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jogux fredross-perry: your mupdf commit looks fine. nice piece of bash scripting :-)10:04.55 
  very minor thing but I'd usually write the if then all on one line using a ';' (ie. if [ "$MAJOR" -ge "&" ]; then ) rather than splitting it over 2 lines10:05.43 
tor8 fredross-perry: jogux: I'd just have used 'sed' to extract the version string, but bash magic works too I guess :)10:06.16 
jogux fredross-perry: I think we may want to disable bitcode in the xcode project for our appstore submission. (because it's not required, and if we enable it we have to manually download the final dSYM files from itunesconnect and manually upload them into crashlytics)10:07.08 
  tor8: yeah. I probably might've tried sed too, mainly as I'm not great with the bash syntax. then probably I'd have got annoyed at the bsd sed on OS X and ended up doing it in perl :-)10:16.17 
  fredross-perry: and very minor, but commit message doesn't really need to begin 'mupdf' as this is the mupdf repository :-)10:17.42 
  fredross-perry: (and to be clear, even though I suggest switching bitcode off about, it's still a good idea to include bitcode in the library build, as some of our customers may need bitcode in the library)10:18.53 
tor8 fredross-perry: the prefix we usually use for the iOS app is just "ios: "10:28.24 
  for commit messages10:28.35 
jogux tor8: Fred was asking about what to put in the appstore 'what's changed' for the 1.8 release too - I presume there must be some generic statement about 1.8 vs 1.7 that's already been written?10:31.58 
tor8 jogux: the CHANGES file in the mupdf project, and also the web page10:37.01 
jogux tor8: that'll do it. thanks!10:37.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a handful of fairly large commits on tor/master for review12:52.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: will look in a bit. Just in the middle of some hairy JNI.12:52.41 
  I'm pulling the MuPDF jni stuff I did up to date.12:52.55 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a question about the JNI stuff then ... how closely do we match the C api?13:39.10 
  do we match it function for function, and make most of the functions that "public static" thing13:39.40 
  or do we make a new object oriented interface?13:39.49 
  or do we do both, in two steps ... a core JNI library that just exposes the C functions as-is and then wrap those calls in a separate Java library13:41.24 
  which adds the expected object oriented fluff13:41.36 
  somehow I think the two-step approach is going to be the best in the long run13:43.18 
jogux tor8: the two step approach is certainly what we're doing for the NUI project.13:49.46 
  JNI exactly matching the C makes a lot of sense to me.13:50.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: the JNI broadly matches the C.15:18.36 
  There is some magic in there to hide the fz_context stuff.15:18.57 
  Certainly I'm attempting to keep the JNI stuff as small as possible.15:19.41 
  See robin/jni2 for what I have so far.15:22.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we should write up the OO interface in some doc somewhere15:26.18 
  I'm thinking of replicating it in JavaScript (so we can have a "mutool js")15:26.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: We should write up the java OO interface using javadoc.15:26.52 
tor8 using mujs bindings, which ought to look very much like the java ones15:27.15 
Robin_Watts at the moment, I'm trying to make the existing app use the new OO interface.15:27.25 
  which is making me extend the interface as I find bits I've missed.15:27.41 
tor8 sounds like a good approach15:27.51 
Robin_Watts and also making me comment out lots of the app :)15:27.52 
tor8 tor/script has the beginnings of a "mutool js script.js" command15:28.22 
  but only direct mirroring of the fz_ apis, not wrapping things in object like objects15:28.39 
  I ran into headaches of where things like "fz_new_pixmap_from_page" and "fz_write_png" would live15:28.59 
Robin_Watts OK, all your commits except the last 3 look good.15:31.19 
  Number 3 makes sense, but it's going to break gsview, I suspect.15:31.51 
  We should warn mvrhel.15:32.00 
  Number 2: OK, but I reserve the right to sigh every time I have to deal with: fz_text_span *head, *tail;15:35.34 
  I prefer: fz_text_span *head, **tail;15:35.56 
  as it normally gives simpler code.15:36.13 
  but in this code, so far at least, it's not too bad.15:36.32 
  Can't see anything wrong with the top one.15:38.04 
  So, lgtm.15:38.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the tail should only be used in the one place15:49.49 
  Robin_Watts: thanks.15:51.08 
  mvrhel_laptop: breaking changes inbound to mupdf that will possibly affect gsview. I'm renaming the structs dealing with extracted text to reduce potential confusion with the structs used by the graphics library.15:52.20 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: ok that is fine. let me know when you commit16:39.30 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: already done :)17:14.52 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: ok :) I will pull it in this weekend and get it working with gsview17:15.28 
fredross-perry does everyone agree that we don’t want bitcode in the appstore build? If not, then there’s no reason (as I see it) to use bitcode in the Xcode project at all. Thoughts?18:29.33 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: I have to confess to not following Josephs argument.18:35.44 
fredross-perry Me too. I think it has to do with how Apple handles crash reports and symbols.18:36.27 
  can someone please (Joseph) email me details of how to get the provisioning profiles? Thanks.18:54.59 
  see what it says here18:59.08 
  about bitcode under "Viewing and Importing Crashes in the Devices Window"18:59.09 
Robin_Watts The provisioning profiles are probably on casper somewhere?18:59.54 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: you still around or done for the evening19:41.09 
  ah. nevermind found what I was looking for (ft_kind)19:48.27 
  lunch time19:59.33 
jogux fredross-perry: it's best to mention 'jogux' when you're talking about me btw, then my irc client does something that might bring it to my attention20:09.04 
fredross-perry ok, swell. sorry, thanks.20:09.38 
jogux actually maybe I can get it to do that for 'joseph' too20:09.50 
  so: provisioning profiles, you get those from the apple provisioning portal20:10.07 
  what you /might/ be missing is the appstore certificate20:10.13 
mlq Hi! I am trying to render a single annotation in mupdf, but I think I am missing something since it remains empty: - Any input would be great :) Thanks!21:00.30 
rayjj I ordered my new laptop (a Lenovo W541) but it may not get here fast enough. My Dell is doing *really* strange things. The touchpad was dead, then it started working, then stopped again. The battery charge indicator said 36% remaining, I plugged it in, and after 5 minutes it says 100% charging (and says 100% even after I unplug it22:52.31 
  oops. Now it says 39% -- so that's more believable22:53.19 
mlq I think I got it, I needed to render the complete page dimension for the annotation and then extract the area of the annotation22:53.38 
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