IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/12/15)20151216 
mvrhel_laptop trying to understand why XAllocColor is failing00:53.48 
  we have only allocated 68 colors so far00:53.58 
kens G'night all17:11.23 
madigens hey ghostscript people, are there any news rgarding URW providing their contributed fonts in .otf format?20:08.25 
Robin_Watts madigens: The fonty people are away now.20:10.20 
madigens ah, okay :| when should I check back?20:10.48 
Robin_Watts Try tomorrow (in about 14 to 20 hours time)20:10.50 
madigens thanks :) will do20:11.07 
Robin_Watts I *think* the answer is "no news at the moment", but I can't be sure.20:11.24 
madigens ;) I'm running my private editions with corrected hinting metadata and would like to upstream them somehow, unless URW has something up their sleevs. okay, will see tomorrow.20:12.29 
 Forward 1 day (to 2015/12/17)>>>