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rsc_ chrisl: My postscript knowledge is very bad.14:48.08 
rsc The document in question is generated anyway.14:48.42 
kens Hmm, did I miss a queston there ?14:49.04 
rsc Don't know, was: [12:17:35] < rsc_> Any pointer how to debug output like this? 
kens Well fundamentally, you don't, unless you are an experienced PostScript programmer.14:49.51 
chrisl rsc: and even an experienced Postscripter isn't going to get anywhere without the source file!14:50.15 
kens That looks like binary is being interpreted as tokens, which will usually happen if you have done something like transfer the vfile via a 7-bit medium (eg email) or done CR/LF translation on it14:50.28 
  I think both I and ghostbot were dicsonnected from IRC at the mie this was asked.14:51.10 
  SO I didn't see it, and there was no log either :-(14:51.27 
rsc In theory, there is no translation.14:51.32 
kens I have no idea what you mean by that14:51.44 
  As chrisl says, nobody can help you at all without seeing the source PostScript program14:52.16 
  Of course you could always try using a more recent version of Ghostscript, 9.07 is 2 years old14:53.20 
rsc The program generating the postscript or the postscript file?14:53.30 
  Well, that is RHEL 7 including all updates. Interestingly it works with ghostscript from RHEL 6 - which is older.14:53.48 
chrisl A Postscript file *is* a Postscript program14:53.58 
kens The #PostScript file', PostScript is a programming language, so the PostScript is a program14:53.59 
rsc Ah.14:54.22 
chrisl You will have to find a way to grab the Postscript file, as a first step14:54.52 
rsc Yes, that I have.14:54.59 
kens Then make it available somewhere14:55.12 
  The fact that RHEL is shippign a given version in their package doesn't mean its the latest version, lots of distributions are very slow about updating packsages. The version number you quote (in the pastebin) is 2 years old. Its entirely possible there's a bug fix for that problem.14:59.08 
rsc May I send the URL to the file via /msg? The file shouldn't go public ;)15:00.02 
kens Yes that will be OK15:00.13 
  best send it to chrisl *and* me15:00.19 
chrisl RHEL is always a ways behind Fedora core - it's <ahem> more stable.......15:00.41 
rsc Yes ;)15:01.06 
chrisl The problem is, you avoid new bugs, but you are saddled with old ones15:01.38 
rsc Fortunately none of my "postscript" problems so far was really a postscript problem :)15:02.01 
kens Well it still fails on the 9.18 release15:02.49 
chrisl Hm, I didn't get the URL.....15:03.25 
kens I'll send you the file15:03.41 
rsc chrisl: sorry, now you have.15:03.45 
kens Or that works15:03.54 
chrisl Thanks got it!15:03.55 
kens Thre are two lumps of binary data, and image and a font15:04.04 
rsc The image is likely the cause.15:04.13 
kens I thnk the font is more likely15:04.20 
  The image is ASCII85 encodede15:04.52 
  So you wouldn't get binary like you saw15:05.00 
chrisl Hmm, different error......15:05.58 
kens The program uses, but does not include, DejaVuSans15:06.08 
  I get an undefined error15:06.12 
chrisl I'm getting a typecheck15:06.26 
  But that is using the Ubuntu installed gs15:06.45 
kens actually that's not a font I see there, I was misled by the usage of DejaVuLGCSans15:06.48 
rsc I have a similar document (actually the same) but generated on RHEL 6, wait.15:07.13 
  And that one works. Whyever. But maybe helps.15:07.23 
kens I'm getting undefined on both 9.18 and current code15:07.23 
  Well only in as much as it may tell you that the problem is in the generating applicatoin.....15:07.53 
chrisl Yes, current code, me too15:08.10 
kens I thnk the file is broken15:08.29 
  THere's a 'PBEGIN' which looks like its intended to include an EPS, but it actually ioncludes a JFIF file15:08.51 
  You can't just stick a JFIF into a PostScript program, it needs support15:09.13 
  SO I believe that's the problem, your PostScript file is not valid15:09.49 
chrisl Yeh, the first PBEGIN does indeed prefix a "real" EPS15:10.28 
  The second binary15:10.44 
kens But hte second one doesn't, it just dives straight into the JFIF file15:10.49 
  Your working file has an EPS where the non-working file includes JFIF data15:11.37 
  I would have to say that the generating application is at fault.15:11.55 
chrisl Indeed. If I remove the JFIF binary, the file runs without error15:12.21 
kens If I remove the JFIF data from the first file it works15:12.24 
  echo :-)15:12.31 
chrisl Well, there's your problem!15:12.42 
kens The missing fonts mean it looks *awful* mind15:12.48 
chrisl Worse, missing *CIDFonts*....15:13.24 
kens hadn't looked that closely15:13.34 
chrisl "Can't find (or can't open) font file %rom%Resource/Font/DejaVuLGCSans-Identity-H."15:13.50 
kens I htnk it uses regular DejaVuSans as well15:14.11 
  Good Grief, its creates a temporary dictionary called DejaVuSans15:14.50 
  Oh I see, its defining a type 3 font, ick15:15.03 
  And it doesn't even make a font out of it, what a pile of poo15:16.21 
  In any event, the bottom line is that the application you are using generated a broken PostScript program, nothing we can do about it.15:17.31 
  The only reference I can find to mercaware suggests its a commercial ERP application15:18.36 
  I should report it to them as a bug15:18.57 
chrisl In the very strongest possible terms!15:19.41 
kens I've just deleted the PostScript programs15:20.48 
chrisl rsc: do you have all the information you need?15:21.38 
rsc Okay, so the issue is that JFIF data is put into the postscript directly rather EPS?15:23.03 
kens Braodly15:23.33 
  You can include a JPEG in PostScript, but you have to tell the program that its an image, and its DCT encoded. Ths program does neither15:24.06 
rsc The CIDFonts issue is already known, but not easy fixable :(15:24.08 
kens Well, I'd say that's wrong too. CIDFonts should *always* be embedded15:24.32 
  And the usage of DejaVuSans is diabolical too15:24.47 
  Emitting the glyphs as linework15:24.56 
  THis is slow (no caching of glyphs) and results in poor quality as all the spcial care taken with fonts is not applied to basic linework15:25.25 
rsc Unfortunately, I have to cover the intermediate time until the whole thing has been changed, thus I need to figure out why it puts a JFIF binary into it.15:26.36 
kens Not a clue, that seems to me like a question for the mercaware developers15:27.00 
rsc Yepp, indeed.15:27.18 
chrisl rsc: I notice the EPS (or one of them) is created by Scribus - are you supplying the file to be embedded?15:28.27 
  The glyphs as lineart seems to come from Scribus, btw, which is a little worrying for a "professional" level DTP package.....15:29.57 
kens :-(15:31.27 
rsc chrisl: I thought the issue is JFIF?15:32.32 
  chrisl: the file is a mixture out of generated code, a background (EPS) and a image (JFIF)15:32.50 
chrisl rsc: It is. I'm just wondering if you're giving a JPEG file to embed, rather than an EPS15:33.11 
  And the generating app isn't validating that it really is a valid EPS15:33.28 
kens THe *error* is hte JFIF, we're just commenting on the quality of the remaining parts of the program15:33.31 
rsc I give a JPEG file, but on RHEL 6 it seems to convert (?) it while on RHEL 7, it doesn't seem to convert it.15:33.46 
chrisl rsc: well, as an interim solution you could convert the JPEG to EPS and try using that instead15:34.48 
  Emitting the font as lineart may be a setting in Scribus. I don't know it well enough to know15:35.58 
  Oh, ick, the EPS header says "PS-Adobe-3.0" and then it uses "colorimage" for the image15:42.29 
kens Well the 3.0 just defines the DSC convention level, not the PostScript level15:44.21 
  Though I'm not convinced it is truly DSC-compliant15:45.07 
chrisl Oh yes - I thought that was the "EPSF-3.0" bit....15:45.12 
kens I thnk that's means its DSC 3 compliant *and* an EPSF15:45.41 
chrisl It's not like colorimage is wrong, even in LL3, it's just not very nice.....15:46.00 
kens True15:46.11 
  But the whole PS program is not very nice :-)15:46.22 
chrisl To be fair, I've seen much, much worse!15:47.42 
  I mostly prefer this to Adobe's PS output15:48.10 
kens Well, its readable, but the missing CIDFont and the JFIF binary are pretty bad15:48.44 
chrisl I was looking at the earlier file, so without the JFIF issue. I'm surprised that the CIDFont issue is considered "not easy"15:50.34 
kens Well I've deleted all the files now so I can't really comment....15:51.03 
rsc kens, chrisl: Thank you very much so far!16:07.04 
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