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rayjj hmm... is the cluster honked up ? My job shows as "running" but all the nodes (those that ate up) show "Aborting run" or "Connection interrupted"01:04.40 
  oh, maybe just a timing issue. Now they show "idle" 01:05.26 
  marcosw: I am trying to do a cluster run from my sandbox, and it fails. I haven't yet updated this to the new directory structure, but it looks like the cluster is broken for the old stuff.01:15.42 
  marcosw: please see my log: 
  I've updated my tree to the new structure (build_consolidation) and am trying again....01:23.28 
  guess I'm done for the day. A bunch of errors from the build:01:38.37 
  cp: cannot stat `/home/marcos/cluster/ghostpdl/gs/libpng/scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt': No such file or directory01:38.38 
  touch: cannot touch `/home/marcos/cluster/ghostpdl/gs/zlib/gzio.c': No such file or directory01:38.40 
  mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/marcos/cluster/gs': File exists01:38.41 
  mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/marcos/cluster/gs/bin': File exists01:38.43 
  make: *** No rule to make target `install-gs'. Stop.01:38.44 
  cp: cannot stat `/home/marcos/cluster/users/ray/ghostpdl/urwfonts': No such file or directory01:38.46 
  -- I don't know which of these are benign, but the last one w.r.t. urwfonts doesn't look good01:38.47 
  note that I _do_ seem to have pcl/urwfonts01:47.01 
  maybe it's because I'm only building 'gs' -- trying without that subset01:48.02 
  well, it got further -- into the "Starting jobs" step (all except for peeves that still had compile fail)01:53.36 
  I disabled peeves and actually got a useful run :-) Tomorrow I'll look into what's up with peeves (probably needs something updated)02:10.17 
mvrhel_laptop ok. the christ apostle wig is too funny04:29.39 
Robin_Watts chrisl_away: Do you have admin access to bugzilla?11:00.20 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no, IIRC, marcosw is the (only?) one with full bugzilla admin rights11:31.09 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah, fair enough. I've sent an email anyway. Thanks.11:31.28 
chrisl Yeh, saw the mail, just now11:31.54 
  Robin_Watts: has there been any discussion about flights for Chicago? I think I saw a brief one between you and Ken a while back (when I was on vacation), but I don't recall any decisions11:32.57 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We discussed possibilities, but no firm conclusions were drawn.11:33.19 
chrisl Okay, we should try to remember early next week, when Ken is back11:33.46 
Robin_Watts I guess we'll do it all again when Miles gets back to us (which should hopefully be today/tomorrow as I want to get it booked before I go away(11:33.50 
chrisl I thought Chicago was all confirmed?11:34.14 
Robin_Watts chicago's dates were confirmed, but Miles didn't say "book your flights"11:34.31 
chrisl Oh, okay11:34.45 
jhabjan hi, some person raised an issue that Ghostscript.NET doesn't printing Turkish characters properly. Can somebody please take a look at this file: 
  I also did a test with display device (gs 9.16) and it's a same problem...13:13.38 
  ...just noticed .. printing = print, sorry13:14.24 
henrys jhabjan: please report the problem at with a gs command line and test file.13:20.18 
  Robin_Watts: I can change bugzilla if marcosw doesn't get to it soon.13:26.25 
Robin_Watts henrys: Thanks.13:26.38 
chrisl jhabjan: the fonts aren't embedded, therefore you get the best guess we can manage. Especially with non-latin fonts, you *must* have the original font available to Ghostscript to have a any chance of consistent/correct output. And the best way to manage that is to embed the font in the PDF - as is *strongly* recommended by the PDF spec. Basically, the answer is "yes"13:26.41 
  Actually, " you *must* have the original font available to any PDF consumer"13:27.15 
jhabjan chrisl: got it, thanks13:27.57 
chrisl jhabjan, and, in fact, the Ghostscript backchannel prints loads of stuff about substituting CIDFonts, and referencing where in the documentation this is discussed13:29.23 
jhabjan chrisl: ok13:30.56 
henrys chrisl: are you up on the url clickable issue ken was looking or maybe I should say "not looking at"?13:40.30 
chrisl henrys: there is no issue - Ken has no plans to look at it further.13:41.08 
henrys chrisl: I wanted to understand if the url is only recognized for WinAnsi or is it just recognized because it is known encoding vs. a custom encoding.13:42.30 
chrisl henrys: it's only recognised when in WinAnsi13:43.09 
henrys chrisl: that's odd13:43.47 
chrisl henrys: This is Acrobat we're talking about......13:44.08 
henrys chrisl: I know but you'd expect if acrobat recognized the characters it would just do it... it's a top ten customer so we will bend over backwards if it can't be fixed so be it. But I want to make sure there is no way of addressing this.13:46.11 
  money is good all that.13:48.14 
chrisl henrys: it can't be fixed - Acrobat and Distiller do undocumented and unfathomable things, and we've never had any luck working out exactly what it does. Unless Adobe to document it, we're pretty much stuck. Ken spent quite some time a couple of years ago investigating it, and couldn't make progress.13:48.27 
  henrys: Obviously, Ken would be able to give you more details......13:49.19 
henrys chrisl: yeah I'll talk to him some more when he's back. thanks13:49.48 
chrisl NP13:49.56 
  Heading off for a couple of hours......13:50.22 
rayjj I've built the current tree on peeves and didn't have any problems, so maybe it was a fluke last night. I've reenabled peeves. If anyone has a problem, feel free to disable it until we can figure it out14:56.54 
  I did a test cluster run and peeves seems to work OK. I guess it was still in a confused state from trying to use the 'gs' option. I'll try that later15:16.00 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Michael had problems with the cluster.15:16.32 
  He said he had to have run an on it before it would work, I think.15:16.46 
  (I pushed from windows, where I have never run, and that worked too)15:17.01 
henrys sees there are a few mupdf's on github16:45.57 
chrisl henrys: only one official one.......16:47.08 
henrys chrisl: right16:48.24 
hyper_ch hello there, I have a strange issue. I'm trying to convert a .pdf file to .ps using. However not output file is created and the whole process seems rather to be slow: 
chrisl hyper_ch: -sDEVICE not -sDevice16:49.23 
hyper_ch chrisl: much faster and works :)16:49.48 
chrisl hyper_ch: the reason it's faster is because what you had there was the default bbox (bounding box) device (hence the printed output), which runs at *very* high resolution in order to get accurate numbers out16:50.45 
hyper_ch chrisl: no idea what you just said :)16:51.21 
chrisl hyper_ch: not really important.....16:51.48 
hyper_ch thx for the help16:52.05 
chrisl NP16:52.17 
henrys oh I do wish we had proper errors for those things.16:53.35 
chrisl That's simply not possible.....16:53.56 
henrys I know just moaning16:54.48 
chrisl We could possibly make oft used strings like DEVICE more tolerant of cap/lower case combinations16:55.17 
hyper_ch no the question is why doesn't it work in the script....16:55.21 
henrys chrisl: yeah I'll put it on the list16:55.51 
chrisl hyper_ch: eh, huh?16:56.00 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I suspect hyper_ch meant "now, the question is..."16:56.31 
hyper_ch chrisl: I switched to nixos and now all my bash scripts need upgrading :)16:56.36 
  and yes, that's what I meant :)16:56.41 
chrisl Oh, okay. I can't help with that......16:57.24 
hyper_ch wasn't expecting you to :)16:57.58 
chrisl hyper_ch: surely bash is bash, and *most* of the core utilities are common to almost all Linux variants, so I wouldn't have thought much would need to change.....17:00.52 
hyper_ch chrisl: it's the way nixos works... nixos puts stuff into nix store to enable atomic builds17:01.28 
chrisl hyper_ch: sure, I've heard about nixos (no direct experience though), but I rather than all that would be mostly hidden from normal user space....17:02.40 
hyper_ch chrisl: well, each upgrade/rebuild will make a new profile... and symlink stuff.... so you can rollback easily17:03.28 
chrisl hyper_ch: still, I'd hope that would only possibly raise an issue during an update cycle. Except possibly for a few tools like "find" that have to be told how to handle symlinks, I suppose17:05.29 
hyper_ch well, for my script collection, gs is actually found there right now: /nix/store/mnwbk5sspmcnmac2aicxrgzaln8v2z6v-ghostscript-9.15/bin/gs17:07.03 
chrisl Oh, I see.... I'd assumed there would still be a link /usr/bin or similar.....17:08.07 
hyper_ch well, current profile is at /run/current-software/sw/bin/17:09.05 
chrisl I guess I rarely use the full path to the executable and mostly rely on PATH being correctly set, so it would almost never be a problem for my scripts17:10.31 
hyper_ch it works a bit different on nixos... you can have multiple versions installed installed of a program and to call a specific one you have to use the according path17:11.21 
  is there a way for gs to make verbose output to a file?17:12.03 
chrisl more verbose than usual?17:12.35 
hyper_ch well, I run the scripts as action scripts from dolphin17:13.20 
  so I don't see output17:13.23 
chrisl I usually just pipe to a file when I need that17:13.43 
hyper_ch how?17:14.19 
chrisl Normal bash redirection17:14.40 
hyper_ch --> /nix/store/mnwbk5sspmcnmac2aicxrgzaln8v2z6v-ghostscript-9.15/bin/gs -sDEVICE=ps2write -o "${curPDF}.ps" "${curPDF}" >> "gs.txt" ?17:15.05 
chrisl If you do gs -sDEVICE=ps2write -o "${curPDF}.ps" "${curPDF}" >> "gs.txt" 2>&117:16.27 
  that will redirect both stdout and stderr to the file17:16.41 
hyper_ch thx17:16.59 
chrisl The '2>&1' redirects stderr to stdout, and your '>> "gs.txt' redirects stdout to the file17:17.39 
hyper_ch I never understood that 2>&1 thing17:18.00 
Robin_Watts Send file descriptor 2 to file descriptor 1, AIUI. 2 is stderr, 1 is stdout.17:18.43 
chrisl Exactly as Robin_Watts says.....17:19.31 
hyper_ch no gs.txt file was created :(17:20.15 
chrisl hyper_ch: you may need to specify the full path, and make sure the directory in question is writable by the effective user when the script gets run17:20.59 
hyper_ch it is writable17:21.18 
  it's a tmpdir17:21.21 
chrisl hyper_ch: is this the dolphin the PHP related thing?17:23.34 
hyper_ch no, it's kde file manager17:23.45 
chrisl Oh, okay17:24.00 
  Well, I'm not sure what to suggest - it definitely works for me, because I use that construct *extensively* in my Ghostscript test scripts17:24.42 
hyper_ch chrisl: it worked on ubuntu just fine... and I think I have it now17:25.08 
chrisl From what you say, I think I'll be steering clear of Nixos.... ;-)17:26.04 
hyper_ch nah, it's just me being a noob :)17:26.45 
chrisl Well, it's also that it's an interesting idea, but it's a solution for a problem I haven't run into enough to worry about17:28.57 
hyper_ch what I like about it, is that you have a configuration file and just with that you setup the computer/server to your needs17:29.31 
chrisl It is probably worthwhile for servers, yes, I can see that17:30.13 
hyper_ch and for desktops and notebooks17:34.01 
Robin_Watts Customer asks a question. Marcos answers it. Customer "says "thanks for the quick response" and then asks exactly the same question again.17:37.10 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Does this strike you as a customer we're likely to want enhancements from? ;-)17:37.56 
Robin_Watts Strikes me potentially as that being manglement rather than engineering.17:39.29 
chrisl One can hope....17:39.56 
mvrhel_laptop hmm. the visual studio solution is screwed up a bit18:33.45 
  in gs18:33.49 
hyper_ch so, no script works again just fine :)18:34.09 
mvrhel_laptop Unfortunately I dont have VS8 to fix this as easily as others18:34.33 
  Robin_Watts: do you have a sec18:35.21 
  to check something for me18:35.25 
hyper_ch s/no/now/18:36.26 
mvrhel_laptop darn I just realized I have had this commit sitting here in another checkout for making sure that we honor the fast color option in the pdf14 device. I discovered that issue some time ago, had a fix and never followed through with it. Trying to rebase it but now I have delete modify conflicts... 18:44.01 
chrisl_away mvrhel_laptop: what's the problem with the solution?18:48.51 
mvrhel_laptop hi chrisl_away : oddly the files in the solution located in base/color have the wrong path18:49.31 
  at least in my converted one. I was just getting ready to look at the solution file bug got distracted by this other thing.18:50.00 
chrisl_away mvrhel_laptop: it's probably easier to fix that by editing the XML rather than doing it in the GUI18:50.23 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:50.28 
  I can do that18:50.30 
  I will take care of it18:50.36 
chrisl_away OKay, thanks.18:50.51 
mvrhel_laptop np18:50.56 
chrisl_away Actually, there are loads of files haven't had the "..\" added so quite a number will have the same problem18:51.49 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:52.00 
chrisl_away So, it's up to you if you want to do it, or leave it to me or Robin18:52.21 
mvrhel_laptop if its not done when you come back tomorrow then you can get it. I may just do it now to get it taken care of18:52.53 
  trying to make sure I don't lose this old work I did right now....18:53.25 
chrisl_away Okay, I'll check in the morning. I'm disappointed that you had rebase problems, I'd hoped git would handle it okay :-(18:53.52 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl_away: it may not have been what you did. it was at least 6 months ago that I did this. that directory had been sitting there 18:54.20 
  or that work18:54.24 
  and I completely forgot about it18:54.29 
chrisl_away mvrhel_laptop: do you have the pdf14 work in a commit?18:54.33 
mvrhel_laptop I did. and I pushed it to a patch18:54.44 
  I will go back through and fix it up later18:54.56 
  It wont take too long18:55.08 
  But its been so long I kind of forgot what all I had done.... 18:55.23 
chrisl_away What I'd do is create a branch from that commit, then you can mess up all you want on master, the original commit remains intact on the branch. When you're happy, delete the branch18:55.41 
mvrhel_laptop when I was working on stuff for the big customer for ray I had this stuff going. yes that is a good idea18:56.07 
chrisl_away I used that approach a *lot* when doing this build stuff!18:56.30 
mvrhel_laptop thanks chrisl_away : ok I am going to see if I can fix up the solution file now18:56.43 
chrisl_away Cool, and I will slink off into the background again......18:57.14 
mvrhel_laptop :)18:57.18 
  is jasper even in the project anymore?19:09.23 
  henrys: do you know the answer to this?19:13.13 
  I will leave it for now and commit the current path fixes for the other files19:16.56 
  ok. all committed19:37.35 
  lunch time now. 19:38.12 
henrys mvrhel: we replaced jasper with openjpeg some time back21:06.53 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok that is what I though. I am going to remove the jasper references from the visual studio project then.21:42.34 
  lcms needs to go out of the project too22:23.59 
  as we have lcms222:24.04 
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