.04 
chrisl henrys: I hate to mention this when you're feeling delicate, but I've had some feedback about the greek and cyrillic additions to the URW fonts......14:33.32 
henrys I'm haggliing with him about GPL we might have to do this as a commercial only piece if I can't convince him of GPL14:33.57 
Robin_Watts henrys: xfa? Or fonts?14:34.20 
henrys chrisl: I skimmed a bug saying it wasn't complete, you've verified that?14:34.26 
chrisl henrys: yes, that's resolved - my fault14:34.44 
henrys Robin_Watts: xfa14:34.48 
chrisl What I've been asked is: can we ask URW for AFM files for the three families?14:35.05 
Robin_Watts If anyone is interested in trying a very early version of the gsproof stuff running on windows, let me know and I can put an archive up somewhere.14:35.27 
henrys chrisl: I can ask them I don't see why that would be a problem.14:35.37 
rayjj chrisl: can't we generate afm's ?14:35.44 
chrisl The AFM files generated from the font files don't include kerning and ligature information14:35.55 
  rayjj: ^^14:36.10 
rayjj chrisl: oh, yeah. 14:36.13 
chrisl henrys: the second thing was there may be a missing glyph: CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA (afii10846/uni04D9)14:37.01 
henrys Robin_Watts: I'd throw that up and send an email to tech... michael will probably want to give it a go.14:37.21 
chrisl Well, the glyph is missing, it's a question of whether that's intentional or an oversight14:37.38 
henrys chrisl: okay I'll probably make a couple bugs for these things14:38.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: I've been talking to Michael about it. He has the source :)14:38.03 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh then nvm14:38.15 
Robin_Watts but I think he's camping tuesday -> thurs this week.14:38.34 
henrys geez 3 new customer bugs 14:38.35 
chrisl henrys: I can do that if you want - I'd offer to contact URW myself, but you at least (eventually) get replies......14:38.40 
henrys chrisl: yeah make the bugs and assign it to me. I have to talk about the "tour" with them anyway, let's keep the priorities straight14:39.23 
  rayjj: any progress on your bugs you sitll have 4 on the customer list?14:41.39 
  chrisl: how to proceed with your patch was the big question for this week.14:42.26 
  chrisl: do you want to have multiple reviewers or you can pick somebody to review but I think it should be reviewed because of its size.14:43.00 
chrisl henrys: as far as I'm concerned, the remaining issue is the cluster.....14:43.00 
  henrys: I'm happy for anyone to review it - good luck!14:43.23 
marcosw henrys: yes, and I haven't done anything about that yet.14:43.23 
  I can look at it today.14:44.09 
rayjj henrys: progress on the one for jasper. I'm tempted to submit a patch just for the fast threshold conversion problems, since they didn't complain about the pixel placement mis-match14:44.22 
marcosw chrisl: What was the repository/branch with the code?14:44.30 
chrisl marcosw: it's in my repo, branch name build_consolidation14:44.57 
rayjj henrys: that's bug 695929.14:44.58 
henrys chrisl: have you merged kens stuff back to your branch?14:45.16 
chrisl henrys: I did that last Wednesday14:45.28 
henrys chrisl: great14:45.37 
chrisl It was far less of a problem than I'd thought, tbh14:45.54 
rayjj henrys: and as I mentioned last week, I don't know where to start on bug 696018 that I can't reproduce14:45.59 
henrys I think Robin_Watts and I should be reviewers, if no objections.14:46.04 
chrisl Fine14:46.15 
Robin_Watts Do I get to object? :)14:46.35 
henrys Robin_Watts: you do.14:46.44 
Robin_Watts I'll gladly have a look.14:46.50 
henrys anything else for the meeting?14:47.56 
  fredross-perry: are you occupied? I haven't been keeping up with what you are working on.14:48.41 
fredross-perry I’ve been looking at the latest preview stuff for Android Studio, trying to see if I can get native C/C++ debuggin working for mupdf.14:49.25 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: If you can't get that to work currently, I wouldn't worry to much.14:50.01 
  They are at pains to point out it's still unfinished code.14:50.12 
fredross-perry I’m writing up some details of what I’ve learned so far, then I’ll probably drop it for a while.14:50.30 
Robin_Watts and it won't be finished for 1.3 (I believe this is 1.3beta they have out now)14:50.32 
henrys I've heard rumor Tor will be back early but that may mean 1 day early not sure ...14:50.42 
Robin_Watts When is he due back?14:50.53 
fredross-perry so let me know what I should be working on next, then.14:51.10 
chrisl I thought Tor was due back rsn anyway?14:51.20 
henrys july 2714:51.35 
chrisl I reckon sebras has been spying for him, anyway......14:52.23 
Robin_Watts Ah, 2 days after I leave.14:52.30 
  Seamless handover then :)14:52.38 
henrys fredross-perry: not sure what's the most important now, should have an idea after the SO meeting.14:53.41 
fredross-perry ok14:53.50 
henrys off to skype for the next meeting...14:54.22 
marcosw chrisl: I've been typing "cd ghostpdl/gs" for so long I'm not sure I can deal with this change.14:55.16 
chrisl marcosw: courage!14:55.35 
Robin_Watts marcosw: ln -s . gs14:56.20 
marcosw chrisl: you don't want to know how long it took me to stop typing "git log | more"14:56.32 
sebras chrisl: hiya! :) *reads*14:56.40 
chrisl sebras: nothing serious - just accusing you of being Tor's mole whilst he's absent!14:57.08 
  marcosw: it should be fairly straight forward for the cluster code to cope with both directory structures just by checking for the existence of a file or two at a specific path14:58.11 
sebras chrisl: well... I can tell you that he has been advising me on things that I have written about here, so I think he has had to bite his tongue not to log on... ;)14:59.07 
chrisl sebras: I can't say I'm surprised - I'm rather impressed at his self control14:59.42 
sebras agrees.15:00.23 
  chrisl: I was siding with robin when he claimed that we'd see tor online again in two weeks time...15:00.50 
chrisl Indeed - I kept expecting someone to appear with the nick "not-really-Tor-honestly"15:01.56 
sebras chrisl: maybe he was here... Guest49075 made futile attempts to greet robin the other morning!15:03.12 
chrisl sebras: I'm surprised he didn't set up a torbot that would interject with sarcastic comments at random intervals15:04.12 
  <sigh> I think there are a few operating systems we could drop from our bugzilla.....15:04.26 
kens Ancient versions of Windows would be good15:05.06 
  Mac SYstem 7-915:05.16 
chrisl And BeOS?15:05.21 
kens Isn't that still available ?15:05.32 
chrisl I thought not - maybe I'm wrong.15:06.00 
kens There's a BeOS 5.0 presonal edition but I don't know when it was last updated15:06.17 
chrisl I know there's Haiku which is a sort of BeOS clone15:06.28 
kens Yeah, a fork sort of15:06.40 
  I'd thnk we could drop it from Bugzilla15:06.58 
rayjj yeah, but the point is, have we EVER had a problem reported with any of these (at least in the last 10 years) ?15:07.09 
chrisl Well, I'm convinced: any page with "IE is EVIL!!!" at the top is okay by me ;-)15:07.27 
rayjj chrisl: I agree!15:07.38 
kens What page was that ?15:07.54 
  Oh I see15:08.03 
chrisl We really, *really* don't support Windows 3.1, and probably not MacOS versions < 10, so.....15:08.29 
rayjj chrisl: right, not even for paying customers15:09.06 
chrisl Windows 9x is more complicated....15:09.35 
rayjj yeah, didn't we just have someone come in with that one ?15:10.03 
chrisl They pop-up a couple of times a year15:10.19 
rayjj anything that runs win32s _should_ be OK (even if it needs special build process)15:10.41 
chrisl Exactly15:10.53 
  AFAICT, BeOS is kaput - it's mentioned in lots of places, but I can find any way to get it15:12.18 
Robin_Watts I have the first bit of the plumbing for the gproof stuff done on android; a new 'P' icon on one of the menus. Hit that, and it generates the .gproof file, and reinvokes MuPDF on it to view it. When it closes down, it deletes the .gproof file.15:19.03 
  The newly invoked mupdf is reading the gproof file, but the page renderings are failing, cos I haven't built a gs exe.15:19.38 
chrisl So I should probably look at the Android gs build :-(15:20.51 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I have done that build in the past. Wasn't hard.15:22.15 
chrisl Robin_Watts: It's more trying to make it easily repeatable15:23.03 
Robin_Watts Trying to figure out the best way to do it. I have built separate exe's in the past and called them, but if memory serves, it's a bit of a hack.15:23.05 
  It may be better to build a lib and then drive it through the api.15:23.19 
chrisl does android do shared libs?15:23.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes.15:24.13 
  Well...15:24.16 is the native code.15:24.24 
  I'd probably roll gs into for simplicity.15:24.39 
  So a static lib that I could link into would be idea.15:24.57 
chrisl Hmm, we don't have a way to make a static lib right now15:25.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah.15:26.16 
  Not even with your shiny new stuff?15:26.24 
chrisl No. I've avoided it because it adds an extra requirement onto the build15:26.53 
Robin_Watts What extra requirement is that?15:27.10 
chrisl ar15:27.16 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah.15:27.40 
  Is that a problem?15:27.58 
chrisl Probably not. But as we've managed without it so far, I didn't want to add it without a very good reason15:28.42 
  It's probably not going to be too horrible to add a new .a target. Previously I've always considered it as an additional step in the "normal" builds15:30.34 
Robin_Watts Presumably we have a .dll target at the moment?15:31.39 
  This would be a .lib target with the same input objects?15:31.49 
chrisl .so yes15:31.50 
  Essentially yes.15:32.13 
Robin_Watts or are the build flags for .lib objects different to .dll ones?15:32.28 
chrisl Not significantly15:32.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Is that something that you can look at in the next day or so? Or should I look for a short term hack?15:33.35 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'll start on it properly tomorrow15:34.08 
Robin_Watts If you're busy with something else I'll look at a hacked build just so I can get something running before I go.15:34.08 
  OK, then I shall park this and look at reviewing your stuff.15:34.37 
fredross-perry errand, biab15:39.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: "independendant". I like that almost as much as #EMXIF :)16:00.29 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I never claimed I could type......16:00.56 
Robin_Watts chrisl: So the VS solution has projects for pcl/gs/xps as now?16:06.41 
  pcl depends on gs? xps depends on pcl and gs?16:07.09 
  And the ghostpdl project depends on the others?16:07.30 
chrisl Sort of... it's explained in the commit message16:07.34 
Robin_Watts Yeah, I understand the problem (from reading the commit message).16:07.55 
  I don't *quite* understand the solution.16:08.04 
  Does that mean that if you build ghostxps, it will build both gs and pcl first?16:08.26 
chrisl It does, yes16:08.50 
  Which is a pain16:08.59 
Robin_Watts There may be a better solution. You may have considered this and it won't work for some reason...16:09.14 
  When you build ghostscript, AIUI, it builds the graphics lib first, then builds the gs specifics ?16:09.30 
chrisl Hmm, no, not really16:09.42 
Robin_Watts ok, then I'm slightly confused.16:10.04 
  I thought (at least part of) the purpose of this stuff was to have it so that the graphics lib was a separate standalone section of code?16:10.35 
  shared between all the exe's.16:10.42 
chrisl Somewhat, but not of the build16:11.22 
Robin_Watts So the same .obj files will be produced as part of all 3 builds, but there is no definite shared makefile target?16:12.16 
chrisl The problem is that there are *loads* of shared targets - we don't have (and can't have) a specific graphics library target16:13.02 
Robin_Watts Would it be feasible for there to be a makefile target that was 'all the graphics lib objects' makefile target?16:13.21 
  I guess you've just said no :)16:13.28 
chrisl No16:13.28 
Robin_Watts I can't entirely see why not.16:13.55 
  (I'm not doubting you, my knowledge is not great enough here)16:14.10 
chrisl The graphics library is not quite the same for every interpreter. It's just we can now share almost all the object files between the builds16:14.44 
  The main reason, right now, is the romfs16:14.59 
Robin_Watts Is is possible to group the objects so we have "all the shared ones", "all the ones specific to pcl" etc ?16:15.44 
  Even if none of those groupings is a self contained runnable group.16:16.01 
chrisl Probably. I can probably rearrange things slightly - I hate Visual Studio :-(16:16.46 
Robin_Watts If it was possible to do that, then we could have separate projects in VS for those groupings.16:17.14 
chrisl Oh, actually, I'm not sure that will work, because it will probably break the nmake command line builds16:17.40 
Robin_Watts And thus each exe could depend on the appropriate ones. And parallel makes would work out.16:17.46 
chrisl No, that won't work16:18.10 
Robin_Watts Currently an "nmake gs" will implicitly depend on all those object files.16:18.39 
  I'm suggesting that gs will depend on graphics_lib_objs_for_gs explicitly.16:19.01 
  And that we have a project in VS that builds graphics_lib_objs_for_gs16:19.29 
chrisl The problem is we'll get a clash between the dependencies in the makefiles, and the dependencies in the solution16:19.37 
  So either the plain nmake build won't work, or we'll hit the same problem with the solution16:20.07 
Robin_Watts It's fine for the ghostscript target to still do 'make gs' at the same time as something else is doing 'make pcl' cos we know that by the time they are being run the make graphics_lib_objs_for_gs will have completed.16:20.31 
chrisl It won't work for plain nmake16:20.59 
Robin_Watts Why not?16:21.08 
chrisl Because there won't be a gs dependency in the makefile on graphics_lib_objs_for_gs16:21.34 
Robin_Watts Yes, there will.16:21.42 
chrisl Then we'll hit the same problem we have now16:21.51 
Robin_Watts No, we won't, AIUI, because we can set VS up so that nothing builds gs without graphics_lib_objs_for_gs being up to date.16:22.23 
  The makefile will still check those dependencies, but because they are already up to date, it will never do any builds.16:22.42 
  Hence no parallel make problems of things trying to write the same files at the same time.16:23.01 
chrisl So the three (four?) projects all depend on the graphics_lib_objs_for_gs project?16:23.21 
Robin_Watts chrisl: yes, (ish).16:23.54 
  I'd imagine that we have a 'core' of objs that are common to all interpreters.16:24.14 
  and then we have some gs specific ones. So gs depends on those specific ones + the core.16:24.35 
  and we have some pcl specific ones, so pcl depends on those specific ones + the core.16:24.53 
  And we have projects for each of these subsets.16:25.05 
kens XPS depends on PCL16:25.09 
Robin_Watts And we can properly express the dependencies between them.16:25.17 
  kens: can you be more explicit please?16:25.37 
kens SOme of the files required for gxps are in PCL16:25.51 
  So in order to build gxps you must build Ghostpcl16:26.02 
  Or this used ot be the ase I believe16:26.18 
Robin_Watts kens: At the graphics library level, or at the interpreter level?16:26.31 
kens interpreter level16:26.38 
  Nothing invalidates making a graphics lib16:26.48 
chrisl It's the stuff in pl is used by both pcl and xps16:26.51 
Robin_Watts I was talking about the graphics library dependencies. If there are interpreter level dependencies, then it may be reasonable to have xps depend on pcl (as the overhead won't be great).16:27.17 
kens Yeah, merely mentoning it so it isn't forgotten16:27.35 
chrisl I *think* I can probably make this work without significant changes to the makefiles16:27.45 
Robin_Watts TBF the problem is not with MSVS here. It's the way we are abusing MSVS.16:28.07 
kens G'night folks16:28.13 
Robin_Watts Possibly we should structure the solution differently and have just one target, but with multiple different configurations.16:28.30 
chrisl Well, one of the benefits of this is that it's *way* faster to build all the executables16:29.19 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Oh, yes, I'm sure.16:29.27 
  But it does feel odd that building pcl will also refresh my gs exe.16:29.50 
  Which is a pain if I've made a hacky change to test something in pcl that breaks the gs build.16:30.14 
chrisl Well, tbh, I was thinking maybe there shouldn't be a combined solution16:30.45 
Robin_Watts oh, that'd be a nasty step back :(16:31.01 
chrisl Well, the problem is: what happens with a pure Ghostscript distribution?16:31.33 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You load the solution, the solution fails to find the pcl.vcproj files, and MSVC carries on quite happily.16:32.22 
  (with 'pcl (not found)' in the solution list)16:32.43 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Yeh, and then everyone complains about the "error".....16:32.55 
Robin_Watts VS copes quite well with that case.16:33.00 
chrisl But users don't :-(16:33.13 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Well, we can write code to strip out targets from the xml easily enough.16:33.18 
chrisl This was supposed to make the release process easier, not harder16:33.46 
Robin_Watts chrisl: maintaining 2 solutions is a possibility.16:34.49 
  It's easy to have multiple solutions that share project files.16:35.04 
chrisl Actually, probably just delete the solution from GS - we only supply a vcproj just now anyway16:35.13 
Robin_Watts The dependencies between projects live in the solution files, I think.16:35.46 
  but actually, in what I described above, for a single language build, the dependencies in the makefiles are enough.16:36.15 
chrisl Yes, so for the gs distro, there is only one project. For the full distro, you get the sln with the dependencies16:36.42 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Is your intention to squash and push this? Or to push it in all it's glory?16:36.55 
chrisl It'll have to be squashed - there are many commits in there that don't build16:37.23 
Robin_Watts Well, my first pass through didn't spot anything massively unexpected.16:38.09 
  I'm going to squash here and look at the squashed version now...16:38.24 
chrisl It looks like it will be quite easy (famous last words!) to add a target to build all the shared graphics lib objects - but as I need to finish in 20-30 mins, I'll look at that tomorrow16:41.13 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Fab.16:42.42 
chrisl (Note to self: don't leave a bottle of water filling and wander back to my desk - kitchen flooding may result)16:46.58 
Robin_Watts oops.16:47.21 
chrisl No flood, just a little puddle - I remembered almost just in time16:47.51 
  Robin_Watts: the thing I didn't touch was the xcode stuff - I know absolutely nothing about that....16:48.08 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I don't blame you at all.16:52.51 
  xcode should be sealed in concrete and dropped at sea.16:53.05 
chrisl Does anyone use it?16:53.32 
Robin_Watts xcode? Or our xcode project?16:56.06 
  No one sane uses our xcode project.16:56.12 
chrisl Should we drop it, then?16:56.33 
Robin_Watts Seems reasonable to me.16:57.49 
  IIRC it was just a thing that called out to make anyway. We can probably jump start it again (or start from scratch) if anyone wants it.16:58.22 
chrisl I assumed it was similar to the Windows projects - really just to aid debugging16:58.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes, but I long since decided that I'd rather gnaw my own leg off than use xcode.16:59.27 
chrisl It does seem to have your name (and no one else's) plastered all over it!17:00.11 
Robin_Watts yeah, I did it in a fit of enthusiasm cos I'd a) just done the MSVC ones, and b) just got a mac.17:00.40 
chrisl Well, I hope you learned your lesson ;-)17:01.13 
Robin_Watts You've seen my new shiny non-mac laptop, right? :)17:03.37 
chrisl Once it finally worked17:04.21 
Robin_Watts "old-stuff" ?17:04.22 
chrisl Like xcode - for reference, to be updated etc17:04.57 
Robin_Watts I wonder if we should just delete it.17:05.25 
  If people want stuff from there, we'll put it back and update it on demand.17:05.35 
chrisl I think the only thing to be updated is the winrt stuff, the rest I'll probably remove17:05.40 
Robin_Watts Where did pl/realmain.c go?17:06.55 
chrisl pcl/pl17:07.05 
Robin_Watts Why hasn't this picked it up as a copy/rename then?17:07.20 
chrisl It should have - I think17:07.46 
Robin_Watts Maybe gitk is just incapable of displaying it like that.17:08.03 
chrisl git log --follow on it shows the entire history, so at some level, git knows what's going on17:09.10 
  Robin_Watts: I don't think git classes moving outside the current directory as a "rename"17:10.20 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I still see a "# FIXME: use configure to pull in" in Makefile.in17:11.41 
  And some suspicious trailing spaces/tabs there.17:11.49 
  FEATURE_DEVS looks like it has a tab in it in particular.17:12.56 
chrisl Yes, not too bothered about that - it's only whitespace. I forgot about the FIXME, I'll sort that out17:14.29 
  Actually, I think I'll just delete that FIXME - it's not really necessary. Which may be what I decided and just forgot to delete the comment17:16.08 
marcosw chrisl: you probably already know this, but in the build_consolidation branch "make ; bin/gpdl" seg faults .17:19.08 
chrisl marcosw: I didn't know - but I knew it didn't work.17:20.51 
  It's purely there so we have a target which contains all the interpreters, ready to put the real language switching stuff into17:21.52 
marcosw chrisl: is there a document that describes what changed (i.e. the GhostPCL binary ends up in bin/gpcl6 rather than main/obj/pcl6)?17:23.02 
chrisl No document, no. But it should be pretty self explanatory17:23.40 
marcosw reminds me of an easter egg hunt :-)17:24.06 
chrisl There are only three exes and all in the same place!17:24.29 
Robin_Watts {,debug,mem}bin/{gs/pcl/xps} right17:25.12 
chrisl {,debug,mem}bin/{gs/gpcl6/gxps}17:25.53 
Robin_Watts {,debug,mem}bin/g{s/pcl6/xps} :)17:26.16 
  I've squashed everything down to a single commit.17:26.43 
chrisl Yes. it always bugged me that pcl6 wasn't gpcl617:26.50 
Robin_Watts git diff --follow HEAD~1 -- COPYING17:26.57 
marcosw I cleverly use variables for directories in the cluster code, so changing ghostpdl/gs to ghostpdl was trivial. Unfortunately the binary names are hard coded and appear in multiple places. So I have to fix that first.17:27.05 
Robin_Watts still shows that as a complete file deletion.17:27.06 
  marcosw: Just copy the files to the old names. I think that's what I hacked the cluster to do for various renames in mupdf.17:27.36 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I will, but have to copy them from the right place...17:28.10 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I think that's because COPYING moved to a new directory - hence git treats it as a git rm/git add operation17:28.46 
Robin_Watts gitk shows it correctly.17:29.00 
chrisl <shrug>17:29.41 
marcosw chrisl: is looking for ghostpdl/ghostscript.vcproj a reasonable way to decide if it's the new directory structure? 17:31.41 
chrisl marcosw: my personal choice would be ghostpdl/ - since the cluster is unix based, after all17:33.40 
  I really do have to go now - I'll check back in a couple of hours (if I feel up to it)17:44.44 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You go. I'll keep bashing.17:44.56 
chrisl_away Having said that, my ride is now 5 minutes late.......17:45.51 
henrys I didn't like hearing there are xps dependencies in pcl maybe kens meant pl (the shared stuff) for pcl pxl and xps?19:50.13 
chrisl_away It is pl - as I mentioned just after19:52.12 
henrys thanks chrisl_away sorry to bug you19:54.55 
chrisl_away No problem - lurking just in case19:55.16 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I'm as happy as I can be with the commit. Can't see anything I haven't mentioned.20:12.35 
chrisl_away Robin_Watts: OKay, thanks. I'm part way through messing with the Windows project stuff - but I'll have to finish it in the morning. Suffering brain fade......20:13.38 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts: thoughts about important mupdf bugs I can look at?21:33.16 
henrys fredross-perry: from workflowy you had icloud, qt pricing and study pspdfkit21:52.32 
  as well21:52.41 
fredross-perry yes 21:52.51 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: There are no massively urgent mupdf bugs at the moment.23:05.49 
fredross-perry thanks23:05.56 
Robin_Watts There may well be some Android UI stuff you can help with with the gproof stuff very soon.23:06.19 
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