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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/12/21)20151222 
Robin_Watts_ mvrhel: Excellent.00:26.51 
Robin_Watts_ kicks off windows 10 update. Wish me luck.01:28.00 
sebras Robin_Watts_: good luck! you'll need it to find your way in the new start menu. I seem to always get lost in it on my father's computer...01:29.30 
  Robin_Watts_: though I have to admit that it hasn't caused any major issue for him, requring me to have to show up.01:33.00 
ptrz hi guys. I have a minor mupdf patch submission.04:30.43 
  just a few instances of potentially signed chars passed to a ctype function, which can be undefined if the char can be >12704:31.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hm, didn't you clear out all those branches that just reappeared on the mupdf golden repo?10:58.39 
  I got 5 new branches when I fetched origin just now: myWinRT, winRT, win_desktop and winphone11:01.58 
sebras tor8: those branches are from mvrhel though.11:04.36 
  tor8: he mentioned this the other day.11:04.49 
tor8 they re-appeared along with a commit to origin/master by jogux ... this is weird11:06.16 
kens is pleased it wasn't me, this time......11:06.53 
sebras tor8: didn't that use to be the old behaviour of git when you did git push golden?11:09.51 
  tor8: i.e. that _all_ branches were pushed whether it was the active one or not.11:10.06 
tor8 the old default, yeah, could be11:11.34 
Robin_Watts joseph denies everything. Fred's not here, so we'll blame him.12:17.42 
jogux :)12:17.52 
  on the plus side I'm not going to do anything on mupdf again anytime soon so I'm definitely not going to do it again soon :-)12:18.18 
  (Fred pushes some commits to the release branch 6 days ago, so depending on when we cleaned the branches there's a chance it could have been him)12:18.45 
sebras jogux: but it might be wise to check if you git is updated to avoid similar situations in other repos. ;)12:29.35 
jogux I'm on 1.9.2 on all my machines12:30.53 
  and my git config has [push] default = upstream12:31.33 
  so actually I don't even know what git command I could use that would push all those branches12:32.30 
  I updated the mupdf cocoapod to be for 1.8 btw, in case anyone is interested: 
sebras jogux: nope, I agree. :)12:33.40 
jogux fredross-perry: ah right, okay, that looks fine too then.15:27.01 
fredross-perry okee dokee. What’s the exact label I should give this for your pod, then?15:27.46 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: Have you had any email from me today?15:32.32 
  I sent a test message to support@artifex.com15:32.42 
fredross-perry no, I don’t get those. I believe.15:33.16 
Robin_Watts ah, right.15:35.38 
jogux fredross-perry: I solved the pod problem, in the end - found out I could tell it to ignore the warning about tag & version not matching :-)15:47.41 
fredross-perry but do we still have to call it 1.8.1?15:48.09 
jogux we do. 
  we only ended up in this mess because I managed to push a 1.8.0 pod that was broken :-(15:48.47 
tor8 jogux: huh, the changelog on that web page seems to have picked up freetype's changelog file rather than our CHANGES15:51.18 
fredross-perry jogux: ok, I’ll push the stuff to release_1.8 today, and make my final iOS build.15:51.38 
jogux tor8: yeah... I presume it looks for one called changelog. I've not looked into the code to see if that is it.15:52.01 
  urgh, it still lists the license as GPL 3 too, I fixed that once already15:53.07 
  fredross-perry: awesome16:00.59 
  fredross-perry: you'll not be able to upload it of course.... (itunes is shutdown now iirc)16:01.24 
fredross-perry feh16:02.53 
kens RIght I'm off, goodnight all17:22.07 
fredross-perry jogux: pushed and tagged, 1.8.1-ios17:30.16 
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