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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2015/12/24)20151225 
Guest98023 slaps Guest98023 around a bit with a large fishbot01:46.44 
vlad__ hi all. I'm working with mu_pdf and I have an issue with storing annotations on a page. for example, I have a line annotation on page, I moved it and want to rewrite. how I can perform that correctly? I'm creating a new path, display_list, and then calling fz_stroke_path and pdf_set_annot_appearance. after this I'm filling pdf data and calling pdf_update_annot and pdf_update_appearance11:55.59 
  but I not see any result11:56.32 
  what i doing wrong?11:56.57 
  if I'm creating a new annot - there are 2 lines saving in pdf instead 1 line11:59.23 
Robin_Watts The guy that understands mupdf's annotation support is not here today :)12:07.10 
vlad__ lol)12:15.00 
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