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tor8 Robin_Watts: the gzip functions added in the recent commit are "broken" in unix builds10:54.57 
  implicit declarations of lseek, read, write and close... some #include or ifdef must be going wrong10:55.32 
  okay, solved it with a -DHAVE_UNISTD_H in Makethird11:15.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: cool. need a review?12:06.21 
  fz_get_pixmap does not necessarily make a NEW pixmap.12:07.54 
  It 'gets' the pixmap associated with the image.12:08.04 
  Sometimes that may be the underlying one.12:08.13 
  fz_new_pixmap implies that you can alter the image to me.12:08.26 
  fz_get_pixmap does not have that implication.12:08.37 
  which admittedly means that fz_new_pixmap_from_image was wrong in the current source.12:09.07 
  It should have done 'get_image', then checked that the ref was 1. If it wasn't, clone it.12:09.27 
  The new bitmap from pixmap one seems right.12:13.42 
  And the gzip one.12:13.57 
  I think Paul should weigh in on the js stuff. I guess it's a policy thing...12:41.27 
iMessage I found this script to convert pdf to png images --> --> it converts to me only first page. Does anyone know why ?14:17.01 
kens At a guess, because there's a problem in the script. We don't do Python support here.14:18.35 
Robin_Watts iMessage: That script is doing: gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=<name>.png -sDEVICE=png16m -r<resolution>14:23.18 
  Essentially that puts all the pages output into 1 file. Given that png doesn't support multiple images in 1 file, what else do you want it to do?14:24.07 
  If instead you did: gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=blah%d.png -sDEVICE=png16m -r<resolution>14:24.43 
  then it'd put page 1 into blah1.png, page 2 into blah2.png etc.14:25.02 
kens He'll need %s%d because otherwise subsequent files will overwrite the first input file14:25.10 
Robin_Watts kens: Yes. I'm just pointing out the simple change. He can handle fixing the python script.14:25.52 
  The problem he's going to have to cope with is that he can't simply change the script from %s.png to %s%d.png.14:26.38 
  He might get away with %s%%d.png14:26.45 
kens Not my problem :-D14:26.56 
Robin_Watts yeah.14:27.00 
kens But surely %s-%d or something similar14:27.07 
Robin_Watts %s-%%d maybe.14:27.49 
kens chrisl just pointed me at the latest release of Git for Windows which allows support for Windows editors. I can't get Wordpad ot work still, nor can I change the editor using git config. However, if I manually edit the .config file to use Notepad2, it *does* work. I mention ths for Micahel and any other interested Windows users.14:28.42 
Robin_Watts kens: What version of git for windows is that?14:30.34 
kens err, 2.6.4 maybe ?14:30.49 
  Whatever was on the SourceFOrge page14:30.56 
Robin_Watts I'm on 2.6.314:31.06 
  THe download link says 2.6.414:31.41 
Robin_Watts yeah. I was hoping they might have fixed some problems with ConsoleZ that they recently introduced, but no mention of that in the changelog.14:32.53 
kens They mention notepad several times, but I found Notepad reallyu doesn't work, because the file still ends up with Unix line endings14:33.35 
  And with wordpad it still exits straight back to the shell, but notep[ad2 defintely works for an interactive rebase14:34.07 
  You could always try it with consoleZ14:35.21 
iMessage thanks :)14:35.44 
kens git checkout master14:37.16 
Robin_Watts I've got a fix for the tiffsep top bit char separation name bug on robin/master if anyone fancies reviewing it for me.14:40.38 
kens Is that a bug number somewhere ?14:44.20 
  "sanitise tiffsep separation names ?"14:44.59 
Robin_Watts yeah.14:48.30 
kens Looks OK, can't see anything obvious14:50.35 
Robin_Watts I suppose I could bend top bit set chars into utf-8.14:50.40 
kens I thnk anything that returns valid filenames is fine14:51.02 
Robin_Watts but I'd still need to escape stuff like backspace and / etc.14:51.12 
kens Indeed14:51.19 
Robin_Watts so I'm going to leave it as is. Thanks.14:51.20 
burgerbrigade i'm a complete noob to how ghostscript and pdfs work, but why would a pdf look better in pdf.js than in ghostscript? I have a pdf and the font looks awful compared to pdf.js on my firefox15:29.17 
  which is a shame because i want to replace my firefox with emacs.15:33.58 
tor8 burgerbrigade: pdf.js uses anti-aliasing when rendering fonts, which gs by default does not15:40.28 
burgerbrigade ah so it'd look like pdf.js if i figured out how to turn aa on?15:46.18 
tor8 burgerbrigade: possibly. you could also use mupdf or evince.15:57.34 
  mupdf has (IMHO) the best anti-aliased font rendering, evince has bad spacing issues15:58.27 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: are you there?16:24.41 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Last time I checked.16:26.33 
mvrhel_laptop good deal. just had a question about memento16:26.47 
  tying to understand if I have any issues in what I am seeing 16:27.10 
Robin_Watts ok.16:27.16 
mvrhel_laptop let me use pastebin16:28.24 
  so the 455 mallocs and 393 frees....16:29.42 
  and the list at the end16:29.53 
  is that indicating what has not been released?16:30.24 
Robin_Watts The list of "Allocated blocks" are the blocks that are still allocated at the end of the program, yes.16:33.00 
mvrhel_laptop ok16:33.04 
  so I have some work to do16:33.09 
  very odd16:33.19 
Robin_Watts So you have some leaks.16:33.20 
  The indentation on that list is there to help you.16:33.28 
mvrhel_laptop a few I would say...16:33.31 
  so perhaps if I free the page the others will fall....16:34.00 
Robin_Watts A block is indented from a previous block if the previous block contains a pointer to it.16:34.09 
mvrhel_laptop nice16:34.15 
Robin_Watts so, as you say, if you fix the fz_page reference counting, the rest may fall out.16:34.26 
  BUT.... the more worrying thing than the leak is the first 3 lines.16:34.45 
  That implies that you are writing to a block after it has been freed.16:34.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes I see that16:35.01 
Robin_Watts Now, Memento has stuff in that can narrow down when that happens.16:35.18 
  Is this a repeatable thing?16:35.33 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:35.38 
Robin_Watts Ok, so want me to talk you through it?16:35.46 
mvrhel_laptop sure that would be great16:35.53 
Robin_Watts Put a breakpoint on Memento_inited and Memento_breakpoint16:36.21 
  Then run the program in the debugger. It'll stop on Memento_inited.16:36.56 
  Now Alt-Ctrl-Q to get the QuickWatch window up.16:37.23 
  and enter Memento_setParanoia(1) and hit return.16:37.47 
  That tells memento to check the memory for overwrites and leaks after every single alloc/free16:38.03 
  just grabbing a drink. Tell me when you've caught up.16:39.04 
mvrhel_laptop I did this. It is essentially doing repeated outputs during the freeing of the context16:43.34 
Robin_Watts repeated outputs?16:44.04 
  It should stop on Memento_breakpoint when it detects it being wrong.16:44.23 
  And tell you what event it's on.16:44.33 
mvrhel_laptop I don't get any output until the very end when the context is freed then I get the following (hold on for pastebin16:45.01 
Robin_Watts And it never stopped on Memento_breakpoint ?16:46.11 
mvrhel_laptop yes, but that was during the freeing of the context16:46.24 
Robin_Watts Right.16:46.28 
  But the key thing is the output there.16:46.34 
  The block is being corrupted between event 894 and 895.16:46.52 
mvrhel_laptop oh16:47.08 
Robin_Watts So, we can now rerun the program.16:47.09 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok16:47.15 
Robin_Watts And we can use Memento to do stuff like "stop us on event 118 so we can see what code is allocating the block"16:47.38 
  or "stop us on event 894 so we can step though and see where the corruption happens"16:47.52 
mvrhel_laptop cool16:47.54 
Robin_Watts So, run the program again, and it'll stop on Memento_inited16:48.15 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:48.21 
Robin_Watts Ctrl-Alt-Q again.16:48.26 
  Hit return, then continue.16:48.44 
mvrhel_laptop not 894?16:48.50 
Robin_Watts 118 is to show you where the block was allocated.16:49.05 
  if you already know that, then we can do 894 instead.16:49.22 
mvrhel_laptop no I dont16:49.29 
  hold on16:49.36 
Robin_Watts ok, so do 118 to start with.16:49.37 
mvrhel_laptop ok I see the object16:50.29 
  which is where I suspected the problem might be16:50.37 
Robin_Watts ok, so if you're happy, you can Ctrl-Alt-Q again, then Memento_breakAt(894)16:51.05 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. so 894 was a freeing operation. I think this has given me enough to figure out the issue16:53.32 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: yeah, after that free, all the memory is fine.16:53.54 
  Something is writing to the block allocated in 118 (which is now freed) before the next allocation operation.16:54.32 
mvrhel_laptop thanks. that is a very useful tool. I will need to jot down a few notes to remember all of this16:54.36 
  I think I see the issue16:54.49 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: There are some notes at the top of memento.h about this.16:54.52 
  But anything extra (or that could be made clearer) please let me know.16:55.13 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: awesome thank you16:55.53 
Robin_Watts np.16:56.04 
kens Drat installing a new MSys Git has knackered my SSH16:56.07 
Robin_Watts OK. Gotta dive into the clist. It's been nice knowing you all.16:56.25 
  I think set_copy_alpha is written as many bytes and read as just 1.17:30.24 
  no, cmd_opv_ext_put_halftone is being written, but set_copy_alpha is being read.17:35.36 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: so I pushed my most recent work onto my repos if you want to look it over at some point. I am going to work on the sharing of the same resources across pages now, then I will tackle the identity font stuff18:15.13 
  have to step out for bit now18:16.10 
  dang it. I just pushed my branch to golden22:57.27 
  did not mean to do that22:57.35 
  not sure if you can remove it or not Robin_Watts 22:58.19 
  I have head out for bit again.22:58.26 
ome Hello23:54.06 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.23:54.06 
ome Where can I find a description of fitz file structure?23:54.49 
  I would like to be able to build a minimal fitz without make and I am having a hard time figuring out what file includes what and such.23:55.31 
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