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Nathaniel7687 hi08:20.43 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.08:20.43 
Nathaniel7687 how can I ndk-build mupdf for android about armeabi, not armeabi-v7a?08:21.54 
kens Nathaniel7687 : I'm afradi you'll have to wait a couple of hours before anyone who can answer that is likely to be online08:22.26 
  Either hang around for a bit, or come back later and look at the channel log (see the topic for the URL of the logs)08:22.54 
Nathaniel7687 kens : You're autobot?08:23.24 
kens Nope08:23.35 
  Kind of an intelligent answer for a bot I would like to think08:23.47 
Nathaniel7687 thanks~08:23.47 
  I find solution08:37.10 
kens faLUCE : here's a zip file with 3 files in it, the original, and 2 modified versions where I've manually hacked thje MediaBox and CropBox so that you can see only 1 of each page.09:26.24 
  Because your file solely consists of an image, there is no way to do any better just by modifying the PDF, in order to reduce the file size you would need to edit the image and your best bet for that is to extract it from the PDF, modify it in an image package and then re-export back to PDF.09:27.22 
  Since you are reluctant to do that, this is the next best solution.09:27.35 
  Now since I was hand hacking these files I was able to amke sure that the number of bytes in the MediaBox is always the same, which means the files remain valid PDF. If you were to use some scripting language or programmatic method to alter teh MediaBox then you would likely end up with differences in the size of the MediaBox.09:28.47 
  So to fix that you would use mutoll clean as I suggested last night.09:29.01 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: For the logs: Presumably you can build for arm-v7a already? To build for armeabi instead, just change the lines that are commented in/out setting APP_PLATFORM and APP_ABI in platform/android/jni/ 09:47.48 
HenryStiles kens: another failure on i7?14:14.36 
kens Is there ?14:14.51 
HenryStiles mprimes is still going I'm going to stop it soon14:14.51 
  kens: asking if you've seen another 14:15.10 
kens I looked at marcos' report and there are (or were) 4 seg faults there, all on i714:15.17 
  Oh yeah there are 5 now14:15.38 
  Different jobs, different devices, different resoltuoins, even different input languages14:17.04 
  The only common actor seems to be the node14:17.41 
HenryStiles mprimes has been going for almost 24 hours now, so I wonder what it could be?14:17.52 
kens is baffled14:18.01 
HenryStiles I'm probably being daft but why doesn't /join #artifex not work?14:29.45 
kens It should, does for me14:30.02 
  THat is your registered nick ?14:30.33 
HenryStiles 14:30.41 
  it's saying #artifex: Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with14:34.12 
kens I thnk that meyour nick isn't registered14:34.26 
  try leaving ghostscript and rejoining, I thnk ray had that kind of problem14:34.44 
marcosw1 HenryStiles: I get the same message will quit and restart pidgin14:50.33 
Nathaniel7687 hi16:28.00 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:28.00 
Nathaniel7687 I have some problem that error message "Out of memory during layout" about "java.lang.outofmemoryerror: bitmap size exceeds vm budget".16:29.02 
  in Android16:29.11 
  how can I solve this error.16:29.22 
HenryStiles Nathaniel7687: you've ported gs to Android?16:49.02 
  Nathaniel7687: oh this must be mupdf?16:49.51 
kens MuPDF see this morning's logs16:50.24 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: Are you using our MuPDF source exactly as we supply it? Or are you importing it into your own project and modifying it?16:57.31 
Nathaniel7687 I'm importing it into my own project and modifying it.17:43.06 
  I'm not modifying mupdf package.17:44.55 
  I just open pdf file in assets folder.17:44.59 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: The app doesn't support opening a pdf file from the assets folder.17:47.06 
  Therefore you must be modifying the app at least a bit.17:47.26 
  If you can show us the problem happening with the original source that we supply, built using the makefiles etc that we supply, we might be interested in looking into it.17:47.58 
  If it's going to require us to understand your (say) android studio project to reproduce the problem, then we don't have time, I'm afraid.17:48.54 
Nathaniel7687 I find one specific condition.17:52.29 
  This problem is appear Android 2.3.7(API 10)17:53.22 
  because my emulator's heap memory allocated lack, I think "Out of memory during layout" message appear.17:56.00 
  the others emulator(kk 4.1.1, lp 5.1.0) is not appear this message.17:56.51 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: It might well be due to a lack of memory. What size memory are you working with, and what screensize ?17:59.37 
Nathaniel7687 800x1280, 320dpi heap memory size 32mb18:00.09 
Robin_Watts 800x1280 requires 4Meg(ish) for a single screen sized bitmap.18:00.47 
Nathaniel7687 heap size it's so low?18:00.49 
Robin_Watts We need 2 such bitmaps.18:00.56 
  so that's 8 Meg gone instantly.18:01.06 
  We then store 3 pages, so that's 24 Meg...18:01.30 
  so, yes, I reckon that's the problem.18:01.47 
Nathaniel7687 but I use MuPDF Application is not appear this message.18:03.41 
  *When I use MuPDF Application, is not appear this message.18:04.07 
Robin_Watts Where are you getting that version?18:06.45 
  From the appstore? Or building from vanilla sources?18:06.56 
Nathaniel7687 both appstore and building from vanilla sources18:19.50 
Robin_Watts Ok, so it must be something you've changed then.18:22.59 
  It's possible that putting your PDF file in as an asset is costing more memory.18:23.24 
  the jar will be bigger, and it's possible that the runtime has to decompress the PDF file into a buffer.18:23.53 
  I'd run the vanilla source version and look at how much memory you have free.18:24.13 
Nathaniel7687 oh sorry 18:25.58 
  what is vanilla source?18:26.06 
Robin_Watts vanilla source = unchanged source.18:26.23 
Nathaniel7687 ah18:26.35 
  I tried to build ""18:26.51 
  ah! 18:27.12 
  do you know that bufferOpen() method have problem?18:27.33 
Robin_Watts No...18:27.43 
Nathaniel7687 wait minut18:27.53 
  If you pass the next page so fast after open pdf file with bufferOpen() method, view is crashed and finish.18:30.26 
  every emulator and mobile device also same18:31.49 
Robin_Watts I'll just repeat that back to check I understood it.18:32.39 
  If I open a PDF file with bufferOpen() and then flip to the next page quickly, the app crashes ?18:33.00 
Nathaniel7687 yes18:33.46 
  my English is not good...18:34.10 
Robin_Watts It's better than any of my foreign languages.18:34.28 
Nathaniel7687 cool18:34.43 
  If you find this problem, can you send email for me?18:37.04 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: I'm horribly busy at the moment, and don't have time to spend on this, sadly.18:37.49 
  I'm just having a quick look to see if I can see anything obvious...18:37.59 
Nathaniel7687 ah It's so afraid.18:38.16 
Robin_Watts When it crashes, what does logcat say ?18:39.01 
Nathaniel7687 oh... hm18:42.02 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: Ah, right.18:42.04 
Nathaniel7687 you find it?18:42.11 
Robin_Watts openBuffer DOES hold the entire file uncompressed in memory.18:42.20 
  So using openBuffer might explain running out of memory.18:42.54 
  It's possible the crash is due to a flaw in my jni. I stash env and thiz, and I bet I'm not supposed to.18:43.12 
Nathaniel7687 thanks ~ answer my questions~18:50.08 
Robin_Watts Nathaniel7687: I will try and find time to look at that at some point. Keep checking back here.18:50.51 
Nathaniel7687 back here is mean IRC?18:51.20 
Robin_Watts yeah.18:51.25 
Nathaniel7687 okay, but I don't know how to see IRC log.18:52.08 
Robin_Watts I mean come back here every now and then and ask me :)18:52.41 
  If nothing else, it will remind me.18:52.51 
Nathaniel7687 ah okay memory my name ~18:53.16 
  Nathaniel Jobs18:53.19 
tpruzina hello, I have this 16M big pdf of study materials that eats away shitton of memory when I open it in mupdf-1.17, gs-9.15. Just holding down PGDN and getting to the end of the document eats away 800M and this number rises by 100M every time I do search ("/") on it.22:29.10 
  is this expected behavior?22:29.21 
  just noticed it after few hours of studying when memory usage rose way past 5G22:30.58 
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