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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/07/17)20150718 
avih Robin_Watts: hey. any updates on the mujs license?16:53.11 
  (re mpv, gpl v2 etc)16:53.30 
Robin_Watts avih: No, sorry.22:45.02 
avih Robin_Watts: so you guys still feel that the current license is your best approach for mujs?23:12.38 
Robin_Watts avih: I'm not the guy whose decision it would have to be. We'd need to discuss it with Miles.23:29.57 
  The next opportunity to do that is in September.23:30.12 
  but I have to say, I can't see any way to get you the freedom you would need to do what you want without making it harder for us to potentially make some money out of it.23:31.14 
  and that makes it a very hard sell. I think we need to at least try it as AGPL for a while.23:31.36 
  bedtime for me.23:32.46 
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