IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/07/24)20150725 
mvrhel_laptop ok tickets bought for chicago and I think I have this gproof sorted out in my head how I want to do it. 00:21.27 
  should be able to finish it up on Monday00:21.45 
sebras hm... fz_open_utf8()... in source/fitz/time.c! that's a surprise.09:46.45 
  fix bug fixed during vacation! :)10:30.39 
  there! two more fixes.14:22.43 
  but the last one proves elusive.14:22.48 
RegEchse i have some output from tesseract which is a perfectly searchable pdf. If i, however, process said pdf with gs it somehow discards all ocr text and leaves me with an unsearchable pdf again. :( Does anyone know why this happens and/or how to prevent it?15:10.34 
  a.jpg is just some test image, b.pdf is the tesseract'ed pdf and c.pdf is `gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSTOPONERROR -o c.pdf b.pdf`15:11.31 
marcosw RegEchse: i just checked and with the current ghostscript the ocr isn't discarded but has spaces added between the letters. i.e. 'homotopy' becomes 'o m o t o p y', which is of course wrong. Can you open a bug for this on 
RegEchse do i need an account on that bug ticker?15:21.17 
marcosw yes, you need to create an account.15:21.33 
  I can open the bug for you if you prefer, but then your email won't be associated with the bug so you won't be notified when the bug is updated.15:21.57 
RegEchse k. yes, i can file a bug, but later, i have to leave soon ...15:22.40 
  marcosw: thx, i will do it myself15:22.47 
marcosw no hurry, likely no one will look at it before monday.15:23.02 
RegEchse no hurry = maybe forget it :D15:23.19 
marcosw sounds like me :-)15:23.27 
RegEchse anyway. Thx for looking into my example.15:24.03 
  have a nice [insert your time of day], bye15:24.42 
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