IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

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onionhammer hey guys, are there any distributable .lib/dll files for windows you guys have somewhere?03:43.07 
  otherwise i'm trying to build this guy on windows (i have mingw) but the makefile doesnt seem to work03:43.48 
  worked fine on my debian box03:43.56 
chrisl onionhammer: you'll have to be more specific about the product you're asking about04:52.15 
onionhammer hah sorry, mupdf04:52.27 
chrisl Ah, I can't be of much help.... but I believe it is known to work on mingw. What error are you seeing?04:53.15 
onionhammer chris1 its basically just not even invoking the compiler05:48.52 
  just loops thorugh all the commands without doing anything and errors at the end05:49.06 
chrisl onionhammer: are you sure it's not just doing the build in the default "quiet" mode? IIRC, try adding "verbose=yes" to your make command line12:27.47 
dg_ help16:30.47 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:31.23 
dg_ after configure ghost script, only part of data is coming in logs...16:32.48 
  what may be causes?16:32.57 
chrisl I've no idea what you mean16:33.22 
dg_ have installed a virtual printer & doing redirect original printer to virtual so in that case output log is not same as original16:36.26 
  can you please help out me?16:37.09 
chrisl What log? How does this relate to Ghostscript?16:38.54 
RobinWattsLenovo OK. I have a reservation for 20 people at 6:45 at Pisces. Meet in the Lobby at 6:3022:32.47 
  hi mvrhel_laptop 22:36.50 
  I have a reservation for 20 people at 6:45 at Pisces. Meet in the Lobby at 6:3022:37.00 
  if you're interested.22:37.06 
kens Robin_Watts : Presumably they do something other than fish as well ? :-D22:42.17 
kens goes to check.....22:42.37 
RobinWattsLenovo kens: Yes. menu looks good.22:44.30 
kens Yes there's quite a vareriety th22:45.18 
jogux RobinWattsLenovo: awesome, thank you22:45.20 
kens there22:45.21 
  Robin_Watts : ping22:52.47 
  RobinWattsLenovo : ping22:53.01 
RobinWattsLenovo pong?23:00.08 
kens Stella says would Helen like the washing liquid ?23:02.50 
  And if so, what room are you....23:02.59 
mvrhel_laptop Hi RobinWattsLenovo we are going to try to meet you down there23:09.42 
  at 6:3023:10.19 
  have to shower quick though23:10.25 
kens I'll let people know know where we are gong anyway mvrhel_laptop, y23:12.31 
  Bah, bad typing23:12.41 
  I'll let people know m can always meet us therevrhel_laptop, but you knoow where we are ging anyway, y23:13.00 
mvrhel_laptop you are meeting int the lobby downstairs right?23:16.44 
kens yep23:17.47 
  see you there23:17.59 
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