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ferter_terter i've been examining pdf reference recently and i came through something i'm totally unfamiliar with. may you guys help me and explain what Shading Object and Tiling objects are?11:56.57 
kens A shding is a smooth sahding, a graduated colour. There are no tiling objects11:57.24 
  Patterns tile though11:57.29 
ferter_terter what's the Tiling Pattern then?11:58.07 
kens All patterns tile.11:58.16 
  When you describe a pattern, you are describing a tilel, when you fill with a pattern colour, then pattern tile is replictaed to fill the area11:58.45 
Robin_Watts_ ferter_terter: Imagine a shape with a pattern that repeats again and again, like wallpaper.11:58.50 
  generally you can define such things in terms of a 'tile' that repeats again and again.11:59.09 
  That's the way PS works.11:59.24 
  (and PDF)11:59.33 
kens Err this is PDF but its the same concept11:59.39 
ferter_terter ok, thank u12:00.13 
kens tiling patterns are described on p290 onwards in the PDF reference12:00.22 
tor8 ferter_terter: there is some confusing terminology in the PDF reference. A "pattern" in PDF can be either a tiling pattern (which references an XObject to draw the tile) or a shading pattern (which is a gradient).12:02.16 
  the two are nothing alike in how they behave, but unfortunately they share syntax in the PDF file12:02.52 
ferter_terter ok, i'll consider that 12:03.41 
tor8 a shading pattern can be drawn either implicitly by setting the colorspace to the shading pattern, or explicitly by using the 'sh' operator12:03.49 
  a tiling pattern is always draw implicitly by setting the colorspace to the tiling pattern12:04.05 
kens lunches12:08.33 
ferter_terter guys, do you, by any chance, know, what software can i use to set tiling \ shading patterns, so that i have something to work with? (windows)12:51.44 
kens You can always write PostScript. Failing that, Adobe applicatons such as InDesign will create shadings12:52.24 
  However you may not get much control over them, best to write them yourself12:52.49 
rayjj Hi, all. Well, I have my new laptop. Now I need to back things up and see what the best way will be to move my stuff to it, so I'll be messing with that today and not online much while backing up or transferring18:26.59 
Robin_Watts_ rayjj: Is it windows 10 already?18:30.49 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab18:58.38 
  Robin_Watts_: so I have started working on bug 696364. I do see the device getting its color information updated during the clist playback. Tracking down now why it is not happening at the proper time now22:55.52 
  and finding when the set_color read back is happening22:56.12 
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